CANNABIS - Pavilions2018/06/14  · of Cannabis sativa. Both hemp and marijuana come from the same...

Post on 30-May-2020

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We believe educating users on the substance can lead people to educated conclusions on their use and how they can reduce their harm and increase the benefits. There is some science involved and it may get wordy but bear with us..


There are many different varieties of the cannabis plant. Hemp is the non-psychoactive (less than 1% THC) variety of Cannabis sativa. Both hemp and marijuana come from the same cannabis species, but are different plants. Hemp varieties contain virtually zero THC (the chemical that gets you ‘High’), your body processes it faster than you can smoke it. Hemp, however, is high in CBD which is non psychoactive but has some benefits, which we’ll go into

• Cannabis strains and their effect• Cannabinoids, what they are and their different effects• The Entourage effect• Methods of use and harm reduction• Understanding the benefits and related potential harms


THC is a cannabinoid known for its psychoactive high and CBD is known for its body high, yet, you may have heard that ‘Indicas’ have more of a sleepy body high and ‘Sativa’ have a more energetic high, this can be confusing as indicas can be higher in THC (the head high) and lower in CBD (the body high).

To understand this we also need to look at terpenes, and how they interact with the cannabanoids, this is known as ‘The Entourage Effect’..


Cannabis is often referred to using two main strains, Indica and Sativa. The differences between the two were often down to where these plants grew. Indica plants tended to grow in harder and more mountinous terrain, whereas Sativa tended to grow in hotter places closer to the equator. However, these strains also have different levels of chemicals, cannabinoids and terpenes, Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant that interact with receptors in the brain and body to create various effects. Dozens of Cannabanoiods exist (potentially more than 100). Understanding these chemicals is paramount to understanding cannabis and you.


Taller plants, prefer equatorial climates


Shorter Bushier, born in the mountains, Higher Resin Production

A theory known as the “entourage effect” sheds light on how terpenes and cannabinoids (all the different chemicals) combine to produce different effects.

Firstly we need to understand the standard differences between the two main cannabinoids, THC and CBD..

THC is the psychoactive compound, giving you a more buzzy head sort of high and can often produce anxiety and other negatives if you have too much.

CBD is the non psychoactive compound and generally gives more of a body high, it can counteract the anxeity caused by THC, currently extracted CBD is quite widely used for pain and anxiety relief accross UK and US.

This is why its confusing that some ‘Strains’ that have more THC seem to have an effect we’d expect from CBD.. this is where the ‘terpenes’ come into play.

Strains that produce an “indica” stoned effect often have high concentrations of the terpene called Myrcene. Myrcene is also present in hops and has been credited with producing the sedating feeling people get from drinking really hoppy beer such as IPAs.

There are other many other terpenes, they often contribute physical or mental effects. All of them likely do different things when mixed with different amounts THC, CBD and so on.

On top of that, these effects may also vary from person to person because each human has their own balance of chemicals that blend with these chemical compounds. Basically, its pretty complicated stuff.


• Hunger

• Energy

• Dry Mouth

• Red Eyes

• Slowed perception of time

• Social Anxiety

• Paranoia

• Respiratory problems

• Risk of Psychosis

(if pre-disposed)

• Drowsiness

• Impaired short term memory

• Increased heart rate

• Laughter

• Pain relief

• Lethargy

• Increased emotional states

• Impaired memory

• Tolerance

Like all substances, cannabis can induce its own unique set of side effects (and not for everyone, this is often down to individual body chemistry). We will go into some possible medical benefits later, for now lets look at the main side effects. Keep in mind, these cannabis side effects are caused by its main psychoactive ingredient, THC. THC is ‘Biphasic’, in other words its effects are totally dose dependant, lets break a few down..


Mild Use

Heavy Use


There are three basic methods: inhalation, oral, and topical. Under these methods are various techniques that serve different functions.

Hand pipes, water pipes, Spliffs, blunts, vapes, dabbing..

Spliffs, blunts, pipes: Using combustion to smoke anything (as in heat, fire) means that you will inhale impurities which will eventually lead to respiritory problems even if you don’t use tobacco. Smoking pure cannabis is better than using tobacco but still not completely unharmful.

Bongs, water pipes:While percolating smoke through water does tend to cool the smoke, it doesn’t nessacerily filter the impurities and harmful aspects as people often claim.

Vapourising:This method heats the cannabis to a very high temperature to help release the cannabanoids and turpines (356 degrees is optimal) but too low to release the potentially harmful toxins in cannabis that are released during combustion methods (spliffs, bongs, pipes etc).Safest way to inhale.

Dabbing: Although there are health benefits associated with clean concentrates of cannabis, the very high THC can cause quite adverse effects, often producing more of the hallucinogenic effects of cannabis.

Ways to take Cannabis

OIls, Tinctures, Cakes, Cookies etc..

Eating or drinking cannabis has a much longer onset and often have a far higher, full body psychoactive effect. Dosage control is very important when ingesting.

5 - 10mg is a recommended dose anything higher can cause quite an intense psychoactive high.


OIl, Cream etc..

Using full extract CBD, often hemp strains, a thick oil that can be used as a cream and rubbed on the skin. They have no psychoactive effect and are often used for their localized effects, pain relief etc.


Whether you’re looking for a specific kind of high or seeking symptom relief, CBD is very important, whether its the CBD:THC ratio in the weed you’re smoking or if you’re using pure CBD extract. CBD is able to calm some of THC’s effects because it interacts with receptors in the brain very differently than THC does.

The psychoactive effects of cannabis depend on THC’s ability to activate the CB1 receptor (located in your brain and other organs). CBD changes THC’s ability to activate CB1 receptors, laboratory studies have shown that CBD can calm some of THC’s unwanted effects like anxiety.



We’ve talked a lot about how different cannabinoids effect you, like CBD for its supposed aid in treating Crohn’s Disease, PTSD and multiple sclerosis.

• Researchers have discovered that THC in low doses can serve as an antidepressant but they also found that high doses of THC can worsen depression symptoms.

• Some people may find that they can get the health benefits they linked with cannabis purely from CBD extracts, CBD has none of the toxicity linked with THC and can be a powerful alternative to buying that high grade skunk from your local dealer.

In the UK the Jury’s still out on CBD as a legitimate medicinal product, all we can advise is do your research and maybe have a think about what you feel you get from your experience with cannabis..


What is the “biphasic effect?” Think of alcohol. What happens when you drink a glass (or two) of wine? You feel relaxed, more sociable, the effects are pleasurable. Drink too much, and you can get overly emotional, aggressive, even physically ill. That’s the biphasic effect at work. Low to moderate doses elicit desired effects; high doses do just the opposite.

Low doses of THC can make you feel relaxed and happy but too much can impair cognitive function, and even induce intense anxiety or a panic attack. If the THC head high is your thing maybe try lowering your dose or even combining it with a CBD product!

Knowledge is Power


This is where it can get a bit heavy, even though you may now feel armed with all this knowledge about cannabis its pretty hard to put into effect. The drug laws in the UK mean its so much harder to know the exact strains you’re buying and testing weed isn’t so easy. THC levels have risen in the last ten years and bought with it a host of mental health problems (Check out Grime artist ‘Jamma’s Documentary ‘No Weed in The Booth’!).

So how can you get around this? Our advice is if you’re going to buy weed try find a regular dealer you trust, if you’re buying weed inconsistently yet you’re a fairly regular smoker then try small doses each time you get a new batch, see how it effects you, note in down in your phone even, see how you feel a few days after as well. If you consider yourself a serious smoker then get serious with it, educate yourself and treat cannabis and yourself with respect.

Maybe just try some decent CBD products if your looking for decreasing anxiety, pain relief or other benefits, if you like the serotonin hits you get from the THC, try exercise instead.

On another note if you feel you can’t be as creative without weed take a look at your productivity, its not the weed thats doing the creating, its you, big up yourself.

We heard about this from iconic musician Neil Young. During an interview with Howard Stern, Stern confessed that he hasn’t touched cannabis in years because “it makes [him] paranoid.” Neil Young, ever the deep and profound sage, advised him, “Try black pepper balls if you get paranoid. Just chew two or three pieces.”

Look it up, or try it yourself .. ¯\_(“)_/¯