Camera shots, Angles, Movement and Composition final

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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  • 1. ESTABLISHINGSHOTThis establishes the settingof a scene.The range of distance is toestablish where the sceneis set.Eg. London, Harlesden.Its usually at the beginningof a scene to make it clearto the audience about thesetting.

2. WIDE SHOTA wide shot is large, and shows avariety of information like apanoramic photograph.They can be used to show everyonein a room, or sitting at a table. 3. LONG SHOTFraming of a character/subject.It includes the whole body.(Action; Walking, Running.) 4. MID/MEDIUMSHOTThis is the framing of acharacter (subject of theirtorso).Its used to show facialexpression, body language,and gesture.Mostly used for dialogue. 5. CLOSE UP SHOTFraming a character orsubject.Shows detail.Shows some particular partof their body such as theirhand, face, or an object.Eg. A plate. 6. EXTREMECLOSE UPSHOTIs a shot that is a part ofthe body, face or subject,showing extreme detailto provide moreinformation.POV (Point of View) 7. POV (Point of View)Shows the view from thecharacters perspective.Dependant on cameras imitation ofbody and movement.It is edited in a way that theaudience know who the characteris. 8. OVER THESHOULDER SHOTIts filmed as though it is from theback of the characters shoulder.The subject character usuallytakes up to 1/3 of the shotdepending on the purpose.Other times they usually take up, depending on how inferior thesubject is. 9. TWO SHOTA shot showing two characterscommunicating, interacting orconversing. 10. OVERHEADSHOTA type of Camera Shot inwhich the camera isplaced above thecharacter, person orobject being filmed.Birdseye view. 11. LOW ANGLEThis is taken from a Lower placelooking up at the character/subject.It usually is used to make thecharacter, subject appear bigger,more powerful or dominant. 12. HIGH ANGLEAn angle taken from a higherplace that looks down on thecharacter.Its often used to make thesubject appear smaller,vulnerable, and weak. 13. CANNED/OBLIQUEA camera angle used to make theshot appear disorientated, or tilted.Often used to unbalance theaudience. 14. PANWhen thecameramoveshorizontally toreveal moreinformationabout thesetting orsurrounding. Itis sometimesused toestablish ascene thatcant All fitwithin oneshot. 15. TILTOpposite to Pan.When the cameratilts vertically toreveal moreinformation about asetting.It can often be usedto give the viewermore informationabout objects orcharacters.Often used toreveal the outfit of acharacter. 16. TRACKThe movement ofthe camera thatmoves side to sidewithout a pivot tofollow (track) anobject or character.Track refers torails which awheeled platform(that the camerarests on) is used tocarry out smoothmovement. 17. ZOOMWhen the zoom(camera feature)moves in on acharacter or object, toshow more detail.The speed of thezoom can vary. 18. REVERSEZOOMThis is the opposite ofzoom. It is morecommonly known aszoom out.When the zoom movesaway from a character orobject to reveal moredetails about theirsurroundings or settings.The speed of zoom canvary. 19. BALANCEBalance is the composition of elementsso that they are even. No one part is overpowering the other.There are three different kinds ofbalance. Symmetrical, Asymmetrical &Radial.The human body is an example ofsymmetrical balance. The asymmetricalbalance is that the human body doesntweigh the same on both sides. Anexample of radial balance is equality inlength. Eg. The sun. 20. SYMMETRYSymmetry is when theshot is Symmetrical(equally balanced onboth sides.) Both sideslook almost identical. 21. ASYMMETRYAsymmetry is when theshot is asymmetrical(unbalanced on bothsides.) This affect isoften used in filming toshow chaos ordisorder. 22. RULE OF THIRDSThe rule of thirds is acompositional rule in visual arts.Eg. Painting, Photography, etc.The rule states that an imageshould be imagined as dividedinto nine equal parts by twoequally spaced horizontal linesand two equally spaced verticallines. 23. DEPTHOF FIELDThe Depth ofField (DOF) isthe distance ofwhat is in focus.Its the distancethe nearest andclosest objectwithin a scenethat appearsharp in animage. 24. SHALLOWFOCUSShallow focus is aphotographic andcinematographic methodincluding a small depth offield.In shallow focus, one sideof the image in focus,whereas the remainder isout of focus.Its typically used toaccentuate one part of theimage over another. 25. DEEPFOCUSDeep focus is theopposite of shallowfocus. It is wherethe entire image isin focus.This results in theforeground, middleground andbackground beingin focus. 26. FOCUSPULLSFocus pulls inotherwise known as(Rack Focus.) Its acamera techniquethat changes thefocus during theshot.This usually meansadjusting the focusfrom one focus toanother.