Career Salesmanship Promo

Post on 15-Nov-2014

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Sample of Available career presentations



How to apply sales techniques to the job search

Bob Podgorski

R.P.P. Enterprises

Career Salesmanship

“The one thing I’ve always admired about salesmen is their ability to bounce back from adversity, reluctance and rejection!”

Lee Iacocca

An Uncanny Ability To: Regroup Rethink Reconnect Re-approach Recover Re-present ….. In an Instant!

Career Salesmanship

In other words -

To turn adversity into opportunity –

“To turn lemons…

into lemonade !”

Career Salesmanship

How do they do this ?

Hard Selling…? Being Pushy…? Ignoring rejection…? Back-dooring the Customer…? Offering unethical incentives…? Pleading/begging…?

Career Salesmanship

They do it by…

Listening !!!!


Once they fully understand the need

Repeat - connecting on the same level Ask key questions to clarify Then offer further connections showing deeper

understanding Followed by a real solution / value proposition

It is no different for an employment candidate

As a candidate

Requires you to connect on the same level Ready to ask key questions Prepared to show examples of past

successes and experience Showing your value and relevance to their


Career Salesmanship

Salesmen also show -

Resilience Stick-to-it ism Tenacity An ability to place unfavorable circumstances

in perspective To move forward Try again Remain positive, energized and enthusiastic

Placing Rejection in Perspective

Have multiple leads to pursue A “NO” means a customer need more relevance,

information and value Or, it may be the wrong buyer View rejection as a single instance Analyzed to determine what went wrong – vow to not

do it again Seen as an opportunity to learn to do better A re-buffing is only accepted when you have tried

your best with the customer, repeatedly to show realistic value

Skills that relate to the job seeker

Have many irons in the fire Apply to the Hiring authority for the greatest

appreciation of value Learn from experience – analyze how it could

have been done better Improve Interview to Interview Follow-up to assure the full story is told

Thank You Letters Reference key interview points List of attributes

Skills That Relate To a Job Search

Excellent Salesmen…

Know their product Believe in their product Understand it’s perceived and actual value Practice the presentation of value Gathered documentation of the value

proposition Prepare for the Sales Call Interject Shortfall mitigation

For the Job Seeker

This means… Know yourself – intimately

Know your likes / dislikes Know your strengths Know where you need improvement Show you’re…..

There are additional slides to this presentation. Contact RPP Enterprises for this or additional career topics for your next meeting.