C-61 - C-32 Comparison (No Annotation) English

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  • 8/9/2019 C-61 - C-32 Comparison (No Annotation) English


    C-61 C-32

    Second Session, Thirty-ninth Parliament,56-57 Elizabeth II, 2007-2008HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA

    Third Session, Fortieth Parliament,59 Elizabeth II, 2010HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA

    BILL C-61 BILL C-32An Act to amend the Copyright Act An Act to amend the Copyright Act




    This enactment amends theCopyright Actin orderto

    This enactment amends theCopyright Actto

    (a) update the rights and protections of copyright

    owners to better addressthe Internet, in line with international standards;

    (a) update the rights and protections of copyright

    owners to better addressthe challenges andopportunities ofthe Internet, so as to be in line with

    international standards;(b) clarify the liability of Internet service providers; (b) clarify Internet service providers liability and

    make the enabling of on-line copyright infringement

    itself an infringement of copyright;

    (c) permit certain uses for educational and research

    purposes of Internet andother digital technologies to facilitate technology-

    enhanced learning, inter-library loans, the delivery of educational material

    and access to publiclyavailable material on the Internet;

    (c) permit businesses, educators and libraries tomake greater use of copyright material in digitalform;

    (d) allow educators and students to make greater use

    of copyright material;

    (d) permit certain uses of copyright material for

    private purposes; and

    (e) permit certain uses of copyright material by

    consumers;(e) amend provisions of the Act relating to

    photographs to givephotographers the same rightsas other creators.

    (f) give photographers the same rights as other


    (g) ensure that it remains technologically neutral;

    and(h) mandate its review by Parliament every five


    Also available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site

    at the following address:http://www.parl.gc.caAlso available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site

    at the following address:http://www.parl.gc.ca

    Preamble Preamble

    2nd Session, 39th Parliament,56-57 Elizabeth II, 2007-2008HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA

    3rd Session, 40th Parliament,59 Elizabeth II, 2010HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA

    BILL C-61 BILL C-32

    An Act to amend the Copyright Act An Act to amend the Copyright Act

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    Whereas theCopyright Actis animportantmarketplace framework lawand cultural policyinstrument that,through clear, predictable andfair rules,supports creativity and innovation and

    affects many sectors of the knowledge


    Whereas the Copyright Act is an

    importantmarketplace framework lawand cultural policyinstrument that,through clear, predictable andfair rules,supports creativity and innovationandaffects many sectors of the knowledge

    economy;Whereas advancements in and

    convergenceof the information andcommunications technologies that link

    communities around the worldpresentopportunities and challenges that are

    global in scope for the creation and use of

    copyright works or other subject-matter;

    Whereas advancements in and

    convergenceof the information andcommunications technologies that link

    communities around theworld presentopportunities and challenges thatareglobal in scope for the creation and use of

    copyright works or other subject-matter;

    Whereas in the current digital era

    copyrightprotection is enhanced whencountries adopt

    coordinated approaches, based oninternationally recognized norms;

    Whereas in the current digital era

    copyrightprotection is enhanced whencountries adoptcoordinated approaches,

    based on internationally recognizednorms;

    Whereas such norms are reflected in theWorld Intellectual Property OrganizationCopyright Treaty and the World

    Intellectual PropertyOrganizationPerformances and PhonogramsTreaty,adopted in Geneva in 1996;

    Whereas those norms are reflected in theWorld Intellectual Property OrganizationCopyright Treaty and the World

    IntellectualProperty OrganizationPerformances andPhonograms Treaty,adopted in Geneva in1996;

    Whereas such norms are not wholly

    reflectedin theCopyright Act;Whereas those norms are not wholly

    reflected in the Copyright Act;

    Whereas the exclusive rights in the

    CopyrightActprovide rights holders withrecognition,remuneration and the abilityto assert theirrights, and some limitationson these rights existto further enhanceusersaccess to copyrightworks or othersubject-matter;

    Whereas the exclusive rights in the

    Copyright Act provide rights holders withrecognition, remuneration and the ability

    to assert theirrights, and some limitationson those rights exist to further enhance

    users access to copyrightworks or othersubject-matter;

    Whereas the Government of Canada is

    committed to enhancing the protection of

    copyright works or other subject-matter,including through the recognition of

    technologicalmeasures, in a manner that promotes

    culture andinnovation, competition andinvestment in theCanadian economy;

    Whereas the Government of Canada iscommitted to enhancing the protection of

    copyrightworks or other subject-matter,includingthrough the recognition oftechnological protection measures, in a

    manner that promotes culture andinnovation, competition and investment inthe Canadian economy;

    And whereas Canadas ability to

    participatein a knowledge economydriven by innovationand network connectivity is fostered byencouraging the use of digital

    technologies forresearch and education;

    And whereas Canadas ability to

    participatein a knowledge economydriven by innovationand networkconnectivity is fostered by encouragingthe use of digital technologies for research

    and education;

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    Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with

    theadvice and consent of the Senate andHouse ofCommons of Canada, enacts asfollows:

    Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with

    theadvice and consent of the Senate andHouse ofCommons of Canada, enacts asfollows:


    Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the Copyright

    Modernization Act.


    R.S., c. 10(4th Supp.),s. 1(3); 1994,c. 47, s. 56(3)

    1. (1) The definitionsmoral rights

    andtreaty countryin section 2 of the

    CopyrightActare replaced by the


    R.S., c. 10 (4th

    Supp.), s.1(3);

    1994, c. 47,


    2. (1) The definitions moral rights

    andtreaty country in section 2 of the

    CopyrightAct are replaced by the


    moral rights moral rightsmeans the rights describedinsubsections 14.1(1)and 17.1(1);

    moral rights moral rights means the rights described

    insubsections 14.1(1) and 17.1(1);


    countrytreaty countrymeans a BerneConventioncountry, UCC country,WCTcountry or WTOMember;


    countrytreaty country means a Berne

    Conventioncountry, UCC country, WCTcountry or WTOMember;

    (2) Section 2 of the Act is amended byadding the following in alphabetical


    (2) Section 2 of the Act is amended byadding the following in alphabetical


    WCT country WCT countrymeans a country that is apartyto the WIPO Copyright Treaty,adopted inGeneva on December 20,1996;


    countryWCT country means a country that is a

    partyto the WIPO Copyright Treaty,adopted inGeneva on December 20,1996;


    countryWPPT countrymeans a country that isa partyto the WIPO Performances andPhonogramsTreaty, adopted in Genevaon December 20,1996;


    WPPT country means a country that is aparty to the WIPO Performances and

    PhonogramsTreaty, adopted in Genevaon December 20,1996;

    3. Section 2.4 of the Act is amended byadding the following after subsection


    Clarification (1.1) For the purposes of this Act,communication of a work or other

    subject-matter to thepublic bytelecommunication includes makingitavailable to the public by

    telecommunicationin a way that allows amember of the public tohave access to itfrom a place and at a time individuallychosen by that member of the public.

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    2. Subsection 3(1) of the Act is amended

    by striking out the wordandat the

    end ofparagraph (h), by adding the

    wordandatthe end of paragraph (i)

    and by adding thefollowing after

    paragraph (i):

    4. Subsection 3(1) of the Act is amended

    by striking out and at the end of

    paragraph (h), by adding and at the

    end ofparagraph (i) and by adding the

    followingafter paragraph (i):

    (j) in the case of a work that can be putintocirculation as a tangible object, to sellorotherwise transfer ownership of thetangibleobject, as long as the ownershipof thattangible object has neverpreviously beentransferred with theauthorization of theauthor in or outsideCanada,

    (j) in the case of a work that is in the formofa tangible object, to sell or otherwisetransferownership of the tangible object,as long asthat ownership has neverpreviously beentransferred in or outsideCanada with the authorization of the

    copyright owner,

    1994, c. 47,

    s. 57(1); 1997,c. 24, s. 5(2);2001, c. 34, s.


    3. Subsections 5(1.01) to (1.03) of the

    Actare replaced by the following:

    1994, c. 47, s.

    57(1); 1997, c.24, s. 5(2);

    2001,c. 34, s.34

    5. Subsections 5(1.01) to (1.03) of the

    Actare replaced by the following:

    Protection forolder works

    (1.01) For the purposes of subsection (1),

    acountry that becomes a BerneConventioncountry,a WCT country or aWTO Memberafter the date of themaking or publication of aworkisdeemed to have been a Berne Convention

    country,a WCT country or a WTOMember, as the case may be, atthat date,subject to subsection (1.02)andsections33to 33.2.

    Protection forolder works

    (1.01) For the purposes of subsection (1),

    acountry that becomes a BerneConventioncountry, a WCT country or aWTO Member after the date of the

    making or publication of awork isdeemed to have been a Berne Conventioncountry, a WCT country or a WTOMember, as the case may be, at that date,

    subject tosubsection (1.02) and sections33 to 33.2.

    Limitation (1.02) Subsection (1.01) does not confercopyright protection in Canada on a work

    whose term of copyright protection in the

    country referred to in that subsection had

    expired before that country became a

    BerneConvention country,a WCTcountry ora WTOMember, as the casemay be.

    Limitation (1.02) Subsection (1.01) does not confercopyright protection in Canada on a work

    whose term of copyright protection in thecountry referred to in that subsection had

    expiredbefore that country became aBerne Conventioncountry, a WCTcountry or a WTO Member, asthe casemay be.

    Application ofsubsections(1.01) and


    (1.03) Subsections (1.01) and (1.02)apply,and are deemed to have applied,regardless ofwhether the country inquestion became a BerneConventioncountry,a WCT country or a WTOMember before or after the coming into

    force ofthose subsections.

    Application of

    subsections(1.01) and(1.02)

    (1.03) Subsections (1.01) and (1.02)apply,and are deemed to have applied,regardless ofwhether the country inquestion became aBerne Conventioncountry, a WCT country or aWTOMember before or after the coming into

    force of those subsections.

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    1997, c. 24, s. 7 4. Section 10 of the Act is repealed. 1997, c. 24, s.7

    6. Section 10 of the Act is repealed.

    1997, c. 24,s. 10(1)

    5. Subsection 13(2) of the Act is

    repealed.1997, c. 24, s.


    7. Subsection 13(2) of the Act is


    1997, c. 24, s.

    146. The headings before section 15 of the

    Act are replaced by the following:

    1997, c. 24, s.14

    8. The headings before section 15 of the

    Act are replaced by the following:











    Copyright Copyright

    7. (1) Section 15 of the Act is amended

    byadding the following after

    subsection (1):

    9. (1) Section 15 of the Act is amended

    byadding the following aftersubsection (1):

    Copyright inperformersperformance

    (1.1) Subject to subsections (2.1) and

    (2.2), aperformers copyright in theperformers performance also consists ofthe sole right to do thefollowing acts inrelation to the performersperformance orany substantial part of it and to authorize

    any of those acts:

    Copyright inperformersperformance

    (1.1) Subject to subsections (2.1) and

    (2.2),a performers copyright in theperformers performance consists of thesole right to do the following acts inrelation to the performers performance or

    any substantial part of it and toauthorizeany of those acts:

    (a) if it is not fixed, (a) if it is not fixed,

    (i) to communicate it to the public by

    telecommunication,(i) to communicate it to the public by


    ( ii ) to perform it in public, if it is

    communicated to the public bytelecommunication otherwise than by

    communication signal, and

    (ii) to perform it in public, if it iscommunicated to the public bytelecommunication otherwise than by

    communication signal, and

    (iii) to fix it in any material form; (iii) to fix it in any material form;

    (b) if it is fixed in a sound recording, to

    reproduce that fixation;

    (b) if it is fixed in a sound recording, to

    reproduce that fixation;

    (c) to rent out a sound recording of it; (c) to rent out a sound recording of it;

    (d) to communicate to the public bytelecommunication a sound recording of it

    in away that allows a member of thepublic toaccess it from a place and at atimeindividually chosen by that memberof thepublic; and

    (d) to make a sound recording of it

    availableto the public bytelecommunication in a waythat allows amember of the public to haveaccess tothe sound recording from a placeand at atime individually chosen by thatmember

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    of the public and to communicatethesound recording to the public by

    telecommunication in that way; and

    (e) to sell, or otherwise transfer ownership

    of, every sound recording of it that can be

    putinto circulation as a tangible object

    andwhose ownership has neverpreviously beentransferred with theauthorization of theperformer in oroutside Canada.

    (e) if it is fixed in a sound recording that

    isin the form of a tangible object, to sellorotherwise transfer ownership of the

    tangibleobject, as long as that ownershiphas neverpreviously been transferred inor outsideCanada with the authorizationof the ownerof the copyright in theperformers performance.

    1997, c. 24, s.

    14(2) Subsection 15(3) of the Act is

    replacedby the following:(2) Section 15 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following after subsection


    Conditions forcopyright

    (2.1) Subsection (1.1) applies in the

    following cases:Conditions for


    (2.1) Subsection (1.1) applies if

    (a) if the performers performance takesplace in Canada;

    (a) the performers performance takes

    placein Canada;

    (b) if the performers performance is fixed

    in(b) the performers performance is fixed


    (i) a sound recording whose maker, at the

    time of its first fixation,(i) a sound recording whose maker, at the

    time of its first fixation,

    (A) was a Canadian citizen or permanent

    resident as defined in subsection2(1) oftheImmigration and RefugeeProtectionAct, in the case of a naturalperson, or

    (A) was a Canadian citizen or permanent

    resident as defined in subsection2(1) ofthe Immigration and RefugeeProtectionAct, in the case of a naturalperson, or

    (B) had its headquarters in Canada, inthecase of a corporation, or

    (B) had its headquarters in Canada, inthecase of a corporation, or

    (ii) a sound recording whose firstpublication in a quantity sufficient to

    satisfy thereasonable demands of thepublic occurredin Canada; or

    (ii) a sound recording whose firstpublication in a quantity sufficient to

    satisfy thereasonable demands of thepublic occurredin Canada; or

    (c) if the performers performance istransmitted at the time of its performance

    by acommunication signal broadcastfrom Canadaby a broadcaster that has itsheadquarters inCanada.

    (c) the performers performance istransmitted at the time of its performanceby a communication signal broadcast

    from Canada bya broadcaster that has itsheadquarters inCanada.

    (3) Section 15 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following before subsection


    Conditions forcopyright

    (2.2) Subsection (1.1) also applies in the

    following cases:Conditions for


    2.2) Subsection (1.1) also applies if

    (a) if the performers performance takes

    place in a WPPT country;

    (a) the performers performance takes

    placein a WPPT country;

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    (b) if the performers performance is fixed

    in(b) the performers performance is fixed


    (i) a sound recording whose maker, at the

    time of its first fixation,(i) a sound recording whose maker, at the

    time of its first fixation,

    (A) was a citizen or permanent residentofa WPPT country, in the case of anaturalperson, or

    (A) was a citizen or permanent residentofa WPPT country, in the case of a natural

    person, or

    (B) had its headquarters in a WPPT

    country, in the case of a corporation, or(B) had its headquarters in a WPPT

    country, in the case of a corporation, or

    (ii) a sound recording whose firstpublication in a quantity sufficient to

    satisfy thereasonable demands of thepublic occurredin a WPPT country; or

    (ii) a sound recording whose firstpublication in a quantity sufficient to

    satisfy thereasonable demands of thepublic occurredin a WPPT country; or

    (c) if the performers performance istransmitted at the time of its performance

    by acommunication signal broadcast

    from aWPPT country by a broadcasterthat has itsheadquarters in that country.

    (c) the performers performance istransmitted at the time of its performanceby a communication signal broadcast

    from a WPPTcountry by a broadcasterthat has its headquarters in that country.

    (4) Section 15 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following after subsection


    Publication (3) The first publication of a soundrecordingin Canada, a Rome Conventioncountry or aWPPT country is deemed tohave occurred inthat country,despite anearlier publicationelsewhere, if theearlier publication took placeno morethan 30 dayspreviously.

    Publication (4) The first publication of a soundrecording is deemed to have occurred in a

    WPPTcountry, despite an earlierpublication elsewhere, if the interval

    between the publication inthat WPPTcountry and the earlier publicationdoes

    not exceed 30 days.

    8. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 17:

    10. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 17:

    Moral Rights Moral Rights

    Moral rights 17.1(1) In the cases referred to insubsections 15(2.1) and (2.2), a performer

    of a liveaural performance or aperformance fixed in asound recording

    has, subject to subsection28. 2(1), theright to the integrity of theperformance,andin connection with an actmentioned in subsection 15(1.1) or one

    forwhich the performer has a right toremunerationunder subsection 19(1)the right, when it isreasonable in thecircumstances, to be associated with the

    performance as its performer byname or

    Moral rights 17.1 (1) In the cases referred to insubsections 15(2.1) and (2.2), a performer

    of a liveaural performance or aperformance fixed in asound recordinghas, subject to subsection28.2(1), theright to the integrity of the performance,and in connection with an actmentioned in subsection 15(1.1) or one

    for whichthe performer has a right toremuneration undersection 19 theright, ifit is reasonable in thecircumstances, to be associated with theperformance as its performer by name or

    under apseudonym and the right to

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    under a pseudonym and the right to

    remain anonymous.

    remain anonymous.

    No assignmentof moral rights

    (2) Moral rights may not be assigned but

    may be waived in whole or in part.No assignment

    of moral rights

    (2) Moral rights may not be assigned but

    may be waived in whole or in part.

    No waiver byassignment

    (3) An assignment of copyright in aperformers performance does not by

    itself constitute a waiver of any moralrights.

    No waiver by


    3) An assignment of copyright in aperformers performance does not by

    itself constitute a waiver of any moralrights.

    Effect of

    waiver(4) If a waiver of any moral right is made

    infavour of an owner or a licensee of acopyright,it may be invoked by anyperson authorized bythe owner orlicensee to use the performers

    performance, unless there is an indication

    to thecontrary in the waiver.

    Effect ofwaiver

    (4) If a waiver of any moral right is made

    infavour of an owner or a licensee of acopyright,it may be invoked by anyperson authorized bythe owner orlicensee to use the performers

    performance, unless there is an indication

    to thecontrary in the waiver.




    17.2(1) Subsection 17.1(1) applies onlyinrespect of a performers performancethat occursafter the coming into force ofthat subsection.The moral rights subsistfor the same term as thecopyright in thatperformers performance.


    andterm17.2 (1) Subsection 17.1(1) applies only

    inrespect of a performers performancethat occurs after the coming into force ofthat subsection. The moral rights subsist

    for the same termas the copyright in thatperformers performance.

    Succession (2) The moral rights in respect of aperformers performance pass, on the

    performers death,to

    Succession (2) The moral rights in respect of aperformers performance pass, on the

    performersdeath, to

    (a) the person to whom those rights are

    specifically bequeathed;(a) the person to whom those rights are

    specifically bequeathed;

    (b) if there is not a specific bequest of

    thosemoral rights and the performer diestestate inrespect of the copyright in theperformersperformance, the person towhom that copyright is bequeathed; or

    (b) if there is not a specific bequest of

    thosemoral rights and the performer diestestate inrespect of the copyright in theperformersperformance, the person towhom that copyright is bequeathed; or

    (c) if there is not a person as described in

    paragraph (a) or (b), the person entitled to

    any other property in respect of which the

    performer dies intestate.

    (c) if there is not a person as described in

    paragraph (a) or (b), the person entitled to

    any other property in respect of which the

    performer dies intestate.


    (3) Subsection (2) applies, with anymodifications that the circumstances

    require, on thedeath of any person who

    holds moral rights.


    (3) Subsection (2) applies, with anymodifications that the circumstances

    require, on thedeath of any person who

    holds moral rights.

    1997, c. 24,s. 14; 2001,c. 27, s. 237

    9. Subsections 18(2) and (3) of the Act

    arereplaced by the following:11. (1) Section 18 of the Act is amended

    by adding the following after subsection


    Copyright insound

    (1.1) Subject to subsections (2.1) and

    (2.2), asound recording makersCopyright insound

    (1.1) Subject to subsections (2.1) and

    (2.2),a sound recording makers

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    recordings copyright in the soundrecording alsoincludes the sole right to do thefollowingacts in relation to the sound recordingorany substantial part of it and to authorize

    anyof those acts:

    recordings copyright in thesound recording alsoincludes the sole right todo the followingacts in relation to the soundrecording orany substantial part of it and to authorize

    any of those acts:

    (a) to communicate it to the public by

    telecommunication in a way that allows amember of the public to access it from a

    placeand at a time individually chosen bythatmember of the public; and

    (a) to make it available to the public by

    telecommunication in a way that allows amember of the public to have access to it

    from a place and at a time individuallychosen by that member of the public andto communicate it to the public by

    telecommunication in that way; and

    (b) to sell or otherwise transfer ownership

    ofit, in the case of a sound recordingmade bythe sound recording maker thatcan be putinto circulation as a tangibleobject andwhose ownership has never

    previously beentransferred with theauthorization of thesound recordingmaker in or outside Canada.

    b) if it is in the form of a tangible object,

    tosell or otherwise transfer ownership ofthetangible object, as long as thatownership hasnever previously beentransferred in or outside Canada with the

    authorization of theowner of thecopyright in the sound recording.

    (2) Subsection 18(2) of the Act is

    replacedby the following:

    Conditions forcopyright

    (2) Subsection (1) applies only if Conditions forcopyright

    (2) Subsection (1) applies only if

    (a) at thetime of the first fixation or, ifthatfirst fixation was extended over aconsiderable period, during any

    substantial part of thatperiod, the makerof the sound recording

    (a) at the time of the first fixation or, if

    thatfirst fixation was extended over aconsiderable period, during any

    substantial part ofthat period, the makerof the sound recording

    (i) was a Canadian citizen or permanent

    resident as defined in subsection 2(1) of

    theImmigration and Refugee ProtectionAct,

    (i) was a Canadian citizen or permanent

    resident as defined in subsection 2(1) of

    the Immigration and Refugee Protection


    (ii)was a citizen or permanent resident ofa Berne Convention country, a Rome

    Convention country,a WPPT country or acountry that is a WTO Member, or

    (ii) was a citizen or permanent resident of

    a Berne Convention country, a Rome

    Convention country, a WPPT country or a

    country that is a WTO Member, or

    (iii) had its headquarters in one ofthosecountries,in the case of a corporation; or (iii) had its headquarters in one of thosecountries, in the case of a corporation; or

    (b) the first publication of the sound

    recording in a quantitysufficient tosatisfy thereasonable demands of thepublic occurred inany country referred toin paragraph (a).

    (b) the first publication of the soundrecording in a quantity sufficient to satisfythe reasonable demands of the public

    occurred inany country referred to inparagraph (a).

    Conditions forcopyright

    (2.1) Subsection (1.1) applies in the

    following cases:Conditions for


    (2.1) Subsection (1.1) applies if

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    (a) if at the time of the first fixation or, if

    thatfirst fixation was extended over aconsiderable period, during any

    substantial part of thatperiod, the makerof the sound recording

    (a) at the time of the first fixation or, if

    thatfirst fixation was extended over aconsiderable period, during any

    substantial part ofthat period, the makerof the sound recording

    (i) was a Canadian citizen or permanent

    resident as defined in subsection 2(1) oftheImmigration and Refugee ProtectionAct, or

    (i) was a Canadian citizen or permanent

    resident as defined in subsection 2(1) ofthe Immigration and Refugee Protection

    Act, or

    (ii) had its headquarters in Canada, in the

    case of a corporation; or(ii) had its headquarters in Canada, in the

    case of a corporation; or

    (b) if the first publication of the sound

    recording in a quantity sufficient to satisfy

    the reasonable demands of the public

    occurred in Canada.

    (b) the first publication of the soundrecording in a quantity sufficient to satisfythe reasonable demands of the public

    occurred inCanada.

    (4) Section 18 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following before subsection(3):

    Conditions forcopyright

    (2.2) Subsection (1.1) also applies in the

    following cases:Conditions for


    (2.2) Subsection (1.1) also applies if

    (a) if at the time of the first fixation or, if

    thatfirst fixation was extended over aconsiderable period, during any

    substantial part of thatperiod, the makerof the sound recording

    (a) at the time of the first fixation or, if

    thatfirst fixation was extended over aconsiderable period, during any

    substantial part ofthat period, the makerof the sound recording

    (i) was a citizen or permanent resident of

    aWPPT country, or(i) was a citizen or permanent resident of

    a WPPT country, or

    (ii) had its headquarters in a WPPT

    country, in the case of a corporation; or

    (ii) had its headquarters in a WPPTcountry, in the case of a corporation; or

    (b) if the first publication of the sound

    recording in a quantity sufficient to satisfy

    the reasonable demands of the public

    occurred in a WPPT country.

    (b) the first publication of the soundrecording in a quantity sufficient to satisfythe reasonable demands of the public

    occurred in aWPPT country.

    (5) Section 18 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following after subsection


    Publication (3) The first publication of a soundrecordingin Canada, a Berne Conventioncountry, a RomeConvention country, aWPPT country or acountry that is a WTOMember is deemed tohave occurred inthat country,despite an earlierpublicationelsewhere, if theearlier publicationtookplace no more than 30 dayspreviously.

    Publication (4) The first publication of a soundrecording is deemed to have occurred in a

    WPPTcountry, despite an earlierpublication elsewhere, if the interval

    between the publication inthat WPPTcountry and the earlier publicationdoesnot exceed 30 days.

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    1997, c. 24, s.

    1410. Subsection 19(1) of the Act is

    replacedby the following:

    1997, c. 24, s.14

    12. (1) Subsection 19(1) of the Act is

    replaced by the following:

    Right toremuneration

    19.( 1)If a sound recording has beenpublished, the performer and maker are

    entitled,subject to section 20, to be paidequitableremuneration for itsperformance in public or its

    communication to the public by

    telecommunication, except foracommunication in thecircumstancesreferred to in paragraph15(1.1)(d) or18(1.1)(a) and any retransmission.

    Right toremuneration


    19. (1) If a sound recording has beenpublished, the performer and maker are

    entitled,subject to subsection 20(1), to be

    paid equitableremuneration for itsperformance in public orits communication to the public bytelecommunication, except for acommunication in the circumstances

    referred to in paragraph 15(1.1)(d)or 18(1.1)(a) and any retransmission.

    Right toremuneration



    (1.1) If a sound recording has beenpublished, the performer and maker are

    entitled,subject to subsections 20(1.1)and (2), to bepaid equitable remuneration

    for its performancein public or itscommunication to the public by

    telecommunication, except for anyretransmission.

    (2) Section 19 of the Act is amended byadding the following before subsection


    Right toremuneration

    WPPT country

    (1.2) If a sound recording has beenpublished, the performer and maker are

    entitled,subject to subsections 20(1.2)and (2.1), to bepaid equitable

    remuneration for its performanceinpublic or its communication to the public

    bytelecommunication, except for acommunication in the circumstancesreferred to in paragraph 15(1.1)(d) or18(1.1)(a) and any retransmission.

    1997, c. 24, s.

    14(3) The portion of subsection 19(2) of

    the English version of the Act before

    paragraph(a) is replaced by the


    Royalties (2) For the purpose of providing theremuneration mentioned in this section, a

    personwho performs a published soundrecording inpublic or communicates it tothe public by telecommunication is liable

    to pay royalties

    13. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 19:


    19.1 Despite subsection 2.2(1), a sound

    recording that has been made available to

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    Canada thepublic by telecommunication in a waythat allows a member of the public to

    access it from aplace and at a timeindividually chosen by thatmember of thepublic, or that has been communicated to

    the public by telecommunication inthatway, is deemed to have been published for

    the purposes of subsection 19(1).

    14. The Act is amended by adding the

    following before section 20:

    Deemedpublication WPPT country

    19.2 Despite subsection 2.2(1), a sound

    recording that has been made available to

    thepublic by telecommunication in a waythat allows a member of the public to

    access it from aplace and at a timeindividually chosen by thatmember of thepublic, or that has been communicated to

    the public by telecommunication inthat

    way, is deemed to have been published for

    the purposes of subsection 19(1.2).

    1997, c. 24, s.14; 2001, c.

    27,s. 238(1)

    15. (1) Subsection 20(1) of the Act is

    replaced by the following:

    Conditions Canada

    20. (1) The right to remuneration

    conferredby subsection 19(1) appliesonly if

    (a) the maker was, at the date of the firstfixation, a Canadian citizen or permanentresident within the meaning of subsection

    2(1)of the Immigration and RefugeeProtectionAct or, if a corporation, had itsheadquartersin Canada; or

    (b) all the fixations done for the sound

    recording occurred in Canada.

    Conditions RomeConventioncountry

    (1.1) The right to remuneration conferred

    bysubsection 19(1.1) applies only if

    (a) the maker was, at the date of the firstfixation, a citizen or permanent resident of

    aRome Convention country or, if acorporation, had its headquarters in a

    Rome Convention country; or

    (b) all the fixations done for the sound

    recording occurred in a Rome Convention


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    (2) Section 20 of the Act is amended byadding the following before subsection


    Conditions WPPT country

    (1.2) The right to remuneration conferred

    bysubsection 19(1.2) applies only if

    (a) the maker was, at the date of the first

    fixation, a citizen or permanent resident ofaWPPT country or, if a corporation, haditsheadquarters in a WPPT country; or

    (b) all the fixations done for the sound

    recording occurred in a WPPT country.

    2001, c. 27, s.238(2)

    (3) Subsection 20(2) of the Act is replaced

    by the following:

    Exception RomeConvention


    (2) Despite subsection (1.1), if the

    Ministeris of the opinion that a RomeConvention country does not grant a rightto remuneration, similar in scope and

    duration to that provided bysubsection19(1.1), for the performance in public or

    the communication to the public of a

    sound recording whose maker, at the date

    of itsfirst fixation, was a Canadian citizen orpermanent resident within the meaning of

    subsection2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee

    ProtectionAct or, if a corporation, had itsheadquarters inCanada, the Minister may,by a statement published in the Canada

    Gazette, limit the scopeand duration ofthe protection for sound recordings whose

    first fixation is done by a makerwho is a citizen or permanent resident of

    thatcountry or, if a corporation, has its

    headquartersin that country.

    (4) Section 20 of the Act is amended byadding the following after subsection


    Exception WPPT country

    (2.1) Despite subsection (1.2), if the

    Minister is of the opinion that a WPPTcountry doesnot grant a right toremuneration, similar inscope andduration to that provided by subsection

    19(1.2), for the performance in public orthe communication to the public of a

    soundrecording whose maker, at the dateof its firstfixation, was a Canadian citizenor permanentresident within the meaning

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    of subsection 2(1)of the Immigration andRefugee Protection Actor, if acorporation, had its headquarters in

    Canada, the Minister may, by a statementpublished in the Canada Gazette, limit the

    scopeand duration of the protection forsound recordings whose first fixation is

    done by a makerwho is a citizen or permanent resident of

    thatcountry or, if a corporation, has itsheadquarters in that country.

    1997, c. 24, s.14

    (5) Subsection 20(3) of the Act is

    replacedby the following:

    Exception (3) If so requested by a country that is aparty to the North American Free TradeAgreement, the Minister may, by astatement published in the Canada

    Gazette, grant the right toremuneration

    conferred by subsection 19(1.1)toperformers or makers who are nationals of

    that country and whose sound recordingsembody dramatic or literary works.

    1997, c. 24,s. 14; 2001,c. 27, s. 239(1)

    11. (1) The portion of subsection 22(1)

    ofthe Act before paragraph (a) is

    replaced bythe following:

    1997, c. 24, s.14; 2001, c.

    27,s. 239(1)

    16. (1) The portion of subsection 22(1)

    ofthe Act before paragraph (a) is

    replaced bythe following:

    Reciprocity 22.(1)If the Minister is of the opinionthat acountry grants or has undertaken to


    Reciprocity 22. (1) If the Minister is of the opinion

    thata country other than a Rome

    Convention country or a WPPT countrygrants or has undertakento grant

    1997, c. 24,s. 14; 2001,c. 27, s. 239(2)

    (2) The portion of subsection 22(2) of

    theAct before paragraph (a) is

    replaced by thefollowing:

    1997, c. 24, s.14; 2001, c.

    27,s. 239(2)

    (2) The portion of subsection 22(2) of

    theAct before paragraph (a) is replaced by



    Reciprocity (2)If the Minister is of the opinion that acountry neither grants nor has undertaken


    Reciprocity (2) If the Minister is of the opinion that a

    country other than a Rome Convention

    countryor a WPPT country neither grantsnor has undertaken to grant

    1997, c. 24, s.

    1412. Subsections 23(1) to (3) of the Act

    arereplaced by the following:

    1997, c. 24, s.14

    17. Subsections 23(1) to (3) of the Act

    arereplaced by the following:

    Term ofcopyrightperformersperformance

    23.(1) Subject to this Act,copyright in aperformers performance subsists until the

    endof 50 years after the end of thecalendar year inwhich the performanceoccurs. However,

    Term ofcopyright performersperformance

    23. (1) Subject to this Act, copyright in a

    performers performance subsists until the

    endof 50 years after the end of thecalendar year inwhich the performanceoccurs. However,

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    (a) if the performance is fixed in a sound

    recording before the copyright expires,

    thecopyright continues until the end of 50yearsafter the end of the calendar year inwhich thefirst fixation of theperformance in a soundrecording occurs;and

    (a) if the performance is fixed in a sound

    recording before the copyright expires,

    thecopyright continues until the end of 50yearsafter the end of the calendar year inwhichthe first fixation of theperformance in asound recording occurs;

    and(b) if a sound recording in which the

    performance is fixed is published before

    thecopyright expires, the copyrightcontinuesuntil the earlier of the end of 50years afterthe end of the calendar year inwhich the firstpublication of the soundrecording occurs andthe end of 99 yearsafter the end of thecalendar year in whichthe performanceoccurs.

    (b) if a sound recording in which theperformance is fixed is published beforethe copyright expires, the copyright

    continues untilthe earlier of the end of 50years after theend of the calendar year inwhich the firstpublication of the soundrecording occursand the end of 99 yearsafter the end of thecalendar year in whichthe performance occurs.

    Term ofcopyrightsound


    (1.1) Subject to this Act, copyright in a

    sound recording subsists until the end of50years after the end of the calendar yearin whichthe first fixation of the soundrecording occurs.However, if the soundrecording is publishedbefore thecopyright expires, the copyrightcontinuesuntil the end of 50 years after theend ofthe calendar year in which the first

    publication of the sound recording occurs.

    Term ofcopyright sound


    (1.1) Subject to this Act, copyright in a

    sound recording subsists until the end of50years after the end of the calendar yearinwhich the first fixation of the soundrecordingoccurs. However, if the soundrecording is published before thecopyright expires, the copyright continues

    until the end of 50 years afterthe end ofthe calendar year in which the first

    publication of the sound recording occurs.

    Term ofcopyrightcommunication


    (1.2) Subject to this Act, copyright in a

    communication signal subsists until the

    end of50 years after the end of thecalendar year inwhich thecommunication signal is broadcast.

    Term ofcopyright communicatio


    (1.2) Subject to this Act, copyright in acommunication signal subsists until the

    end of 50years after the end of thecalendar year inwhich thecommunication signal is broadcast.

    Term of right to


    (2) The rights to remuneration conferred

    onperformers and makers by section 19have thesame terms, respectively, asthose provided bysubsections (1) and(1.1).

    Term of right


    (2) The rights to remuneration conferred

    onperformers and makers by section 19have thesame terms, respectively, asthose provided bysubsections (1) and(1.1).

    Application ofsubsections (1)

    to (2)

    (3) Subsections (1)to (2) apply whetherthefixation, performance or broadcast

    occurredbefore or after the coming intoforce of thissection.

    Application of

    subsections (1)

    to (2)

    (3) Subsections (1) to (2) apply whether

    thefixation, performance or broadcastoccurred before or after the coming intoforce of this section.

    1997, c. 24, s.

    1513. The headingINFRINGEMENT



    INFRINGEMENTbefore section 27

    of the Act is replaced by thefollowing:

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    14. Section 27 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following after subsection


    18. Section 27 of the Act is amended by

    adding the following after subsection


    Clarification (2.1) For greater certainty, a copy madeoutside Canada does not infringe

    copyright undersubsection (2) if, had itbeen made in Canada, itwould have beenmade under a limitation or exceptionunder this Act.

    Secondaryinfringementrelated to


    (2.1) It is an infringement of copyright for

    any person to do any of the following acts

    withrespect to anything that the personknows orshould have known is a lesson,

    as defined insubsection 30.01(1), or afixation of one:

    Secondaryinfringementrelated tolesson

    (2.2) It is an infringement of copyright for

    any person to do any of the following acts

    withrespect to anything that the personknows orshould have known is a lesson,

    as defined insubsection 30.01(1), or afixation of one:

    (a) to sell it or to rent it out; (a) to sell it or to rent it out;

    (b) to distribute it to an extent that the

    ownerof the copyright in the work orother subject-matter that is included in the

    lesson isprejudicially affected;

    (b) to distribute it to an extent that the

    ownerof the copyright in the work orother subject-matter that is included in the

    lesson is prejudicially affected;

    (c) by way of trade, to distribute it, expose

    oroffer it for sale or rental or exhibit it inpublic;

    (c) by way of trade, to distribute it, expose

    or offer it for sale or rental or exhibit it in


    (d) to possess it for the purpose of doing

    anything referred to in any of paragraphs

    (a)to (c);

    (d) to possess it for the purpose of doing

    anything referred to in any of paragraphs

    (a)to (c);

    (e) to communicate it by

    telecommunicationto any person otherthan a person referred toin paragraph30.01(3)(a); or

    (e) to communicate it by

    telecommunicationto any person otherthan a person referred toin paragraph30.01(3)(a); or

    (f) to circumvent or contravene any

    measuretaken in conformity withparagraph30.01(5)(b), (c) or (d).

    (f) to circumvent or contravene any

    measuretaken in conformity withparagraph30.01(6)(b), (c) or (d).

    Infringementprovision ofservices

    (2.3) It is an infringement of copyright foraperson to provide, by means of theInternet oranother digital network, aservice that the person knows or should

    have known is designedprimarily toenable acts of copyright infringement ifan actual infringement of copyright occurs

    by means of the Internet or another digital

    network as a result of the use of thatservice.

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    Factors (2.4) In determining whether a person has

    infringed copyright under subsection

    (2.3), thecourt may consider

    (a) whether the person expressly orimplicitly marketed or promoted the

    service as onethat could be used to

    enable acts of copyrightinfringement;(b) whether the person had knowledge

    thatthe service was used to enable asignificantnumber of acts of copyrightinfringement;

    (c) whether the service has significant

    usesother than to enable acts of copyrightinfringement;

    (d) the persons ability, as part of

    providingthe service, to limit acts ofcopyright infringement, and any action

    taken by the person to do so;e) any benefits the person received as aresult of enabling the acts of copyrightinfringement; and

    (f) the economic viability of the provision

    ofthe service if it were not used to enableactsof copyright infringement.

    R.S., c. 10(4th Supp.), s. 6

    15. Section 28.1 of the Act is replaced

    bythe following:R.S., c. 10 (4th

    Supp.), s. 6

    19. Section 28.1 of the Act is replaced

    bythe following:


    28.1Any act or omission that is contrarytoany of the moral rights of the author ofa workor of the performer of aperformers performance is, in the

    absence of theauthors orperformersconsent, an infringement ofthoserights.


    28.1 Any act or omission that is contrarytoany of the moral rights of the author ofa workor of the performer of aperformers performance is, in theabsence of the authors or performers

    consent, an infringement of thoserights.

    R.S., c. 10(4th Supp.), s. 6

    16. The portion of subsection 28.2(1) of

    the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced

    bythe following:

    R.S., c. 10 (4th

    Supp.), s. 6

    20. The portion of subsection 28.2(1) of

    the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced

    bythe following:

    Nature of rightof integrity

    28.2(1) The authorsor performers righttothe integrity of a workor performersperformance is infringed only if the work

    or theperformance is, to the prejudice ofits authorsor performers honour orreputation,

    Nature of rightof integrity

    28.2 (1) The authors or performers rightto the integrity of a work or performersperformance is infringed only if the workor the performance is, to the prejudice of

    its authors orperformers honour or reputation,

    1997, c. 24, s.18(1)

    21. Section 29 of the Act is replaced by

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    the following:

    Research,private study,etc.

    29. Fair dealing for the purpose of

    research,private study, education, parodyor satire doesnot infringe copyright.

    22. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 29.2:

    Non-commercial User-generated Content




    29.21 (1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an individual to use an

    existing workor other subject-matter orcopy of one, whichhas been published orotherwise made availableto the public, inthe creation of a new work orothersubject-matter in which copyright subsists

    and for the individual or, with theindividuals authorization, a member of

    their household to use the new work or other subject-

    matteror to authorize an intermediary todisseminateit, if

    (a) the use of, or the authorization todisseminate, the new work or othersubject-matter is done solely for non-

    commercial purposes;

    (b) the source and, if given in the

    source,the name of the author, performer,

    maker orbroadcaster of the existing work or

    othersubject-matter or copy of it arementioned, ifit is reasonable in thecircumstances to do so;

    (c) the individual had reasonable grounds

    tobelieve that the existing work or othersubject-matter or copy of it, as the case

    may be,was not infringing copyright; and

    (d) the use of, or the authorization todisseminate, the new work or other

    subject-matter does not have a substantialadverse effect,financial or otherwise, on the exploitation

    orpotential exploitation of the existingwork orother subject-matter or copyof it or onan existing or potentialmarket for it, including that the new work

    or other subject-matteris not a substitutefor the existing one.

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    Definitions (2) The following definitions apply insubsection (1).

    intermediary intermediary means a person or entity

    whoregularly provides space or meansfor works orother subject-matter to beenjoyed by the public.

    use use means to do anything that by thisAct theowner of the copyright has thesole right to do,other than the right toauthorize anything.

    17. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 29.2:

    Reproduction onto Another Medium or

    DeviceReproduction for Private Purposes

    Reproductiononto another

    medium ordevice

    29.21(1) It is not an infringement ofcopy-right for an individual to reproduce

    a work orother subject-matter that is aphotograph or iscontained in a book,newspaper, periodical orvideocassette, orany substantial part of such awork orother subject-matter, onto another

    medium or device, if the following

    conditionsare met:

    Reproductionfor private


    29.22 (1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an individual to reproduce a

    work orother subject-matter or anysubstantial part of awork or other subject-matter if

    (a) the copy of the work or other subject-

    matter of which the reproduction is made

    isnot an infringing copy;

    (a) the copy of the work or other subject-matter from which the reproduction is

    madeis not an infringing copy;

    (b) the individual legally obtained the

    photograph, book, newspaper, periodicalor videocassette, otherwise than by

    borrowing it orrenting it, and owns themedium or device onwhich it isreproduced;

    (b) the individual legally obtained the

    copyof the work or other subject-matterfromwhich the reproduction is made,other thanby borrowing it or renting it,and owns or isauthorized to use themedium or device onwhich it isreproduced;

    (c) the individual, in order to make the

    reproduction, did not circumvent atechnological measure or cause one to be

    circumvented,within the meanings of thedefinitionscircumventand

    technological measurein section 41;

    (c) the individual, in order to make thereproduction, did not circumvent, as

    defined insection 41, a technologicalprotection measure, as defined in that

    section, or cause oneto be circumvented;

    (d) the individual

    (i) reproduces the work or other subject-

    matter no more than once for each device

    that the individual owns, whether the

    reproduction is made directly onto the

    device or is made onto a medium that is to

    be used with the device, and

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    (ii) prints no more than one copy of the

    work, if the work is in digital form;

    (e) the individual does not give the

    reproduction away; and(d) the individual does not give the

    reproduction away; and

    (f) the reproduction is used only for

    privatepurposes.(e) the reproduction is used only for


    Meaning ofmedium ordevice

    (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), a

    medium or device includes digital

    memory inwhich a work or subject-matter may be storedfor the purpose ofallowing the telecommunication of the

    work or other subject-matter throughtheInternet or other digital network.

    Limitation audio


    (3) In the case of a work or other subject-matter that is a musical work embodied in

    asound recording, a performersperformance ofa musical work embodied

    in a sound recordingor a sound recording in which a musical

    workor a performers performance of amusicalwork is embodied, subsection (1)does not apply if the reproduction is made

    onto an audiorecording medium asdefined in section 79.


    prevailsin case ofinconsistency

    (2) If the individual has downloaded the

    work or other subject-matter from the

    Internetand is bound by a contract thatgoverns theextent to which the individual

    may reproducethe work or other subject-matter, the contractprevails oversubsection (1) to the extent of any

    inconsistency between them.

    Limitationdestruction ofreproductions

    (3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the

    individual gives away, rents or sells the

    photograph, book, newspaper, periodical

    orvideocassette without first destroyingall reproductions of the work or other

    subject-matter thatthe individual hasmade under that subsection.

    Limitation destruction ofreproductions

    (4) Subsection (1) does not apply if theindividual gives away, rents or sells the

    copy of thework or other subject-matterfrom which the reproduction is made

    without first destroying allreproductionsof that copy that the individualhas madeunder that subsection.

    Limitationpurpose ofreproduction

    (4) Subsection (1) does not apply if the

    reproduction is made for the purpose of

    doingany of the following in relation tothe work orother subject-matter:

    (a) selling or renting out, or by way of

    tradeexposing or offering for sale orrental;

    (b) distributing, whether or not for the

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    purpose of trade;

    (c) communicating to the public by

    telecommunication; or

    (d) performing, or causing to be

    performed,in public.



    29.22(1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an individual to reproduceonto amedium or device a musical workembodied ina sound recording, aperformers performance ofa musicalwork embodied in a sound recording,or asound recording in which a musical work

    ora performers performance of amusical work isembodied, or anysubstantial part of such a workor othersubject-matter, if the following conditions

    are met:

    (a) the sound recording is not an


    (b) the individual legally obtained the

    soundrecording, otherwise than byborrowing it orrenting it, and owns themedium or device onwhich it isreproduced;

    (c) the individual, in order to make the

    reproduction, did not circumvent atechnological measure or cause one to be

    circumvented,within the meanings of thedefinitionscircumventandtechnological measurein section 41;

    (d) the individual reproduces the sound

    recording no more than once for each

    devicethat the individual owns, whetherthe reproduction is made directly onto the

    device or ismade onto a medium that is tobe used withthe device;

    (e) the individual does not give the

    reproduction away; and

    (f) the reproduction is used only forprivatepurposes.


    prevailsin case ofinconsistency

    (2) If the individual has downloaded the

    sound recording from the Internet and is

    boundby a contract that governs theextent to whichthe individual mayreproduce the sound recording, the

    contract prevails over subsection (1) to

    the extent of any inconsistency between

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    LimitationPart VIII


    (3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the

    reproduction is made onto a medium that

    isgoverned by Part VIII.

    Limitationdestruction ofreproductions

    (4) Subsection (1) does not apply if the

    individual gives away, rents or sells the

    soundrecording without first destroyingall reproductions of it that the individual

    has made underthat subsection.

    Limitationpurpose ofreproduction

    (5) Subsection (1) does not apply if the

    reproduction is made for the purpose of

    doingany of the following in relation tothe musicalwork, performersperformance or sound recording:

    (a) selling or renting out, or by way of

    tradeexposing or offering for sale orrental;

    (b) distributing, whether or not for the

    purpose of trade;

    (c) communicating to the public by

    telecommunication; or

    (d) performing, or causing to be

    performed,in public.

    Fixing Signals and Recording Programs

    forLater Listening or Viewing

    Fixing Signals and Recording Programs

    forLater Listening or ViewingReproduction

    forlaterlistening orviewing

    29.23(1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an individual to fix a

    communicationsignal, to reproduce awork or sound recordingthat is beingbroadcast or to fix or reproduce a

    performers performance that is being

    broadcast,in order to record a programfor the purpose oflistening to or watchingit later, if the followingconditions aremet:

    Reproductionfor laterlistening orviewing

    29.23 (1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an individual to fix a

    communicationsignal, to reproduce awork or sound recordingthat is beingbroadcast or to fix or reproduce a

    performers performance that is beingbroadcast, in order to record a programfor the purpose of listening to or viewing

    it later, if

    (a) the individual receives the programlegally;

    (a) the individual receives the programlegally;

    (b) the individual, in order to record the

    program, did not illegally circumvent a

    technological measure or cause one to be

    illegally circumvented, within the

    meaningsof the definitionscircumventandtechnological measurein section41;

    (b) the individual, in order to record theprogram, did not circumvent, as definedin section 41, a technological protection

    measure,as defined in that section, orcause one to becircumvented;

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    (c) the individual makes no more than one

    recording of the program;(c) the individual makes no more than one

    recording of the program;

    (d) the individual keeps the recording no

    longer than necessary in order to listen to

    orwatch the program at a moreconvenient time;

    (d) the individual keeps the recording no

    longer than is reasonably necessary in

    orderto listen to or view the program at a more

    convenient time;(e) the individual does not give the

    recordingaway; and(e) the individual does not give the

    recording away; and

    (f) the recording is used only for private


    (f) the recording is used only for privatepurposes.


    prevailsin caseof




    (2) If the individual receives the program

    under a video-on-demand service and is

    boundby a contract that governs theextent to whichthe individual may recordit, the contractprevails over subsection

    (1) to the extent ofany inconsistencybetween them.

    Limitation (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if theindividual receives the work, performersperformance or sound recording under an



    (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the

    recording of a program that is

    communicatedover the Internet, unless itis communicatedsimultaneously via radioor television.

    Limitationpurpose ofreproduction

    (4) Subsection (1) does not apply if the

    program is recorded for the purpose of

    doingany of the following in relation tothe program:

    (a) selling or renting out, or by way of

    tradeexposing or offering for sale orrental;

    (b) distributing, whether or not for the

    purpose of trade;

    (c) communicating to the public by

    telecommunication; or

    (d) performing, or causing to be

    performed,in public.



    (5) Nothing in subsection (1) authorizes

    therecording of programs under anetwork personalvideo recorder service.

    Definitions (6) The following definitions apply in thissection.

    Definitions (3) The following definitions apply in this


    broadcast broadcasthas the same meaning as inthedefinitionbroadcastingin

    broadcast broadcast means any transmission of aworkor other subject-matter by

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    subsection 2(1) oftheBroadcasting Act. telecommunicationfor reception by thepublic, but does not includeatransmission that is made solely for

    performance in public.

    networkpersonal video


    network personal video recorder service

    means a service that allows a person to

    storerecordings of programs in a serviceprovidersnetworked facility in order toaccess them at anytime.



    video-on-demand servicemeans aservice thatallows a person to receiveprograms at times ofhis or her choosing.


    on-demand service means a service thatallows a person to receive works,

    performersperformances and soundrecordings at times oftheir choosing.

    Backup Copies

    Backup copies 29.24 (1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright in a work or other subject-

    matter for aperson who owns or has alicence to use a copy of the work orsubject-matter (in thissection referred toas the source copy) to reproduce thesource copy if

    (a) the person does so solely for backuppurposes in case the source copy is lost,

    damaged or otherwise rendered unusable;

    (b) the source copy is not an infringing


    (c) the person, in order to make thereproduction, did not circumvent, as

    defined insection 41, a technological protectionmeasure, as defined in that section, or

    cause oneto be circumvented; and

    (d) the person does not give any of the

    reproductions away.

    Backup copybecomes


    (2) If the source copy is lost, damaged or

    otherwise rendered unusable, one of thereproductions made under subsection (1)

    becomesthe source copy.


    (3) The person shall immediately destroyallreproductions made under subsection(1) afterthe person ceases to own, or tohave a licenceto use, the source copy.

    1997, c. 24, s.18(1)

    23. (1) Subsection 29.4(1) of the Act is

    replaced by the following:

    Reproductionfor instruction

    29.4 (1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an educational institution or

    a personacting under its authority for the

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    purposes ofeducation or training on itspremises to reproduce a work, or do any

    other necessary act, inorder to display it.

    (2) Subsection 29.4(3) of the Act is

    replaced by the following:

    If workcommerciallyavailable

    (3) Except in the case of manual

    reproduction, the exemption fromcopyright infringement provided by

    subsections (1) and (2) doesnot apply ifthe work or other subject-matter is

    commercially available, within the

    meaning ofparagraph (a) of the definitioncommerciallyavailable in section 2, in a medium thatis appropriate for the purposes referred to

    in thosesubsections.

    1997, c. 24, s.18(1)

    24. (1) Paragraph 29.5(b) of the Act is

    replaced by the following:

    (b) the performance in public of a sound

    recording, or of a work or performersperformance that is embodied in a soundrecording, as long as the sound recording

    is not aninfringing copy or the personresponsible forthe performance has noreasonable groundsto believe that it is aninfringing copy;

    (2) Section 29.5 of the Act is amended

    byadding and at the end of

    paragraph (c)and by adding the following after that


    d) the performance in public of acinematographic work, as long as the

    work is not aninfringing copy or theperson responsible forthe performancehas no reasonable groundsto believe thatit is an infringing copy.

    1997, c. 24, s.18(1)

    25. (1) The portion of subsection 29.6(1)

    of the Act before paragraph (a) is

    replacedby the following:

    News andcommentary

    29.6 (1) It is not an infringement ofcopyright for an educational institution or

    a personacting under its authority to

    1997, c. 24, s.18(1)

    (2) Paragraph 29.6(1)(b) of the Act isreplaced by the following:

    (b) perform the copy in public before anaudience consisting primarily of students

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    of theeducational institution on itspremises for educational or trainingpurposes.

    1997, c. 24, s.18(1)

    (3) Subsection 29.6(2) of the Act isrepealed.

    1997, c. 24, s.18.

    26. Paragraph 29.9(1)(a) of the Act is


    18. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 30:

    1997, ch. 24,par. 18(1)

    27. The Act is amended by adding the

    following after section 30:

    Definition of

    lesson30.01(1) For the purposes of this section,lessonmeans a lesson, test orexamination, orpart of one, in which, orduring the course ofwhich, an act is donein respect of a work orother subject-matter by an educational institution or a

    person acting under its authority that

    would otherwise be an infringement ofcopyright but is permitted under any of

    sections 29.4to 29.6 and subsection29.7(3).

    Meaning oflesson

    30.01 (1) For the purposes of this section,

    lesson means a lesson, test or

    examination, orpart of one, in which, or during the course

    ofwhich, an act is done in respect of awork orother subject-matter by an educational

    institution or a person acting under itsauthority thatwould otherwise be aninfringement of copyright but is permittedunder a limitation or exception under thisAct.

    Application (2) This section does not apply so as topermit any act referred to in paragraph (3)

    (a),(b) or (c) with respect to a work orother subject-matter whose use in the

    lesson constitutes aninfringement ofcopyright or for whose use inthe lesson

    the consent of the copyright owner isrequired.

    Application (2) This section does not apply so as topermit any act referred to in paragraph (3)

    (a), (b)or (c) with respect to a work orother subject-matter whose use in the

    lesson constitutes aninfringement ofcopyright or for whose use inthe lessonthe consent of the copyright owner is



    nby telecom-munication

    (3) Subject to subsection (5), it is not an

    infringement of copyright for an

    educationalinstitution or a person actingunder its authority




    (3) Subject to subsection (6), it is not aninfringement of copyright for aneducational institution or a person actingunder its authority

    (a) to communicate a lesson to the public

    bytelecommunication for educational ortrainingpurposes, if that public consistsonly ofstudents who are enrolled in acourse ofwhich the lesson forms a part orof otherpersons acting under theauthority of theeducational institution;

    (a) to communicate a lesson to the public

    bytelecommunication for educational ortraining purposes, if that public consists

    only ofstudents who are enrolled in acourse ofwhich the lesson forms a part or

    of other persons acting under the authorityof the educational institution;

    (b) to make a fixation of the lesson for the

    purpose of the act referred to in paragraph

    (a); or

    (b) to make a fixation of the lesson for the

    purpose of the act referred to in paragraph

    (a); or

    (c) to do any other act that is necessary

    forthe purpose of the acts referred to inparagraphs (a) and (b).

    (c) to do any other act that is necessary

    forthe purpose of the acts referred to inparagraphs (a) and (b).

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    Participation by



    (4) For the purposes of sections 29.4 to

    29.6and subsection 29.7(3), a studentwho isenrolled in a course of which thelesson formsa part is deemed to be aperson on the premisesof the educationalinstitution when the studentparticipates in

    or receives the lesson by meansofcommunication by telecommunicationunderparagraph (3)(a).




    (4) A student who is enrolled in a course

    ofwhich the lesson forms a part isdeemed to be aperson on the premises ofthe educational institution when thestudent participates in or receives the

    lesson by means of communicationbytelecommunication under paragraph (3)



    (5) It is not an infringement of copyright

    fora student who has received a lesson bymeansof communication by telecommunication

    underparagraph (3)(a) to reproduce the lessonin order to be able to listen to or view it at

    a moreconvenient time. However, the student

    shall destroy the reproduction within 30days after theday on which the studentswho are enrolled inthe course to whichthe lesson relates have received their final

    course evaluations.

    Conditions (5) The educational institution and anyperson acting under its authority, except a

    student, shall

    Conditions 6) The educational institution and anyperson acting under its authority, except a


    (a) destroy any fixation of the lesson

    within30 days after the day on which thestudentswho are enrolled in the course

    have receivedtheir final courseevaluations;

    (a) destroy any fixation of the lesson

    within30 days after the day on which thestudentswho are enrolled in the course to

    which thelesson relates have receivedtheir final courseevaluations;

    (b) take measures that can reasonably be

    expected to limit the communication by

    telecommunication of the lesson to the

    persons referred to in paragraph (3)(a);

    (b) take measures that can reasonably be

    expected to limit the communication by

    telecommunication of the lesson to the

    persons referred to in paragraph (3)(a);

    (c) take, in relation to the communication

    bytelecommunication of the lesson indigitalform, measures that can reasonablybeexpected to prevent the students from

    fixingor reproducing the lesson, orcommunicatingit other than as they maydo under thissection; and

    (c) take, in relation to the communication

    bytelecommunication of the lesson indigitalform, measures that can reasonablybe expected to prevent the students from

    fixing,reproducing or communicating the lessonother than as they may do under this


    (d) take, in relation to a communication

    bytelecommunication in digital form, anymeasure prescribed by regulation that is

    applicablein the circumstances.

    (d) take, in relation to a communication

    bytelecommunication in digital form, anymeasure prescribed by regulation.

    Exception 30.02(1) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), Exception 30.02 (1) Subject to subsections (3) to (5),

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    digitalreproduction of


    itis not an infringement of copyright foraneducational institution that has areprographicreproduction licence underwhich the institutionis authorized tomake reprographic reproductions of

    works in a collective societys repertoire

    for an educational or training purpose

    digitalreproduction of


    it is not an infringement of copyright foran educational institution that has areprographic reproduction licence under

    which the institutionis authorized tomake reprographic reproductions ofworks in a collective societys repertoirefor an educational or training purpose

    (a) to make a digital reproductionofthesame general nature and extent as thereprographic reproduction authorized

    underthe licenceof a paper form ofany of thoseworks;

    (a) to make a digital reproduction of

    thesame general nature and extent as thereprographic reproduction authorizedunder the licence of a paper form of

    any of thoseworks;

    (b) to communicate the digital

    reproductionby telecommunication for aneducational ortraining purpose to personsacting under theauthority of theinstitution; or

    (b) to communicate the digital

    reproductionby telecommunication for aneducational ortraining purpose to personsacting under theauthority of the institution; or

    (c) to do any other act that is necessary

    forthe purpose of the act s referred to inparagraphs (a) and (b).

    (c) to do any other act that is necessary for

    the purpose of the acts referred to inparagraphs (a) and (b).

    Exception (2) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), it isnotan infringement of copyright for aperson actingunder the authority of theeducational institutionto whom the workhas been communicatedunder paragraph(1)(b) to print one copy of thework.

    Exception (2) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), it is

    notan infringement of copyright for aperson acting under the authority of theeducational institution to whom the workhas been communicated under paragraph

    (1)(b) to print one copy ofthe work.

    Conditions (3) An educational institution that makes a

    digital reproduction of a work underparagraph(1)(a) shall

    Conditions (3) An educational institution that makes a

    digital reproduction of a work underparagraph(1)(a) shall

    (a) pay to the collective society, with

    respectto all the persons to whom thedigitalreproduction is communicated bythe institution under paragraph (1)(b), the

    royalties thatwould be payable if onereprographic reproduction were

    distributed by the institution toeach ofthose persons, and comply with the

    licence terms and conditions applicable to

    areprographic reproduction to the extentthatthey are reasonably applicable to adigitalreproduction;

    (a) pay to the collective society, with

    respectto all the persons to whom thedigital reproduction is communicated by

    the institutionunder paragraph (1)(b), the royalties that

    would be payable if one reprographicreproduction were distributed by the

    institution toeach of those persons, andcomply with thelicence terms andconditions applicable to areprographicreproduction to the extent thatthey arereasonably applicable to a digital


    (b) take measures to prevent the digital

    reproduction from being communicated

    bytelecommunication to any persons whoarenot acting under the authority of theinstitution;

    (b) take measures to prevent the digitalreproduction from being communicated

    bytelecommunication to any persons whoarenot acting under the authority of theinstitution;

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    (c) take measures to prevent a person to

    whom the work has been communicated

    under paragraph (1)(b) from printing

    morethan one copy, and to prevent anyotherreproduction or communication ofthe digitalreproduction; and

    (c) take measures to prevent a person to

    whom the work has been communicatedunder paragraph (1)(b) from printing

    more thanone copy, and to prevent anyother reproduction or communication of

    the digital reproduction; and

    (d) take any measure prescribed byregulation that is applicable in the


    (d) take any measure prescribed byregulation.

    Restriction (4) An educational institution may notmakea digital reproduction of a workunder paragraph(1)(a) if

    Restriction (4) An educational institution may not

    makea digital reproduction of a workunder paragraph (1)(a) if

    (a) the institution has entered into a digital

    reproduction agreement respecting the

    workwith a collective society underwhich theinstitution may make a digitalreproduction ofthe work, may

    communicate the digitalreproduction bytelecommunication to persons acting

    under the authority of theinstitution andmay permit those persons toprint at leastone copy of the work;

    a) the institution has entered into a digital

    reproduction agreement respecting the

    workwith a collective society underwhich the institution may make a digital

    reproduction ofthe work, may

    communicate the digital reproduction bytelecommunication to personsactingunder the authority of the institutionandmay permit those persons to print at least

    one copy of the work;

    (b) there is a tariff certified under section

    70.15 that is applicable to the digital

    reproduction of the work, to thecommunication of the digital reproductionby telecommunication to persons acting

    under theauthority of the institution and

    to the printingby those persons of at leastone copy of thework; or

    (b) there is a tariff certified under section

    70.15 that is applicable to the digitalreproduction of the work, to the

    communication ofthe digital reproductionby telecommunication to persons acting

    under the authority ofthe institution and

    to the printing by thosepersons of at leastone copy of the work; or

    (c) the institution has been informed by

    thecollective society that is authorized toenterinto reprographic agreements withrespect tothe work that the owner of thecopyright inthe work has informed it,under subsection(5), that the ownerrefuses to authorize thecollective societyto enter into a digitalreproductionagreement with respect to thework.

    (c) the institution has been informed by

    thecollective society that is authorized toenterinto reprographic agreements withrespect tothe work that the owner of thecopyright inthe work has informed it,under subsection(5), that the owner refuses to authorize the

    collective society to enter into a digitalreproduction agreement with respect to


    Restriction (5) If the owner of the copyright in a workinforms the collective society that is

    authorizedto enter into reprographicagreements withrespect to the work thatthe owner refuses toauthorize it to enterinto digital reproduction agreements with

    respect to the work, thecollective society

    Restriction (5) If the owner of the copyright in a work

    informs the collective society that is

    authorizedto enter into reprographicagreements with respect to the work thatthe owner refuses to authorize it to enter

    into digital reproductionagreements withrespect to the work, the collective societyshall inform the educational institutions

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    shall inform the educationalinstitutionswith which it has entered into

    reprographic reproduction agreements

    withrespect to the work that they are notpermittedto make digital reproductionsunder subsection(1).

    with which it has entered intoreprographic reproduction agreements

    with respect to thework that they are notpermitted to make digitalreproductionsunder subsection (1).


    (6) The owner of the copyright in a workwho, in respect of the work, has

    authorized acollective society to enterinto a reprographicreproductionagreement with an educationalinstitutionis deemed to have authorized thesocietyto enter into a digital reproduction

    agreement with the institutionsubjecttothe same restrictions as a reprographicreproduction agreementunless theowner hasrefused to give this

    authorization under subsection (5) or hasauthorized another collectivesociety toenter into a digital reproduction

    agreement with respect to the work.


    (6) The owner of the copyright in a workwho, in respect of the work, has

    authorized acollective society to enterinto a reprographicreproductionagreement with an educational institutionis deemed to have authorized the societyto enter into a digital reproductionagreement with the institution subject

    to the samerestrictions as a reprographicreproductionagreement unless the owner has

    refused togive this authorization under

    subsection (5) orhas authorized anothercollective society to enter into a digital

    reproduction agreement withrespect tothe work.

    Maximumamount that

    maybe recovered

    (7) In proceedings against an educational

    institution for making a digital

    reproduction of apaper form of a work,or for communicatingsuch a reproductionby telecommunication foran educationalor training purpose to personsactingunder the authority of the institution, the

    owner of the copyright in the work maynotrecover an amount more than

    Maximumamount that


    (7) In proceedings against an educationalinstitution for making a digital

    reproduction of apaper form of a work, orfor communicating such a reproduction by

    telecommunication foran educational ortraining purpose to personsacting underthe authority of the institution, theowner of the copyright in the work may

    not recover an amount more than

    (a) in the case where there is a digital

    reproduction licence that meets the

    conditionsdescribed in paragraph (4)(a)in respect of theworkor, if none existsin respect of thework, in respect of awork of the samecategorythe amountof royalties thatwould be payable underthat licence inrespect of those acts or, ifthere is more thanone applicable licence,

    the greatest amount ofroyalties payableunder any of those licences;and

    (a) in the case where there is a digitalreproduction licence that meets theconditions described in paragraph (4)(a)

    in respect of thework or, if none existsin respect of thework, in respect of awork of the same category the amount

    of royalties that wouldbe payable underthat licence in respect ofthose acts or, ifthere is more than one applicable licence,the greatest amount of royalties payable

    under any of those licences; and

    (b) in the case where there is no licence

    described in paragraph (a) but there is a

    reprographic reproduction licence in

    respectof the workor, if none exists inrespect ofthe work, in respect of a workof the samecategorythe amount ofroyalties thatwould be payable under that

    (b) in the case where there is no licencedescribed in paragraph (a) but there is areprographic reproduction licence in

    respect of thework or, if none exists inrespect of thework, in respect of a workof the same category the amount of

    royalties that wouldbe payable under that

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    licence inrespect of those acts or, if thereis more thanone applicable licence, thegreatest amount ofroyalties payableunder any of those licences.

    licence in respect ofthose acts or, if thereis more than one applicable licence, thegreatest amount of royalties payable underany of those licences.

    No damages (8) The owner of the copyright in a workmay not recover any damages against a

    personacting under the authority of theeducationalinstitution who, in respect ofa digital reproduction of the work that is

    communicated to theperson bytelecommunication, prints one copyof thework if, at the time of the printing, it was

    reasonable for the person to believe that

    thecommunication was made inaccordance withparagraph (1)(b).

    No damages (8) The owner of the copyright in a work

    may not recover any damages against a

    personacting under the authority of theeducational institution who, in respect of adigital reproduction of the work that is

    communicated to theperson bytelecommunication, prints one copyof thework if, at the time of the printing, it was

    reasonable for the person to believe that

    thecommunication was made inaccordance withparagraph (1)(b).



    30.03(1) If an educational institution haspaid royalties to a collective society for

    thedigital reproduction of a work underparagraph30.02(3)(a) and afterwards theinstitution entersinto a digitalreproduction agreement describedinparagraph 30.02(4)(a) with any collective


    Royalties digital


    30.03 (1) I