Campaign Briefingdeffln&e Pfll'•onntJI e~~n be put to productlvs uss in prlv•te m., • said...

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  • This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas.

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    VIA FAX HS/29/92 1H:4H:H7; VIA FAX -> 313162648446; Judy Biviano Page 1

    TEL: Ma~ 29,92 9 : 36 No . 005 P . 02



    ISSUE 78 Friday. May 29. 1992 Page 1 of 2

    HEADUNES • President Bush retums to L.A. (p. 1 )

    • First quarter gross domestic product 2.4% (AP)

    TODAY'S SCHEDULE PrMident lueh mHta whh L.A. ~ .. car t•k foroe; vlalta cSJ. .. ter -letanoe _...c.; ...,_.. Town Hall of CaUfornla; meata with 8t..PIH'a Youth Attta.tlc &..-vue; •P••k• •t Aelen·Amerloan dinner.

    VI,.,. Pr .. ldem Quayla att.nde furtchl-t for $en•tor Nickle• IR.OKJ; addr• ... • U.S. Navy Btrataglc Commonlcallone Wing 1, nnker AFB.



    NEWS IN BRIEF I BUSH UNVEILS DEFENSE WORKER ASSISTANCE President Bush announced a $1.2 billion plan Thursday to assist uniformed and civilian defense workers caught In the post-Cold War downsizing of the defense Industry. •rhis transition must btl m(lnlJgsd In B rational manner, • Bush said. .. Today I'm proposing... Bdditiomtl progr~J~ns Including new (JI Bill btlneflts 11nd Bit expansion of job training, employment 1111d othtll' tJduc.tlonsl opportunties." Tho Initiatives Include an $86 million project to finance second careers in teaching, a $216 million proposal to expand Gl Bill education benefits, and $459 million to stimulate 20.000 early civilian retirements. •1 sm C

  • This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas.

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    85/29/92 18:41:82; VIA FAX TEL:

    -> 313162648446; Judy Biviano Page 2 Ma~ 29,92 9 : 36 No . OOS P . 03

    ISSUE 78 Friday. May 29. 1992 Page 2 of 2

    NEW$ IN BRIEF continued I MIDSHIPMEN RALLY AROUND THE PRESIDENT President Bush received handshakes, bear hugs, and high fives from 1,008 U.S. Naval Academy graduates Wednesday as he handed each cadet their diploma. Some graduates brought pens or other small gifts for the President. Another persuaded the President to wave to his family in the stands. Sam Wagoner, the last midshipman to cross the stage, received a special presidential gift. "WBit s minute, " the president said as he shook hands with Wagener. The president then took off his watch ~~ a Timex with "President George Bush· engraved on the face -- and handed It to the stunned cadet. (The Baltimore Sun, 5/28)

    BUSH/QUAYLE ADVERnSING TEAM NAMED Bush/Ouayle '92 announced on Wednesday that Its advertising and media services will be performed by a newly-formed national advertising agency, November Company. November Company will be run by Martin Purls and Clayton Wilhite, both of whom are affiliated w ith advertising agencies in New York,

    Campaign Chairman Robert Teeter said, '"In todsy•• world, /nformstN11 lldvtNt/$/ng and Innovative med• liTfl Hnchplns to 11 winning presldentis/ csmpalgn. ,. Key to the November Company team will be senior creative ditectors Ron Anderson, Gordon Bowen. Alex Castellanos, Sean Fitzpatrick, Robert Garner, Bill McCullam, Mike Murptw, Ted Shaine, Don Sipple, and Jim Weller.

    VICTORY FOR PRESIDENT'S ENERGY STRATEGY In a victory for the President'6 domestic agenda, the House passed the Comprehensive National Energy Polley Act. Calling the action an endorsement of •pr,$/dfHit Bush"$ IHdtN8h/p In dt~vtJioplng 11 national energy strllttll/y, • Energy Secretary James Watkins hailed the •greement as •• critics/ mJ7t~:ston, In the President'• qwst for • :recuftl, envlronmt~~Jtsl/y sound llnllf9Y fututtl. • The President began action on a National Energy Strategy in July 1989, long before the Persian Gulf crisis accelerated congressional interest. The extraordinary bipa"lsan agreement answers the President's call for "economic prosperity, energy security and emtironmental common sense, " said Watkins. (Baltimore Sun, 6128)

    [ ECONOMYWATCH I EXPORT GROWTH FUELING JOBS America 's exports are strong, getting stronger ~- and creating jobs. Tho Joint Economic Committee Republican Staff reports that "jobs supported by U.S. merchandise exports" outpaced employment from other components of the Gross Domestic Product since 1986 (see Figure One). America's manufacturing sector has especially benefited from the export strength: ·rots/ merchandise

    exports ... contribut[edl almost 1111 of the job growth in U.S. manufBcturing industries from 1986 to 1990, • say the JEC Republican Staff. (5/28)






    ·0~--+---+---+---+---+---+-~ 188S U II 81 .7 18 .e to

    FIGURE ONE: "U.S. Jobs Supported by Merchandlte Expott•" (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 5/11/92)




    (Birmingham News, 5/28)

    41% 31% 23%

    (Southern Opinion Research poll of 402 registered Alabama voters, between May 21 and 23.)


    CONGRESS WATCH I IF THE GOP CONTROLLED THE HOUSE.... "We as a party sre committed to very res/ change on CBpitol Hill .... We are committed to serious, immediate, specific reforms. /Job Michel, for 11x•mplt~, hs$ p/edgtld thst on the Vllf'Y first dsy he w•• :rptNiker w11 wOI.IId both /NIU 11 bm to spp/y to Congrfl$$ Bvcwy lsw thst epp/i11• tQ othN Amfll'iCIIIJs and w11 would cut thtl committee stsffs by 50 PtNCtiiJt thst dsy. Now, th11t's • mNsut•blt1 performBnCB-bssed proml$11. It's something people can look st snd uy that's not just politics as usual. Thst would be 11 res/ differenc11. " CONGRESSMAN NEWT GINGRICH [R-GA) (Fox Moming News, 5/28)


    THE TWO FACES OF PEROT •tPIIfotl Is 11 walking contrlldictlon .... Perot says he is for abortion but always shifts the question to Bdoption. He ssys he is for gun control, but endorses the Nations/ Rifle Association. He s~ys he Is agsinst government spending, but grew fst on government contracts. " RICHARD BOND. CHAIRMAN, REPUBUCAN NATIONAL COMMm££ (L.A. Times, 6128)

    For dfaft now• releNea, ne~ oonferw~oe etatement.. letteN to the editor. •P"chea, op .. cla. and talklna polnw, pie•• c .. tM STATE PRESS OPERATIONS DESK at 202./336·7294.

    PRODUCED BY: Bu.h-Queyle '9Z. Communloetlone Dlw.Jon 1030 16th Street, NW WNhlngton, D.C. 20006 CZ021 338·7166

