Can't Stop Laughing

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing



    Cant stop laughingYuh a go dead wid laugh!

    By: Christine H. Christine

    Jamaican Jokes

    This is just a few jokes to keep you laughing . It is said that laughter is good medicine, so after reading

    these jokesyuh a go dead wid laugh! Some content are for adults only, so use discretion around

    children under 18 years of age.

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Table of contents

    Chapter 1 . Accident Report

    Chapter 2 . Big Shot Jamaican

    Chapter 3 . Dig up the Garden

    Chapter 4 . Dulcie in Court

    Chapter 5 . Dwight Nelson

    Chapter 6 . Aliens in Jamaica

    Chapter 7 . Jamaican Child Letter to Santa

    Chapter 8 . Jamaican Comedy Videos & Books

    Dont forget your Jamaican CookBooks
  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing



    (KMR) Kiss Mi R. Dead Wid Laugh!!

    Accident Report

    A Lady was travelling along Caledonia road in Mandeville, when she was involved in a traffic

    accident with a man who was driving a car. They both agreed to go to a nearby police station to

    make a report.

    Here's the dialogue of her conversation with the police officer on duty:

    Lady: Mawning offica

    Officer: Mawning Maam

    Lady: I'm here to report an accident

    Officer: Go ahead Maam

    Lady: Offica, mi seh mi a cum enuh, and when mi realise the man a cum too, mi start blow the

    man, and all di blow mi a blow the man, him still cum inna mi.

    Officer: Lady it look like a sex argument yuh a talk bout.

    Lady: No offica, but look how the man mash up the whole a mi front.

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Big Shot Jamaican

    Joe grew up in Jamaica, then moved away to attend college and law school.

    He decided to come back to Jamaica because he felt he could be a Big Shot at home. He really

    wanted to impress everyone. So he returned and opened

    his new law office in New Kingston.

    The first day, he saw a man coming up the passageway. He decided to make a big impression on

    this potential client when he arrived. As the man came to the door Joe picked up the phone. Hemotioned the man in, all the while talking. "No. Absolutely not. You tell those clowns in New

    York that I won't settle this case for less than one million. Yes, the Appeals Court has agreed to

    hear that case next week. I'll be handling the primary argument and the other members of my

    team will provide support. Okay, tell the DA that I'll meet with him next week to discuss the


    The "conversation" went on for almost five minutes. All the while the man sat patiently as Joe

    rattled off instructions. Finally, Joe put down the phone and turned to the man, "I'm sorry for

    the delay but as you can see, I'm very busy. What can I do for you?" The man replied, "I'm from

    Cable & Wireless, the telephone company, I come to hook up your phone."

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Dig Up The Garden

    An old man lived alone in St. Mary, Jamaica. He wanted to plough his field to plant potatoes,

    but it was very hard work, and he was unable to do it alone. His only son, who would have

    helped him, was in prison.

    The old man wrote a letter to his son and mentioned his predicament. Shortly, he received this

    reply, "Papa, beg yu nuh dig up the garden, that's where I buried the GUNS!"

    At 4 a.m. the next morning police and soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden,

    without finding any guns.

    Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what happened, and asking

    him what to do next. His son's reply was: "Now plant yu potatoes, Papa. Is the best I could do at

    this time."

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Dulcie In Court

    Late ketch Dulcie, suh she decide fi tek a short cut. As she a mek har way through di bush, two

    man ole har dung an rape har. She report it to di police, who ketch di man dem afta couple a

    days. When di case reach a court, Dulcie had to tek di witness stand.

    Here's a bit of the court transcript ...

    Clerk of the Court: Miss Black (Dulcie), please describe to the court what happened on the night

    in question.

    Dulcie: Well sah, as a was mekkin mi way through di bush, dem two man deh just jump out pan

    mi, hol mi dung, tear aff mi draws and push dem c*cky inna mi p*ssy!

    Judge: Please, please, please, please, Please. Miss, could you please be kind enough to use the

    proper names for the body parts in question!

    Dulcie: Wah yuh mean sah?

    Judge: Please say he pushed his penis into your vagina.

    Dulcie: OK sah.

    Clerk of the court: Please continue Miss Black.

    Dulcie: As a wuz sayin, dem ole mi dung and push dem, ahm ... excuse mi sah, a wah yuh seh a

    di nickname fi c*cky an' p*ssy is again?

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Dwight Nelson - I CAN'T RECALL -

    Jamaica's Minister of National Security, Senator Dwight Nelson, occupied the witness stand for

    several days at the Manatt/Dudus Enquiry. During numerous exchanges, lawyers for the

    People's National Party who attempted to question him, found that his standard answer to

    most of their probing questions was the now infamous line, "I CAN'T RECALL". Apparently

    Minister Nelson couldn't remember much of the details of just about anything!

    Picture Disclaimer

    The pictures here are intended solely for entertainment purposes and simply meant to help

    bring humor and entertainment to Jamaicans and fans of Jamaica all over the World.

    Ultimately, we mean no disrespect or mis-intent to any one individual or group of individuals.

    We believe that the picture featured here is not subject to copyright, however if an individual or

    company has a specific claim as the creator or owner of this item, please inform us and we will

    have it removed immediately.

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Aliens In Jamaica

    There was this couple sitting on the porch in Westmoreland, Jamaica watching the sun go

    down. All of a sudden this shooting light went across the sunset.

    Wife: "A wha dat?"

    Husband: "A mus' one space ship."

    Wife: "Spaceship???? You damn Eeediat!!"

    A little while later the couple went back into the house. Suddenly there was a knock on the

    door and the husband opened it. There was an alien couple on the doorstep.

    Alien Male: "Good evening, we come in peace. May we rest in your dwelling while our space

    ship is fixed?" The husband's eyes almost popped out of his head because the female alien had

    a WICKED body.

    Husband: "Come een, come een. Of course you can come an' res' yuhself." So the husband and

    wife fed and watered their guests and showed them to their room for the night.

    Male Alien: "Where we come from it is our tradition to swop partners when we have guests."

    Well, the husband was up to it, because the female alien was seriously turning him on with her


    Husband: "Well, dats alright with me."

    Wife: "Oh, I don't know, because I don't really believe in dat kind of t'ing."

    Husband: "Come on honey, is only a lickle bit of fun, an nobody nuh gwine know."

    Wife: "Well, OK then."

    The male alien takes the wife into his room, and, knowing that she wasn't 100% comfortable

    with the idea, he was very gentle and gave her plenty foreplay. When they got into the swing of

    things the male alien asked, "would you like a bit more length?"

    Wife: "Likkle more length,? hee! hee!, a wha yuh mean? How you gwine do dat?"

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    So the alien twists his right ear, and presto!, his willy gets longer. Well the wife was having a

    whale of a time when the Alien asked, "would you like a bit more width?"

    Wife: "Width! Well, OK then."

    So the alien twists his left ear, and presto!, his willy gets fatter.

    The following morning the wife wakes up with the biggest smile you can imagine on her face

    and walks into the living room to find her husband looking vex sitting on the sofa.

    Wife: "Hello darling, did you have a good night last night?"

    Husband: "Stuups ..... No! All night long di damn woman just deh deh a twis up, twis up mi rassears dem".

  • 8/3/2019 Can't Stop Laughing


    Jamaican Child Letter to Santa

    Dear: Santa,

    I know u probably wonderin why I writin yuh one day after Christmas, but afta openin mi

    presents dem mi did haffi write yuh.

    Santa mi was a very good girl, mi listen to mi mada and help har out. Santa mi study real hard

    inna School, hard till mi all come fuss inna mi class.

    Mi mek it mi duty fi be Nice and not to be Naughty Santa.

    Santa when mi write mi Christmas list dis year, mi ask yuh fi a Barbie Princess Doll, ah Dora Di

    Explora TV, an a Cabbage Patch. So Santa, How di BLOODLCOT afta readin di list, yuh left mi a

    Fuccin light up YoYo, one plastic Tea Cup Set, and a Rass no name dolly wah look like she have

    Polio an a dead from Marli Gripe.

    Iz Edda yuh blind ar yuh cyann BLOODCLOT Si !..


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