Calculation of Temperature Rise in Calorimetry

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8/20/2019 Calculation of Temperature Rise in Calorimetry 1/4

  alculation of Temperature Risein alorimetry

Sebastian G Canagaratna

Ohio Northern University, Ada,



Jeny Wffl

Winona State University, Winona, N 55987

The undergraduate student is introduced to calorimetry

earlv in the curriculum. Since the concepts of energy and

energy changes play a central role in chemistry, both general

chemistry as well as physical chemistry courses deal with

thermodynamic concepts like heat capacities and heats of

reactions. Consequently, measurements of energy change by

calorimetry continue to attract discussion in the pages of

this Journal

1, 2).

There is also a review 3) on recent

develooment in calorimetrv.

~he 'conce~tsf heat capacities and heats of reactions are

introduced to the student in some detail in courses of ther-

modynamics. On the experimental side, introductory work is

done without much regard for refinements like heat-loss

corrections. In physical chemistry experiments, methods for

correcting heat losses are mentioned, but the discussion

tends to he brief. Afull discussion of this theory is found only

in the specialist literature 4,


In this article we give a

simple hut fuller account of the basis for accurately calculat-

ing temperature rise in calorimetry, and point out some

misconceptions with regard t o these calculations.

The Need for Correction to Observed TemDerature Rise

In many kinds of calorimetry, changes in state of the

svstem are followed bv monitorina chanaes in temperature.

he observed changes of temperature a hroughtab out by

factors of direct interest t o us, as well as by extraneous

factors whose presence we would like to avoid. For example,

one might use electrical heating to input an accurately

known amount of energy and wish to measure th e concomi-

tant change in temperature. Or one might like to measure

the temperature change accompanyinga known change of

composition (chemical reaction). These are examples of fac-

tors that ar e an essential part of our investieation. On the

other hand, temperature changes are also brought about by

exchange of heat a t the system1surroundings interface. At-

tempts to make the measured temperature uniform by em-

ploying stirring will result in an additional temperature

change due to the energy of stirring. Because of these extra-

neous factors, a correction has to he applied to the measured

change in temperature in order to obtain the effect of the

quantities of interest.

The Basic Equation for Temperature Rise

The basic equation to be used in calculating temperature

rise is obtained from the first law of thermodynamics. To

apply this equation correctly we need to remind ourselves

that our system may consist of more than one part and tha t

the measured temperature is the temperature of onlv one

part of the system. w e hall hereafter refer to this part bf the

system as the calorimeter and contents. This is to distin-

guish it from other part s of the system like, for example, the

bomb in a homb calorimeter. The calorimeter and contents

will in general exchange heat not only with the surroundings

hut also with other part s of the system.

If H is the enthalpy of the calorimeter and its contents,

and these are a t constant pressure, we have from energy

balance requirements

dHldt E l (dHldt),+ + (dHIdt),


where I is the current flowing through a resistor in contact

with the calorimeter and its contents and E is the potential

difference across its ends;


is the rate of energy input due t o

stirring; (dHldt), is the rate of increase of H due to heat

exchanee a t the svstemlsurroundines interface: and (d Hl

d t ) ~s &e rate of ikrea se of Hdue to'heat flow from another


of the svstem. for example, the bomb in a homb calorim-



(dHldt)zwill in general be a complicated function of time.

However, the integral of th is te rm with respect to time will

he equal to the change in a thermodynamic function of state.

Consequently, a knowledge of t he path of the change is not

needed to evaluate this term.

(dHldt), will depend on the



terface and not on the nature of the contents of the calorime-

ter. We will assume tha t (dHld t),


-K(T - Ti) where Ti s

the temperature of the c&rimeter, T, is the constant tem-

perature of the surroundinas. and K is a constant dependina

bnly on the nature of the



and not on its contents.

We have now to relate (dHldt) to (dTldt). In the general

case when a chemical reaction occurs in th e calorimeter we

may write


C B T h,.df, where


is the heat capacity

of th e calorimeter and contents, h,, is the enthalpy of the

reaction, and denotes the extent of reaction. h,,d€ denotes

the change in enthalpy due to the change in cwnpusirion

hrought about hy reaction. Combining this withrq


we have

(dTldt) EIIC, w/C,




Tj)/Cp fit) 2)



dH dE



cp dt, , dt]

is an unknown function of time. However, J f(t )dt is inde-

pendent of the path of the reaction and depends only on the

initial and final states.

The first and the fourth terms constitute the terms of

interest to us, while the second and third are the interferen-

ce terms whose presence we have to correct for by the

determination of

and K. Thus

The integral on the right side of the eq


constitutes a

correction term t o the observed chanee AT.

In eq


we have assumrd that


is independent of T. It

miehr seem that this restrict3 the usefulness of the subse-

quent treatment. I t is possible to give a more rigorous treat-

ment th at deals not with AT, hut with a quant ity of greater

interest in calorimetry, viz., AH. In such a treatment we can

deal with a temperature-depende_nt


or, to keep matters

simple, the mean heat capacity


of the calorimeter and

contents over the range of the experiment. This mean heat

capacity is, by definition, independent of T. The heat capac-

ity C of eq


may therefore be replaced by the mean heat

capacity. Thus the assumption made in eq


is not unduly

restrictive, and it will be used in the t reatment that follows.


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We note here th at the correction is made possible because

the exp eriment can be divided into

1) apre-reaction period

from time tl to


when the electric heating

is started and/or a chemical reaction is initiated,

(2) the reaction period ti to tr of the experiment (the lower and

upper limits of th e integrals in eq 3 are ti and tr, respectively),


(3) the post-reaction period from t f to z when the electrical heating

is switched off and the chemical reaction is considered to have

gone to com pletion.

During the pre- and post-reaction periods only the w/C,

and KIC, term s are operative so that observations of tem-

perature with time during these periods will enable us to

cal cu late w/C, an d KIC,. Mo re spec ifically , since C, is as-

sumed constant we have during th e pre- and post-reaction



Since (w/C,) and (KIC,) are the only two unknowns it is

clear that a minimum of two sets of T t data will be

sufficient t o enable us t o calculate th e unknowns. If we used

a calorimeter an d contents of known hea t caoacitv we mav

calculate w an d K. Th e latte r values will he kalid"for other

experiments carried out under the same conditions. The

values of w a n d K (or w/C, an d KIC,) may now he used with

eq or eq 2 to evaluate th e corrections to the observed AT

during the re action period.

Th e basic method discussed above involves th e explicit

evaluation of w and K. An alternative metho d is to evaluate

the corrections to A T directly from th e temperature-time

graph. A discussion of this altern ative m ethod is conven ient-

ly grouped und er thr ee cases.

Case 1: lnfinltely Fast Reaction Thermometric Lag

Here we consider th e case where the reaction is infinitely

fast so that f( t ) n eq 2 is as tep funct ion. Theac tual tempera-

ture of t he system follows eq 4 during the reaction period as

well as th e post-reaction period. H owever, because of ther -

mom etric lag, eq 4 can be related to experimental ohserva-

tions only during t he post-reaction period.



shows a temperature-time grap h for thi s case.

The actua (hut not recorded) temperature shoots up to a

value of Ty: our prohlem is to dete rmin e this value from the

recorded temperatures.

Regarding time t i as time zero, integration of eq 4 with T

T i a t t ives



is a constant.

Th e recorded tem peratures in the post-reaction period ti

to tz will follow eq 4 If the portion BC is sensibly linear

(corresponding to small values of (KIC,)t), eq 4 will he ap -

proximated by

T T A(K/C,)t


and a l inear extra ~ola t ion o zero t ime t ; eives AC' as th e

actual rise in temperature. Th e correction to the tempera-

ture rise is re ~r es en te d v B'C'. We note that we did not

need a knowledge of K or b for th is correction.

If BC is not linear, as would happen, for example, when

therm al insulation of the calorimeter is not good, we proceed

in th e following way. From eq


for two times t and t


where t is any time a nd


is a con stant, we have

whence a graph of In (T( t) T(t 6 l vs.


will enable us to

calculate (KIC,) from the slope an d then A from the inter-

cept. We can now calculate T f from eq 4

Most ionic reactions may he regarded as taking place in-

stantaneously, and the correction used above would be the

appropriate one.

Case 2: lnflnltely Fad Reaction



Combustion reactions in a bomb calorimeter fall under

this category. Here t he combustion reaction takes place in-

stantaneously, b ut hecanse of th e large mass of the calorime-

ter it takes some time before th e "heat evolved" is distrihut-



the outer calorimeter and its contents. It is the tem-

perature of the latte r th at we monitor as a function of time.

For this case, the I term in eq 3 would be zero and T is the

observed temperature rise during the reaction period ti f.

Th e inteeral.on the rieht side. between the limits t t; and t


tr, constitutes th e Gmperature correction. Th e impb rtant

difference between case 1 and case 2 is that eq 4 is valid

during the period ti i in case


but is invalid in case


since f(t ) contributes to d Tldt .

If w, K , and C were known for the calorimeter and con-

tents from an indepe ndent experim ent, there would he no

nrohlem in orinciole in evaluatine th e reauired inteerals.

'Most often d e do do t have thi s infoFmation. We can however

evaluate the internal from a knowledee of the T eraoh for


the pre- an d post-reaction periods.



represents a typical T graph for calorimetric

lags; ti is the time w hen the experiment is started and ti the

time when it end s. How is the tim e tr to be chosen? Now. the

period i f is the reaction period when f t Jmakes aro nt r i -

bution to dT ldr:

f( )

should make no contribution to dTidt

heyond time tf. w he n the temp eratu re is changing rapidly,

clearly f(t) is still makine anon -zero contribution. I t is usual

to take th e t ime corresponding to the turning point a s the

time t i (see Fig. 2). A choice of tf beyond the turnin g point

would he acceptable, hu t an unnecessarily large value of tf

should he avoided since it increases the magnitude of the

correction to th e observed AT.

Th e correction to A T arising from stirring and heat loss is

given by the integral on t he right-side of eq 3.This cannot he

directly evaluated for the reaction period from the corre-

sponding area in the T graph because during this period

f(t) makes a contribut ion to dTl dt and hence to the area.



1. Tvs tfor

infinitely fast reaction wilh thermometric


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Th e evaluation may, however, be effected if we combine our

knowledge of this area for the reaction period with t he char-

acteristics of the T


graph during the pre- and post-

reaction periods, when the contribution of f(t) to dTldt is

zero. T o do this we first define a time t, suc h th at

Th e time t, may be determin ed using th e above property:

I t follows from th e equality of areas tha t

area(M'E) oreo(DD'E)



We now show how the correction to AT during th e reaction

period may be related to the slope aTla t of the T graph

during the pre- and post-reaction periods. With t, defined

thus, i t follows tba t th e integral on the right side of eq



be written

Equatio n 12 follows from eq since a t t ti an d t = t f the

contributions to dTldt come only from stirring and heat

exchange with th e surroundings.

We can now calculate the temperature-rise correction

without an explicit knowledge of or w. If we assume th at

the variation of T with t is approximately linear before t ti

and after t tf, th e slopes of the lines before ti an d after tf

represent (dTld t)t, and (dTldth , As shown in Figure



righ t side of eq 12 becomes -(-ATE') (-D'E) A'E'

D'E. Thu s the corrected temperature rise is represented by


In summary, for this case we do n ot extrapolate to zero

time a s we did for case 1 nstead we extrapolate the pre- and

post-reaction curves to a time t,, which is determin ed hy th e

equal area method.

The re are two common misconceptions with regard t o this

method (6).Th e first is th at t,may he determined by having

area(EM D) area(AE'M). This is not strictly true, and

unless the time period ti i is small the procedure can lead

to error. The strict condition is that area(DDIM)




- - - - ~ - ~

Th e second misconception is tb at the experiment is equiv-

alent to star t ine a t T 'and obtainine an instantaneous r ise


T and th at consequently


s h o i d he calculated for tem-



or T,. This inter~ retar i ons erroneous: ziven the

he at capacities df th e reactants a nd prod ucts we may validly

calculate the enthalpy of reaction a t any desired tempera-


Case 3: Slow Reaction, No Th errnornetrlc or C alorlrnetrlc


If the reaction is slow, bu t becomes sensibly complete at

time tf , then it is possible to distinguish p re-reaction, reac-

tion, and post-reaction periods, and the method for case 2

can be applied. If, however, the reaction does not go to

completion, ex plicit knowledge of w an d will he needed.

Furthermore, the change in extent of reaction must be

known before th e enthalp y of reaction can be calculated.

The case of electrical heating for the determ ination of heat

capacities will fall into this category, and the equal area

metho d for case


is applicable. Very often the tempe rature

rise is linear during the heating period ti f. For this case it

is easily shown th at t,

(t i




Temperature Rise Method

We have seen tha t t, is easily evaluated hy using the equal

area criterion. Many workers determine t, by the use of the


(T, Ti)l (Tf Ti) 0.63


where t, is th e tempe rature at t = t,. Th is met ho d is popu -


2 T ~ J

for infinitely fast reactio n wlth calorimetric lag


Journal of Chemical Education

Figure 3 Tvs tgrap h showing graphical calculation of temperature rlse

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lar because it allows a quicker evaluation of t, th an t he equal

area method.


basis is a s follows.

If there is no he at loss, it is found th at for many reactions

the tem perature in a reacting system follows approximately

an equation of the form

This exponen tial variation of tem pera ture is intuitively rea-

sonable for a first-order reaction where th e concentrations of

reactants and produ cts change exponentially with time. Th e



is negative for exothermic reactions. T he final

temperature (attained strictly only a t time infinity) is Ti

A. Even if there are contributions to dT/dt from heat ex-

change and stirring, eq


would still be approximately valid

if the reaction makes th e dom inan t contribution. Using eqs

10 and 14 it follows tha t

\otY A(=- -1)dt = i:AeCk'dt


In eq 15 we have taken ti to be nd t f to be m; the latter

identification will clearly lead t o a s light error. From eq 1 5

we have


t, =

l l k


Combining eqs 1 4 and 16 gives us eq 13. Equation 13 can be

used to read t, from th e


graph. In a large number of

combustion experiments Dickinson


determined the ratio

in eq 13 to he 0.60.

In view of the many approximations in th e method using

eq 13, it must be used with caution. In many cases its use

does not give equal areas, and in such cases the method is

clearly invalid. Thus, in two examples

8 )

this method of

eettin e t, eives areas whose ratio differs from unitv hv 20%

and 250%. It must be emphasized th at no impo rtanr e aitac h-

es to T, itself: the method iso nl va wav of obtainine the true

temp eriture iise. It would certainly be quite err&eous to

state t ha t th e enth alpy of reaction has t o be calculated a t T,.

In reference


th e heat capacity of the contents is also not

correctly determined. Ramette 2 )uses the 0.63 meth od of

determ ining T, but quiteco rrectly usesan electrical method

to determ ine the heat cap acity of th e calorimeter and react-

ed contents.


Th e accurate determination of the true AT in calorimet-

r ic ex~er imentss imoo rtant since the uercentaee error in

th e ~ ~ l c u l a t e dnthalpy of reaction cannot be less than the

Dercentane error in AT.Two basic methods a re available, the

kxtrapolition to zero time and the equal area method.


careful discussion of the theoretical basis of the meth ods an d

their underlying assum ptions is given so that the reader can

avoid an uncritical application of the two methods.

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Volume 65 Number 2 February 1988 129