CAPERONE - · proper gear to view the eclipse! NOVICE HIGHLIGHTS 4 |...

Post on 01-Aug-2018

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INSIDE THIS EDITION:// GIVING THANKS// Novice Highlights// St Francis Day...& More!




Thank God Ahead of Tim e!Dear Fr i en ds i n Chr i st ,

M y f i ve year s i n the Navy taught m e m uch abou t both st r uctu r e an d t i m e, so I can say w i th som e con f i den ce that ther e ar e few exper i en ces i n l i fe w her e t i m e i s as st r uctu r ed as i t i s i n the n ov i t i ate! Bu t ever y on ce i n a bl ue m oon , a m om en t ar i ses w hen ou r r egu l ar r ou t i n e m ust gi ve w ay so to shar e i n a on ce i n a l i fet i m e even t . W e w i l l do just that i n m i d -Novem ber , l eav i n g ou r m oun tai n top to cel ebr ate the beat i f i cat i on of ou r Capuch i n br other , Sol an us Casey.

Fr . Sol an us w as a hum bl e f r i ar w ho spen t h i s l i fe i n the ser v i ce of God?s peopl e. To com pl em en t h i s w i se an d com passi on ate coun sel , the Capuch i n s of St . Joseph Pr ov i n ce have fai th fu l l y docum en ted hun dr eds of except i on al favor s cr ed i ted to h i s i n ter cessi on . On e such favor w as decl ar ed by the Chur ch to be m i r acu l ous, thus ack n ow l edgi n g Ven er abl e Sol an us to be i n heaven w i th God eter n al l y an d w or thy to be k n ow n as Bl essed Sol an us. W e con t i n ue to pr ay for an other m i r acu l ous favor to be at t r i bu ted to h i s i n ter cessi on so that on e day w e w i l l k n ow h i m as St . Sol an us!

W e w i l l depar t San Lor en zo on Novem ber 16th , f l y i n g to Det r oi t , the si te of the beat i f i cat i on l i tu r gy. Than k s to the gen er osi ty of St . Joseph Pr ov i n ce, the Capuch i n Ret r eat Cen ter w i l l be ou r tem por ar y ?n ov i t i ate? an d jum pi n g of f poi n t for var i ous even ts, i n cl ud i n g a v i si t to the Capuch i n Soup K i tchen an d i ts n um er ous m i n i st r i es, on e por t i on of Sol an us Casey?s l egacy shar ed by the Capuch i n s an d the peopl e of Det r oi t . The beat i f i cat i on l i tu r gy w i l l tak e p l ace Satu r day af ter n oon at For d Fi el d , the hom e of the Det r oi t L i on s. Sun day w i l l be spen t exp l or i n g St . Bon aven tu r e M on aster y an d the Sol an us Cen ter , a gr eat add i t i on to you r sp i r i tual ?buck et l i st? shou l d you ever v i si t the M otor Ci ty. W e w i l l f l y back to San Lor en zo an d pr epar e to en ter ou r r egu l ar r ou t i n es agai n on M on day af ter n oon .

Steppi n g of f the p l an e, w e w i l l w al k r i gh t i n to Than k sgi v i n g Day, an appr opr i ate w ay to con cl ude ou r cel ebr at i on of , by then , Bl essed Sol an us, w ho en cou r aged peopl e to ?than k God ahead of t i m e.? Even befor e w e pack ou r bags, w e have so m uch for w h i ch to be than k fu l , so m an y peopl e to than k ahead of t i m e. Pl ease pr ay for safe t r avel s for us an d al l p i l gr i m s w ho w i l l be head i n g to Det r oi t for the beat i f i cat i on ! Jou r n ey w i th us an d fol l ow the Caper on e on Facebook an d shar e i n ou r than k s.

By Br . Phil Bernier


Riding & Roping at A udrey's

Pictu r es of Ten d in g th e V in eyar ds

Ecl ipse!!!!

Brs. Jose and Phil with proper gear to view the




Br. Austin Cambon

Br. Baudry Metangmo

Province of Our Lady of Angels

Province of St. Joseph

Hometown: Yuca Valley, California Age: 28Name a book, movie, or song that you think describes you:

What were you doing before you entered Capuchin formation?I was attending college at California State Polytechnic University and received a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics. I also worked as a math tutor during and after attending college.

What brought you to the Capuchins?

What kind of ministry do you enjoy doing (and why)?

Who has influenced your spirituality the most?

Hometown: Douala, Cameroon (Central Africa) Age: 24

What were you doing before you entered Capuchin formation?

What brought you to the Capuchins?

What kind of ministry do you enjoy doing (and why)?

Who, in particular, has influenced your life and spirituality?

My mother and both my grandmothers.

What is something that our readers probably don't know about you?

What is something that our readers probably don't know about you?

I received a book of the saints and was drawn to religious life as a result.

I graduated from college at Montana State University in Billings, Montana.

I was searching for a religious order when the Capuchins received my information on a vocation match website. They contacted me, invited me to visit, where I felt drawn to their ministries, especially at the Montana Native American Reservations.

I enjoy distributing food to the poor beacause it is an opportunity to reach out

to the poor and to find Christ in them. It is also an opportunity to show

compassion and mercy and see how the Holy Spirit moves in them.

Fr. Dean Stasell, LC

I can play chess blindfolded.

"Autism and the God Conection"

I enjoy ministries of education. I always had a passion for learning and teaching. I hope to find myself useful in that sense, though I am open to new ministries.

I love to dance.Name a book, movie, or song that you think describes you:The song "ô Père, je suis ton enfant "I think describes me.

This October 4th, history was made at San Lorenzo Novitiate. Twenty-eight novices from the three branches of the Franciscan First Order gathered at San Lorenzo to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis together. The First Order is composed of celibate Franciscan men who live in community. The three branches are the OFMs or Friars Minor whose novitiate is newly located at Old Mission Santa Barbara, the Conventual-Franciscans at Arroyo Grande, and the Capuchin-Franciscans at Santa Ynez.

It?s a curious thing that so many different groups comprise the Franciscan family. Besides the three branches of the First Order who tend to be busy people in ministry, the Francsican Movement also includes the Poor Clares of the Second Order who are enclosed contemplative nuns and also have several branches.

The Third Order has two major branches. The first is compose of secular Catholics who are mostly lay people.

They strive to live the Franciscan vision in everyday Catholic life. The Third Order Regulars grew out of the seculars and took on many aspects of highly active religious groups. Most Francsican apostolic female congregations are this type and too many for anyone to accurately count!

How can such diversity be explained? How can groups seemly so different be considered part of the same Franciscan Movement? One answer might be the bigness of Francis of Assisi himself, a person who encompassed so much that no single group or person can fully contain his spiritual insights. Unbridled by time or place, Francis of Assisi is a classic who speaks to anyone willing to listen:

both men and women;

celibates and married people; lay people and priests; poor and rich; people of the 13th Century and people of the 21st. Francis has so much to say that none of us can live it


So, the seeming ?mess? of Franciscan groups, branches and orders is to be celebrated as an expression of the bigness of Francis of Assisi. Each group?s call is to be faithful to its own particular way of following him.


I received a book of the saints and was drawn to religious life as a result.


Written by Br. Bill Hugo

I enjoy distributing food to the poor beacause it is an opportunity to reach out

to the poor and to find Christ in them. It is also an opportunity to show

compassion and mercy and see how the Holy Spirit moves in them.

"Autism and the God Conection"





Phot o by Br . Paul Rahn (SAP) Photo by Br. Mike Herlihey (SAP)

Wood Carv ing By Br. Col l in K ourtz (SA P)

Pumpkin Carving by Br. Daniel (ABVMP)


BONUMCAPERONE is a bi-monthly newsletter produced and edited by the novices of the North American Pacific Capuchin Conference.


P.O. Box 247

Santa Ynez, CA 93460
