Cam samc powerpoint media

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Cam Samc Media.


By Gabriella ,Ewelina and Nikol

CAM Shots

Establishing Shot – Shows you where the scene is set.

Purpose : to establish a location and give the viewer a rough idea of where the scene is set.

Establishing Shot

Long and wide Shots

Long ShotA shot that depicts an entire character or object from head to foot. Not as long as an establishing shot.  Purpose: This allows the viewer to understand the relationship between the characters and their environment. Wide Shot : Shows

you more information about a event or a object.

Purpose: To allow the viewer to see more detail/

Mid/Medium ShotMedium ShotThis shows half of the body. The shot is taken from above the head to just below the waist. Purpose: This allows you to get to know the character more closely by viewing their facial expressions and body language. 

Close up and Extreme close up shot

Close UpThis is a shot taken of a person’s head from just above the head to the top of the upper chest. It can also be used to film an object at close range. It contains little or no background. Purpose: This used to introduce a character and allows the character to show emotions. It can be used to heighten tension.

Extreme close up shotThis is a very close shot showing the detail of an object or the physical features of a person. Purpose: To make the viewer aware of some specific detail in the film. It can be used to heighten tension.

POV (Point of view)

POV shotA shot that depicts the point of view of a character so that we see exactly what they see. Often used in Horror cinema to see the world through a killer's eyes. Purpose:To feel as if you are the character and to experience the same thing as them.

Two Shot

Two-ShotA medium shot that depicts two people in the frame.

Purpose: To show the relationship between two people.

Overhead and over the shoulder shots

Overhead shotThe camera is placed overhead or directly above the object or scene. Purpose: Characters and objects are made to look small and vulnerable. A character or object could be followed at a different speed or pace. Over-The-Shoulder ShotA shot where the camera is positioned behind one subject's shoulder, usually during a conversation. It implies a connection between the speakers as opposed to the single shot that suggests distance.

Purpose:To show dominance for example, the person that is taking up most of the screen is the dominant one.

CAM Angles

High ,Low and Canted/ObliqueHigh Angle ShotThe camera is placed above and looks down on the subject or object.Purpose:It is used to make the character look small and also indicate that the character is weak or inferior.

Low Angle ShotThe camera is placed looking up on the subject or object.Purpose: It is used to make the character look big and indicates that the character is powerful and dominant.

Canted / obliqueCamera angle which makes the shot seem tilted.

CAM MovementPan

Panning (movement)A shot where the camera moves continuously right to left or left to right. Purpose:It is often used in the opening scene of a movie or can be used to show the landscape from the view of the characters. 


Tilt (movement)A shot where the camera moves continuously Up to Down or Down To Up Purpose: It is used to show the character from head to toe and can emphasize size. It can also indicate speed and reaction.


Tracking (movement)The camera moves along with the actors or the action. The camera is usually on wheels. Purpose: It engages the viewer in the action where they can feel part of it.

Zoom and reverse zoom

Zoom and Reverse zoomThe camera moves towards or away from a particular object. Purpose: It is used to make objects appear closer or further away.


Dolly (movement)The camera moves towards or away from the character. The camera is often placed on wheels to allow for a smooth movement. Purpose: It allows you to follow the characters or the action, from one place to another.


Shallow focus and Deep focusShallow focus (composition)The opposite of deep focus, where the depth of field is smaller keeping only one plane in sharp focus.

Deep Focus (composition)A shot that keeps the foreground, middle ground and background ALL in sharp focus.

Symmetry and Asymmetry

Asymmetry – The opposite of symmetrical, when a photo is asymetrical on both sides – shows disorder.Purpose : used to show lack of symmetry, or unevenness, to create visual interest, tension and movement.

Symmety – When the shot is equally symmetrical or balanced on both sides – shows order.Purpose : To show peace , order and can represent perfection.

The rule of thirds (composition)

Is a concept in video and film production in which the frame is divided into into nine imaginary sections.. This creates reference points which act as guides for framing the image

Balance and Rule of thirdsBalance

The way we carefully place objects or subjects in a frame to show balance.Eg. Putting colours that look well together into a frame.

Focus pulls

Focus Pulls : Changes focus during a shot. Usually means adjusting to focus on something/ someone in particular.Purpose : To outline the importance of something/ someone/