C-Elementary Science -MS

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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C-Elementary Science -MS. Wayne Fisher Elementary Science Specialist w.fisher@cms.k12.nc.us 980 343 0621. “ My mission is to help teachers be better teachers, students better students, schools better schools, and the world a better place .” Wayne Fisher, Elementary Science Specialist. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


C-Elementary Science -MSC-Elementary Science -MS

Wayne FisherWayne FisherElementary Science SpecialistElementary Science Specialist

w.fisher@cms.k12.nc.usw.fisher@cms.k12.nc.us980 343 0621980 343 0621

“ “ My mission is to help teachers be My mission is to help teachers be better teachers, students better better teachers, students better students, schools better schools, and students, schools better schools, and the world a better placethe world a better place.”.” Wayne Fisher, Elementary Science SpecialistWayne Fisher, Elementary Science Specialist

Who Am I?Who Am I?

A few quotes….A few quotes….

• ““Teaching is about sharing, caring, and Teaching is about sharing, caring, and daring”. daring”.

• ““Leaders know the way, show the way Leaders know the way, show the way and go the way”.and go the way”.

• ““To the world you may be just one person To the world you may be just one person to one person you may be the world”.to one person you may be the world”.

Something to share -- Something to share -- AIDAAIDA!!

• get their get their AttentionAttention!!

• create an create an InterestInterest!!

• DeliverDeliver the goods! the goods!

• Call for Call for ActionAction!!


• Only Only 66.8%66.8% of our 9,210 5 of our 9,210 5thth students were at students were at grade level on the NC EOG Science in 2006-grade level on the NC EOG Science in 2006-2007. 2007.

• In 27 schools, less than In 27 schools, less than 50%50% of students were of students were at grade level.at grade level.

• The Superintendent’s Strategic Plan sets the The Superintendent’s Strategic Plan sets the bar at bar at 80%80% of our students at or above grade of our students at or above grade level by 2010.level by 2010.


• Would you be interested in a way to help our Would you be interested in a way to help our students perform at grade level on the students perform at grade level on the 55thth grade grade Science EOGScience EOG while also improving writing, while also improving writing, reading and math scores in all grades?reading and math scores in all grades?


• Research dataResearch data indicate that students in schools indicate that students in schools with strong science programs show significant with strong science programs show significant growth in literacy skills as well as science and growth in literacy skills as well as science and math.math.

• The The CMS Strategic Plan 2010CMS Strategic Plan 2010 includes an includes an expectation that K5 students will receive 45 expectation that K5 students will receive 45 minutes of science instruction three times a minutes of science instruction three times a week.week.

More Goods!More Goods!

• CMS is moving in the right direction.CMS is moving in the right direction.

• ““Obstacles to OvercomeObstacles to Overcome” have been identified.” have been identified.

• ““Strategies for SuccessStrategies for Success” have been ” have been recommended.recommended.

• ““Policies, Programs, Projects, PeoplePolicies, Programs, Projects, People” are ” are available to implement success strategies.available to implement success strategies.

My Role as the K-5 Science My Role as the K-5 Science Guy! Guy! • Catalyst for Change – Chief Catalyst for Change – Chief


• Building Science Leadership CapacityBuilding Science Leadership Capacity

• Establish a Science Leadership Corps.Establish a Science Leadership Corps.

• Keep a Focus on the Big Picture.Keep a Focus on the Big Picture.

• Develop Key Relationships Across Develop Key Relationships Across District.District.

• Design New Ways to Work Together.Design New Ways to Work Together.

Distributive Leadership Distributive Leadership ModelModel• SensemakingSensemaking – understand the context in which we – understand the context in which we

are operatingare operating

• RelatingRelating – develop relationships within the district – develop relationships within the district

• VisioningVisioning – create a compelling picture of the future – create a compelling picture of the future

• InventingInventing – develop new ways to work together – develop new ways to work together


• Help me build leadership capacity: ensure that your Help me build leadership capacity: ensure that your lead teacher for each grade level subscribes to their lead teacher for each grade level subscribes to their science listserve.science listserve.

• Work with me to implement new Work with me to implement new pilot programspilot programs to to excite students about learning through science.excite students about learning through science.

• Encourage your teachers to take advantage of the Encourage your teachers to take advantage of the professional developmentprofessional development opportunities to increase opportunities to increase teacher and student interest in science.teacher and student interest in science.

Final quotes…Final quotes…

• ““Push the ones you care about, thank the ones Push the ones you care about, thank the ones who care enough to push”.who care enough to push”.

• ““Reach for the highest, Strive for the best, Reach for the highest, Strive for the best, Live day by day, and to _____ leave the rest”.Live day by day, and to _____ leave the rest”.

• ““Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.” Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.” George HalasGeorge Halas


• www.schoolnotes.com/28209/k5science.htmlwww.schoolnotes.com/28209/k5science.html

• 55thth Grade 2007 Benchmark Scores for Science Grade 2007 Benchmark Scores for Science

• ABCs of Elementary Science in CMSABCs of Elementary Science in CMS

• Improving Elementary Science Education in CMS: Improving Elementary Science Education in CMS: Identifying Issues, Suggesting Strategies, Advocating Identifying Issues, Suggesting Strategies, Advocating Action Action