Caralluma Fimbriata Singapore Amazon

Post on 25-Sep-2015

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Health Restoration, Best Joint Remedies and Pure Natural Supplements

Turbogize is equipped with the latest Testing lab equipment to determine the

Quality of our products at molecular level. Like you, we are concerned about

fake, adulterated or tainted products which we often see on the internet and

elsewhere. This is a sad but realistic situation which we face these days

where unscrupulous merchants zero in on profit and care about nothing else.

Our equipment can determine how close our ingredients are to the correct

health supplements that we sell to you – all the time.

Most of the Health supplement

companies do not even bother to test their products. They simply slap on a

label and the ingredients.

Rapid industrialization and pollution have yielded a raft of toxic metallic elements

and heavy metals which have seeped into our food products and raw materials.

Heavy metals toxicity in our health supplements are no exception. Heavy metals such as Chromium, Cadmium,

Arsenic, Lead and Mercury will always be scanned, tested and checked at

Turbogize. Cyanide, Aluminum and even Uranium will also be checked if


We have the capability to test for most elements found in the Universe! No

kidding! This device is specially made to detect minute amounts of elements that should not be in your Food supplements

such as heavy metals.

Yeasts and molds can grow in a wide range of conditions in raw materials, finished product and production environment, making them difficult to control. These

molds put out highly toxic chemicals called mycotoxins.

Mycotoxins cause toxic symptoms which are much worse than the allergic

symptoms caused by ordinary molds. Some of the symptoms caused by toxic molds

include bleeding, damage to internal organs, mental impairment, cancer and

even death in some cases.

As such, Turbogize test for molds/ fungi on incoming products. Using the latest

available testing technology, we are able to cut down the testing period from 5 days to

just 2 days.


Chondroitin Sulphate is a chain of Polysaccharides attached to proteins. Maintain integrity of structural tissues especially in Cartilage as cushion and provides resistance

against joint compression due to physical activities. Turbogize Pure Chondroitin Sulphate is derived from cartilage of Bovine.

Pure Chondroitin Sulphate with Hyaluronic Acid, Glucosamine, MSM (Methysulfonylmethane) and Collagen forms the new frontier for healing, restoration and

maintainence of healthy joints. Pure Chondroitin Sulphate is derived from Bovine and appears slightly off white in

powder with particle fineness below 80 mesh for high bioavailability.

"Are you the incredible shrinking man?" The body starts to lose its overall shape causing rounded shoulders, overall flabbiness and even shrinkage. If you feel that you have shrunk over the past few years, it is not an illusion! Its a real meltdown with the drop in Collagen supplies your body needs. Renew your body by plugging and filling these voids or cavities

in your body to regain your posture and height. Heal your body with massive servings of Turbogize natural fish collagen and reverse the

damaging effects of low collagen production.

Turbogize High Strength Collagen is specially made for all "shrinking out of shape entities". Take

Turbogize special collagen formula for 3 months to feel and see the difference. Bring back the straight back and clothes hanger shoulders you once have. Bring back that spring in your steps. Turbogize Hi strength pure hydrolyzed chicken collagen is the "Glue of Life" that binds our joints and skin tight.

Chicken Collagen type 2 also restores and regenerates skin tissues from the "inside" preventing

the feared "sagging bum, sinking chin and overall loose skin common amongst the middle aged.

Production of collagen drops after 30 years and continues to diminish more as we cross the 40s and

into our 50s. This Collagen Negative situation hampers the body

from normal maintenance of healthy cartilage, tendons, ligaments. skin and even hair.

Dedicated to the F.L.O.PS -the Fat, the Lame, the Old and the Poisoned and Sickly citizens of the world.

Due to age, life style and whatever we put into our bodies, we have to take better care of ourselves if we want to lead a long and healthy life. With medical care never coming down, we need to listen to our bodies before we fall apart. So if you are

limping, having persistent back aches, migraine, suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol, poor digestive system, breathing problems, heart issues, circulatory

problems, poor overall health, low energy, restless sleep, lower libido and what have you, its time we consider alternative ways to help ourselves. Its also much cheaper in

the long run too. Turbogize is a member of the Singapore Society of Microbiology and Biotechnology which is a professional society of microbiologists and other professionals of related

interest. Our products are tested for Purity and scanned for Heavy metals and molds using the latest testing equipment. In addition, we work with International Independent laboratory to test for Pathogens and any other items. All these are done to ensure that you and your family stay health and safe whenever you take Turbogize health supplements. Natural health supplements to make you healthy again.

701 Sims Drive #06-03 LHK Bldg Singapore 387383 Phone : +65 8123 3876

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