bylaws -orphans of Masons

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April 1998, 2001, 2014



Commitment to: Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association

Pledge of Membership:

It is the pledge of the membership of this Grand Chapter and its affiliate chapters to support and abide by the Intentions and Landmarks, and these By-Laws of The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

It is the pledge of the membership to obey, without reservation, all laws, edicts and orders imposed by the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association By-laws.

It is the pledge of each Member to conduct himself and his business as a mason, and in direct accordance to the By-laws, Intent and Landmarks of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

It is the pledge of the Chapter President and Officers to found and support a Widows Fund in their state, to contribute fifty one (51) percent of the annual funds raised to the relief of widows and orphans of worthy Master Masons or to donate fifty one (51) percent of the annual funds raised to the Grand Master’s Widows and Orphans Fund in their state. It is also promised that the Grand Chapter will not allow any other charity or monetary donating function to take precedence over the Widows Fund.

It is the pledge of the President and his Officers to rule and guide their state chapters withequal regularity, and to base all decisions in full compliance with The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association By-Laws and Founding Intentions and Landmarks.

Founding Landmarks of the Widows Sons 1998, 2001, 2014

To become a Widows Son, or to form a chapter of Widows Sons, you must be a Mason first. You must then promise to support the goals and purposes of the Widows Sons Organization.

The sole founding goal and purpose of the Widows Sons is to aid and assist widows and orphans of Master Masons. This shall be done autonomously in each state Grand Chapter by creating a legal Widows Fund within the Grand Chapter, or contributing to the Grand Master’s Widows and Orphans Fund in their state. The sole purpose of granting a charter for a Grand Chapter is to aid and assistance of widows and orphans of master masons. No other charity or any other object of monetary support, from any Widows Sons Grand Chapter, or any affiliated chapter, or any member should take precedence over aiding and assisting widows and orphans of master Masons in its state.

Adopted 2001: The second purpose of founding the Widows Sons was to promote fellowship and unity among brother Masons who ride motorcycles.

Adopted 2001: The third purpose of the founding of the Widows Sons was to introduce Freemasonry to the world of motorcycling and to introduce the world of motorcycling to freemasonry.

Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter



Article. 1 Name

Section l.01

This organization shall be known as The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter. The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association are a non-profit organization. The Founding Grand Chapter meeting place will be: WHEREVER the Grand Chapter Decides, (no titty bars)

Section 1.02

The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter shall be the sole parent chapter for all Widows Sons affiliate chapters in Florida, and shall have jurisdiction over membership of any and all Florida affiliate chapters as described in this constitution. No board of Presidents or other committee shall have authority or voice over the Grand Chapter.

Section l.03

The Right for chapter chartering throughout the State of Florida is reserved for future consideration by The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter.

Section 1.04

The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter reserves all rights to issue or deny any and all use of copyrighted Widows Sons patch and or logos and trademarks to any Florida affiliate chapter that has been designated a charter by The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter and reserves the right to revoke the charter or trade marked

patches of any affiliate chapter(s) and/or members to which a logo has been issued within the boundaries of the State of Florida, or by whom violates the bylaws of THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA and or the bylaws of The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter, or governs themselves in any un-masonic manner, and/or brings disgrace to or embarrassment to any chapter of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Florida, or any Blue Lodge, THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA or any other Masonic body.

Article 2. Purpose

Section 2.01

It shall be the goal and the objective of The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter to create a Widows fund and use it to contribute fifty-one (51) percent of the annual funds raised to the aid and relief of widows of Florida Master Masons, or to contribute to the Florida Grand Master’s Widows and Orphans fund; to encourage their membership to remain in good standing in the records of their lodge; to engage in proper conduct, and reasonable legal activities; to persuade the public opinion of the desirability of The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter.

It shall be the objective of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter to obtain proper, reasonable and legal means whereby we may protect the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter from any threat caused by person(s) outside or within any chapter. It shall be the objective of any and all affiliate chapters to file in writing to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter within 5 (five) business days of any potential that may violate this section of the constitution.

Section 2.02

This association shall not engage in political, religious or any activities that promote separation rather than unity, or cause disharmony within the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. It is the duty of the President to cease any activity within his Chapter that may cause disagreement or controversy in the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

Section 2.03

No Member shall wear support apparel for any 1% club, local or national MC. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS; any violation will result in immediate expulsion of members(s). No member shall wear any Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association logos, insignias, patches, or any item that identifies them as a Widows Sons inside a 1% clubhouse, or while associating with a 1% club.

Section 2.04

It shall be the objective of each chapter to contribute to the relief of the widows of master masons within the boundaries of their state, by founding a Widows Fund within their state. The proceeds of this fund shall be used solely for the purpose of contributing to the aid and relief of widows and orphans of worthy Master masons. The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter shall have no other charity or charities, or monetary, or fund raising devices that shall take precedence over the Widows Fund. No less than fifty-one (51) percent of the annual funds raised shall be contributed to aiding and assisting widows and orphans of master masons.

Section 2.05

It shall further be an objective of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Grand Chapter of Florida to receive, manage, invest, expend or otherwise use any funds and property of this association to achieve the objectives set forth in this constitution and for such additional purposes and objects not inconsistent therewith as will further the interest of this association, and its members directly or indirectly.

Article 3. Membership

Section 3.01

Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida shall be composed of master masons recognized by The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Florida.

Section 3.02

Upon approval of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter President, petitions for membership in the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter can be accepted from those who have successfully petitioned a blue lodge recognized by The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Florida, upon the Lodge’s acceptance of their petition. All petitioners shall be investigated by the Chapter investigation committee appointed by the President and must be referred by all members of the investigating committee before being balloted for membership. EA and fellow crafts who are admitted into the chapter shall not have a vote or hold office, until they are raised to the master mason degree. Nor shall they wear any Widows Sons regalia, patches or items identifying them as a Widows Son until they have completed their Master Mason Degree.

Section 3.03

Members accepted into the Widows Sons who are not yet Master Masons are required to complete their unfinished degree work within 1 (one) year of membership. Widows Sons who are not master masons and have been unable to complete their master mason degree within 1 (one) year due to their Lodge being unable to advance them in a timely manner, must provide their Chapter with a written explanation signed by their Lodge Secretary and Worshipful Master.

Section 3.04

There shall be no restrictions applied to the membership of The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter or Affiliate Chapters in accordance with the type or make of their 500cc or larger highway legal motorcycle a member should ride, The Florida Grand Chapter or Affiliate Chapters shall not exceed 10% of non-riding members; non-riding members have no voice or vote on chapter activities.

Section 3.05

No chapter shall have in its chapter any member of a clandestine lodge.

Section 3.06

No Chapter shall include in their membership anyone who is a Master Mason not in good standing in the records of his lodge, or any petitioner whose petition has not been accepted by a recognized lodge of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Florida.

Section 3.07

It shall be the responsibility of the President of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter to ensure the present Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Florida will be made an Honorary Member of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida, and be presented with a vest with a logo and Grand Master rocker.

Section 3.08

It shall be by the order of the President of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter that any chapter President may waive the Initiation fee for any current Worshipful Master within their region with no obligation due.

Section 3.09

Each member shall have equal rights and privileges in connection with attending meetings and the participation in the deliberations of such meetings. Each affiliate chapter shall have up to three (3) delegates, which shall attend one (1) meeting per year of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter. The delegates attending the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter meeting shall discuss any disputes within the State of Florida pertaining to or involving interpretations of the Florida Grand Chapter on state issues. The decision of the Grand Chapter shall prevail with proxy votes not accepted. These delegates shall have no power in making additions or amendments to these founding by-laws without an Executive Council Jurisprudence Approval..

Section 3. 10

New member applications will be taken only at the monthly stated meetings. At this time the application(s) will be turned over to the investigating committee appointed by the President. Upon the committee’s investigation and their findings being reported back to the President, will the new member application(s) be voted on by membership. This will be a thirty (30) day process and will be a majority vote by secret ballot.

Section 3.11

Upon acceptance of membership there will be a $90 initiation fee and a thirty (30) dollar annual dues payment due. This will cover one year membership and in the future will reserve a patch, logo, or trademark of the Widows Sons. Fifty one (51) percent of all monies above the cost of acceptance of a new member shall be invested in the states Widows Fund and twenty (20) percent shall be forwarded to the Executive Council Secretary for operating expenses.

Section 3. 12

If for any reason a member no longer desires to be a member of the Widows Sons that member will be given ½ (one half) of the purchase price of the Widows Sons patch, logo, or trademark when the patch, logo or trademark is returned in good condition with their membership card. Patches, logos and/or trademarks remain property of Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

Article 4. Retirement

Section 4.01

Due to age or medical reasons a member can apply for retirement. Upon acceptance he gives up voting rights, but can attend functions. Dues can be waived by a membership majority vote. A retiree can apply for reinstatement with a majority vote of membership at the meeting when he applies.

Article 5. Officers

Section 5.01

The President of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter shall be the General President of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Florida. He shall enforce all provisions of the constitution and bylaws. The President shall have the power to establish such committees necessary, provided that there shall be an auditing committee. The President may determine the order of business and shall regulate all debates and the conduct of the members. The President or his appointee shall be the sole officer to issue charters of new Grand Chapters of other States upon their promise to comply to the Intentions and Landmarks, the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Bylaws, and Executive Council edicts, The President will be held accountable to comply with his responsibilities set forth in the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Bylaws, landmarks and edicts

Section 5.02

A chapter petitioning for membership must have at least 7 (seven) members and maintain a membership of (7) seven members at all times. All members of any chapter must be Master Masons with exceptions explained in Article 3 (three). The Officers of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Road Captain, Chaplain, and two (2) appointed Trustees, a Guardian of Membership or a Sergeant at Arms. The Officers of Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Florida Grand Chapter shall be the Grand Board of Officers for all Widows Sons Florida affiliate chapters. Officers must attend not less than seventy five (75) percent of the stated meetings per year to maintain position.

Section 5.03

The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall preside and perform all duties pertaining to the office of the President, excluding the issuing of newly chartered Grand Chapters, and render any and all assistance as may be required. The Vice President will be held accountable to comply with his responsibilities set forth in the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Bylaws, landmarks and edicts.

Section 5.04

The Secretary shall keep current records of the proceedings of the association and shall keep a separate account and register for each member of the association and forward an annual report of membership and funds raised to the Executive Council upon request of the Executive Secretary. He shall conduct all association correspondence under the direction of the President. He shall issue all notices when directed. He shall receive all monies paid into the chapter, the Secretary shall receive any and all funds donated for the Widows Fund and shall record the amounts in the monthly financial record which shall become part of the minutes of each meeting and pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt

thereof. The Secretary shall take over the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President. He shall present an annual report at the annual meeting. The Secretary will be held accountable to comply with his responsibilities set forth in the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Bylaws, landmarks and edicts.

Section 5.05

The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the association, including the Widows Fund, and shall keep regular and accurate accounts of all monies received by him. He shall pay them out by the order of the President and with the consent of the association. He shall keep them in deposit in a bank in the name of the association and shall render a detailed report of the receipts and duly established disbursements at the annual meeting and at other times as requested by the President or by majority vote of the members present at any stated meetings. He shall keep a separate account of the Widows Fund. The Treasurer shall take over the duties of the President in the absence of the President, Vice President and Secretary. The Treasurer will be held accountable to comply with his responsibilities set forth in the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Bylaws, landmarks and edicts.

Section 5.06

The Road Captain(s) will have the duty of ensuring that all members’ motorcycles are in compliance with FLORIDA State laws, and each member is condition to participate on the ride. The Road Captain will also be responsible to work with a committee and organize runs; he will also be responsible for routing the run and providing all members with directions. The road captain will also be responsible for informing others who ride with the chapter of what is expected and the intended route. The Road Captain will inform the other members when it is time to ride. The Road Captain will be held accountable to comply with his responsibilities set forth by the Grand Chapter President of Widows Sons Masonic Riders, Grand Chapter and Association Bylaws, landmarks and edicts.

Section 5.07

There shall be two trustees who will serve as activity directors; they will work under the authority of the Road Captain to organize runs and assist in perform his duties. Will communicate with other future chapters, coordinate any meetings with other future Grand Chapters, and handle all public relations. If the Road Captain(s) can not participate one or both of the Trustees will perform the duties of the Road Captain. State

Trustees will oversee widows business when Affiliate Chapter Trustees receive requests for aid from any widow in their state. There shall be no committees formed or appointed or allowed of non Widows Sons members to control or have authority in any of the widows business of the Widows Sons. No committees or “clubs” or social groups of wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, or any other person who is not a member of the Widows Sons should have any involvement in any decision making of the widows business of the Widows Sons. Trustees shall be accountable to the President.

Section 5.08

The Guardian of Membership shall ensure that all by-laws are respected; members conduct themselves in an orderly manner, and that the intentions of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association are carried out in the best interest of the Widows Sons. He will also assist the Sgt. of Arms accommodating all visitors and non-members. The Guardian of Membership shall be accountable to the President.

Section 5.09

The Sgt. of Arms shall be responsible for accommodating visiting brethren, superintending the membership during meetings, and assisting the Guardian of Membership. The Sgt. of Arms will also accompany the President and the Vice President while on rides and events. The Sgt at Arms shall be accountable to the President.

Article 6. Election of Officers

Section 6.01

The four principle officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) are in elected to the positions. Majority vote by secret ballot is the method of election. This election will be held in March at the stated meeting for the next year term. These four primary officers will be elected by members present to a one (1) year term. All terms are from April 1st to March 31st of the next year. If within this same year one of the four primary officers resigns there will be a special election by the members present to fill this position for the remainder of that term.

No officer shall move up, they must serve the term of their obligation to the office in which they are elected.


In the event any Officer or Trustee makes the decision to step down and remain a member, they shall be allowed to do so.


Officers who are unable to attend annual meetings or special elections may vote by write-in-ballot. Write-in ballots must be delivered to the secretary no later than fourteen (14) days prior to any election.

In the event any affiliate Chapter has fewer members than required, they will then be allowed 90 days to find the required amount of members from their Masonic jurisdiction. After 90 days of unfulfilled offices they will become part of the Florida Grand Chapter. Concessions will be made until the membership requirement is completed. The affiliate chapter will then be re-instated.


The Road Captains, Guardian of Membership, Sgt at Arms and Trustees shall be appointed positions.


Members who have been members for two consecutive years who are interested in holding office will submit an application to the Secretary forty-five (45) days prior to the elections. The Secretary will announce all names at each stated meeting held before the election date.

Qualifications Section6.06

After a chapter is founded with its founding officers and has been in existence for three (3) years, any member who desires to serve in any elected position must have a minimum of two (2) years membership with the Widows Sons chapter.

Articles 7. Charges and Disputes


A grievance committee will be appointed by the Florida Grand Chapter President to hear and decide any and all charges or disputes from affiliate chapters or members. The secretary will make report to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council of any decision or resolution for review. The decision of the Florida Grand Chapter is final and no dispute of the decision will be heard. All decisions are subject to review by the Jurisprudence Committee of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council.

A. Whenever charges are preferred against any member or officer of an affiliate Chapter by a member of that chapter, the charges shall be filed in writing with the Florida Grand Chapter Secretary. The secretary will make report to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council of any decision or resolution for review.

B. No member or officer of any Chapter shall be tried unless the Secretary, or the Guardian of Membership, shall serve him with a written copy of such charges specifying the nature of the offense of which he is accused by postal return receipt mail. The accused shall be required to appear before the Grievance Committee for a hearing, at the time and place designated by the Florida Grand Chapter. The accused may select one member, in good standing within his chapter, to assist him in his defence, and the charging party may select one member, in good standing with his chapter to assist him in the presentation of evidence in support of the charges.

C. A member of one affiliate chapter shall have the right to file charges against a member of another separate affiliate chapter. Such charges must be filed with the Secretary of Florida Grand Chapter, and the Secretary will set a date for a hearing.

D. If charges filed against any member are sustained by the Florida Grand Chapter, the members of the Chapter in question shall render judgment and impose disciplinary action as set forth by the trial. The Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter shall forward a written copy of findings to the affiliate chapter. The secretary will make report to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council of any decision or resolution for review.

E. Upon the filing of charges that are of such magnitude and seriousness as to jeopardize the interests of the Florida Grand Chapter or one of its affiliate chapters The Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter may suspend such member(s), officer(s) or Chapter(s), pending hearing. The secretary will make report to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council of any immediate suspension prior to the suspension.

Article 8. Meetings

Section 8.01

The monthly stated meeting shall be held on the second Sunday of each month. The month of December shall be dark. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Roberts Rules of Order. All members are required to attend not less than sixty (60) percent of the stated meetings. Any Officer who cannot attend must notify the President, Vice-President, or Secretary of his absence.

Section 8.02

All affiliate chapters will have one (1) business meeting per month and send a monthly report sent to the Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter Secretary.

Section 8.03

The Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter will send an quarterly communication to all future Chapters to distribute to the member of their Chapter.

The Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter will send a annual reports to the Executive Council as set forth by the Association bylaws or as requested by the Executive Secretary.

Section 8.04

Special business or regular stated meetings shall be attended by members only. Exceptions can be made for Special Event meetings, non-stated or special business meetings, where guests may be invited to participate in or otherwise support the planning and execution of an event.

Section 8.06

The meeting place and designated time can be changed when deemed necessary by the Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter President or by the majority of the members of the Grand Chapter.

Section 8.09

The order of meetings should be as follows:

1. Opening of Meeting call to order (Sgt. of Arms)

2. Introductions of Officers (Sgt. of Arms)

3. Opening prayer.

4. Visitors introduced by the member who brought them if not a stated meeting.

5. Minutes read by the Secretary, new applications read.

6. Announcements from the Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President.

7. New members are welcomed by all existing members at that time.

8. Then any announcements from the President will be presented and any communication in regards to other chapters.

9. The Road Captain will then inform all members of any rides that are upcoming so that there can be a general vote as to participation.

10. The floor is open for any announcements and new business.

11. Closing prayer.

12. Meeting room is cleaned before departure.

Article 9. Mandatory Runs

Section 9.01

There shall be two (2) scheduled annual runs or events to support the aiding and assisting of widows and orphans. The Widows Florida Grand Chapter may call additional runs or events as agreed upon by the membership. It is a mandatory requirement for each member to participate therein and support the widows and orphans fund raisers events.

Article 10. Funerals

Section l0.01

Each affiliated Chapter shall attend the funeral of any member of that Chapter or his immediate family. Three (3) Funeral Members shall be sent to funerals of other chapters at the expense of the chapter.

Article 11. Logos and Property

Section 11.01

The Treasurer will order, hold, and distribute, under the order of the President or his appointee, any and all logos, patches, trademarks and all other items with the “Widows Sons” logo for the Widows Florida Grand Chapter.

Section 11.02 REGALIA

The logo, patch or trademark shall identify the chapter on the back of black leather or denim vest excluding any territorial rockers. The State may be designated on the front right side of the vest with an image of the state and the text Widows Sons Florida not more than 3 inches wide by 4 inches high. Honorary Members will wear honorary one inch by three inch patch below the state designation patch. All patches trademarks or other identification as deemed necessary at the time shall be at the discretion of the Florida Grand Chapter President.

Section 11.03

The Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter has the authority to suspend officers/trustees, or revoke any Chapter. In the event the officers/trustees are suspended, or the Chapter is revoked, all of its funds, books, papers, and other properties shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter, who shall hold them for reorganization. If reorganization does not occur within a period of six (6) months, such funds shall be transferred to the Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter to be donated to the “Widows Fund” or Grand Master’s widows and orphans fund.

Article 12. Bikes and Riding Order

Section 12.01

All bikes must be on the road and attend the first run unless excused by the chapter president. Members participating in runs are required to have liability insurance, current license plates, and ensure that their bikes are street legal or conform to the State of Florida vehicle standards.

Section 12.02

All members are responsible to maintain their bikes, and insure that they are in safe running order.

Section 12.03

When a chase vehicle is required, the Road Captains will go over route and safety with the driver of the chase vehicle or vehicles.

Section 12.05

At the back of the line, the “Sgt of Arms” shall ride. If anyone breaks down, he will be responsible for communicating to the officers in the front.

Article 13. Finances

Section 13.01

Initiation fees for new members shall be Ninety Dollars ($90.00) payable to the Florida Grand Chapter. The annual dues and due dates of the Florida affiliate chapters shall be set at the start of the fiscal year of the affiliate chapter and included in the annual report to the Florida Grand Chapter Secretary.

Section 13.02

Each Chapter shall submit to the Widows Sons Florida Grand Chapter a five-dollars ($5.00) annual per capita tax per member by the first (1st ) day of March to support the state’s Widows Fund or for donation to the Grand Master’s Widows and Orphans Fund.

Article 14 Association Bylaws and Amendments

Section 14.01

The Association bylaws have precedence over these state bylaws in any and all conflicts or policy. Should any conflict in these bylaws with the Association bylaws arise the Florida Grand Chapter shall defer to the Association bylaws. Should any stipulation in these Florida Grand Chapter Bylaws or the Association bylaws conflict with the Florida Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge bylaws shall be prevail.

Section 14.02

The Association bylaws and any amendments of the Association shall prevail and shall be amended into these bylaws under this Amendments Section within 14 business days from the issue of the same.

Section 14.03

Election of Executive Council Members and provisions for amending the Association bylaws are set forth in the Association bylaws.


Adapted 2014Should any conflict arise between these Florida 2014 bylaws and the bylaws of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council bylaws revert to the bylaws of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council.

Adopted 2001No chapter or member of any chapter shall recruit motorcycle riders who are not master masons in their jurisdiction, for the purpose of increasing the Widows Sons numbers in membership. The Widows Sons shall not allow a member of any outlawed organization(s) or any motorcycle club(s) that considers it self to be a one percent club to become a member of any chapter of Widows Sons, nor will any member of the Widows Sons associate with any member(s) of any outlawed organization(s) or any motorcycle club(s) that considers themselves to be a one percent or outlaw club while wearing Widows Sons regalia.

Adopted 1998No Widows Sons Grand Chapter shall have any voice, or any rule or authority or any vote in the business of another Grand Chapter. Each State Grand Chapter is autonomous of one another.

Adopted 1998Autonomous, being defined as; ruling and governing their own state business and activities in accordance with the due boundaries of Freemasonry of their state, first, then within the due boundaries of these Widows Sons founding by-laws and founding landmarks of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

Adopted 1998There shall be no governing or ruling committee, consulting body, or person in a position with authority to make decisions for, council, or to rule over the entire national entity of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association or act on behalf of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council incorporated as an association on November 15, 2013. Each state Grand Chapter governs all Widows Sons business in its state under the rules set forth by the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association bylaws.

Adopted 1998 and Reinstated 2011. An established Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Grand Chapter in full compliance with the rules set forth by the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association bylaws may charter another Grand Chapter in another state Grand Chapter into existence upon the pledge given by the chapter that it will adhere to the rules set forth by the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association bylaws making changes to the chapters by-laws only necessary to resolve any conflicts in these by-laws and landmarks with their Grand Lodge by-laws, rules or edicts. No other changes to the state’s by-laws or landmarks should be made to appease any personal or Grand Chapter preferences. No single person shall issue charters to new Grand Chapters. They must be chartered by a Grand Chapter with the permission of the Executive Council or by the Executive Council.

Adopted: 2001When a logo, patch or insignia of the Widows Sons is adopted, only men who are Masons shall wear it. No wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters, moms or grandmothers shall display a patch or Widows Sons regalia on their person or personal clothing. There will be no ladies’ or support or associate patches.

Adopted January 1, 2014A Widows Sons Lady patch with the winged pyramid and two roses inside shall be the designated patch for member’s ladies. Rockers shall not be added onto the ladies patches.

Adopted January 1, 2014. No member or affiliate chapter shall create or cause to be produced any patch, button, decal pin or any item to advertise the Widows Sons name, or to promote the Widows Sons without written approval of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council. Inquiries should be made to the Jurisprudence Committee of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council.

Adopted January 1, 2014The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Florida will honour, obey and adopt into their bylaws any communications, edicts, bylaws amendments, or changes or rulings communicated to them from the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Executive Council within ten (10) business days from the date on this Executive Council action.

The Widows Sons Florida Founding Grand Chapter

I promise and swear to uphold these Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Bylaws and to keep and perform with a steadfast resolution without any revocation in the due performance of the duties and responsibilities inscribed within.

Signed on this Date: __January XX, 2014___________________

Frank SanchezPresident

Signed: ________________________________

John Dough

Signed _________________________________

John Dough

Signed _________________________________

John Dough

Signed _________________________________

John Dough

Signed _________________________________

John Dough

Signed _________________________________

John Dough

Signed ___________________________