CareerZone Overview

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Strategies to Connect, Communicate and Collaborate with Youth in the Digital Age

Occupation InformationPortfolio ModulesImplementation Tips

Career Assessments

This presentation will cover the basics of CareerZone along with some tips for implementing CareerZone in your class or program. 1

Presented by: NYSDOLs Youth Office

CareerZone is housed in NYS Department of Labors Career Development and Youth Initiatives or Youth Office, a unit within the Division of Employment and Workforce Solutions. 2

1. Assess Yourself / Access Career Info

2. Build a Career Portfolio 3. Job-seeking Tools4. Financial PlanningObjectives

Here are todays objectives. These objectives are steps of the career planning process. There are a numerous methods and resources that you can reach each steps- CareerZone is just one tool designed to make it easier for you. Today we will talk about the CareerZone features that will help you reach each step/objective listed here. We will also discuss CZ Updates throughout the presentation.


Have some knowledge and use occasionallyVery knowledgeable &can teach others how touse these resourcesHearing about this for the first timeUse site often including Portfolio AccountKnowledgeable and use site often

How familiar are you with

How familiar are you with CareerZone? Read each area and decide which one best describes your knowledge of the system. 4

Access CareerZone at

Whether you are a new or returning user- you will benefit from the presentation. First we will discuss some major updates of the system beginning with our updated URL seen on this screenshot. If you are familiar with you will no longer be able to access CareerZone through that URL. 5

Translates to over 50 languages

With the help of Google Translate, all areas of CareerZone can translate to over 50 languages. This new translate feature is great for ESL/ELL Learners and it works for all areas in CareerZone, even the Portfolios Resume Builder.


First step of reaching any goal is making a goal! Help students make school more meaningful by applying their interest, abilities, and values to their career goals. 7


CareerZone offers several assessments that can help students find occupations relevant to their interests and work values. Students can use these assessments to help construct their goal(s). Select Assess Yourself to access quick assessments.8

Pick One (or do both)

Based on John Hollands Theory of Career Choice, this assessment has students evaluate their interests and matches their interests to a list occupations. 9

Quick Interest Assessment

Select one to three interest areas. Scrolling over an area will provide the student with questions for them to reflect on and see if that interest trait applies to them. Once students have selected all three- they can select view occupations to view their results. 10


Detailed Results Pages

Select an Occupation or View More

Results pages look like this and then some! Scroll down to see more or select the link that says See all occupations in this zone. As you can tell there are a TON of results Ask: why do you think its good for your students to see more than just one a couple results? Type in your response. 11

Results Organized by

Preparation RequiredStrength of Match

Results are organized by Job Zones AKA work preparation and training required for that occupation. Job Zone #1 has little to no work experience and preparation required while the Job Zone 5 is the most extensive! Type in what you think Job Zone 5s training requirement could consist of. Answer: This is medical or judicial training (MD or JD)! 12

13Occupation Details

Students can select on occupation from the results page and they will be brought to this Occupation Details page. This is the heart of CareerZone since almost all activities in CareerZone lead to an Occupation Profile. CareerZone has occupation details for more than 800 occupations!! Point out: Wages- school programs, license requirements and similar jobs. 13

Quick Work Values Assessment

New Feature! Students can also select their top three work values and CareerZone will match their answers to occupation results. 14

Search for or Browse Occupations

Another way students can access these 800+ Occupation Details is from the homepage! Select Search or one of the Career Clusters (explain clusters).


Advanced Search

Once you select a cluster or the search page this page will appear! Narrow results by using the advanced search field. (Point out preparation/ cluster/ STEM). 16

Browse Occupations

This is an example of what happens after we click on the Engineering and Technology career cluster. Notice that there are over 400 results found for this occupation! Students can browse through these occupations and read the brief description to decide if they would like to select it and learn more. Students can also organize the results by selecting the arrows located next to the SUN the LEAF or the BRIDGE icons. These icons will filter results by Bright Outlook or In-demand occupations, Green jobs or occupations that offer apprenticeship opportunities. Students can also select the movie icon to view a quick 60-90 second video of a typical day in the life for that occupation. Last, the JOBS link will bring students to a list of actual job openings in NYS for that occupation. 17

My Portfolio

Inside the Portfolio

A portfolio is a way of documenting your achievements in a specific field. They are a way of proving that you can do the things you say you can. Portfolios may include samples of your work, assessment scores, or other evidence of your abilities.


The portfolio section of CareerZone allows users to create a secure, password protected account in order to save interests, activities, occupation searches and other information.

Create an Account

Access the Portfolio module to begin creating your account. 19

Create an Account

Bridget: This is what the Create an Account page looks like.


Teaching Digital Literacy

Use this as an opportunity to teaching digital literacy to your students. How can students ensure their account information is secured?? Do you know of any tricks (with any website) to ensure that its secure?? Answer: Privacy Policy/ https/ lock in URL.


Creating a Password Password Restrictions

Warning! Passwords must be updated every 90 daysTip! Create a Standard Class Username & Password

Although we will not focus on creating an account for this presentation to save time there are many tips I want you to be aware of to help make the process easier. I will follow up with a handout on tips for creating CZ portfolio accounts with students that will further explain these slides. The next two slides show some of these quick tips you will see again in the handout. 22

Tip! An email is required to retrieve forgotten passwords Enter required fields & email

Remind students to only fill in required fields. We also strongly encourage students to enter an email!! This is the ONLY way we can retrieve their password in case they lose it. For more information on how to create CZ accounts with students- please email CareerZones Support Desk at for a quick Desk Guide filled with tips and tricks. 23

Select Grade Level and School

Bridget: Next students will enter their grade/ portfolio level. Students will fill out their school information once they begin typing, the field should automatically populate. Students can update this information whenever from inside the portfolio.

Cathy: Mentioning Naviance cant overstress how important it is for schools to avail themselves of this program. It is provided at no cost. Special ed depts, for example, can continue to use CareerZone and see if it matches back to what the student indicated in their Naviance assessment. If they match up, then you know you have reliability and validity. If they dont, that might be a trigger to continue assessing until you get an appropriate answer for that particular student.

Remember that all schools and districts are already in the system. The grade levels also correlate to the fact that the Level I Career Assessment begins at Age 12 as per regulation.

Cathy: If a teacher wants to create a sample account, then they should make sure that they create themselves as a student. For example, put the birthyear that would appropriate for a student and select a grade level, not a young adult account.24

Intermediate Level(Grades 6-8)

Due to the maturity levels of the students, the 6-8 level portfolio will look a little different. It also takes out a few modules due to their age including the work experience and work importance profiler.25

Commencement Level(Grades 9-12)

We will focus today on the Commencement Level Portfolio. If students need to change their info at anytime (e.g. go from 8th grade to 9th grade-complete this in 1. My Personal Info). It is also important to know that completing these modules will inform the career plan.26

In-depth Assessments

Remember that quick interest assessment we talked about earlier?? Here is the longer, more accurate version!! 27

60 question format replaces 180 question version.

60 Question Interest Profiler

The Interest Profiler has changed from 180 questions to 60 questions. However, there are more scale options due to the decrease in questions to ensure this questionnaire is just as accurate as the longer one.


Rank 20 Work Value cards by drag & drop methodWork Importance Profiler

New drag and drop feature - *Note that all items in column 5 are valued the same importance (for example the top one is just as important as the bottom box in column 5) same for all the boxes in column 4 and so onThis really should be done with a student.29

Assessment Results

And again here are the occupation results for students to select. 30

Combine Assessment Results

This is the Combined Assessment Results module where students can see the results of all their completed assessments in one place. 31

We will talk about these modules to help students begin making their career plan. 32

School Classes

Here is an example of the School Classes module. 33

Volunteer ExperienceWork Experience

After the volunteer or work experience modules are complete, the information will be added automatically to the resume builder module.This allows you to keep all of this important information in one secure place.34

Saved Occupations

Students can use the Saved Occupations module to view, search, and save all of their favorite occupations viewed in CareerZone. 35

Saved OccupationsWork ExperienceSchool Classes/ Volunteer ExperienceView Your Career Plan Document

Here is a glimpse of the Career Plan document and the modules that correspond to it. For a crosswalk on the Career Plan document to CZ Modules please email 36

37Enhanced College Search

Here is an example of the enhanced college search- designed to now include colleges throughout the country (not just NYS). 37


New Career Planning Tools

Brand new!

New modules include: Apprenticeships Search, Work Samples and Attachment Manager. Work Samples and Attachment Manager allows students to upload important work and school related documents into their portfolio. Apprenticeships search allows students to find apprentice-able occupations and openings in NYS. 38

Here are some important modules youth can use to help them apply for jobs or even college. 39

Resume Builder

Here is a screenshot of the Resume Module. Each of these sections expand for students to select and new information to add to their resume. 40

More Job-Seeking Tools

Here are even more work related documents! Students who have not created accounts can also access these tools through Guest Tools. Please be aware that completing any of these tools in Guest Tools will not save to CareerZone. 41

Brand new!New Letter Writer

Previously this sectioned only covered Cover Letters. Now students can choose from templates to also write thank you and follow up letters. Students can also upload a previously written letter to save on CareerZone. 42

Talk to students about the importance of sticking to their goals and success through financial planning. 43


Dollars and Sense Budgeting Tool

The Dollars and Sense module accessed through the homepage or inside the Portfolio can help students get a true reality check of life expenses. 44


Step 1: Pick a county

First students will start with a county CareerZone uses data specific to each county when determining the price of each expense. 45


Step 2: Pick your expenses

Here students are selecting the type of housing they want to live in. CareerZone auto-fills the monthly cost depending on the county students picked and the expense they chose. Students can even type in their own amount. 46

47Continue to pick expenses

Bridget: You can always type in your own monthly cost as well47

Step 3: View your results

Here are the occupation results based on the lifestyle choices for this budget.


Option 2: Start with an Occupation

Students can even Work Backwards by creating a budget that begins with a specific occupation and subtracts each expense from the occupations annual monthly salary. Access the Working Backwards approach through any Occupational Details page or from the Budget tool inside the Portfolio. 49

Inside Portfolio AccountStart with an Occupation

This is an example of how students can access the tool from inside the Portfolio. This student has 2 previously saved occupations they can chose from OR they can select Search to find a new occupation to base their budget off of. 50

Working Backwards

Here is a sample of what the results look like Working Backwards approach. Note that since it appears in red- this student is over budget and must now go back and edit their expenses or find a higher paying occupation. 51

Me or You: Ask: Take time to share ideas for how to collaborate with others and integrate CareerZone? It is a joint effort. ASK: How can you work with other teachers in your building to implement CZ? (i.e: English teachers do resume, school counselors do assessments, math teachers do budget). How can you integrate CZ in your own classroom?


Upcoming Resources

In case you missed anything in this webinar there are plenty of resources we can supply to ensure you are getting the most out of our site. These materials include navigational desk guides, guides for Creating CareerZone Accounts with Students, and the CZ Activity Guide. 53

Contact Us! CareerZones Help


Reach us at our Help Desk if you need any additional assistance using CareerZone. 54