cancer protocol

Post on 24-Nov-2014

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DR. KELLEY'S 5 STEPS FOR CURING CANCER Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, Doctor of Metabolic Medicine, trustee, Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine

Former Acting Director General, Phil. Institute of Traditional & Alternative Health Care, Department of Health

Tel. 632-924-2487, cell 63-917-530-6468, email

In Dr. Kelley's therapy, it's the patient who will cure himself, not the doctor, not the caregiver, not anyone else, because it's the patient who has to do all the work; namely:

1. Digest & Kill the Cancer Cells.

To digest the cancer cells' outer protective coating, take megadoses of pancreatic enzymes, either in capsules or as raw pork pancreas. To kill them, boost the immune system with megadoses of natural food supplements (every alternative doctor has his own way of boosting the immune system), or with raw beef liver and raw cassava juice.

2. Remove the dead rotting cancer cells from the body every day.

This is done with the coffee enema. Unless this is done, the patient will feel very toxic, like they do with chemo, from the dead rotting cells. But of course they feel worse with chemo because chemo kills both normal and cancer cells, whereas the enzymes and immune system boosters kill only the cancer cells.

If you need help in learning how to do the coffee enema, please call Alma de Jesus, a registered nurse, 0915-417-6813.

Before you do Step #1, please learn how to do the coffee enema first, because if you start killing cancer cells without knowing how to remove the dead rotting cells, you will feel like you got hit by a freight truck and will not know how to get instant relief. If the dead rotting cells build up without being removed, they could make you very toxic that it could even kill you. So please learn how to do the coffee enema first.

3. Clear the arteries of all blockages, so the blood will be free-flowing and can carry the enzymes to everywhere there might be cancer cells lurking.

This is done with 90 drops a day of Super Phos 30, mixed with fresh or vegetable fruit juice.

4. Detoxify the body thoroughly.

Get at least 3 bowel movements daily with Dr. Richard Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1 and at least 10 8-oz glasses of water; Dr. Richard Schulze's Intestinal Formula #2 for 1 week every 3 months to remove heavy metals and poisons; liver and gall bladder flushes (3x 2 weeks apart, and then every 2 months for as long as there is cancer); Okra Pepsin to remove mucous from the intestines, and the bio-electric zapper to keep the body parasite free.

5. Change the lifestyle.

It's the lifestyle that made you sick. If you don't change it, you'll remain sick. This mainly means change the food you have been eating. For smokers, stop smoking. For those continually exposed to hazardous toxins due to the working or residential environment, change the environment. Of all the the 5 steps, this is the hardest of all to do. On what to eat, ideally follow the Adam and Eve Diet (details attached); namely:

For the first 6 months, eat 100% raw; i.e., raw vegetables, fruits, home-made juices from fresh carrots, celery, apples, other vegetables and fruits, raw eggs, and if possible raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver instead of capsules. After 6 months, cooked fish and chicken may be eaten, but before 1 pm, so for at least 18 hours until breakfast, the body’s pancreatic enzymes will be used to digest cancer cells instead of animal foods.

Avoid all processed foods, cooked red meats, white rice, foods made with white refined sugar and white refined flour like pan de sal, white sliced bread, pastries. Avoid junk food. #

THE ADAM & EVE DIET FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, Doctor of Metabolic Medicine (DMM)

Former Acting Director General, Philippine Institute of Traditional & Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), Department of Health, Member, Board of Trustees, Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine Tel. # 632-924-2487, fax #632-929-9170, email:

This diet is to be taken with the raw pork pancreas, raw beef liver, raw garlic, and raw cassava juice needed to kill cancer cells, daily coffee enemas to remove the dead rotting cells, and using an electronic zapper to kill whatever parasites come with the raw meats. The dosages are as follows:

Raw pork pancreas. 2 tablespoons with every meal (3x a day), and 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach one hour before every meal and just before bedtime (4x a day), for a total of 14 tablespoons daily.

Raw pork pancreas are very rich in the pancreatic enzymes (chymotrypsin and trypsin) that digest animal protein. They will digest the animal protein outer coating of the cancer cell and remove its negative ion charge, so the immune system cells which also have negative ion charges, can now enter the cancer cell and kill it.

Unless this outer coating is digested and the negative ion charge removed, the immune system cannot kill the cancer cell, because two negatives repel each other.

Raw beef liver. 3 tablespoons at lunch only (1x a day). This is very rich in vitamins and minerals, and is the best blood builder there is. It will strengthen the immune system so it can kill the cancer cell once the cell's outer protective coating has been digested.

Raw garlic. One clove of crushed raw garlic with each serving of raw pancreas and liver to kill the bacteria and viruses that might be in the raw meat.

Raw cassava juice. One 8-oz glass after breakfast and one glass after dinner. This is very rich in Vitamin B-17, which enters the cancer cell after its outer coating has been digested by the raw pancreas, and together with a strengthened immune system, kills the cancer cell.

When the cassava enters the cancer cell, an enzyme, beta-glucosidase, which cancer cells and not normal cells secrete in profusion, breaks it down into two molecules of glucose, and 2 molecules of strong poisons, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, which kill the cancer cell.

Normal cells secrete a different enzyme, rhodanese, which the cancer cells do not. This enzyme turns the benzaldehyde into benzoic acid, an analgesic, which eases the pains of terminal cancer patients, and which turns the hydrogen cyanide into thiocyanate, a harmless substance which is a natural regulator of blood pressure.

Thus, cassava juice not only acts like a target-specific smart bomb in killing the cancer cell, but it also has beneficial side effects for the normal cells.


Take these dosages for 25 straight days, then take a break for 5 days. During the break, continue to take the 2 tablespoons of raw pancreas with your meals to help digest the food. The break gives the body a chance to get rid of residual dead cancer cells which may not have been removed by the daily coffee enemas.

Follow this 25 days-on, 5 days-off cycle every month until you are cancer free, then continue the same for another 6 months. If you continue to be cancer free after 6 months, drop to a maintenance dose of only 2 tablespoons of raw pancreas with every meal and the 3 tablespoons of raw liver for the rest of your life.

Coffee enema. This is a high (a 15" catheter goes into the colon), 15-minute retention enema that circulates coffee in the colon (5 minutes lying on the left side, 5 minutes on the back, 5 minutes on the right side) to make the coffee hit the liver and gall bladder areas.

When it does that, the liver and gall bladder contract, dumping into the colon all the dead rotting cancer cells which the liver had filtered out of the blood. You then dump them into the toilet.

Once you start eating the raw pancreas and liver, you'll start killing cancer cells by the millions, and these dead cells will start rotting in your body, making you feel toxic (dizziness, headache, fever, muscle aches, joint pains, nausea, even vomiting). This toxic feeling lifts instantly when the enema is done.

Do the 1st enema upon waking up in the morning, before breakfast. Be sure to defecate 1st so that there is no obstruction to the circulation of the coffee. If you cannot defecate, do a water enema first to clear the colon of waste, then follow it up with the coffee.

You may have to do more than 1 enema a day, because as the day progresses, you continue to kill cancer cells. So play it by ear, do an enema whenever you feel intolerably toxic, because it means you are killing cancer cells faster than you are removing them.

Bio-electric Zapper. This is an electronic device that runs 1 milliampere of current through your body, not enough to kill a cockroach, but enough to kill all viruses, bacteria, worms, all other parasites. Use it every day to keep yourself free of all these parasites. Parasites can injure tissues, and injuries to tissues trigger the growth of cancer.

You can choose from two recommended zappers, both of which come with detailed usage instructions. One is the Mayco zapper, locally made by Msgr. Howard May and the other imported from the U.S. from Dr. James R. Overman. The difference between the two is the current from the Mayco zapper

penetrates the intestines and kills the good bacteria as well, whereas the Overman zapper does not to avoid killing the good bacteria.

If the Mayco zapper is used, take a probiotic (example, a bottle of Yakult 3x a day) to replenish the good bacteria in the colon. If the Overman zapper is used, and there are parasites in the colon that need to be killed, take Preventa SC, a herbal


supplement to kill the parasites in the colon, and/or Wormex if there are worms. If there are no parasites in the colon, there is no need to take the herbal supplement, just use the zapper.

For more information on the zappers, contact the author.

How to Prepare the Raw Pancreas and Liver

1. Buy them early morning from the wet market, so they are freshly butchered. Do not buy more than a week's supply.

2. Wash them clean. Then soak in a basin of water for 10 minutes with 1/2 half cup of rock salt to disinfect. (Do this washing and soaking of all raw foods that you eat, including raw vegetables.) After the soaking, rub the meats with more salt on all sides until the sliminess is gone.

3. Rinse out the salt and cut the meat into small cubes so you can easily measure it by the tablespoonful.

4. Wrap up the pancreas 2 tablespoons per packet (you can use a small plastic bag), and the liver 3 tablespoons per packet. Do not season all the meat yet.

5. Put the packets in the freezer, and get them out to eat one at a time as needed.

6. Season each packet just before eating, whichever way you want to make it palatable. Just do not use vetsin (MSG) or cook it. Some mix it with wasabi like sashimi, some make it into kinilaw, like marinated mackerel, others like to chew it fresh frozen (it has a nice cool clean taste) which melts in the mouth, sometime dipping it in rock salt.

How to Prepare the Raw Cassava Juice

Get a freshly harvested cassava root (kamoteng kahoy), white, without spots. Cut off 4 inches and slice it thinly. Put in a blender with 2 8-oz glasses of mineral water. Blend at the highest speed for not more than 10 seconds, just until it is liquified.

Put in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 2 hours, until the starch settles to the bottom. Strain out the starch. Keep the juice refrigerated. Drink 1 glass after breakfast and 1 glass after dinner.

Basic Foundations of the Adam & Eve Diet -- Water and Salt. The body is made up of 25% food and 75% water. You got sick because of the foods you have been eating, and the failure to maintain your body's water level at 75%.

Water is to the body what oil is to a car. Without sufficient oil, a car will break down, no matter if it always has a tankful of the finest gasoline, is always washed and greased, and always has new spark plugs. Without sufficient water, the body will break down, because all the cells, the blood, the tissues, the vital organs will get. dehydrated. When the water drops below 75%, the immune system drops with it. Drink at least 10 8-oz glasses of mineral water a day (15 glasses if you have high blood pressure) to maintain your body's water level at 75%. Do not drink distilled


and reverse osmosis water. They have no minerals. Because water has a natural affinity for minerals, they will draw minerals from wherever they can and will strip your body of minerals. A cancer patient is

already very deficient in minerals. Distilled and reverse osmosis water will aggravate this deficiency and worsen the cancer.

Increase your salt intake by at least 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt daily to be able to retain the water (otherwise you'll just keep urinating it out). Water and salt are basic components of the Adam and Eve Diet. Without them, the Diet will not work.

The Adam & Eve Diet Change your eating habits to the Adam & Eve diet. This diet will just not make you very healthy, it will rejuvenate you and make you younger. Here's how.

For the 1st 6 months. Eat 100% raw foods. I call this the Adam and Eve diet, because in the Garden of Eden, there was no pugon (stove). They ate 100% raw, and they lived 930 years.

After 6 months. You can eat cooked fish and chicken, but not after 1 p.m. This way you will have 18 hours until breakfast when the enzymes from your pancreas. can be used to digest cancer cells and not animal food. Avoid cooked red meats. They are the hardest to digest.

Always eat raw foods first, so your stomach will have the enzymes from these foods to help digest the cooked foods that follow, requiring less work from your own pancreas.

Although you can now eat cooked foods, still eat as much raw food as possible, at least 70-90% of your diet.

Today, the longest living people on earth are the Japanese. In September 2006, Japan had 28,395 citizens aged 100 or older, according to the Health Ministry. The UN estimates that by 2050, Japan will have one million centenarians, the world's largest.

The Japanese eat a lot of raw foods. They eat raw vegetables and fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not just raw fish and raw shellfish. In a Japanese restaurant you can eat 100% raw. Start with a green salad, follow with sashimi, and end with a fresh fruit.

In the Philippines, you can also eat 100% raw. Start with a vegetable salad, follow with kinilaw na tanguingui (raw, marinated mackerel), and finish with a raw ripe mango or a banana.

Raw foods are living foods, cooked foods are dead food. If you plant a raw kamote (sweet potato), after 2 weeks life will be coming out of the soil. If you plant a boiled kamote, it will rot in the soil just like any dead body. We get sick as we grow old because all our lives we keep planting dead food in our bodies. Anything cooked above 40 degrees centigrade loses its enzymes,


vitamins, and its minerals become inorganic which the body cannot absorb.

Cancer develops when the pancreas have been so worn down by hard to digest foods that they can no longer produce enough enzymes to digest the outer coating of cancer cells as they come along.

Avoid dairy products because they are also hard to digest, like milk, cheese except cottage cheese, ice cream.

Avoid all foods made with white refined flour, like pan de sal, white sliced bread, cakes, pastries. Rye bread, wheat bread that doesn't use hydrogenated vegetable oils are OK. Instead of white refined rice, eat brown rice mixed with red malagkit (sticky rice). The ratio is 1 cup of brown rice mixed with 1 tablespoon of red malagkit.

Avoid foods and drinks made with white refined sugar, like candies and soft drinks. Cancer thrives in a sugary environment. If you need sugar, use raw muscovado sugar, or raw honey, or maple syrup.

Avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Nutrasweet), found in diet soft drinks and Equal. The body converts aspartame into formaldehyde, a chemical used for embalming corpses. It can aggravate diabetes and cause brain tumors. Natural non-sugar sweeteners like Stevia and Xylitol are OK.

Avoid all soy products, except possibly small amounts of fermented soy, like miso, natto, and dark soy sauce (avoid light-colored soy sauces which are highly processed).

Soy promotes cancer because:

(1) It is high in estrogen-mimicking compounds which fertilize the growth of cancer cells.

(2) It blocks the action of enzymes that digest proteins, preventing the digestion by the pancreatic enzymes of the animal protein outer coating of cancer cells.

(3) It blocks the absorption of essential minerals, aggravating the mineral deficiency of cancer patients.

(4) It has hemagglutinin, a substance which promotes blood clots because it causes clustering of red blood cells/

(5) The clustering also prevents the cells from absorbing oxygen properly, and cancer thrives in an oxygen-starved environment.

The usual argument for soy is that the cancer rate in Japan is low because the Japanese eat a lot of soy. Not true. They eat only small amounts of fermented soy with servings of meat or fish which minimize the mineral-blocking effects of soy.

There is more soy consumed in America, like soya milk, soy flour, soy oil, soy ice cream, soy burgers, soy oil-based salad dressings, soy-oil based vitamins. It's in snack foods, fast foods, cereals, prepakaged foods. Check labels for soy content.


Sample Menu

Here is a sample menu for your 3 meals a day, incorporating the raw pancreas, raw liver, raw garlic, raw cassava juice:

Breakfast (100% raw)

1 capful of Goji Juice, 5 minutes before the meal

1 orange or grapefruit or a pomelo

1/2 of a big papaya laced with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic (delicious with garlic!)

2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas seasoned according to your taste

2 raw eggs with a pinch of rock or sea salt in each

1 8-oz glass of the SuperFood nutritional drink. Recipe follows:

Juice an 8-oz glass of sweet apples and put into a blender

Add an 8-oz glass of mineral water to the blender

Add 2 heaping scoops or tablespoons of the SuperFood powder of Dr. Schulze to the blender

Add 90 drops of Super Phos 30 to the blender

Add 2 heaping teaspoons of Buffered Vitamin C powder to the blender

Add 1 ripe sweet fresh mango to the blender

Blend. Chill in the refrigerator. Drink 1 glass with breakfast, the second glass with lunch

1 bowl of raw cereals (hulled barley, spelt, whole grain wheat, steel-cut oats, buckwheat groats, millet, quinoa, amaranth), pine nuts, raw pepitas and sunflower seeds from a health food store.

Put the cereals, nuts, seeds in a bowl in equal proportions, like a teaspoon each. Soak the mixture overnight in warm mineral water. The soaking starts germination, which makes them more

nutritious,and soft enough to chew in the morning, but still deliciously crunchy. Strain out the water. Sweeten with slices of latondan banana.


Start with a large bowl of fresh vegetable salad. Have many different vegetables, like green and purple leafy lettuce, bell peppers of all colors, carrots, turnips, chunks of apples, red seedless grapes, 3 pieces of raw okra.

Make it as colorful as possible. The nutrition is in the color. Avoid the white iceberg lettuce used for Cesar's salad. It has no nutrition. Avoid white vegetables like cucumber, turnips, yakon. They give you gas. The red seedless grapes will serve as the dressing. But if you wish, use a dressing of vinegar and oil.

The healthy oils are extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil or extra virgin cold pressed olive oil. The healthy vinegars are sukang Ilocos, or sukang niog, which are raw. Avoid the highly advertised vinegars which are highly processed.

After the salad, 2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas and 3 tablespoons of raw beef liver, with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic, a cup of raw or blanched dark green leafy vegetable like saluyot or kangkong or kamote leaf tops or alogbati or pako. You can have bagoong with the raw or blanched green leaves to make them delicious. Avoid malunggay unless it's grown in the mountains without traffic and you eat it there. Malunggay readily absorbs lead from the air.

If after this, you're still hungry, you can have raw fish, raw sweet small shrimps (suahe), or raw chicken. You can season the raw foods any way you want to make them palatable, so long as you don't use vetsin (MSG). Delicious seasoning is with 3 cloves of crushed raw garlic, 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt, and a teaspoon of Chili Garlic Sauce from Lee Kum Kee of Malaysia.

You prepare the raw fish, shrimps, chicken the same way you prepare the raw pancreas and raw liver. If you are a cancer patient, remember, eat 100% raw for the first 6 months. Finish with a fresh ripe mango or with a raw ripe saba banana. Raw saba has 3x the potassium of latondan and 6x of lakatan.

If you are not a cancer patient, the 2 tablespoons of raw pork pancreas with every meal (3x a day) will prevent you from catching cancer and diabetes. The raw pork pancreas is very rich in natural insulin without the side effects of synthetic insulin injections.


Same pattern as lunch. If you eat cooked foods at all, be sure to eat the raw foods first ahead of the cooked foods to have enzymes already in the stomach to help digest the cooked foods that follow. #


by Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, Doctor of Metabolic Medicine, trustee, Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine

Former Acting Director General, Phil. Institute of Traditional & Alternative Health Care, Department of Health, Tel. 632-924-2487, fax 632-929-9173, email

1. Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS, was a 79-year-old American dentist who survived for 43 years after curing himself of 1.5 months terminal pancreatic cancer which had metastasized to the liver, the lungs, everywhere, using an enzyme therapy he developed himself. Before he died of a heart attack in January 2005, he had cured more than 33,000 terminal patients of all kinds of cancers, both hard (with tumors) and soft (no tumors, like leukemia),without surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

2. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City authorized a study in 1981 of Dr. Kelley’s cancer cases. The object was to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dr. Kelley was a quack. Because of the thousands of well-documented cases and patients to be interviewed, it took 5 years to complete the study.

The resulting 301-page report found that the cure rate was 100% for pancreatic cancer and 97% for all other cancers (93% if previously treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation). The report was suppressed. The doctor who did the study, Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., quit in disgust and set up a cancer clinic in Park Avenue, New York city using the Kelley therapy, which to this day is thriving and eminently successful.

3. The Kelley protocol is simple, based on the paradigm that cancer is caused by a nutritional deficiency. Correct the deficiency and you cure the cancer. The patient is deficient in pancreatic enzymes and in the nutrition needed for a strong immune system. The patient is given megadoses of pancreatic enzymes and megadoses of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to boost the immune system.

Cancer cells have an outer coating with a negative ion charge, the immune system’s white blood cells also have a negative ion charge. So no matter how strong you make the immune system, it cannot kill the cancer cell, because two negatives repel each other.

Kelley's genius was in reasoning out that since the outer coating of the cancer cell is made of animal protein, animal protein-digesting enzymes produced by the pancreas will digest it and remove the negative ion charge, leaving the cancer cell open to attack by the immune system. Cancer develops when a person's pancreatic enzyme production becomes deficient, because of physical damage to the pancreas (17% of cases) or a lifetime of eating hard to digest foods which have worn out the pancreatic cells producing the enzymes (83% of cases). All cooked foods are hard to digest because anything cooked above 40 degrees C loses its own enzymes.

Kelley reasoned that if a person's pancreas can no longer produce sufficient enzymes, the key to curing cancer is to supplement with megadoses of pancreatic enzymes from outside sources, the richest of which is pork pancreas, while boosting the immune system with megadoses of

vitamins, minerals, and other food supplements. And that is how he cured himself, and the thousands of terminal patients during the 43 years that he survived.

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You will know you no longer have enough enzymes to digest food, and therefore none left over to digest cancer cells, when your belly feels bloated all the time. Undigested food ferments and generates gas. You will burp and fart a lot, and can even have frequent heart burn and shortness of breath as the gas rises and presses against the heart and lungs.

When this happens, cancer is not far behind. Time to change your lifestyle and eating habits, and take preventive dosages of pancreatic enzymes to prevent cancer from developing..

4. The Kelley paradigm centers around the reality that a cancer cell is nothing more than a placental cell growing in the wrong place. If you look at both cells under the same microscope, you will find that they are identical. The startling significance of this is: without the cancer cell, there would be no human race! It’s all part of God’s divine plan for the human race to go and multiply. How is this so?

More than 100 years ago, a Scottish maiden with cancer got pregnant. By the time the baby was born, she was cancer free. The news spread like wildfire, and reportedly all the maidens in Scotland now wanted to get pregnant.

A Scottish embryologist in the University of Edinburgh, Dr. John Beard, researched the phenomenon, and found the maiden got cured of her cancer because during her pregnancy, she had two pancreas, her own and the baby’s.

In 1999, the same phenomenon happened to a 29-year-old Filipina in Metro Manila. She was 4 months pregnant and had bladder cancer. Conventional doctors surgically took out as much of the tumor mass as they could, but said they could not take it all out and could not give her chemotherapy or radiation because it would kill the baby, but the cancer was so aggressive that it could kill her and the baby before the baby was born.

The wife’s exclamation when she learned about the Scottish maiden from a phone call to Dr. Kelley: "You mean it’s my baby who will save me?! I thought the baby would kill me!" After months of feeling scared and desperate, she said, "For the first time, I have hope!"

But for the next step, husband and wife decided to go to Stanford since they already had a confirmed appointment there and felt it would be a waste not to take it. The Stanford doctors confirmed what the Philippine doctors had said, that nothing more could be done.

So husband and wife then went to Kansas to see Dr. Kelley. They came home with a Balikbayan box full of Kelley’s enzymes and nutritional supplements. Five months later, the wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and both mother and daughter were cancer free.

Here’s how Dr. Beard explains it: When a female egg is fertilized, the zygote drops into the uterus and generates germ cells which not only evolve into the tissues of the growing fetus, but also generate trophoblastic cells to form the placenta. Without the placenta, the zygote would fall right out of the uterus. Like a true cancer cell, the placenta metastasizes and eats itself into

the wall of the uterus, growing very rapidly to accomodate the growing fetus. Like a cancer cell, it develops its own

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little blood vessel network to feed itself.

But in the 8th week of pregnancy, the placenta stops growing. If it didn’t, continuous growth would kill the mother. What stops it is, in the 8th week the baby’s pancreas start to function.

Of the many enzymes produced by the pancreas, two (trypsin and chymotrypsin) digest animal protein. They digest the outer protective coating of the trophoblastic cell, exposing it to attack by the immune system, stopping its further growth.

In the 8th month of pregnancy, when the baby is fully formed, excess germ cells migrate to the baby’s gonads (ovaries for the female, testes for the male), there to be stored for when the baby, as an adult, begets babies of its own. But only 80% make it to the gonads by the time the baby is born. The remaining 20%, about 3 billion cells, are scattered all over the body, with about 2 cells for every pinhead. These cells are used to repair injured tissues.

When an injury occurs, say to the breast due to repeated mammograms, to the lungs due to smoking, or to the colon due to putrefying red meats and stored up fecal matter, or anywhere else due to toxins or parasites or whatever, the area is flooded with estrogen, activating germ cells to repair the injury. (Germ cells nowadays are called stem cells.)

Unfortunately, true to nature, activated germ cells also generate trophoblastic cells. But just like the placenta in pregnancy, the trophoblastic cells are stopped from becoming cancerous growths if pancreatic enzyme production is sufficient not only to digest food but also have enough left over to digest cancer cells.

Years of eating hard to digest foods (cooked food, meats, dairy products, processed foods) wear out the cells of the pancreas. Some 83% of pancreatic enzyme deficiencies is due to this. The rest is due to birth defects, disease and accidents damaging the pancreas.

5. Curing the Incurable.

a. Non-invasive test. A non-invasive test to detect the presence of cancer, used by alternative doctors in the Philippines and abroad, is the Navarro Beta HCG Urine Cancer Test, developed by the late Dr. Manuel Navarro, M.D., professor in the Faculty of Medicine of UST. The test is 95% accurate (biopsies and blood tumor marker tests are at best 70% accurate).

The test detects the presence of cancer 3-4 years even before symptoms develop. It measures the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin hormones, the same hormones pregnancy tests try to detect, but the Navarro test is more concentrated for accuracy. Regular prenancy tests, if used to detect cancer, can give false readings.

Urine samples can be sent to Dr. Efren F. Navarro, M.D., 3553 Sining Street, Morningside Terrace, Sta. Mesa, Manila, with P400. Results will be known by 10 a.m. the next day. Always

take the first urine after midnight, whatever time that might occur. Put it in a sterilized glass jar, and label it with your name.

To avoid false readings, to sterilize the jar do not use soap or detergent. Just boil it. Do not use a rag to dry the jar. Just air dry it. Men must abstain from sex for 24 hours before taking the urine sample, women for 12 days. Women should also wait 7 days after the end of the

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menstrual flow before taking the sample. Pregnant women should not send a urine sample. A urinary tract infection will result in false readings. So have a urinalysis done the day before you take the sample to be sure there is no UTI.

For outside metro Manila, call Dr. Navarro, tel. #02-714-7442 for instructions on how to send urine specimens by mail or courier. Here's how to prepare the urine specimen:

Mix well 50 cc of the urine with 200 cc of acetone and 5 cc of 70% isopropyl alcohol or 95% ethyl alcoho. Let the mixture stand for 2 hours in a refrigerator until sediments form. Throw off about half of the mixture without losing the sediments. Filter the remaining mixture through a coffee filter paper or a laboratory filter paper to retain the sediments. Air dry the paper with the sediments.

After the paper dries with the sediments, fold it, place it in a plastic bag, and mail it to Dr. Navarro with P400 in postal money order or a bank manager's check, together with the patient's name, age, sex, brief medical history, and/or diagnosis. Results will be sent by email to the patient and/or physician if they have email addresses. The official report will be sent by air mail.

For urine specimens from outside the Philippines, remit $50 to Ms. Erlinda N. Suarez, 631 Peregrine Drive, Palatine, Illinois 60067-7005. If results are wanted quickly, send the specimen by courier (Fedex, UPS, or DHL) or International Postal Express Mail Service (EMS) together with the patient's name, age, sex, brief medical history, and/or diagnosis, and a xerox copy of the money order or check (personal checks are OK if drawn on a U.S. bank) of the $50 remitted to Ms. Suarez. If specimens are sent by regular air mail, allow 4-6 weeks for test result delivery. The specimen will be tested immediately upon arrival. Results will be sent by email to the patient and/or physician if they have email addresses. The official report will be sent by air mail. Because of its accuracy, non-invasiveness, and low-cost, the Navarro test is used as a base line reading and for regular follow-up checks. It is also used yearly to screen for early detection of cancer before symptoms occur.

b. The Steps of the Kelley Protocol.

(1) Digesting and Killing the Cancer Cells. This is done with megadoses of pancreatic enzymes to digest the cancer cell's outer animal protein coating and concurrently with megadoses of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements to strengthen the immune system so it can enter and kill the cancer cell after its protective coating is digested.

Kelley's Enzymes. Megadoses of pancreatic enzymes (total 72 capsules a day for 25 days out of every month) are taken 7 times a day, 12 capsules 3x a day with meals, 10 capsules 3x a day on an empty stomach and 6 capsules before bedtime also on an empty stomach. The 36

capsules with meals are to digest the patient's food, and the 36 capsules on an empty stomach are to digest cancer cells.

For those who find the enzymes too expensive and unaffordable, raw pork pancreas can be used instead, because raw pork pancreas are very rich in pancreatic enzymes. They are in fact the source of the pancreatic enzyme capsules. The raw pork can be seasoned

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according to each user’s taste to make it palatable, and delicious. Just don’t use MSG (vetsin). Some mix it with wasabi (like with sashimi), or hot pepper sauce, curry powder, or with kalamansi, chopped onions, ginger, salt, pepper, and always with a clove of crushed raw garlic to kill whatever germs, bacteria and viruses there might be.

Vitamins/minerals, probiotics, other nutritional supplements. Megadoses daily to boost the immune system and kill the cancer cell. This can include laetrile (vitamin B17) and cesium.

For those who cannot afford the nutritional supplements, raw beef liver can be used instead, since raw beef liver is very rich in vitamins and minerals and is very good in building up the blood. The dosage is 3 tablespoons at lunchtime only, with a clove of crushed raw garlic.

Both the raw pancreas and liver must be freshly slaughtered when bought. Wash them clean, then soak them in a basin of water for 10 minutes with 1/2 cup of natural salt (rock or sea salt, table refined salt is synthetic). Rub the meats well with salt after the soaking. Rinse and cut into small pieces so they can be measured easily by the tablespoonful. Put the pancreas into packets of 2 tablespoons each, the liver into packets of 3 tablespoons each. Freeze them, and take each packet out of the freezer as needed. Season them only just before each packet is eaten. Do not season all the packets before freezing to avoid their turning rancid. Do not freeze more than a week's supply.

Hydrazine Sulfate. For reversing cachexia, which is when the cancer patient loses appetite, stops eating, loses a lot of weight rapidly and wastes away, down to skin and bones (80% of cancer patients die of starvation, not of the cancer). By blocking the glucose/energy supply of cancer cells, HS reverses cachexia, restores appetite, and patients regain their weight.

The dosage: always take HS on an empty stomach 1-2 hours before a meal as follows: Days 1-3 -- 1 capsule before breakfast. Days 4-6 -- 1 capsule before breakfast, 1 capsule before dinner. Days 7-45 -- 1 capsule before breakfast, 1 capsule before lunch, 1 capsule before dinner.

Take a 1-week break, resume with 3 capsules a day (1 before every meal) for another 45 days. Take another 1 week break, and resume for another 45 days if still necessary.

Avoid these drugs which will make HS ineffective: heavy doses of narcotics, Demerol, barbiturates, tranquilizers, painkillers, anti-depressants, anti-histamines, and alcoholic drinks of any kind. Natural painkillers are all right.

(2) Coffee enema. Done daily to help remove dead toxic cancer cells from the body. When the coffee solution hits the liver in the upper right corner of the colon, the liver contracts and dumps

out the dead cancer cells, and when the coffee solution hits the gall bladder in the other upper corner, the gall bladder also contracts and dumps out the dead cancer cells into the colon, and you dump them into the toilet. This doesn’t happen as well with water alone.

Learn how to do the enema first before taking the enzymes. When you start the enzymes, you will kill millions of cancer cells, and the dead cells will rot making you feel toxic, like

DR. KELLEY'S ENZYME THERAPY FOR CANCER                            Page 6

you got hit by a freight truck. You could get dizzy, have a headache, muscle aches and joint pains, nausea, and even vomiting. This will all lift instantly when you do the enema. Dr. Kelley's do-it-yourself cancer book has a chapter with step by step easy to follow instructions on how to do the enema.

(3) Clearing the arteries. 90 drops daily of Super Phos 30, or Phos Flow, to clear all 65 miles of the body’s arteries of blockages, so blood will be free flowing to carry the enzymes to wherever there are cancer cells.

(4) Detoxification. It is important to thoroughly detoxify the body. Here's how:

(a) Cleanse the intestines with 3 bowel movements a day to avoid fecal wastes, which are produced after a meal is digested, from accumulating and seeping filth, toxins, and parasites into the blood stream. Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1 will do this.

(b) Do liver and gall bladder, and kidney and bladder flushes to flush out filth, toxins, parasites, and stones. The protocol on doing this is in Dr. Kelley's cancer book.

(c) Remove toxic, heavy metals, pharmaceutical drug and radioactive material residues, dried up old fecal wastes and mucoid plaque which are rich breeding grounds for parasites in the colon. Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #2 will do this. It will even remove polyps.

(d) Kill and remove all parasites with a zapper. Parasites feed on tissues, can eat little holes and injure the tissues. Injuries to tissues trigger cancer, when pancreatic enzymes are deficient.

(5) The Adam & Eve Diet. For the first 6 months, except when taking the raw pancreas and raw liver, a total vegetarian diet, with emphasis on raw vegetables and fruits, freshly juiced carrots, apples, vegetables. Subsequently, fish and chicken may be taken but before 1 p.m., so for 18 hours until breakfast, the body’s pancreatic enzymes can be used to digest cancer cells instead of animal foods.

If the patient decides to take the raw pancreas and raw liver with the raw vegetables and fruits (please click the link for the Adam & Eve Diet), the resulting diet would be 100% raw, or nearly 100% raw counting the brown rice or rye bread which would be cooked. (Except for rye bread, most other breads including wheat bread have transfatty acids, which are carcinogenic, due to their use of hydrogenated vegetable oils.)

Such a diet would accelerate healing compared to a totally vegetarian diet, since the patient would be getting rich, high-quality protein from the raw pancreas and raw liver. Avoid all

processed foods, cooked red meats, foods made with white refined flour and white refined sugar. 

6. Dr. Kelley's book, "Cancer: Curing the Incurable without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation." Read this book thoroughly with your physician. It 's a do-it-yourself book serving as a daily step-by-step guide. The book costs $24.95 in the U.S., P1,600 in the Philippines.



by Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, DMM

Member, Board of Trustees, Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine (PCAM), Former Acting Director General, Philippine Institute of Traditional & Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), Department of Health

 Eating fruits for dessert is good, not bad. for the digestion, depending on the fruit. Do not eat fruits that make the stomach alkaline because an alkaline stomach cannot digest food, and undigested food ferments and generates gas.

The stomach must be acidic, with a pH of 5.5, to digest food. That's why God made our stomachs secrete hydrochloric acid and pepsin which are digestive enzymes that make the stomach acidic.

What are the fresh fruits (not cooked) that make the stomach alkaline? All citrus fruits, durian, pineapples, lanzones, lakatan bananas, green mangoes, unripe papayas, pears, langka or jackfruit, atis, just to name the more popular ones, and all canned fruits.  Avoid them for dessert. They can bloat your stomach with gas from the fermenting undigested food.

What are the fresh fruits (not cooked) that make the stomach acidic? Ripe, sweet mangoes, water melons, all other melons, raw ripe sabas, latondan bananas, cavendish bananas, grapes both green and red, mangosteen, santol, sampaloc, strawberries, guavas, chico, rambutan, pineapples sprinkled with rock salt (not table-refined salt which is synthetic and which will make the stomach even more alkaline than with pineapples alone), prunes both fresh and dried, ripe papayas, raw peaches, all kinds of apples, just to name the more popular ones. Eat these fruits for dessert. They will aid the digestion. Now you know why an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

There's another food, not a fruit, which makes the stomach acidic and therefore good for dessert, to aid the digestion. That's dark chocolate ice cream, like Selecta's Super Chocolate and Very Rocky Road, Hagen Daz's Choc Chip and Belgian Chocolate, BTIC frozen yogurt's Black Forest and Triple Chocolate.

All other ice cream flavors and all sugarless flavors with Nutrasweet like sugarfree frozen yogurt will make the stomach alkaline, so avoid them for dessert. In fact, avoid anything with Nutrasweet or aspartame, like diet soft drinks and Equal. The body converts aspartame into formaldehyde which is used for embalming corpses. It aggravates diabetes and can cause brain tumors.


                                Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, DMM

The cancer patient must learn how to do the coffee enema first, before he or she starts taking the enzymes, because the day he or she starts to take the enzymes, the enzymes will kill millions of cancer cells which will rot in the body and make him or her feel very toxic, like getting hit by a freight truck.

The dead rotting cells will generate dizziness, a headache, fever, muscle aches and joint pains like having the flu, nausea, even vomiting. All this will lift instantly, like magic, with the coffee enema.

Not knowing how to do the enema, the cancer patient will not be able to bear the toxicity and will want to stop doing the Kelley protocol

WHAT COFFEE TO USEIf possible, use organic ground coffee, not instant coffee.

WHAT IS THE MIXTUREUse 1 tablespoon of ground coffee for every 8oz cup of water. For every enema, use 4 cups or 32 oz of brewed coffee.

HOW TO BREW THE COFFEEUse a regular coffee percolator to brew the coffee as if you are going to drink it, but instead of drinking it use it for the enema.

HOW TO COOK THE COFFEE WITHOUT A PERCOLATORFor the first enema in the morning, prepare the coffee the night before. Use a coffee percolator.  If you don't have one, use a stainless steel or glass or ceramic pot, not an aluminum pot. Put the coffee mixture in the pot, put the pot on a burner, and bring the coffee to a boil. The minute it starts to boil, turn down the heat to make the coffee simmer for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat. Let the coffeecool down during the night.

In the morning, strain the coffee grounds out. The coffee is then ready for use. Do not heat it or chill it. Use it at room temperature, because the body will find it difficult to retain the coffee for 15 minutes if the coffee is warm or cold.

HOW TO DO THE ENEMAPut the coffee in the pail to which is attached the hose with the control valve and to the hose is attached the 15.5" flexible #18 or #20 rubber catether. Grease the catether liberally with KY jelly so it can slide into the rectum and up the colon easily and smoothly.

Put towels on the bathroom floor or if the the bathroom is small, just outside the bathroom door, for the patient to lie down on. Put a little pillow under her head to make her comfortable. Put the pail with the coffee on a stand so the coffee will flow into the rectum and colon by gravity.

HOW TO DO THE COFFEE ENEMA                   Page 2

Insert 15" of the catether into the rectum. Let the coffee go in slowly by pushing and pulling the control valve so the coffee goes in little by little and not in one big rush. Otherwise, it will rush out instead of getting retained for 15 minutes in the colon. Once all the coffee is in the colon, pull out the catether, and have the patient lie down on her left side for 5 minutes, then on her back side the next 5 minutes, and then on her right side for the last 5 minutes.

The whole purpose of this turning around is to get the coffee to circulate in the colon so it will hit the gall bladder and liver areas. When it does this, both organs contract to prevent the coffee from getting in. The liver filters 100% of the blood, so the liver gets clogged with the dead rotting cancer cells.

So when it contracts to prevent the coffee from getting in, it dumps the dead cells into the gall bladder and the gall bladder dumps them into the colon, and the patient then dumps them into the toilet. When this happens,the relief she gets from pain, dizziness, headache, fever that the dead toxic cells were causing is instant, like magic. She will feel very good and will look forward to more coffee enemas.

THE COLON MUST BE FREE OF FECAL WASTE BEFORE DOING THE COFFEE ENEMAFor the coffee to be able to circulate in the colon, the colon must be free of fecal waste that will obstruct the coffee from circulating. So the first enema in the morning must be done after she has first defecated, before breakfast. If she has not defecated, do a water enema first to clean out the colon of fecal waste, then follow immediately with the coffee.

THE COLON MUST BE FREE OF GAS TO ALLOW THE COFFEE TO GO INIf the coffee cannot go in the colon and keeps getting pushed out, that's because the colon is full of gas. Take the gas out first by flushing it out with a water enema. Make the water rush in so the gas will rush out. Then follow immediately with a coffee enema.

TAKE A PROBIOTIC AFTER EACH ENEMA Take 1 Ultimate Probiotic Formula capsule after each enema to replenish the good bacteria in the colon flushed out by the enema.

SUBSEQUENT COFFEE ENEMASAfter the first coffee enema in the morning, brew the next pot of coffee immediately so you will have coffee ready for the next enema which will be needed everytime the patient feels toxic from the cancer cells that she will be killing throughout the day as she keeps taking the enzymes.

Hope this summary is clear and easy to follow. Many cancer patients do the enema by themselves, it's that easy to do. They even bring the coffee enema kit with them while traveling and they do it in the hotel bathroom. But others prefer to have a caregiver do it for them.