Canadian artists by Meghan

Post on 10-May-2015

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Ross Penhall

Helen McNicoll

Emily Carr

Lead the WayRoss Penhall“Lead the Way” is an oil on Canvas painting by Ross Penhall. The painting was released in 2011.The style of painting is contemporary. The name of the painting and the idea almost reminds me of children running through the forest, following each other over the bridge and hiding under the trees. I love the way he uses light and shadows in his painting. The trees are almost cartoon like. They remind me of the trees in “The Lorax” by Dr.Suess.

Urban Sculptures Ross Penhall“Urban Sculptures” is a oil on canvas by Ross Penhall. This painting came out in 2011. This painting is in the style of contemporary. The painting makes me think of a afternoon walk in the park. The colour of the trees makes me think it is a fall day in the park. I love how there is a outline of the mountains in the background. In most of Ross Penhall’s pictures there is a path. The path makes me wonder if he is trying to take you on journey. The trees are very sculpture or cartoon like.

Picking Flowers Helen McNicoll “Picking Flowers” is an oil on canvas painting by Helen McNicoll. McNicoll was a Canadian impressionist painter from the early 1900’s. She would draw her inspiration from everyday life. The picture was painted in 1912. I love how the flowers are drenched in the sunlight. It has a lovely, carefree innocence to it. The colours are very soft and gentle like the children. It is playful

The Apple Gatherer Helen McNicollThe “Apple Gatherer” was exhibited in Montreal in 1911. The painting technique used in this picture was the plein air technique. This is an oil on canvas painting. The colours are very soft and calm. Even though it is an impressionist painting it is very realistic. The sunlight coming through the tree is beautiful. You can imagine the apple gatherer going home to her family to make fresh apple pie. I noticed she used long paint strokes for the grass.

Trees No.1 Emily Carr“Trees, No. 1” was painted by Emily Carr in 1932. This is an oil on canvas painting. It reminds me of ballerinas in their tutus. The trees in the front almost look like they are moving. This painting is more playful than Emily Carr’s other paintings. It looks as if the light from a full moon is hitting the trees in the middle of the forest. She uses so many shades of green in this picture. It is less abstract than some of her other paintings.

Heart of the ForestBy: Emily Carr“Heart of the Forest” is a oil on canvas painted by Emily Carr in 1935. It is a natural landscape of a lone cedar tree in the forest. This painting uses more colours and lighter colours than a lot of Emily Carr’s other paintings. She used exaggerated brush strokes on most of the painting. The tree looks as if it is swaying in the wind and the sky is stormy. I love that shades of colours in the painting.