Camera angles and shots

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Camera angle and Shots

The night shots will be shot with night vision on the camera, but if the night vision isn’t clear as the cameras are old I will attach a torch to the top of it to give a clear picture

Night-time filming

Daytime filming

Daytime filming will be simple as there will be enough natural light to get clear crisp shots.

Close ups

I will use close ups to show fear and desperation on my actors faces.

Extreme close ups

I will use this camera shot to show the eyes of the woman who will be being possessed and I will show the eyes to clearly show that something else is in her body.

Wide angle shot

I will use a wide angle shot of the whole room, so the viewer can clearly see everything that is going on the room.

CCTV shot

I will attach my camera to a fan and turn it on without the blades attached so that it turns steadier than I could with my hand or attached to a tripod, I will do this to give a cctv footage feel to make the footage look more realistic and less professional.