Candlewood Agenda Book 2009-10

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Candlewood Agenda Book 2009-10



Student Handbook 2009-2010

Andrew Greene PrincipalDr. Sy Roth Allison Strand Assistant Assistant Principal Principal 1200 Carll’s Straight Path Dix Hills, New York 11746 Telephone 592-3300

Absence Attendance Line Guidance Nurse Fax 592-3308 592-3310 592-3301 592-3921

This Middle School Agenda Book Belongs To:



Grade______ Guidance Counselor _____________



SEPTEMBER 2009 M T W T F (1) (2) (3) (4) (7) 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25(28) 29 30 OCTOBER 2009 M T W T F 1 2 5 6 7 8 9(12) 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30

NOVEMBER 2009 M T W T F 2 (3) 4 5 6 9 10 (11) 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 (26) (27) 30 DECEMBER 2009 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 (24) (25) (28) (29) (30) (31) JANUARY 2010 M T W T F (1) 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 (18) 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29

Sept. 3 Supt. Conf. DaySept. 7 Labor DaySept. 8 School Opens Sept. 19, 20 Rosh Hashanah Sept. 28 Yom Kippur Oct. 12 Columbus Day Nov. 3 Supt. Conf. Day Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day Nov. 26,27 Thanksgiving Day Recess Dec. 24- Christmas/New Jan. 1 Years Recess Jan. 18 Martin Luther King Day Feb. 15-19 Winter Recess Mar. 30- Spring Recess Apr. 2 May 31 Memorial Day June 25 Last Day of School DAYS IN ATTENDANCE EACH MONTH September: 16 + 1 October: 21 November: 17 + 1 December: 17 January: 19February: 15 March: 20April: 18May: 19 June: 19 TOTAL: 181 + 2 181 Student Attendance Days 2 ORIENTATION AND CONFERENCE DAYS 183 Total Days Emergency Days [ ] School may elect to be in session.

FEBRUARY 2010 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 22 23 24 25 26 MARCH 2010 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26[29] (30) (31)

APRIL 2010 M T W T F (1) (2) [5] [6] 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 MAY 2010 M T W T F 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 [28] (31) JUNE 2010 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 (28) (29) (30)


The Board of Education reserves the right to change this calendar if emergency closings during the school year require additional days. May 28th will be utilized if there is one emergency school closing. May 28th and April 6th will be utilized if there are two emergency school closings. May 28th, April 6th, and April 5th will be utilized if there are three emergency school closings. May 28th, April 6th, April 5th, and March 29th will be utilized if there are four emergency school closings. However, please note, additional day(s) required will be determined by the Board of Education at a later date.

Notes: There will be 3 half-days at the end of the elementary school year; these days will be June 23, June 24, and June 25.


School ContractSeptember 2009 – June 2010

As a Candlewood Middle School parent, you have a unique opportunity – and an important responsibility – to be actively involved in your child’s daily education. This handbook is provided to help you and your child understand the school’s procedures, policies, and rules. Please read this handbook carefully with your child before signing the contract below. In addition, you should take the time to review the daily assignments with your child each evening, checking to see that your child’s homework assignments are thoroughly completed and ready to be submitted on time.

It is also imperative that you make your child aware that his/her actions have consequences. Breaking rules may result in his/her loss of privileges. These lost privileges in school may include exclusion from school dances, field trips, class trips, Moving-Up Ceremony for eighth graders, or other school related activities. A committee of teachers will review your child’s behavior during the year to determine whether he/she can be included in school activities. It is our hope that you will support the school’s consequences and impose home consequences that reinforce school policy.

This handbook is an important guide to success in the middle school. Each student is responsible for bringing his/her agenda book to every class and use it regularly. Any student who loses his/her agenda book must immediately purchase a replacement.

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties. When all the participants understand and agree to the terms of the contract, each signs his/her name. At our middle school, students, teachers, administrators and parents are expected to accept the responsibilities outlined in this agreement in order to provide a safe learning environment.

StudentI,____________________, am expected to fulfill all my responsibilities and obey school regulations, as described in my handbook.

ParentsI/we,____________________, as the parents/guardians of _______________________pledge our cooperation, support and active participation in our child’s education.

SchoolWe, the teachers of the above named student, will maintain open lines of communication with students and parents.


____________________ _________________ _______________Guidance Counselor Parent(s)/Guardians Teacher Representative


Computer ContractCare of Equipment – computers, monitors, printers, keyboards, mice, modems and cables. Equipment is to be used in a responsible manner. Students should not unplug cables or abuse equipment. Mice are not to be taken apart. Disk drives can be damaged by improperly cared for disks. If a problem is found with a computer it should be reported to a teacher.

Internet – Students may not use the internet independently in school unless they’ve completed and handed in a completed district internet use agreement form. Internet use is for school related activities.

Copyright Laws – Computer programs are protected by copyright laws. It is illegal to make copies of computer programs and give them to others. After you buy a program you may make one copy for yourself in case the original disks don’t work.

Passwords – All students will have their own password to be used with our network. Students may not use another students’ or teachers’ password. Learning a password does not give a student permission to enter someone’s protected folder. Students are not to share their passwords with other students. Students are not to change passwords or alter computer systems.

Computer Ethics – Students are responsible for authoring their own work. Taking work created by another student, author, CD-ROM Encyclopedia, or any other source and representing it as your work is wrong and a very serious offense. Students may not use other students’ passwords or tell other passwords they have learned. Computers are not to be used to send or print unsigned inappropriate documents to other people. As a middle school parent, you have a unique opportunity – and an important responsibility – to be actively involved in your child’s daily education. Computers have an important role in your child’s education in Half Hollow Hills, Please read these above guidelines, and discuss the importance of proper care of equipment and ethical considerations with our child.

Each student is responsible to bring this signed contract to class, before going to the Mac Lab. Any student who does not live up to the spirit of this contract may lose computer lab privileges as well as having academic grades affected by plagiarized work. Penalties will be determined by the teacher in concert with an administrator.

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties. When all participants understand and agree to the terms of the contract, each signs his/her name. At our middle school, students, teachers, administrators and parents are expected to accept the responsibilities outlines in this agreement in order to provide a safe environment that is conducive to learning.


I/we,_______________________________________________________________, as parents/guardians of

___________________________________ have discussed the above guidelines and pledge our cooperation,

support and active participate in our child’s education.

I,_____________________________________________, am expected to act responsibly and obey the computer guidelines described above.




Internet access is now available to students and teachers in the Half Hollow Hills Central School District. We are very pleased to bring you this service and believe that the Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources for both students and teachers. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence in schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovations, and communication.

The Internet is an electronic highway connecting thousands of computers all over the world and millions of individual subscribers. The key concept underlying the Internet is interconnectivity; something that will allow administrators, teachers and more important students to access an unparalleled array of communication and information resources. Students and teachers have access to general Internet tools, which may include but are not limited to: electronic mail (e-mail) and Listservs; various search engines; and the World Wide Web. These electronic search tools enable students and teachers to:

communicate with people all over the world access information and news from various governmental agencies and research institutions join discussion groups on a plethora of topics access University Library Catalogs, the Library of Congress, etc.

With access to people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting.

On a global network it is impossible to control all materials and an industrious user may discover controversial information. We strongly believe, however, that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the district.

Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of governmental agencies and regional state networks. In addition, the smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of end users who must adhere to the following guidelines listed under Internet terms and conditions. These guidelines are provided here so that you are aware of the responsibility you are about to acquire. In general, this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of the network resources. If a Half Hollow Hills School District user violates any of these provisions his or other account will be terminated and future access can be denied. The signature at the end of this document is legally binding and indicates the party who signed it has read the terms and conditions carefully and understands the significance. Moreover, misuse of the internet or district network, using district equipment or school time may result in disciplinary referral to the Superintendent.

The Half Hollow Hills Central School District will require all parents/guardians, teachers, and students to executive the release-user agreement based on the guidelines listed under the following Internet terms and conditions.

Internet – Terms and Conditions1. Acceptable Use –

The purpose of the Internet and the school network is to support research and educations in and amount academic institutions by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative works. The use of your account(s) must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of th4e Half Hollow Hills Central School District. Use of another organization’s network or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. Transmission of any material in violation of United States or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, expressions of bigotry, racism, or hate, or material produced by trade secret. Use of product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited.


2. Privileges – The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. Each student who receives an account will be responsible for that account and its usage. Therefore, under not circumstances should your account be shared with anyone that the School District Internet Coordinator. Each student will also be required to attend an orientation session with a Half Hollow Hills faculty member pertaining to the proper use of the Internet. The District Internet Coordinator or Building Administrator will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision if final. This may result in a revocation or suspension of specific user accounts.

3. Network Etiquette –You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following:

Be polite. Do not get abusive in your messages to others. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden. Do not reveal your personal address or telephone number. Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system do

have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.

Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the sue of the network by other users. All communication and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be property of

the Half Hollow Hills Central School District.

4. Security –Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you encounter a security problem on the school network, you must notify a Half Hollow Hills administrator of Internet coordinator. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Attempts to log onto the school network or any other unauthorized locations as a system administrator will result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems, may be denied access to the Internet and the school network.

5. Vandalism –Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or any of the above listed agencies or other networks are connected to the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.

I understand and will abide by the above Internet Use Agreement. I further understand that nay violation of the regulations above is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit a violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary actions and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

User Name (please print)___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature____________________________Date_________________


Revised: September, 2003Revised: June, 2005



A Message From the Principal

This is an exciting time in your life because you are about to embark on an adventure that may be confusing and contradictory. You are now a part of a new culture. You’ve just completed one segment of your educational adventure—elementary school. The new middle school years come with additional expectations. The people around you expect even more from you academically and socially.

They expect you…

to organize and structure your time in such ways that will lead to academic, personal success.

They expect you to follow rules and regulations.

They expect you to involve yourself in a variety of extracurricular activities.

They expect you to contribute positively to the culture of your building.

But, the most important expectation is what you will expect of yourself. Expect to do your best to contribute positively to the process.

Although you will be measured by adult expectations, you must be personally satisfied that you have made your best effort. All your teachers, guidance counselors and administrators are dedicated to helping you to make your years at Candlewood successful ones. At the end of each school year, you will be asked to take a series of assessments that will help the school to measure its success in your personal education. Your teachers will provide you with all the tools you will need to demonstrate what you know and are able to do. Make the right decision now. Put your best foot forward and take the most you can from the fine education you will receive at Candlewood Middle School.


Dear Students,

Did you ever wonder why the middle school is called the middle school? Well, oddly, it’s because, in terms of your education, you are in the middle.

Your education is like the process of building the house that will shelter you for the rest of your lives. In elementary school you poured your foundation. We all know that without a solid foundation whatever we build on top of it will collapse. In high school and in college you will decorate your house and determine the style in which you will live for the rest of your life.

In the middle school, we are designing and building the basic structure of your house (or your life). We want to help you to decide whether you want to live in a hut or a mansion? Or whether you wish to have a swimming pool or a mud puddle in your backyard? We are here to help develop your plans and begin construction. In short, we want to help you set goals, to formulate a plan to achieve these goals, and to get you started on working on your master plan.

Always keep in mind that we are here for you. We are here not only to teach you, but also to advise you and to help you become all that you are capable of becoming.


Sincerely, Candlewood Faculty


ADVISORY GROUPSDuring these periods an advisor/teacher develops a thorough knowledge of his/her students through group activities and discussions, individual conferences, comments from advisees, teachers, academic and discipline records and parent contacts. As an outgrowth of this close personal relationship, advisors are able to intervene and often prevent many of the common academic, social and discipline missteps that plague the typical middle school student. Advisory students have access to a nurturing, supportive adult in a relaxed, non-academic setting. It provides a forum for discussion, venting, listening, exchanging and valuing, all of which are integral to personal growth and development. Be an active participant. Be sure to arrive at advisory on time not only because attendance is required, but because you want to participate.

ASSIGNMENT BOOKThis year you have been given this special Middle School Agenda Book. You are expected to carry this to all your classes every day. The main purpose of this book is to help you organize and to give you a place to write down your daily assignments. It is also to be used as your hall pass.YOUR LOCKERYour locker is provided for your books and clothing. Keep it uncluttered and locked at all times. During the first week of school, note the times you are close to or pass your locker when traveling between classes. Organize yourself so you carry and replace only those books and notebooks you need. If you leave your locker open or unattended you are responsible if anything is lost. The school will not assume responsibility.HELPFUL LOCKER HINTS1. Clearly label all bindings of books and

notebooks to save time.

2. Place all loose paper in the appropriate notebook as quickly as possible.

3. Don’t share your combination number with anyone.

4. Do not put anything of value in your gym or hall lockers.

LOCKER RULESA locker will be issued to you without cost at the beginning of the year. Hall lockers and athletic lockers are the property of the school district and are loaned to the student for the school year. The administration reserves the right to enter these lockers at any time they deem necessary without prior knowledge or consent of student or parent.Here are a few simple rules to follow:1. Do not bring large amounts of money

or other valuables to school. 2. Safeguard your locker

combination. No one else should know it.

3. Be sure you close your locker door properly and snap it shut.

4. If your locker does not work properly, report it immediately to the Main Office.

5. Coats and backpacks should be left in lockers.

6. Should your lock be missing, please report the loss to Mrs. Jarvis in the main office and remit $6.00 in cash to the main office for a new lock. Personal locks are not permitted.

LATENESSThere is enough time for any student to arrive promptly from any place in the building. Arriving late disrupts the learning going on in the class, and not only do you miss valuable information but others will as well. There are classroom consequences as well as loss of privileges for students who are chronically late.LOST AND FOUNDAll inquiries relative to lost and found articles are to be referred to the Main Office. Check the cafeteria lost and found bins first. All textbooks should be properly


identified so that they can be more easily located.TAKING CARE OF TEXTBOOKSStudents should keep their textbooks covered at all times. Regular textbook inspections are conducted to see that this is done. If a textbook is lost, a student must pay for it in the Main Office before a new one can be issued. All textbooks are numbered and students are required to return the same textbooks at the end of the year. If a student returns a textbook that was not the one assigned at the beginning of the year, he/she will be required to pay for the originally assigned book. Checks may be made out to Candlewood Middle School in the amount specified by the subject teacher.HOMEWORKStudents will be receiving specific homework guidelines from each teacher. These guidelines will outline the type of homework and the frequency of homework each week in each of the major disciplines. When there is no formal homework assignment, you are expected to study things that you do not know perfectly and completely. Remember, homework is evidence of how well you have learned the day’s lesson. Practice…Practice…It is recommended that every student should also select a partner in each class who can be called for homework assignments when you are absent. COURSES OF STUDY

6 TH GRADE 1. English2. Reading or (Title I - recommendation)3. Social Studies4. Math5. Science6. Phys. Ed/Music7. Art/Family &

Cons.Science/Computer/Health8. Language Other Than English9. Lunch7 TH GRADE 1. English2. Social Studies

3. Math 74. Science5. Language Other Than English6. Phys. Ed/Music7. Art or (Rdg)/Math Seminar/AIS E/M 7,

AIS 7 EOD8. Family & Cons. Science/Technology or

Resource Room9. Lunch8 TH GRADE 1. Mastery Level English 82. Mastery Level Social Studies 83. Mastery Level Math 8 or Honors

Algebra I4. Mastery Level Science 8 or

Honors Earth Science/Lab/PE5. Mastery Level Language Other Than

English 8/ASL 86. Technology 20 wks./Health 20 wks.7. Music/Art/Studio in Art or RR 8. PE/AIS E/M or Social Studies Seminar/

Mastery Seminar9. Lunch


Quick Tips for Students1. Go to extra help if you are having

trouble.2. Seek out advice when you have

questions.3. Seek out your counselor for any

concerns.Quick Tips for Parents1. Check homework assignments daily.2. Emphasize the value of homework in

helping your child practice skills and acquire information.

3. Offer positive reinforcement and encouragement.

4. Provide a quiet, well-lit place for your child to study.

5. Periodically check your child’s progress with his/her teachers.

6. If your child says repeatedly that homework was not assigned, call your child’s teacher.

HOW TO STUDYStudying doesn’t have to be boring, dull or difficult. This section will point out some basic steps in developing good study habits. Read it carefully and use it.


Set Goals1. It is not enough to say, “I want good

grades.”2. Set a time frame for reaching your

goal.3. Develop a plan of “action”.4. Write down your goal and read it every

day.Classroom Skills

1. Be prepared – Complete all assigned readings and homework before class.

2. Active listening – Focus on what the teacher is saying and the classroom discussion.

3. Ask questions – about anything you don’t understand. You learn through questioning.

4. Take notes – Write down all the main points of the lesson.

5. Be an active participant – When you are prepared, you can assume an active role in class discussions.

Homework1. Plan a homework schedule – Do your

homework the same time and place daily.

2. Do your homework in a well-lit, quiet place.

3. Do your homework in a place free of distractions.

Study1. Don’t cram – Review a little each day.2. Set up a time schedule to plan your

week of study.3. Read carefully, review notes, re-write

notes, make lists, make up questions that you think might be on an assessment.

4. You may find it worthwhile to study and review with a friend.

5. Get a good night’s sleep the night before an assessment.

6. Eat breakfast every morning.SECTION 4 –


EXTRA HELPSpecial help is offered in all subjects, and it is the responsibility of the student to take advantage of this opportunity to improve his/her work. All teachers offer extra help classes. Students should contact teachers for help in subjects in

which they are doing poorly or simply have some questions. A list of the times and days of the week when extra help is available is posted in each classroom.SCHOOL LIBRARYWe have an excellent school library available for your use. The library will be open before and after school as well as during the school day. Any closing of the library for a period of time will be announced in advance.During the early part of the school year, you will receive library orientation which will help you become familiar with the various services the library provides. You are permitted to work in the library under the school-pass system.The library is a quiet place for learning and research. To maintain this atmosphere, the following must be observed:1. Quiet, courteous, studious

behavior is expected.2. Keep your space tidy; put your

chair away neatly; discard trash in the waste basket.

3. Books circulate for two weeks and may be renewed.

4. Sign up no later than 10:15 a.m. for a lunch pass.

5. Ask permission to use library computers; sign Library Computer Log; if you do not understand the program, ask for help. Do not guess.

6. No food or drinks in the library.

COMPUTER LABSThere are several computer labs in Candlewood. Teachers may elect to bring their classes to the lab or to send individuals with their work and passes. No student is allowed in the lab unsupervised. While in the lab, students should be working only on specific assignments or projects for class. Proper behavior and care of computer equipment is necessary. We want all students to become computer literate and to encourage appropriate academic computer use.Each student has his/her own password. Do not share it with anyone. All students must sign an


internet agreement included in this handbook.

MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELORSThe sixth, seventh and eighth grade students are assigned to our four counselors.The comprehensive counseling program is designed to meet the ever-changing needs of our students, parents, staff and community. It is the counselor’s challenge to continually evaluate the services offered. In order to accomplish this task, each counselor must develop and maintain an open and working relationship not only with students, but with parents, teachers and administrators as well.Some of the services and programs offered by the Counseling Center are:

Comprehensive Orientation Programs Crisis Intervention and Developmental

Counseling Conferencing Individual and Group

Counseling Coordination of Standardized Testing

Programs Interpretation of standardized testing Academic follow-up Career Exploration Peer Mediation Liaison to Community Services


REPORT CARDSReport cards will be issued four times each year or approximately every ten weeks. Between reporting periods, teachers will make every effort to contact parents. Report cards will be mailed home. They reflect both your achievement and classroom attitude. Our grade reporting system is:A+ Outstanding AchievementA ExcellentB+ Very GoodB GoodC+ SatisfactoryC FairD PoorF FailingHigh Honor Roll -- 90 and UpHonor Roll--------- 85-89

6th & 7th Grade Reporting is alphabetical.8th Grade Reporting is numerical.INTERIM REPORTSInterims will be issued four times a year, approximately every 10 weeks, in the middle of each marking period. Subject teachers may selectively issue interim reports.HONOR ROLLOur Honor Roll is based upon student averages, including all subject areas (including Physical Education if the inclusion form is submitted).TUTORINGThe Candlewood Chapter of National Junior Honor Society offers an ongoing tutorial service. Students meet in the library, after school, on mutually convenient days, for as many sessions as necessary. This informal arrangement, having a peer as a tutor, has proven to be successful. Students interested in being matched with a NJHS tutor should see the Counseling Center secretary.PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCESYou may call the Counseling Center at any time to arrange an appointment with any teacher you wish to see. Usually these conferences are held during school hours. The Counseling Center can assist you in meeting with the teacher. Call 592-3310.NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETYMembership in the National Junior Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a middle school student. Criteria for acceptance into National Junior Honor Society is based on: Scholarship, Leadership, Service,Citizenship and Character.Teacher and activity recommendations are based on a rating scale. A minimum rating is required for acceptance into the Society.Applications for membership are sent to qualifying 7th and 8th grade students in March. Induction is held in early May.


The club program is set up during the first weeks of school. These clubs offer you the


opportunity to meet new friends and to pursue the special interests you may have. Listed below are the various clubs and activities available for your participation. A listing of meeting times is available in the Main Office or Counseling Center. Clubs are open to all grades.ATHLETICS

Interscholastic Sports

7 th & 8 th Grades Soccer Football Baseball Softball Basketball Volleyball Wrestling Lacrosse Cross Country TrackBefore a student can be part in any of our athletic teams, he/she must first have parental permission to join a team, and then he/she must pass an athletic physical given by a school doctor. All students are encouraged to join a team. The more students we have joining, the more teams we will field.Intramural SportsThis program consists of a variety of activities, such as soccer, track, floor hockey, wrestling, weight training, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, boys’ softball, girls’ softball, handball, and aerobics. Intramurals are open to all grades.

STUDENT COUNCILThe Student Council is an organization which provides an environment where students practice good citizenship.The general objectives of the Student Council are:1. To conduct Student Council elections.2. To provide a forum for students to

voice opinions and affect positive change in their school.

3. To promote school spirit.4. To conduct dances and other social

activities.5. To develop a sense of pride in their




We cannot stress too strongly the importance of good attendance. It is the policy of Candlewood to call home and/or a parent’s place of employment to verify a student’s absence from school. We take pride in caring for our students’ health and safety. To report an absence please call 592-3308 as soon as possible.Students are required to submit an excuse note from a parent or guardian to their advisory teacher on the day following an absence, giving both the reason and the date of absence. Excused absences include: death in family, medical reasons, religious observances and court appearances.VISITORSThe school building is closed to all unauthorized visitors. Those persons who have business to conduct in the school must state their business, sign the visitor’s register, and wear a visitor’s pass. In addition, proper identification must be presented.HALL TRAFFICWhile in the corridors, students are expected to keep to the right and move at a reasonable pace. Be sure to use the “Up” and “Down” staircases accordingly.SNOW EMERGENCY PROCEDURESPlease remember that the safety of the children is our primary concern. Whether schools are closed, openings are delayed, or dismissal is early due to inclement weather, the announcements will be over News 12 (Cable TV) and the following radio stations: WRCM/FM 94.3 WGBB/AM 1240 WALK/AM 1370 WALK/FM 97.5 WKJY/FM 98.3 WGSM/AM 740 WHLI/AM 1100 WBAB/FM 102.3 WLIX/AM 540 WBLI/FM 106.1


In addition, please ensure you are enrolled for our automated call system in the event that school is closed. Closings will also be noted on the Half Hollow Hills School District Web-site ( school buses are well equipped for these conditions, and we ask that for their safety, students should ride the buses. In addition, individual cars become a hazard to the students on the buses as well as the individuals in the car. If it should become necessary at any time to drive your child to or from school, please remember to use the rear door in the student drop-off lot, not the bus loading area. Your cooperation is necessary to maintain the safety of all concerned.CAFETERIACandlewood offers a Breakfast Program from 7:10 a.m.-8:00 a.m. Students must report to advisory after breakfast; therefore, leaving the cafeteria at or before 7:55 a.m. is mandatory. Students who wish to eat breakfast will be permitted to go to the cafeteria as soon as their bus arrives. NO STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED INTHE CAFETERIA UNLESS THEY ARE GETTING BREAKFAST! Students may purchase a full breakfast of either Pancakes, Breakfast Pizza, French Toast, Bagels, Rolls or Cold Cereal with juice and milk or any item a la carte. No breakfast is to be taken out of the cafeteria.

Lunch periods provide a complete lunch and an a la carte lunch. Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Salad Plates, Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Steakums, Hot Pretzels, Yogurt and snacks. Cookies and popcorn, are some of the snack offerings.STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE CAFETERIA BETWEEN CLASSES. Food, Snapple and snacks are not to be taken out of the cafeteria.CAFETERIA RULES Good table manners are expected and

courtesy is to be extended to teachers, monitors and fellow classmates.

Students are not permitted to bring fast food of any kind into the cafeteria. There are no exceptions!

No parties are to be held during lunch periods!

Birthday parties are not permitted in the cafeteria.

Students should arrive on time and be seated in an orderly manner.

Students are to follow directions of cafeteria staff.

Students are to wait on the lunch line in an orderly fashion. Conversations should be conducted quietly.

No food should be taken out of the cafeteria.

After eating, dispose of papers and trays in the proper containers. Clean-up is a cooperative effort.

No student will be dismissed until his/her area is cleaned. Students who have difficulty meeting these expectations will eat their lunch in an alternate setting.

PERSONAL POSSESSIONSDo not bring personal items, money, electronics items or valuable jewelry to school. It is important for you to remember that the school cannot assume responsibility for the safekeeping of your books or other personal items should they become lost or stolen.HEALTH SERVICESThe school nurse is available during the school day to provide temporary care for children who become ill in school. Students entering 7th grade must provide proof of Hepatitis B Vaccine and a current physical. Students who fail to do so will be warned and excluded from school after failure to complete the full set of inoculations. Annual screening for vision, hearing and scoliosis are completed by the nurse during the school year. Students in grades 7 and 8 may participate in the interscholastic athletic program and must receive a sports physical examination prior to tryouts. Sports physicals will be scheduled, free of charge, prior to the start of each sports season. Postings and announcements for exam dates are advertised well in advance of the scheduled exam dates.


Sports physicals, doctors’ letters and attachments will not be accepted. All physicals completed by a private physician must be approved by the school doctor. Late clearance may have an impact on the team tryout process.Medication must be brought to school by a parent or guardian, in the original container, accompanied by a written request from the doctor indicating frequency and dosage of the prescribed medication for students who require medication. Doctors' notes are also required for all over-the counter medications.STUDENT DRESSStudents are encouraged to dress in a manner appropriate to attending school. Students are expected to dress in clean clothing and to have developed good habits regarding their personal cleanliness. Clothing, distracting to other students, may not be worn. Students with overly short clothing exposing parts of their body will be asked to cover themselves appropriately. If no clothing is available, they will not be permitted to go to class or they may be sent home.BIRTHDAY BALLOONSThe practice of students bringing in balloons to celebrate a person’s birthday is prohibited. Balloons are not allowed in the building.Lockers may not be decorated to celebrate a person’s birthday. A message may be placed on the birthday board to commemorate the occasion. BACKPACKSNo backpacks are allowed to be worn in the hallway or brought to class. Backpacks are to be kept in your lockers until the end of the day. If a student is seen with a backpack, the student will be told to put it in his or her locker. After repeated warnings the backpack will be confiscated.GUM POLICYGum chewing is prohibited in all areas of Candlewood Middle School.


Candlewood Code of BehaviorOne of the ultimate goals of education is to develop good patterns of student conduct. It is essential for each individual’s success, as well as being necessary for a good learning environment for all students. Public schools have the moral and legal responsibility to provide an education for all children. Students have the responsibility to take advantage of the opportunities provided. The purpose of this code is to provide a guideline of rights and responsibilities required for a healthy and safe school environment so that standards of acceptable behavior will be clearly defined. This code is to be reviewed by all Candlewood staff, students and parents.The school staff and community believe that discipline is learned, and, therefore, should be taught and practiced in the home, school and community. The child also learns through experience and imitation. Discipline is a developmental process. As the child matures, he/she should be given increased responsibility in keeping with his/her developmental level and social maturity, and he/she will be afforded every opportunity to practice self-discipline in order to positively reinforce responsible action. The ultimate goal should be the internalization of discipline so that little external enforcement is required. We believe that this philosophy will foster the development of happy, self-disciplined, self-reliant personalities capable of behaving appropriately in accordance with the demands of any given situation. It is felt that this philosophy will produce individuals with social consciences, young people who see the good sense in acceptable behavior and who are spared the consequences of misbehavior.In order to ensure a healthy and safe environment at Candlewood Middle School, the following list of rights and responsibilities has been developed.Each person in the Candlewood community has the right: To be treated with respect within a

safe, healthy environment


To an environment conducive to learning

In order to guarantee each person’s rights in the Candlewood Educational Community, the following responsibilities are indicated: To treat others with tolerance and

respect To behave in such a manner that

supports a learning environment To be prepared and on time To properly care for and respect

materials, equipment and facilities

In order to guarantee that instruction is not disrupted the following items are prohibited on school grounds, buses, buildings and school sponsored activities: Walkman, discman, iPods, radios,

boom boxes, earphones, gameboys Beepers, pagers, electronic

communication devices Water pistols, squirt bottles, water

balloons, BB guns, laser pointers, spray paint

Cell phones are permitted prior to and following school hours. Should a cell phone be seen/heard during school hours, the student will be asked to put the item away and they will receive a disciplinary consequence. It is important for you to remember that the school cannot assume responsibility for the safekeeping of your personal items should they become lost or stolen, nor will an investigation take place in connection with the loss.

The following infractions are of such a serious nature that they may warrant out-of-school suspension and, in some cases, the involvement of local police and fire marshals:

Insubordination Acting in a manner that

endangers the welfare of others Possession or sale of any

drugs, alcohol or dangerous substances

Pulling of fire alarms Possession of weapons,

fireworks, smoke bombs, BB guns or dangerous devices

STUDENT RECOGNITION PROGRAMThe Candlewood staff recognizes good citizenship. A variety of activities, privileges, and incentives will be awarded periodically during the school year to all students who do not have discipline referrals and, who, follow school and class rules regularly.IN-HOUSE DETENTION PROGRAMIn-House Detention is an alternative to the regular school program. The purpose of the program is to be corrective. Its purpose is to remove a student from the regular school program for acts which are not in keeping with good learning atmosphere or where the health or well being of others has been endangered. Students will spend the time doing current school assignments in a closely-supervised atmosphere. Students may be required to bring a bagged lunch.PASSESWhen classes are in session, no student is to be in the corridors without an official, agenda-book pass. This pass is to be signed by the student’s assigned teacher. Any student found in the corridor without a pass will be immediately escorted back to class. This pass must be shown to the teachers who are in the corridors. A pass is not a permit to loiter.

LOSS OF PRIVILEGESStudents who develop a record of disciplinary referrals will be subject to a loss of privileges. The consequences will be determined by the types of disciplinary infractions that occur. Loss of privileges may include social probation, non-attendance on school trips, pass restriction and exclusion from a variety of school related activities. LEAVING SCHOOL WITHOUT PERMISSIONLeaving the building without permission is a serious breach of school policy because it endangers the welfare of students. Any student caught violating this rule will be charged with truancy and will be subject to suspension.ATTENDANCE


The State of New York has a compulsory attendance law which places the authority of enforcement on each school district. A Parent/Guardian must call 592-3308 to report an absence or lateness before 8:30 a.m. Students must bring an absence note upon their return.EARLY RELEASEStudents shall be released only to a parent with whom they reside, their legal guardian, or another lawful custodian. When an early release is required, one of the above must send a note with the student and personally present himself/ herself at the Attendance Office. Students will not be permitted to walk home on any early release.TARDINESS TO SCHOOL/LATENESS TO CLASSAny student who arrives late to school must sign in at the Attendance Office and receive a pass to class. Students who develop serious attendance problems in terms of lateness to school shall be subject to disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate by school authorities. There is enough time for any student to arrive promptly from any place in the building. Arriving late disturbs the class, and the loss of gaining valuable information. There are classroom consequences as well as loss of privileges for students who are chronically late. The following consequences will be applicable for accumulated unexcused tardiness to school/class in any given quarter: Three (3) offenses will result in an after-school detention. Six (6) offenses will result in two after-school detentions.Nine (9) offenses will result in four after-school detentions.Twelve (12) offenses the result will result in in-house detention for one day.Fifteen (15) offenses will result in out-of-school suspension for one day.For offenses beyond fifteen (15), the consequence will be determined by the administrator.BIAS ACT

A bias act is any offense against a person or property which is motivated wholly or in part by the race, religion, ethnicity, or gender of the victim. Students who harass, annoy, threaten or harm another student because of his/her race, religion, ethnicity, or gender shall be considered in violation of school policy. BUS SAFETY RULESThe safety and welfare of students on school buses is considered to be of utmost importance. Any act by a student or students that endangers the safety and welfare of others is forbidden. Illustrations of the above include smoking, disorderliness, fighting, horseplay or any act that might distract the attention of the bus driver while he or she is driving the vehicle. Students are reminded that the bus and bus stop are an extension of the school grounds, and all of the rules which are observed at school concerning behavior, respect for property, will be enforced.Written permission of school authorities is required before a student may ride on a bus other than his or her regular bus or leave the bus except at his or her regular bus stop. Students, whether they take a bus or not, are requested to leave the building immediately after their last class. Students who remain after school should do so only if they participate in an authorized activity under teacher supervision. Students violating this will be placed on social probation.The last buses arrive between 4:45 and 5:00pm. If you are not here to pick up your child at that time, he/she will be told to take one of the afternoon buses home. No child will be left unsupervised on school grounds after 5:00pm. If you arrive after that time and your child is not there, he/she is on his/her way home on one of the after-school buses.

SCHOOL BUS RULESA student will be permitted to ride only so long as his or her conduct is favorable.


Listed below are the rules which each student riding a bus is required to follow.

1. Leave home early enough to arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the normal bus pick up time.

2. Enter and leave the bus only when the door is fully open and never when the bus is in motion.

3. Take your seat promptly on entering the bus and remain in it until you arrive at your destination.

4. Keep your lunch boxes, books, and athletic equipment out of the aisle.

5. Assist in maintaining bus cleanliness by keeping your waste paper off the floor.

6. Objects are not to be thrown in the bus or out of the windows.

7. Avoid loud, boisterous talk or other noises or actions that might distract the driver.

8. Conduct yourself on the bus as you would in school.

9. Leave the bus promptly and in an orderly manner.

10.Cross the road at least 10 feet in front of the school bus.

11.Be respectful to your bus drivers. They have an important job, and need your help.

FIRE DRILL RULESEight fire drills will occur during the school year. At the sound of the alarm, students are expected to leave the building immediately and silently following the directions of teachers. Exit directions are posted near the door to each room. Those not in a classroom are required to leave the building promptly and join the nearest class. Students are to remain with their class in a quiet and orderly manner. When the signal is given to return, quiet and order should prevail.

Half Hollow HillsCentral School District



Hazing, initiation activities, harassment, and bullying are abusive and often illegal behaviors that harm victims and negatively impact the school environment

by creating an atmosphere of fear, distrust, mean-spiritedness, intimidation and intolerance.

The following flowchart describes the school district’s action whenever there is suspicion of hazing, initiation activities, harassment, and bullying. Appropriate action means that action taken may include, but is not limited to, warning, loss of privileges, exclusion from school activities and events, denial of access to school property, suspension, expulsion, reporting to local police authorities, transfer, remediation, termination, or discharge.In addition, the complaint form to be completed by the individual reporting the hazing, initiation activities, harassment and bullying action can be obtained in the school’s Main Office.Policy Dissemination:This policy, or excerpts, shall be published in student and employee handbooks, the District Code of Conduct, the school calendar, and other appropriate school publications as directed by the Superintendent of Schools.In addition, each Principal, athletic coach, and extracurricular advisory shall inform his/her students about the policy and regulations upon effective date, May 15, 2004, and the beginning of each subsequent school year or prior to the beginning of each subsequent team or group’s activities for the year. Each student participating in athletic or extracurricular activities shall be required to submit a written statement of his/her awareness of the policy and regulations, as well as his/her parent’s awareness, as a condition for participation.


SECTION 9 – SCHEDULESNormal Period Schedule

Advisory 7:50 - 8:00Period 1 8:05 - 8:44 Period 2 8:49 - 9:28 Period 3 9:33 - 10:12Period 4 10:17 - 10:57Period 5 11:02 - 11:42Period 6 11:47 - 12:27Period 7 12:32 - 1:12Period 8 1:17 - 1:56 Period 9 2:01 - 2:40

Extended Advisory ScheduleAdvisory 7:50 - 8:25Period 1 8:30 - 9:06Period 2 9:11 - 9:47Period 3 9:52 - 10:28Period 4 10:33 - 11:09Period 5 11:14 - 11:50Period 6 11:55 - 12:31Period 7 12:36 - 1:12Period 8 1:17 - 1:56Period 9 2:01 - 2:40

2-Hour Delay ScheduleAdvisory 9:50 - 10:01Period 1 10:05 - 10:32Period 2 10:36 - 11:03Period 3 11:07 - 11:34Period 4 11:38 - 12:05Period 5 12:09 - 12:36Period 6 12:40 - 1:07Period 7 1:11 - 1:38Period 8 1:42 - 2:09Period 9 2:13 - 2:40


CANDLEWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL - Mission Statements - 2009-2010 – Beliefs

We believe that… A key goal of school learning is fluent and flexible transfer-successful use of one’s knowledge and skill on

worthy tasks in situation of importance Success at transfer depends on understanding the big ideas that connect otherwise isolated or inert

facts,skills and experiences so that new challenges can be met and new experiences understood Learners require regular, timely, and user-friendly feedback in order to understand goals, produce quality

work, and meet high standards Learners need clear, completely transparent priorities and a practical understanding of how learning goals

are to be met in terms of work products and standards of excellence The capacity to deeply understand depends greatly on the capacity to think things anew [& other related

habits of mind], because any insight typically requires the refining of earlier ideas. Becoming willing and able to rethink requires a safe and supportive environment for questioning assumptions and habits.

Learning is enhanced when it is personalized-that is, when the learners’ interests, preferences, strengths, contributions, and prior knowledge are sufficiently honored.

Students use what they already know as they construct new knowledge. Students acquire and use strategies and succeed when they get helpful feedback.

What and how much is learned is influenced by the learner’s motivation. Motivation to learn, in turn, is influenced by the individual’s emotional states, beliefs, interests and goals, and habits of thinking.

Meaningful engagement is necessary for deeper learning

We exist to… Enable learners to acquire vital information, make meaning from their school work, and transfer what they

have learned to challenging, practical, real-world situations.

In support of our mission, we will… Balance direct instruction w/the facilitation of understanding and the development of coaching strategies Design curriculum around essential questions, enduring understandings, & applicable knowledge & skills Differentiate instruction taking into account students’ learning styles and ability levels to ensure that all

learners have access to all content information at their level of readiness Create in our units of study formative and summative assessments as well as periodic common

assessments where the assessment data will be used to inform instruction Use best practices and agreed upon learning principles in our classrooms that enable learners to respond

to a variety of educational challenges that go above and beyond the state standards Address the misunderstandings that students possess at the onset of instruction to prepare them for

more complex understandings Provide exemplars and rubrics for students so they develop a clearer understanding of our expectations

and share those exemplars and accompanying rubrics with parents

These commitments will cause…Students to apply their learning in a variety of unique applications, see how their work measures up to quality, professional-level work, and help them to develop into critical and creative thinkers

We exist to: Enable learners to self-assess effectively their strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly

To realize this statement, we will… Encourage students to set challenging goals for themselves, have them engage in deep-level self-

assessment activities, and have them track their own progress Institute a gradual release of responsibility so students are more in charge of their learning Provide quality feedback that is specific, timely, and future-oriented Develop well-conceived intervention plans to respond to all learners who are experiencing difficulties Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, & learning styles & apply responses to those weaknesses equitably Review and analyze all formal and informal assessment data to ensure that instructional methodologies

are adjusted accordingly

These commitments will cause… Students to be more in charge of their learning and encourage them to recognize that effort contributes a

great deal to their academic success. It will also ensure that they gain an awareness of their academic strengths and weaknesses

We exist to:


Ensure that learners grow socially and emotionally to become mature, socially appropriate, and active members of the larger society

To realize this statement, we will… Encourage students to operate within a risk-free classroom where their attempts to manage and organize

their learning are respected Incorporate character education into all aspects of the educational program Establish a friendly and sociable environment where students are respected for their positive behaviors

and encouraged to move away from any negative behaviors that adversely impact their learning and the learning of others

Maintain a positive, encouraging presence in the building during the school day to assist students in managing their behaviors inside and outside of the classroom

Provide opportunities for students to develop their artistic and aesthetic abilities, and sensitivities in a culturally unbiased environment

Provide opportunities for students to maintain healthy habits, wellness and athletic development as part of their lifestyle so that they can develop into healthy adults

Create morale-building activities as part of building and team functions and classroom activities so that all students feel a part of the social fabric of the building and are not ostracized based on cultural biases

Maintain safe, well-adorned classrooms where students’ best work is prominently displayed and shared by other students who seek models for their own work

Develop student partnerships where student-to-student learners help to enhance each other’s understanding

These commitments will cause…Students to develop into effective problem-solvers and socially well-adjusted members of society who are provided numerous opportunities to extend and refine their talents and intellectual interactions with others

We exist to: Ensure students exit with respectful attitudes towards others

To realize this statement, we will… Design, develop and support programs which will provide opportunities that engage students in gaining a

greater understanding of cultures different from their own Design, develop and support programs aimed at having students demonstrate an understanding and

acceptance of people with disabilities Implement and support programs that foster acts of kindness to others and to the environment Accept each other’s differences while “seeking first to understand before being understood” Design programs that focus on developing students’ character by fostering mature, social, civil and ethical

conduct, based on the district’s Code of Conduct Communicate regularly with families instances of positive behavior as well as areas of concern

These commitments will cause…Students live more fluidly in a multi-cultural, socio-economically, diverse society where they will ultimately be better able to manage the various social situations in which they find themselves.

Our Mission and Vision can only be accomplished when we: Consistently model professional behavior Are consistently on time for extra help sessions Return student work in a reasonable time frame Continue to read and research best practice to enhance learning for all students and take risks attempting

to practice new instructional methodologies Return all professional paperwork on time, providing accuracy and attention to detail Exhibit professional preparedness at parent and team meetings, including the posting of students’ grades,

providing quality sample work and making valid suggestions for continued improvement Share our work space in a sense of harmony and flexibility with our colleagues Share what we have learned from professional development activities with our fellow content area

teachers and team members in order to enhance our own educational credentials Work interdependently and recognize the role that each of us plays within the system Being thoroughly honest in all our relationships by honoring those who are not present


4:00PM Activity Routes

XC – 1 XC – 3Carll’s Straight Path (N. of Expressway) Vanderbilt Pkwy. & Red Oak Ct.Walton Ct. (Into), N. Deforest Rd. (Into), Majestic Dr., Vanderbilt Pkwy. & Wagon Wheel LaneArista Dr. to Brycewood Dr., Old Country Rd. to Deer Spinning Wheel to Hearthstone Dr.Park Ave., Deer Park Ave, Princeton Dr. to Villanova Wagon Wheel Lane to Cobblers Lane Lane through Swarthmore Lane, Daly Rd., Willoughby Village Hill Dr. to Crawford Dr. toPath to Penrose Path to Rofay Dr. to Andiron Ct. - Dillon Dr. to Buttonwood Dr. (Loop)Cordwood Ct. – Fireplace Ct. to Willoughby Path to Deforest Rd. to Buttonwood Dr. NCurtis Path (Into – turnaround) to Daly Rd. to Hunting Hill Dr. (Loop), Northwood Ct. To Commack Rd. (into), Peppermill Lane to Stonywell Ct.

Vandercrest Ct. & Vanderbilt Pkwy.XC – 2Carll’s Straight Path to Thornwood Dr. to Sherwood XC – 4Crescent to Dix Hwy. to Dudley & Pinehill Lane Old Brook Rd. (Loop), Otsego Ave. to S. Hollow Rd. to Ryder Ave., Dudley & Lauren to Millet St., Millet St. through Village Drive W.Lincoln Ave. to Shoreham Dr. to Perri Lane to Pinehill Otsego Ave. to Seneca Ave. to Candlewood Lane to Kinsella St. to Shoreham Drive E. to Gleason Dr. Path to Treehollow Lane to Sarah Dr. to Lincoln Ave. (Into), Gleason Dr. to Pinehill Lane, Highland Blvd. to Heller Ct. (Into), HighlandBonaire Dr. (Loop), Commack Rd. to Euclid Ave. to Blvd. to Ormond St., Westminster Ave. & 3 Charter Ave., Mercer Ave. to Old Country Rd., MacNiece Pl., MacNiece Pl. & Talon Way, April Ave. to Plymouth St., Carll’s Straight Path to All stops Deer Park Ave to Ryder Ave. toOld Country Rd., Pine Acres Blvd., Oakfield Ave. to S. Hollow Rd. to Half Hollow Rd. to Ormond St., Westminster Ave. to Seaman Neck Rd. Equestrian Way Ct.-all stops to top Westminster Ave. & Rye St., Westminster Ave. to (turnaround), Hart Pl. to Dupont Ct. Baldwin Path, Baldwin Path & Pheasant Run Lane (turnaround), Hart Pl. to Weeks Rd. (Into), Baldwin Path to Wildwood Dr. to Old Country (turnaround), Half Hollow Rd. – all stops to Road to Kenmore St. to Burroughs & Greenpine Ct. Sugar Maple Ct. to Honey Locust Ct. Then alls tops Deer Park Ave. ES to Sterling Circle to (turnaround), Half Hollow Rd. to Chalis Dr.Whispering Ct. All stops to Ford Pl. & Carriage Ct. (Into)

XC – 5 XC – 7


Old Country Rd. & Wellington Ave. to Clarendon St. Wolf Hill Rd. to Somner Ave. to Scenic View& Woodlawn Ave., Woodlawn Ave. & Old Country Rd. Ct., Winthrop Drive Circle, Suncrest Dr. toStraight Path to Main Ave. & Brown Blvd., Brown Blvd. Highfield Dr. Loop Winter Lane to Suncrest& Foothill Pl., Brown Blvd. & Heritage Lane, Brown Dr. to Winthrop Dr., Blue Spruce Lane toBlvd. & Manchester Blvd., Brown Blvd. & West Farms Redwood Dr. to White Birch Dr. to Wolf HillDr., West Farms Dr. & West Hills Dr. to Landscape Dr. Rd. to Deer Park Ave. to Vanderbilt Pkwy. toTo Sunset Ave. to Foothill Pl. to Landscape Dr. to HS East (turnaround) then to Sandra Dr.Main Ave., Main Ave. & Sunset Ave., Main Ave. & Deer Park Rd. to Parsons Dr., Deer Park Rd.Midland Lane, Main Ave. & Hilltop Lane, Willow St. to Tiana Pl., Deer Park Rd. to Landview Dr.,& Perry Lane, Willow St. & Conway Ct., Willow St. & Landview Dr. & Lucille Lane, Landview Dr. &Barrington Dr., Willow St. & Stonington Circle (Loop) & Capel Dr., Parsons Dr. to Waydale Dr.To Gloucester Drive Deer Park Ave. #539 – drop N. Service Rd.

Manasquan Shuttle

**Please Note: All streets are not listed on routes, drivers are to cover the entire area**

4:00PM Activity Routes (continued)

XC – 6 XC – 8St. Matthew’s Church – N. Service Rd. to Candlewood 803 Deer Park Rd. – All stops South toPath to Burnham Lane to Candlewood Path N. to Royce Old Country Rd., Main Ave. to #175 MainRd. to Chatham Pl. to Buckingham Dr. & Chelsea Pl. Main Ave. to 23rd St. to Main Ave. to ConklinCandlewood Path & Greenbriar Lane to Durham Dr. to St. to Lee Ave. & York Dr., Lee Ave. & To Beatrice Ct. to Royce Rd. to Chatham Pl. to Cornell Dr., Cornell Dr. & Perry Lane, To Candlewood Path to Talisman Dr. to Deer Park Ave. Cornell Dr. & Valley Forge Dr., Valley ForgeDeer Park Ave. & Darius Ct., Deer Park East Side to Dr. & York Dr., Valley Forge Dr. & To Caledonia Rd., Deer Park Ave. West Side to Hampshire Dr., Valley Forge Dr. & Bagatelle Wolf Hill Rd. Rd. to Hadley Dr. to Waterford Dr. &

Fairhaven Dr. East, Waterford Dr. & Fairhaven Dr. West, Waterford Dr. & Coronet Ct., Bagatelle Rd. & Oxford


Bagatelle Rd. & B-Kay Pl., Bagatelle Rd. &

Ethel Ct.

**Please Note: All streets are not listed on routes, drivers are to cover the entire area**


4:45PM Activity Routes

XC-1 XC -2Carll’s Straight Path – All Stops to Vanderbilt Pkwy. – All Old Brook Road (Loop)Stops to Village Hill Dr. All Stops to Randolph Dr. to Euclid Ave to 3 Charter Ave.Olney Pl. to Village Hill Dr. to McCulloch Dr. All stops to Mercer Ave. to Old Country Rd.Campbell Dr. to Crawford Dr. to Dillon Dr. to April Ave. to Plymouth St.Dillon Ct. (Turnaround). Vanderbilt Pkwy. to Wagon Carll’s Straight Path to Old Country Rd.Wheel Lane. All stops to Cobblers Lane. All stops to Pine Acres Blvd., Oakfield Ave. to Wagon Wheel Lane. Wagon Wheel Lane to Ormond St., Westminster Ave. to SeamanHearthstone Dr. All stops to Spinning Wheel Lane. Neck Rd., Westminster Ave. & Rye St., All stops to Wagon Wheel Drive. All stops to Westminster Ave. to Baldwin Path, Vanderbilt Pkwy. All stops to Red Oak Ct. to Loft Lane Baldwin Path & Pheasant Run Lane (Into)to Peppermill Lane to Stonywell Ct. (Into). Baldwin Path through to Wildwood Dr. Deer Park Ave. all stops to Fox Meadow Dr., Hunting through to Old Country Road through toHill Road (Loop), All stops to Deforest Rd., All stops Kenmore St. through to Burroughs andTo Buttonwood Dr., all stops to Deforest Road Greenpine Ct., all stops Deer Park Ave. ESLoft Lane to Vanderbilt Pkwy to Fox Meadow Dr. to Sterling Circle to Whispering Ct.To Deer Park Ave. to N. Deforest Rd. to Glen Hill Ct. Otsego Ave. to Millet St., Millet St. throughTo N. Deforest Rd. to Deer Park Ave. to Sabrina Ct. Village Drive West, Otsego Ave. toTo Two Brothers Ct. to Deer Park Ave., All stops to Seneca Ave. to Candlewood Path through toArista Dr. all stops to Brycewood Dr. to Old Country Rd. Treehollow Lane through Sarah Dr. to All stops to Fathers Ct. (Into) to Deer Park Ave. All stops to Highland Blvd. to Heller Ct. (Into), Deforest Rd. to Walton Ct. to Deforest Rd. to East Highland Blvd. through to Ormond St.Deer Park Ave. All stops to Gable Ct. to Regal Lane to Westminster Ave. & MacNiece Pl. andEast Deer Park Ave. to Majestic Dr. (Loop) to Regal Lane Deer Park Ave. to Vanderbilt Pkwy. toTo East Deer Park Ave. All stops to Princeton Dr. to HS East (turnaround) then to Sandra Dr.Villanova Lane (Loop), all stops to Swarthmore Lane to Deer Park Rd. to Parsons Dr., Deer Park Rd.To Villanova Lane, all stops to East Deer Park Ave. to to Tiana Pl., Deer Park Rd. to Landview Dr.,Arielle Ct to East Deer Park Ave., all stops to Jericho Tpke. Landview Dr. & Lucille Lane, Landview Dr. &To Daly Rd. All stops to Willoughby Path, all stops to Capel Dr., Parsons Dr. to Waydale Dr., Curtis Path (Into), Pemrose Path, All stops to Curtis Deer Park Ave. #539 – drop N. Service Rd.,


Path (Into), Home Ct. Talon Way – All stops Deer Park Ave. to Ryder Ave. to S. Hollow Rd. to Half Hollow Rd. to Equestrian Way Ct. to Hunting

Hollow Ct. to top – All stops – turnaround,

Hart Pl. to Dupont Ct. (turnaround), Hart Pl.

To Weeks Rd. (turnaround), Half Hollow Rd.

All stops to Sugar Maple Ct. to Honey Locust Ct. (turnaround), Half Hollow

Rd. to Chablis Dr. All stops to Ford Pl. &

Carriage Ct. – into. and turnaroundManasquan Shuttle

**Please Note: All streets are not listed on routes, drivers are to cover the entire area**

4:45PM Activity Routes (continued)

XC – 3 XC – 4Old Country Rd. & Wellington Ave., Wellington Ave. to Carll’s Straight Path to Thornwood Dr. toClarendon St., Clarendon St. & Woodlawn Ave., Sherwood Crescent to Dix Hwy. to DudleyWoodlawn Ave. & Old Country Rd., Straight Path to & Pinehill Lane, Dudley & Lauren to LincolnMain Ave., Main Ave. & Brown Blvd., Brown Blvd. & Ave. to Shoreham Dr. to Perri Lane to Foothill Pl., Brown Blvd. & Heritage Lane, Brown Blvd. & Pinehill Lane to Kinsella St. to Shoreham Dr. Manchester Blvd., Brown Blvd. & West Farms Dr., East to Gleason Dr., Lincoln Ave. (Into), West Farms Dr. & West Hills Dr. to Landscape Dr. to Gleason Dr. to Pinehill Lane, Bonaire Dr.To Sunset Ave. to Foothill Pl. to Landscape Dr. to (Loop), Commack Rd., St. Matthew’s ChurchMain Ave., Main Ave. & Sunset Ave., Main Ave. & N. Service Rd. to Candlewood Path toMidland Lane, Main Ave. & Hilltop Lane, Willow St. & Burnham Lane to Candlewood Path N. to Perry Lane, Willow St. & Conway Ct., Willow St. & Royce Rd. to Chatham Pl. to Candlewood Barrington Dr., Willow St. & Stonington Circle (Loop), Path to Talisman Dr. to Deer Park Ave.,


To Gloucester Drive, 803 Deer Park Rd. – all stops Deer Park Ave. & Darius Ct., Deer Park Ave. South to Old Country Rd., Main Ave. to #175 Main Ave. East Side to Caledonia Rd., Deer Park Ave.To 23rd St. to Main Ave. to Conklin St. to Lee Ave., West Side to Wolf Hill Rd. to Somner Ave.Lee Ave. & York Dr., Lee Ave. & Cornell Dr., Cornell Dr. to Scenic View Ct., Winthrop Drive Circle, & Perry Lane, Cornell Dr. & Valley Forge Dr., Valley Suncrest Dr. to Highfield Dr. – Loop Winter Forge Dr. & York Dr., Valley Forge Dr. & Hampshire Dr., Lane through Suncrest Dr. through toValley Forge Dr. & Bagatelle Rd. to Hadley Dr. to Winthrop Drive, Blue Spruce Lane to Waterford Dr., Waterford Dr. & Fairhaven Dr. E., Redwood Dr. to White Birch Dr. to Wolf Hill Waterford Dr. & Fairhaven Dr. W., Waterford Dr. &Coronet Ct., Bagatelle Rd. & Oxford Ct., Bagatelle Rd.& B-Kay Pl, Bagatell Rd. & Ethel Ct.

**Please Note: All streets are not listed on routes, drivers are to cover the entire area**