CALENDAR DATES - · teacher, Marita Steward, and the Environmental...

Post on 24-Aug-2019

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Last Thursday we conducted our annual “Pink Stumps Day” grudge match between the Staff and a team of Yr 6 children. This is a fun event and both teams were supported by the rest of the school who came out to watch. Having said that, there was a clear bias in the crowd support with the Yr 6 Team certainly being the favourites! Not sure why? Following a hard fought match, the Staff was victorious this year which reverses last year’s result. I would like to acknowledge the great way both teams competed …….. and the massive variation of skill level in the staff team! Thanks to; Anita Kuchta for her passion and enthusiasm in organising this event; to the staff and children for supporting the event by dressing in pink; everyone who donated as we raised over $1000 for the McGrath Foundation which is a mighty effort. A great day all round!


TERM 1 6th & 7th March School Photos 10th March Labour Day Public Holiday – children do not attend school 11th – 14th March Year 6 Camp – Forest Lodge 14th March PFA Welcome Event - 6.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. outside Library 19th March Ride to School Day 20th March School Council Meeting – 7.30 p.m. staffroom 26th March PFA Meeting – Staffroom – 7.30 p.m.

** 1st April Grandparents & Special Friends Day – 11.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. ** 2nd April Science Talent Search discussions begin

4th April Last day of Term 1 – 2.30 p.m. finish

22nd April Term 2 commences


6th March,


Instrumental Music Provision Our Instrumental Music provision is highly valued within our school community and is very much part of the culture of our school. It is a program that is widely acknowledged to be exceptional at the primary level. Shortly, invoices will be sent out to all families involved with this service. This is a little later than normal as we have had some changes to make around timetabling this year. In order that we can continue to provide this program at minimal cost it is crucial that these accounts are paid in advance. Currently our Instrumental Music program is supported by the following personnel: Alyssa Kennedy (Co-ord) Violin, Viola, Cello & Double Bass Chris Dunn Clarinet & Saxophone Ken McDonald Trumpet, Trombone, Concert Band, Junior & Beginner Bands Sarah Green Flute Peter King Guitar Bryn Weightman Drum Kit, Snare Drum Maurice Duband Piano Kaz Sieger Piano & Keyboard

Clean Up Australia Day Last Friday we enthusiastically joined in the local ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ by cleaning our own school grounds and the neighbouring Council Oval. Most classes participated and we were very pleased with how little rubbish we were able to collect. This proves that we are doing a great job each day in keeping our school clean and tidy. In conjunction with this event, many children also entered a colouring and poster competition and all the entries are on display in the Hall. At Monday’s Assembly we announced the winners as: Prep – Grace L Yr 1 – Orlando T

Yr 2 – Luke C Yr 3 – Isaac B

Yr 4 – Celene H Yr 5 – Kristen M We also had an overall winner and congratulations go to the children of 1W who received a Compost Bin courtesy of the Monash City Council. April Williams from the Council is seen here presenting the prize which is now in use in 1W. Our thanks to the Council for their support of Essex Heights Clean Up Day. Thanks to all the children and teachers for supporting this worthwhile environmental initiative. Particular thanks to Yr 5 teacher, Marita Steward, and the Environmental Captains for their role in organising the day.

Every Day Counts

We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school! From 1 March 2014, new laws will mean that parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason. If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please

let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day.

Yr 6 Camp – Forest Lodge Our Yr 6 children and teachers will venture off on Tuesday morning to Forest Lodge camp, out of Yarram in South Gippsland. It is a four day outdoor adventure style camp that offers a range of experiences and activities for the children to enjoy. These types of camps are wonderful as they offer opportunities that are not possible in a normal school setting, as well as building the children’s independence and social skills.

I am travelling down to the camp on Tuesday afternoon to stay overnight and for Wednesday’s activities so will include some stories in next week’s Contact.

Internet Safety: an Ashwood College Presentation I would like to draw your attention to a flyer in this week’s Contact regarding a Parent Information Evening hosted by Ashwood College. It addresses the very important issues surrounding children’s safety online and provides advice for parents as they navigate this potentially difficult area. The presenter is from the ‘Australian Communications and Media Authority’ (ACMA) and it should be a relevant and worthwhile evening. Please register your intention to attend via the attached Return Slip which can be lodged at our Office. If you are unable to attend, I include below an article from my files with some tips for parents on internet and computing safety.

Internet Safety Tips for Primary School Kids Establishing Internet safety rules early sets your kids up for life. Get the basics. Keep your kids safe online When your kids start to interact on the Internet -- playing games, watching YouTube videos, socializing in virtual worlds, getting homework help, and searching on Google -- you may feel that you're losing control over your kids' world. The best way to wrap your arms around your kids' online activities is to spend some time with them while they're visiting their favourite sites. Talk with them about what they like and what they don't. Why Internet safety matters Kids today can go online from so many different sources, including video game consoles, iPhones and smart phones, and even handheld gaming devices. Young people are increasingly living their lives online, and their digital devices are some of their favourite toys and tools. Shouldn’t this new playground be a safe and nice place? With your guidance, it can be. Teaching Internet safety in the primary school years will have lasting rewards for you and your kids. Internet Safety Basics Help your kids understand that they should:

r names, schools, ages, phone numbers, or addresses;

– it may contain viruses that can harm a computer; and

if something mean or creepy happens. Strategies for a responsible -- and safer -- online life

Visit only age-appropriate sites. Check out the site before your kids visit it. Know what features and what content exist and make sure they’re good for your kids.

Search safely. Use safe search settings for young kids or think about applying filtering software to limit inappropriate exposure.

Avoid strangers. Tell your kids that people aren’t always who they say they are in cyberspace. Explain that if someone they don’t know talks to them, they shouldn’t respond but should let you know.

Be a good cyber citizen! Remind kids that an Internet playground is still a playground and they need to play nicely. A good rule of thumb: If they wouldn’t do something in real life, they shouldn’t do it online. Find out how your children can report mean behaviour or unkind content on their favourite sites and teach them how to do it.

Online cheating? It’s still cheating and it’s a no-no – pure and simple.

Keep the computer in a central place. So you can see what’s going on.

Establish expectations and limits about the amount of time your children spend online and what they do.

View your own habits carefully. You are their role models.

But, mostly, be involved and have fun with them! Keeping kids safe and teaching them how to use digital technology responsibly is all about staying involved. Start by showing interest in the sites they visit and the games they play and

your job will be a lot easier when they start exploring these technologies more independently.

See you around the school, Andrew Crossett Principal

PARENTS & FRIENDS ‘NEWS’ Friday 14th March the PFA are organising a welcome event for all the families. There will be a sausage sizzle and drinks for sale or you could bring a picnic, and enjoy a great night with the family. Past students will be our entertainment in a band called unit two, last year they entertained us and were fantastic so we are very excited to be entertained by them again. If weather permits there will also be a jumping castle, but if it is raining we will hold the event in the stadium, more information is attached or you could see more information under notices on the Essex Heights website. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Enjoy your weekend Betty Ciorciari

Bagus kan! Prep–6 Indonesian Incursion

Thursday March 27th Dear Parents,

The children are very excited about our up-coming Indonesian incursion which will showcase the performing arts found throughout the archipelago. It will include TariTawaq (gong dance) from Kalimantan, Pencak Silat (Indonesian martial arts), Tari Piring (the plate dance from Sumatra), Kendang (West Javanese drumming), Tari topeng (mask dance from Central Java), music using the Gamelan instruments and the story of the Ramayana as a shadow puppet performance. The children will also participate in a group dance (Tari Rampak). Parents are most welcome to join us for either performance (12.30 – 1.30 or 2.30 – 3.30) in the school hall. Please check with your child’s classroom teacher as to which session the class is attending, if you wish to go at the same time.

Please ensure permission slips and payment are returned to school by no later than Thursday March 20th

to assist with the organisation of the day.- Thank you Terima Kasih banyak Alex Douros (Bu Douros)

Cross Country Training Cross country training is held on Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:30am. Interested students are to meet on the verge in appropriate running shoes. On Tuesdays Pete Manning, personal trainer to staff and parents at Essex Heights, will be leading the students through a running program using progressive overload to build cardiovascular endurance and speed endurance. All students that are turning/ or have turned 9 or older in 2014 are eligible for selection for the District cross country carnival. Certificates will be awarded to students that attend 10, 15 and 20 sessions. Students that have other commitments at these times are not required to train on that particular day. Yours in sport, Ben Wooster

Internet Safety Parent Presentation

On Wednesday 26th March Ashwood College will host an Internet Safety & Awareness presentation for parents. It will be run by an expert from the Australian Government organisation, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). The presentation will provide valuable information about the risks confronting children online, and offer tools and tips on to help make their internet experiences safe and positive. Some of the topics covered will include:

The ways young people use the internet and emerging technologies.

Potential risks for young people online, such as cyber bullying, illegal content, inappropriate contact, identity theft, grooming and predatory activity.

Tips to help people stay safe on line.

The presentation will be held in the PAC (Performing Arts Centre) – registration 6:15pm for 6.30pm start. This Information session is specifically targeted for an adult audience.

Please RSVP by Friday 21 March using the reply slip below, or call the Essex Heights Primary School General Office to register your attendance.

For further information and resources please refer to the following ACMA website:


Parent Name: ………………………………………………………

Student Star Group: ………………………………………………………

I will be attending the parent presentation on Wednesday 26th March 6.30 pm in the Performing Arts

Centre, Ashwood College.

Number of Adults attending ……………….

Parent Signature ……………………………………………….

Please return to Essex Heights Primary School General Office by Friday 21 March



Science Talent Search

information for 2014 Essex Heights Primary School will soon register for this year’s theme:

‘Food For Our Future, Science feeding the World’. The multiple categories aim to stimulate students in the following ways;

Encourage independent self-motivated project work amongst students of science;

Provide opportunities to communicate their achievements to a wider audience;

Provide opportunities for recognition of effort and achievement in a scientific enterprise;

Promote involvement in processes of science and its communication;

Display primary and post primary student’s work to the public.

The categories students compete in are:

Experimental Research

Creative Writing

Working Models



Computer Games

Posters- Scientific Wallcharts

Science Photography

Video Productions

Entry fees apply Individual- $8.00 per entry Group- $15.00 (max 2 students)

Visit the website - Science Teachers Association of Victoria (STAV) OR see me. Marita Steward Science Talent Search Co-Ordinator

Official discussions to begin Week 9 Term 1 Wed April 2nd.

BASC The program is currently developing its Quality Improvement Plan for 2014. If you have any suggestions in relation to the programs current standing drop us an email or come in and have a chat. Alternatively you can complete a confidential questionnaire outlining the programs operations in relation to the National Standards. This questionnaire can be picked up from the hall at the sign in and out table. Please return it by March 10th to the hall and place in the box marked OSHC SURVEY 2014. The questionnaire will only take 5 mins. The program relies on your support and feedback. The program invites parents to spend time with their children at the program. Come along for an afternoon tea or play a game with your child and their friends. We have already had several parents spend some time with us and we encourage you to visit our program. Your families support is essential to the programs development. Thank You Paul Davis

DON’T FORGET - Please report to Front Office to sign the Visitor’s Book and

get a label before proceeding to the Canteen

FRIDAY 7th March 10.00 a.m.

Christine Gunawan, Robyn Perkin, Polly Chiu

MONDAY 10th March 11.00 a.m.

Public Holiday. No school for students

WEDNESDAY 12th March 10.15 a.m.

Amanda Kelsall, Lauren Beechey, Chinthana Wijeweera

FRIDAY 14th March 10.00 a.m.

Helen Giakoumatos, Maggie Ni, Malinda Zhu

Family Welcome Picnic

Essex Heights PS Friday 14th March 2014 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

SAUSAGE SIZZLE $2 and Drinks $1 will be available

OR BYO everything - Food, Drink, Family & Friends.

Outside the Library on the courtyard, or in the Stadium if raining.

Entertainment: unit two

Jumping Castle as well (if weather permits)

Bring balls and games for the kids.


For Catering purposes, can you please indicate if you are attending. YES NO MAYBE (please circle) Number attending: ________

Grandparents & Special Friends Day

Tuesday 1st April, 2014

Dear Grandparents & Special Friends,

We are planning a concert and picnic lunch for Tuesday 1st April.

from 11.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

This will be a great opportunity to visit your grandchildren at school, see their classroom and school

and enjoy a picnic lunch in the school grounds.

The program for the day will be:

11:30 am – meet in The Stadium for a ‘Welcome Assembly’ & Concert

12:15 pm – visit classrooms with your grandchildren

1:00 pm – meet in the school grounds to share a picnic lunch (BYO – chairs, picnic rug and


Concert & Picnic time




MARCH 2014





PFA AGM – 7.30 pm School Photos School Photos

Labour Day

Public Holiday

Yr 6 Camp Yr 6 Camp Yr 6 Camp Yr 6 Camp

PFA Welcome


Ride to School Day School Council


PFA meeting

APRIL 2014

Grandparents &

Special Friends Day

Science Talent

Search disc.

Last day Term 1

2.30 finish

School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays

School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays

School Holidays Term 2 commences

Anzac Day

Public Holiday