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CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 1

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 2

THE STEAMBOATA Friendly Welcome Guaranteed!CAMRA’s Sunderland & South Tyneside

Pub of the Year in 2017Regional Pub of the year 2015 & 2016

Nine ever-changing Cask Ales

70 Whiskies & 40 RumsRegular Beer Festivals and Meet the Brewer Evenings

27 Mill Dam South ShieldsNE33 1EQ Tel: 0191 4540134

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 3

In this issue…EDITOR




WE are always on the lookout forreal ale related stories to be used inCAMRA ANGLE. They can behistorical or current, locally-based orinvolving travel to exotic locationssuch as Middlesbrough, Montreal,Moscow or Morpeth !

The deadline for Issue 51 isFebruary 22nd 2018

CONTACT USHAVE you got opinion on the pubsor beers available in our brancharea, or on any other matter? Getwriting now, and let our readersknow what you think. We alsowelcome comments about themagazine. Please email us ****CAMRA ANGLE is published by theSunderland & South TynesideBranch of CAMRA © 2017 . Viewsor comments expressed in thispublication may not be necessarilythose of the Editor or of CAMRA.

Welcome to Issue 50 of CAMRA Angle.By way of a celebration the front coversof each of the previous issues arefeatured on the back & front of this issue.The first CAMRA Angle was published onplain paper in 2002. This remained so,until Issue 30 in 2012, which was thefirst to be produced in the glossy formatthat you are reading today.

It has been fascinating looking back overold issues - reading about pubs &breweries that have opened and closed ;It is obvious by the number of articles thatwe are fans of pub crawls. There must beone in each issue published. In factarticles have been submitted by our keenwriters visiting all parts of the world ;Florida, Bruges, Barcelona , Montrealand Hartlepool are just a few !. See page27 for the latest overseas adventure.

In the last issue there was an appeal forany one who had Issues 6 & 10 tocomplete our online library. I am pleasedto say they have been found so if youwish to catch up on some history in thebranch , go to -

In issue 11 in 2005 there was a list of allreal ale pubs in the branch. There were72. We now have 115 !.

Also looking back, see if you can spot theadvert that has been revived from 6years ago for this issue

So thanks to the many intrepid explorerswho have written for this magazine overthe last 15 years. I do hope you enjoy thisissue.

Ken Paul

Sunderland Beer & Cider Festival 5Pub News 6Brewery News 7Pub/Club of the year voting 82018 Good Beer Guide review 9Local Favourites 10Pub Review - The Peacock 13Locale & CAMRA discount pubs 14Real Ale Pubs of South Shields 16Gone for a Burton 20From Cask to Glass 22Wood News 24Malton 25Trading Standards & PublicTransport


Beer Geek in St Petersburg 27Pub Quiz 29Quiz Answers 30

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 4

ADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESSCAMRA Angle is published 4 times a year,in November, February,May and August. 3000 copies are distributed throughout the NorthEast (and beyond) and is a popular download from our website :-htt://


ADVERTISING RATESFull page ( single issue)…..£90Full page (4 consecutive issues)…..£81 per issue.

Half page ( single issue)…..£55Half page (4 consecutive issues)…..£50 per issue.

Quarter page ( single issue)…..£35Quarter page ( 4 consecutive issues)…..£31.50 per issue.

A free design service for adverts is available if required. For furtherdetails please email

In this issue we have adverts for Branch Pub of the Year 2017- TheSteamboat Sth Shields , Maxim Brewery, The Station House Durham .The Biddick Inn & The Steps, Washington, Lou’s Sunderland ,The Dun Cow Seaton, The Ivy House Sunderland and The Avenue,Roker (NEW).

Please support our advertisers, for without them, we would not beable to present CAMRA-Angle for your enjoyment and information.

Many thanks to The Peacock, Sunderland, The Stags Head & TheSteamboat , both South Shields , for their hospitality in hosting recentBranch Meetings. Also thanks to Mid Boldon Club for hosting ourbeer festival committee meetings.

Thanks for having us

Members MatterSunderland & South Tyneside branch membership is 653, up from 631 in August.Other branches in the region : -Cleveland 905, Darlington 446, Durham, 829,Tyneside & Northumberland 2084.

Nationally, membership stands at 191032. ( Was 189251 in August)See page 31 for details of how to join..

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 5

We Got The Point.

The 11th Sunderland andSouth Tyneside Beer &Cider Festival took placein October. We movedfrom our previous home,The Bonded Warehousenear Sunderland FishQuay to a more centrallocation, The Point, on thecorner of Park Lane andHolmeside.

Not only central, but muchlarger. We were able toaccommodate over the 3days of the festival morehandpulls thanpreviously ; there were 40beers and 11 ciders and aperry . More importantlyhowever, we had morevisitors. Numbers were upby about 100 on theprevious year.

Once again our branchchairman Michael Wynne

selected a fine range ofales from around the UK.

A special mention shouldbe made of two localbrews. Arcane Bridgekindly donated WorldsEnd, their final beerbefore suspendingoperation. MaximBrewery produced aspecial beer, 1040. Thiswas brewed to celebrate10 years of MaximBrewery and 40 years ofthe SST Branch. We alsohad a beer served from awooden cask; Big LampPrince Bishop.

The beer of the festivalwas Black Jesus fromGreat Heck Brewery inNorth Yorkshire. At thecider bar, local producerHarlesden provided 2ciders, with their HedgeFund being selected asthe best of the festival.

So a big thank you to ourregular and new visitorswho came to enjoy thebeers and ciders, to ourgenerous sponsors and

the hardy band ofvolunteers who workedhard to make this festivala success. .

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 5


FESTIVAL POLO SHIRTSA small number of festival poloshirts are available for £12 eachand will be available at branchmeetings

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 6

The Engine Room hasopened in the Old FireStation in Sunderland..Situated in the culturalquarter of the city, this ispart the SunderlandMusic, Arts and Culture(MAC) Trust and islocated between The DunCow & The Peacock, allmanaged by the PubCulture Group. There are8 ale handpulls and 2 forcider. CAMRA discount isnow 10% at all 3 pubs.

There is a review of ThePeacock on page 13.

.The Poetic License inRoker has started a RealAle Club, offering real aleat £2.60 a pint on the 3rd

Wednesday of the month.

Chesters in Sunderlandnow have a real aleloyalty card, with 5stamps for a free pint.They have alsointroduced a changingreal cider.

McConnells Gin & AleHouse in Jarrow hasbeen renamed Gin & AleHouse, and intends toadd a fifth handpull.

Fitzgerald’s inSunderland have closed

their Friends Rewardsloyalty card. Pointsaccumulated can beredeemed up to January.Their free pint stamp cardcontinues.

In Sunderland Joseph'shas stopped selling realale, as it would appearhas The Borough. 4empty handpulls havebeen noted twice.Opposite, Bion hasreopened as TheCrowtree so far with 2empty handpulls.

The Marine in SouthShields will be increasingthe number of handpullsto 6 in January 2018.

The Museum Vaults onSilksworth Row inSunderland is a regularoutlet for Stockton basedbrewery Three Brothers.

Pub owner Sarah reportsthat the beers are verypopular and the pubrecently had a pin of theirRhubarb and GingerAmber Ale. Very nice itwas too.

New man at the top,writes Michael Wynne

Spencer Pritchard hasmoved on from the ShipIsis to take charge of theHead of Steam onNewcastle’s Quayside.Spencer did a marvellousjob in the Ship Isis andI’m certain we all wish him

well in his new venture.

During his tenure, the pubgot even better with anexcellent selection of realales, ciders, bottles and,although some maywince, an excellent rangeof kegs, bottles and cans.The staff in the pub areamongst the most beersavvy I’ve come across.

The new man at the helmis Chris Taylor who hasbeen at the pub since itreopened and many willknow him from his time atthe King’s Arms.

Chris has trained as abeer sommelier and hisbeery knowledge isexcellent.

He has been joined bydeputy Aaron who is alsotraining as a beersommelier. His promotionis long overdue. We wishChris all the best. If youhaven’t visited the pub,why not pay it a visit.



Ye Olde Cider Bar inNewton Abbot, Devonhas taken home theprestigious title ofCAMRA’s Cider Pubof the Year, afterwinning the award in2011. It is the only pubto have won the titletwice.

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 7

MAXIM BREWERYonce again providedlogistical support &sponsorship for theSunderland & SouthTyneside CAMRA 2017beer festival in October at“The Point”, Sunderland.

As reported in the lastCAMRA Angle and onpage 5, a special festivalbeer called “1040” wasbrewed as a jointanniversary celebration ofMaxim’s 10th year & our40th. It is a 1040 originalgravity hoppy, ruby alewith the branch involved inthe pump clip, design andrecipe.

Launched at the festival itproved popular withattendees & was one ofthe first ales to drop. Therest of the batch was thenavailable from the breweryas a seasonal special & Iunderstand was quicklysnapped up by local pubs.

The brewery has linked upwith organisers of the TallShips Race 2018 & localmedia to host acompetition to name thebeer of the visit toSunderland. Maxim willbrew the beer, which is tobe a rum porter.

As well as 1040 there areseasonal beers whichwere available since thelast CAMRA Angle - :·Amarillo 4.0% Pale Ale·Azacca 4.3% Pale Ale

(Brewed forWetherspoon’s beerfestival)· Maverick 4.6%

American Brown Ale· Equinox. 4.3% Pale

Ale· Raspberry Porter


Due out soon forChristmas this year will be

· Great Escape 4.0%Pale Ale

· Santa’s Soot 5.0%Dark Winter Ale.Santastic 4.5%Golden Ale usingAmericanhops.(NEW)

Head Brewer Glen hasalready produced hisprovisional list of nextyear’s beers. Expect tosee the regulars, a returnof the most popularseasonal specials & aselection of new specialbeers.

The brewery website( ) has recently beenupgraded.

The brewery shop isusually open Tues-Friday,12:00-17:00. With aselection of bottles, minicasks & other brandedgifts, beer gift packs etc.(Worth ringing in advanceto check exactly what isavailable - 01915848844.)


Cameron’s brewerretires.

After 31 years in the job,Cameron’s head brewerMartin Dutoy retired at theend of October. Hisreplacement is ChrisDeakin who is comingfrom Heineken inTadcaster.

Rat Attack

Beers from Ossett'sHuddersfield Rat Brewerycontinue to appear atvarious pubs in the area.Fitzgerald’s recently hadCinnamon Ratte, TheShip Isis had the flagshipbrew White Rat withDouble IPA Bad Rattitudewaiting in the wings andThe Marine has hadDrowned Rat.

Brewery News

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 8

Just a reminder that the voting website for branch CAMRA members to vote for theirpub and club of the year is still open up to midnight, Saturday 6th January 2018.The website can be found at need to be a member of the Sunderland & South Tyneside Branch and have yourmembership number and your CAMRA logon password.Michael Wynne writes :-As branch Chair I encourage you to take part & vote online. Sunderland & SouthTyneside branch enjoy one of the highest voter turnouts nationally for this competition& we want to continue in that direction. Also, despite the branch now having over 650members, we find each year that this vote can be incredibly close so every vote canmake a difference to the final positions.

Thank you for your votes.

Meanwhile the CAMRA Pub of the year for 2017 is reaching its climax. They havebeen whittled down to the four finalists ( the winner will be announced in Feb 2018) .They are :-

Pub of the Year & Club of the Year 2018 Vote

The Cricketers St Helens, MerseysideStanford Arms Lowestoft,Weavers Real Ale House KidderminsterWigan Central Wigan

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 9

CAMRA produced theirfirst Good Beer Guidein 1974 and haverecently published their45th edition. The editor,Roger Protz thenannounced that thisissue will be his last; heis resigning from therole after 24 years.

This Guide contains4500 pub and clubentries and over 280pages of breweries -this is an increase of 80pages on my old 2009guide. It is interesting tonote that back thenTyne and Wear hadseven real alebreweries; now thereare thirty two.

In the 1974 guide therewere only 10 pubs inthe geographical areathat is now Tyne &Wear. There are nownearly 60 entries,including 22 in ourbranch.

As well as being ahandy reference work,there are severalarticles including thebrewing process,CAMRA Beer festivals,Pub of the Year and a

section about beerstyles. There is also anindex of placesfeatured in the book.

The Guide is a usefultool when visiting othertowns and cities and inconjunction, isinvaluable for planningpub crawls .

If you’ve never ownedone, now’s the timewith Xmas coming up!

GOOD BEER GUIDE 2018 -a review of CAMRA’s flagship publication

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 10

In the Spring 2016 issue,I wrote an article aboutmy favourite pubsoutside our area.

I thought I would doanother one closer tohome but outside ourbranch boundaries. Sohere it is. The pubs arenot listed in any specificorder. Check openingtimes on WhatPub.

One place that alwaysfigures because it issomewhere we alwaysend up at the end of aday out via Newcastle isthe Wheat Sheaf onCarlisle Street in Felling.A short walk from FellingMetro, this basicsuburban boozer wasBig Lamp’s first pub andhas 4 of the breweriesbeers always on,including Prince Bishop,for under £3 a pint. Full ofcharacters and an outsidetoilet, what is not to likeabout this North Eastgem.

Many pubs describethemselves as sports barsbut this one hits all thebuttons. Fans of all northeast teams gather here.Not just the majors butNewcastle Rugby League( the licensee Jimmy is arugby league nut, just likeme) and GatesheadFC,the Heed. A must visit.

We know regionaldirectors of CAMRA fromoutside the north east wholove to come here andinsist on visiting the pub.The Wheat Sheaf was thefavourite pub of the lateJohn Holland. If Johnliked, it must be good!

The nearby Old Fox, alsoon Carlisle Street isanother must visit andoften offers beers from thelikes of Rat and TinyRebel.

Just outside of our areaon the B1404 betweenHoughton le Spring andSeaham is Seaton villageand the Dun Cow. Thisgem is tucked into thevillage centre accessiblefrom footpath next to theSeaton Inn. The tworoomed pub has four realales on offer and a darkbeer is always available. Awarm friendly welcomealways awaits.

Go North East service 238from Sunderland stopsnearby during the day andfurther options includeservices 60 and 61 andArriva services are a tenminute walk away.

The phenomenon of themicropub hasn’t had animpact in our branch areabut there are a number inNewcastle and NorthTyneside.

The first micro on my listis Newcastle’s first, theSplit Chimp in the railwayarches at the bottom ofWestgate Road.

The pub was originally inthe opposite side of thearches where Box Social'sBarcuterie is now.The long basicallyfurnished room has 6hand pumps, several realciders, craft keg taps anda range of bottled beers.The house beer, CleverChimp is from nearbyErrant Brewery. There isusually an interestingrange of guest beers andsome excellent pork pies.On a recent visit, theresome excellent ScotchBonnet and Narga chillipickled eggs.

The pub is very popularand there is extra seatingon the upper floor. Anoasis of calm in the centreof Newcastle. As with allmicropubs, the openingtimes are quite limited, socheck before you visit.

Very handy for both Metroand Northern Rail servicesto Sunderland and busesto Washington andHoughton from the northend of the Tyne Bridge.


CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 11

The Dog and Rabbit inWhitley Bay is anothermicropub on Park Viewthat opened last year. In aformer ladies clothes shopand less than 10 minuteswalk from Whitley Bay orMonkseaton Metrostations. There are fourhandpumps servingmainly local beers alongwith a couple of kegs andreal cider. Food is in theform of excellent porkpies.

The owners aresupporters of the NorthEast branch of TheSociety for thePreservation of Beersfrom the Wood (SPBW)and offers branch andnational members adiscount. A beer from thewood is available onWednesdays. There areplans by the owners torelocate their brewery ofthe same name to thepub.

If you visit the Dog &Rabbit, the Left LuggageRooms on Monkseatonstation is also worth a visitand is around 10 minuteswalk.

We now travel south fromSunderland by train toHartlepool. There is aNorthern Rail train everyhour and a number ofGrand Central trains on

Weekdays. A a day returnwill cost £5.90.

The next pub is the NorthEast's first micropub whichopened in 2009.

The Rat Race Ale Houseis an old taxi office andcan be accessed directfrom the platform. There isno bar, beer is brought toyou seat from the groundfloor cellar. There are 4ales served direct from thecask, a couple of cidersand small selection ofBelgian bottled beers.Snacks are limited tocrisps and excellentpickled eggs.

The pub is closed onSundays and Mondays,and when the owners goon holiday

Around 5 minutes walk onTower Street is Hops andCheese with 3 casks, a

cider and a couple ofkegs. There is anexcellent cheese andcharcuterie menu alongwith excellent pork piesand pickled eggs.

I finish this article with aclub. In the far west ofNorthumberland but easilyaccessible by rail inHaltwhistle is HaltwhistleComrades Club.

The club has been winnerof SPBW North East Clubof the Year and is thecurrent CAMRA NorthEast Club of the Year. The

club is on the main streetand has 4 handpumpsoffering very reasonablypriced real ales mainlyfrom the North East. Wehave visited on manyoccasions and a warmwelcome is assured.

I am planning a furtherseries of similar articlesincluding favourite pubs inEdinburgh and York.

LOCAL FAVOURITES ( continued).

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 12

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 13

The Peacock is one ofthe largest pubs inSunderland. Thisdistinctive triangularshaped building can befound on High Street Westnear the SunderlandEmpire. Some willremember it as TheLondonderry.Between 1770 and 1834an inn called the Peacockoccupied the site. It wasrenamed the Londonderryafter the Marquess ofLondonderry, who was aDurham coalfield mineowner ; then rebuilt in1901.The pub was bought bythe Sunderland Music,Arts and Culture (MAC)Trust in the summer 2016and extensivelyrefurbished. It wasdecided to revert to theoriginal name of thePeacock, which thenopened in May 2017.The Peacock is now partof the Pub CultureGroup, which also ownsThe Dun Cow and TheEngine Room in the OldFire Station nearby. It willbe part of the culturalMAC quarter ofSunderland which is thearea around Keel Squareto the east of the pub.They also own a pub inJesmond Newcastle, alsocalled the Dun Cow.My one and only visit to

The Londonderry wasover 3 years ago and thesole handpull was DoubleMaxim. Fortunately thenew Peacock hassignificantly increasedthis; there are now 8handpulls, 7 beers and acider. The regular beer is,Doom Bar, the rest featurea mixture of local andnational ales.On a recent visit toprepare for this article,ales included those fromSonnet 43, Credence andBad Seed . Card carryingCAMRA members cantake advantage of 10%discount off real ale &cider...

When you walk into thepub from the southernpoint of the triangle, themain bar is to the left, withtwo comfortable loungesto the right. There is afunction room upstairswhich is free to non-corporate bookings andavailable for all types ofparties and events.Meals are served dailybetween noon and 8pm,including a light lunchmenu and bar snacks.

Outside can be found apleasant seating areawhich faces south andwest. This looks towardsthe newest Pub Cultureventure in the city, theaforementioned Old FireStation. This music and

arts centre opened itsbar on Nov 2nd, with thewhole arts venueopening on November23rd to coincide with theswitch on of theSunderlandIlluminations.The Peacock features in

the Sunderland Real AleTrail and is a ten minutewalk from Park LaneBus/ Metro Interchange.Thanks to Simon Munrofor his help in preparingthis article.The Peacock, 287 High StWest, Sunderland,SR1 3ES 0191 5111451Open Sun - Thurs 11-11 ;Fri - Sat 11- midnight.

Ken Paul

The following take 50p discount vouchers for real ale and cider.Cooper Rose, Sunderland.Sir William De Wessington, Washington.Wild Boar, Houghton le Spring.William Jameson, Sunderland.Wouldhave, South Shields.

Real ale loyalty card for members and non members :-Chaplins, Chesters, Fitzgeralds, Guide Post, - AllSunderland. Grey Horse - East Boldon.Marine - South Shields .

Below is a list of pubs that offer a discount off real ale for cardcarrying CAMRA members. Again, if you have any updatesplease email

CAMRA LocAle is an initiative that promotes pubs & clubs stocking locally brewed real ale. Belowis a list of those in the Sunderland & South Tyneside branch that sell beer brewed inNorthumberland, Tyne & Wear and County Durham. If you have any updates please email thebranch Pubs Officer,

The Avenue, Sunderland - 20p off a pint Ivy House, Sunderland- 10% discount

Chaplins, Sunderland - 10% discount Longship, Hebburn - 10% discount

Chesters, Sunderland - 10% discount Peacock, Sunderland - 10% discount

Dun Cow, Sunderland - 10% discount Poetic License, Roker - 10% discount

Engine Room, Sunderland - 10% discount Ship Isis, Sunderland - 20p off a pint

Fountain, South Shields - 10% discount Tipsy Cow, Sunderland - 10% discount

Grey Horse, East Boldon - 10p off a pint White Lead, Hebburn - 20p off a pint

Guide Post, Ryhope - 20p off a pint

East Boldon South Shields ( contd) SunderlandBoldon Cricket Club Marine Museum VaultsMid Boldon Club Steamboat Oak Tree FarmEast Rainton Sunderland Poetic LicenseHighfield Hotel The Avenue Port of CallHebburn Chesters PromenadeWhite Lead Dun Cow Ship IsisRyhope Engine Room WashingtonGuide Post Fitzgeralds CourtyardSouth Shields Ivy House Sir William de WessyngtonFlorence Bar & Bistro Kings Arms

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 14

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 15

THE AVENUE.Zetland Street, Roker, Sunderland, SR6 0EQ

Tel :- 0191 5677412.Website : Facebook : theavenueroker

● 8 handpulls serving real ales & ciders.● 20p a pint discount for card carrying CAMRA members● We are in The 2018 Good Beer Guide.

MONDAY - Poker Night.TUESDAY - Bingo.

WEDNESDAY - Free Pool & Jukebox.THURSDAY - Quiz Night.

SUNDAY - Domino Handicap.Function Room , Beer Garden, Upstairs Games Room


Forthcoming events :-Dec 12th Carol Service,Dec 17th Top Hat & Heels Drag Act.Dec 28th Kids and adults panto,Dec 29th Pie Off competition.Also Rattlers Group.Feb 16th Chilli Off competition .All the above are ticket only prices tobe announced on our Facebook pagein due course. All in aid of CancerResearch.

Bus Stops for Sunderland - South ShieldsService E1 are nearby on Roker Avenue.

South Shields Real Ale Pubs

This guide shows pubs,and two hotels in or close to the town centre and are listed in alphabeticalorder over the next two pages. Please note that information contained may change. Telephonenumbers have been provided if you wish to check details. More information about each one canbe found on

Public transport information, correct as of Nov. 2017 is only given for thosepubs not close to South Shields Metro Station or the town centre bus stops

If you have any updates please email

Version 2.0.0 Nov 2017.




7 8







13 14







@2017 OpenStreetMap

ADDRESS5 Market Place,South ShieldsNE33 1BH0191 4560004

HOGARTHSMile End Road,South ShieldsNE33 1TA0191 4549734

ALUM ALEHOUSE,Ferry Street,South Shields,NE33 1JR0191 4271050

KIRKPATRICKSOcean Road,South ShieldsNE33 2HT0191 4547654

BAMBURGH175 BamburghAvenue, SouthShieldsNE34 6SS0191 4541899Bus 10,11, 516.

LITTLEHAVENHOTELRiver Drive,South ShieldsNE33 1LH0191 4554455Bus E1, 516(10 minute walk)

DOLLY PEEL137 CommercialRoad, SouthShieldsNE33 1SQ0191 4271441Bus & Metro15 min walk

MALTINGS6 Claypath,South Shields,NE33 4PG0191 4477190.

FOUNTAIN116 HighfieldRoad, SouthShields,NE34 6JL0191 4554901Bus 8, E1.

MARINE,230 OceanRoad, SouthShieldsNE33 2JQ0191 4550280Bus E1, 516

HARBOURLIGHTS101 Lawe Road,South Shields,NE33 2AJ0191 4560124Bus 516

South Shields Real Ale Pubs

More on next page












NEW CROWNMowbray Road,South ShieldsNE33 3NG4557323Bus E1, 516

STEAMBOAT27 Mill Dam,South ShieldsNE33 1EQ0191 4540134

THE PIER140 Ocean RoadSouth ShieldsNE33 2JJ0191 4540013Bus E1, TB503

TRIMMERSARMS LIVELOUNGE34, CommercialRoad, SouthShieldsNE33 1RW0191 4545550

RATTLERSea Road, SouthShieldsNE33 3LD455 6789Bus E1, 516

VOYAGER145 AndersonStreet SouthShieldsNE33 1RJ4272941

RIVERSIDE3 Mill Dam, SouthShields,NE33 1EQ4552328

WOULDHAVE16 Mile EndRoad, SouthShields.NE33 1TA4276014

ROSE & CROWNE Holborn, SouthShieldsNE33 1RJ4552379Bus & Metro 10-15 minute walk

STAGS HEAD45 Fowler Street,South ShieldsNE33 1NS4272911

South Shields Real Ale Pubs

There are other real ale pubs inSouth Shields not covered by themap. These are :- The County,Vigilant, Grey Hen, Harley’s Bar,Marsden Inn, New Ship, Old Ship.











CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 19

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 20

My annual holidays thisyear was centred aroundthe Midlands so a trip tothe brewing capital of thecountry in Burton was amust! So we booked atour of the NATIONALBREWERY CENTRE,what was the old BassMuseum. It costs £9.95 fora 2 hour tour and we got 3free tickets each to use inthe museum bar.

The tour starts off nearthe excellent BeerBoutique (Off Licence toyou and I) then thevolunteer guides explainthe various stages of thebrewing process.

Then its outside to see thelovely shire horses andthe small selection ofunusual beer vehicles andsome beers trains!

There is quite a lot ofBurton town history on thetour as Burton used tohave 40 breweries and

brewing totally dominatedthe town. The yardoutside has a big displayof the Burton UnionSystem.

Then the tour ends in thebar and restaurant areaswhere there is a ratherunusual beer engine andan excellent display of old

pub signs.

The barhad sixbeers onand thethree beertokensentitle youto a pint inthe bar!We came

back in the evening for areasonably priced meal.Certainly the sort of placeyou can drag your familyround without too much ofa guilty conscience!


The first pub I visited inBurton was the Grade IIDevonshire Arms. Builtin 1830 as a house thenconverted to a pub in1850, it had been a Basshouse and is now ownedby the Burton BridgeBrewery.

There were 5 hand pullson, all Burton Bridge'sown beers including:Golden Delicious, BurtonBitter, Burton Ale and theone I had (as an oldZeppelin fan) wasStairway to Heaven.

Next up was The LastHeretic named after thelast person burned at thestake for heresy. Areasonable size micropub

with 4 local ales on tap,the beers were very wellkept and it was greatfriendly atmosphere.

Third was anothermicropub TheWeighbridge Inn, but onmy visit there was no oneelse in the pub. .


CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 21

I had a pint of pleasantMuirhouse Tick Tock, a4% lightly hopped bitter.

Saving the best for lastwas The Coopers Taverna 19th Century Basshouse now owned byJoule's Brewery.

This pub is packed full ofbrewing memorabilia and

is very much how Iimagine old bars in Burtonwere in the last century.

My first pint was Joule'sPale Ale 4.1% a paleamber colour with a lighttoffee and creamy taste.Next pint was Joule'sSlumbering Monk 4.5% a

dark copper coloured beerwith a lot of crystal malt

giving it a sweetish fullbodied taste.

Burton may not be thepremier brewing town itonce was (or the prettiest)but there are still manygood pubs to explore.

Craft Beers & Ales, Wines & SpiritsLocal , National and International

Bottles & Cans


FIND US AT :-113 Cleveland RoadHigh BarnesSunderland SR4 7JTA short walk fromChester Road.

OPENING TIMES :-Noon - 10pm Mon- Sat.2pm - 10pm Sun.


CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 22

You may be reading thisarticle in a pub or club,supping a pint. Haveyou ever stopped towonder how the beer gotto the handpull on the barand into your glass ?.

Well, with the help ofSteve Drummond at MidBoldon Club, all will berevealed.

At the bar.

There are 4 handpulls.Each one is actually abeer engine. Underneaththe handpull is a piston.When the bar personpulls the handle, beer isdrawn from the cask inthe cellar , through a tube(referred to as a line) ,into the piston. Pullingthe handle again dis-charges the beer into theglass.

In the cellar

In the cellar beneath thebar there are severalcasks and kegs, with amaze of pipe work

In the photo we see aracking of 8 casks. Thisis called the stillage.

There are four flowjets(A) on the wall eventuallyleading to the handpullson the bar. Four of thecasks are connected tothe pumps.

To help push the beeruphill, CO2 is used and is

connected to the flowjets

The stillageconstruction is reallyclever. A full cask isplaced on a double tiercask tilter and the weightof it pushes the tilterdown so the cask ishorizontal. As the caskempties, a spring pushesup the tilter under thecask, slow enough so asnot to disturb thesediment. The emptierthe cask, the steeper theangle. This helps barstaff to determine if anyare nearly empty.

In this instance, cask 3 onthe top row is lower thanothers and hence fuller.

Top right , B, isunfortunately an emptycask of Maxim Maximus.Not to worry, it will be re-moved and replaced byTitanic Plum Porter.Unfortunate again,

because the contentshave to settle for 2 days!

Before placing on thestillage, the cask isagitated to get the liveyeast and any hops tointeract with the beer.

A cask has two openings.A bung at the front wherea tap is knocked in to forconnection to the line anda shive hole on top. Asoft peg called a spile isknocked into the shiveThis is used to vent anyCO2 for 24 hours thenreplaced by a hard spileto stop any more gasescaping, to allow thebeer to condition.


The next step is to cleanthe line that wasconnected to theMaximus cask.

It is first placed in line



cleaner ,and the handpullis used to draw thisthrough.

After 10 minutes, the lineis placed in clean waterwhich is then drawnthrough to remove thecleaner. The line can thenbe connected to the tap inthe cask. Back up at thebar, the water is pulledthrough until fresh beeractually appears ; in thiscase Acorn Darkness.

At the bar again.

The recommendedtemperature for a cellar is11- 13 deg C. A commonmistake I have noticed insome pubs is when thefirst beer of the day is

pulled. There will still be aremnant of beer from thenight before in the linefrom the cellar and in thepiston chamber under thehandpull. This will warmup overnight and makethe residual beer stale, soit is good practise to pullat least a half a pintthrough first thing onopening to ensure the

beer is at optimumtemperature. There is anopportunity to check forclarity, smell and taste.

This last check shouldalways be carried outwhen a new cask is puton.

Finally , the hatch to thecellar had a sign :-

Please mind your head.

I was in and out of thecellar 5 times doing this ;so work out how manytimes I banged my head

Answers on a postcardplease..

Ken Paul

The Biddick Inn WashingtonREAL ALE AVAILABLE

QUIZ NIGHT :MondayKARAOKE NIGHTS:Friday & Saturday

Functions catered for.

Beer Garden with BBQand children's playground

Open daily 11am - midnight. Food served noon - 8pm ( Sun 4pm)

Bonemill Lane Near the banks of the River Wear andWashington,NE38 8AJ. Fatfield Bridge - bus stops outside.Tel - 0191 4195101

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 24

Our third annual generalmeeting took place at theend of September at TheKeelman in Newburn inthe west of Newcastle.The Keelman is the homeof Big Lamp, the region’soldest small brewery. Theexcellent Keelman IPAwas sampled. Veryflavoursome for a lowstrength beer. After themeeting, we returned toNewcastle and visited theSplit Chimp.

There was a beer from thewood at our festival in thePoint - the excellent BigLamp Prince Bishop.Later in October, we hadour twice yearly beer fromthe wood festival at TheOddfellows pub in North

Shields. Fourteen beersfrom the wood wereavailable and amongst thedelights on offer were Dogand Rabbit Seal Dog, acollaboration withCullercoats, Five TownsCranachan and WylamMacchiato, an intensecoffee porter

Our summer pub of theseason was The Dog andRabbit in Whitley Bay.The presentation of the

certificate was madeappropriately on aWednesday when theyhave a beer from thewood on sale.

November’s meeting wasat The Ship Isis inSunderland where 3beers from Three Kings;Canadian Red, Ring ofFire and Silver Darlingwere available.

December’s meeting willbe at noon in the Dog andRabbit, Whitley Bay.

After three years, the localmembership stands at 40.

Michael Wynne




Real Ale, Real Pub, Real People.

Open : Mon-Fri 3.30pm-11pm, Sat Noon-11pm, Sun Noon-10.30pmthe.steps@btconnect.com47 Spout Lane, 2 minutes walk from WashingtonWashington,NE38 7HP. Village Green.

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 25

Malton in North Yorks is amid size market town inbetween York andScarborough and is a 20minute train journey fromYork. The town has nearlya dozen real ale pubs andtwo breweries ! Thisseemed like a goodchoice for a pub crawl.

So taking advantage of aspecial offer for over 55'son Transpennine Express,early one Saturdaymorning saw seven of usgathering at Chester LeStreet station for the hourlong journey to York. Thenafter a short wait, the finalleg to Malton.

Arriving before openingtime, a decent breakfastwas first, and luckily therewas the Whistle Stop Caféat the station. After anexcellent fry up it wasdrinking time and the nextbusiness of the day couldstart.

The 2018 Good BeerGuide ( GBG) has oneentry for Malton, The BlueBall. Previous editionshad more, including ourfirst pub, The Crown, alsoknown as Suddabys.

We were first in the barand I noticed whenordering the drinks thelandlord pulled a half,then poured it away,ensuring the beer was atthe optimum temperature.This guy knows how to

look after his beer !.Sure enough, thehouse beer DoubleChance ( brewed byLeeds Brewery) wasa great way to startthe day. 2 pints laterit was time to find thenext pub.

Just before we wereleaving I heard adiscussion at the barabout the fact that theCrown had been left out ofthe 2018 GBG. When I gothome and completed theWhatpub scoring , Inoticed the text said “ inthe Guide for 25 years”Not any more !

Now Malton has twoBreweries; Bad Seed andBrass Castle. The formeris outside the town centrebut Brass Castle, with itsTaproom, was just roundthe corner ; so in wetrooped, myself wearing aBlack Sheep T Shirt.I asked the manager howmany pubs in Malton selltheir beers. He replied not

many as most are tied topubcos, then told me acrazy, but believablestory :-

The New Globe pub is 2minutes walk from theBrewery. After askingthem if the brewery couldsupply some beer, he wastold to contact Punch thepubco. They advised thathe would have to deliveryhis beer to theirdistribution suppliers inLeeds, who would thentransport to the NewGlobe. He politelymentioned he could roll acask down the street , butwas told, no. He gave up.

After a couple of excellentpints of Hazelnut Mild , wewalked through the MarketPlace, past a strange sign( see below)

Continued on page 26

MALTON by Ken Paul.

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 26

to the cattle market andthe appropriately namedSpotted Cow, (below) Aswell as the inevitableTetleys there wasSpeckled Hen andPedigree. The pub was abit cramped, andwith seven of ussqueezing in it was cosyto say the least.

With the sun setting it wastime to make a short walkto the penultimate pub of

the day ; theaforementionedBlue Ball (above). I firstvisited this pub nearly 30years ago and recallhaving a pie and a pintand I would like to think Isat in the same seat, butcant be sure.

One of my favourite UKbeers, Brains ReverendJames was on and it wasspot on.

By now the breakfast hadworn off so it time to find afish and chip shop, whichis customary for one ofthese trips.

Suitably stuffed , it wastrain time back to York.There was enough time inbetween connections toenjoy a quick half in theYork Tap in the station.Recommended - althoughthe place was heavingand the contrast betweena market town pub and acity one was verynoticeable.

So Malton is a great placefor trip out and travellingtime, at less than 90minutes , is relatively easyto get to.

Details of all the pubs canbe found at



If you have any complaint about your beer or cider, suchas poor quality, short measures or no price list displayed,you should mention it to the pub management in the firstinstance. If you need to pursue the compliant further, werecommend contacting the local Trading Standards Office.Contact details are given below :-

SOUTH TYNESIDE 0191 4247887 forresidents or Citizens AdviceConsumer Service on 03454040506

SUNDERLAND Contact Citizens AdviceConsumer Service on03454 040506.


Below are some useful contact details forTyne & Wear Metro and bus serviceproviders in our branchArriva - 0844 8004411


Go North East -0845 6060260

Nexus - ( Metro & Buses)0191 2020747

Stagecoach -0191 5675251

Traveline North East -0871 2002233

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 27

If you ever find yourselfwalking down NevskyProspekt in StPetersburg, and you justhappen to be passingМакдоналдс(McDonalds) when itbegins snowing, here’s atip. Turn off NevskyProspekt, walk down theoutside of McDonalds, orthe inside if you prefer,until you come upon anarchway to your left. Gothrough the gateway,through a short tunnel,walk across a courtyard,and look for a set of stairsleading down to a

basement. Walk down thestairs, open the door andenter Биргик (BeerGeek). You will findyourself in a small room.Facing you will be a bar.To your right are strangeshelves full of bottledbeer. To your left a seriesof tiered seats withcushions and soft toys. Itis likely that there will be asmall number of peopleenjoying conversation inRussian, but don’t let that

put you off. Ifyou’re fortunate,Valya and Vita willbe behind the bar.Vita in particularspeaks goodEnglish and canhelp you tochoose from thedraught andbottled beers onoffer. Thetwelve draughtbeers are not realales, butare of a highquality and verytasty, and areregularlychanged. Thereare hundreds of bottledbeers to choose from,

sourced from breweries

all over Europe, withmany home-producedbeers being on offer.

During a recent visit to theVenice of the North, Ispent several hours inБиргик, on three separateoccasions, and just fell inlove with the place. It’sone of those places whereyou enter as a totalstranger but leave as afriend, to be greeted byname the next time youarrive. It’s one of thoseplaces where you cantaste some wonderfulbeers, my first being asuperb “Hazelnut Stout”.It’s one of those placeswhere one drink can

БиргикBy Robin Sanderson

become several, just tocheck out what’s on offer,but one must alwaysremember the flight ofstairs that need to benegotiated when leaving.

The Hazelnut Stout, at6% was one of the weakerbeers on offer. Comingfrom a brewery calledSaldens, it wassomething of a surprise tofind out that the brewery isbased in Krasnodar, inSouthern Russia. Not toofar from Sochi. BigVillage and LovecraftWeird Breweries are alsobased in Krasnodar.

Vita showed me that thebottle shelves had more tothem than initially met theeye. They were in fact aseries of drawers whichpulled out, revealing morebeers behind the initialdisplay.

It’s amazing what two orthree words of Russianand a bowl of saltedpeanuts can do to breakthe ice. Share your nutsand you have new friends!Sasha, pictured to theright with the tiger andgiant mouse, was fromSmolensk, the home ofsoviet cosmonaut YuriGagarin. Having met YuriGagarin fifty one yearsago in Moscow, Iimmediately had a fewbrownie points and a topicof conversation.

On two of the occasionsthat I spent time at BeerGeek I was alone, butwas soon engaged inconversation by fellowbeer lovers. On the thirdoccasion I wasaccompanied by a youngfriend Alena, a resident ofSt.Petersburg who hadnot visited the micro-pubbefore. She assured me itwould not be her last visit,

and that she would beintroducing some of theSt. Petersburg Brunettes(that’s another story) to itas soon as possible. Asshe has a penchant fordark beers. HazelnutStout fitted the billperfectly. And Alena wasone of the few people Isaw in the bar who dranka pint of it!

So, if you’re ever inSt.Petersburg, and youhave seen the sights andare looking forsomewhere quitedifferent to relax andhave a beer or two, headfor Биргик . It is in ulitsaRubinshteyna, 2/45St.Petersburg. Justbehind McDonalds andnot far from theMayakovskaya MetroStation, and is open dailyfrom 12.00 noon to 12midnight.

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 29




PUB QUIZ(Question 1 the first question in a quiz in Issue 1 of CAMRA Angle)

1 What order of monks is famous for brewing in Belgium ?2 In 2017 who apologised for his atrocious cockney accent in the film Mary

Poppins ?3 Name the three former ridings of Yorkshire.4 What did Queen Victoria, Ronald Reagan, HG Wells and Michelangelo have in

common ( with 10% of present world population ) ?5 Which Scottish outlaw was executed in 1305?6 In which county is the Faversham Hop Festival held ?7 Who was US President in 1978 ?8 Sometimes used in brewing, Spelt is a species of what ?9 Name the film from this well known line :- “Where we’re going, we don’t need

roads.”10 What is unique about Barra Airport in the Outer Hebrides ?11 In 1897 London cabbie George Smith was the first person to be arrested and

fined ( 20s) for what ?12 Who is the only sportsman to have won world championships on 2 wheels and

4 wheels ?13 Name the musician who died aged 29 and his funeral took place at Golders

Green Crematorium in London in 197714 Name the US Presidential candidate who published the book “ What

Happened” in Sept 201715 Which 2 languages have to be spoken on the International Space Station ?

16 Name the famous pub pictured.17 Name the 1975 Top 40 hit for Abba from this clue - “ 5 weddings”18 In which city is Castle Rock Brewery & its Brewery Tap, the VAT & Fiddle.19 According to the 2018 Good Beer Guide, there are 3 breweries based in

Newburn, Newcastle . Box Social, Big Lamp and which other ?20 Which company makes the most tyres in the world ?

Question 16.

CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 30

1 Trappist 11 Drink Driving2 Dick Van Dyke 12 John Surtees3 North, East and West 13 Marc Bolan4 Left Handed 14 Hilary Clinton5 William Wallace 15 English & Russian6 Kent 16 Tan Hill Inn.7 Jimmy Carter 17 I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do8 Wheat 18 Nottingham9 Back to the Future 19 Hadrian & Border10 The beach is the runway 20 Lego


CAMRA Angle 50 - Winter 2017 - 32

Ten Yearsof MaximBrewery