Careers in Property 2012 - Savills Graduates

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Careers in Property 2012

Careers In Property 2012 Page 2

This publication has been produced through the collaboration of recruitment and training experts from

real estate firms across the industry.

It has been specifically designed for students looking to apply for graduate schemes or work experience.

It offers a comprehensive guide to the contributors'

schemes and includes real life case studies.

Careers In Property 2012 Page 3


An Introduction to “Careers in Property”


Career Timeline


What is the APC?


A guide to the RICS APC Routes


The Value of the APC from a Fee Earners Perspective


Business Skills at the Core of a Career in Property


“Will employers want me with a Non Cognate Degree?”


Postgraduate Property Courses


Diversity in the Property Industry


Regional Opportunities


Distance Learning


Art of Networking


Surveying: The First Green Profession


Featured Companies


Format of profile pages and key to APC Pathway abbreviations


Careers In Property 2012 Page 4

Company Accepts application from

non RICS accredited


Page no

Allsop 28

BNP Paribas Real Estate 30

Capita Symonds x 32

CBRE x 34

Cluttons x 36

Colliers International UK 38

Cushman & Wakefield 40

Drivers Jonas Deloitte x 42

DTZ 44

Gerald Eve x 46

GVA 48

Jones Lang LaSalle 50

Knight Frank x 52

Lambert Smith Hampton 54

Savills 56

Careers In Property 2012 Page 5

Careers in Property 2012

Tony Cheetham BA(Hons), MSc, FHEA MRICS, Principal Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University May I introduce you to the 2012 edition of Careers in Property. This is our third edition and, as ever, its aim is to provide you with the key information you need in order to make an informed decision with respect to your career path ahead. This document is the result of collaboration between blue-chip employers offering stimulating and diverse career opportunities, and some of the leading universities who provide innovative education accredited by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. If you are interested in a successful property related career, this is a 'must - read'. In this booklet you will find all the key information you need to help you make an informed decision - whether you are applying for jobs, considering where or what to study or contemplating taking the first step on the path to finding out about life as a Chartered Surveyor. The contributors to this publication have one common aim: to attract the best people into a dynamic profession. Accordingly, included are graduate and firm profiles, details relating to some of the universities where you could choose to study, information about how you can achieve professional membership of the RICS and a whole lot more besides. We are entering a phase where opportunities within the property profession are increasing, where market confidence is returning and where demand for competent graduates with a vocational qualification and a 'can-do' attitude is strong. You will enter a truly global profession and will be able to carve out a rewarding career path. The firms you will read about are the 'A' list of the profession. You may be their future. With support you will progress quickly, take responsibility and develop expertise enabling you to enjoy a successful professional career.

I wish you every success!

Sheffield Hallam University offers a comprehensive portfolio of RICS accredited Undergraduate and Postgraduate study programmes.

For further details relating to MSc, BSc (Hons) and other available courses within our portfolio please see our website at , email or contact me directly via

Careers In Property 2012 Page 6

Career Timeline

George Herd

Course Director, MSc Real Estate, Cass Business School


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Research potential employers, review your CV and competencies

Attend careers fairs and recruitment events

Apply for graduate jobs/summer internships

Attend assessment centres and interviews


Final year students and MSc graduates

Undergraduate year 1 and 2 Cass Business School Top Tips for Career Success Get as much relevant work experience as possible; it gives you an insight into the

real estate industry and helps you to gain valuable contacts in the sector. Network on and off campus at every opportunity. Utilise your careers service and make full use of all the facilities offered. Apply early, as many firms will screen applications as soon as they are submitted. Learn your competency examples by heart and have two examples of each. Stay very industry focused; know the current issues by keeping up to date with the

property media. Practise your interview technique. Most importantly - stay positive!

Cass Business School

MSc enquiries:

Careers In Property 2012 Page 7


Simon Robson Associate Dean, School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University The Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) is the process used by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to ensure that prospective Chartered Surveyors are competent to practice and have the high standards of professionalism required. There are various routes to membership depending on a candidate‟s status. This most common is Graduate Route 1. Candidates can commence on this route following graduation from an RICS accredited degree, at the beginning of a „placement‟ year from an accredited undergraduate degree, or at the beginning of the penultimate year of a distance learning accredited post graduate degree. The APC comprises a period of structured training and the final assessment interview. The structured training period must be undertaken over a minimum period of 23 months during which the knowledge and theory gained in academic study is complemented by practical experience. At the start of the APC candidates should choose an appropriate pathway. This should be done in consultation with their employer and relate to the work experience available. Relevant pathways include Commercial Property, Property Finance and Investment, Valuation, and Planning and Development. During the training period candidates are required to achieve a variety of competencies. All candidates, irrespective of pathways are required to achieve a number of mandatory competencies such as ethics, conflict avoidance and client care. In additional candidates are required to achieve technical competencies related to their pathway. When a candidate starts the APC process they will be assigned a supervisor and counsellor to provide advice and support throughout the process. Prior to going forward to the final interview they must be satisfied that the necessary levels of each required competency have been met and confirm that the candidate is ready for the final assessment. The final assessment is normally conducted by a panel of two assessors and a chairman. It is their role to judge whether a candidate is competent to practice as a member of the RICS. David Varley is the Regional Training Advisor for the RICS in the North East of England. His role is to advise organisations on all aspects of the APC. David‟s key message on the APC is „that it is a process in which the employers must take responsibility for the professional training of candidates and ensure that the proper breadth and depth of experience is provided.‟ The RICS designation is highly valued by the property industry in the UK and around the world. The APC is designed to ensure that new members are competent to practice and able to maintain the professional and ethical standards expected of them.

Ellison Building Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST +44 (0)191 227 4722 +44 (0)191 227 3167

Careers In Property 2012 Page 8

AA gguuiiddee ttoo tthhee RRIICCSS AAPPCC rroouutteess BBeeccoommiinngg aa PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall;; tthhee ppaatthhwwaayy ttoo ssuucccceessss

Nick French

Professor in Real Estate, Oxford Brookes University11

“A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesn't particularly feel like it”. Alistair Cooke


When embarking upon a degree accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), many students see this as a defined and discrete part of their surveying education whether this is a three year undergraduate (UG) programme or a one year postgraduate (PG) conversion degree. And, whilst a good real estate degree does provide you with transferable core skills and business knowledge, for those students who choose to remain in real estate, it is only the first part of the process of becoming a Chartered Surveyor. The degree should be viewed as part of a five year (UG) or three year (PG) training programme. It is a modern apprenticeship. The degree is followed by a period of, normally, two years working in practice and acquiring the appropriate practical competency to practice as a qualified Chartered Surveyor with the MRICS designation. The second part of this process is known as the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) and it is the practical training and experience which, when combined with the previous academic qualification, leads to RICS membership.

The Assessment of Professional Competence

To embark upon the APC, you need to secure employment as a graduate surveyor with a company where you will (normally) be supervised by a qualified Chartered Surveyor. They will give you guidance on your training and day-to-day work. In

addition, you will also be appointed a counsellor who oversees your progress and acts as a sounding board for any concerns or questions.

The objective of the APC is to ensure you are competent to practise as a chartered surveyor. The APC normally consists of a period of structured training (normally 23 months during which you must complete a minimum of 400 days relevant practical experience) and a final assessment interview. To enrol on and start the APC, the candidate must be in suitable employment with a firm that has a structured training agreement in place (if this is not in place, provisional enrolment is still possible and should not delay you requesting enrolment). Key elements of the APC are as follows: Appointment of your supervisor and counsellor

1 This editorial is a summary of the information on the RICS website (

under the links relating to the APC.

Careers In Property 2012 Page 9

Selection of competencies Training, experience and professional development Recording your daily training in your diary and summarising this monthly in your

logbook Regular meetings with your supervisor and counsellor Preparation for your final assessment submissions - records of your training and

professional development and a 3000 word critical analysis Application for final assessment Final assessment interview Results

APC Pathways The roles of the Chartered Surveyor are many and varied. Chartered Surveyors deal with all aspects of the land ranging from the rural environment to urban conurbations. All property and land needs to be managed and understood and that is the role of the Chartered Surveyor. Historically, the surveyor who undertook a range of roles across various specialisms was known as a General Practice Surveyor. Indeed, this used to be one of the principal APC routes into the profession and it is still erroneously referred to as such by many practising surveyors. However, the RICS now recognises the breadth of skills and specialisms and has developed a number of APC pathways. The pathway you choose will be determined by your employment as you can only demonstrate competence in your chosen area of specialism on the basis of actual work experience. There are three groupings of pathways as follows. Guides on each grouping are available from the RICS2. Property Built Environment Land

For the Property group the principal pathways are:

Commercial Property Practice The work of chartered surveyors in this area covers all types of real estate used for business purposes. The principal sectors within commercial property are: retail; office; industrial and leisure. Commercial property serves a vast array of purposes supporting public and private sector businesses and services, from service industries to government to civil infrastructure. The exception is real estate related to agricultural or residential use. Property Finance and Investment Property investment takes many forms, ranging from the traditional, direct ownership and trading of tenanted land and buildings, to contemporary capital markets where property revenues are traded as securities or indeed derivatives. Greater flexibility and availability of indirect property investment products, plus improved performance benchmarking data means that property has attracted growing interest as an investment asset class. Valuation Property valuation is a core skill and forms part of the professional services provided by many RICS members. Accurate valuations are vital to a healthy property market

2 The detailed requirements for each pathway are set out in the RICS’ APC/ATC requirements

and competencies guide (updated July 2009) and the APC Pathway guides – all on the RICS website at

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and a stable economy, forming the basis of performance analysis, financing decisions, transactional or development advice, dispute resolution and taxation. Residential Property Practice Planners, developers, agents, mortgage lenders, professional advisers (such as valuers and building surveyors), private and institutional investors and property managers are just some of the key professional figures that allow the property market to operate smoothly.

For the Built Environment group the Pathways are: Building Surveying Building surveying is one of the widest areas of surveying practice. Chartered building surveyors are involved in all aspects of property and construction from supervising large mixed-use developments to planning domestic extensions. This varied workload can include everything from the conservation and restoration of historic buildings to contemporary new developments. Quantity surveying and Construction Quantity surveyors are the cost managers of construction. They are initially involved with the capital expenditure phase of a building or facility, which is the feasibility, design and construction phases. Quantity surveyors work in all sectors of the construction industry worldwide. Project Management Project Managers occupy a central role in the development process, driving successful completion of projects. Taxation Allowances Taxation allowances surveyors combine the skills of a Quantity Surveyor with their knowledge of construction and experience of legislation, accounting and investment. For the Land group the Pathways are: Planning and Development The planning and development field is a specialist area, which impacts not only on the physical aspects of the built environment, but the social and environmental aspects as well. The profession is continually evolving with a wide range of environmental, economic, political and social relevance to its day-to-day activities Rural Rural surveyors enable the rural economy and environment to thrive and flourish in a variety of ways by virtue of their experience and expertise across a very broad and diverse range of activities. APC Competencies The APC structured training period is primarily competency-based. It requires you to demonstrate that you have the skills and abilities needed to perform specific tasks or functions. The competencies are based on attitudes and behaviours as well as skills and knowledge. The specific competencies you must demonstrate depend on the APC pathway you follow. Each pathway requires a period of structured training during which you complete the mandatory and technical competencies that make up the minimum requirements for the APC. For each APC pathway these competencies

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are defined and explained in the relevant pathway guide. The following guides are available from the RICS website. APC Candidate's Guide APC Requirements and competencies guide APC guide for supervisors, counsellors and employers APC Pathway guides Rules of Conduct - Guidance note Conclusion Becoming a Chartered Surveyor is a rewarding and enjoyable career. It is varied and it is always interesting. However, it is also a profession and professions, quite rightly, are there to maintain standards and quality. The APC is part of that process.

For further information on the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes, please contact +44 (0) 1865 483453

Careers In Property 2012 Page 12

TThhee VVaalluuee ooff tthhee AAPPCC

FFrroomm aa FFeeee EEaarrnneerr‟‟ss PPeerrssppeeccttiivvee……

"Passing the APC and becoming

MRICS is a mark of achievement,

quality and the commitment of an

individual within the firm which

equally translates into their

interaction with clients. Our clients

expect to see it being worked

towards and achieved by our

graduates - anything else would be

seen as out of the ordinary".

Adrian Wilson, Knight Frank

The APC is a valuable professional property

qualification. Over the last 25 years it has improved

the reputation of the property industry immeasurably.

Today, gaining membership to the RICS or RTPI is an

aspiration for those who wish to become professionals

and demonstrate their commitment to the high

standards within our industry.

Jeremy Helsby, Savills

“The APC requires a broad range of

experience and knowledge across all

areas of surveying. This experience

gives you a great platform for starting

your professional career and also

gives you a strong knowledge base for

whichever area you choose to

specialise in.”

Steve Hile, Gerald Eve LLP

“The APC is based on your practical training

and experience which, when combined with

academic qualifications, leads to RICS

membership. Being assessed by members of

the profession ensures the qualification

maintains a high standard. As a globally

recognised qualification, it is important if you

want to develop your career outside the UK. “

Claire Quinn, Jones Lang LaSalle

Hands-on experience is crucial to passing the APC. The

practical experience and responsibilities I have been

exposed to at Cluttons combined with the structured

training programme have provided me with the knowledge

and skills base as a launch pad for my surveying career.

RICS membership is a prestigious and internationally

recognised benchmark of professionalism within the

property industry and I‟m proud to be a Chartered


Naomi Bather, Cluttons LLP

Careers In Property 2012 Page 13

“The APC has been invaluable to my career at CB Richard Ellis, bringing all the disciplines from property

together to improve not only my understanding but also having given me a breath of experience which I would

not have got without a structured training program. The APC has also allowed me to network within CB

Richard Ellis to help build contacts across the firm which are proving incredibly useful as my career develops”.

Sarah Cohen, CB Richard Ellis Ltd

''Becoming RICS qualified is extremely important

in the current competitive market place.

Experiencing key specialisms tzhrough the APC

process helps provide a broader understanding

of property and clients‟ business needs,

improving service delivery. We expect each

graduate we employ to become a Chartered


Robin Mitchell, Lambert Smith Hampton

“RICS qualification, and the right to use the

MRICS letters, signifies the mark of

professionalism, standards and ethics in real

estate globally. The APC represents the

entry point to RICS membership and is a

necessary step for all aspiring professionals.

It is a tough and necessary test, to ensure

there is an assured level of competency

amongst all Chartered Surveyors. It is only

the start though, and the knowledge and

experience gained through your APC phase

will stand you in good stead for a rewarding


Jeremy Day, King Sturge

"The complex fields of consultancy,

agency and valuation require

knowledgeable, capable individuals with

a range of skills and experience to

identify and service client needs.

The RICS APC provides a template for

gathering the required competencies that

ensures that tomorrow's surveyors stand

out in an increasingly demanding

financial world."

Robert Mills, Colliers International UK

Careers In Property 2012 Page 14

Hands-on experience is crucial to passing the APC. The practical experience and

responsibilities I have been exposed to at Cluttons combined with the structured training

programme have provided me with the knowledge and skills base as a launch pad for

my surveying career. RICS membership is a prestigious and internationally recognised

benchmark of professionalism within the property industry and I‟m proud to be a

Chartered Surveyor.

Naomi Bather, Cluttons LLP

“Passing my APC meant an increased

responsibility and independence at work. It

is respected amongst your peers and

clients and it increases confidence in your

abilities. I used it as a stepping stone to

develop my skills further and qualified as a

Fixed Charge Receiver two years later.”

Annika Kisby, Allsop.

“Passing the APC and becoming a fully

qualified chartered surveyor is a vital step

to a successful career in property. It

confirms, to clients and employers, an

individual's knowledge and expertise and,

as importantly, their commitment to


Gaining and maintaining this status gives

credibility and reassurance to our advisory

role in many locations and markets. Many

of my French colleagues are becoming

MRICS due to the enhanced status the

qualification brings.”

David Couch, BNP Paribas Real Estate

Careers In Property 2012 Page 15

BBuussiinneessss SSkkiillllss aatt tthhee ccoorree ooff aa ccaarreeeerr iinn PPrrooppeerrttyy Éamonn D’Arcy

CBRE Fellow in International Real Estate and Programme Director Fulltime MSc Real Estate Programmes, School of Real Estate and Planning, Henley Business

School, University of Reading.

Over the last two decades the property skills set has increasingly become one which has business skills as its core. This in particular, reflects the evolution of property services into a mainstream professional business service sector on a par with accountancy and management consultancy. Property consultancy skills have become the focus of provision displacing the more traditional bundle of transactions and built environment related skills. This shift is also reflected in the focus placed by many of the firms featured in this publication on the key words of „consultant‟ and „solutions‟ as essential descriptors of their core activities. At a wider level it reflects a very significant process of growth and change in property markets which has happened on a global basis. A key component of this change has been an expansion in the range of property investment and development activities combined with an increase in their sophistication. Occupier requirements have also become more complex. These changes increasingly necessitate a property skills set which is focused on business skills. The rise in importance of the indirect property market comprising of the listed property companies and in particular, the non-listed property funds has created the need for a whole new property skills set with mainstream economic and financial skills as the dominant components. Recent developments in more traditional property skill sets such as those relating to property valuation and management increasingly reflect the application of skills taken from finance and business management. A further factor which has contributed to this emphasis on business skills has been the increasing internationalisation of a wide range of property involvements. Again the firms represented in this publication are excellent examples of this trend with the majority offering common global and Pan-European delivery platforms. The internationalisation of the property services sector has promoted an international best practice property skills set with business skills at its forefront. The increasing emphasis on business skills is also reflected in the provision of property education. Increasingly, property courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels are offered within a business school setting. All retain the accreditation advantages offered by the RICS but deliver graduates who are equipped with the necessary business skills to pursue a career in property at the highest level. In the UK and Europe an increasing number of property graduates entering employment will come from a business school environment. In the United States the majority of real estate graduates are from a business school background. A career in property is increasingly one which has business skills at its core and a property specific business school education as an essential backdrop.

TThhee SScchhooooll ooff RReeaall EEssttaattee aanndd PPllaannnniinngg aatt tthhee HHeennlleeyy BBuussiinneessss SScchhooooll -- UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff RReeaaddiinngg iiss aa

gglloobbaall lleeaaddeerr iinn rreeaall eessttaattee eedduuccaattiioonn aanndd rreesseeaarrcchh.. IItt ooffffeerrss aa wwiiddee rraannggee ooff pprrooggrraammmmeess aatt bbootthh

uunnddeerrggrraadduuaattee aanndd ppoossttggrraadduuaattee lleevveell wwiitthh ffuullll--ttiimmee aanndd ppaarrtt--ttiimmee ssttuuddyy ooppttiioonnss aavvaaiillaabbllee.. FFoorr

ffuurrtthheerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn vviissiitt oouurr wweebbssiittee wwwwww..hheennlleeyy..rreeaaddiinngg..aacc..uukk//rreepp oorr ccoonnttaacctt uuss bbyy ee--mmaaiill aatt


Careers In Property 2012 Page 16

Will Employers want me with a Non-cognate Degree? Andrew Ellison

BA(Hons) MRICS, Associate Head (Property), Faculty of the Built Environment, The University of the West of England.

With a non-cognate degree in Geography, History, Classics or heaven help us, English Literature are you not at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to getting that first job as a trainee Chartered Surveyor? Surely the companies will cherry pick the best of the undergraduates who were lucky enough at aged 18 to know that they already wanted a career as a property professional? The answer is no. As a late entrant into the property world you are certainly not at a disadvantage. Being a Chartered Surveyor may sound as if it relates solely to “bricks and mortar” but it is in fact probably the most sociable of all the traditional professions. Good networking and negotiation skills are not only necessary for property agents but are central to all the specialisms within the profession – you need excellent communication skills to be able to maintain good relationships with colleagues, rivals and clients – and surveying firms are well aware of the transferable skills that non-cognate degrees confer. Moreover, the fact that you have chosen to enter the profession at a more mature point in your development speaks of a steel and determination that can be vital in your future success. The MA in Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation at UWE offers a fast track way of taking your graduate status and gaining a post-graduate qualification that is accredited by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. At the end of a year‟s intensive study you will be prepared for entry into surveying practise armed with your MA and will be ready to start your 2 year‟s diary preparatory to taking your APC and gaining your letters, MRICS. This timetable will leave you only one year older than your professional contemporaries who undertook their qualifications via a cognate undergraduate degree programme . As a Chartered Surveyor you will find you have entered a profession with a huge variety of employers, a wide geographical spread including international opportunities, and an almost infinite variety of work where each day of every week is different, and where boredom is never an issue. How do I know? Well, I started out with a degree in English Literature and can confidently say that that did not hold me back. I can only encourage you to take the plunge and enter this exciting and interesting profession which touches on the lives of each and every one of us by forming the built environment in which we live.

For further information:Contact the department of Construction and Property on 0117 32 84242 or by email on Please also see our website at

Careers In Property 2012 Page 17

PPoossttggrraadduuaattee PPrrooppeerrttyy CCoouurrsseess AA ppooppuullaarr cchhooiiccee ffoorr eennttrryy iinnttoo tthhee iinndduussttrryy

Paul Royston

Head of Property Management and Development, Nottingham Trent University There is a wide range of postgraduate property courses available to choose from - including professionally-accredited courses designed specifically for graduates from non-property related disciplines wanting to become Chartered Surveyors and enter the property industry. These types of courses are often referred to as conversion courses. Since 2000, student interest in, and recruitment to these professional postgraduate courses accredited by the RICS has grown considerably. Figures produced by the RICS shown in the table below reveal the growth in popularity of surveying courses and in particular the substantial growth in the use of postgraduate programmes as an entry route into the real estate and construction professions during recent years. The figures show that the number of students enrolling on UK RICS-accredited postgraduate courses has overtaken undergraduates as the largest source of surveyors into the industry. The trend towards higher students enrolments on postgraduate programmes as compared to undergraduate programmes has been a consistent one apart from a small dip in 2007. The 2010 figures will be confirmed shortly and are expected to show a continuation of the trend.

RICS Course „Starters‟ Data 2000-2008 (Source: RICS)

Level of Course

Sept 2001

Sept 2002

Sept 2003

Sept 2004

Sept 2005

Sept 2006

Sept 2007

Sept 2008

Sept 2009

% increase on 2001

Undergraduate 2,572 2,554 2,688 3,064 3,660 3,727 4,031 4258 3435 +34%

Postgraduate 1,363 1,805 2,354 2,917 3,609 4,697 4,716 5331 4762 +249%

Totals 3,935 4,359 5,042 5,981 7,269 8,424 8,747 9,589 8197 +108%

% PG 35 41 47 49 50 56 54 56 58

The majority of RICS-accredited postgraduate courses are available to study on either a full- or part-time basis. The full-time route is normally completed in one year. This intensive study route enables students to complete their course as quickly as possible and get out into the industry. The part-time route is generally chosen by students in their first job in the property industry, normally studied as day-release over two years. There are several advantages of studying part-time. Firstly your employer may pay, or help with, your

Careers In Property 2012 Page 18

course fees. Secondly you can start on your APC (Assessment of Professional Competence) diary/logbook of professional development from day one. And, importantly, you will gain on the job experience, receive advice from colleagues and make numerous contacts – all of which will aid and enhance your coursework. Specialist courses, via distance learning and utilising web-based learning methods, are also available and are becoming increasingly more popular. When choosing which mode of study you should ask yourself how you work best – for example are you disciplined enough to complete a distance learning course? Or, would the more communal and structured experience of studying either full-time or part-time on day release be more motivating for you? Whichever mode of study you decide on there are also many important aspects to consider when choosing a university and postgraduate course. RICS-accreditation is a must and in addition you should look for a course at a university with a great reputation in property education, good employability record, close links with industry, regularly updated programme content, field trips and dedicated postgraduate facilities such as resource rooms and IT suites.

The School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment at Nottingham Trent University provides an exciting context for graduate studies across a

broad range of disciplines, offering a variety of RICS-accredited undergraduate and postgraduate courses with flexible study options.

Website:, Email:, Phone: 0115

848 4200

Careers In Property 2012 Page 19

Diversity in the Property Industry

Mark Goodwin RICS Director of External Affairs

Last August Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg spoke at RICS' London headquarters on ''Closing the gap: building an opportunity society'' outlining current work to bridge gaps in access to professions. He welcomed the work of the Gateways to the Professions Collaborative Forum which includes RICS, in opening up the professions.

Social mobility is a crucial issue for RICS; as a public interest body, aiming to raise standards in property and construction, RICS contributed to the Panel on Fair Access to the Professions, published July 2009, which made 88 recommendations designed to open up the professions to people from low to middle income families.

RICS' evidence highlighted the new Associate qualification (AssocRICS) as a huge driver of increased social mobility in the property profession.

As well as social inclusion RICS is committed to its diversity strategy which aims to ensure that people are valued for their skills and talents regardless of gender or ethnicity. RICS‟ last APC intake survey researched 26 firms who provided information about the gender and ethnic background of their trainees. The prevalence of male trainees (69%) over female (31%) across firms continues and in terms of ethnicity, 8% of trainees are non white.

There‟s no doubt that the property profession is male dominated but times are definitely changing. Around 15 percent of the surveying profession is female and in 2010 nearly a quarter of the candidates who successfully passed their APC were female suggesting that property is becoming a career of choice for women.

Surveying is a diverse and exciting career choice and it‟s appealing to a wider audience. For Desiree Bingandadi, gaining MRICS means a passport to work around the world, which was what appealed to her when she first embarked on a career in surveying. Desiree holds a commercial property management masters degree and works for DVS, the commercial arm of the Valuation Office Agency, which provides professional services to public sector clients. “As a 'third culture kid' I enjoy meeting and interacting with people from all walks of life and surveying allows me to do this," explains Desiree. "When I first chose surveying as a career, I liked the fact that the work is varied, every day is different and you work in and out of the office." Nicola Jarman MRICS also a Commercial Property Surveyor in London comments “Surveying is a great career for anyone. There are so many varied departments and jobs that you can do. You can specialise according to your interests and skills."

RICS is the world‟s leading qualification when it comes to professional

standards in land, property and construction. Website: Email: Phone: 0870 3331600

Careers In Property 2012 Page 20

Regional Opportunities

Life in the regions:

“The Regional offices don't exercise a rotational training programme, so you have to create opportunities to gain experience in other areas. Leeds is a fun and friendly office and I really feel part of the team. I've encountered an inspiring variety of projects and have been able to work alongside industry leaders.”

Helen Metcalfe, GVA, Graduate Surveyor, Business Rates team, Leeds

“The regional property market offers a profound breadth of opportunities for graduates.

To date, I believe I have been provided with an unrivalled experience with a weight of responsibility on high grossing projects for the company.”

Paul Byrne, Savills, Investment Team, Graduate Surveyor, Birmingham

Careers In Property 2012 Page 21

"I chose Manchester because it offered a greater breadth of experience across more disciplines early on in your career. As everyone is on the same floorplate you get easy exposure to more colleagues from more departments. You're given responsibility, the work-life balance is great, and it's more affordable too."

Jamie Bottomley, JLL, Trainee Surveyor, Manchester

“After graduating from university I made the decision to work in Edinburgh as I felt having lived there my whole life I could use my local knowledge to the benefit of my career.

Working in a region and smaller market place means you’re able to get a broader range of experience across sectors and departments. I also feel I have had more client contact than my London counter parts due to my local expertise.”

Zoe Whitelaw, Capita Symonds Investment team, Edinburgh

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'Distance learning was very beneficial to me as it allowed me to earn a wage at the same time as furthering my education. I am now in a position where, at just 22 years of age, I already have four years’ invaluable experience gained from working in the commercial property sector, as well as a respected qualification.'

Ashley Bowles, BSc(Hons) in Estate

Management ,Surveyor, Starkeys

Commercial, Bradford, UK

“Without doubt, training in one of the regions gives graduates in property increased responsibility and arguably better experience to potentially enable faster career progression.” Marcus de Minckwitz, Graduate Surveyor, Savills, Birmingham

“Working in the regions I am given the opportunity to work on a number of diverse projects across a large geographical area. My commute into work takes just 10 minutes and I would encourage all prospective graduates to consider regional opportunities across the UK due to the work life balance” Ben Wilkinson, Graduate Building Surveyor, Northampton.

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Distance Learning An alternative route to career success in property and construction

Anna Bishop Head of Marketing, the College of Estate Management, Reading University

What does distance learning look like today? Distance learning has come a long way from the days of solitary study by correspondence course and is now a highly interactive, multi-media experience which is well-equipped to meet the lifestyle demands of busy property and construction professionals.

Today‟s supported distance learning model means that you study in your own time, at home, on the move or wherever you wish, through a structured study programme with a set timetable and assessment dates. The use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) provides online study resources and an online community, which gives you contact with fellow students, as well as guidance and support from experienced tutors, many of whom are expert practitioners in their own fields. The VLE, together with occasional face-to-face teaching, is therefore designed to enhance the learning experience and provide many of the socially interactive benefits of a full-time college environment, without the need for a career break to accommodate study.

The key benefits of distance learning One of the outstanding advantages of distance learning is that it enables you to „earn while you learn‟ and offset the fees from the position of a salaried employee, in a way that balances study and progression with home and family commitments. Real lives need realistic solutions and therefore this mode of study can provide a pragmatic answer to the dilemma of how to fund your career ambitions.

As you stay involved in your industry on a daily basis, your knowledge remains current and is augmented by this type of flexible learning, which allows you to take control of your own education and/or continued professional development. This dual approach of education in tandem with employment means that you gain leading-edge industry knowledge and develop skills which build on your workplace experience, open up new insights and improve both your work performance and ongoing prospects.

Gaining prestigious, internationally-recognised qualifications and/or membership of professional bodies through this route also confers a very valuable status on the student, that of a committed, self-disciplined and proactive professional. Such traits are greatly valued by employers and can help candidates stand out in the competitive jobs market.

A high degree of affordability As an alternative to the more traditional full or part-time university educational model, distance learning can offer a powerful combination of highly relevant, top quality teaching and an extremely competitive fee structure. Why not explore what it could do for you?

Mike Pain

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The Art of Networking Course Leader Property Undergraduate Courses University of Westminster

Property is a “people‟s business” - what you know is important but who you know will help create opportunities. The University of Westminster delivers a series of undergraduate and post graduate property courses including BSc Real Estate, BSc Property and Planning, BA Business with Property and Masters in Real Estate Development, Property Finance and Property and Facilities Management. These enable students to develop the core skills and knowledge required for a career in the property profession including the first steps towards becoming a Chartered Surveyor. Getting to know and respect people will help with job seeking, winning instructions, sharing information and enjoying the social aspects of the property industry. In 1929 Frigyes Karinthy mentioned the notion of “six degrees of separation”, a notion claiming that you can contact anyone in the world by getting the 6 correct links. These 6 links are substantially reduced in the small world of property particularly due to today‟s electronic communications. Clearly there is an element of luck to get these links but to a large extent one makes one‟s own luck in this world! To create luck you need a working knowledge of property and the property markets (often starting at university) and then you need to meet people and be friendly towards them. Making contact is important and is relatively straight forward in this industry. But do not expect instance success or information from contacts. Networking can be useful over the longer term. Sometimes you may be in the right place at the right time and meet people who want to appoint you immediately. At other times in may take a little longer. Recently I was phoning around for some help and spoke to a person who gave me excellent detailed information and reminded me that I had helped them when they started their career over 10 years ago and was more than happy to return the favour. I encourage all students to meet others at all opportunities. Networking events include those organised by various bodies such as RICS Matrix, Women in Property and RICS Local Associations. They also include less formal events including the surveyors‟ rugby sevens, maintaining friendships that you made at university, taking part in community events, attending sports clubs and other social activities. Keep in touch with people throughout your career. Don‟t be shy to talk to people, always be interested in what others have to say and respect other people‟s views even if they do not coincide with your own. Most of us (especially early in our careers) are shy and perhaps a little scared when first entering a room of what may seem like strangers. But remember that all Surveyors at whatever level are human beings, they may appear a little more confortable but that is because they have had more experience and know others. If available, look at the attendees lists beforehand and research a few so you know a little background about them. Think about topics you can raise before you attend networking events. These may include current affairs, recent property deals, sporting events, holidays etc. Networking is not easy at first but, as with just about everything, becomes easier with practice. Be bold, introduce yourself to others and remember who you have spoken to – you may need their help and advice in the future – and importantly they may also need to contact you. I hope to meet you all in the future and wish you all the best in your careers.

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Surveying: The First Green Profession

Professor Sarah Sayce Head of the School of Surveying & Planning at Kingston University

It is estimated that some 50% of all carbon emissions emanate from the design and, more importantly, the use of buildings. If we want to move towards a low carbon economy all those involved with designing, building, maintaining and managing buildings have a vital role to play. And that means Chartered Surveyors! The government is now imposing very stringent rules to ensure that new buildings are low carbon and Chartered Surveyors who work in the development field are increasingly required to have expertise in this area. Whether you are advising on a planning application or seeking to purchase a site on which to develop, surveyors need to think about what sort of location will best enable access by public transport and whether the type of development under consideration will meet with opposition on environmental grounds. Sometimes to build to very high sustainability criteria also involves extra cost and Quantity Surveyors are required to advise on how to manage this aspect of projects and work alongside their Planning and Development surveyor colleagues. But what of existing buildings? Did you know that we only replace about 1- 1.5% of our building stock each year? Most of the buildings that make up our towns and cities will still be standing 30 or even 50 years from now by which time the international ambition is that carbon emissions will need to fall by 80%. This cannot be achieved by simply building new efficient buildings. Most surveyors work with existing buildings. Increasingly occupiers and investors seek to occupy buildings that have good „green‟ credentials and sometimes are only prepared to pay lower rents or prices if they are not energy efficient or don‟t have other environmental features. That means that valuation surveyors and investment advisors need to be aware of changing occupier needs and must take this into account when advising clients. Sometimes of course there are financial grants and tax breaks to help owners improve their property, so property advisors may seek to specialize in this type of advice. However some of the green technologies are still a little experimental and whilst green walls, growing roofs and wind turbines may all seem excellent ideas – they may put off some purchasers until their long terms performance is proven. So chartered building surveyors may need to be able to advise about these aspects as well. So if you thought that „green‟ was all about engineering and environmental science- think again! It is now central to the work of every Surveyor. Welcome to a world of possibilities in which your advice can help to make the world a more sustainable place.

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Featured Companies


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The Format of the Company Profile Pages

Contact details you need if you wish to contact the Recruitment team

Abbreviations of APC pathways that the companies are recruiting for- see key below

How to apply and deadlines

Case study of a recent graduate to give you an idea of the work and culture of the business

Key to APC pathway abbreviations: C – Commercial PD – Planning and Development BS – Building Surveying RU – Rural RE – Residential PM – Project Management PFI – Property Finance and Investment PL – Planning (Royal Town Planning Institute) V – Valuation QS – Quantity Surveying

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Page 28


Contact: Katherine Bowen, Partner 020 7543 6708 Simon Davidson, Partner 020 7344 2653

C, V, RE How to apply: visit Deadlines: Applications open on 12 September 2011 and close on 16 December 2011

3 Good Reasons to work for Allsop Reputation Allsop is an independent property consultancy with a market-leading reputation for high quality service, integrity and innovation. We have a lively, open working environment, and firmly believe staff should enjoy what they do.

We normally take 4-8 graduates a year with a degree in a cognate discipline and encourage variety, seeking a mix of people with different skills. You‟ll need:

A 2:1 degree: obtained or predicted or masters

Excellent communication skills

A keen interest in the property sector

A sense of humour and broad

perspective on life And above all, a desire to build

yourself a reputation whilst helping build ours.

Rotation We operate a two-year in-depth graduate rotation scheme with every possible opportunity and resource to help pass your APC. Allsop also has a comprehensive training scheme which is an integral part of our strategy to develop excellent surveyors. You will attend various internal and external

courses, lectures and workshops covering all areas of surveying and the marketplace. The vast majority of our graduates who qualify go on to enjoy long-term careers with us and we will always continue to help you develop and achieve goals and aspirations with advice, appraisals and training. Recreation

We have a number of staff events for the whole firm throughout the year. We also encourage staff to play sports for the firm, including cricket, football, netball and hockey. Members of staff have been supported in taking part in the London Marathon, the King Sturge triathlon and various other charity fundraising events. Graduate Case Study William Noy

I graduated from Reading University in July 2009 during a challenging period in the market and started at Allsop in September. My first rotation was in the commercial auction team and after a relatively relaxed first day I hit the ground running, answering calls from vendors, a two-day inspection covering 1,200 miles around the UK and a print

deadline all in the first week! The October auction that followed achieved a 92% success rate in the room. As my first experience in an auction room I found the process fascinating. After 6 months, I next rotated into Residential Valuation where I was involved in the valuation of high value flats, houses and portfolios of thousands of properties throughout the UK including a portfolio with a Market Value of billions of pounds. Through our successful receivership team I was offered the opportunity to go on a secondment to a major UK lending institution. The secondment was a first for both Allsop and the bank and I was trusted with the professional reputation of both! I formed part of their business support unit, meeting customers and reviewing a wide range of property. My final rotation into the National Investment team has drawn on my knowledge and understanding over the past year and a half, where I have been fortunate enough to work on a number of high profile deals including the purchase of an office portfolio on behalf of an institutional investor. It was a satisfying experience when the deal was complete! As an introduction into the surveying, I feel I have had an unrivalled exposure to the profession, with a lot of fun in-between!

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Contact: Kim Brumley, Resourcing Manager, 0207 3384003

C, BS, PL, V

How to apply: Via the website form on

Deadlines: Graduate Scheme - Applications open from October to December. Summer Scheme - Applications open from April to May.

BNP Paribas Real Estate is Europe‟s leading provider of integrated commercial real estate services, delivering solutions for property owners, investors and occupiers. Our dynamic business is expanding rapidly, supported by our parent company BNP Paribas.

Our UK presence includes a network of offices, providing a comprehensive range of services to an enviable portfolio of clients, including many FTSE 100 companies. Our network coverage, client base, expertise and excellence are mirrored in the 129 offices where our 3200 advisers are operational across Europe, India and Middle East, managing a worldwide portfolio of €10 billion assets.

129 offices across Europe, India and Middle East;

Europe‟s leading provider of integrated commercial real estate services;

a wholly owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas, the world‟s strongest bank.

We offer a comprehensive range of services to accompany the property strategies of its clients.

Our people are key to delivering outstanding results. We employ specialists with in-depth knowledge of each part of the real estate business. That means we can offer services that span the entire real estate lifecycle.

Clients Barclays Bank, The Crown Estate, Boots, IBM, Invista REIM, Land Securities, Morley Fund Management, Sainsburys.

Culture BNP Paribas Real Estate UK has a rich professional heritage combined with a forward-thinking approach. Our values are commitment, creativity, ambition and responsiveness.

Our performance is measured through client satisfaction, market recognition and financial success plus our ability to attract and develop the highest calibre of people. Exciting projects Current trainees may help value £14bn worth of institutional assets in the Investment Valuation team, or be involved in managing the Sainsbury‟s property portfolio within Corporate Real Estate. In the Development Consulting team you could assist in advising on the redevelopment of the expansive Docklands area. Graduate Programme From the moment you join the graduate programme you will embark upom a training programme to become a chartered surveyor, qualifying typically within two years. You will be given mentor support, full APC training/support via departmental rotations, APC mock interviews/presentation training and full support with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) lectures. Throughout this period, your APC supervisor will ensure you gain the experience needed to acquire the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors‟ Assessment of Professional Competence and over 98% of our graduates pass their APC first time. Training is complemented by line manager coaching to develop the personal skills needed to enhance your professional expertise. Furthermore, personal development continues once you are qualified.

What we look for Solid academic qualifications are important, but should be complemented by the personal qualities required to help differentiate ourselves in the highly competitive real estate consultancy market. We are looking for motivated individuals committed to a surveying career. Most graduates who join BNP Paribas Real Estate hold a RICS accredited undergraduate degree or masters. If you hold a degree in another discipline we will sponsor you to gain a RICS accredited diploma as part of your training programme. Solid academic qualifications:

2:1 or above Motivated and committed to a

surveying career Have initiative and be a „self-

starter‟ Creative and lateral thinker with

an ability to express opinions clearly and persuasively under pressure.

Social and work/life balance We actively support a range of sporting activities including, rugby, netball, sailing, football, hockey and yoga amongst others. There are also plenty of social opportunities to get to know both colleagues and clients. Skills and personalities sought Our recruitment and selection process is designed to identify high-calibre graduates who demonstrate the skills necessary to become a successful surveyor.

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Contact: Alex Glendinning, Learning and Development Manager, 0207544 2113 C, BS,

How to apply: Online - Deadlines: Graduate Scheme - Applications open from September 2011 to 31 December 2011.

Capita Symonds Real Estate integrates the skills and heritage of Capita Symonds in property projects, with the investment, agency and management expertise of NB Real Estate, a company acquired in 2010. Because we have over 4,500 staff in 60 offices in the UK and internationally, we offer a vast range of professional and technical expertise across an unrivalled number of services. We are able to provide bespoke services including front end advisory and acquisition, planning and development, multidisciplinary construction design and project management, and ongoing property and estates management in the UK and international markets. We are backed by the financial strength of the Capita Group plc. What do we do?

Our core services span the full range of design, engineering, planning and management consultancy. Our clients include some of the UK‟s largest Investment Funds, Property companies and household names. You could be working with – Abercrombie & Fitch, Scottish Widows, RBS, Sue Ryder Care or the 2012 Olympics Who are we looking for?

We are looking for enthusiastic and committed people who are keen to make a difference - in their chosen career, in the office they work in, the projects they work on and to the clients they work with.

Benefits for graduates

Capita Symonds will provide the training, support and guidance required to attain the APC including: • Placements – two rotations within different disciplines as appropriate • Counsellors – each graduate is assigned an APC supervisor, counsellor and assistant counsellor • Graduate forums and CPD – monthly forum of talks and discussions from directors and experts in the field, access to over 120 hours of lectures • Study leave – this is allocated in the weeks leading up to assessments, to allow for essential study time • APC preparation – preparation training is provided, including mock interviews.

What does a normal day entail?

The great thing about working at Capita is that the job role differs from day-to-day. It can involve conducting viewings with a prime client in Mayfair, hosting a building launch in Southbank, negotiating a potential deal, or attending a client marketing meeting to discuss the strategy for disposing of up to 50,000 sq ft of newly refurbished space in the West End. I am rarely in the office for the entire day, constantly meeting new people, and this is what makes my job so much more fun-you never know what might happen on a daily basis! How was your training organised?

After an initial week of inductions, it was on with the hard work. The graduate training at Capita is structured in two 12-month rotations. I started in the Corporate Real Estate Management Team, my main client being Sainsbury's, and was responsible for the management of 100+ convenience stores across the country. Although it felt as if I was thrown in at the deep end, this was a great team to start in. Management gave me a solid grounding on a variety of issues from both a landlord and tenant perspective. My next rotation was to West End Agency, which I am still thoroughly enjoying. The daily combination of getting out and about to do viewings, attending building launches and the buzz of completing a deal really do help you get out of bed in the morning! Have you enjoyed your training?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far at Capita Symonds. The 12 month rotations allow you to develop good relationships with other team members and clients and to really get to grips with the role. I have been given a huge amount of responsibility from Day 1, and have been able to see a good number of projects through from start to completion.

Although the work has been challenging at times, the experience and reward you get at the end makes it all worthwhile. I have received constant encouragement and support during my training from my line managers which has really helped me to develop and succeed in both departments. Capita is very supportive throughout your graduate training, and provides APC advice as well as organising internal seminars on a range of topics. What support do you receive towards your APC?

Capita Symonds provides a lot of support for the APC. We have benefited from an external assessor, conducting revision seminars for each competency. We have also received guidance on our Submission Documents in advance of the Final Interview and internal interviews have been conducted with various team members to put us to the test and appropriately scare us so that the actual interview appears a light relief! My appointed supervisor and counsellor have both been a great source of support from the outset and have been very approachable throughout my training. What was the most memorable experience whilst training?

My first letting has probably been my most memorable experience. After conducting viewings with a number of parties at the building, I single handedly conducted detailed negotiations with an interested party, having direct client contact and achieving a favourable deal for my client. The buzz I got out of my first deal was well worth the hard work that went into well as the celebrations at the pub afterwards! What do you enjoy about working in your office?

The Capita Symonds office is undisputedly a fun place to work. As it is a young firm, there are plenty of social events organised to balance the hard work. Working in the West End office, just around the corner from the notable Abercrombie & Fitch, is the prime location for a little lunch or evening shopping too, although this can prove dangerous!

Graduate Case Study:

Nathalie Tyler West End Agency, London

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How to apply: Via the website on Deadlines: 14

th November 2011

Our business CBRE is the world‟s leading commercial real estate advisor. Worldwide, we have more people advising more clients than any other property adviser, giving our people unparalleled options for where they want to take their careers. We have over 300 offices in 50 countries with 29,000 employees. Services Throughout the UK, CBRE people are involved in delivering a comprehensive range of property-related advisory and transactional services. These include agency, property and asset management, building consultancy, development, corporate finance, corporate services, investment, portfolio management, planning, professional, research and valuation work. Our people think creatively but act practically to ensure we offer seamless solutions to every client‟s needs. What we look for You will be intelligent, ambitious, entrepreneurial, analytical and numerate, with good commercial acumen, a genuine interest in the property industry and strong interpersonal skills. Languages are desirable but not essential. Your training and development We want you to have a long and rewarding career with us. That is why we have developed the CB Richard Ellis Academy: to help our people understand what it takes to succeed and give them the training and support to get there. Our extensive graduate programme is your first step on a career path with us that is only limited by your imagination. We‟re a meritocracy, so if you have the talent and put in the effort you can go right to the top. You will gain early responsibility and client contact from day one, making a real contribution to the business as well as gaining a professional qualification. In

addition, you will be entitled to company benefits immediately and a permanent contract. Choice of graduate development routes We offer a variety of graduate routes, each with development and experience tailored to the career path you choose. These include Commercial Property, Planning and Development, Building Surveying and Quantity Surveying. You can discover more about each route on our website. Sports and social We work hard but we like to have fun too. In addition to various sports teams, companywide activities include a sports day, quizzes, parties, a treasure hunt and on your induction our legendary graduate trip to Wales! You‟ll have lots of social opportunities to get to know your colleagues and clients. Graduate Case Study Katie Bryan Valuation London

After completing a Management Studies degree at Nottingham University I decided to pursue a career in property so completed a Masters in Real Estate at Reading University. I knew that I wanted to work for a large global company with a broad range of opportunities so CBRE seemed the perfect choice.

Before joining the graduate programme in April this year I completed a 3 month internship in the Property & Asset Management department. I am now based in the Investment Valuation department for my first graduate rotation. At CB Richard Ellis from day one I was given a great degree of responsibility. I value my own patch of properties in the Thames Valley region and work alongside a Director managing the portfolio valuation of four leading funds. Having exposure to some of the biggest and best clients on a monthly basis is invaluable. The work life balance at CBRE is unbeatable. We work hard but there are always numerous social opportunities to get involved in with people from all departments, giving you a really good opportunity to get to know people from across the whole company. My tip for future CB Richard Ellis graduates would be to speak to as many people within the company and the property industry as you can. Networking is a major part of the business and it will also help to better inform your career choices.

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Contact: Nicola Mirtle, HR Advisor: 020 7647 7373

C, PD, BS, RE, V How to apply: Via our website send a covering letter and CV Deadlines:

Graduate Scheme – Applications open from 3 October to 30 December 2011. Summer Work Experience – Applications open February 2012 and close April 2012

Our Business Cluttons LLP is one of the leading independent firms of chartered surveyors in the UK and we have offices in Europe and South Africa. We also have a strong business in the Middle East and a strategic alliance and business venture with VPC Asia Pacific. We provide a full range of property-related services across both the commercial and residential property markets. These services include asset and fund management, investment, valuation, lease advisory, property management, project and building consultancy, planning and regeneration, and development agency. Graduate Recruitment We recruit graduates for five APC pathways – commercial, residential, building surveying, planning and development, and valuation – in both our London and regional offices, with further opportunities in the Middle East. Our reputation and the quality of work we deliver depends on the high-calibre people we employ. We want individuals who wish to succeed in a property career, who are passionate about doing a good job and who care about providing our clients with the best property solutions. Team-working, developing relationships, problem-solving, using your initiative and creativity are all skills which we look for, along with:

good A level results

A 2.I RICS/RTPI approved degree or post-graduate degree

relevant work experience which demonstrates a

commitment to a career in the property industry

a good level of commercial awareness

APC Programme and Training Cluttons has an excellent APC programme which is reflected in the high pass rate. Your training will consist of:

technical expertise gained on the job under the supervision of partners and associates

technical knowledge through in-house lectures

personal and business skills development

training designed to help you through the APC process and pass the final assessment

All graduates are given real jobs offering a wide range of professional experience and responsibility, which often includes client contact. On qualification, your training and development continues. We have a strong culture of learning and development, and we provide a number of opportunities for you to develop your career at Cluttons. Graduate Case Study

Why did you choose to work for Cluttons? “I saw working for Cluttons as a great opportunity and the rotations mean I will gain a wealth of

experience in a number of the commercial departments. The open plan office gives graduates the chance to speak to surveyors across all divisions and the smaller teams mean you are working with senior surveyors and partners from day one. The size of Cluttons also means there are always social activities planned such as the monthly staff bars and there are also many sporting opportunities which are a great way to meet people who work in the firm.” What projects have you been involved in? “It has been really exciting to have so much involvement with one of our biggest clients, O2. I have been performing rent reviews and lease renewals which has meant contact with other agents, shop owners and land owners. I have also created 5 planning applications for UK Broadband and these are currently on the local authority’s website and we are waiting to hear whether they have been approved.” What do you think a graduate needs to succeed at Cluttons? “Graduates need to be outgoing and hard working and be able to ask questions and seek advice. Graduates also need to gain a wider understanding of the property industry and Cluttons support this in terms of offering CPD lectures.”

Eli Lew Commercial graduate

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Nav Sandhu, HR Officer

Pathways: C, BS, PL

How and when to apply:

Applications open: 26 September, 2011

Applications close: 6 January, 2012

Who are we?

Colliers International is the world's third largest commercial real estate organisation with 512 offices in 61 countries.

In the UK and Ireland we employ over 700 people in 13 main offices and we understand how important in-depth local knowledge is to our clients. With more than12,500 professionals around the world, we share comprehensive market knowledge and intelligent insight into market trends globally as well as important relationships across the international marketplace.

This combination of unrivalled global coverage, accountability and financial strength with local ownership and expertise, provides our clients with a unique operating model, one which ensures we can deliver comprehensive and truly pertinent solutions for each and every one.

Career development at Colliers

Colliers International supports people to excel in any role, whether just launching their careers or leading a winning team. We reward initiative, ingenuity and a drive to succeed – and we‟re constantly on the lookout for rising stars. At Colliers, we push each other to be better than we thought we could be. We go the extra step for our clients and partners, creating memorable experiences that enhance and grow our relationships. And we have a lot of fun along the way. What we value

Service: We create positive,

memorable experiences by exceeding expectations in business and personal interactions. Integrity, ethics and empathy guide every interaction and define our service approach with clients and colleagues. Expertise: We pride ourselves on

building and sharing expertise to create success for our clients and our

people. Our passion for continuously expanding our knowledge base enables us to take a fresh and imaginative approach to everything we do. Community: We are deeply

committed to our communities, and to building sustainable business practices, environments and workplaces. We show compassion for those in need and we value and respect each other‟s differences and individuality. Fun: We are serious about our work

but we don‟t take ourselves too seriously. We value an optimistic, energetic and dynamic work environment that emphasises social and business interaction. We are successful because we enjoy what we do. What do our current graduates have to say?

Harry Savory Central London West End In June 2009 I graduated with a RICS accredited postgraduate

diploma from London South Bank University. Having gained over 12 months‟ APC experience and strong exposure to landlord and tenant and property management competencies within my previous role, I joined Colliers International in July 2010. I have spent much of the last year within the Central London division, focusing on office agency in the West End of London, by working on a large number of acquisition and disposal instructions on behalf of leading clients such as The Portman Estate, The Howard de Walden Estate, Land Securities and Standard Life. At a company that offers such a wide breadth of services, I have also found myself working closely with other departments on a daily basis, actively assisting on their instructions. I also recently completed a three month secondment in the Valuation team. Such exposure has broadened my

understanding of real estate operations in a way that would not have been possible at a smaller company. Like all the graduates at Colliers International, I received a high level of responsibility and client exposure in my first year. As a result, I am sure that first-hand experience is the best way to develop your competence and confidence. This philosophy is upheld by the company and I have been fortunate to benefit from it. Hannah White

Rating Birmingham I graduated from Oxford Brookes University in 2008 and after completing a

work experience placement at Colliers International in the Rating department in London, I was offered a job in the Birmingham office in April 2009. During my first year, I spent a lot of time out of the office surveying a range of properties including retail, office and industrial units. By 2010, I started to manage a number of clients, which involved attending client meetings, keeping them up to date with savings we had made for them, as well as being their first point of contact within the firm. I also began negotiating with the Valuation Office on a number of Rating Appeals, and achieved some significant reductions for clients. Alongside my rating work, I have also been involved in a number of other instructions in order to gain valuable experience in other APC competencies, including assisting in the annual portfolio valuation of Nationwide, a number of rent reviews/lease renewals, and some agency work, including the freehold disposal of an industrial unit. Throughout my employment at Colliers International, I have attended a number of topical lectures, which have enabled me to expand my knowledge of my APC competencie

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Contacts: Karen Poulton - Graduate Recruitment &

Diversity Manager Laura Ponsford – Graduate Programme

Co-ordinator Tel: 0207 152 5624 APC Pathways:


How to apply: Show your individual

talents and strengths by completing our online application Deadlines:

Closing date for Graduate Applications: Friday, 25

th November 2011

Closing date for Summer Placement & Business Placement Applications: Friday, 16

th March 2012

Cushman & Wakefield is the world‟s largest privately-held commercial real estate services firm. With over 234 offices in 61 countries we are a truly global firm. We are the firm of choice, a real estate advisor whose clients come first and foremost. Every employee is a team member and contributes to our success, individually and collectively. We strive to achieve excellence in everything we do and our people work together, share knowledge and take a real pride in delivering an exceptional service to our clients. Alongside our open and supportive working culture is a thriving sports and social calendar. Highlights include our EMEA-wide five-a-side football tournament as well as golf, hockey, rugby 7‟s, softball and netball. We also have a real commitment to the communities in which we live and work and realise the value of actively recruiting, developing and mentoring talented individuals from a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds. We are committed to developing a number of initiatives from our Trainee Surveyor Programme, Schools Programme through to our continued support of the “Schools Around the World” charitable trust.

We understand that the strength of our business lies in the uniqueness and talent of each of our people. There is no “typical” stereotype for our people, so whether you have a RICS-accredited degree or not, you could be right for us.

Paris is so beautiful; I walked under the Arc de Triomphe each morning to get to work! I met some fantastic people and it was an experience I will never forget. What was your 1

st rotation on

the graduate programme like? My first rotation was in the Office Agency team in Manchester. This is a great team to work in as I was involved in all our instructions as well as directly dealing with clients on a day to day basis. It was exciting to get practical experience with our larger instructions and clients. I have experienced a regional rotation as well as working in London, which has helped with my APC, commercial awareness and understanding of the wider property market – not just London. What qualities do you think graduates need to succeed at C&W? Graduates need to be out-going and confident. You need to be tenacious especially in the current market. It is essential to build strong relationship with clients and obtain information from other agents. A good understanding of the market is vitally important whether you are discussing topics with colleagues or clients.

What sports/social activities do you get involved in at C&W? I am a member of Women in Property. It is a great way to meet other women within the industry and there are fantastic social events to look forward to! In addition I play softball in the property league and I ensure that I always attend the C&W Summer Party. This year it is 70‟s theme and it is a great way to network with colleagues from all over

We are looking for graduates who are talented, ambitious and committed to a high-flying career in property.

At C&W your career can go as far as your ambitions. We want you to come on a journey with us, starting with a permanent contract on Day 1, attaining your professional qualification, and progressing right through to Partner level. Our EMEA and UK CEOs came through our graduate programme, and you can anticipate that they and the Board will take a keen interest in your development and career with us.

Graduate Case Study

Annabel Walton CMG – Business Space London West End Office Assistant Surveyor

Where did your interest in surveying stem from? My interest in surveying grew after gaining property work experience every summer since I was 16. I quickly discovered that it‟s a great career if you like to leave the office to go on inspections, meet clients and network with lots of different people. You secured an internship in our Paris office what was that like? I have been very lucky and spent 4 months in the Valuation team in Paris.

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That‟s why we give our graduates the freedom to succeed.

At Cushman & Wakefield, we know our graduates are something special.

With a clear path to partnership level, unique development opportunities

and access to the finest quality training in the sector, we give you the

space to grow.

Cushman & Wakefield - the freedom to succeed

Real talent knows no bounds

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Contact: Pathways: C, BS


2012 Graduate Scheme - Applications open from 3

rd October 2011

How to apply:

The merger of Drivers Jonas LLP with Deloitte LLP has established the new benchmark for how real estate advisory services will be provided in today's business world. In combining the professionals, skills and reputation of Drivers Jonas, now known as Drivers Jonas Deloitte, with the business skills and capabilities of the wider Deloitte firm, we provide our clients with access to an unmatched real estate transaction and advisory capability delivered by over 650 dedicated professionals in the UK alone. Graduate Development Programme 2012 We look for graduates who are interested in the three main areas of our business - Building Surveying, General Practice and Town Planning. We accept applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students and whilst a related degree is preferred it is not essential as we are looking for talented individuals who are keen to embark on a career in property. We offer second to none training to get you fully qualified as a Chartered Surveyor or Chartered Town Planner and our exceptional pass rate reflects this. Right from day one you are actively involved in the life of the firm; going out to meet clients, visiting sites and pitching in your own ideas for real jobs, many of them among the most talked about in the industry. There‟s as much responsibility as you can take but plenty of support and encouragement too so you never feel out of your depth. Throughout your training period you will have your own counsellor and supervisor as well as having a „buddy‟ assigned to you and of course fellow colleagues around the firm to support you every step of the way. Your live experience is also complemented by seminars and training sessions on anything from negotiating and assertiveness to skills. Through the CPD Foundation you can expand your knowledge in areas such as the RICS Valuation Standards or Party Walls and

Rights of Light. In short, you are taken seriously as a DJD Graduate and why wouldn‟t you be – you are our Partners of tomorrow! For more information about the training we offer and the rotation scheme we provide please visit our website. The Selection Process: Thankfully, our selection process is really straightforward! We accept applications via our on line recruitment system. You will be asked to provide your academic history as well as work experience, extracurricular activities and your motivation for applying to Drivers Jonas Deloitte. You will then take a simple verbal reasoning test online and successful candidates will be invited to a first interview. The interviews will be held in each of our offices and you will attend the day in your chosen office location. The interview will last roughly fifteen minutes and then you will have a tour of our campus. Successful candidates will then attend a Partner interview which consists of a competency based interview, a presentation (on a subject of your choice) and lunch. Over lunch you will also have the opportunity to meet some of the partners which will give you the chance to find out how they got to where they are. Graduate Case Study

Alex White, Senior Surveyor Real Estate Strategy and Finance Becoming qualified in November 2008 has been the absolute highlight of my time at Drivers Jonas so far but it did make me realise that qualification was actually just the start of my career. Since I qualified I have been working in Real Estate Strategy and Finance on a wide variety of projects including property strategies for Colleges, Universities and Government Bodies. The most interesting job that I‟m working on at the moment is the Environment Agency‟s Regional Accommodation Strategy. We have been appointed to advise EA on the state of it‟s existing estate nationally, and the opportunities available for improving it operationally. I am responsible for assessing the cost, qualitative and risk implications of each option for estate change, for each of the Welsh Regions. These new responsibilities have definitely given me the opportunity to stretch myself and learn new skills. For example, to achieve approval, sign off and funding all our recommendations have to be presented to the appropriate Board for approval, so my presentation skills have really been put to the test. For EA Wales, we present to the Management Board, the National Board as well as Welsh Assembly Government. Although this can be intimidating, it has been a great learning curve – I have never been put in a position where I feel out of my depth and have always been fully supported. It‟s true to say that my first year or two as a qualified surveyor has proved every bit as challenging, rewarding (and socially active!) as my years as a Graduate.

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Contact: Shan Nelson, Graduate Recruitment & Development Manager 020 3296 3581

C, PD, BS, RE, PL, V How to apply: Via the website at Deadlines:

For graduate and Summer Internship deadlines, please refer to our website

We are passionate about the success of our clients, and therefore we are passionate about our people; we attract the best talent in the industry to serve our clients. Together, our outstanding professionals are united behind „Bringing You the Power of One

TM‟. We understand that the best

talent requires the best development opportunities, and that‟s why we provide world-class training for our graduates. In addition, our reputation and market position mean that graduates at DTZ get invaluable experience on leading-edge projects with highly prestigious clients. Why DTZ is the best in the UK: Valuation – Provided strategic advice on the disposal of assets worth over £3 billion in the past 5 years Retail – The UK DTZ Retail Agency team let over 1.028m sq ft in 2009/10, 49% up on the previous year Property Management – Clear market leader with 8,400 properties in the UK with over 28,000 tenancies Public sector – DTZ currently advises one in three local authorities Project Management and Building Consultancy – In 2010 the nationally based teams advised on approaching £1 billion of projects by capital value Research – DTZ‟s market leading „Money into Property‟ research report is now in its 37

th year

What are we looking for? Our clients look to us for innovative solutions. That‟s why we seek versatile, committed individuals who combine clear thinking and commercial awareness with creativity and ambition. Candidates will be

excellent communicators who are inspired by the prospect of working in a global business. We welcome applicants from all degree backgrounds. Candidates wishing to pursue an APC qualification are ideally completing a RICS-accredited degree or conversation course. DTZ also welcomes applications from non-cognate candidates who wish to pursue their RICS accreditations, especially those with strong language or financial skills. Our consulting and research teams are particularly interested in applicants with a sound academic record in geography and economics, or those completing an RTPI-accredited degree. What do we have to offer? We recruit graduates into the following programmes:

Commercial Surveying

Building Surveying

Residential Surveying



Corporate Real Estate Consulting


Whether you are interested in becoming a Chartered Surveyor or a Property Consultant, we offer our graduates a world-class professional development programme tailored to your career path. We have created an environment that gives real opportunity, real mobility and real reward. We combine this with a sociable, team-orientated approach; we may work hard, but

there‟s plenty of opportunity to have fun too! In whichever discipline you join us, and whatever location you work, you will gain unrivalled property experience. Don‟t just take our word for it... If you have your eye on a career in property come along and meet us at one of our campus or networking events listed on our website. Graduate Case Study

Jennifer Macrae Investment Management City Office I started my career at DTZ in London after completing an MSc in Property Investment and Management at Napier University, Edinburgh. My first rotation was in Valuations where I was involved in several portfolios and secured lending valuations. I have since rotated into DTZ Investment Management and am due to sit my APC in Autumn 2011. On a day to day basis, I am actively involved with the asset management for an advisory account which considers ways of improving the value of a property, by implementing asset management initiatives to increase revenue, such as letting vacant space, regearing leases, and refurbishment works to improve specification. I am also involved with some of the acquisition work for the discretionary funds. My experience in DTZ IM has been extremely positive, it has been the best place to learn and gain a comprehensive grasp of the property world.

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Contact: Cathy Heneghan, HR Manager, 020 7333 6335

C, PD, BS, RU, RE, PM, PFI, PL, V How to apply: Online application via website on Deadlines: Applications open on 1 September and close on 31 December 2011

Gerald Eve is a national firm of chartered surveyors and property consultants. We have a staff count of 324 across a national network of nine offices, which means that we can provide practical local knowledge to clients. This includes 41 associates and 90 partners – one of the highest partner-client ratios for our sector. Our hands-on style produces exceptional results and offers a unique relationship which, we believe, sets us apart from our competitors. Our range of services includes rating, valuation, occupational and investment agency, planning and development, building consultancy, rent review and lease renewal advice, compulsory purchase and compensation, property taxation and project services. We provide corporate asset management, consultancy and agency services to public and private sector organisations. Our employees are at the heart of Gerald Eve and our commitment to them is reflected in the fact we have been in The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work for five times, this year ranking 62nd place. For more information about the firm, visit our website at


Our excellent track record on first-time passes for MRICS or MRTPI is down to the commitment of our trainees and the quality of our graduate training programme;

Department rotations: we‟ll give you the opportunity to discover which area you‟d like to specialise in - our trainees normally work in four departments, working with the team and contributing to client work

Graduate training: you‟ll continue to improve your

knowledge with workshops, seminars and practical training sessions both with our APC trainer and at external conferences

Continued Professional Development (CPD): as a Gerald Eve trainee, you will automatically become a member of the CPD foundation and be invited to relevant conferences and events throughout the country

Supervision: our team of 45+ strong team of experienced APC supervisors and counsellors, will mentor you through the training process.

GRADUATE CASE STUDY Fred Walker Industrial Lease Consultancy London West End office Our department of three - one partner, one associate and one

graduate, (me!) – provides Lease Consultancy advice on Industrial Property. Our team sits within the larger Industrial

Department, which provides other services including valuation, rating, agency and management. Gerald Eve represents both landlords and tenants, which enables me to appreciate both sides of the deal, whether it‟s measuring up a property, gathering evidence or negotiating. Our clients vary in size, from large corporates with many properties across the UK to smaller land owners.

My typical week begins with a team meeting at the office on Welbeck Street; discussing site visits, negotiation strategies and potential new business. Monday and Tuesday are then spent speaking with agents, going over evidence and examining legal documents. Wednesday site visit: an early start is necessary when visiting properties outside of London, to miss the traffic. On-site, we measure up and take photographs of the property and comparables. The final days of the week are spent calculating the areas and drafting reports, finishing in time to head down to the pub for lunch on Friday. At Gerald Eve we play sport on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. This summer I‟ve been playing softball in Hyde Park, and hockey and cricket in Battersea. In the winter there is football, and netball for the girls. I knew property was for me, right from my first work experience. I went on to study Geography at Durham University before going to Oxford Brookes to take an MA in Real Estate Management - the classic surveyor‟s route. I have just completed the first ten months of my APC and the lifestyle in the industry is second to none. Whether you want to get out of the office, compete in sporting events or are simply attracted to the sociable working hours, Gerald Eve encompasses it all, in the company of good, fun people.

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Contact: Helen Worrall, Graduate

Coordinator 0121 609 8300 How to apply: Via the website form


C, PD, BS, PM, PL Deadlines:

Graduate Scheme - Applications open from 1

st September 2011 to 13


November 2011. Summer Scheme - Applications open from 1

st March 2012 to 1

st May 2012.

Independent, expert and different When you join us at GVA you‟ll discover a career with a difference. That‟s because we‟re the UK‟s leading independent property adviser. We‟re not tied to a huge global enterprise, so we can offer flexible solutions to our clients, quickly and effectively. What does that mean for you? When you work as part of our multidisciplinary team, you‟ll get to work on some high profile, challenging projects from day one, with some fascinating clients. And that‟s the case wherever you‟re based. We have 12 offices across the UK, all of which are delivering innovative transactional and advisory services covering the entire property life cycle. Our clients come from a range of public and private sectors, and we even work with clients in niche sectors, such as healthcare, hotels and leisure and automotive and roadside. Whatever career direction you‟re thinking about, there‟s every opportunity to explore it here. Our two-year graduate programme offers several options for professional qualifications and specialisation - Commercial and Building Surveying with an APC from RICS, and Planning with an APC from RTPI. We also offer a Planning and Development pathway. The first-time pass rate is over 85%. You can choose to qualify with RICS or RTPI or both. You will begin preparing for the APC from the start of your training. GVA‟s APC adviser will help you to choose your competencies and routes to qualification, and guide you through the written submissions and presentation process. If you join one of the larger offices, you will move around relevant departments; in a smaller office you will have a

placement in each of the available specialist areas and take part in special sessions across a larger range of teams. GVA will give you financial support for attending external courses and seminars and train you on the systems, and the technical and business skills you‟ll need for the APC. Find out more about GVA at For more information about the graduate experience at GVA please visit All general queries on recruitment should be emailed to the Graduate Recruitment Team at Graduate Case Study

Stuart Jamieson Building Division Glasgow office "When did you start at GVA?” I started at GVA originally as a placement student while in my 3rd year of an honours degree in Building Surveying. I worked within the Building Department within the GVA Glasgow office. My 6 month sandwich placement was an enjoyable and extremely beneficial time and I gained an invaluable insight into the day to day dealings of qualified building surveyors. On completion of my degree I commenced with my full time graduate position and have been working in this role for almost 2 years.

“What sort of projects have you been involved with?” I love my job as my day to day work is extremely varied and I am gaining experience in a number of different aspects of building surveying including, contract administration, project management, dilapidations, schedules of condition, reinstatement cost assessments and AutoCAD orientated design work. On an average week I work around 60% of the time in the office and 40% on site, which is great as I enjoy the office banter within my team and also enjoy getting out and about meeting new people and clients. My work has required me to travel throughout Scotland which is great and I am continuing to gain experience in a range of roles and intend to sit my RICS APC later this year. "What’s the best thing about working for GVA?” GVA has a great social culture with regular team and office nights out. I have also attended a team building activity weekend with the whole of the building department in the Cotswolds where we participated in events such as dragon boat racing, life size table football and segway racing. For the past 2 years I have also played in the GVA 7's rugby team in the surveyor 7's tournament in London, which is a great social and sporting event and has become one of the highlights of my year. I believe graduates are key to maintaining and enhancing the social culture throughout the company and feel there is a definite work hard, play hard attitude throughout the surveying profession as a whole.

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Jones Lang LaSalle Contact: Pam Duke, Graduate

Recruitment Manager, 020 3147 1145 C, PD, BS, RE, PM, PL, V

How to apply: Via the website form on Deadlines:

Graduate Scheme: Applications open from 1 September – 1 December 2011 Summer Internship Scheme: Applications open from 1 March – 15 April 2011

The combination of Jones Lang LaSalle and King Sturge marks a coming together of two of the strongest brands in the European real estate services sector. We stand stronger as a business through the greater strength of our services, our reach and most of all the unrivalled expertise of our people. We serve the local, regional and global real estate needs of our clients, growing our company in the process. We attract, develop and reward the best and most diverse people in our industry, challenging them to develop enduring client relationships built on quality service, collaboration and trust. Training and Development

Our dedicated team will be on-hand to support you from the moment you apply, during your APC, through to qualification. Your bespoke training begins with an intensive induction; developed and run by the business to help you integrate quickly and effectively. Our APC training will give you all the technical, business and professional skills you need to build a successful career in property. For over 10 years we have had a 90-100 per cent first time pass rate. Culture and Values

Sports and social events are very much part of the culture. Employees run a number of sports clubs which meet regularly for matches. There are plenty of socialising opportunities with your team and the other graduates. We are committed to becoming a more sustainable business and look for opportunities to give back to local communities. Our strong commitment to charities and corporate social responsibility means we will encourage you to get involved via our 100 Days Volunteering scheme. What we are looking for

Team players; problem solvers; original thinkers; analytical people who are naturally conceptual; people with

enquiring minds; integrity and tenacity; strong communicators. We welcome applicants from a range of backgrounds and universities, with undergraduate or post-graduate degrees from all disciplines. Our Recruitment Process

The 2-stage assessment takes place in January; full details are on our website. We make key recruitment dates available to you in advance so that you can plan around your current commitments. From our offer through to your start date we keep in touch so that when you join us you will have a real feel for our business. Graduate Case Study Katy Letch – Development & Asset Strategy

I am towards the end of my first seat on the graduate scheme. DAS advise clients on how to maximise value from their property assets, specifically in relation to redevelopment and

regeneration opportunities, with the aim of enhancing their commercial and economic goals. Our clients are from both the public and private sectors. A benefit of working in this team is that there‟s no typical week. My workload and responsibilities vary from project to project, some of which only last a few weeks, while others are ongoing. My role usually involves carrying out background research, running development appraisals, attending project meetings and report writing, with the odd site visit thrown in when a new project starts up. We tend to work towards strict client deadlines and as I usually have a fair bit to juggle I have to be pretty organised in order to manage my workload! I get direct client contact through the meetings I attend and contribute to, and I spend a lot of time meeting and liaising with other consultants on projects. From

this I have already built up a healthy base of contacts, both within the firm and the wider industry. Being on the graduate scheme not only means you have a network of colleagues in the same boat, but it‟s also really good fun. The grads in my year meet up regularly, either for lunch or in the pub, and there‟s always plenty to get involved in if you want to. Graduate Case Study Adam Hyman – National Capital Markets

I am currently on my final rotation in the National Capital Markets team and am sitting my APC in autumn 2011.

Monday morning usually begins with a Capital Markets group conference call with all offices in the UK and each week there is normally a chosen topic of discussion as well as catching up on market news. It is hard to say that there is a normal day but usually there are client meetings on current instructions as well as internal meetings on ongoing projects. Working here has meant I have interacted with a large range of clients ranging from institutional funds to overseas high net worth individuals. Working in the National Capital Markets team means I get involved in working on a number of interesting investment transactions and projects for a selection of clients. The APC scheme offers you a lot of support and the regular meetings with HR to make sure your paperwork is in order does help you to keep everything up to date. During my rotations I have got to inspect a variety of properties, from an Environmental Recycling Centre in Wembley to a £12million townhouse in Belgravia. There are a number of social events at both a graduate and corporate level including sport, the infamous triathlon and the more relaxed social drinks after work.

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Knight Frank is now one of the world‟s largest privately owned global property agency and consultancy having been founded in London more than a hundred years ago. We are widely regarded throughout the world as the Firm of choice for high quality commercial and residential property. With our offices across the UK, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Australia, Africa and the Caribbean as well as our partnership with the prominent New York based Newmark Knight Frank, the firm has a vast global network of around 6,340 professionals working out of 207 offices in 43 countries. Operating as a Limited Liability Partnership, the Firm‟s 60 Proprietary Partners have run the business in such a way that has led to sustained success and a corporate culture that helps us recruit, retain and nurture the best people. We are all passionate about property and professional in everything we do.

Our Graduate schemes

Our Graduates are the life blood of the business and we offer opportunities in both our Commercial and Residential businesses. We place great emphasis on recruiting the very best each year, ensuring our graduates receive the best possible training and development in order to continue to provide exceptional service to our clients. Alistair Elliott, Head of Commercial Division who joined as a graduate, said:

“Knight Frank has always placed enormous store in its graduate training programme.

Louise Saunders

Graduate Recruitment Manager T +44 (0)20 7861 1163

C, RE, PL, BS The intention is twofold: firstly, to give graduates a valuable introduction to surveying and secondly, to feed the Knight Frank business with a pipeline of the very best talent. Our graduate programme has always been highly acclaimed. The aim is to provide all our graduates with a thorough training programme, focused upon passing the RICS‟s APC with the parallel objective of finding how individual skills can be best aligned with the firm‟s requirements. Anyone joining Knight Frank has the benefit of the enormous brand value that the business holds. It has served a wide range of people exceptionally well, including myself.” Jack Measom, Graduate, Commercial Division who joined the

scheme in 2010 commented: “Knight Frank‟s graduate scheme is an excellent APC program and unique to the industry, built around four, 6 month rotations, exposing graduates to a wide range of the company‟s departments.” At Knight Frank our professional departments are dedicated to making sure all graduates receive the training required to pass their APC and therefore, we endeavour to make sure they gain all the experience required to competently carry out the work of a qualified surveyor. During the two year programme, graduates complete a number of rotations within different departments, from which they gain a balanced and well-rounded training. Vanessa Knape, Graduate, Residential Division who joined in

2010 noted, “The Knight Frank graduate scheme is unique and is based around a series of department rotations which can be tailored to any preferences the graduate may have. This gives graduates time to gain the experience necessary for the APC


Applications open on Monday 3rd October 2011 and close on Friday 9th December 2011 How to apply competencies and is a great way to meet new colleagues within the company. I have completed a number of rotations since I started, including time in Leasehold Reform, Residential Property Management, Residential Development and Planning”. Our Graduate scheme also includes opportunities in our European Offices. Jack Measom added: “After gaining experience in Property Asset Management and City Agency I am looking forward to my next rotation in Paris, where I will be gaining 6 months experience in the valuation department. Being a global business the option to work overseas at Knight Frank is a fantastic and well supported opportunity for graduates to gain experience in different property markets around the globe”. David Peters, Head of Residential Valuations commented: “The departmental and subject training is augmented by training seminars and courses for all graduates, covering areas such as negotiating skills and team building. These ensure that the graduates have an opportunity to share their experiences and continue to develop their team ethic which is so important to the culture at Knight Frank.” As well as the APC training, the graduates find the social side at Knight Frank just as fulfilling. We encourage graduates to get involved with all events both inside and outside of the office. Jack Measom noted “Knight Frank addresses the work/life balance, whilst remaining a very professional, passionate and diverse company. Socialising is actively encouraged and a wide range of social and sporting events are on offer throughout the year. Annual highlights include the Surveyor‟s Rugby Sevens and the Commercial versus Residential Cricket match.

David Peters concluded: “Knight Frank offers huge opportunity to those graduates with an appetite for success and one of the most rewarding aspects is to see how those individuals prosper over the next ten years of their careers.”

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Lambert Smith Hampton Contact: Tanya Sturges,

Senior HR & Resourcing Officer, 0161 242 8000 8000

Pathways: C, PD, BS, PL, V How to apply: Via the website on Deadlines:

Graduate Scheme & Placement Year Opportunities - Applications open from end September 2011 and close on 16

December 2011

Who are we? Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) is a national commercial property consultancy with 26 offices across the UK and Ireland. Last year, our 850 people completed over 1,700 transactions (winning Estates Gazette‟s Top National Agent award), valued £15 bn of property, managed 7,500 properties, generated £300 mn rates savings and delivered on 3,000 building consultancy instructions. Why join us? We work for some of the best names in Britain and Ireland Tesco, Kwik-fit, AXA, National Express, Boots, BBC and Barclays.

So, naturally, we want the best people to work for us. But our definition of best is a little different from other people‟s. Of course, academic records are important, but not as important as people-skills and the ability to put the theory of property knowledge into practice. A well-rounded graduate who realises the value of forging close, professional relationships with clients is a LSH star in the making. Yes, we care about our clients, but we also care about you and your APC. We‟ll provide you with the technical, business, and people skills to be successful in this area, so that your long term career aspirations can be realised. It is hard work but we also hope that the natural entrepreneurial spirit within you makes you want to contact us with a view to joining the team. What are we looking for? We are looking for General Practice Graduate Surveyors, Graduate Building Surveyors and Placement Year

Students for positions across the UK. We accept applications from hard working, team playing individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Case Studies

Tom joined LSH in 2005 as a Placement Student within the Rating department of the Leeds office where he completed 12 months of his APC. In 2005 after completing his RICS accredited degree at Sheffield Hallam University he returned to the Leeds office as a Graduate Surveyor and passed his APC 12 months later. During his graduate training Tom worked across a variety of departments including Valuation, Retail and Industrial Agency. After qualifying, Tom returned to the Rating department and was given the opportunity to work on a number of unique high-profile projects for clients such as the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. In 2009 Tom was promoted to Senior Surveyor and in 2010 he relocated to LSH‟s new offices in Spinningfields Manchester. Tom says “I was delighted to return to LSH as a Graduate Surveyor following my Placement Year. The graduate training at LSH is second to none; I was given responsibility from day one and excellent exposure to clients and projects enabling me to pass my APC first time and to continue

to progress my career post qualification. I am now working towards becoming an Associate Director and look forward to the ongoing challenges that come with this responsibility.”

Claire joined LSH‟s Graduate Development Programme in 2005 as a non-cognate after having previously worked a Secretary in LSH‟s London Retail Agency Team. Claire undertook a two year part time Postgraduate Degree in Estate Management at Southbank University. This was a day release course and it enabled Claire to combine her experiences of working at LSH with her studies which gave a good grounding for a successful career in surveying.

After having completed her Postgraduate Degree, she went on to complete her APC two years later. Post-qualification, Claire chose to work in the Lease Advisory Department where she has been given increased levels of responsibility in undertaking rent reviews, lease renewals and re-gears for both landlord and tenant clients.

Claire's unconventional route onto the graduate scheme demonstrates that LSH is a big promoter of career progression and will reward determined people with a drive to succeed.

Tom Harrison, Senior Surveyor


Claire Linnell, Associate Director Lease Advisory

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Savills passionately believe their graduates are future leaders and as such make a huge investment in them. Savills graduates are given responsibility from day one, in teams who highly value their contribution, allowing them to be involved in some of the world‟s most high-profile property deals and developments. Graduates are surrounded by expert professionals and experienced team members from whom they learn and seek advice. Individual achievement is rewarded and Savills look for bold graduates with entrepreneurial flair. Over half of Savills graduate programme vacancies are for positions outside of London. Offices in exciting locations around the UK work with high-profile and important clients with lots to offer young professionals. The diversity of Savills services means there is the flexibility to carve out a fulfilling, individual and self-tailored career path regardless of the location. Graduates gain experience in up to six departments - even between the different APC Pathways, giving maximum flexibility of exposure and choice of department upon qualification, coupled with great networking across the business.

Savills employs over 20,000 staff and has 200 offices and associates worldwide, providing all trainees with excellent scope for international experience as their careers develop. Savills runs a programme called “Grad Swap”, which gives Savills

graduates the opportunity to work in a different Savills office in another country for one rotation for up to four months. Previous destinations have included Dublin and Amsterdam. It is an excellent career development opportunity, for graduates who are ambitious and want to make the most of networking and skills building opportunities.

Contact: Abby King. Graduate

Recruitment and Training Assistant 0207 877 4567 More information on Savills website ( and find Savills on Twitter (@careersinpropRT) and Facebook ( On qualification there are opportunities to work across the UK and abroad, especially for those with language skills. Don‟t worry, as we can offer language tuition to those who don‟t possess the necessary language skills but are keen to travel. Graduate Case Study

Matt Salter Commercial London office

The Culture at Savills Working at Savills presents graduate trainees with the opportunity to work with expert teams and leaders from the industry from day one. The working environment is based upon commitment, dedication and hard work and this ethos has seen Savills grow into one of the most profitable real estate service providers in the world. Rotations Savills rotation system is slightly different to most other firms in our profession. The six four-month rotations expose graduate trainees to a greater number of sectors and disciplines which not only enhance training, but also provide the opportunity to meet and work alongside a wider spectrum of people within the company. The Social Side of Savills Although, there is an emphasis on working hard there are plenty of

Pathways: C, BS, PD, RE, RU, PL,

QS How to apply: Via the website Deadlines: Applications open on 1


October and close on 25th

November 2011. opportunities outside of the work place, both sporting and non-sporting, for graduate trainees to get involved with. I have found the staff to be friendly and welcoming which has helped me to settle into my role at Savills. Sports at Savills

Savills have an array of sports teams for graduate trainees to join, notably rugby, football, cricket and hockey. Since joining Savills, I have played on a regular basis for the football team. We finished runners up in the Lionheart Surveyors Premier League last season. I would encourage graduates to get actively involved with any of these teams as it is a great opportunity to meet people in both our company and our profession. Graduate Charity Project Savills graduate trainees support the charity, I-Can, which helps UK children who encounter speech, language and communication difficulties. This year we raised a substantial amount of money to help this worthwhile cause through World Cup sweepstakes, an auction and raffle at the annual L&P v Commercial cricket match. Most recently, several graduate trainees undertook the Three Peaks Challenge. The Best Bits The level of responsibility - as a Savills graduate trainee you are exposed to and interact with clients on a daily basis. This helps to improve confidence and also lays the essential foundations for your professional career. As chartered surveyors, Savills provide a multi-faceted and outstanding service to clients. You are aware of and appreciate this from the outset.

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This publication has been produced through the collaboration of recruitment and training experts from real estate firms across the industry