Cantemir Voda National College Bucharest, Romania

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Cantemir Voda National College Bucharest, Romania. Romania. What you need to know. What you need to know. Stories from Bucharest. Bucharest is one of the largest cities in Romania and also the capital. Our city has a great variety of historical and cultural attractions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Cantemir Voda National College

Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest is one of the largest cities in Romania and also the capital. Our city has a great variety of historical and cultural attractions.Bucharest's history alternated periods of development and decline from the early settlements in the Antiquity until its consolidation as the national Capital of Romania late in the 19th century.First mentioned as the "Citadel of București" in 1459, it became the residence of the famous Wallachian prince Vlad III the Impaler.The Ottomans appointed Greek administrators to run the town from the 18th century. A revolt led by Tudor Vladimirescu in 1821 ended the rule of the Constantinople-Greeks in Bucharest.

It is the largest building in Europe and also the second largest in the world, built by the well-known communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu.

It is an important place in Bucharest where The Government and all the important institutions and museums can be found

The Lipscani zone, with the main street with the same name is the oldest remaining part of Bucharest. This area is known as the "historical center". This district was Bucharest's most important commercial center from the middle ages to late 20th century. Lipscani is Known for its restaurants and bars,a great place to go out with your friends.

Inspired by the one in Paris, The Arch of Triumph was built to commemorate the Romanian’s victory in World War One. The current arch has a height of 27 metres and was built after the plans of the architect Petre Antonescu Nowadays, military parades are held beneath the arch each 1 December, with the occasion of Romania's national holiday.

Cotroceni Palace is located at Bulevardul Geniului, nr. 1, in Bucharest, Romania.

The palace houses the present day offices of the President of Romania and the

National Cotroceni Museum.

The Romanian Athenaeum is a concert hall in the center

of Bucharest, Romania and a landmark of the Romanian capital city. Opened in

1888, the ornate, domed, circular building is the city's main concert hall and home of the "George Enescu" Philharmonic and of the George Enescu annual international

music festival.

Dambovita is a river that has its source in the Carpathians and is the largest river that passes through Bucharest. Its importance comes from the fact that water is collected for the use of the population.

• Is the biggest lake in Bucharest and its surface is about 70 hectares;

• Despite the other lakes in Bucharest it is very clean;

• In the North of the park is a “shield” that connects Herastrau Lake with Floreasca Lake( “Shield”=… where you can cross between the 2 lakes. Another purpose that the “shield” fulfilles is that when one of the lakes is flooded the “shield” helps transfering the excess of water from one lake to another)

• It’s located near Bucharest and right next to it lies The Mogosoaia Palace which is a historical building.• It’s a natural lake that gives many opportunities such as:Water ski, Boat rides,fishing and much more.

Circus lake is is part of the Circus Park, having 0,75 hecatares. The vegetation surrounding the lake is made of a rare plant called lotus. Regarding the fauna, Circus lake makes a perfect habitat for turtles and wild ducks.

Dambovita River Arges River

The water used to produce the drinking water supplied in Bucharest is caught from the rivers Argeş and Dâmboviţa and treated in three water treatment and water plants:

• The Roşu plant delivers 300,000 m3 of water daily to Bucharest and its capacity may be increased if required up to 520,000 m3 .Built in 1970, the plant has been totally revamped ever since 2002. The plant is equipped with a treatment facility that allows for water drinking as per the Romanian and European standards in force. The Roşu plant is one of the most modern plants in Romania.

• The works started at the Arcuda plant in 1882, which is evidenced by the documents related to the water supply and construction of the sewerage system in Bucharest.

Following the latest revamping phase completed in 2006, the Arcuda plant is able to produce up to 6 10,000m3 of drinking water as per the Romanian and European standards in force.

This is the newest treatment plant which supplies drinking water for the inhabitants of Bucharest. It has been producing drinking water for the inhabitants of Bucharest since July 2006. Its production capacity is 3m3/s, which is 259,200 m3 per day.The water treatment process includes, among the classical phases, stages such as water ozonization and powdered activated carbon treatment.

How does the water flow to the tap?In general, tap water is tasteless, colorless and

odorless. Have you ever wondered how come so? It may seem simple, but it’s a lot of work for the water to be so good. There is a complex system of collection, storage, treatment and distribution of water.

Companies that provide water supply are responsible for the safety of water. They communicate updated information on water quality.

Usually this information appears on water bills and websites companies. Also, these companies collect money to cover the costs of providing an excellent product.

Some important rivers

• Olt river is one of the most important river in Romania. It springs from the Big Hasmasu mountains. Olt river flows through the counties of Harghita, Covasna, Brasov, Sibiu, Valcea, Olt and Teleorman. It browse through a complex route: Ciuc Depression, Brasov Depression, Fagaras Depression, Turnu Rosu(Red)-Coza , Subcarpaţii and Piedmont Plateau( Podisul Getic), Romanian Plain(Campia Romana). The River have about 30 accumulation lakes. Olt flows into the Danube river near Turnu Magurele ,Islaz.It has a length of 615 km.

Mures is a river flowing in Romania and Hungary,The length of it’s 761km. Mures River spring from Hasmasu Mare Moutains and it flows in Tissa.

The Danube is a river in Central Europe, the European Union's longest and the continent's second longest (after the Volga).

Classified as an international waterway, it originates in the town of Donaueschingen--which is in the Black Forest of Germany--at the confluenceof the rivers Brigach and Breg. The Danube then flows southeast for 2.872 km, passing through four Central European capitals before emptying into the Black Sea via the Danube Delta in Romania.

30% of the Danube River flows through our country.

Ocna Sibiului has 14 lakes that are important such as: Red Lake, Black Lake, Green Lake,Ocnita Lake. A specific feature of the salt lakes is water stratification, salinity and temperature. At the surface of the lake you can find a web of sweet water and the layer of salt water from the bottom permanently produces heat.

Felix is the largest resort with continuous operation in Romania.Water temperature is between 20-49 Celsius degrees. Due to the high content of minerals, physicians recommend treatments for patients that have rheumatic problems with water from Felisx Baths.

Students: Ungureanu Mihnea Chiru Victor Cristea Razvan

Constantinescu Ioana Panta Laura

Coordinators : Ionita Elena Ionescu Irina

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use

which may be made of the information contained therein.