Can A Bipolar Be Happy? I Am!

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Bipolar Disorder and Clinical Depression can be traumatic experiences for patients themselves and their families too. Is it really possible for a Bipolar to live a 'normal', fulfilling life? Am sharing my thoughts here Have set up a website specifically for this -by a Bipolar for Bipolars. We have had an encouraging 28000 visits on this site in the 7 months since launch!


A Happy Bipolar? Yes! I’m a happy man!

The Psychiatrist takes care of the Medical part of Bipolar

You MUST consult one!There is simply no alternative.Only a Psychiatrist is qualified to treat a Bipolar patient.

“I’m feeling so happy!

Wonder if this will last. Problems and worries will snatch it from me”

Why not live fully in the moment instead?Happiness is in the NOW

People don't make you cry. Your thoughts give rise to emotions,whether Happy or Sad. Take charge of your thoughts,forget the people!!

Mind your Mind

You could seek help from a Psychologist or Psychotherapist.

Open up, share your problems.Professional guidance helps.

That is half the battle won!

Take a break when you really need one..Else, face a break when you least want one!Take care of your mind and body.

Ideas flood the mind like a river in spate,Have to stem the flows, man the sluice gatesWhile the roaring flood inundates,Controlled flows new life creates.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)is a wonderful tool in the healing process.

Your thoughts bring about your mood changes.Change your thoughts,Change your Moods!

Fear is an assumption of a negative

future as reality- whether in the

immediate future or on the horizon.

False assumptions cloud your mind

and erode your confidence.

Strongly deal with challenges.

You have the power within you to

overcome the worst case scenario.

When you are down and out, nothing seems to give you hope

When stable and happy, you find it difficult to believeyou managed to pull yourself out of that abyss!

Draw inspiration from your past struggles: you have in it you!

The way you begin your day, the feelings that you harbour, set the tone for the rest of it. Smiling helps! Happy days make for happy lives!

The only person who can inspire and motivate you is you.

When you have so much to worry about,

Why waste time enjoying life?

Your thoughts decide how you feel

Picture a bright,successful future and

make giant strides towards it. Or doubt yourself and your abilities.

As you choose your path, so unfolds your future.

The gay abandon with which children embrace joy!As children, we enjoyed simple things..It takes a lot to keep usHappy when we grow up.

Missed out on my daily sessions of Yoga, Meditation and Exercise over the past few days..Oh Man, did I miss them!

Shape up or get stressed out!

I am what I am seekingThe less I seek, the quieter my mindThe quieter my mind, the closer I am

to nowI am in the NOW


The Soul seeks nothing, it is always blissful.Why is the Mind never satisfied,ever demanding?Introspect on what makes you truly Happy..

The Power of the Mind is Mind-Boggling!Use it judiciously for the benefit of all living beings.

God has blessed me with infinite Power.It is now upto me to use it optimally for the maximum benefit of as many peopleas I can. Happiness!

Initially my success was

driven by peoplewho doubted me.

On becoming wiser,I focused on my own

Many people are helping you in your troublesome journeyFamily, Friends, DoctorsTrust them, co-operate with them.You owe it to themYou owe it to yourself

Even the mighty Sun is mortal and will fade away like all stars do. Brighten the lives of those around you with your positive energy in this short life that you have.

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