Career Awareness Competencies

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Rosa MartinezMar 8

Career Development Stages

Know Yourself



Needs InterestsMe

Career Management

Career Management


Career Awareness


Skills Development

Workshop outcomes

Reflect on career awareness competencies from a Canadian perspective

Identify opportunities to develop career awareness skills

Task 1

In pairs, discuss your career awareness competencies from your country perspective

Career Awareness Competencies

• To know what makes work environments personally satisfying and productive; and to be able to create these environments

• To understand the culture of my workplace

Career Awareness Competencies

To identify desired organizational values and goals

To understand industry changes and their impact on career effectiveness

Career Awareness Competencies

To have a sense of future options and opportunities for my career

To be effective at building relationships and support systems for my career growth

Task 2

How would you assess your career awareness competencies by regards to Canadian standards?

Watch the videos by Lionel Laroche

Cultural Differences in the workplace

Structure of Canadian society Technical Skills versus Soft Skills Canadian organizations: 60% technical skills

& 40% soft skills Soft skills are measured by cultural

standards Newcomers: high technical skills, low soft

skills Canadian professional networking:

professional peers Change is incremental

Task 2.

Brainstorm ways to develop your career awareness in the medical field

Reflection points

How important are soft skills in your career advancement?

What can you do to get the soft skills you need?

Inspirational Quote


Laroche, L. (2010). ISAP 2008-Lionel Laroche [Online video]. Canada: Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from

University of California Berkeley (n.d.). Career Development at UC of Berkeley. In Human Resources at Berkeley. Retrieved February 21, 2012, from