Call for Nominations to RPNAS Council for Nominations to RPNAS Council ... us is the...

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ewsRegistered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan

Regular Features:

President’s Pen 2

ED’s Update 4

Registrar’s Review 6

Health EventsCalendar




Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Partnering with People Winter 2009/2010


RPN Foundation 3Psychiatric Nursing is a Wonderful Career


Slogan Contest Winner 4Branch News 8

2010 AGM 8RPN Awards 9Call for Resolutions 10

Inside This Issue:

Call for Nominations to RPNAS Council

The Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association is searching for strong leaders as the Associa-tion tackles some difficult issues. The Nominations Committee is seeking such people as candi-dates for nominations and election to the RPNAS Council.

Three Members-at-Large positions are open for nominations.

Terms of office begin after the 2010 Annual Meeting. Member-at-Large positions are for two years.

Nominees must be active practising members of the RPNAS, who are available to commit to at-tending four Council meeting and the Annual Meeting each year (approximately eight days), as well as Council committee meetings. Individuals will also be asked from time to time to attend various functions to represent the RPNAS.

For nominations forms, please contact the RPNAS office at:Phone: 306-586-4617 Email: or visit the Website:

Deadline for nominations is March 31, 2010.

RPNAS Central Office Hours Sept. 1-June 30 0830-1630 July 1-Aug. 31 0830-1600

Closed noon Dec. 24, 2010 through Jan. 3 , 2011 and Statutory Holidays

President’s Pen

By Mary K Renwick, RPN

I hope everyone had a meaningful Christmas without too much stress and mayhem. It is hard to believe that ten years have passed since the world was engulfed in Y2K; much has happened in the past decade. Most important for us is the re-establishment of the psy-chiatric nursing program. I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet with some of the students, and I hope things are going well for all of them. At council we have been busy with the ongo-ing business of the asso-ciation as well as focusing on the future.

Part of the RPNAS man-date is to advocate for the needs of the mentally ill and developmentally chal-lenged in Saskatchewan. With this in mind, in early January the RPNAS Ex-ecutive Director, Past President, Reg-istrar and I met with the Honorable Don McMorris, Minister of Health, to discuss some of our concerns about the mental health services in our province. We presented him with the recently completed Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan: White Paper 2009, which you can find to read on our website. The RPNAS: White Paper 2009 reveals the need for

change and clearly outlines the Reg-istered Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner (RPNP) as both cost effective and ef-ficient in addressing increasing mental health needs. The meeting was positive in that the minister heard our concerns and offered a commitment to having a representative appointed to our RPNP committee; however he did caution us of the province’s current financial re-straint. The other concerns we raised included additional seats for psychi-atric nursing students, professional opportunities for RPNs, a psychiatric nursing degree, and involvement in the province’s Mental Health Strategy. As RPNs we need to continue to advocate for mental health services to be given the same attention as other areas of health care. It is our responsibility not to be part of the conspiracy of silence regarding mental health care in this province.

Over the last decade we have seen a shift to more public awareness of men-

tal health. In 2006 the Sen-ate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, head-ed by Senator Michael Kirby, produced a report that examined the men-tal health services across

Canada. The report highlighted the need to change the system and address the stigmatization of mental illnesses. Subsequently, the federal government created the Mental Health Commis-sion who, in November 2009, released Toward Recovery & Well-Being: A Framework for a Mental Health Strat-egy for Canada. In this document the Commission outlines seven goals to-ward a strategy for “achieving the best possible mental health and well-being for everyone”. As RPNs, I don’t think the content of this document will be unfamiliar. In fact I believe it validates

Page 2 Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan

Continued a

Winter 2009/2010

The Registered Psychiatric Nurses Associa-tion is the regulatory body for the province’s 1,000 RPNs.

RPNAS distributes this newsletter to each of its practicing, non-practicing and student members. RPNews is published four times per year. Please contact the office for sub-mission deadlines.

Publication Agreement #40017796

RPNAS COUNCIL: President: Mary K Renwick, RPN 778-5267President-Elect:Shirley Bedford, RPN 228-7736Members-at-Large:Penni Caron, RPN 231-5769Brenda Francis, RPN 655-4900Don Froese, RPN 931-6172Edmée Korsberg, RPN 365-1422Marion Palidwor, RPN 446-6042Tamara Quine, RPN 766-4323Pam Watt, RPN 665-6392Public Representative:Tyler LeCouffe 526-8044

RPNAS STAFFExecutive Director:Robert Allen, RPN rallen@rpnas.comRegistrar:Candace Alston, RPN calston@rpnas.comOffice Manager:Shayna Murray scoward@rpnas.comAdministrative AssistantCarla Needham

RPNAS2055 Lorne StreetRegina, SK S4P 2M4Phone: 306-586-4617Fax: 306-586-6000E-mail: rpnas@rpnas.comWebsite:

“It is our responsibil-ity not to be part of the conspiracy of silence regarding mental health care in this province.”

Winter 2009/2010 Page 3

the work we strive to do every day. I encourage you to read it, mindful of how we can approach our work with renewed energy and determination, and feel affirmed about promoting mental health wherever we find our-selves whether on the frontline or at management and leadership tables where plans and policies shape our institutions. The commission wants to create a social movement, and our time has come to speak out and take action as RPNs.

We need to continually challenge ourselves ensuring that we stay con-nected to our purpose and in sync with the times and current develop-

ments. I was fortunate to attend the Canadian Federation Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN) conference in Halifax last fall. This conference was very well attended and featured great nursing work across the coun-try in mental health. Although most of the presentations focused on de-velopments in the eastern provinces a few RPNs from the west present-ed too. I left the conference feeling good about mental health nursing across both disciplines, however, I especially felt proud of being an RPN and of the distinctiveness of our profession.

Finally, as council and part of the

strategic plan we want continue to build on the partnerships within our association. So please take stock of where we as Registered Psychi-atric Nurses have been and where you think we should go in the years ahead. We are a grassroots associa-tion that relies on membership in-volvement and input. Council wants to hear your ideas, thoughts and feel-ings about the issues that affect you. We hope to meet with the branches in the next year. When you receive the invitation please take the oppor-tunity to come out and meet with us.

Take a moment and imagine something new….different….and full of possibilities. Think of an RPNAS Psychiatric Nursing Foundation. In recent years this concept has surfaced on several occasions. Per-haps it is time to look closer and bring it into fruition.

Establishing a foundation, a non-government, non-profit organization managed by trustees or directors, will allow us to accept donations and raise funds towards maintaining and supporting research, edu-cational, and charitable activities.

Council is looking for RPNs who have the vision, energy and determination to take the lead with this idea. We think it is worthwhile and can enhance our profession but it is beyond the function of RPNAS council or staff. If you think this is something you would be interested in please give the office a call.

Contributions to the newsletter are always welcome. All RPNAS members are in-vited to submit items, information, ideas and commentaries and opinions to Cen-tral Office.

The association reserves the right to select editorial material and edit content.

Send submissions by mail, fax (306-586-6000) or email (

Page 4 Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan

Executive Director’s UpdateBy Robert Allen, RPN

Once again I am challenged to re-port on the numerous changes and work that is taking place in health care and mental health in particu-lar.

The association has released our White Paper 2009 and met with the Minister of Health prior to releas-ing it. The Council committee on the RPNP (Registered Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner) continues to work on this initiative. The report is available on our website and I encourage you to read it.

Patient First and patient safety ac-tivities are currently on the agenda and hopefully will continue to oc-cupy our time. As RPNs, we have always believed in patient centered care and we are so pleased to be a part of new initiatives and under-takings to define, refine and deliver care that is truly patient centered. At the same time, we have a responsi-bility to draw focus to mental health care and all the unmet needs that exist in this area, and ensure that mental health does not continue to be an afterthought or oversight in the planning and developments that occur.

The RPNAS works on a local, pro-

vincial, national and international level through our partnerships and collaborations within our profession, the larger discipline of nursing and all of the organizations that make up the health care environment. A small organization can have impact when work is done in partnerships and collaboration. We are involved in many external committees and organizations which are compat-ible with our mission and goals and have endeavored to raise the profile of our profession in the process.

There is an urgent need for more seats in psychiatric nursing educa-tion if we are going to sustain the number of members required to meet the needs of the public. The recent CIHI report has highlight-ed the fact that we are the “old-est” nursing profession in terms of membership age. We welcome the upcoming review of nursing needs that will be undertaken by govern-ment and are hopeful that change

will occur.

The RPNAS supports the estab-lishment of a degree program in psychiatric nursing in the province. Students would not have to leave Saskatchewan to obtain their de-sired education. The masters de-gree program in psychiatric nursing in Manitoba should be a reality soon and the number of RPN education programs outside of Saskatchewan is growing. While this bodes very well for the profession it means that Saskatchewan is falling behind in leadership. Saskatchewan people have always taken pride in being leaders.

I would like to highlight the follow-ing:

The World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses in Vancouver March 2010 - Plan on at-tending this wonderful event.

The Canadian Alliance on Men-tal Illness and Mental health was incorporated in February 2010 - The Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Canada is one of eighteen national organiza-tions that form this very important organization.

Our AGM this year will be held in Regina on June 11th.

New Slogan for the RPNAS

We recently held a contest to find a new slogan for the RPNAS. Members were asked to submit their ideas for a chance to win a free registration to the 2010 World Congress or the 2010 RPNAS Annual Meeting and Education Day.

We had some very good and creative submissions from our membership and at the last Council Meeting a new slogan was picked from the submissions.

Congratulations to Carleen Desautels for her winning submission:

Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Partnering with People

“A small organization can have impact when work is done in partnerships and


Winter 2009/2010 Page 5

“Psychiatric nursing is a wonderful career”, states Yvonne Mohagen, RPN of Swift Current. Yvonne began her 3 year Psychiatric Nursing education at Sask. Hos-pital in Weyburn in 1960. The Weyburn facility was a familiar environment to the young nursing student as her father, Clem Cascagnette, was also a psychiatric nurse at the facility. Clem had worked in different positions at the facility for 42 ½ years and is also remembered as the first RPN president in Weyburn. Yvonne’s childhood encounters with the facility include accompanying her father with piano playing on weekends.

Yvonne earned $134 monthly as a student nurse at the large institution. The 1600 bed facility was like a “community within the community” for the closely knit staff . “There was a TB sanitarium, a farm, doctors’ housing and the hospital”, Yvonne recalls. Patients were involved in occupational therapy as well as the farm work, property maintenance and working in the doctors’ homes. Yvonne states “dance duty on Friday nights was always a fun part of the job”.

Yvonne graduated as a psychiatric nurse in1963 with her classmates and many “life long friends” one of whom is Jim Mohagen, her husband of 47 years. Yvonne and Jim worked in Weyburn until 1968 at which time they moved to Swift Current with their 2 young children. Yvonne wrote her Provincial Psychiatric Nursing registration exams in 1967.

Yvonne enjoys the psychiatric nursing profession as it has “numerous ways to branch out” and provides variety. After the move to Swift Current, she was hired as a casual staff nurse at the Swift Current Care Center starting at the hourly rate of $1.25. Yvonne’s motivation and leadership lead her to become the Director of Nursing for 15 years at the private care center. In 1987, Yvonne had another career change and worked part-time on the acute mental health ward and part-time at a medical clinic. In 1992 Yvonne started full-time on the Mental Health Ward until 2009.

“Remarkable” changes in mental health have been witnessed by Yvonne. The most significant change was the movement away from the large institutions and moving patients into the communities. “Great strides” have been made by communities to enable those diagnosed with a mental illness to be productive and connect with their families and local communities. Modern medications and treatment approaches have also made a substantial dif-ference. Thirdly, education has changed and become instrumental in raising an understanding of Mental Illness and the fact that “it can hit anyone”. The most recent change Yvonne has been involved with was the move into the new Cypress Regional Hospital with an updated, brighter mental health ward. “It’s a real love, it’s pleasant on the eye and nice for patients which is important for healing”.

An identified challenge for Yvonne throughout her career has been observing patients financially underprivileged in our society. In her opinion, mental health needs to be taken off the back burner and become more of a priority.

Yvonne identifies her colleagues as one of the primary highlights of her career, stating she “has worked with won-derful people” and “admired many”. Yvonne has enthusiastically shared her professional knowledge with many students over the years. She says “students need to know they are appreciated and potentially wonderful nurses. They are so fun as they are full of interest and life. In this business we have to make time for fun, we all need fun as it motivates.”

Yvonne is a gifted Psychiatric Nurse whose calming presence, compassion and common sense approach has touched many troubled hearts and minds. Her strong skills, blended with her understanding and love for people, have given her the ability to connect with anybody instantly. Truly, she has made a difference in countless lives.


On behalf of her colleagues,Written and submitted by Vivian Schellenberg, RPN

Page 6 Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan

Registrar’s ReviewCandace Alston, RPN

Where does the time go? It has been three years since I started in this posi-tion. Much has been accomplished and yet there seems to be so much more to do.

The Mental Health Commission launched “Toward Recovery and Well-Being, A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy” at their conference in December.

In addition to the launch, they showcased some innovative projects which are being funded by their re-sources. It was a good networking opportunity for the RPNs from Saskatchewan who attended to network with 700 delegates from across the country.

Speaking of networking opportunities, once again we are anticipating a fabulous World Congress for Psy-chiatric Nurses in BC this year. The plans are complete and from the look of the website they have done an excellent job of putting together a conference that has something for RPNs in all domains of practice. It is a great opportunity to fulfill your CPD credits requirements while networking with RPNs from across Canada and throughout the world. I am looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and classmates. The Special Education Fund is available to assist RPNs financially if they wish to attend. Please contact the office for the application package.

The education program is well under way. The first class will graduate in December. It seems like only yesterday when we were waiting with baited breathe for the program to start. I am optimistic that by this time next year all of these students will be working as RPNs in agencies throughout the province.

The Registration Renewal Process was once again completed without any problems. I would like to offer my heart felt thanks once again to Shayna and Carla for all of their hard work. They facilitate the registration process and they have my utmost respect for their ability to make it look so easy.

Mental Health is finally getting the attention it deserves and it is the opportunity of a life time for each and every one of us to advocate for change.

CPD and Hours of Practice Audits

You may have received notification in the mail that you were selected for a Continuing Professional Development or Hours of Practice audit. What do you need to do? If you were selected for the CPD audit, please complete the forms that were included with your letter and return to the office. If you were selected for the hours of practice audit you do not need to do anything, a letter was sent directly to your employer asking them to verify your hours of practice for 2009.

The selection process for both audits is random. Each year 25 members are randomly pulled from the database to complete each audit.

If you have any questions or concerns about the audits, please feel free to contact the office.

Winter 2009/2010 Page 7


MarchtHelp Fight Liver Disease Month t Colorectal Cancer Awareness MonthtNational Epilepsy Month t National Kidney MonthtNational Nutrition Month t Red Cross MonthtBrain Awareness Week Mar. 15-21 t International Women's Day Mar. 8tWorld Glaucoma Day Mar. 12 t World Tuberculosis Day Mar. 24

ApriltNational Cancer Month t Oral Health MonthtIBS Awareness Month t Parkinson Awareness MonthtImmunization Awareness Week Apr. 24-May 1 t Organ & Tissue Donor Awareness Week Apr. 18-25tWorld Health Day Apr. 7 t International Hemophilia Day Apr. 17tEarth Day Apr. 22 t National Day of Mourning Apr. 28

MaytCystic Fibrosis Month t Hepatitis Awareness MonthtFoot Health Awareness Month t Huntington's Disease Awareness MonthtMedic Alert Month t Multiple Sclerosis Awareness MonthtSpeech & Hearing Awareness Month t National Summer Safety Week May 1-7tSpinal Health Week May 1-7 t National Mental Health Week May 3 - 9tOccupational Safety & Health Week May 3-9 t National Hospice Palliate Care Week May 2-8tNational Nursing Week May 11-17 t National Road Safety Week May 11-17tAboriginal Awareness Week May 25-28 t World Asthma Day May 5tWorld Red Cross Day May 8 t WHO, Move for Health Day May 10tRPN Day May 10 t International Nursing Day May 12

Have you moved?

If you have recently changed your home address please contact the office to let us know. You may call, write, fax or email ( Please include your name, registration number, previous address and your new ad-dress.

Page 8 Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan

2010 Annual Meeting and Education Day

The RPNAS 2010 Annual Meeting and Education Day will be held on June 11th in Regina.

The keynote speaker for the Education Day is Amy K. Long. Amy is a person who received several diagnosis while in the mental health system years ago. She refused to be seen through those labels and fought to regain her voice and take charge of her healing journey. She is herself a survivor of the mental health system and personal trauma and firmly believes that the “healer lies within” each of us. Amy believes they tried to order her day, and give her life meaning with “day structure”, but she assures us that her life needed much more, and that by struggling to regain her sense of confi-dence and dignity she was able to hold on to and not lose her spirit!

Amy has worked as a Psychiatric Nurse for the past 25 years in both community mental health set-tings and on inpatient units. Today she is an Educator/Trainer for the National Empowerment Center and works part-time as the Assistant Director of Riverside Career Services, a Supported Employ-ment Program. She is one of the founders of Bridges of Hope, a supportive network for Consumers working as Providers. More recently Amy has been trained by Pat Deegan to conduct workshops in CommonGround: Recovery Oriented Practice.

Amy will be doing a presentation on Professional Boundaries.

More information and registration forms for the AGM will be sent to members soon.

Branch NewsNorth BattlefordSubmitted by Marion Palidwor, President, North Battleford Branch

The North Battleford Branch of the RPNAS has taken on another project. We have decided that our community would benefit from knowing who we are and what we do so we have decided on an Awards Banquet to recognize person(s)/businesses in our community that make a positive im-pact on the lives of people with mental illness. We are calling the Award(s) “Champions of Mental Health” and have the date of May 8, 2010 set aside for our gala. This date was also chosen to kick off Mental Health Awareness Week. We are hopeful that this project will become an annual event, and as it grows we will include other areas in our health authority and then perhaps also in-clude the addictions component to the mix. Our intent is to start small and then grow our gala and volunteer pool. For this year we have decided on five categories of awards to be presented. Our committee decided that these categories would not be static that we would have the opportunity to decide yearly on where the awards went. So far we have chosen the venue for the gala, the menu, the guest speaker and cost per ticket. We have a lot of work ahead of us yet and the core planning committee is certainly looking for volunteers from our branch. We invite you all to attend but I would suggest getting a ticket soon as we are thinking they will go quickly.

We are hoping to see you all there. For more information contact me at

Winter 2009/2010 Page 9

Acknowledging the Important Contributions of RPNs

Intent of the Award1. To acknowledge contributions of RPNs to the profession in specific areas of the profes- sion and community service.2. To provide public recognition which will enhance the image of the profession.3. To inform the public of services and contributions made by RPNs.

EligibilityThe nominee, nominator and seconder must be members in good standing (active practicing or non-practicing status) with the RPNAS.

CriteriaRPN’s who have contributed to the profession in one or more of the following ways:1. Promoted awareness of mental health and human service issues.2. Contributed in other areas deemed appropriate by nominator, seconder.3. Demonstrated leadership within an area of service delivery.4. Contributed to the furtherance of Association goals, objectives and activities.5. Demonstrated leadership within the professional association.6. Developed and/or implemented innovative programs.7. Written and published major papers articles, books or pamphlets that benefit the profession, clients, health care workers and-or the general public.

For nomination forms and criteria visit, call Shayna at 306-586-4617 or email .

The deadline for receipt of all nominations for RPN Awards is March 30, 2010.

Open Forum Discussion

An opportunity will be provided for members to raise issues of concern through an Open Forum at the Annual Meeting June 11, 2010.

Specific time will be set aside for members to bring forward items of concern or interest affecting the profession and/or the general membership. Members are invited to submit items for discus-sion prior to the meeting to ensure sufficient time is planned in the agenda.

Items raised from the floor will be dealt with at the discretion of the chairperson, after written sub-missions are discussed and considered, and will be subject to the time limit identified in the rules of order.

An application for Discussion Request is available from Central Office and must be returned no later than May 1, 2010.

The RPNAS is calling for nominations for the RPN Award. This award is presented to Registered Psychiatric Nurses nominated by their peers and selected by a selection committee.

Page 10 Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan

Call for Resolutions for the Annual Meeting

Resolutions to the Annual Meeting can be submitted by Council, Branches, a group of practicing members or an individual practicing member. Resolutions submitted from meetings must be accompanied by a motion of endorsement at the meeting.

The submission of resolutions to the Annual Meeting represents one of the most important avenues for direct input available to the membership. Resolutions provide the opportunity for the membership to give specific direction to the Council to act on a matter of significance.

The subject of a resolution must be within the jurisdiction of the RPNAS. Resolutions can relate to psychiatric nursing practice, education, administration, research, the profession or the health care system. A resolution can be declared out of order if there is conflict with the law, The Act, Bylaws and regulations, standing rules of order, or it if concerns matters already under study.

To submit a resolution, please complete the form below. Be sure to identify the issue and provide any back-ground information. Contact the Executive Director for advice regarding whether the resolution is within the objectives and jurisdiction of the RPNAS.

The “whereas” for the resolution should provide a logical rationale for the requested action. The “Be it re-solved” clause should be worded so that it can stand alone, without requiring the “whereas”. This clause should state who is to take the action, what the action is to be and to whom the action is directed. Supporting data and rationale, including anticipated actions and costs, should be attached to the resolution and appropri-ate sections of The Act and Bylaws should be cited. The name and phone number of the mover and second-er should be included at the bottom of the page

The deadline for resolutions is March 31, 2010. Submit resolutions to: Chair, Legislative Committee, 2055 Lorne St., Regina SK S4P 2M4.

Resolution for Annual Meeting 2010

Date: Submitted by:


Phone: Signature:



Therefore be it resolved that RPNAS:


Moved by: Seconded by:

Phone: Phone:

Winter 2009/2010 Page 11


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SIAST’s Nursing Division’s teamof 220 nationally recognizedfaculty and staff deliver 16innovative and award-winningprograms to more than 3,000students annually–on campus,in the community and online.

Visit for acomplete listing of nursingeducation programs offered by SIAST.

National Nursing Week May 10th - 16th Nursing: You Can’t Live Without It!

RPN Day May 10th


SAHO 2010 Conference & ExhibitionApril 13-14, 2010

Evraz Place, ReginaQueensbury Convention Centre

Join health care leaders from across the province and around the country for the 2010 SAHO annual confer-ence and exhibition.

Everyone is welcome at Saskatchewan’s largest commercial health care exhibition. You don’t need to reg-ister for the SAHO conference to attend. Enjoy browsing through displays featuring health care products, services and initiatives, professional consulting and educational services, and more. The exhibition is open to the public and is free of charge.

Visit for more information and to register

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July 16-20, 2010 Vancouver BC

An interdisciplinary conference devoted to improving children’s lives by making cutting-edge research in neuroscience, child psychology and medicine understandable and applicable to those who work with chil-dren on a daily basis.

For more information please visit

RPNC World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses.

Join us in Vancouver March 18th, 19th and 20th 2010 at the Westin Bayshore as we celebrate this unique ex-perience for growth and understanding. Be part of “Building Global Connections in Psychiatric Nursing.”

RPNC and the CRPNBC proudly join in inviting you to the 2010 World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses in Van-couver, British Columbia.

Immediately following the 2010 Winter Olympics and just in time for the closing ceremonies of the Paralympic Games, come to Vancouver to experience the excitement and vibrancy of this beautiful city and all it has to of-fer. Be part of our celebration of Psychiatric Nursing - a unique experience for growth and understanding with our mental health community from around the globe.

Please visit for more information.