Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4

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  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Captain Munch Series of Worship LessonsLesson Four

    Captain Munch Discovers Man Overboard

    Suggestions for Theme Decorations

    Rope, boat prop, inner tubes, life jackets, net, fishing pole, small pool, pictures of boats,sailor hats for workers, blue or yellow jackets or vest for workers, inflatable water

    objects (whales), sand in small containers, shells, binoculars. If you do not have a boat

    for the skit, use four chairs to sit in like a car front and back and a mop for an oar. You

    can also just prop up a board to the chairs for a boat.

    Theme Characters

    Announcer (Silly hat and horn), Captain Munch (Sailor hat and white vest), Berry Muffin

    (Blue and white Polka dot vest and hat), Raspberry Raul (Red polka dot hat and vest),

    and Sailor Lynch (Sailor hat and carries a toy fishing pole). You can have the teens dothe opening or use adults, childrens workers or parents.

    Game Prop for Treasure from the Word Bible Memory

    Boxes of Captain Crunch cereal, a treasure box, treasures (Marbles or small plastic sea

    animals, or shells). Instructions: The cereal is all dumped inside the treasure box. Place

    the small prizes in the cereal. The kids will sift through the cereal to redeem a prize.

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Large patchwork quilt made from material or paper.

    Game Prop for Golden Instructions from the Word Lessons

    Put a small amount of sand enough to cover the bottom of a small pool and place coins

    in the sand. Kids will use this to catch a coin with their feet. You can buy some coolcoins at a dollar store. I found some at the dollar tree that were large gold coins.

    Music: High Seas Expedition Sing & Play Splash Music DVD (Group) can be orderedfrom: Use music at beginning and end of sessions.

    Lesson One suggestions and helps for the teacher

    Suggestions for the Teacher:

    Scripture Reading for Study: Jonah 1

    Memory Verse: Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging seagrew calm. At this the men greatly feared the LORD. (Jonah 1:15-16a)

    Snack Idea: Chocolate chip muffin & apple juice

    Craft Idea: Jonah and the Whale (see below)

    Time for Music: 2-3 songs from suggested DVD

    Now Lets Begin! (All kids assembled together)

    Announcer: Ahoy, All Aboard. This ship will be leaving in five minutes and all must beaboard! Quickly, all aboard! Ship Ahoy! (All kids must be seated. You may have them allput on their paper sailor hat and get real quiet) You may get hats from Steak-N-Shake.Try them!

    (Blows horn)..Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aboarrrrrrrrrrrrrd! All aboard! (Blows horn again!(Exits)

    Captain Munch: I have not seen any whales all week? (Peering with binoculars)

    Berry Muffin: (Muffled) Did you say whales? (Eating her muffin apparently reallyenjoying it, too)

    Captain Munch: I SAID, I have not seen any whales all week?

    Berry Muffin: They must not be hungry.

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Captain Munch: Well, there is one right now. If you can take a minute away from thatbag of muffins, you can see it. Here, take a look (Hands over the binoculars)

    Berry Muffin: I am just finishing my breakfast. (Closes bag) Now what was that yousaid?

    Captain Munch: I will not repeat myself. Is that all you do is eat muffins.Dont you ever eat oatmeal and toast, or bacon and eggs?

    Berry Muffin: The last time I ate something different was the first, and last time I madepancakes. They were black, but I put a lot of syrup and butter on them and they werenot bad at all. These muffins are better, though.

    (Raspberry Raul enters singing)

    Raspberry Raul: Oh, do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man; oh

    do you know the muffin man who sailed out on the sea.

    Captain Munch: Take a look over here at this hugh whale!

    Raspberry Raul: (Continues singing) Oh do you see a big, blue whale, a big blue whale,a big blue.

    Berry Muffin: (Whispers) Hes not in a good mood right now. I dont think I would besinging. Better take a look at that whale.

    Captain Munch: What was that you said?

    (Sailor Lynch enters all tangled in string from his fishing pole and a bucket of stuffedanimals fish)

    Captain Munch: Want to catch some whale? I have been watching a big one out therefor a while now.

    Sailor Lynch: Let me take a look (Takes binoculars).

    Captain Munch: Youd better hurry it is getting farther away by the minute. Hey, watchout just about fell overboard!

    Sailor Lynch: Yikes! (Stumbles in the wind) Where did this wind come from?

    Raspberry Raul: That whale reminds me of Jonah.

    Berry Muffin: You mean the whale that ate Jonah? (Drops bag of muffins)

    Sailor Lynch: (Calls from other room) I am getting a really good look..goodness

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Captain Munch: (Hollers) Watch out!

    Sailor Lynch: I canthelp.oh no!

    Berry Muffin: Whats happening?

    Captain Munch: I dont see anything.did he go overboard?

    Sailor Lynch: (Disappears) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!

    Berry Muffin: There he goes.

    Captain Munch: We are all going to have to work to haul him up on board. This wind isnot helping any either. We may need to throw over a lifejacket.

    Raspberry Raul: Oh dear! What are we going to do?

    Sailor Lynch: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp meeee! (Out of sight)

    Captain Munch: Thank the Lord. Are you ok down there?

    Sailor Lynch: No I am not ok. Throw down a rope.

    Captain Munch: (Throws a rope or a ball of yarn) Here take hold so we can pull you in.

    Sailor Lynch: Heeeeeeeeelpthere is a whale after me.

    Captain Munch: (Bows head) Dear God, please help us bring Sailor Lynch to safety. Weneed your help right now. In Jesus name, Amen. (Exits)

    Berry Muffin: What will happen to Sailor Lynch? Come back next week to find out.


    Announcer: Ahoy! Danger ahead. This ship hit whale zone. Fasten those seat belts.Man in trouble! (Blows horn).. Ahoy! overboard! (Blows horn again!)

    SMALL GROUPS This is 4 groups that may rotate. The times can be adjusted to meet

    your needs. Kids can be divided into 4 small groups or you can do the Bible lesson alltogether with music and the craft, snack, and scripture in three separate stations.

    Golden Instructions from the Word Station (30 minutes)

    Man Overboard Bible Message/Lesson

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Suggestion: Present the lesson using good voice inflection and try not to read it. Weara captain or sailors hat and act out the motions as you speak.

    1-2 One day long ago, God's Word (Hands like a book) came to Jonah, "Up on your feet(jump up on your feet) and on your way to the big city of Nineveh! Preach (Point finger)

    to them. They're in a bad way and I can't (Hands on hips) ignore it any longer."


    ButJonah got up and went the other direction (Turn around and walk the other direction) toTarshish, running away from God. He went down to the port of Joppa and found a shipheaded for Tarshish. He paid the fare (Give some play money to a couple kids) andwent on board, joining those going to Tarshishas far (Wave hand backward) awayfrom God as he could get.

    4-6 But God sent a huge (Spread arms wide) storm at sea, the waves towering. (Rockback and forth)

    The ship was about to break into pieces. The sailors were terrified (Make a scared

    face). They called out (Cup hands over mouth) in desperation to their gods. They threweverything (Throw some things) they were carrying overboard to lighten the ship.Meanwhile, Jonah had gone down into the hold of the ship to take a nap. He was soundasleep. (Curl up and go to sleep) The captain came to him and said, "What's this?Sleeping! Get up! (Act startled) Pray to your god! Maybe your god will see we're introuble and rescue us." (Jump up)

    7 Then the sailors said to one another, (Act like one sailor talking to another)"Let's getto the bottom of this. (Turn directions to other sailor) Let's draw straws (Show a bundleof straws) to identify the culprit on this ship who's responsible for this disaster."

    So they drew straws. (Ask a child to draw a straw) Jonah got the short straw. (Makesure they get a short one)

    8 Then they grilled him: "Confess. (Talk rough here) Why this disaster? What is yourwork? Where do you come from? What country? What family?"

    9 He told them, "I'm a Hebrew. (Talk meek and scared) I worship God, the God ofheaven who made sea and land."

    10 At that, the men were frightened, really frightened, and said, (Look back and forthand talk here as if several sailors are talking) "What on earth have you done!" (Hands

    outstretched) As Jonah talked, the sailors realized that he was running away from God.11 They said to him, "What are we going to do with youto get rid of this storm?" By

    this time the sea was wild, totally out of control.

    12 Jonah said, "Throw me overboard, into the sea. Then the storm will stop. It's all myfault. I'm the cause of the storm. Get rid of me and you'll get rid of the storm."

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    13 But no. (Shake head back and forth) The men tried rowing back to shore. (Row hard)They made no headway. The storm only got worse and worse, wild and raging.

    14 Then they prayed to God, "O God! (Make prayer hands and close eyes) Don't let usdrown because of this man's life, and don't blame us for his death. You are God. Do

    what you think is best."15 They took Jonah (Pick up heave person pretend and throw) and threw him

    overboard. Immediately the sea was quieted down.

    16 The sailors were impressed, no longer terrified by the sea, but in awe of God. Theyworshiped God, offered a sacrifice, and made vows. (Make prayer hands)

    17 Then God assigned a huge fish to swallow (Make arms like a hugh mouth) Jonah.Jonah was in the fish's belly three days (Hold up three fingers with left hand) and threenights (Hold up three fingers with right hand). (Scripture: Message Translation fromBiblegateway)

    Questions for Discussion

    1. How do you think Jonah felt when they threw him overboard?2. Why do you think God caused the storm to get Jonahs attention?3. In what ways does God show us He wants our attention?4. How do you think God feels about our disobedience?5. How do you feel when you disobey God?6. What should you do when God wants you to do something?7. What do you think God would want you to do if you have disobeyed your


    Allow all the children to find a golden coin in the sand box to take with them if theyanswer a question or participate. Tell them it is a reminder of the treasure that we find inknowing Jesus as our personal Savior, and how he will help us to obey him. They are tofind this with their bare toes (No hands allowed) Watch the fun!

    Treasure from the Word Station (30 minutes) (Scripture Memorization)

    Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. At thisthe men greatly feared the LORD. (Jonah 1:15-16a)

    Pass out Bibles and model read the scripture for the children. Next, read all together.Finally, ask a couple of children if they would like to read it all by themselves to theclass.

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Say: God is powerful. He calmed the sea just like that. God was seeking for someonewho was willing to obey what he asked them to do and that happened to be Jonah. Godhad a plan for Jonah and he wanted Jonah to submit to that plan. God was not going tomake Jonah, but he wanted to help him to obey him.

    We must obey God when he speaks to us. He will speak to us though others, the Wordand our pastors. God is very merciful to us as he was to Jonah. He loves us so muchand will do anything to help us make it to heaven.

    Jonah finally chose to obey God. When we obey God, others will see and be amazed atwhat God will do for us in our lives. God uses us to share the Good News with thosewho do not know about him. We will find out later what that plan was for Jonah.

    Give each child a copy to take home. Play the following jeopardy game. See below for acopy to send home with them.

    Instructions: Place a large quilt (single bed size) that is made in 8.5 X 11 square pieceson the wall. Tape to each material square, a sheet of paper that will say at randomthese words on the back side that the kids cannot see: Treasures, Captain, or BerryMuffin. Allow the kids one at a time to select a square and turn it over. If it says memoryverse, they must say the verse. If it says one of the other words, they put it back on thequilt. If they say the memory verse correctly, they get to fish through the treasure chestand find a prize to take home. You can keep the same squares to use over weekly.

    Pass out the memory verse and give the kids markers to color in the verse.

    Sea Snack Station (30 minutes or less)Chocolate chip muffin & apple juice. Pourand have ready in advance. Allow the children to serve themselves and select a muffinand drink. Provide napkins. They need to be polite in line and wait their turn. Be sure toteach these good manners.

    Craft Fun Station (30 minutes) Jonah and the Whale craft. Print copies of thewhale and Jonah using cardstock. You will only need a couple or so copies of the pagewith Jonah. Provide each child a whale. Allow them to color and cut out only helping

    smaller children as needed. Provide safety scissors for younger children. Using a paperfastener connect the stick to the Whale and paste Jonah on the stick. The children willbe able to move Jonah up and down near the mouth of the whale.

    Additional: coloring page provided if needed.

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Memory VerseThen they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grewcalm. At this the men greatly feared the LORD. (Jonah 1:15-16a)

    Memory Verse: Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging seagrew calm. At this the men greatly feared the LORD. (Jonah 1:15-16a)

    Memory Verse: Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea

    grew calm. At this the men greatly feared the LORD. (Jonah 1:15-16a)

    Memory Verse: Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging seagrew calm. At this the men greatly feared the LORD. (Jonah 1:15-16a)

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    Then they tookJonah and threwhim overboard,

    and the ragingsea grew calm.

    At this the mengreatly feared

    the LORD.Jonah 1:15-16a

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.

    FISH & JONAH CRAFT TAKEN FROM (use cardstock)
  • 8/4/2019 Captain Munch Series of Worship Lessons No 4


    Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011 All rights reserved.