
Post on 09-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. TNM.
  2. 2. EPIDEMIOLOGA Incidencia Occidente Poco frecuente China, Rusia, Irn y Sudfrica comn En Mxico Relacin 2:1
  3. 3. Endoscopy of Peptic Stenosis due to a Reflux Esophagitis This 57 year-old man with long-standing reflux disease. Peptic strictures are sequelae of gastroesophageal refluxinduced esophagitis, and they usually originate from the squamocolumnar junction and average 1-4 cm in length
  4. 4. DIVERTCULOS ESOFGICOS Se relacionan con 0.4% de los px con Ca esofgico. MEMBRANAS ESOFGICAS Se relacionan con el Sindrome de Plummer Vinson. Ms frecuente en mujeres. 10% de las afectadas sufre ste cncer.
  5. 5. TILOSIS Hiperqueratosis palmar, plantar ms papilomatosis esofgica. Sx autosmico dominante. Tiene ms de 50% de posibilidades de generar cncer.
  6. 6. Metaplasia del epitelio esofgico por islotes de epitelio cilndrico en el segmento inferior del esfago. Hay un riesgo mayor de 15% de padecer adenocarcinoma. ESFAGO DE BARRETT Staining of the mucosa with Lugol's solution during endoscopy has been suggested to identify early cancer and dysplasia that may improve prognosis. It has been shown that 40-60% of patients with typical reflux symptoms have no esophageal mucosal injury. Lugol chromoendoscopy may be useful for the diagnosis of so-called endoscopy-negative GERD.
  7. 7. Antecedente de ingestin de custicos leja. Exposicin a radiacin. Ocupaciones como: cantineros, camareros y obreros de la construccin.
  8. 8. TUMOR SEGUNDO PRIMARIO VIRUS ENFERMEDAD CELIACA DE LARGA EVOLUCIN Px con antecedente de Ca de vas respiratorias y digestivas altas 4% sufrir segundos tumores primarios. Px con Ca de cabeza y cuello 35% VPH Riesgo mayor de Ca. causas: toxicidad del gluten sobre el epitelio y alteraciones nutricionales.
  10. 10. CARCINOMA EPIDERMOIDE 90% de los casos Localiza esfago torcico medio 50-65% y en el tercio inferior en 25-35%. Se relaciona con Acalasia, Snd de Plummer Vinson y divertculos esofgicos.
  11. 11. CA CELULAS ESCAMOSAS. El esfago est normalmente cubierto con clulas escamosas. Al cncer que se origina en estas clulas se le llama carcinoma de clulas escamosas, el cual puede ocurrir en cualquier lugar a lo largo del esfago.
  12. 12. Adenocarcinoma. Se originan de clulas glandulares se llaman adenocarcinomas. Este tipo de clula no es normalmente parte del revestimiento interno del esfago. Antes de que se pueda desarrollar un adenocarcinoma, las clulas glandulares tienen que reemplazar un rea de las clulas escamosas, como en el caso del esfago de Barrett.
  13. 13. CARCINOMA EPIDERMOIDE Macroscpicamente 3 variantes: fungosos, ulcerados y con infiltracin difusa. Tumor constituido por nidos de cels cohesivas, poligonales, ovales o fusiformes que presentan perlas de queratina en su citoplasma y frecuentes fenmenos de disqueratosis. Variedades histolgicas ms frecuentes: carcinoma in situ, carcinoma escamoso con patrn sarcomatoide y carcinoma verrugoso.
  14. 14. ADENOCARCINOMA DE ESFAGO Representa de 2-5% de la totalidad de los casos. Ms frecuente en el tercio inferior 60% 60-80% de los px se origina a partir del esfago de Barrett. Otros tipos histolgicos raros: Ca adenoescamoso, leiomiosarcoma, Ca de cels pequeas y Sarcoma de Kaposi.
  15. 15. Endoscopy of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ulcerating Squamous cell carcinoma of the lower end of the esophagus. This 72 year-old female, presented with progressive dysphagia. In order to determinate the etiology an upper endoscopy was carried out.
  16. 16. Endoscopic appearance of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus is largely associated with a poor prognosis, and the development and metastasis of this tumour are complicated. Direct invasion of adjacent organs such as the aorta, respiratory tract and lungs, and distant metastasis to other organs such as the liver, lungs and bone are commonly found in advanced esophageal cancer cases. Intramural metastasis (IMM) in the esophagus has been found in about 10% of esophageal cancer cases. However, IMM to the stomach (IMMS), excluding direct invasion and spread to the stomach, is relatively rare.
  17. 17. Endoscopic Picture of Esophageal Carcinoma. The gastric fundus shows a large fungating and ulcerating lesion, retroflexed image. A history of smoking and/or alcoholism is often present in patients with esophageal squamous carcinoma, while a history of Barrett's esophagus precedes development of esophageal adenocarcinoma in many cases. Pathophysiology Esophageal carcinoma arises in the mucosa. Subsequently, it tends to invade the submucosa and the muscular layer and, eventually, contiguous structures such as the tracheobronchial tree, the aorta, or the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The tumor also tends to metastasize to the periesophageal lymph nodes and, eventually, to the liver, lungs, or both.
  18. 18. Epidemiology At least 5X more common is men with the male/female ratio varying markedly worldwide, probably representin the variable exposure to environmental factors At least 4X more common in blacks in the U.S., with the incidence in blacks rising while the incidence in whites is stable or declining A disease of older people with a mean age of onset of 60 yrs. which probably reflects the slow evolution of the dysplasia carcinoma sequence.
  19. 19. } Etiology. Examination of geographic areas of high incidence have identified a number of environmental factors strongly linked to the development ofesophageal dysplasia and squamous carcinoma. In the United States and Europe alcohol and smoking In China nitrosamine containing foods, fungal contamination of foods and vitamin and essential metal deficiency. The only known genetic predisposition occurs in hereditary tylosis, an autosomal dominant symmetrical keratosis of the palms and soles.
  20. 20. BIBLIOGRAFIA. esophageal_dilatation.html Esophagus The Japan Esophageal Society and Springer Japan 2014 10.1007/s10388-014-0459-z
  23. 23. Dx LAB
  24. 24. Dx IMAGENOLOGIA.
  26. 26. TRATAMIENTO. Qx
  27. 27. Tx RADIOLOGICO.