Cam samc draft 2

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Assignment 3: CAM SAMC

Noor Naoum, 12 Stephen

Camera shots

Establishing shotWide shotLong shotMid/Medium shotClose up shotExtreme close up shotPOV (Point of view)Over the shoulder shotTwo shotOverhead shot

Establishing shot

• Establishes the scene and shows its setting it could be taken from long distances and a wide shot.

Wide shot

A wide shot is a large amount of information which could be similar to a panoramic shot. Establishing shots could most of the time be wide shots.

Long shot

Portraying the persons whole body is a long shot.

Mid/Medium shot

Portrays the characters body either from the torso or above or the torso and below.

Close up

Framing a subject or a person on a particular part of an object or body closely.

Extreme Close Up

Extreme Close Up is a shot that is so tight and close that only the small detail could be seen in the object such as the middle of the eye.

POV (point of view)

Shows the persons point of view in the image. E.g. Hands are showing whilst riding a bike and filming. So this portrays the photographers point of view.

Over The Shoulder Shot

This shot is taken from the back of someone’s shoulder. The person who is opposite occupies 1/3 part of the image because they are the main focus.

Two Shot

A two shot camera angle contains two people in the same scene. These two characters could be having a conversation or even arguing.

Overhead shot

An overhead shot is from a birds eye view where the camera is positioned above a person or an object.

Camera Angles

HighLow Canted/Oblique


A high angle shot is usually taken from above. In movies or pictures the high shot represents that object as being vulnerable, innocent and small.


A low angled shot is a shot positioned vertically on the ground and is tilted upwards. This makes the object/person appear bigger which shows it is either powerful or large.


Canted/Oblique makes the image appear to be slightly tilted so this can confuse the audience.

Camera Movement

PanTiltTrackZoomReverse zoomDolly


A source of panorama is used to capture the whole scene so the camera movement is coordinated with the movement of the body


When the camera either comes vertically from bottom to top or from top to bottom to expose more information either about an object or a person.


Track is moving the camera very smoothly and it’s a side to side movement without a pivot following the object or person.


When the camera zooms in towards the person or the object showing greater detail.

Reverse Zoom

Reverse zoom is in opposition to zooming in. reverse zoom is mainly known as ‘zoom out’ which gradually zooms out of a detailed object or a person.


• Whilst the camera zooms in and out it was moving around steadily and placed on a tripod.

Composition Symmetry balance/ Asymmetry balanceRule of thirds Shallow focusDeep focusFocus pulls

Symmetry Balance

Symmetry is when both sides are symmetrically equal. This building is equal because both sides of it are the same.


When the two sides are not equally symmetrical. (they don’t look the same) this is called asymmetry. In filming this is usually chaotic scenes, disorder either a person or an object.

Rule Of ThirdsRule of thirds is an image divided into 9 boxes with equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines this portrays that most of the image is on an equal line.

Shallow Focus

• A shallow focus mainly focuses on the object and blurs the rest of the is slightly a small depth of field

Deep focus

Everything has an importance in this picture because everything is focused.

Focus Pulls

Focus pulls maintains image sharpness in order for the image to stand out