Capitalism in Africa || Current Africana No. 13

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Current Africana No. 13Author(s): Chris AllenSource: Review of African Political Economy, No. 8, Capitalism in Africa (Jan. - Apr., 1977),pp. 135-144Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Stable URL: .

Accessed: 28/06/2014 09:49

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Compilation date: April 1977 Compiled by Chris Allen

1 Emmanuel, A The MNCs and inequality of development, Int. Soc. Sci. J., 28, 4 (1976), 754-72.

2 Szentes, T Structural roots of the employment problem, Ibid., 789-807 3 Szentes, T Nature, background and effects of the unfolding crisis phenomena

in international capitalism, Acta Oeconomica, 14,4 (1975), 335-54 4 Nabudere, D W The political economy of imperialism, Maji Ma/i 24 (1976), all 5 Petras, J State capitalism and the third world, J. Contemp. Asia, 6,4 (1976) 6 Bernstein, H Underdevelopment and the law of value: a critique of Kay, RAPE

6 (1976), 51-64 7 Gulowsen, J From technological to ecological (attitudes in dev't), Acta Sociol.

19, 4 (1976), 357-74 8 Frank, A G et al Debate on marxist theory and international capital flows, Rev. Rad.

Pol. Econ., 8, 2 (1976), 68-83 9 Bresser Pereira, L Le sous-d6veloppement industrialis6, RTM 68 (1976), 891-930

10 Sayer, D Precapitalist societies and contemporary marxist theory, Sociology, 11, 1 (1977), 149-53 (rev. art.)

11 Isenman, P J & Food aid: disincentive effects and their policy implications, EDCC., Singer, H W 25, 2 (1977), 205-38

12 Ward, M Problems of measuring capital in LDCs, Rev. Income & Wealth, 22, 3 (1976), 207-22

13 Clunies-Ross, A Emmanuel on unequal exchange, J. Econ. Stud., 3,1 (1976), 42-60 14 Klein, T M The external debt situation of developing countries, Fin. & Devt.,

13,4 (1976), 21-25 15 Palmer, I Rural women and the basic needs approach to development,

Int. Lab. Rev., 115,1 (1977), 97-107 16 Asad, T & Wolfe, H Concepts of modes of production, Econ. & Soc., 5,4 (1976), 470-506 17 Roseberry, W Rent, differentiation and the development of capitalism among

peasants, Amer, Anthrop.,78,1 (1976), 45-58 18 Amin, S Unequal Development. Brighton: Harvester, 1977, 416pp, ?10.50 19 Amin, S L 'echange inegal et la loi de la valeur. Paris: Anthropos, 1976 20 Amin, S et al. La planification du sous-developpement. Paris: Anthropos, 1975 21 Amin, S L'imperialisme et le developpement inegal. Paris: Minuit, 1976 22 Chaliand G Revolution in the Third World. Brighton: Harvester, 1977, 320pp

?8.50 23 Seddon, D Relations of Production. London: Cass, forthcoming 24 Sine, B Imperialisme er theJories sociologiques du diveloppement. Paris:

Anthropos/IDEP, 1975, 396pp 25 Furtado, C Le mythe du 'diveloppement'economique. Paris: Anthropos, 1976,

15 lpp 26 Seidman, A (Ed) Natural, Resources and National Welfare: the case of Copper. New

York; Praeger, 1975, 456pp 27 Edwards, A The Potential for New Commodity Cartels. London: EIU, 1976, ?20 28 Payer, C Commodity Trade and the Third World. London: Macmillan, 1975, 192pp 29 Melotti, U Marx and the Third World. London: Macmillan, 1976 30 Schneider, H The Effect of food aid on agricultural production: an annotated biblio-

graphy. Paris: OECD, 1976 31 van der Laar, A The World Bank and the world's poor. The Hague: ISS, Occ. Paper 58,

1976, 38pp 32 Akut-Group The state in the Third World: report from the Nordic Seminar 1976.

Uppsala: AKUT, 1977, 40pp

2. AFRICA GENERAL 40 Magubane, B The evolution of the class structure in Africa, The Political Economy

of Contemporary Africa, ed. P C W GUTKIND & I WALLERSTEIN (Beverly Hills, 1976), 169-97

41 Ake, C The congruence of political economies and ideologies in Africa, Ibid., 198-211

42 Cohen, R From peasants to worker in Africa,Ibid,, 155-68 43 Williams, G Taking the part of peasants: rural development in Nigeria and Tanzania

Ibid., 131-54 44 Wallerstein, I The three stages of African involvement in the world economy, Ibid.,

30-57 45 Cliffe, L Rural political economy of Africa, Ibid., 112-30


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46 Coquery- The political economy of the African peasantry and modes of production, Vidrovitch, C 90-111

47 Allen, C A bibliographical guide to the study of the political economy of Africa, Ibid., 291-313

48 Good, K Settler colonialism, JMAS, 14,4 (1976), 597-620 49 Ronen, D Alternative patterns of integration in African states, Ibid., 577-96 50 Akindele, R A Reflections on the preoccupations and conduct of African diplomacy,

Ibid., 557-76 51 Sinclair, S W Informal economic activity in African cities, Ibid., 696-9 52 Green, H The Lome Convention: updated dependence or departure toward

collective self-reliance, Afr. Rev., 6,1 (1976), 43-54 53 Galtung, J The Lome Convention and neo-capitalism, Ibid., 33-42 54 Ammi-Oz, M La formation des cadres militaires africains, RFEPA 133 (1977), 84-99 55 Ammi-Oz, M Les imperatifs de la politique militaire francaise en Afrique noire a

l'epoque de la decolonisation, RFEPA 134 (1977), 65-89 56 Adamolekun, L Towards development-oriented bureaucracies in Africa, Int. Rev. Admin.

Sci. 42,3 (1976), 257-65 57 Lancaster, C S Women, horticulture and society in subsaharan Africa, Amer. Anthrop.,

78,3 (1976), 539-64 58 Andrew, C M Le mouvement colonial francais et ses principaux personnalites

1890-1914, R. fr. hist. outre-mer 229 (1976), 640-73 59 Newbury, G E The ILO and Africa in the interwar period, J. Afr. Stud., 3,3 (1976),

&CW 311-28 60 The CIA in Africa, Ma/i Ma/i 26 (1976), 22A-25 61 Stokes, E Imperialism and the scramble for Africa; the new view, Imperialism,

ed W R LOUIS (New York 1976), 173-95 62 Montgomery, J 0 The infrastructure of technical assistance: American aid experience in

Africa, African Dimensions, ed. M. KARP (Brookline 1975), 137-53 63 Williams, G There is no theory of petit-bourgeois politics, RAPE 6 (1976), 84-9 64 Various Civil religion in Africa, Afr. Today, 23,4 (1976), 7-66 65 Various Human rights in Africa, Issue, 6,4 (1976) 66 Mafeje, A The problem of anthropology in historical perspective, CJAS, 10,2

(1976), 301-33 67 Stefanski, B Nationalisation of foreign-owned assets in Africa, Africana Bull.,

23 (1976), 47-60 68 Campbell, H Pan-africanism: assessment of the 6th P.A.C., Afir. Youth, 1,4

(1976) 69 Checole, K Africa: summing up 1976,Ibid., 1, 9/10 (1976) 70 Shaw, T M Discontinuities and inequalities in African international politics,

Int. J., 30,3 (1975), 369-90 71 Various Women in urban Africa, Part 1, Aft. Urb. Notes, B2,2 (1976) 72 Various Bureaucracy and development administration, Aft. Admin. Stud.,

15 and 16 (1976) 73 Davidson, B Questions about nationalism, AA, 76, 302 (1977), 39-46 74 Hogendorn, J The vent for surplus model and African cash agriculture to 1914,

Savanna, 5,1 (1976), 15-28 75 Turner, H W The study of new religious movements in Africa 1968-75, Religion,

6,1 (1976), 88:98 76 Sathymurthy, T V Les nouveux etats: double dynamique et conflits, Cah. Int. Sociol.

60 (1976), 271-96 (ethnicity) 77 Cervenka, Z Africa as a case of intraregional contradiction, Int. Soc. Sci. J.,

28,4 (1976), 737-53 78 Graham, J D Africa's proletariat: a class or a category?, IJAHS, 9,2 (1976)

315-24 79 Martin, D Review of Les inde'pendances africaines by Yves BENOT (Paris

1975), Rev. fr. sci. pol., 26,5 (1976), 983-6 80 Sinclair, S W The 'intermediate' sector in the economy, MURA, 9,2 (1976),

55-63 81 Oluwasanwi, H A African institutions and rural development, LTC Newsl. 53 (1976)

15-22 82 Ranger T 0 Colonialism in Africa and the understanding of alien societies,

Royal Hist. Soc. Trans., 26 (1976), 11541 83 Widstrand, C G The rationale of nomad economy, Ambio, 4,4 (1975), 146-5 3 84 Rees, D Soviet strategic penetration of Africa, Conflict Stud. 77 (1976),

1-20 85 Baker, P R Planning in semi-arid areas: Norwich: Univ. E. Anglia, School of

Devt. Stud., Reprint 12, 1976, 64pp


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86 Newman, J L Drought, famine and population movement in Africa. Syracuse Univ., Eastern Afr. Stud., 17, 1975, 144pp

87 Mafeje, A The role of state capitalism in predominantly agrarian economies. Conf. on Appraisal of the Relations between Agricultural Develop- ment and Industrialisation in Asia and Africa, Tananarive, 1975

88 Galtung, J The Lome Convention and neo capitalism. Oslo Univ., 1975, 16pp 89 Young, C The politics of cultural pluralism. Madison: U. Wisconsin Press, 1976 90 Rey, P P Capitalism negrier. . . La marche des paysans vers le proletariat.

Paris: Maspero, 1976, 21 pp 91 Amin, S Imperialisme et sous-developpement en Afrique. Paris: Anthropos,

1976, 443pp 92 Martin, M L 'armeJe et la societe en Afrique. Bordeaux: CEAN, 1975, 245pp 93 Martin, M La militarisation des systemes politiques africains 1960- 72. Quebec:

Ed. Naaman, 1976, 197pp 94 Gordenker, L Intemational aid and national decisions. Princeton UP, 1976, 190pp 95 Hughes, A & Paradigmatic fascism and modernisation: a critique, Pol Stud.

Kolinsky, M 24,4 (1976), 371-96 96 Hafkin, NJ&Bay, E Women in Africa. Stanford UP, 1976, 306pp 97 Hinchliffe, J K An Introduction to labour issues in Africa. Norwich: Univ. E. Anglia,

School of Devt. Stud., Discussion Paper 6, 1975,sf5pp 98 Morris-Jones, W H The making of politicians. London: Athlone Press, 1976 99 Brown, B African women: an annotated bibliography. Boston; G K Hall, 1977

100 Mohan, R P & Sociology in Africa, Part 5 of their Handbook of World Sociology, Martindale, D Greenwood Press, 1975

3. WEST AFRICA 101 Berg, E A comparative analysis of industrial relations systems in French West

Africa and the Gold Coast, African Dimensions, ed. M KARP (Brook- line, Mass., 1975), 171-96

3a. NIGERIA 102 Akinsanya, A The machinery of government during the military regime, Int. Rev.

Admin. Sci., 42,4 (1976), 357-68 103 Nwosu, E J Towards an integrated approach to rural development in the Imo and

Anambra States, Ibid., 42,3 (1976), 275-93 104 Akinsanya, A The military regime, top bureaucrats and what next?, Geneve-Afr.,

15,1 (1975) 105 Turner, T The Nigerian oil industry; & The Nigerian cement racket, Africa Guide

1977, ed. R SYNGE (Great Chesterfield, Essex) 106 Turner, T The transfer of oil technology and the Nigerian state, Devt. & Change,

7,3 (1976) 107 Turner, T Nigeria's oil, J. Econ. Reflections (Dar) 3 (1974), 5-31 108 Agbonifo, P 0 & The peasant connection: a case study of the bureaucracy of agri-

Cohen, R industry, Human Org., 35,4 (1976), 367-79 109 O'Connell, J Power and succession in a military regime. Contemp. Rev. 228 (1976),

232-8 110 Adepoju, A Migration and development in Nigeria, MURA, 9,2 (1976), 65-76 Ill Nnoli, 0 Education and ethnic politics, Africa Devt., 1,3 (1976), 37-53 112 Garba, J N Nigerian foreign policy (interview), Afr. Rep., 21,6 (1976), 2-5 113 Gutkind, P C W Review of Power and Independence by P C LLOYD (London 1974),

IJAHS, 9,3 (1976), 506-14 114 Salamone, F A Ethnicity and the Nigerian civil war, L'Afr. et l'Asie 111 (1976) 5-12 115 Adamolekun, L Local government reform in BP State, JAdmin. Overseas, 16,1 (1977),

30-42 116 Okwu, V G The establishment of colonial administration in Idomaland 1921-30,

Savanna, 5,1 (1976), 29-44 117 Adepoju, A Urban migration differentials and selectivity (in) W. Nigeria,

Afr. Urbn. Notes, B2,1 (1976), 1-24 118 Milewski, J J The Great Depression in Nigeria, Africana Bull. 23 (1975), 7-46 119 Igue, 0 J Evolution du commerce clandestin entre le Dahomey et le Nigeria

depuis la guerre du 'Biafra', CJAS, 10,2 (1976), 235-57 120 Ogbonna, M N Nigerian industrial strategy, Asian Economic Review., 17/1/3 (1975), 25-4 121 Ijere, M 0 Credit infusion as a small farmer development strategy, Dev. Economies

14,1 (1976), 72-84 3b. GHANA

130 Vyas, N & Labour force participation of women, Econ. Bull. Ghana, 4, 3/4 (1974) Leith, J 53-60


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131 Grayson, LE Manufacturing development in Ghana 1920-75, Ibid., 61-86 132 Steel, W F & The impact of wages on industrial employment growth in Ghana 1962-9,

Ahiakpor JCW Ibid., 87-105 133 Sofranko, A J Agricultural modernisation strategies among Ghanaian farmers,

et al JMAS, 14,4 (1976), 706-12 134 Southall, R Review of Organising the Farmers by Bjorn BECKMAN (Uppsala,

1976), Ibid., 722-5 135 Libby, R T External cooptation of policy making 1969-72, World Pol., 29,1

(1976), 67-89 136 Naba, I Economic disorder in Ghana, Afr. Youth, 1, 7/8 (1976) 137 Reeck, D Some religious dimensions of Nkrumah's leadership role, Afr. Today,

23,4 (1976), 7-28 138 Chick, J D The Ashanti Times, AA, 76, 302 (1977), 80-94 139 Hayward, F M National political information in Ghana, Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 70,2

(1976), 433-51; comment by J BARKAN, 452-5 140 Robertson, A F Ousting the chief ... in Ashanti,Man, 11,3 (1976), 410-27 141 Kennedy, P Cultural factors affecting entrepreneurship and development in the

informal economy in Ghana, IDS Bull., 8,2 (1976), 17-21 142 Card, E The political economy of Ghana, The Political Economy of Africa,

ed. R HARRIS (Cambridge: Shenkman, 1975), 49-91 143 Wolpin, M D State capitalism and neo-colonialist militarism. Montreal: Center for

Developing Area Studies, Working Paper 16, 1976, 29pp 144 Steel, W F Small-scale employment and production in ... Ghana. NY: Praeger,

1977, 260pp 145 North, J et al Women in national development in Ghana. Washington: AID, 1975,

213pp 146 Goody, J Changing social structure in Ghana. London: IAI, 1975, 285pp 147 Hinderink, J & Anatomy of an African Town: Cape Coast. Univ. of Utrecht, Geog.

Sterkenberg, J Inst., 1976


150 Harbottle, M The Knaves of Diamonds. London: Seely Service, 1976 151 Spencer, D C African women in agricultural development ... in Sierra Leone.

Washington, Overseas Liaison Committee, Paper 9, 1976, 37pp 152 Levi, J et al African agriculture; economic action and reaction in Sierra Leone.

Slough: Commonwealth Agric. Bureau, 1976, 428pp 153 Levi, J Indigenous capital formation in African agriculture. Conference of

the African Studies Assoc. (UK), 1976, 14pp 154 Liedholm, C & The economics of rural and urban small scale industries in Sierra

Chuta, E Leone. Michigan State Univ., Afr. Rural Emp. Paper 14, 1976 155 Hoogvelt, AMM & The Sierra Leone Development Co. (1930-75): a case study in

Tinker, A M imperialism. Univ. of Sheffield, Dept. of Sociology, 1977, 55pp 156 Haswell, M R The Nature of Poverty. London: Macmillan, 1975 (Gambia) 157 Mayson, D T W Liberia: open door to neo-colonialism, Afr. Youth, 1, 9/10 (1976) 158 Currens, G E Women, men and rice: agricultural innovation in NW Liberia,

Human Org. 35,4 (1976), 355-66 159 Carlsson, J Transnational companies in Liberia. Uppsala: Scand. Inst. Afr. Std.,

Stud., Research Report 37, 1977, 51pp


160 Joseph, R The Gaullist legacy: patterns of French neocolonialism, RAPE 6 (1976), 4-14

161 Tunteng, P K External influences and subimperialism in Francophone West Africa, The Political Economy of Contemp. Africa, ed. GUTKIND & WALLERSTIEN (Beverley Hills, 1976), 212-31

162 Eckholm, E P The Sahel: does it have a future?,Afr. Rep., 21,6 (1976), 12-6 163 Abrams, L Who were the French colonialists? A reassessment of the Parti Coloni-

ale 1890-1914, Hist. J., 19,3 (1976), 685-726; & see No.4, 981-1000 164 Caldwell, J C The Sahelian drought and its demographic implications. Washington:

Overseas Liaison Committee, Paper 8, 1975, 88pp 165 Anouma, R P L'impot de capitation en Cote d'lvoire 1901-8, Ann. Univ. Abidjan,

Ser. 1,4 (1975), 121-40 166 Kipre, P La place des centres urbains dans l'economie de la Cote d'Ivoire de

1920 a 1930. Ibid., 3 (1975), 93-120 167 Zinsou, J V L'administration francaise en Cote d'lvoire 1890-1922, Ibid., 73-91 168 Ekanza, S P Le messianisme en Cote d'Ivoire au debut du siecle, Ibid., 5 5-72


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169 Montgomery, B Le role economique de la femme ivoirienne, CIRES 9 (1976), 25-58 & 10 (1976), 7-26

170 Christopher, G Les causes de la migration de la campagne a la ville: le cas de la Cote d'Ivoire, CIRES 10 (1976), 43-71

171 Diawara, M T Cote d'Ivoire: le Plan 1976-80, RFEPA 131 (1976), 18-39 172 Cornevin, R 18 ans de politique exterieure, Ibid., 50-74 173 Ekanza, J P L'oppression administrative en Cote d'Ivoire 1908-20, Bull. IFAN,

37,3 (1975), 667-84 174 Asiwaju, A I Migrations as revolt: Ivory Coast and Upper Volta before 1945,

J. Afr. Hist., 17,4 (1976), 577-94 175 Campbell, B Une analyse du plan 1971-75 de la Cote d'Ivoire, CJAS, 10,2 (1976),

21 1-33 176 Rochere, J D de la L 'etat et le developpement e'conomique de la Cote d'Ivoire. Paris:

Pedone, 1976, 67pp 177 Alata, J P African prison, Index, 6,2 (1977), 13-8 (Guinea) 178 Camara, S S La Guinee sans la France. Paris: FNSP, 1976, 304pp 179 Manning, P An Economic History of Dahomey, Greenwich, Conn.: Jai Press, 1977 180 Mongory, G Geiiese et contradictions du sydicalisme Camerounais, RFEPA 132

(1976) 74-89; 133 (1977), 56-83; 134 (1977), 90-118 181 Kumbuo, S How united is Cameroun?, Afr. Rep., 21,6 (1976), 17-20 182 Joseph, R A Radical Nationalism in Cameroun. Oxford: OUP, 1977, 400pp 183 Thiam, I D Recherches sur les premiers manifestations de la conscience syndicale

au Se'negal (1936-7), Ann. Fac. Lett. Sci. Hum., Dakar 5 (1975), 235-48

184 Roch, J Les imigrations economiques de saison seche en bassin arachidie sene'ga- lais, Cah. ORSTOM (Ser. sci. hum.), 12,1 (1975), 55-80

185 Dieng, I M'B The 'redevelopment' of Nimzatt-Anglemouss and its consequences, MURA, 9,2 (1976), 3-16

186 Gerry, C Casual workers and capitalist industry in Dakar, Ibid., 17-27 187 Gerry, C Petty production and capitalist production in Dakar. Conf. on the

Urban Informal Sector, SOAS, 1977 188 Balans, J L; Coulon,Autonomie locale et integration nationale au Senegal. Paris: Pedone,

C, & GastelHu, J M 1975, 178pp 189 Pitte, J R Le secheresse en Mauritanie, Annales de Geog., 466 (1975), 641-64 190 Billings, M Agricultural production in Mali, Devt. Digest, 13,2 (1975), 81-90 191 Jouve, E Le Mali, de l'option socialiste au gouvernement des militaires, RFEPA

134 (1977), 24-49 192 Collins, J D The clandestine movement of groundnuts across the Niger-Nigeria

border, CJAS, 10,2 (1976), 259-78 193 Raynault, C Transformation du systeme de production et inegalite economique:

la cas d'un village haoussa (Niger), Ibid., 279-306

3e. GUINEA-BISSAU, FORMER SPANISH TERRITORIES 200 Cabral, L Speech to National Assembly 22.4.76, People's Power 4 (1976), 12-33 201 Davidson, B People's elections in Guinea Bissau, Ibid., 6 (1977), 27-31 202 Cabral, A Le resistance culturelle, Esprit, May 1976, 872-91 203 Urdang, S Towards a successful revolution: the women's struggle in Guinea-Bissau,

Objective Justice, 7,1 (1975), 11-7 204 Pyhala, M & Guinea-Bissau, Uppsala: Scand. Inst. Afr. Stud., 1975, 32pp (bibliog.)

Rylander, K 205 Rudebeck L Conditions of development and actual development strategy in Guinea-B.

Uppsala: Nordic seminar on the State in the Third World, 1976 207 Gretton, J A desert state that vanished, Geog. Mag., 49 (Dec. 1976), 155-60 208 Moulahid, J Les Saharouis et le phosphate, Esprit, Apr. 1976, 779-803 209 Audio, A Sahara espagnol: fin d'un mythe coloniale?, Rabat: Amissabla, 1975,


4. EAST AFRICA 210 Court, D The education system as a response to inequality, JMAS, 14,4 (1976),

661-90 211 Szentes, T Socio economic effects of two patterns of foreign capital investments,

The Political Economy of Contemp. Africa, ed, GUTKIND & WALLER- STEIN (Beverley Hills, 1976), 261-90

212 Obbo, C Dominant male ideology and female options, Africa, 46,4 (1976), 371-89 212 Marsh, J H Tourism and development, Altematives, 5,1 (1976), 15-21 213 Cliffe, L Rural class formation in East Africa, J. Peasant Stud., 4,2 (1977),



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214 Ghai, Y P Reflections on law and economic integration in East Africa. Uppsala: Scand, Inst. Afr. Stud., Research Report 36, 1977, 47pp

215. Nanjira, D The status of aliens in East Africa. NY: Praeger, 1976, 231pp 216 Birgegard, C F The project selection process. Stockholm School of Economics,

Economic Research Inst., 1975, 307pp 217 Gitelson, S A Multilateral aid for national development and self-reliance: a case

study of the UNDP in Uganda and Tanzania. Nairobi: EALB, 1975, l91pp

218 Court, D East African higher education from the community standpoint, Higher Educ., 6,1 (1977), 45-66


220 Leitner, K The situation of agricultural workers in Kenya, RAPE 6 (1976), 34-50 221 O'Brien, J Bonapartism and Kenyatta's regime, Ibid., 90-5 222 Godfrey, M & Partners in underdevelopment? The transnationalisation thesis in a

Langdon, S Kenyan context, JCCP, 14,1 (1976), 42-67 223 Brown, J & The functioning of the Kenyan Industrial Court, JMAS, 14,4 (1976)

Muir, D 700-5 224 Ellis, D The Nandi protest of 1923, J. Afr. Hist., 17,4 (176), 555-74 225 House, W J & Urban migration and urban-rural ties in Kenya, Urban Anthrop., 5,2

Weisner, T S (1976), 199-223 226 House, W J & The impact of unionisation on negotiated wages in the manufacturing

Rempel, H sector, Oxf. Bull. Econ. & Stat., 38,2 (1976), 111-23 227 Mosley, P Implicit models and policy recommendations: reflections on the em-

ployment problem in Kenya. Conf. on Urban Informal Sector, SOAS, 1977

228 Leonard, D K A Weberian view of administrative development in Kenya. Belmont, Maryland: SSRC Conf. on African Bureaucracies, 1974

229 Heyer, J et al Agricultural Development in Kenya. Nairobi: OUP, 1976 230 Wipper, A Rural rebels: a study of two protest movements in Kenya, Nairobi:

OUP, 1977, 352pp 231 O'Keefe, P Gakarara: a study in the development of underdevelopment. Univ. of

Bradford, Disaster Research Unit, Occ. Paper 6, 1975, 27pp 232 Muller, M S Social relations on the low-income housing estate in Kitale. Leiden:

Afrikastudiecentrum, 1975, 276pp 233 King, K J The African artisan. London: Heinemann, 1977 234 Harris, J E The Coast African Association 194045, Kenya Hist. Rev., 4,2 (1976),



240 Mwapachu, J V Operation Planned Villages in Tanzania, Afr. Rev., 6,1 (1976), 1-16 241 Samoff, J & R The local politics of underdevelopment, Ibid., 69-97 (Moshi) 242 Chase, H The Zanzibar treason trial, RAPE 6 (1976), 15-33 243 Mahleka, K Some comments on K Nsari's 'Tanzania: neo colonialism and the

struggle for national liberation', Ibid., 81-4 244 Neve, H The political life of Nyerere in religious perspective, Afr. Today,

23,4 (1976), 2946 245 Graham, J D Nyerere: a contemporary philosopher statesman, Ibid., 67-7 3 246 Luttrell, W L Industrial development strategy and its implications for planning

methodology, J. Econ Reflections (Dar), 3 (1974), 59-76 247 Msambichaka, L A Agricultural credit and the development of ujamaa villages, Ibid.,

& Mabele, R B M 32-58 248 Tschannerl, G Periphery capitalist development: the Tanzanian economy, Utafiti

(Dar) 1,1 (1976), 5-46 249 Bowles, B D Export crops and underdevelopment in Tanganyika, 1929-61, Ibid.,

70-85 250 Tanu Directive on the implementation of Education for Self Reliance,

Afr. Rev., 6,1 (1976), 103-112 251 McHenry, D E The underdevelopment theory: a case study,.IMAS, 14,4 (1976),

62 1-36 252 Bomani,P Aid, trade and poverty,Afr. Rep., 21,6 (1976), 6-11 253 Strage, H M Decentralisation for development, ITCC Rev., 4 (16) (1975), 52-60 254 Urfer, S La longue marche de la Tanzanie, Etudes, June 1976, 839-57 255 El-Namaki, M S S The effectiveness of the managerial behaviour of Company Boards

in Tanzania, Int. Rev. Admin. Sci.,,42,3 (1976), 241-7 256 Wangwe, S M Factors influencing capacity utilisation in Tanzanian manufacturing,

Int. Lab. Rev., 115,1 (1977), 65-78


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257 Lofchie, M F Agrarian socialism in the Third World, Comp. Pol., 8,3 (1976) 258 Helleiner, G K Review of Underdevelopment and Industrialisation in Tanzania by

J F Rweyemamu (Nairobi 1973), EDCC, 25,1 (1976), 177-83 259 McCarthy, D M P Money and the underdevelopment of Tanganyika, J. Econ. Hist.,

36,3 (1976), 645-62 260 Coulson, A Whatever happened to ujamaa?, New Internat. 4 8 (1976), 17-9 261 Gulliver, P H A land dispute in Arusha, Afr. Dimensions, ed. M Karp (Brookline,

Mass., 1975), 1-14 262 Routh, G Development paths in Tanzania, Development Paths in Africa and

China, ed. U G Damachi et al (London 1976), 10-38 263 Mohele, A T The Ismani maize credit programme, Econ. Res. Bureau (Dar),

Paper 75.2 52pp 264 Mapunda, N K & A critical approach to project appraisal: a case study of transport-

Mwanbi, J M ation in Dar es Salaam, ERB Paper 75.5, 14pp 265 Khamis, I A Industrial development in Zanzibar, ERB Paper 75.6, l9pp 266 Msambichaka, L A Agricultural mechanisation in ujamaa villages, ERB Paper 75.7, 41pp 267 Mwase, N R L Decision making in Tanzania's National Bank of Commerce, ERB

Paper 75.9, 49pp 268 Matango, R R The role of agencies for rural development in Tanzania: a case study

of LIDEP, ERB Paper 76.3, 59pp 269 Raikes, P Sugar production in West Lake Region. Copenhagen: Inst. for Devt

Res., Paper A76.10, 14pp 270 Raikes, P Tea production in West Lake Region, Ibid., A.76.11, 16pp 271 Coulson, A Decentralisation and the government budget. Dar es Salaam: Univer.

Research Proj. on Government Decentralisation, Working Paper 75.6 272 Green, R H Toward socialism and self-reliance: Tanzania's striving for sustained

transition projected. Uppsala: Scand. Inst. Afr. Studies, Res. Rep. 38, 1977, 57pp

273 Amey, A Urban-rural relations in Tanzania. Norwich: Univ. of E Anglia, School of Devt. Studies, Disc. Paper 15. 1976, 61pp

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