Campus Profile - Lewisville Independent School District · 2019-08-13 · relationships while...

Post on 10-Aug-2020

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LOCATION350 W. College Street Lewisville, TX 75057

PRINCIPALSusan Heintzman



At College Street Elementary, we believe that:

• Students have leadership qualities and potential who will thrive in the 21st century

• Students learn best when given opportunities to be risk-takers and creative thinkers

• Students should be provided engaging real-world learning experiences every day

• Through Professional Learning Communities, our staff will embrace high levels of learning for all students

College Street’s vision is to be a welcoming community where individual strengths are valued and everyone feels empowered to be positive leaders. Our mission is to build relationships while modeling and teaching Dr. Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” through authentic, real-world learning experiences and “The Leader in Me” program. We are committed to empowering our students by creating a safe and nurturing environment where all voices can be heard and valued. It is our belief that when students, parents, staff and the community partner together, we all have the opportunity to have a positive influence on our future and the future of others.


College Street Elementary SchoolCampus Profile

SCHOOL HOURS 7:45 a.m. - 3 p.m. GRADES K-5th Grade ONLINE | |

Part of the Lewisville High School feeder pattern with a graduation rate of 94.9%

33.2 Total staff members

10.3 Average number of years teaching experience

6.8 Average number of years teaching in LISD

DIGITAL CITIZENSHIPParticipation in the Digital Citizenship curriculum that teaches students how to use technology appropriately

261 Students

96.5% Average daily attendance




67.2 Average professional learning hours per staff member

45 Average number of classroom visits per administrator


LEWISVILLE ISD CAMPUS PROFILES © 2019 “All of our students enjoy thriving, productive lives in a future they create.”


Published annually to better inform parents about the quality of their public schools. Additional information at

Total number of hours the staff spent developing their job skills last year


89Number of class visits administrators made to observe instruction

Istation by grade levelLewisville ISD monitors students’ reading progress through the Istation computer program. Teachers can quickly assess which students need help. This chart shows the percent of students reading on grade level or showing six months growth at the end of the school year.

97% 93% 97% 89%

What do our parents think?

CLUBSStudents engage in learning of their choice beyond the classroom through clubs. Ours include Student Council, Lego Design Club, Puzzlemania, TEAM (Team building), Coding and Robotics, Art Expression Club, Recorder Club, CheerLEADERS, Yearbook, Coding, Yogi Kids, Basketball/Volleyball, and Strategy Games.

PROGRAMSOur campus offers unique programs to help our students grow.

Some of our programs include Leader in Me, School-wide Student Leadership Roles, Leader Buddies, Lighthouse Families, Curriculum Nights, Leadership Night, Fine Arts Night, and Safe and Civil Schools/Restorative practices.

e-PORTFOLIOSPercent of 4th and 5th-grade student population with an individual e-Portfolio





100%Participation in athletics or physical education

100%Participation in fine arts such as music and art

In April 2019, parents were surveyed about the campus their child attends. Values represent the percentage of respondants who agree. Based on 35 responses.


• Honor Student Council School of Excellence

• LISD Model Character Award• Lewisville Chamber of Commerce

School of the Month• LEF School of Excellence Grant• 2017-18 LISD Principal of the Year• 2017-18 LISD Assistant Principal of the

Year finalist• 2017-18 LISD Librarian of the Year

finalist• Teacher LEF Grant recipients• LHS Homecoming Parade Winner


We partner with various businesses throughout the year to engage our students with real-world experiences and adventures. Some of our partnerships include:

• Frost Bank• Love for Kids• North Texas Food Bank• Business Community Mentors


Students and staff are given multiple opportunities each year to give back to the community they serve with campus-wide events, fundraisers, and donation drives. Some of this includes:

• Salvation Army• Angel Tree• Wee Volunteer - VNA (Visiting

Nurses Association)• American Heart Association Jump

Rope for Heart• Coin drive for LISD Back to School


Are satisfied overall 94%

The school staff cares 94%

Students know how to get help 94%

I know about my child’s grades 94%

School is safe 97%

Students are happy 100%

Staff is encouraging 100%

Students who fall behind can get help 91%

School work is important 97%

Students feel welcomed 97%

School communicates effectively 94%

The staff is approachable 97%

They value culture and individual needs 97%

College Street ES Additional information available at