Camden Sound Submission

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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Submission about Camden Sound on the Kimberley coast.



Submission to Marine Policy BranchDepartment of Environment and ConservationOn The Indicative Management PlanFor the proposed


Kimberley Whale Watching


The proposed Camden Sound Marine Park is a welcome step towards recognizing the unique biodiversity of the Kimberley coast and providing a mechanism to bring parts of the Kimberley coast under joint management with Traditional Owners.

The proposed boundaries and zoning for the marine park needs careful consideration if the marine park is to provide real protection for the marine environment and migrating Humpback whales.

An ecosystem approach to the management of the Kimberley coast is the best way to ensure adequate protection. The proposed boundaries fall short of providing protection for ecologically important areas such as Talbot Bay, Dugong Bay, Collier Bay, Secure Bay, the Walcott Inlett, Doubtful Bay and George Water. Other areas that have been excluded are the Lacepede Islands and Adele Island, both critical habitats for turtles and large colonies of sea birds.

The exclusion of these areas sends a clear message that the State Government is providing certainty for the oil and gas and mining industries that these areas are open for business.

The Kimberley coast is still one of the few globally significant ecologies that could provide an uncontaminated reference site where global climate change effects can be separated from those of pollution and our exploitation. The Kimberley Plateau is linked through eleven major rivers to the Buccaneer Archipelago. The Archipelago is connected by the tidal currents that are created by the huge 10 meter tides. The tidal currents connect the inshore Kimberley tidal region with the offshore atolls and oceanic waters.

Protection of unique marine environments like the proposed Camden Sound Marine Park can only be achieved by addressing key management issues within the park and the rangelands and rivers that feed into the Buccaneer Archipelago and St George Basin, and by ensuring that major threats to the marine environment from the oil and gas industry such as the Montara well blow-out are never allowed to happen again.


1) Proposed Special Purpose Zone (Whale Conservation)

The whale conservation zone should be extended to include the Western shoals and Hall Point general use zone. High concentrations of whales are found through both of these areas. The Kimberley coastal region between Broome and the northern end of Camden Sound in both state and federal waters has been recognized as critical habitat for the Breeding Stock D population of whales. The conditions proposed for the whale conservation area should be extended to all of these areas if real protection is to be achieved.

The proposed Montgomery Reef Sanctuary zone should be extended to include the proposed special purpose wilderness fishing zone that surrounds the reef. The wilderness fishing zone is the area of highest biodiversity and is a congragation zone for fish, turtles and dugong at low tide. Traditional owners should be the only group allowed to fish in this area.

2). General Use Zone

Oil and gas exploration and development, drift net fishing and trawling should be excluded from the general use zone.

There is a real concern that the proposed General Use Zone at Hall Point has been set aside for the development of an industrial port to enable Fortescue Metals to explore and mine their adjoining tenements. The establishment of an industrial port in the proposed marine park and in the middle of an internationally recognized whale calving ground is untenable.


The St George Basin and the Prince Regent River is a unique area in the proposed marine park. The Prince Regent River should be considered as an no-take zone for fishing. Charter boats could be allowed to use lures with barbless hooks for catch and release. The river is an important habitat for Snub-fin dolphins. The river should be closed to the Barramundi gillnet fishery.


1) That DEC and the WA State Government together with the Federal Government provide real protection for the Breeding Stock D Humpback Whales between Broome and Camden Sound in both state and federal waters.

2) That DEC and the State Government consider protecting the Lacepede Islands, Adele Island, Collier Bay, Secure Bay, Talbot Bay, Dugong Bay, the Walcott Inlet, Doubtful Bay and George Water. This should be a matter of highest priority.

Hall Point, Camden Sound

Humpback whale feeding behaviour off Hall Point in Camden Sound

Montgomery Reef

Whale feeding in front of Raft Point, Doubtful Bay

Image courtesy Matt Hickman, Kimberley Quest