Cannabis production and markets

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Cannabis production and markets


Cannabis production and markets

Data on the UK

• The following presentation is taken from the EMCDDA paper “Cannabis production and markets in Europe”


Number of reported seizures of cannabis plants in Europe in 2009

25,100Half were from the UK

Number of cannabis plants seized in the UK in 2009


Numbers of cannabis plantations seized

The United Kingdom has experienced steep growth in the levels of domestic production of cannabis.

A recent report from the United Kingdom indicates an increase in the number of cannabis offences related to personal use and cultivation, as well as an increase in the numbers of cannabis seeds and items of growing equipment being purchased. This may suggest an increase in non-commercial growers in that country (ACPO, 2012).

In the study of growers in the United Kingdom by Hough et al. (2003), two-thirds of the sample stated that their motivation to cultivate arose from dissatisfaction with previously purchased resin as well as concerns relating to ‘adulterated’ produce.

Growing for ‘need’ or growing for ‘greed’?

• A study of UK growers found:– Most grow cannabis primarily for personal use– Most of those who were classified in the ‘commercial’

category are selling surplus cannabis solely to friends– Some growing cannabis specifically to pay for

university education or as a means to support themselves while not employed.


There appears to be a trend among some commercial cannabis growers towards operating multiple small-scale plantations simultaneously (e.g. plantations of approximately 250 plants or fewer) as opposed to one large-scale plantation housing a large number of plants.

Both Sweden and the United Kingdom have noted that the ‘gardeners’ in the plantations can be undocumented immigrants, with the United Kingdom also observing that there have been reports of minors being trafficked from other countries and subsequently being put to work in large-scale cannabis plantations

Buying from and with friendsA study conducted by Duffy et al. (2008) examined cannabis supply among 182 young people aged between 11 and 19:•Obtaining cannabis more strongly influenced by social networks and friendships than by the illicit drug market•Those who supply don’t see themselves as being involved in cannabis ‘dealing’ •70% bought with a friend and described the event as a social interaction.

A majority UK of buyers would seem to purchase on average, up to 4 grams

2009 survey of 520 cannabis users found 28 % had bought 250 grams or more at

some point in the past


Price of Cannabis

Source: Measuring different aspects of problem drug use: methodological developments, Home Office (2006)

Price and Prevalence

Trends in last year prevalence of cannabis use among young adults (aged 15 to 34)

“It is worth noting the particular case of the United Kingdom, where in 2010 last year prevalence of cannabis use fell below the EU average for the first time since European monitoring began.”

Estimated spend on cannabis in the UK in 2003/04?

£1,031,000,000Of which...

£900,800,000 was spent in England and Wales

£130,200,000 was spent in Scotland and Northern Ireland


Potency - % THC content