Cargo Agent's Handbook 38th edition 2015

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An tool for Cargo Agents worldwide. IATA CAH 38th edition


Effective 1 October 2015

38th Edition

Cargo Agent’s Handbook Resolution 801—Worldwide

Effective 1 October 2015

38th EditionInternational Air Transport AssociationMontreal—Geneva

Cargo Agent’s Handbook Resolution 801—Worldwide

NOTICEDISCLAIMER. The information contained in this publication is subject to constant review in the light of changing government requirements and regula-tions. No subscriber or other reader should act on the basis of any such information without referring to applicable laws and regulations and/or without taking appropriate professional advice. Although ev-ery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the International Air Transport Association shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation of the contents hereof. Furthermore, the Interna-tional Air Transport Association expressly disclaims any and all liability to any person or entity, whether a purchaser of this publication or not, in respect of anything done or omitted, and the consequences of anything done or omitted, by any such person or en-tity in reliance on the contents of this publication.

© International Air Transport Association. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, recast, reformatted or trans-mitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record-ing or any information storage and retrieval sys-tem, without the prior written permission from:

Senior Vice PresidentFinancial and Distribution Services

International Air Transport Association33, Route de l’Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 Airport


Cargo Agent’s Handbook Resolution 801—WorldwideISBN 978-92-9252-584-2© 2015 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.Montreal—Geneva



Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ viiSimplifying the Business................................................................................................................................. xiiiMechanics of the IATA Cargo Agency Programme ......................................................................................xivSeeking Registration as an IATA Cargo Agent/Intermediary .......................................................................xvFinancial Criteria—Bangladesh ...................................................................................................................... xviProposed Financial Criteria for Cargo Industry Credit Scheme (CICS).....................................................xviiFinancial Criteria—China................................................................................................................................. xixFinancial Criteria—Chinese Taipei .................................................................................................................. xxFinancial Criteria—Eastern Africa ................................................................................................................... xxLocal Financial Criteria—Egypt ...................................................................................................................... xxiFinancial Criteria—Gulf (UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait & Qatar) ...............................................................xxvFinancial Criteria—Hong Kong ..................................................................................................................... xxviFinancial Criteria—India................................................................................................................................ xxviiFinancial Criteria—Indonesia ........................................................................................................................ xxixFinancial Criteria—Lebanon........................................................................................................................... xxxFinancial Criteria—Japan .............................................................................................................................. xxxiFinancial Criteria—Korea............................................................................................................................... xxxiFinancial Criteria—Malaysia ........................................................................................................................ xxxiiiFinancial Criteria—Morocco ........................................................................................................................ xxxivFinancial Criteria—Pakistan ........................................................................................................................ xxxivFinancial Criteria—Singapore ..................................................................................................................... xxxviFinancial Criteria—South Africa ................................................................................................................xxxviiiFinancial Criteria—Sri Lanka ............................................................................................................................ xlFinancial Criteria—Thailand............................................................................................................................. xliFinancial Criteria—The Philippines ................................................................................................................ xliiFinancial Criteria—Turkey .............................................................................................................................. xliiiFinancial Criteria—Vietnam............................................................................................................................ xlivIATA Numeric Code ......................................................................................................................................... xlvChanges within an Agency Requiring IATA Approval.................................................................................xlviIATA International Cargo Agents Training Programme..............................................................................xlviiAir Cargo Security and Asset Protection......................................................................................................xlixAir Cargo Automation......................................................................................................................................... liIATA Dangerous Goods Regulations............................................................................................................... lvDangerous Goods in Electronic Format (eDGR)............................................................................................ lviIATA Live Animals Regulations ...................................................................................................................... lviiPerishable Cargo Regulations Manual (PCR) ............................................................................................... lviiiUnit Load Device (ULD) .................................................................................................................................... lixThe Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems—CASSlink .................................................................................. lixAir Cargo Claims Procedures .......................................................................................................................... lxiUse of IATA Logo ............................................................................................................................................. lxii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

ResolutionNumber Page049a Application of Changes in Rates..........................................................................................................1502 Low Density Cargo............................................................................................................................... 1509 Charges for Disbursements .................................................................................................................2512c Charge for Preparation of Air Waybill ..................................................................................................3600 The Consignment................................................................................................................................. 4600a Air Waybill ............................................................................................................................................ 5606 Bar Coded Label ................................................................................................................................ 32606a Non-Bar Coded Label ........................................................................................................................ 40607 Standards for Labels and Tags for Special Shipments .....................................................................43612 Shipper's Request for Changes to Air Waybill and Shipment Record Amounts................................44614 Procedures for Disbursements ..........................................................................................................45618 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.................................................................................................46620 IATA Live Animals Regulations..........................................................................................................46670 Cargo Electronic Data Interchange Message Standards...................................................................47671 Changes to Cargo Interchange Message Procedures (Cargo-IMP)..................................................471600t Use of Bar Codes and Bar Code Equipment in Cargo Applications..................................................52801 Cargo Agency Rules .......................................................................................................................... 52801 Section 1—Qualifications for Registration and Retention..................................................................52801 Section 2—Procedures ......................................................................................................................56801 Section 3—Commission/Remuneration .............................................................................................58801 Section 4—Measures Affecting an Agent's Standing ........................................................................58801 Section 5—Change of Ownership, Legal Status, Name or Address .................................................59801 Section 6—Review by Agency Commissioner...................................................................................63801 Section 7—Collection of Funds; Irregularities and Default (other than under Cargo Accounts

Settlement System—CASS-Export)...................................................................................................63801 Section 8—Air Waybill Transmittals, Billings, Remittances and Collections Defaults

(under Cargo Accounts Settlement System—CASS-Export).............................................................64801 Section 9—Consequences of Default ................................................................................................64801 Section 10—Review by Arbitration at Agent's Request.....................................................................65801 Section 11—Agency Fees .................................................................................................................66801 Attachment ‘A’—Notice of Change ....................................................................................................68801 Attachment ‘B’—Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment .............................................................................69801a(II) Cargo Agency Agreement (II) ............................................................................................................70801c IATA/FIATA Consultative Council ......................................................................................................74801e Conduct of Review by Agency Commissioner...................................................................................75801r Reporting and Remittance Procedures..............................................................................................77801r Section 1—Collection of Funds; Irregularities and Default (other than under Cargo Accounts

Settlement System—CASS-Export) (except Australia)......................................................................78801r Section 2—Air Waybill Transmittals, Billings, Remittances and Collections, Defaults (under

Cargo Accounts Settlement System—CASS-Export) ........................................................................82801r Section 3—Consequences of Default ................................................................................................87801r Attachment ‘A’—Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment .............................................................................90811d Agency Commissioner ....................................................................................................................... 91811e Conduct of Review by Agency Commissioner...................................................................................93817 Financial Securities ............................................................................................................................ 96821 IATA Cargo Office Numeric Code......................................................................................................97823 Definitions of Terms Used in Cargo Agency Resolutions ..................................................................98831 Consequences of Violation of Air Waybill or Shipment Record Completion Procedures ................102833 Ready for Carriage Consignments...................................................................................................103833a Security Measures for Intended Consolidated Consignments.........................................................104849 Tie in Transferal Resolution & Airline General Concurrence...........................................................105851 Cargo Accounts Settlement System ................................................................................................108851f Agents Liaison Working Groups ......................................................................................................130851r Cargo Accounts Settlement System (CASS) Participation Rules—For Forwarders........................131853 CASS-Import & Terminal Charges...................................................................................................142

Table of Contents

ResolutionNumber Page881 Reduced Fares for Cargo Agents ....................................................................................................162883 Reduced Fare Transportation for Candidates Attending Certain Approved IATA Cargo

Training Courses or Examinations...................................................................................................169

IATA Membership List.................................................................................................................................... 171IATA Member Airlines Appointing by General Concurrence .....................................................................183Glossary of Commonly Used Air Traffic Terms ..........................................................................................187Alphabetical Index .......................................................................................................................................... 191

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


IATA publishes the Cargo Agent's Handbook to communicate to the airfreight community CargoConference decisions governing industry procedures as well as information on relevant industryregulatory developments. The handbook thus provides the texts of the basic rules and regulationsgoverning the trading relationship between IATA Cargo Agents and appointing Member Airlines. Italso contains informative articles on topics of professional interest to Cargo Agents.

Governance Structure

The IATA Cargo Procedures Conferences consists of the Cargo Agency Conference (CAC) and theCargo Services Conference (CSC). The governance structure of the IATA Cargo ProceduresConferences and their subgroups is illustrated in the following chart:

CAC Structure and sub-groups

The Cargo Agency Programme regulates Member airlines' working relationships with theirappointed sales agents. It provides agents with industry recognition of their financial andprofessional competence and give airlines a worlwide distribution network of approved agents to selltheir products. The Cargo Agency Conference (CAC) works at strengthening industry capabilities,promoting industry reputation and enhancing commercial success for both airlines and agentparticipants.

AGENTS LIAISON WORKING GROUP (ALWG) An Agents Liaison Working Group is establishedby the Cargo Agency Conference wherever a CASS is in operation. The ALWG ensures that thenational association(s) of cargo agents is fully consulted by the local CASS Management on theoperation of CASS-Export and CASS-Import, on matters concerning enhancements or modificationsto the system, affecting agents' interests. These consultations need to attract a broad consensusfrom agents' association(s) prior to the implementation of any such enhancements or modificationsto CASS.CARGO AGENCY CONFERENCE (CAC) IATA's Cargo Agency Programme facilitates Memberairlines' working relationships with their appointed sales agents and intermediaries. Affordingbenefits to both airlines and agents, the programme provides agents with industry recognition oftheir financial and professional competence and airlines with a worldwide distribution network ofapproved agents to distribute their product. The Cargo Agency Conference works at strengtheningindustry capabilities, promoting industry reputation and enhancing the commercial success for bothairline, intermediary and agent participants.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

CARGO PROCEDURES CONFERENCES MANAGEMENT GROUP (CPCMG) The CPCMGprovides support and guidance in relation to the strategies determined by the Cargo ServicesConference (CSC) and Cargo Agency Conference (CAC). It formulates cargo industry policies andmonitors industry developments and priority issues and develops relevant industry solutions inresponse. The CPCMG also prioritises, assigns and monitors the activities of the various standingConferences sub groups.CASS POLICY GROUP (CPG) The CASS Policy Group is responsible for providing policy directionand advice to IATA on CASS matters relating to its functional management and operation. The CPGprovides a consultative forum for CASS between IATA and Member airlines. It formulates a globalrepresentation policy, develops a CASS country development plan, the CASS cost sharing formulaand CASS pricing policy etc. The CPG consists of not more than 12 members appointed by theCargo Committee (CC) based on written nominations submitted, for a period of two years. If amember misses two consecutive meetings of the CPG, his position on the Group is terminated.IATA/FIATA CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL (IFCC) The IATA/FIATA Consultative Council (IFCC) wasconstituted to initiate, consider and make recommendations to the Cargo Agency Conference (CAC)and Cargo Services Conference (CSC) on issues affecting the Carrier/Agent relationship. The IFCCreviews all proposals, including those submitted by mail vote, made to the CAC to introduce new, orto amend existing, provisions of the Cargo Agency Rules. The IFCC's actions are expressed asrecommendations.AIR CARGO PROGRAMME JOINT COUNCILS IATA has established Air Cargo Programmes incertain areas/countries. These Air Cargo Programmes are collaborative in nature with airlines andcargo agents (referred to as intermediaries). They are supported by Joint Councils. A Joint Councilis responsible for developing, managing and marketing an Air Cargo Programme. It determines theobjective criteria pertaining to financial standing, standards of staff competence, experience andknowledge of air cargo products, suitability of premises, suitability of cargo handling & processingequipment and products and services, for registration of intermediaries in the applicablearea/country. The Joint Council has representation from both airlines and intermediaries as outlinedin the relevant Resolution. The IATA Head of Cargo and FIATA-AFI Chairman serve on the JointCouncil as non-voting Members.IATA CARGO ADVISORY PANEL (ICAP) An IATA Cargo Advisory Panel makes recommendationsto the Cargo Agency Conference for establishment of local criteria pertaining to financial standing,personnel qualification, premises and equipment for registration and retention of Agents in acountry. It consists of not more than nine representatives of appropriate seniority from salesorganization of Member airlines having presence in that country. These representatives, each withexpertise in the areas of cargo handling, sales and financial control, are selected by the AgencyAdministrator from the nominations received.SETTLEMENT AND REMITTANCE COMMITTEE The Settlement & Remittance committee decidescredit terms and frequency of payments to be received from accredited cargo agents/intermediaries.Its members are accredited representatives of Member airlines. It meets once a year concurrentlywith meetings of the Cargo Agency Conference, if required. When a decision is needed betweenconferences the Settlement and Remittance Committee may reach decisions by means of a mailvote.GENERAL ASSEMBLY/EXECUTIVE COUNCIL A Cargo General Assembly or A Cargo ExecutiveCouncil is established in certain areas. Their functions & responsibilities are outlined in theapplicable Resolutions.ECONOMIC WATCH PANEL RESOLUTION A permanent Economic Watch Panel is established incertain countries, which in consultation with the recognized national agents association, determinesthe economic and financial indicators and the degree of variation of these indicators which wouldrequire a reappraisal of the existing reporting/remitting frequencies and/or the remittance dateapplicable in the country concerned. An Economic Watch Panel consists of Member airlines'



financial and commercial experts including a representative of the national carrier(s) and meets asand when necessary.LOCAL CUSTOMER ADVISORY GROUP–CARGO A Local Customer Advisory Group isestablished by the Cargo Agency Conference wherever a CASS is in operation. Each LCAGCprovides advice to IATA CASS Management on customer service issues and in particular, onestablishing and addressing local needs. The LCAGC may provide advice on matters concerningthe local operation of CASS and on the establishment of local CASS business requirements andenhancements, especially where differences from worldwide policy and standards are sought. Theymay also guide the local CASS Manager on market place activities, development opportunities andother local/area needs.

CSC Structure and Sub GroupsCSC is a permanent and autonomous body consisting of representatives from IATA MemberAirlines. The CSC is responsible for the development and maintenance of standards andprocedures for the cargo industry.

CARGO SERVICES CONFERENCE (CSC) The CSC establishes standards and takes action onmatters relating to cargo services, including cargo handling, documentation, ULD technicalspecifications, EDI, dangerous goods regulations, live animals and perishable regulations. TheConference also presents the opportunity for discussion of new developments and agreements onhow the air argo industry should change and grow in a multilateral environment. The CSC meets onan annual basis during IATA's World Cargo Symposium event.CARGO PROCEDURES CONFERENCES MANAGEMENT GROUP (CPCMG) The CPCMGprovides support and guidance in relation to the strategies determined by the Cargo ServicesConference (CSC) and Cargo Agency Conference (CAC). It formulates cargo industry policies andmonitors industry developments and priority issues and develops relevant industry solutions inresponse. The CPCMG also prioritises, assigns and monitors the activities of the various standingConferences sub groups.AIRMAIL PANEL (AMP) The AMP develops and maintains procedures related to all aspects ofairmail handling. As the Basic Airmail Conveyance Rate (BACR) is established by the UniversalPostal Union (UPU), liaison with the UPU on issues pertaining to the carriage of mail by air is a keycomponent of the AMP agenda. Panel members also actively participating in the IATA-UPU ContactCommittee, reviewing airmail automation developments, formulating responses to enhancedsecurity requirements and establishing standard handling procedures.38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 ix

Note: For more information on CAC and its subgroups, please contact IATA Service Center via thecustomer portal

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

CARGO BUSINESS PROCESSES PANEL (CBPP) The CBPP develops and maintains industrystandards for procedures, documentation and flow of information relating to the air cargo business.These may concern automation issues, air waybill layout, completion and issuance procedures andrelated topics. More recently, there has been a shift in emphasis towards the impact of automationin various areas: handling the cargo, its documentation and the information relating to its movement;and the interface between the airline and the forwarding agent and customs authorities.CARGO DATA INTERCHANGE TASK FORCE (CDITF) The CDITF deals with the technical detailsof EDI message construction, particularly Cargo-IMP, the long-established airline message standardfor EDI. The group is also responsible for maintaining the industry's EDIFACT-based EDImessages, Cargo-FACT. CDITF is responsible for the content of both the Cargo-IMP and Cargo-FACT Manuals.CARGO XML TASK FORCE (CXMLTF) The objectives of the Cargo XML Task Force are toprovide recommendations to the Cargo Business Processes Panel (CBPP) on XML requirementsfor transportation messages and on the maintenance of the standards as well as to oversee thetechnical development of these XML messages, which will be based as much as possible onexisting messages (e.g. CIMP. IFTMIN) and international standards (i.e. UN/CEFACT CoreComponents and XML Naming and Design Rules).DANGEROUS GOODS BOARD (DGB) The objective of the DGB is to promote the safe transportof dangerous goods by air. This is accomplished by establishing clear, concise and practicalprocedures for shippers, freight forwarders and airlines, which are published as the IATADangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). The DGR, which is based on the ICAO TechnicalInstructions, the legal text for air transport of dangerous goods, is applicable worldwide and includesoperational requirements to facilitate the safe and expeditious transport of dangerous goods by air.The Board meets to consider and review new developments in the international regulatory arena.The Board discusses problems that arise in the carriage of dangerous goods and acts to modify ordevelop new regulations as appropriate.DANGEROUS GOODS TRAINING TASK FORCE (DGTTF) The DGTTF reports to the DangerousGoods Board (DGB) and meets twice a year to review all matters pertaining to dangerous goodstraining. It was established to review, amend and update the IATA Dangerous Goods TrainingProgramme. The contents thereof are current and fully aligned with the IATA Dangerous GoodsRegulations. Other tasks are to maintain and update the dangerous goods instructor's manual andto review third party dangerous goods training programmes submitted for endorsement by IATA.LIVE ANIMALS & PERISHABLES BOARD (LAPB) The LAPB develops regulations for theacceptance, handling and loading of live animals in air transport. The regulations for shipping liveanimals are published in the IATA Live Animals Regulations (LAR), which is published annually inEnglish, French, and Spanish. The LAPB also develops guidelines for shipping time andtemperature sensitive goods, these include traditional perishables such as meat products, seafood,fruits, vegetables, plant products, cut flowers and goods from health care sector such aspharmaceuticals. The focus here is on adequate temperature management and efficient handling.The regulations are published in the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations manual (PCR), which isupdated annually. The LAPB has an Advisory body consisting of representatives from outside thetraditional IATA membership in particular shippers associations or their agents and internationalgovernmental organizations. It also has an Animal Care Team comprising of individuals withexpertise on particular types of animals, such as laboratory and zoo animals, for example but notlimited thereto.TIME AND TEMPERATURE TASK FORCE (TTTF) The TTTF was established to develop andmaintain standards for the procedures, documentation, cargo handling, packaging and acceptanceof goods from the healthcare sector in order to facilitate, improve or maintain the logistics thereof.The members of the TTTF are appointed by the LAPB, each being an expert in time andtemperature sensitive cargo. More specifically, the task force will deliver a Quality Management



System and a revision of Chapter 17th of the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) Manual.The Task Force meets in conjunction with the LAPB.ULD PANEL (ULDP) The ULDP develops specifications, guidelines, recommendations and othertechnical material related to Unit Load Devices (ULDs). The Panel is responsible for developing andpromulgating recommendations and guidelines concerning the manufacture, handling, maintenanceand control of ULDs. The Panel studies the development and simplification of requirements ofairworthiness certification of ULDs and aircraft restraint systems to remove barriers to the full use ofULDs. The Panel liaises with other industry groups such as SAE International, ISO, FAA, and otherexternal organisations to provide guidance and assistance so that appropriate IATA standards aredeveloped and implemented when needed. The Panel also ensures the commonality of parametersrequired for interlining ULDs and monitors the developments in aircraft containerisationrequirements, including the allocation of ULD Type Code.ULDP TECHNICAL ADVISORY PANEL (TAP) The TAP was established for industry to providetechnical support in their area of expertise to the ULDP and its secretariat. It is tasked withrepresenting the manufacturing industry's interests. The panel acts as advisors to the ULDP onrelated matters. Representatives are appointed by the ULDP from companies participating in theIATA Strategic Partnerships programme and invited government civil aviation authorities.IATA/FIATA CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL (IFCC) The IFCC was constituted to initiate, consider andmake recommendations to the Cargo Agency Conference (CAC) and Cargo Services Conference(CSC) on issues affecting the Carrier/Agent relationship. The IFCC review all proposals, includingthose submitted by mail vote, made to the CAC to introduce new, or to amend existing, provisionsof the Cargo Agency Rules. The IFCC's actions are expressed as recommendations.IATA/FIATA CUSTOMS WORKING GROUP (IFCWG) The role of the IATA/FIATA CustomsWorking Group (IFCWG) is to identify and understand Customs requirements that concern Carriersand Forwarders and that affect the Carrier/Forwarder relationship. The IFCWG providesprocedural & operational responses to changes in Customs provisions on behalf of the air cargoindustry and identifies & implements necessary changes in IATA procedures and/or standards tocomply with legislated requirements.

Note: For more information on CSC and its sub-groups, please contact

It is important that the management and operational staff of every IATA Cargo Agent be familiarwith the regulatory contents of this handbook. A free copy is sent to the head office of eachRegistered IATA Cargo Agent. Additional copies are available upon request.

The following is a summary of amendments from the 43rd Cargo Agency Conference at Shanghai,China, March 2015 and any subsequent mail votes.

Resolution 801 Cargo Agency Rules• Paragraph Removal reference to Parent Company Guarantee.• Paragraph Removal of days for a change of location paragraph

Resolution 801r Reporting and Remittance Procedures• Section 1 and Section 2 Remove reference to Settlement and Remittance Committee replace

with Cargo Agency Conference

Resolution 811d Agency Commissioner• Paragraph 8 The funds of the commissioner's Office

Resolution 823 Definitions of Terms Used in Cargo Agency Resolutions• Expand some terms and add descriptions for new terms


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Resolution 849 Airline General Concurrence and Tie- In Transferal• New Resolution

Note: This will only be declared effective one the Cooperation Agreement is signed betweenIATA and FIATA

Resolution 851r - New CASS Participation Rules Resolution - amended version• New Resolution

Note: This will only be declared effective one the Cooperation Agreement is signed between IATAand FIATA

Resolution 853 CASS Import and Terminal Charges• Remove reference to Settlement and Remittance Committee replace with Cargo Agency


Financial Criteria• Egypt - New Financial Criteria• Indonesia - Revision of requirements• Japan - Revision of requirements• Lebanon - Revision of requirements• Pakistan - Revision of requirements• Singapore - Revision of requirements• South Africa - New Financial Criteria• Thailand - Revision of requirements

Some of the Resolutions included in this handbook have not been declared effective at the time ofissue, and therefore appear in grey shaded background. These Resolutions will be declaredeffective once the necessary Government approvals have been obtained. Thereafter, anappropriate declaration of effectiveness memorandum will be distributed to Cargo Agents.

Note: To meet the new requirements of Resolution 811d, Attachment ‘A’, which mandate theCargo Agency Commissioner to maintain an information website, the reader's attention is drawn tothat website:

Dialogue between IATA and the air cargo agency sector of the industry has been conducted on aninternational level for several years through a Consultative Council composed of representatives ofmembers of IATA and FIATA (the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations).Those consultations have resulted in problems being solved, procedures being simplified andinnovations being agreed by the Conference, as well as in communications being improvedbetween allied branches of the same industry.

All Member airlines of IATA participate in its Trade Association activities and are accordingly boundby the Resolutions of the Cargo Agency Conference and the Cargo Services Conference. In thishandbook, those resolutions are identified respectively by the initials ‘CAC’ or ‘CSC’ in the headline.Resolutions of the Tariff Co-ordinating Conferences (TCC) bind those Members having elected toparticipate in the TCC activities. They can be identified from the IATA membership list towards theend of the handbook.

Aleksander Popovich

Agency Administrator




Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

The Agency Programme is similarly subdivided, with IATAMECHANICS OF THE IATA CARGOoffices in each area. Secretariat support for CAConf,AGENCY PROGRAMME regional programmes and other specialist groups servingCAConf is provided by IATA Distribution and FinancialThe insertion of a name on the IATA Cargo Agency List isServices (IDFS), which thus constitutes a continuity factorthe result of a careful system of vetting and monitoring,for the Agency Programme.created by the IATA Airlines, in order that they may all

have access to industry-accredited intermediaries of The span of airline management resources involved in thereliable. The overall framework within which that industry operation of the IATA Cargo Agency Programme extendsaccreditation process takes place is known as the IATA from head-office senior middle-management at the Con-Cargo Agency Programme. ference, through senior regional management to district

management involved in regional groups. In addition, aThe programme is contained essentially in a series ofwatching brief is kept by the airlines' top commercialResolutions, reproduced in this handbook, which havemanagements through the activities of the Cargo Com-been adopted by the Cargo Agency Conference (CAConf)mittee of IATA. Taking into account the important pro-and revised in the light of operating experience. Theportion of air cargo business which originates from theCAConf consists of senior commercial managers nomi-cargo agency sector of the industry, it may be readilynated by IATA Member Airlines. In the normal run ofunderstood why such an important segment of thethings it meets every March, but special CAConf meetingsairlines' management should concern itself with the IATAcan be called at any time to consider urgent matters.Agency Programme.

Resolutions of CAConf require the unanimous vote of theIn parallel with the internal airline consultationsConference to secure adoption; thereafter, the adoptedassociated with the above activities, there is a veryResolutions are filed with the concerned governmentimportant and growing programme of consultations withauthorities for scrutiny and approval, after which they canthe air cargo agency sector of the industry. Thosebe declared effective.consultations are, for the most part, conducted withFIATA (the International Federation of Freight ForwardersFor convenience sake, the airlines have divided the IATAAssociations), the world representative body of air cargoworld into three areas:agents. Additionally, there are specific regional consul-tations in some areas and, where circumstances soArea 1: the Americas;warrant, there are industry-wide consultations at national

Area 2: Europe, Africa and the Middle East; levels.Area 3: Asia East of Iran and Australasia.

One prominent activity is the area of training, which overmany years has successfully developed, implementedand administered professional training programmes forcargo agency personnel of a quality second to none in theindustry. That activity is most adequately described else-where in this publication.


Equally prominent in its output and the nature of its work SEEKING REGISTRATION AS AN IATAproduct is the IATA/FIATA Consultative Council which for CARGO AGENT/INTERMEDIARYseveral years has been the dialogue partner of the CargoAgency Conference. In consequence, it has been influen- Cargo Agency Rules have been established in order totial in the modernizing and remoulding of the Cargo regulate the standards of business practice between theAgency Programme and has been the source of valuable IATA registered Cargo Agent/Intermediary and Members.practical advice in the development of the Cargo These rules set forth the rights and obligations of bothAccounts Settlement Systems. parties and the procedures applicable to organizations

seeking IATA Cargo Agency registration.The inter-relationship between these various bodies is asillustrated on the previous page. Any person or organization wishing to seek registration as

an IATA Cargo Agent/Intermediary may do so by submit-An IATA Cargo Agent who encounters difficulty in inter-ting an application in the form of written answers to apreting or applying the regulations set out in this publi-questionnaire. This questionnaire has been adopted by allcation has a choice of possible sources of guidance:airlines, and is part of the Cargo Agency Rules and is

— a Member Airline of IATA, preferably the national included later on in this handbook, or by visiting ourcarrier of the country where the Agent is situated; website at URL

— the Agent's national trade association which has Pages/index.aspxaccess to FIATA;

The qualifications required for the registration of an— the IATA Industry and Distribution Financial ServicesAgent/Intermediary are described in detail in these Rules.Division, through its regional offices in Geneva,The essential requirements are:Montreal and Singapore.— qualified and duly trained staff, particularly with

Experience has shown that most difficulties may be regard to the acceptance/handling of Dangerousreadily resolved through the above channels; however, Goods;where the difficulty encountered raises an important point — sound financial standing;of principle, then the IATA/FIATA consultative machinery

— suitable working premises and cargo handlingis equipped to analyse it in detail and to seek a CAConffacilities; and active promotion and sale of inter-solution. In this connection, the CAConf provisions envis-national air cargo transportation.age third party presentations to the Conference on

matters on the agenda and within the CAConf's purview. Concerning the qualifications of the staff, each applicantDetails of how such may be sought can be obtained from must have at least two persons who have completed athe Agency Administrator in Geneva. recent training course in applicable Dangerous Goods

Regulations, as well as two persons (not necessarily thesame) who have completed an industry introductory orbasic training course. All courses offered by IATA Mem-ber Airlines, the IATA Training home study programmes,as well as certain Governmental Organizations, are ac-cepted courses. A number of third-party training courseshave also been approved and applicants should refer tothe IATA Cargo Agency Administration for further infor-mation in this respect.

In addition, effective 1 October, 2004, all IATA Agent/Inter-mediary owned branch locations where air cargo ismade ready for carriage need to be registered, with eachlocation required to employ a minimum of two full-timecompetent persons, qualified to provide prescribed ser-vices and handling functions. As well, a minimum onesuch competent person, who also holds certification withrespect to Dangerous Goods Acceptance is to be presentat all places where air cargo is made ready for carriagewhenever such places are open for business.

Refinements to the above as well as other criteria may beapplicable in certain countries or areas, as established bylocal IATA groups, in accordance with the Rules of anyregional programme. These are notified to applicants inthe countries concerned.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Each complete application is investigated to determine FINANCIAL CRITERIA—BANGLADESHwhether or not an applicant qualifies for registration. AllMembers have a 30-day period in which to file evidence 1) The applicant must provide bank guarantee of BDTwith the Agency Administrator indicating why any 500,000.00 in order to be an Accredited Cargoapplication should not be approved. Agent.A newly-registered IATA Cargo Agent/Intermediary 2) The applicant must provide a certified and auditedexecutes a Cargo Agency Agreement after which Mem- Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement notbers may appoint the Agent/Intermediary to represent more than six months old at the time of submission,them in the country of registration. showing satisfactory financial standing and ability to

remain solvent and pay bills.3) Agent to submit “certificate of good standing” from its




Agents settlement level.• Any Agent that exceeds its limit by more than 15%

INTRODUCTION OF THE CARGO in any given month will be subject to immediateINDUSTRY CREDIT SCHEME (CICS) review prior to the period settlement date. This

review is to confirm the Agents ability to settle.To capitalize on the successful CASS mechanism, a • Any Agent that exceeds its established credit limitcredit limit system is to be implemented to replace the by up to 15% in three consecutive months will havecurrent unlimited credit scheme in operation. Aligned their credit level reassessed.with the application of an industry aggregated credit

• In the process of credit risk mitigation, CASS may,limit, individual carriers will relinquish individual guaran-at their discretion, conduct a financial review intee requirements. The credit limit set will take intoaccordance with the Canadian Agent Handbook.account various factors such as CASS trading history

• It is the responsibility of the Agent to compare theirand will be subject to a successful financial review. Anyexpected settlement to their CASS credit limit andcredit request above the industry set limit will be subjectgive advance notice to CASS when the credit limitto the provision of financial security.may be exceeded.


Applicants shall submit financial statements which shall LIMITconsist of a current certified profit and loss statementand Balance Sheet, independently produced and pre- Ad hoc Shipmentspared in accordance with local accounting practices. All

• An Agent may apply to the CASS for an ad hoc,IATA Cargo Agents participating in the Canadian Airone-time excess, to cover an exceptional ship-Cargo Programme will participate in the Cargo Industryment(s), which would result in the Agent exceedingCredit Scheme (CICS) and will be assigned an industryits established credit limit by morecredit limit in accordance with the rules and proceduresthan 15%.published in the Handbook.

• In such event, the CASS may accept, the amountApplicants should indicate the level of credit required. of that ad hoc shipment(s) following confirmation

from the carrier concerned.When the financial position of an Agent and/or its levelof credit is subject to review by the Agency Adminis- Changes in Businesstrator, the Agent may be required to:

• An Agent may give advance notification to CASS of1) Furnish documents specified in the handbook, business changes such as mergers, acquisitions ordeemed necessary to conduct such review. new contract(s) that may result in the Agent ex-2) Renew by the expiry date and bank guarantee or ceeding its established credit limit by more than

bond. 15%. When so advised, CASS will reassess theAgents credit limit.3) Adjust the level of any bank guarantee or bond.

4) Settle within three days of receipt of the CASSAdjusting the Established Credit Limitbilling, any amount in excess of the guarantee level

of established credit limit. • Any Agent that exceeds its limit by more than 15%in any given month will be subject to immediate

Failure to comply with and/or the financial requirements review prior to the period settlement date. Thiscontained in the handbook shall constitute grounds for review is to confirm the Agents ability to settle.the Agency Administrator to place the Agent on a cash • If the CASS review is not satisfactory, the Agentbasis and to initiate a review of the Agent by the will be required to settle within three days of receiptOmbudsman. of the CASS billing, any amount in excess of the

established monthly credit limit. Failure to settle theexcess amount would be grounds for placingCICS INTRODUCTIONthe Agent on cash basis as well as initiating a

• Under CICS, each IATA Agent is assigned a credit financial review.limit based on their highest CASS period settle-ment in the previous two years. In the Canadian AirCargo Programme (CACP), new Agents will be FINANCIAL CRITERIA FOR NEWassigned a minimum credit limit of $5000. APPLICANTS

• An Agent that exceeds its credit limit by more than • A minimum industry credit of $5000 CAD per15% in any given month will be subject to review to settlement period.confirm their ability to settle. Credit limit changes• Agents requiring a higher credit level who aremay be requested by the Agent or may be initiated

unable to demonstrate a satisfactory financialby IATA.standing, credit worthiness and/or payment record


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

in CASS will be required to provide a financial • The above accounting criteria will be the principalsecurity, such as a bank guarantee. Any such tests used in any assessment and will be applied tosecurity required will be for an amount to cover the the latest, full certified financial accounts of thetrading of the Agent above its assessed credit risk entity. Other sources of information may be used inlimit. order to obtain more complete assessment or to

provide additional details regarding the company,• A financial assessment of the Agents current certi-to the benefit of all parties, such as:fied accounts will determine that amount. The sum

involved could cover either the total sales of the — Total payment record;Agent or any part of its average sales, which is — Bank position: highest debit and credit; agreedregularly above the assessed credit limit. overdraft limit; total facilities available; security

• Similarly, in the following circumstances, an Agent held by bank;will be required to provide a financial security until — credit rating: gearing/debt to equity ratio/such time as it is able to demonstrate a satisfactory interest payment ability;financial and credit standing, in accordance with — Company search: this provides useful back-the above, based on an assessment of accounts ground information to help to establish anreflecting its current situation: overall credit limit;— a new company applying to be an IATA Agent, — Trading record and commercial standing: thiswith less than one years trading, as evidenced would apply to the company and, where appro-by full certified annual financial statements; priate, its owners/shareholders and/or direc-— an Agent incurring two notices of irregularity tors.

for late-payment(s) within a 12 month period; • The latest accounts and a current company search— an Agent which undergoes a change of owner- will normally enable the trading record and com-

ship, which either: mercial standing to be evaluated. Where this infor-— requires a new cargo Agent Agreement; mation reveals any matters of significant concern,

or particularly related to owners, shareholders, and/ordirectors (e.g. previous involvement with a de-— is a majority change of shareholding,faulting agent) a further investigation will bewhich results in a change of control of

• Total sales.• In marginal cases, e.g. where the accounts areFINANCIAL REVIEWS acceptable but there is an underlying weakness in

the general financial position, or where a companyFinancial reviews for the purpose of assessing creditsearch suggests cause for concern over the latestlimits will be carried out by IATA, applying the followingyear's results, vis-à-vis previous years, some formcriteria:of additional security may be required.

• A minimum paid-up share capital—for limited• For each Agent assessed, the CASS Managementcompanies in accordance with national law, or an

will, where possible, provide information relating toequivalent amount in the capital account for unin-the preceding three years of the Agents:corporated firms, e.g. partnerships/sole traders, will— payment details;be required.— instances of irregularity, if any;• Solvency—defined as the excess of total tangible

assets over total liabilities (intangible assets, such — average and maximum credit extended andas goodwill, will be excluded). settled.

• If a balance sheet reveals a potentially insolvent • If this information is not available, the company'sposition, (as defined in local accounting practices), own records, plus IATA sales figures, where appro-corrective action must be taken within seven days priate, will be taken into consideration.(e.g. by cash injection in the form of share capital • Disputes:or a subordinated loan). Such corrective action

— Individual disputes over credit limits or theshall be in addition to the provision or retention of aapplication of the agreed procedures will, inguarantee.the first instance, be resolved by discussions

• Financial instability—in the case of any underlying between the Agent and IATA (the Financialweakness in the financial stability of a company, all Assessor). If the dispute cannot be resolved,requested corrective action must be finalized within the parties may agree to consult CACP om-60 days. budsman.

• However, a loss in a particular year may be treatedas an exception where a consistent record ofprofitability can be demonstrated and the loss isunlikely to recur.


Ratification Certificate (Category I, Cargo) of China CivilFINANCIAL CRITERIA—CHINAAir Transport Sales Agency Services is issued by CATA(China Air Transport Association).

MINIMUM CAPITAL(II) Promotion and Selling

The registered capital shall not be less thanThese criteria are set out in Resolution 807, Attach-RMB 1,500,000. If a sales agent establishes a branchment ‘A’, Section 1, Paragraph, an additional registered capital of RMB 500,000

shall be increased. The applicant must have been engaged in the business offreight forwarding for at least 12 months.

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (III) Minimum Staff RequirementAn applicant shall provide an audited financial statement The applicant shall employ:prepared in accordance with standard accounting prac-tices. The statement shall reflect the financial position of a) at least three full-time staffs holding the IATA Intro-an Agent at the latest with 12 months prior to date of ductory Course Diploma or have successfully completedsubmission. Such statement shall be evaluated and found an equivalent Course offered by an IATA Member, or anysatisfactory pursuant to the financial standards. The other Course acceptable to the Agency Administratorfinancial ratio analysis set forth in the following criteria is offered by an airline, commercial organization, or trainingas follows: institute;

a) Positive Net Profit–All accounts should show that the b) at least three full-time staffs holding the IATAagent has made a profit before tax at the end of an Advanced Module 2 Course Diploma, or a Member'saccounting period; Course of formal instruction in Dangerous Goods hand-

ling, or a Course of formal instruction offered by a trainingb) Current Ratio–Current Assets divided by Current institute that has been appraised and endorsed by theLiabilities 130%; IATA Dangerous Goods Board.c) Liquid Ratio–(Current Assets–Inventory) divided by (IV) InsuranceCurrent Liabilities 100%;

The applicant must be adequately insured against publicd) Cash Ratio–Cash & Bank divided by Current Liab- liability, burglary, theft, and fire. Its vehicles must also beilities 30%; adequately insured against third party risks.e) Assets Liabilities Ratio–Total Liabilities divided by (V) Financial RequirementsTotal Assets 65%; and

The applicant shall submit a set of independently pro-f) Cash Flow Statement–also be considered duced financial statement prepared in accordance withsatisfactory. local accounting practices as specified in the CargoGeneral Assembly and published in the Cargo Agent'sHandbook.FINANCIAL GUARANTEEIn addition, the applicant must provide the followingA Bank Guarantee of a minimum sum of RMB 2,000,000documents:or 100% of the average monthly prepaid sales generated1) one authenticated Certificate of the Registeredby a Cargo Agent, whichever is the higher. If a Cargo

Capital issued by the Industry & CommercialAgent establishes a branch office, an additional bankAdministration of the People's Republic of China. Theguarantee shall be provided for a minimum sum ofminimum registered capital required isRMB 2,000,000 or 100% of the average monthly prepaidRMB 1,500,000. If a Cargo Agent establishes asales generated base on each branch office, which everbranch office, an additional registered capital ofis higher.RMB 500,000 shall be increased.

CRITERIA FOR REGISTRATION AND 2) a Bank Guarantee of a minimum sum ofRETENTION RMB 2,000,000 or 100% of the average monthly

prepaid sales generated by a Cargo Agent,The criteria for registration and retention as an IATA whichever is the higher. If a Cargo Agent establishesCargo Agent are set forth in Resolution 807, Attach- a branch office, an additional bank guarantee shallment ‘A’, Section 1, Paragraphs 1.1 through 1.9. The key be provided for a minimum sum of RMB 2,000,000 orareas of consideration are: 100% of the average monthly prepaid sales

generated base on each branch office, which ever is(I) Licence to Trade higher.3) one set of Sales Report on IATA Carriers for the past“Business Licence” is issued by the Industry and Com-

12 months.merce Administration Authority.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


Taiwan is NTD 3,000,000. Full audited annual Financial Statements disclosing airlinesales and aged debtors must be produced annually bythe legal entity acting as the IATA Cargo Agent. TheseEVALUATION PROCEDURE accounts must be supplied to IATA, upon request, or atthe latest within six months of the Agent's financial year-(i) the Applicant must submit the most recent Profit andend. The Agent must be able to provide accreditedLoss Account and Balance Sheet, both duly certified by aaccounts showing a satisfactory financial standing. Satis-Chartered or Public Accountant. These documents mustfactory financial standing shall mean:not be older than six months at the time of consideration

by the Financial Advisory Sub-Committee (FASC). An age a) Positive Net Profitanalysis statement of accounts receivable should also besubmitted; b) Positive liquidity ratio

(ii) there should be a recent satisfactory banker's report; c) Share capital commensurate with turnover(as follows):(iii) the FASC requires a working capital ratio of at

least 1:1; The minimum paid-up share capital should be 2% ofthe annual turnover for a company trading less than(iv) in lieu of increasing paid-up capital to the requisite five years and 1% of the annual turnover for a companyminimum level, a Bank Guarantee or other form of trading over five years. Should the audited accountsfinancial security may be considered. indicate that the Agent is insolvent, the Agent will beplaced on cash basis and should stop trading withimmediate effect, until corrective action is taken. If theinsolvent position is not reversed within 60 days, theAgent's agreement will be terminated.

PROFITABILITYAll accounts should show that the agent has made a profitbefore tax at the end of an accounting period. A fullguarantee will be required if this is not the case and untilthe Agent can demonstrate a return profit.

GUARANTEEAn Agent may be required to provide additional financialsupport in the form of a bank or insurance bond orguarantee. This must be:

a) Issued in an acceptable form by a recognised bank orinsurance company. The guarantee amount will be basedon average eight weeks cash trading less net worth*. Anyguarantee will be reviewed at least on a yearly basis.

b) An option for all agents will be more frequentreporting and fortnightly remittance to all airlines for afurther reduction of 40% of the guarantee.

REDUCTION OF GUARANTEESpecial provision has been made for the reduction in theguarantee amount, subject to the Agent meeting thefinancial criteria and in addition, the following conditionsbeing met:• No more of a maximum of two instances of irregu-

larities for late payment may have been issuedagainst the Agency in the previous 12 months.

1* Cash trading means net settlements of all sales less credit card sales.

Net worth means share capital plus retained profit less long-termliabilities.


Irregularities incurred prior to a substantial change of LOCAL FINANCIAL CRITERIA—EGYPTownership (more than 30%) will no longer be countedagainst the new owners. However, this will not apply to a 1. GENERAL RULESchange of ownership/shareholding involving less than

1.1 Audited Accounts means accounts reviewed by an30%, nor to a change of name. Following such changesauditor recognized as competent by a regulatory authorityany record of irregularities during the last 12 months willin Egypt to perform an audit that are provided to maintained.

• The Agent must not have been in default within the 1.2 Audited Account Include the following:previous five years.1.2.1 Balance SheetReduction in the guarantee may be as follows:1.2.2 Income Statement

Number of years1.2.3 Expenditure sheetin business % Reduction

0 — <5 0% 1.2.4 Notes to accounts5 — <7 10%

1.2.5 A copy of the financial auditor license stamped by7 — <10 20% the Ministry of finance (accountants and auditor register)>10 30%

1.3 All financial information used in the financial criteriawill be extracted from the Agent/s Audited accounts.

NEW APPLICANTS1.4 If an Agent has been in business for less than 12months at the time of application, an Audited openinga) An applicant must have been in operation as a Cargobalance sheet must be provided instead and additionalAgent six months before applying for IATA approval.documents required by IATA as per common practice

b) Applicants unable to provide full audited financial1.5 An applicant must have been in operations as astatements reflecting a two-year trading period will becargo agent six months before applying for IATA approvalrequired to provide a full guarantee.

c) A bank guarantee will be based on an estimatedaverage eight weeks cash trading* less net worth orUSD 15,000 (or equivalent in local currency) whichever ishigher.

d) Applicants whose accounts show a negative liquidityand/or do not show a profit before tax will not beapproved, until they can demonstrate an improvedfinancial standing.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


2.1 Financial Scoring Matrix for Cargo agents

Ratios Formula Ratio Range Score Weight Weighted ScoreProfitability RatiosNet Profit Margin [Net Profit Before

tax/CY Sales] x100

>= 8% 1.00 20 20.00> = 2.5% < 8% 0.70 20 14.00> = 1% < 2.5% 0.35 20 7.00< 1% 0.00 20 0.00

Liquidity RatioCurrent Ratio Current > = 1.8 1.00 20 20.00


> = 1 x < 1.8 0.70 20 14.00> = 0.75 x < 1 0.35 20 7.00< 0.75 0.00 20 0.00

Cash-Flow Ratio Cash & Cash > = 0.2 1.00 25 25.00equivalents/AnnualSales

> = 0.15 < 0.2 0.70 25 17.50> = 0.1 < 0.15 0.35 25 8.75< 0.1% 0.20 25 5.00

Turnover RatiosDays Sales [Trade > = 120 0.25 20 5.00Outstanding Debtors/Annual

Sales] x 365> = 90 < 120 0.50 20 10.00> = 45 < 90 0.70 20 14.00< 45 1.00 20 20.00

Solvency RatioDebt Equity Ratio Total Debt/Total > = 1.2 0.10 15 1.50

Equity> = 1.0 < 1.2 0.35 15 5.25> = 0.51 < 1.0 0.70 15 10.50< 0.51 1.00 15 15.00

Total 100.00


Local Financial Criteria—Egypt

2.2 Financial Scoring definitions

Ratios Ratio Components SourceProfitability RatiosNet Profit Margin Numerator : Net profit Before tax Denominator : Sales for Current year = Cash plus Income and

credit sales related to the core Cargo business expenditurestatement

Liquidity RatioCurrent Ratio Numerator : Current assets = Total Current assets Balance sheet

Current Assets on the balance sheet which can either be converted to cash or Current Assetsused to pay current liabilities within 12 months. Include cash, cash equivalents(short-term government bonds, marketable securities), accounts receivable and theportion of prepaid liabilities which will be paid within 1 year.– Current assets (related party)A Related Party is an individual or company defined as an associate, and includesshareholders, directors, trustees, partners, proprietors or their immediate family.Loans to and investments in a Related Party will not be considered as assets ofthe agency for the purposes of the financial evaluation. However if the Agent isable to provide satisfactory documentary evidence that:– the Loan or Investment is readily able to be converted to cash and,– will be repaid should the working capital position of the Agent decline, such

assets may be considered.– Current assets (intercompany items)An item is an intercompany item whether it arises directly or indirectly from anintercompany transaction. Intercompany transactions may involve such items asthe declaration and payment of dividends, the purchase and sale of assets such asinventory or plant assets, and borrowing and lending. Regardless of the type oftransaction, the occurrence of an intercompany transaction, if not removed(eliminated from the consolidated financial statements), can often result in amisrepresentation of the consolidated entity's financial position.

Current Ratio Denominator : Current liabilities = Total current liabilities Balance SheetCurrent Liabilities of balance sheet that are to be settled in cash within 12 months.Include accounts payable for goods and services, short-term debts, taxdebts.– Current liabilities (related party)A Related Party is an individual or company defined as an associate, and includesshareholders, directors, trustees, partners, proprietors or their immediate family.Loans from a Related Party: If the Agent provides satisfactory documentaryevidence that the loan is in the form of a long-term commitment to the agency,such loan may be deducted from the liabilities of the Agent. If such evidence is notavailable loans from a Related Party will be considered a liability of the agency.– Current liabilities (intercompany items)An item is an intercompany item whether it arises directly or indirectly from anintercompany transaction. Intercompany transactions may involve such items asthe declaration and payment of dividends, the purchase and sale of assets such asinventory or plant assets, and borrowing and lending. Regardless of the type oftransaction, the occurrence of an intercompany transaction, if not removed(eliminated from the consolidated financial statements), can often result in amisrepresentation of the consolidated entity's financial position. + Contingentliabilities A potential obligation liability (disclosed in the financial statements) thatmay be incurred depending on the outcome of a future event.

Cash Flow Ratio Numerator : Cash on hand/at bank/cheques from parties and any bank guarantees Balance Sheetheld/time deposits with banks. Current Assets

Income andDenominator : Sales for Current year = Cash plus credit sales related to the coreexpenditurecargo businessstatement

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xxiii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Ratios Ratio Components SourceTurnover RatiosDays Sales Numerator : Accounts receivable related to Trade ie the Cargo/Sea Freight Balance sheetOutstanding Business including intercompany business Current Assets

Income andDenominator : Sales for Current year = Cash plus credit sales related to the coreexpenditurecargo businessstatement.

Solvency RatioDebt Equity Ratio Numerator : Total Debt = LONG TERM LIABILITIES (MORE THAN 1 YEAR) + Balance sheet

Loans + Deferred Tax Payments + Lease ObligationsDenominator : Shareholders Equity = Paid Up Capital + Retained Earnings + LegalReserve + Net Profit for the Year

2.3 Non-Financial Scoring Matrix

Entity ScoreIATA ACCREDITATION YEARS Less than five Years 5

5–8 years 12> 8 years 25

Years Under Same Ownership (a Less than one year 5shareholder change of 30% or more will be 1–5 years 12regarded as change in ownership)

> 5 years 25Irregularity records–Past 12 months. 0 40

1 302 203 10

Preferential claims on assets Yes 0No 10

Total 100

2.4 Financial & non-Financial Scoring weight

Scores Score Weight Weighted ScoreFinancial Score 100.00 80 80Entity Score 100.00 20 20Overall Score 100.00

Pass Score 65% 3.4 If an Agent does not reach above Financial & Non-Financial pass score, he is required to provide a Financial

3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REVIEW Security as per section 4 of these criteria.

3.1 All Applicants must provide Audited Accounts not 4. FINANCIAL SECURITYmore than 12 months old at the time of application tobecome an Agent for the purposes of evaluation against 4.1 Financial Security must be in an IATA acceptablethe financial tests as per section 2 in these criteria. form and issued by a recognised bank with a minimum

validity of one year.3.2 All existing Agents must provide Audited Accountsno later than 6 months after each financial year end, or as 4.2 The Financial Security amount will be based onrequired by legislation, of that Agent for the purposes of average 55 days of the last 12 months CASSLink salesevaluating against the financial tests in section 2 of this (Last 12 months sales/365) X 55.criteria.

4.3 If an agent falls into a default due to late or non-3.3 If an Agent passed all Financial & Non-Financial payment then the agent will be required to provide atests (at or above the mentioned pass score rate) and did Financial Security calculated as per point 4.2 of thesenot fall into a default due to late or non-payment within criteria.the last 12 months, then the Agent will not be required toprovide a Financial Security, eventually the agent canrequest any earlier provided financial security back fromIATA.


4.4 New Applicants must provide a Financial Security FINANCIAL CRITERIA—GULF (UAE,calculated as per the following formula subject to a Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait & Qatar)minimum of EGP 150,000.00 (Estimated 12 monthssales/365) X 55.

A. Late Remittances, Cargo Agents willbe charged the following:1. Annual interest calculated at 10% on the due amountfor every day of the delay (10% is calculated on yearlybasis. Example, if the amount in question is USD 10,000and the delay is for 2 days, then the amount of interestsis USD 10,000 × 0.10 int/365 days a year = USD 2.70 perday).

2. Administration fee of USD 50.00 per late remittance.

3. NOI will still be issued against the agent (NOI rulesapply which may lead to default action).

B. Short Remittances, Cargo Agents willbe charged the following:1. Interest calculated at 10% on the short paid amountfor every day of the delay (10% is calculated on yearlybasis. Example, if the amount in question is USD 10,000and the delay is for 2 days, then the amount of interestsis USD 10,000 × 0.10 int/365 days a year = USD 2.70 perday).

2. Administration fee of USD 50.00 per late remittance.

3. NOI will still be issued against the agent (NOI rulesapply which may lead to default action).


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

b) Liquidity ratioFINANCIAL CRITERIA—HONG KONGTotal current assets less encumbrances, deposits,

Minimum paid-up capital level for applicants in Hong prepayment, stock in trade, and loans to relatedKong, HKD 1,000,000. parties

=Total current liabilities less bank overdraft, loans fromEVALUATION PROCEDURErelated partiesi. the applicant must submit the most recent Profit and(minimum requirement = 0.80:1)Loss Account and Balance Sheet, both duly audited

and certified by a Public Accountant. These c) Paid up share capitaldocuments must not be more than six months old at The minimum requirement is HKD 1,000,000.00.the time of consideration by the FASC and must

d) Tangible net worthpresent an unqualified true and fair view.A minimum requirement of HKD 1,000,000.00 orii. there should be a recent satisfactory banker's report;150% of the amount of net loss after tax for the

iii. Definitions immediately preceding financial year. The loss musta) Encumbrance be increased by the amount of expenses which in

normal circumstances should have been charged, fori. Encumbrance means any asset of the Agentexample, the fair market price of rent for officewhich has been pledged to any person forpremises provided rent-free.the security of any arrangement granted by

any person for the benefit of any person e) Trade debtors' turnoverother than the Agent A trade debtors' turnover of more than six months'

b) Related Party average sales turnover should be considered excess-ive. Additional information may be required to ascer-i. A related party means any shareholder ortain the adequacy or requirement of provision for baddirector and their immediate families,and doubtful debt.trustees or partners, associated and

subsidiary companies, holding companies f) Other mattersand their associated and subsidiary – the general nature of preferential claim oncompanies or related company. assets

c) Intangible – paid up share capital to be commensuratei. Intangible includes goodwill, trademarks, with assets

royalty, deferred expenses, deferred cost of – seasonal fluctuationsadvertising etc.

A general basic treatment could not be formalized atd) Contingent liability the outset for every Agent has its own circumstances.

i. Contingent liability does not include bank Due consideration would be taken into account.guarantee provided for trade creditors of the v. Financial StandingAgent.

a) Satisfactory without conditione) Tangible net worth

Where the Agent fully meet the financial criteria.i. Tangible net worth is the aggregate amount

b) Satisfactory subject to provision of financialof:support

– paid up share capital;Where the Agent does not fully meet the financial

– reserves; criteria set provision of financial support would be– professional property revaluation required as a temporary measure to ensure a satis-

reserves; and factory financial standing.– retained profits minus; c) Unsatisfactory– retained losses; Where the Agent's financial standing has not been

found satisfactory without condition and request to– intangibles;provide financial support has not been complied with– encumbrances;on or before the deadline.

– deferred tax assets;vi. Financial Support

– contingent liabilites; anda) Injection of paid up capital; or

– net amount of loans to related parties;b) Bank guarantee or insurance bond

iv. Financial CriteriaThe amount of bank guarantee should be for an

a) Working capital ratio average sales turnover of 6 weeks of the totalTotal current assets less encumbrances and loans to international export air cargo on IATA members andrelated parties airlines.= vii. ExemptionTotal current liabilities Agent who is 100% nationalized would be exempted(minimum requirement = 1:00:1)


viii. Financial Discretion FINANCIAL CRITERIA—INDIAIt is recognized that different interpretations of financial

The term ‘applicant’ where used in these Criteria shall beaccounts are possible and do occur. Accordingly IATAunderstood to include an IATA Cargo Agent.shall have discretion as to the most appropriate classifi-

cation in accordance with standard accounting practiceThe applicant shall provide financial statements preparedfor all items included in financial accordance with standard accounting practices.

It is in the Agent's best interest to supply to IATAany additional information that has a bearing on the Such statements shall be evaluated and found satisfac-assessment. tory pursuant to the financial standards and financial ratio

analysis set forth in these criteria.

To obtain a satisfactory evaluation, the applicant may berequired to provide additional financial support in the formof recapitalisation, bank guarantee, or other guaranteesas agreed upon.

A financial assessor or a group of financial assessors willbe appointed by ICACC will evaluate the financial state-ments. The financial assessor or group of financialassessors where deemed necessary may conduct furtherinvestigation of each applicant's financial statements atthe applicant's premises.


(1) General

Prepared by a Chartered Accountant and signed by onedirector or the proprietor(s).

The Accounts must be audited accounts.

Financial Statements shall reflect the financial position ofan Agency normally not more than 8 months prior to dateof submission. Indian law requires all financial accounts tobe closed on 31 March of each year. This applies tocorporate bodies, proprietary and partnership firms. Ac-counts for the period ending 31 March are to be com-pleted by the 30 September. Thus, any request to supplysuch documents shall be for the last available financialclosing.

(2) Change of Ownership

If the business is continuing, the applicant must submitthe latest year ending statements of audited accountsreflecting the position of the Agency in operation and acertified opening balance sheet reflecting the position ofthe new entity on commencing business.

The Agent must submit the following documents:

(3) Contents of Accounts

The laws in India require that financial accounts show thestate of the Company as at the closing of the financialyear and indicate the minimum requirements of what mustbe in such accounts.

Agents shall prepare their balance sheet and profit andloss accounts in keeping within the required framework ofthe applicable regulations.

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xxvii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

0.80—0.84 2 pointsB. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS0.75—0.79 1 point

(1) Minimum Capital Under 0.75 0 point

(i) Minimum paid up share capital for both Applicant and (iii) Debt Ratioexisting Agent is INR 100,000/-.Total Debt divided by Tangible Assets.(ii) Level of share capital be increased based on the

following scale: Total Debt includes Current Liabilities and all loans from3rd parties.

TOTAL REVENUE (INR) SHARE CAPITAL (INR)Tangible Assets are Total Assets at market valueUp to 10 million (1 crore) 100,000(including receivables from shareholders) less intangible

10 to 20 million 120,000 assets such as goodwill, franchise fees, client lists and20 to 30 million 140,000 preliminary expenses. Goodwill attaching to premises will

be classed as intangible unless supported by a written30 to 40 million 160,000valuation from an independent registered valuer.40 to 50 million 180,000

Over 50 million 200,000 Under 0.5 8 points0.50—0.59 7 pointsApproved Agents who may not meet the above criteria0.60—0.69 6 pointsshall be given a period of 2 financial years in which to

meet the minimum requirement. 0.70—0.79 5 points0.80—0.89 4 points(2) Financial Assessment0.90—0.99 3 points

Based on 5 tests and the allocation of applicable points to 1.00—1.19 2 pointseach test, maximum points are 30 and a total of 15 points 1.20—1.29 1 pointor more is considered satisfactory providing the Applicant

Over 1.29 0 pointmaintains the minimum level of share capital/ownerscapital.

(iv) Profitability RatioThe maximum number of points obtainable is made up asfollows:

(i) Integrity of Accounting System 2 pointsNet profit before tax is profit before tax and before

(ii) Current Ratio 8 points extra-ordinary items.(iii) Debt Ratio 8 points

Shareholders funds. This is the paid up share capital/(iv) Profitability Ratio 4 points owners capital plus retained earnings (minus deficit) plus(v) Tangible net worth to turnover 8 points other resources.

TOTAL 30 pointsOver 19.99% 4 points

(i) Integrity of Accounting System 15%—19.99% 3 points10%—14.99% 2 pointsThe accuracy and integrity of internal accounting system

is considered to be critical to the Agent's ability to 0%—9.99% 1 pointmanage the business. Under 0 0 point(ii) Current Ratio

(v) Tangible Net Worth to TurnoverCurrent Assets divided by Current Liabilities.

Current Assets exclude receivables from Shareholders.

Current Liabilities exclude loans provided by shareholders Tangible Net Worth is Shareholders Funds as in ratio 4or proprietor/partners. less intangibles as in ratio 3. Loans to shareholders/

proprietors will be excluded.Over 1.50 8 points

Total turnover is total annual prepaid sales on IATA1.25—1.49 7 points Airlines less 5% commission on such sales and1.00—1.24 6 points less 5% commission on charges collects sales.0.95—0.99 5 points0.90—0.94 4 points0.85—0.89 3 points

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015xxviii

Over 2% 8 points FINANCIAL CRITERIA—INDONESIA1.50—2.00 7 points1.25—1.49 6 points 1. The Cargo Agent must meet the1.00—1.24 5 points following criteria:0.75—0.99 4 points

1.1 Be trading in the industry for a minimum of0.50—0.74 3 points12 months;

0.25—0.49 2 points1.2 Minimum paid-up capital of IDR 200 million orUnder 0.25 1 pointequivalent of the local government's requirement, which-ever is higher;(3) Financial Discretion1.3 Provide an industry financial security equivalent to

It is recognised that different interpretations of financial the sum of the 3 highest billing periods in the pastaccounts are possible and do occur. The Agent shall be 12 months or USD 15000, whichever is higher. Thegiven an opportunity to be heard in the event of any financial security will be calculated on international cargodisagreement regarding the interpretation of the financial sales only;accounts. If then, however, there is any disagreement ordispute over the financial assessment, it may be resolved 1.4 Be in possession of a Logistics license (Surat Izinby ICACC In the event that it remains unresolved, the Usaha Jasa Perusahaan Transportasi–SIUJPT) or Cour-Agent would have the options expressed in Resolution ier license; (Surat Izin Penyelenggaraan Jasa Titi-801. pan–issued by Departement Pos dan Telekomunika-

si–SIPJT)(4) Solutions

Agents who are unable to meet the financial criteria shall 2. Financial Reviewbe given in writing full details and reasons of how and

2.1 Cargo Applicant/Agent is required to submit latestwhy they have failed to meet the financial criteria. Suchaudited financial statements certified by a registeredAgents shall be given a minimum of 2 full years afterPublic Accountant who is a member of the IAI (Associ-receipt of the review findings to meet the laid downation of Indonesian Public Accountants) or financial state-criteria. The Agent may use any of the following optionsment as submitted to the Tax Authorities for tax reportingto meet the laid down criteria:with endorsement. In case of tax documents, they will• Reduce sales;have to be stamped and signed by local tax authorities.

• Change the mix of sales (prepaid and chargescollect); 2.2 When assessing whether the Applicant/Agent meets

the financial standing described in paragraph 2, the• Introduce external financial support (bank, financialfollowing financial ratios shall be taken into account:institutions etc.);

• Introduce additional equity or other funds. 2.2.1 Working CapitalIf the Agent is unable to meet the laid down criteria by Greater than or equal to 1: 10.0using the stated options within 2 full years after receipt ofthe review findings. He may provide bond/ guarantee for Less than 1: 5.0only that sum which is needed to bridge the gap orshortfall. 2.2.2 Current Ratio

Greater than 2: 20.0(5) Financial Review1.5–2: 15.0Upon implementation of the Indian Formula there would

be an initial review of all IATA Cargo Agents in India.Lesser than 1.5: 10.0Those found financially weak would be subject to a

further review after two years of this initial review. 2.2.3 Quick RatioThereafter, a review of all approved Agents should be Greater than or equals 1: 30.0carried out at least once every 5 years by the financialassessors appointed by the ICACC. The financial as- Lesser than 1: 15.0sessors shall give the Agent a copy of the full financialassessment as soon as the assessment has been com-pleted.

The financial assessors shall give the Agent a copy of thefull financial assessment as soon as the assessment hasbeen completed.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

2.2.4 Account Receivable Turnover FINANCIAL CRITERIA—LEBANONGreater than or equals 10 times: 15.0


Lesser than 5 times: 7.51.1 All financial information used in the financial criteria

2.2.5 Average Age of Receivable will be extracted from the Agent's Audited accounts

Lesser than or equals 45 days: 15.0 1.2 The following financial tests apply to the evaluationof an Agent's Audited accounts:46 days–89 days: There must be a positive Net ProfitGreater than or equals 90 days: Current Ratio: (Current Assets divided by Current2.2.6 Debt-to-Total Asset Ratio Liabilities) must be over 130%

Lesser than 35% 10.0 1.2.3 Debt Ratio: (Total Debt/Tangible Assets) must beless than 50%30%–50% 7.5

1.2.4 Profitability Ratio: (Net Profit after Tax/Greater than 50% 5.0Shareholder's Funds) must be over 20%

2.2.7 Based on the above six tests and the allocation ofapplicable points to each test, a total of 65 points or more 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REVIEWis considered satisfactory for a new applicant accredita-tion purpose. In the case of reinstatement of a default 2.1.1 All Agents must provide Audited Accounts no lateragent, a minimum of 65 points is mandatory. And for than 6 months after each financial year end, or asaccredited agent retention purpose, a total of 55 points or required by legislation, of that Agent for the purposes ofmore is considered satisfactory. In case of existing evaluating against the financial tests in section 1.accredited Agents, a minimum of 55 points is consideredsatisfactory for changes in ownership and changes in 2.1.2 If an Agent has been in business for less thanshareholders process. 12 months at the time of application, an Opening Balance

sheet must be provided instead.2.2.8 Cargo Agents who fail the criteria as set forth in2.2.7 and have placed a financial security may be 2.1.3 All agents must provide a financial Security inapproved subject to their providing additional financial accordance with section 3 of these criteria. Financialsecurity in accordance with the following criteria: Tier 1: security level versus actual turnover to be reviewedAdditional 20% financial security if an agent scored higher quarterly.than or equal to 40 points and below minimum pointsrequired as per 2.2.7 Tier 2: Additional 50% financial 3. FINANCIAL SECURITYsecurity if an agent scored below 40 points.

3.1 Financial Security must be valid for a minimum of atIt is recognized that different interpretations of financial least one year.accounts are possible and do occur. Accordingly, theFinancial Assessor shall have discretion as to the most 3.2 The amount of the financial Security required mustappropriate classification in accordance with standard cover at a minimum the Amount at Risk calculated asaccounting practices for all items included in the state- below using the CASS cash turnover, amount equal toments. the average of the 3 months highest net cash sales in the

previous 12 months. If the existing Financial Security isIt is in the applicant's best interest to supply any insufficient to cover the Amount at Risk, the amount of theadditional information that has a bearing on the review. Financial Security required will be increased to cover the

Amount at Risk.

“Days Sales at Risk” * (highest 3 months net cashsales/90)

Subject to a minimum of USD 25,000.00 (Twenty FiveThousand US Dollars)

3.3 “Days Sales at Risk” means the number of daysfrom the beginning of the Agent's reporting period to theremittance date in respect of that reporting period orperiods.



STAFF SIZEApplicants must be established for not less than one year

A minimum of 15 employees is required. prior to the date of application.


2.1 All Applicants and Agents must have a minimumMinimum Paid Up Capitalpaid capital of KRW 300,000,000.

JPY 50 million2.2 The following points allocations apply for thefinancial ratio assessment: The result of the financialFinancial Indexassessment is based on three (3) tests and the allocationof applicable points to each test - The maximum possibleCurrent Ratio: At least 100% or more.points are 80.

Owners' Equity of Total Assets: At least 20% or more.The maximum number of points obtainable is made up as

Owner's Equity Ratio of Total Assets is calculated as follows:“Owners' Equity divided by Total Assets”.

i) Current Ratio 30Fixed Ratio: Maximum of 200% or less.

ii) Debt Ratio 30Fixed Ratio is calculated as “Fixed Asset divided by iii) Profitability Ratio 20Owner's Equity”. Total 80New applicants are required to submit financial docu-

i) Current Ratioments for the two most recent full financial terms/years.

Current Assets/Current LiabilitiesFinancial SecurityThe following are to be excluded from Current Assets inMinimum of JPY 50 million or average of 1.5 months making the calculation:prepaid sales whichever is higher provided that, where ani. Stocks and work in progress;Agent incurs two counts of irregularity, that Agent would

have to provide an additional bank guarantee of average ii. Deposits or guarantees given to third parties otherof 0.5 month prepaid sale. In the case an Agent meets than member airlines;both 1) over 3% CASS Japan settled share and 2) no iii. Loans to Directors, Associate Companies;irregularity in the past 10 years and IATA approves, iv. Payments in advance;average of 1.2 months prepaid sales is applied.

v. Deferred Expenses;New applicants with less than one-year air forwarding vi. Doubtful debtors;experience are required to submit minimum financial vii. Blocked of JPY 100 million or average of 2.0 monthsestimated sales whichever is higher. Current Liabilities exclude loans provided by shareholders

or proprietor/partnersFinancial Security amount is rounded up to the nearestJPY 1 million.

>2 30 pointsBank Guarantees must be issued by Japanese Financial >1.75 but <2 26 pointsServices Agency licensed bank/branch resident in Japan. >1.50 but <1.75 24 points

>1.25 but <1.50 22 points>1 but <1.25 20 pointsLess than 1 0 points

ii) Debt Ratio

Total Liabilities/Tangible Assets

Total Liabilities is the total of Current Liabilities + LongTerm Liabilities

Tangible Assets are Total Assets at market value (includ-ing receivables from shareholders) less intangible assetsbeing goodwill, franchise fees, client lists and preliminaryexpenses.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Less than 0.5 30 points for the purposes of evaluation based on the financialcriteria tests as described in paragraph 2.>0.50 but <0.60 25 points

<0.60 but <0.70 20 points 3.5 To achieve a satisfactory result in the evaluation, theAgent must:>0.70 but <0.80 15 ponitsa) Obtain minimum C grading>0.80 but <0.90 10 pointsb) Have the minimum level of paid up capital as referred>0.90 but <1 5 points

to in subparagraph 2.1>1 0 pointsNegative Tangible Assets 0 points If an Agent fails the financial review, the Agent must

provide additional financial guarantee of one (1) CASSbilling period of average sale for the latest 12 months.iii) Profitability RatioHowever, this rule will not apply to an Agent that has not

(Net Profit After Tax/Owner's Equity) x 100 received any irregularities during the previous 24 months.

Owner's Equity. This is the paid up capital/owners capital 4. INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEWSplus retained earnings (minus deficit).

The Criteria for evaluation of Agents' accounts as setforth in paragraph 2 will be applied for any interim>20% 20 pointsfinancial review of an Agent at times other than the

>15% but <20% 16 points annual review.>10% but <15% 14 points

5. FINANCIAL SECURITY>5% but <10% 12 points>0% but <5% 10 points Notwithstanding whether an Agent obtains a satisfactory

or unsatisfactory result in a financial review, all agentsLess thank 0% 0 pointsmust provide IATA with a financial guarantee equivalentto 3 times the average CASS billing period over the lastiv) Total Points Awarded/Grading12 months, [(total sales last 12 months/365) x 45] but notless than a minimum of KRW200,000,000.Total Points Grade

>=60 A The acceptable forms of financial securities are asfollows:40—59 B— Bank Guarantee20—39 C— Insurance Bond10—19 D

<10 E

2.3 The minimum passing grade is C. Any result withgrade D or E is considered to be unsatisfactory, indicatinga failure to meet the financial assessment criteria.



3.1 Applicants must submit the most recent Profit andLoss Account and Balance Sheet, both duly audited by aPublic Auditor, at the time of application to become anAgent. These documents must not be older than sixmonths at the time of consideration by IATA.

3.2 To achieve a satisfactory result in the evaluation, theAgent must:a) Obtain minimum C gradingb) Have the minimum level of paid up capital as referred

to in subparagraph 2.1

3.3 If an applicant does not obtain a satisfactory evalu-ation, the applicant will not be accredited.

Existing Agents

3.4 All Agents must provide Audited Accounts includingBalance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement, not laterthan 6 months after each financial year end of that Agent


3. Tangible Net WorthFINANCIAL CRITERIA—MALAYSIACriteria +ve Tangible +ve Tangible -ve Tangible

1. GENERAL RULES Net Worth Net Worth Net Worth+ve equity +ve equity Accumulated1.1 The minimum paid-up capital for new applicants and

losses >=existing Agents is MYR 100,000.00.share equity

1.2 The applicants are required to provide latest Bank accumulated accumulatedStatement for the last 3 consecutive months and Bank profits lossesReference letter. Points 40 20 01.3 Minimum office space is 400 sq feet.

4. Debtor days

2. FINANCIAL SECURITY Criteria (Trade Receivables/Sales) x 365<90 days <90 x <120 >120 days2.1 Notwithstanding whether an Agent obtains a satis-

daysfactory or unsatisfactory result in a financial review, allPoints 10 5 0Agents must provide a Bank Guarantee of minimum MYR

100,000.00 or two (2) CASS billing periods of averagesales for the past 12 months, whichever is the higher. The passing mark is 60 days.

2.2 Alternatively, Agents may participate in the DefaultInsurance Program.

2.3 Following a review of the financial security amount,additional financial security will be requested if the currentfinancial security provided is not sufficient to cover theamount specified in 2.1.

2.3.1 Notwithstanding clause 2.3 above, if an Agent hashad no irregularities (including Notice of Irregularity,Suspension, Default and Termination) in the past24 months, the Agent will only be required to provideadditional financial security when the average sales(based on two CASS billing periods of average sales forthe past 12 months) exceeds 20% of the amount of thefinancial security on hand.

2.3.2 Should the financial security review show that anAgent's sales (based on two CASS billing periods ofaverage sales for the past 12 months) is less than thefinancial security provided, the Agent may opt to decreasethe level of financial security accordingly.

3. FINANCIAL INDICES1. Current Ratio

Criteria >1.5 <1 x <1.5 <1Points 40 20 0

2. Preferectial Claims

Criteria No Prefential Claims Preferential ClaimsPoints 10 0

Note: Preferential claims relate to charges or any en-cumbrances created over the assets of the company andguarantees granted by the company to other partyspecially identified in the annual financial statement.Preferential claims - includes hire purchase and financelease - excludes contingent liabilities other than thoserelated to litigation & legal suits.

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xxxiii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

FINANCIAL CRITERIA—MOROCCO FINANCIAL CRITERIA—PAKISTANAgents will provide a bank guarantee of 35 days salesequivalent based on their sales in the past six months. 1. GENERAL RULESThe guarantee required will not exceed the amount of

1.1 Applicants must be established and trading activelyMAD 4.0 million. However, an agent may voluntarilyin the promotion and sales of international air cargoprovide a higher guarantee. A credit facility of 25% intransportation for a minimum of 12 months.addition to the guarantee provided will be granted.

Beyond this credit limit, a payment equal to the credit limit 1.2 The IATA Agent must provide Audited financialwill have to be made.statements annually including a Balance Sheet and Profitand Loss Statement, not later than 6 months after eachfinancial year end.

1.3 The Audited financial statements must be certifiedby a registered Chartered Accountant who is a member ofthe ICAP (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan).

2. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OFAGENTS' ACCOUNTS2.1 All Applicants and Agents must have a minimumPaid up Capital of PKR 4.00 Million. Paid Up Capital isdefined as the amount of a company's capital that hasbeen funded by shareholders. Paid-up capital can be lessthan a company's total capital.

2.2 The following points allocations apply for thefinancial ratio assessment: The result of the financialassessment is based on three (3) tests and the allocationof applicable points to each test - The maximum possiblepoints are 80.

The maximum number of points obtainable is made up asfollows:

i) Current Ratio 30ii) Debt Ratio 30iii) Profitability Ratio 20


i) Current Ratio

Current Assets/Current Liabilities

The following are to be excluded from Current Assets inmaking the calculation:i. Stocks and work in progress;ii. Deposits or guarantees given to third parties other

than member airlinesiii. Loans to Directors, Associate Companies;iv. Payments in advance;v. Deferred Expenses;vi. Doubtful debtors;vii. Blocked funds


Financial Criteria—Pakistan

Current Liabilities exclude loans provided by shareholders 3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REVIEWSor proprietor/partners

3.1 Applicants and Agents must submit the most recentProfit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet, both duly 2 30pointsaudited, certified by a registered Chartered Accountant>1.75 but < 2 26points who is a member of the ICAP (Institute of Chartered

>1.50 but <1.75 24 points Accountants of Pakistan), at the time of application tobecome an Agent. These documents must not be older>1.25 but < 1.50 22pointsthan six months at the time of consideration by IATA.>1 but <1.25 20Points

Less than 1 0 points 3.2 To achieve a satisfactory result in the evaluation, theApplicant/Agent must

ii) Debt Ratio a) Obtain minimum B gradingb) Have the minimum level of paid up capital as referredTotal Liabilities/Tangible Assets

to in subparagraph 2.1Total Liabilities is the total of Current Liabilities + LongTerm Liabilities 4. INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEWSTangible Assets are Total Assets at market value (includ-

The Criteria for evaluation of Agents/ Applicants’ accountsing receivables from shareholders) less intangible assetsas set forth in paragraph 2 will be applied for any interimbeing goodwill, franchise fees, client lists and preliminaryfinancial review of an Agent at all times including that ofexpenses.the annual financial review.

Less than 0.5 30points> 0.50 but < 0.60 25points 5. FINANCIAL SECURITY> 0.60 but < 0.70 20points 5.1 Where an Applicant or Agent obtains a satisfactory> 0.70 but < 0.80 15 points result in a financial review, the Applicant/ Agent must

provide an industry Financial Security of PKR 5.00 Million> 0.80 but < 0.90 10pointsor equal to 30% of 35 days average sales turnover,> 0.90 but < 1 5 pointswhichever is higher “Sales Turnover” is defined as “net

1 0 points sales plus taxes and surcharges”.Negative Tangible Assets 0 points

5.2 Where an Applicant or Agent fails to obtain asatisfactory result in a financial review, the Applicant/iii) Profitability RatioAgent must provide an industry Financial Security equalto 100% of 35 days average sales turnover or PKR 5.00(Net Profit After Tax/Owner's Equity) X 100Million whichever is higher

Owner's Equity. This is the paid up capital/owners capitalplus retained earnings (minus deficit).

20% 20points> 15% but < 20% 16points> 10% but < 15% 14points> 5% but < 10% 12 points> 0% but < 5% 10pointsLess than 0% 0 points

iv) Total Points Awarded/Grading

Total Points Grade>= 60 A40 - 59 B20 - 39 C10 - 19 D<10 E

2.3 The minimum passing grade is B. Any result withgrade C to E is considered to be unsatisfactory, indicatinga failure to meet the financial assessment criteria.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


A. PREPARATION1.1 The financial statements must be signed by theapplicant's Chief Financial Officer and one director or theproprietor and must be duly audited by a Certified PublicAccountant.

1.2 Late or incomplete submission to the Agency Ad-ministrator will require the Agent to place an additionalIndustry Financial Guarantee of minimum SGD15,000 or6 weeks of the total annual sales, whichever is higher(pursuant to paragraph 4.2 of this Resolution).


Financial Criteria—Singapore


2.1 Minimum Capital

Each applicant must have minimum paid-up share capital of SGD100,000.

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xxxvii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



Financial Statements will be assessed against the follow-4.1 Minimum industry financial guarantee (IFG) for newing criteria.IATA Accredited Cargo Agent is SGD10,000.

1.1 The Applicant must submit the most recent AnnualExisting AgentsFinancial Statements in accordance with the requirements

4.2 The IFG amount is based on per agent per airline of the South African Companies Act. If the Applicant is inbasis irrespective of whether or not an agent obtains a business for less than 12 months, the Applicant mustsuccessful score pursuant to the Financial Assessment submit reviewed management accounts. These docu-indicators in paragraph 2.2. ments must not be older than six months at the time of

submission to IATA. The applicant shall also submit an4.3 For any IFG amount above the levels indicated in updated supporting document of the most recent AgeParagraph 4.5, such additional IFG amount will be up- Analysis of Account Receivable and Payable togetherdated by participating CASS Airlines after consultation with the application.and agreement with their respective Cargo Agents.

1.2 There should be a recent satisfactory banker’s4.4 In the event of a default, the IFG will be claimed and report. Codes A, B and C are satisfactory. Code D isdisbursed to affected Airlines individually. Should there be satisfactory for a moderate credit limit request.excess IFG (amount of any Airline) after each Airlinedisbursement of dues in full, it will then be disbursed BANK CODESproportionately to the affected short-paid Airlines.

CODE SHORT LONG4.5 The minimum financial guarantee is SGD10,000 or DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONmonthly average based on past 12-month billing periodsA Bank code A Undoubted for allgenerated by CASS Agents on the participating CASS

BusinessAirlines, whichever is higher.engagements

Where an Agent's financial standing is found to be B Bank Code B Good forunsatisfactory by IATA's appointed financial assessor businessbased on published criteria (score of 10 points or fewer, engagementspursuant to paragraph 2.2 of this Resolution), the Agent

C Bank code C Good for normalwould will have to provide a financial guarantee ofengagementsminimum SGD15,000 or average 6 weeks of the total

D Bank Code D Good forannual sales, or IFG amount as computed in terms ofmoderateparagraph 4.2 above, whichever is higher.businessengagements

1.3 Financial Assessment

The Financial assessment is based on Five Tests and theallocation of the applicable points to each Test. Maximumpoints are 30 and a total of 15 points or more isconsidered satisfactory.

The maximum number of points obtainable is made up asfollows:

Integrity of Accounting 2 pointsSystemCurrent Ratio 10 pointsDebt Ratio 10 pointsProfitability Ratio 4 pointsTangible Net worth to 4 pointsTurnoverTOTAL 30 points

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015xxxviii

Financial Criteria—South Africa

1.3.1 Integrity of Accounting System Under 0.5 10 points0.5 – 0.59 9 pointsThe accuracy and integrity of internal accounting systems0.6 – 0.69 8 pointsis considered to be critical to the applicant's and existing

agent's ability to manage the business. 0.7 – 0.79 7 points0.8 – 0.89 6 pointsTwo points will be awarded if it can be proved that the0.9 – 0.99 5 pointsAgent has an unqualified audit report, which will report

that the company has adequate controls and that the 1.10 – 1.09 4 pointsfinancial information is reliable. If the audit report result 1.10 – 1.19 2 pointsshows as qualified the Agnect will fail the test. Agents

Over 1.19 0 pointsubmitting unaudited financial statements will fail the test.

1.3.2 The Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liab- 1.3.4 Profitability Ratioilities

The Profitability Ratio = Net Profit after Tax/Shareholder’sThis ratio provides a measure of short term solvency of Fundsthe entity.

This ratio is a measure of how well the owner’s invest-Current Assets exclude receivables from shareholders. ment has been employed by management. Net Profit after

Tax-Profit after taxes but before extraordinary items.Current Liabilities include the current portion of externallong term debt, but exclude loans provided by share- Shareholder’s Funds - This is calculated by summarisingholders or proprietors. share capital plus retained earnings (minus deficit) plus

other resources.Over 1.99 10 points

Over 19.99% 4 points1.75 – 1.99 9 points15% – 19.99% 3 points1.50 – 1.74 8 points10% – 14.99% 2 points1.25 – 1.49 7 points0% – 9.99% 1 point1.00 – 1.24 6 pointsUnder 0 0 point0.95 – 0.99 4 points

0.90 – 0.94 2 points 1.3.5 Tangible Net Worth TurnoverUnder 0.89 0 point

The Tangible Net Worth Turnover = Tangible Net1.3.3 Debt Ratio Worth/Total Turnover

The Debt Ratio = Total Debt/Tangible Assets This ratio equates the tangible net worth of an applicantwith its turnover and recognizes that the greater the

This ratio indicates how much of the debt is covered by turnover of an organization the greater should be itscreditors and how much by shareholders. Ideal ratio is an tangible net worth.equal investment by shareholders to external creditors.

Tangible Net Worth is the shareholders’ funds lessTotal Debt includes current liabilities and all loans from intangibles. Loans to shareholders/proprietors will bethird parties and includes loans provided by shareholders excluded.or proprietors.

Total Turnover is currently the annual gross sales from allTangible Assets are the total assets (including receiv- sources.ables from shareholders) less intangible assets such asgoodwill, franchise fees, client lists and preliminary ex- Duty and Taxes will be excluded as a disbursementpenses. where the Agent has a policy of collecting duty and taxes

before disbursing it and if a declaration is provided statingGoodwill attaching to premises will be classed as intan- the value of such duty and taxes.gible unless supported by a written valuation from anindependent registered value. Over 2% 4 points

1.50 – 2.00 4 points1.00 – 1.49 3 points0.75 – 0.99 3 points0.50 – 0.74 2 points0.25 – 0.49 2 pointsUnder 0.25 2 points

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xxxix

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

2 INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEWS FINANCIAL CRITERIA—SRI LANKAIt is recognised that different interpretations of financial

accounts are possible and do occur. Accordingly, the 1. GENERALFinancial Assessor shall have discretion as to the mostappropriate classification in accordance with standard 1.1 Applicants must have been trading in the industry foraccounting practices for all items included in Financial a minimum of 12 months.Statements.

2. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATIONIt is in the applicant’s and existing Agents best interest tosupply to the financial assessor any additional information 2.1 Applicants and Agents must have a minimum paid-that has a bearing on the review. up capital of LKR 2,500,000.

3 FINANCIAL SECURITY 2.2 Current Ratio must be positive:

If the Agent passed the financial tests and satisfied all Current Assetspoints below, the agent will not be required to provideIATA with a Financial Security: Current Liabilities > 1

3.1.1 The Agent has not had any of the following in the 2.3 Adjusted Net Equity must exceed the sum of long-last 12 months: term debts and long-term liabilities.i. A default (including defaults resulting from an 3. FINANCIAL SECURITYaccumulation of irregularities) and removal from the

Agency List. Applicants and existing Agentsii. A change of ownership

3.1 Where an Agent's financial standing is found to be3.2 “applicants and existing agents who are unable to unsatisfactory by IATA's appointed financial assessormeet the Financial Criteria will be requested to provide based on the local criteria as set forth in 2.2 and 2.3additional Financial Security: above, the Agent would have to provide a financial

security of minimum LKR 1,000, Financial Security is calculated according to theaverage of “Days Sales at Risk”.

3.2.2 “Days at Risk” means the number of days from thebeginning of the Agents’ reporting period to the remit-tance date in respect of the reporting periods, plus amargin of up to five days.

3.2.3 Financial Security = (last 12 months CASSSales/365) *65 days.

3.2.4 Insurance to cover the export CASS exposure

3.2.5 Any agent under DIP whose Average days salesat Risk sales exceeds its maximum DIP limit, mustprovide a Bank Guarantee, approved insurance bondcover or additional DIP cover for the excess amount.


This ratio provides a measure of short term solvency ofFINANCIAL CRITERIA—THAILANDthe entity. Current assets: excludes receivables fromshareholder.(1) Minimum registered capital level for applicants in

Thailand shall THB 5,000,000 (Five Million Thai Baht),Current Liabilities: includes the current portion of external50% of which shall be paid-up.long-term debt but excludes loans provided by share-holders or proprietors.(2) Applicants and Agents must submit a bank guaran-

tee in favour of IATA that is, calculated on the basis of thepoints scored by the Applicant/ Agent’s, pursuant to a Over 1.99 8 pointsFinancial Evaluation. The Financial Evaluation shall be 1.5—1.99 7 pointscarried out as described herein..

1.25—1.49 6 points1.00—1.24 5 pointsLevel Bank Guarantee to IATA

(Average 45 days’ sale) 0.95—0.99 4 pointsLevel 1 (0-14 points) 50% 0.90—0.94 3 pointsconsider as Fail 0.85—0.89 2 pointsLevel 2 (15-19 points) 5% 0.80—0.84 1 pointLevel 3 (20-24 points) 3% Under 0.80 0 pointsLevel 4 (25-28 points) 0%

b) Debt Ratio =The Minimum Bank Guarantee required shall be THB500,000.- or a percentage of the average 45 days’ salepursuant to the points scored, whichever is higher. Thisapplies only for Level 1, 2 and 3 as per the above chart.

This Ratio measures the amount of assets provided bycreditor for each dollars of tangible assets. Total DebtEVALUATION PROCEDURE includes current liabilites and all loans provided byshareholders or proprietors. Tangible Assets: Total as-(i) The applicant must submit the most recent Profit and sests (including receivable from shareholders) less intan-Loss Account and Balance Sheet, both duly audited and gible assets such as goodwill, franchise fee, client list andcertified by a registered Certified Public Accountant. preliminary expenses.These documents must not be older than six months at

the time of consideration by IATA. Applicant shall also8 points Under 0.5submit an updated supporting document of most recent

Age Analysis of Account Receivable and Payable 7 points 0.5—0.59together with the application. 6 points 0.6—0.69

5 points 0.7—0.79(ii) There should be a recent satisfactory banker'sreport. 4 points 0.8—0.89

3 points 0.9—0.99(iii) In lieu of increasing paid-up capital, a Bank2 points 1.0—1.99Guarantee or other forms of financial security may be

considered. 1 point 1.2—1.290 points Over 1.29(iv) Applicant must submit its audited financial state-

ment for full review and assessment of applicant'sc) Profitability Ratiofinancial stability by IATA. Maximum point attainable is 30

and a total of 15 points or more is considered satisfactory.The maximum number of points obtainable is made up asfollows:

This ratio is a measure of how well the owners investment(a) Current Ratio 8 points has been employed by management. Net Profit after tax:(b) Debt Ratio 8 points Profit after tax but before extraordinary item.(c) Profitability Ratio 4 points(d) Tangible net worth to turnover 8 points

TOTAL 28 points

a) Current Ratio =


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Shareholders funds: This is calculated by summary share FINANCIAL CRITERIA—capital plus retained earning (minus deficit) plus other THE PHILIPPINESresources.

Over 19.99% 4 points 1. General15%—19.99% 3 points 1.1 Minimum Paid-up Capital: PHP 2.0 million10%—14.99% 2 points

1.2 Applicants must submit latest 12 months breakdown0%—9.99% 1 pointsof Sales Report PP/CC (Prepaid/Collect) on Member

Under 0% 0 points Airlines.

d) Tangible Net worth to turnover = 2. Criteria for Evaluation

2.1 Liquidity Ratio > 1.0 (Current Assets/CurrentLiabilities)

3. Financial ReviewThis Ratio equates the Tangible net worth of an agentwith its turnover and recognizes that the greater the

Applicantsturnover of an organization the greater should be itstangible net worth 3.1 Applicants must provide Audited Accounts at the

time of application to become an Agent for the purpose ofTangible Net Worth = Shareholders funds as in ratio 4evaluation against the financial criteria tests set forth inless intangibles. Loans to shareholders/proprietors will bethese criteria.excluded.

3.2 Audited Accounts must reflect the financial positionTotal Turnover = Total annual gross sales from allof the applicant not more than 6 months prior to the datesources.of submission.

Over 2% 8 points 3.3 If an applicant fails to pass any of the criteria, the1.5—2.0 7 points application will be disapproved.1.01—2.0 6 points Agents0.75—1.0 5 points

3.4 All Agents must provide Audited Accounts for each0.50—0.75 4 pointsfinancial year end of the Agent for the purpose of

0.25—0.50 3 points evaluation against the financial criteria tests set forth in0.15—0.25 2 points these criteria.Under 0.15 1 points 3.5 Audited Accounts must be provided no later than

6 months after the Agent's financial year end.(v) The level of the Financial Security is subject to a 3.6 If an Agent fails to pass any of the financial criteriaperiodic review which takes in to account the Financial tests:Evaluation report.

3.6.1 Agent will be given 60 days to take correctiveaction.

3.6.2 If the Agent fails to take corrective actions, Agentwill be suspended from CASS.

4. Financial Security

4.1 Notwithstanding whether an Agent obtains satisfac-tory or unsatisfactory result in a financial review, allAgents must provide IATA with a Financial Security, asper the calculation set forth in these criteria.

4.2 Applicants and Agents must provide IATA with aFinancial Security for an amount equal to the Agent'saverage 60-day production of the pas 12 months, or otherinstruments approved by ICAP.


Conditions for Return of Bank GuaranteeFINANCIAL CRITERIA—TURKEYAmount:

The financial review of the agents shall be carried out asstipulated in the applicable Cargo Agency Conference The agent may request for recalling a certain portion of itsResolutions. Additionally, the agents shall be required to Bank Guarantee, provided that the agent:provide a bank guarantee as mentioned below. – is an active participant in CASS–Turkey for a mini-

mum of the last 12 consecutive months,– has had no irregularity or default instance in the last1. New applicants

12 consecutive months.Bank guarantee amount for the new agents shall be a

Subject to the above, the average of 15 days of “settledminimum of USD 25,000.00 (United States Dollarsamount” shall be taken as the amount of Bank GuaranteeTwenty Five Thousand) or the average of 50 days ofto be retained and the remaining Bank Guarantee amountexpected “settled amount” i.e. the amount which ismay be returned to the agent concerned.calculated on the basis of the estimation, as provided by

the applicant, whichever is higher. The amount of guaran-tee required shall be increased within the first two yearsof trading if it is found to be insufficient to cover theagent's average of 50 days of expected “settled amount”.

2. Existing agents (Agents which havecompleted two years of training)Bank Guarantee amount for the existing agents shall be aminimum of USD 25,000.00 (United States DollarsTwenty Five Thousand) or average of 15 days of “settledamount”, whichever is higher. Where an agent incursthree counts of irregularity, the agent shall be required tofurnish an additional Bank Guarantee worth the amount ofaverage of 50 days of “settled amount”.

Maximum Bank Guarantee amount may beUSD 750,000.00 (United States Dollars Seven Hundredand Fifty Thousand).

In the event of a default, the agent shall be required tofurnish a Bank Guarantee worth the amount of average of60 days of “settled amount”.

The sales review for the agents will be performed by theAgency Administrator, according to the periods mentionedbelow:– For January–June sales period: till 15th August,– For July–December sales period: till 15th February.

As a result of the sales review, the agent shall have toprovide an additional Bank Guarantee if required. How-ever if the difference between the agent's current BankGuarantee amount and the amount established by thesales review is less than USD 10,000.00 (United StatesDollars Ten Thousand); the additional bank Guaranteeamount may not be requested from the agent.

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xliii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


1. GENERAL RULES 0.50—0.59 25 points0.60—0.69 20 pointsThe Agency Administrator has the right to conduct

Financial Reviews of Agents at any time to ensure 0.70—0.79 15 pointscompliance with the financial criteria set forth in these 0.80—0.89 10 pointscriteria, including at a minimum an annual Review.

0.90—0.99 5 points2. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION 1 0 point

2.1 Minimum Capital 2.5 Profitability RatioPaid up capital for a new applicant or existing Agent mustbe at a minimum USD 50,000.

2.2 Financial AssessmentOwner's Equity. This is the paid up capital/owners capital

The result of the financial assessment is based on 4 tests plus retained earnings (minus deficit).and the allocation of applicable points to each test. Themaximum possible points is 100. 20% 20 points

15%—19.99% 16 pointsThe maximum number of points obtainable is made up asfollows: 10%—14.99% 14 points

5%—9.99% 12 pointsi. Current Ratio 30

0%—4.99% 10 pointsii. Debt Ratio 30

Less than 0.50 0 pointiii. Profitability Ratio 20iv. Tangible net worth to turnover 20

2.6TOTAL 100

Tangible Net Worth is Owner's Equity2.3 Current RatioTotal turnover is total Annual Sales/RevenueCurrent Assets/Current Liabilities

Current Assets exclude receivables from2% 20 pointsShareholders1.50—1.99 18 pointsCurrent Liabilities exclude loans provided by1.25—1.49 16 pointsshareholders or proprietor/partners1.00—1.24 14 points

2 30 points 0.75—0.99 12 points1.75—1.99 26 points 0.50—0.74 10 points1.50—1.74 24 points Less than 0.50 0 point1.25—1.49 22 points

3. FINANCIAL REVIEWS1.00—1.24 20 points0.80—0.99 10 points New ApplicantsLess than 0.8 0 point

3.1 New applicants must provide audited financial state-ments not more than twelve months after the Agent's last2.4 Debt Ratiofinancial year end, at the time of application to become anAgent for the purposes of evaluation against the financialTotal Liabilities/Tangible Assetscriteria tests set forth in section 2.Total Liabilities is the total of Current Liabilities +

Long Term Liabilities 3.2 To achieve a satisfactory result in the evaluation, theTangible Assets are Total Assets at market value new applicant must:(including receivables from shareholders) less a) Obtain a minimum total of 50 points in the financialintangible assets being goodwill, franchise fees, assessment; andclient lists and preliminary expenses.

b) Have the minimum level of paid up capital referred toin section 2.1 of these criteria.

3.3 If an applicant does not obtain a satisfactory evalu-ation, the applicant will not be accredited.


3.4 If an applicant obtains a satisfactory evaluation, the IATA NUMERIC CODEapplicant must provide a financial security as defined inSection 4. Upon accreditation of an Agent, the Agency Administrator

shall assign a numeric code. Such assignment shallExisting Agents continue only so long as the assignee remains an IATA

Cargo Agent and shall be withdrawn by the Agency3.5 All existing Agents must provide audited financial Administrator should the IATA accreditation bestatements for each financial year end of that Agent for terminated.the purpose of evaluation against the financial criteriatests set forth in section 2. The assigned numeric code remains the property of IATA

at all times. It shall not be shared, lent, leased, sold or3.6 Audited financial statements must be provided no otherwise transferred by the assignee to any otherlater than 6 months after the Agent's financial year end. person. Failure on the part of the assignee to respect thisexclusivity of usage requirement shall constitute valid3.7 To achieve a satisfactory result in the evaluation, thegrounds for the Agency Administrator to withdraw theexisting Agent must:assignee code and cause the Cargo Agencya) Obtain a minimum total of 50 points in the financial Commissioner to review the IATA Cargo Agent's IATAassessment; and accreditation.

b) Have the minimum level of paid up capital referred toin section 2.1 of these criteria.

3.8 If an existing Agent does not obtain a satisfactoryresult, the existing Agent must provide an additionalFinancial Security to IATA in the form of a Bank Guaran-tee of USD 30,000 or the equivalent in local currencyaccording to exchange rate published by IATA ClearingBank in Vietnam at the time of submission of theFinancial Security.

3.9 If an existing Agent obtains a satisfactory result, theexisting Agent must provide a financial security as definedin Section 4.


4.1 With effect from 1 June 2012, All Agents mustprovide a Financial Security to IATA to cover the Amountat Risk equivalent to the average sales of 3 reportingperiods of the actual CASS net sales over the last12 months from CASS Airlines (Total Sales of CASSAirlines in previous 12 months/24 x 3).

4.2 An Agent's Financial Security may be reviewed atany time and if the existing Financial Security is insuf-ficient to cover the Amount at Risk, the amount of theFinancial Security required must be increased to coverthe Amount at Risk.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

CHANGES WITHIN AN AGENCYREQUIRING IATA APPROVALUnder the terms of the Cargo Agency Rules, Agents arerequired to notify the Agency Administrator of any pro-posed change in the ownership, legal status, name oraddress of their agency and such changes are subject tothe provisions of Section 5 of the Cargo Agency Rules.

CHANGES OF OWNERSHIP AND/ORLEGAL STATUSAgents are reminded that they shall not assign any oftheir rights or obligations under their Cargo AgencyAgreement without the consent of Members. Therefore, ifa change of ownership and/or legal status is proposed,notice of such change must be given to IATA at least30 days prior to its effective date.

CHANGES OF NAME AND/OR ADDRESSIf an IATA Cargo Agent wishes to change its name oraddress, prior notice has to be given to the AgencyAdministrator in order that an application for approval ofthe change may be properly processed and all Membersthereby advised.

The consequences of overlooking the requirements forgiving prior notice could be detrimental to the continuationof an Agency's status as an IATA Cargo Agent and theimportance of advising IATA of any change ahead of timecannot be overstressed.


specialists and industry experts, provides cargo agentsIATA INTERNATIONAL CARGO AGENTSwith the necessary training to improve their compentcy inTRAINING PROGRAMME an ever-expanding and increasingly demanding industry.

The IATA International Cargo Agents Training Pro-gramme, designed and monitored by training

THE IATA INTRODUCTORY COURSE, available in — Air cargo rates and charges, application of TACTEnglish and Spanish, reflects the most up-to-date industry — The Air Waybilldevelopments and is designed to prepare cargo agentsfor the challenges of cargo industry. It is a must for all Persons holding the IATA Introductory Diploma arestaff who have attended a comprehensive course in air considered qualified under the terms of the Cargocargo operations or who need to refresh their knowledge Agency Conference Resolutions.of current air cargo handling and rating procedures. This

The IATA courses are based on a self-study, independentcourse covers the following subjects:method and are available worldwide. Students may also— Industry regulations: ICAO, IATA, FIATAchoose to take classroom courses at more than 200 IATA

— The air cargo agency: the IATA cargo consolidator Authorised Training Centres around the world. Diploma— World geography: IATA 3-letter codes—time examinations are held four times per year—in March,

differences—calculation of transportation times June, September and December. An official diploma isawarded to students who successfully complete any of— Use of guides: such as the OAG Air Cargo Guidethe courses.— Aircraft types

— Handling facilities THE IATA CARGO RATING AND MARKETINGCOURSE is open to students who have successfully— Air cargo acceptance

— Cargo booking procedures

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015 xlvii

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

completed the IATA Introductory Course, equivalent THE IATA DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS RE-courses, or who have sufficient practical experience. CURRENT COURSE is intended for persons who have

already completed the IATA Dangerous Goods Regu-This course, available in English only, teaches students lations Initial Course or an equivalent dangerous goodshow to deal confidently with complex rating situations and course within previous 24 months and who must regularlyis divided into the following units: update their knowledge in order to remain qualified under

the terms of the applicable IATA Resolution.— Review of basic cargo rating principles— Currency regulations THE IATA CARGO ENGLISH COURSE is— Construction rates (add-on amounts) intended for airline staff, cargo agents and shippers or— Combination of rates and charges packers who wish to improve their command of the

English language. Upon course completion, students will— Mixed consignmentshave gained a better understanding of cargo manuals,— Unit Load Devices (ULDs) such as TACT and OAG, be able to discuss shipmentsand their transport, using correct terms, complete EnglishIn addition since December 2012 the training includesdocuments accurately, and convey information preciselymarketing Modules which covers:to English-speaking customers.Trade and Trade Patterns

The Cargo Product An audio compact disk is included in the course material,enabling students to learn the meaning, current usageLegal Aspectsand pronunciation of cargo terminology in the context ofManagement real industry situations.


Allotments, ULD and Bulk This course giving an informative overview of the aviationDistribution security threats related to cargo and will gives basic

knowledge of how security measures are conducted.Handling and QualityTarget Groups The aim of this training is to prepare all staff involved inAdvertising air cargo chain to understand their part in this dynamic

system. As well it may provide the foundation for securityBusiness Logisticspersonnel who have to execute cargo security functionsFuture Trendsas part of their daily routines. This course is divided intoeight modules each examining a specific area of import-THE IATA DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS IN-ance in air cargo security:ITIAL COURSE is annually updated to meet the require-

ments of the latest edition of the IATA Dangerous GoodsMajor topics include:Regulations Manual. This course is intended for students

who have successfully completed the IATA/ — Threats to Civil AviationIntroductory Course, equivalent Courses or who have— Introduction to Cargo Securitysufficient practical experience. Persons holding the— Implementing Cargo Security MeasuresDGR Diploma obtained within the previous

2 years are considered qualified to accept and pro- — Catering and Mail Securitycess shipments of dangerous goods under the terms — Crime Prevention & Security Quality Controlof the Cargo Agency Conference Resolutions. Measures

— Recognition and Management of ThreatsTopics include:— Detection of Threats— Contents of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations— Management and Administration— Dangerous goods classes and divisions

— Identification IATA ELECTRONIC AIRWAYBILL (e-AWB)— Packing requirements

This course gives an overview of the electronic air waybill— Marking and labelling(e-AWB) and provides information for the technology— Documentation (air waybill, Shipper's declaration) supporting e-AWB and for the steps for implementing of

— Radioactive materials e-AWB. It is designed to prepare cargo agents for the— State and operator variations adoption of the electronic Air Waybill following ratification

of the Montreal Protocol. The course is e-learning training— Checking proceduresand a certificate can be printed immediately after suc-— Excepted quantities cessful completion of the online test.

38TH EDITION, OCTOBER 2015xlviii

For further information, please consult the Web site at: AIR CARGO SECURITY AND, or contact: PROTECTION

IATA International Air Transport AssociationIATA Training and Development Institute—Cargo INTRODUCTION800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113 The following high-level guidelines have been prepared toMontreal assist cargo agents in protecting their own cargo handlingQuebec organisation against losses from theft, fraud, etc., as wellH4Z 1M1 as safeguarding the interests of the shippers and theTelephone: +1 (514) 390 6777 airlines. Effective security measures for cargo must beFax: +1 (514) 874 0412 maintained through the supply chain in accordance withE-mail: government regulations. Further information is available

in the IATA Security Manual 5th Edition.

THE SHIPPERWhere a shipper is validated as a Known Shipper/Consignor under a State national aviation security pro-gramme, both the shipper and, where relevant, theRegulated Agent conducting the validation must dis-charge their responsibilities properly and in accordancewith that programme. Cargo must be packed to ensuresafe carriage with ordinary care in handling and in such amanner that will not cause injury or damage to anypersons, cargo or property. Each package (includingthose containing valuable cargo for which additionalsecurity precautions should be taken) should be legiblyand durably marked with the name and full street addressof the shipper and consignee matching the details on theAir Waybill or alternatively, referencing all componentparts of the consignment. Packages must be packed insuch a manner that the contents cannot be removed ortampered with without leaving visible evidence. Manyshippers look upon previously used cartons and boxes asa source of potential packaging economy. If this practiceis followed, the labels used for previous shipment must beremoved thus avoiding possible misrouting and expensiveclaims against the airlines and loss of customer goodwill.

THE AGENT/FORWARDERGreat care should be exercised over the control of bothdocuments and goods if losses are to be avoided.Of particular importance is the recently adopted Resol-ution 833a, Security Measures for Intended ConsolidatedConsignments, included in this Handbook.


Premises should be designed and equipped to deter andprevent unlawful or unauthorized access and to minimizethe risk of theft, the following protective measures arerecommended:— Access should be controlled in a manner which

deters and prevents unauthorized access to areas inwhich cargo received from a Known Shipper/Consignor, or cargo which has been securityscreened by a Regulated Agent, is stored;

— Such controls must also prevent unauthorizedinterference with this cargo;

— All doors should be equipped with adequate locks.dead bolts should be installed;


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

— Other possible access points to the premises, such unauthorized alterations have been made and that noas windows, sky lights, ventilators, basement goods remain, etc., should be properly secured;

Assistance and Regulations from Law— intrusion detection and alarm system should beEnforcement Officersconsidered;

— Closed-circuit television cameras have a tremendous In some countries, national and/or local police forceseffect and should be encouraged. have loss prevention specialists who are able to offerdirect advice in respect of securing property. WhereSafekeeping of Valuables available, their assistance should be sought. Every Statewhich has a national aviation security programme has aAll valuables that are negotiable and are not immediatelyregulatory authority responsible for enforcement. Thisneeded should be held in a bank, security deposit or aauthority will often provide advice and guidance regardingsafe of sufficient size and weight. If used and wherehow applicable Cargo Security Regulations must becircumstances permit, the safe should be bolted to theimplemented.floor and located so that it is illuminated for easy

observation by night patrols. Additional security measuresIn the Event of a Burglaryare as follows:

— Never create the impression that valuables are kept In the event of a burglary, outlined below are some of thein the agency when the office is closed. Refrain from immediate steps that should be taken:advising strangers the extent of your business; — Ensure that no one touches anything unless

— Ensure personnel have clear instructions regarding absolutely necessary, leaving everything exactly asthe securing of doors and activaing of alarm systems it is;when the premises are not manned; — Telephone the police requesting a complete

— Ensure adequate control of all keys belonging to the examination of the premises;premises and make certain that the locking devices — Provide every assistance to the police, i.e. ado not have serial numbers exposed to normal view; complete description of all stolen property,

— In the case of combination locks or electronic description of any suspicious persons who were onkeypads, the combination must be kept secure and the premises prior to the burglary;where possible, changed periodically. — Inform all concerned of the burglary by telephone, or

other appropriate means.Control of Vehicles

Cargo seals should be used regularly to ascertain THE AIRLINESwhether or not freight in a box type vehicle or containerhas been tampered with en route. Careful attention Each IATA Member Airline has a Security and/or Fraudshould be paid to the way in which seals are used. The Prevention Representative who serves as a contact for allfollowing protective measures are recommended: communications pertaining to this subject matter and who

coordinates security and fraud prevention activities within— Doors and shutters of vans or containers should behis won company and with the Cargo Security Depart-constructed so that they cannot be taken off withoutment of IATA. Should further advice be needed, contactbreaking the seal;the representative of the airline whose head office is the— Each seal should be identified with an individualclosest. In the event that further information is sought, thenumber;reader may also contact the IATA Cargo Security Depart-— Unused seals should be kept under lock and key and ment based in Geneva.their eventual use recorded against the signature of

the user;— The seals on each van or container should be CONCLUSION

recorded against the vehicle;This subject matter is complex and Asset Protection— The seals on each vehicle arriving at a depot should requirements will vary greatly from one facility and/orbe recorded so that any change of seals en route is location to another. The type of cargo in itself will indicatediscovered. certain actions that should be taken for its protection. Inany event, holding items of extraordinary value should beThe collection and delivery of air freight consignments isavoided except for the shortest possible period prior tousually controlled by documents which should not be lefttransportation of goods between originating and receivingunsecured in unmanned offices.high value repositories and the air carrier.

The cause of many losses often remains unidentified dueAgents who are accredited as Regulated Agents under ato the lack of control over clear signatures being eitherState national aviation security programme are legallygiven or obtained at each stage of movement from therequired to discharge their responsibilities properly and inshipper through to the airline and on to the consignee. Aaccordance with that programme. The IATA Cargo Ser-control copy of every document should be retained andvices Conference Resolutions Manual incorporatesthe signature obtained on the original should be checkedRecommended Practice 1630—Cargo Security;against the control document to ensure that noAttachment ‘A’ provides a Security Declaration Form.Attachment ‘B’ offers a set of guidelines for the


implementation of Cargo Security procedures. As well, AIR CARGO AUTOMATIONCargo Agency Conference Resolution 833a—SecurityMeasures for Intended Consolidated Consignments, out-lines further responsibilities of the IATA Cargo Agent in BACKGROUNDregards to security.

The implementation of computer systems by airlines,agents and customs will continue to increase rapidly overthe next few years. Some of these partners invest inautomated equipment for the first time. Many will buy theirsecond- or third-generation systems in the light ofupdated technology and experience. In some countriesthe introduction and use of computers has been muchmore rapid than in others. In many locations, cargocommunity systems have been been developed whichinclude many common interface functions.

Computerised systems are developed and implementedto meet the commercial and economic objectives of acompany. However, in the air cargo industry, no companycan act in isolation since the movement of every shipmentis of interest to many different parties. Just as the goodsphysically move from hand to hand, so too is theinformation concerning those goods.

Within one company, a computer will help to calculate,control, track, collate and provide information. However,in exchanging data and information with another party inthe transportation chain, the company will normally con-tinue to receive and process paper documents. Theseinclude House Air Waybills, Commercial Invoices, Export/Import Permits, Delivery Notes, Manifests etc.

The thrust of automation in the next few years will be tolink all parties together so that electronic information willreplace paper as the primary source of consignmentinformation. This is more so today as Customs Adminis-trations start to institute new rules calling for the advanceelectronic transmission of cargo data prior to flight arrival.

THE OBJECTIVEThe objective of automation is two-fold. Firstly, to satisfycustomer requirements and eliminate delays to the move-ment of cargo throughout the transportation cycle. Anyreduction in total handling time will have a beneficialeffect on present costs. Secondly, the introduction ofairline reservations, tracking and automated air waybillissuance at the agents premises will allow the traditionalair cargo agents to narrow the gap between their servicesand those of the integrated carriers and provide aseamless service.

This objective is achievable in many locations. Thetechnology is available and research and implementationin many locations has been undertaken. However, insome areas, this is still a new idea which needs not onlythe advanced technology of computers and switchingsystems, but also calls for new relationships and neworganisations to bring it about.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

community systems, they have had to develop standardTHE CARGO COMMUNITY SYSTEMinterfaces. As a result, they are able to bring a global

A cargo community is generally considered to consist of perspective to such developments.some or all of the following:• Airlines, scheduled and non-scheduled; THE ENVIRONMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT• Air freight forwarders and agents;

To achieve the objectives of a community system, the• Customs brokers;following requirements need to be met:• Customs authorities;

• Ground handling companies; 1. An understanding among all participants, at all man-agement levels, that the development of interface com-• Other government agencies;munications requires all participants to have a standard• Airport authorities.EDI language of data elements and messages.

In general terms, the role of a cargo community system2. The development of community or local system(CCS) is to improve communications, through the use ofprojects needs the cooperation of all participants, and ancomputers, in the movement of goods. It is implicit thatinvestment of time, personnel and finances to achievediscussion and consultation are necessary to achievepractical, cost-effective systems.progress to meet the changing needs of a cargo

community.STANDARDISATION OF DATA ELEMENTSIts ultimate objective is movement of goods from shipperAND MESSAGESto consignee as quickly as possible. Other objectives of a

CCS system include economies in individual processesA message is a structured block of information which isby using shared data, faster ground handling and reducedpassed from one computer to another. A computer can bedwell times thereby enhancing the value of the air cargoprogrammed to automatically structure, send and receiveproduct. It should also lead to handling of increaseda message to or from another computer. This is why it isvolumes of cargo while reducing storage space require-important that all parties—agents, airlines, customs andments, increasing terminal throughput and avoidingothers—agree on the use of standard data elements andadditional investment in buildings and land. In short,message formats; standardised data elements and mess-increased efficiency, improved productivity and reducedages are the life-blood of EDI (electronic data inter-costs are the benefits which accrue to all participants inchange).the trading community.Airline standard data elements and messages are pub-There are presently many CCS's in operation worldwide,lished in the IATA Cargo-IMP Manual, under the authorityoffering airline/forwarder/customs connectivity and newof the Cargo Services Conference. Wherever possible,services to the air cargo industry.standards are also coordinated with others in the inter-national trading community through their representativeIt is essential that organisational issues be resolved earlyagencies such as the UN/ECE, the World Customsin the planning process of a CCS. This ensures that allOrganisation (WCO) and FIATA, through the IATA/FIATApoints of view are considered before developmentConsultative Council.becomes so advanced that it is difficult to change.

There are currently two standards for messages used inImplementation of CCSs is often locally arranged. How-community systems that have received the endorsementever, such local agreements often have far-reachingof agents, airlines and customs. New community systeminternational ramifications. Since Members of IATA oper-developments will be based on these standards. Theseate international services, their interests are, by necessity,are the airlines' Cargo-IMP messages and the UN/international. Many freight forwarding agencies are alsoEDIFACT standards. IATA and its Member airlines areinternational organisations or have close overseas con-working within the UN/EDIFACT message developmentnections. On the other hand, airport authorities and, morestructure to achieve the results the industry needs and tosignificantly, customs authorities have only national ormaintain and publish the Cargo-Fact manual.even local interests. This results in a need to deal with

authorities which can be as different and individual astheir national interests demand. INFORMATION EXCHANGEFrom an airline point of view, it is essential to take a

Agents and airlines use their systems to communicatenetwork or international perspective, and try to achievebetween origin and destination. In the transportation ofsimplification and standardisation on a world-wide basis.cargo, it is also often necessary to exchange consignmentThe information exchange can be simplified by the use ofinformation between different parties, e.g.:standard messages, avoiding costly ‘black-box’ interfaces• export agent—airline—import agent;for individual locations where such links are thought to be

necessary. • airline—airline;• airline—handling company;Many airlines are in a unique position in the development• airline—customs;of cargo community systems. As operators of worldwide

networks, and having developed automated systems for • export/import broker (agent)—customs;the control of air freight with connections to other • agent—agent.


Air Cargo Automation

Since all of these parties have different computers, Airlines already have communications systems, both pri-systems and procedures, there is an obvious challenge in vate and commercial networks and through the world-making electronic information exchange work in practice. wide industry networks of SITA and, in North America,

ARINC. These systems connect virtually all airlines andairports at the teletype message level and, in many

THE INFORMATION FLOW instances, at the higher level of data transfer. For ourpurposes, the gap in the cargo communication chain is

The information contained on the air waybill is needed by local—the ability to link agents with the airline communi-all participants in the carriage of the goods and by cations network. This link can be provided by a cargocustoms in order to release the goods. The air waybill community therefore becomes the foundation on which a cargocommunity system is developed—the means through One of the first functions of a cargo community system iswhich this information is communicated to all who need it. the exchange of information on reservations, status and

air waybill data of benefit to both agents and airlines. ForIf the original air waybill data is captured electronically, for example:example in an agent's computer, it should be easily andquickly accessible to anyone else who needs it. It is AGENTS will benefit from:suggested that IATA Resolution 600a (The Air Waybill), • Direct message level access into all (participating)Recommended Practice 1600r (Air Waybill—Validation of airlines' systems;Data Format), the Cargo-IMP Manual and the Cargo-

• A single connection to multiple airlines;FACT Message Manual are helpful references for anyone• Uniform message procedures for all airlines;developing systems for the automated issuance of air

waybills. Other publications have been, and are being • Minimum costs through a community system;developed by IATA to further assist in this process. • Reduction in telephone calls to airlines;

• Simplified or reduced documentation;Functions based on air waybill data include:• Possibilities for pre-release of consignments by cus-• airline space reservations;

toms; and• consignment data interfaces/exchange;• Improved customer service.• consignment tracing/tracking;

• sales reporting; and AIRLINES will achieve:• internal management reports and statistics. • A single gateway through which airline messages

exchanged with outside parties can be routed;IATA is committed to full cooperation with all interested

• A controlled method of allowing access to airlines'parties to achieve the coordinated development of cargocomputer systems to prevent unauthorised access toautomation information exchange. The following areas, ininformation;particular, are considered critical:

• A simple method for allowing authorised users to• Standardisation of data elements and messages toobtain status data and make reservations;meet all system interface requirements;

• Timely and efficient receipt of air waybill data without• Automated exchange of air waybill data;the necessity to re-key the data;

• Electronic interface between airlines and agents;• A link with CASS and/or other airlines' systems

• Electronic interface with customs authorities; and where available;• Development of economic, cost effective cargo com- • A reduction in telephone calls; and

munity systems.• Simplified documentation.

AGENT—AIRLINE INFORMATION BAR CODING APPLICATIONSEXCHANGEA key to efficient flow of information, and to maximizationA large proportion of all air cargo consignments are of EDI benefits, is automatic data capture and shipmentgenerated by cargo agents. A proportion of shipments are identification through bar coding. To help facilitate widerhandled at destination by cargo agents or customs use of bar coding within the air cargo industry IATA has,brokers. Because of this, the procedures for the move- in coordination with FIATA, developed a ‘universal’ barment of cargo necessarily involve the exchange of a great coded label standard. This standard defines the dimen-deal of information between agents and airlines. sions, layout and data content and format for cargolabels—which can be applied by airlines and forwardersMany agents are now equipped with computer systemsalike. It thereby provides significant efficiencies and costfor air cargo processing which are capable of sending andsavings through standardization of equipment, paperreceiving messages. If this capability is exploited withstock and handling procedures. The specification is pub-connections to airlines' systems via a single, multi-accesslished under Resolution 606. Guidelines for the use of theterminal a powerful communications link will be estab-bar coded label are published in the Bar Coded Labellished. Many of the present telephone and paperHandbook.communications could be replaced by the exchange of

standard electronic messages, thus greatly improvingspeed and accuracy and reducing costs.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

The Joint Postal Administrations/Airlines Electronic DataINTERFACE WITH CUSTOMSInterchange Manual, which includes EDIFACT messages

Because of the large volume of air freight, many airlines for use in system to system exchange of airmailhave already realised that they need to make maximum information.use of computerised control systems. This is essential in

For further information on the work of IATA and itsorder to minimise the number of documents which haveMember airlines on automation developments in the airto be produced, handled and stored.cargo industry, please contact Global Head of Cargo at

Customs authorities in many countries have taken the the IATA office in Geneva.initiative in developing automated systems for their controland processing functions. Customs requirements arefrequently the same, yet the procedures for complyingwith them are just as frequently unique to each country.This led to initiation of a Joint Project of IATA and theCustoms Cooperation Council as early as 1983.

Customs authorities' automation efforts have broughtthem to recognise the value of standardisation. As aresult, the CCC/IATA Project was established and hasresulted in:• Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding

between the two organisations;• Adoption of a Recommendation in the CCC regarding

the interchange of data between customs authoritiesand air carriers;

• Adoption of a Resolution by the IATA Cargo ServicesConference regarding interchange of data betweenair carriers and customs authorities.

The United States Customs and Border ProtectionAgency's for the Advance Presentation of ElectronicCargo Information came into force in 2004. Canada andIndia have similar legislation effective in 2006. Membercountries of the World Customs Organization (WCO)have committed to the implementation of the WCO DataModel where possible. Cargo Automation and IATA'se-freight initiative will play a major role in ensuring thatairline members and their forwarder/intermediary partnersmeet these requirements.

INTERFACE WITH POSTALADMINISTRATIONSA large amount of mail is transported by air. Just as theCustoms authorities have realised the benefit of theautomated exchange of standard messages, so too havemany of the Postal administrations. The Members of IATAand the Universal Postal Union (UPU) have been workingcooperatively in this regard with the following results:• Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding

between the two organisations;• Adoption of a Resolution by the IATA Cargo Services

Conference regarding interchange of data betweenair carriers and postal administrations;

• Adoption of a Resolution by the IATA Cargo ServicesConference regarding interchange of data betweenair carriers and customs authorities.


packing instructions and quantities permitted on passen-IATA DANGEROUS GOODSger and cargo aircraft.REGULATIONSThe List does not cover every individual substance as this

The international transport of dangerous goods by air has would be clearly impossible, particularly as a considerablebeen regulated since 1956. In 1984 the International Civil number of new chemicals are developed and offered forAviation Organization assumed this responsibility under transportation each year. To cover this, a number ofAnnex 18 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil generic (not otherwise specified) entries are included inAviation and its accompanying Technical Instructions for the List. For example, if a substance is not specificallythe Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. The ICAO listed by name, the shipper must determine its hazardrequirements are now mandatory for all 190 ICAO mem- class, and may then use a ‘n.o.s.’ designation such asber countries. ‘Flammable Liquids, n.o.s.’. N.o.s. entries are also

included covering substances having more than one classIATA continues to publish the Dangerous Goods Regu-hazard such as ‘Flammable liquid, Toxic, n.o.s’.lations in order to provide the user with a single document

that includes full details of the regulatory requirements of The Regulations detail the shipping documentationICAO and the airlines' operational requirements. These requirements including instructions on the completion ofinclude a complete list of operator variations, a prescribed the Air Waybill and the Shipper's Declaration. It isform for the Shipper's Declaration, and full details on important to note that only persons who have undertakenpackaging specifications and testing. The Dangerous appropriate dangerous goods training may sign the Ship-Goods Regulations, officially recognised by ICAO as the per's Declaration for Dangerous Goods.field document for the transport of dangerous goods byair, are fully compliant with (and in some cases are more Each dangerous goods package must carry the correctrestrictive than) the ICAO Annex 18 and the Technical ‘Hazard Class Label(s)’ and it is of interest that theseInstructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods labels are also used for all other modes of Air. Other package markings are required as specifically

stated in the Regulations.The responsibilities of Cargo Agents and Freight For-warders are spelled out in the IATA Dangerous Goods Apart from other hazardous shipments, radioactiveRegulations (DGR). DGR Reference states that materials are regularly offered for air transportation andbefore a consignment is offered to an airline for shipment, the basic rules, which have been adopted by all transportthe shipper, freight forwarder and cargo agent must: modes, including the air mode, emanate from the Inter-

national Atomic Energy Agency. In addition, the special• ensure the dangerous goods are in full complianceconditions which apply to the air mode such as pressur-with the Regulations;ization, rapid temperature changes, vibration, separation• segregate dangerous goods contained in Consoli-distance requirements, etc., have all been covered in thedations from goods which are not subject to theIATA Regulations. A list of UN Specification PackagingRegulations and offer them separately;Suppliers is provided to assist shippers and agents to

• ensure that dangerous goods are not loaded in a unit locate sources of such packagings worldwide. Govern-load device, other than those permitted under mental competent authorities are listed, where users ofDGR; and the Regulations can obtain assistance in classification• for all consignments, check documents and the and other aspects of shipping dangerous goods by air.

exterior of packages for indications of hiddenhazards. The International Civil Aviation Organisation and IATA

(in DGR 9.5.4) require that sufficient notices, prominentlyThis last requirement is to prevent undeclared dangerous displayed, are provided at cargo acceptance points,goods from being carried by air, since they are the cause giving information about the transport of dangerousof the majority of dangerous goods incidents and acci- goods. This is intended to promote awareness ofdents reported to the authorities. The common Air Waybill dangerous goods in the shipping community. ‘Have youdescriptions that often conceal dangerous goods are declared it?’ posters may also be obtained from IATAlisted in DGR 2.2. Such items as Household Goods, offices.Laboratory Testing Equipment, Company Material,Samples for Testing, Medical Supplies and many others. Third-party organisations offering IATA accredited,Markings on the outside of packages often give a clue as industry-recognised, dangerous goods training, meetingto possible dangerous goods hidden inside. the requirements of Resolutions 801, 803, 805 and 809,

are also listed.The IATA Regulations spell out in simple terms howdangerous goods are defined and classified into nine These IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations are a ‘must’hazard classes, including Explosives, Compressed gases, for all concerned in the transportation of dangerous goodsFlammable liquids and solids, Oxidizing materials, Toxic by air, including carriers, agents, forwarders, consolida-substances, Radioactive materials, Corrosives and those tors, governments, shippers and manufacturers. It ismaterials which do not readily fall into these classes. important that the current edition should always be used,

since many revisions and additions appear in each newOver 3,000 articles and substances are listed showing annual issue.their UN numbers, proper shipping names, hazardclasses, subsidiary risks, hazard labels, packing groups,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

The Regulations are printed in English, Chinese, French, DANGEROUS GOODS IN ELECTRONICGerman and Spanish and may be obtained by contacting FORMAT (eDGR)the IATA Customer Services Department in Montreal. Inaddition a Japanese language edition is produced under The eDGR is a single user application of the IATAlicence. Dangerous Goods Regulations available on both

CD-ROM and USB key. The eDGR contains all infor-mation currently available in the printed book and inaddition has search, sort and report features.

The eDGR allows you to:Search the entire textual content of the IATA DGRmanual. View the search results in a familiar webstyle. The search can also be triggered from theindex and from a text selection for even fasterresults;Search the list of dangerous goods (Table 4.2), sortthe table and produce detailed report that set out allof the requirements applicable to an entry, with fullhyperlink and print support;Create bookmarks (also commonly known as“favourites”) to frequently visited sections and tosections of particular relevance to your needs.UN Number Reports can now be bookmarked aswell;Customize your IATA DGR software by activatingbookmarks as navigation tabs. Enable direct andimmediate access to content areas that you refer tomost by adding them to the main navigation tabs,including UN Number reports.

For more information on all IATA DGR solutions pleasevisit


LIVE ANIMALS REGULATIONS CDIATA LIVE ANIMALS REGULATIONSIn addition to a hard copy manual, the IATA Live AnimalThe public at large is concerned about animal welfare.Regulations is also available on CD-ROM.Airlines, shippers and intermediaries involved in the

transportation of live animals have a vital interest in theThe CD allows you to:animals reaching their destinations safely and in good• find brand new live animal classification informationhealth.

combined with container construction requirements;IATA began to review the conditions of safe and humane • obtain airline cargo contact information relating toanimal transportation in 1967 and established the Live sales, cargo operational aspects such as warehouseAnimals Board to develop international standards. The delivery information;IATA Live Animals Regulations (LAR) was first published

• view airline offered services in relation to live animalin 1969 as an industry guideline for air transport. Becausetransportation from dedicated web pages;recommended practices were not always complied with

• obtain an instant report tailored to single animalby parties involved in transporting animals, IATA mem-species and share it with your clients;bers agreed to adopt the LAR as an industry standard

under CSC Resolution 620 in 1974. • instantly view operator and country variations on filewith IATA;

While IATA encourages all parties to comply with the• follow links to regulatory agencies that give furtherLAR, it realises the important role of governments in the

information about live animal transportation, such asimplementation of IATA standards on a global basis.for example the EU, without leaving the CD userThrough IATA's lobbying efforts, many countries,interface.including member states of the European Union and the

United States of America, have adopted either part or thewhole of the LAR as the law for animal transportation. Inaddition, pursuant to the United Nations conservationinitiative, the Parties to the Convention on InternationalTrade in Endangered Species (CITES) have resolved toencourage all Parties to implement IATA standards for theexport and import of endangered species. In June of 2007the Convention in international trade of endangeredspecies of wild fauna and flora have accepted thePerishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) manual and the LiveAnimals Regulations (LAR) manual as the standard ofuse for CITES protected species when transporting livespecimens. This recognition applies to the 172 countriesthat are party to the Convention and to all stakeholdersinvolved in the transportation logistics thereof.

The Live Animals & Perishables Board meet to reviewand update the LAR. Officials from the UK, US, France,New Zealand and Canada are regular observers at theBoard meetings.

The LAR is published annually on October 1st in English,French and Spanish.

To ensure that animals, passengers and planes alwaystravel in safe, healthy and humane conditions, all personswho ship, accept, handle or load animals must be familiarand competent with the specific requirements of the IATALive Animals Regulations. An increasing number ofcountries have adopted or accepted these regulations aspart of their national legislation. Shippers are warned thatshipping live animals in violation of the Regulations mayconstitute a breach of the applicable law and may besubject to legal penalties.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


duces a Perishable Cargo Manual CD that is updatedThe purpose of the Perishable Cargo Regulations Manualannually.(PCR) is to provide guidance to parties involved in the

bringing to the market of “Perishable” goods, with an The CD allows you to:emphasis on the air mode.

• find brand new perishable classification information;In the 28th Cargo Services Conference it was decided by • obtain airline cargo contact information relating toIATA member airlines to use the Perishable Cargo sales, cargo operational aspects such warehouseRegulations Manual as the standard applicable for the delivery information and airline offered services inacceptance, packing and handling of perishable goods. relation to perishables from dedicated web pages;This has been captured in the Cargo Services Confer- • obtain a perishable report tailored to single commodi-ence Resolution 622 and is applicable to all IATA ties and share it with your clients;member airlines. In June of 2007 the Convention in

• instantly view operator and country variations on fileinternational trade of endangered species of wild faunawith IATA;and flora have accepted the Perishable Cargo Regu-

• follow links to regulatory agencies that give furtherlations (PCR) manual and the Live Animals Regulationsinformation about perishables without leaving the CD(LAR) manual as the standard of use for CITES protecteduser interface.species when transporting live specimens. This recog-

nition applies to the 172 countries that are party to theConvention and to all stakeholders involved in the trans-portation logistics thereof.

The scope of this manual has to do with the monitoring ofsafety aspects throughout the distribution chain in orderto safeguard and preserve the inherent qualities of thegoods being shipped. It is a reference manual for allparties involved in the packaging, handling and accept-ance of perishables and provides producers, growers,transporters, agents and manufacturers alike with criteriaand procedures to fully exploit the benefits and advan-tages offered by air transport. Clinical or bio-medicalshipments have an intimate need for a temperaturecontrolled environment and are therefore also part of thismanual. Endangered and from trade protected Flora arefurther detailed in the dedicated CITES chapter.

Product “marketability and traceability”, HACCP andCodex-alimentarius related principles will provide guid-ance towards import, transit or export activities. Trafficflow improvement, customer service and the various factsof the different interfaces and environments involved arefurther detailed in this manual. The content thereof isbased on the experience of a number of major airlines,shippers, agents and scientific data supplied by researchinstitutions that work closely with IATA.

The most current edition (7th) of the Perishable CargoRegulations, features a new chapter on air transportlogistics for temperature sensitive health care products. Itaims at informing users of global regulatory requirementsin terms of cold chain management and good distributionpractices. Freight forwarders and carriers alike willdiscover new active and passive packagings as well asdraft standard operating procedures forms for use whendealing with pharmaceutical companies. The PCR isupdated by the IATA Live Animal and Perishables Boardand is published in English.


UNIT LOAD DEVICE (ULD) THE CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENTSYSTEMS—CASSlinkULD are a key component in improving the efficiency of

cargo and baggage handling at airports. Within the air industry, the ubiquitous ULD now reaches deep intothe supply chain–in some cases right from shipper toconsignee–literally being the link that keeps the whole air INTRODUCTIONcargo supply chain together.

IATA has established and operated Cargo AccountsAs the air transport industry refines its service to its Settlement Systems for over 30 years ago with thepassengers and air cargo customers, it becomes ever objective of simplifying the reporting of cargo sales andmore imperative to ensure that ULD perform their settling of accounts between cargo intermediaries andintended function of streamlining aircraft receipt and carriers.dispatch. To be able to do this, ULD must be designed

The system has evolved since then and now operatesand manufactured to exacting specifications and main-through an advanced global web-enabled platform knowntained in an airworthy condition. For this reason IATAas CASSlink with common operational features providingestablished the ULD Technical Panel (ULDP) and pub-airlines with a truly global solution for the billing andlishes the ULD Technical Manual which contains vitalsettlement of their sales revenues. Today IATA runsinformation regarding specifications and handling of ULD.92 operations 82 Export and 10 Import worldwide

Incorrect specification, design and handling of ULD can covering:result in situations where the ULD and its load can cause • 80 countries around the globedelays and even severe damage–to the aircraft, the

• settlements in excess of US$ 30 billioncargo, the ULD, and the ground handling equipment. In• 20 million UTP's processed (AWB's and correctionthese situations there is also an increased exposure of

notices)staff to injury. In many air cargo routings it is necessaryfor the ULD to be interlined between different aircraft

With the help of CASSlink, IATA's Cargo Distributionand/or airlines. The ULD Technical Manual addresseseffort aims to expand its CASS network to a significantthese considerations with recommended practices tonumber of additional cargo markets enabling carriers' fullensure the smoothest possible operation.coverage of our service.

To facilitate the application of common standards for thehandling of ULD, the ULDP participated in the develop- ADVANTAGES OF CASSment of ULD audit points for inclusion into the IATASafety Audit Ground Operations (ISAGO) programme CASS yields a two-fold solution as it replaces airlineswhich applies to ground handling agents. In addition, the tradiontional paper based invoicing in one-side andULDP is proceeding with the promotion of the ULD Care agents' tradiontional clerical functions of receiving andCharter which is to be released within the coming months manually controlling those invoices on the other. Upon thein which progressive members of the greater air transport implementation of a CASS operation an IATA “Settlementindustry can indicate their support for, and commitment Office” is established locally ensuring carriers andto, an improved operating environment for ULD. agents an array of benefits:

• streamlined invoicing and collection of sales rev-ULD are a valuable commodity, for this reason any timeenues processes performed by IATA's neutral settle-that a ULD is interlined the ULD owner needs to be ablement office;to track the location of the ULD to ensure that the ULD

can be accounted for at all times. To manage this tracking • invoices are produced and distributed electronicallyprocess a considerable number of IATA member airlines to all parties eliminating any risk of loss or fail tohave formed the Interline ULD User Group (IULDUG) that deliver;manages this logistical issue through the use of specifi- • agents pay one amount covering payment to allcally developed system that traces the use of the mem- carriers; carriers receive one amount covering pay-bers' ULD across the different sectors of the air cargo ment from all agents;supply chain.

• enhancement of financial control and improvement ofcash flow as the CASS rate of success in collectingBoth the ULDP and IULDUG are supported by membersfunds is virtually 100%;of the IATA Strategic Partnership Programme–

particularly those involved as suppliers to the ULD • risk of default is greatly reduced as irregularities areindustry. Important as this participation is to the groups, handled centrally by the CASS office;participation is also sought and encouraged from the • unbiased management of disputes leading to a morebroader airport, ground handling, and surface transport transparent practice and smoother process;sector.

• cost is shared on an equitable basis among allparticipating carriers.For more information, please contact

Steve SavageManager–Cargo Standards/ULDP SecretariatTel +1-514-874 0202 Ext


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

An additional feature of CASSlink is the overnight pro-TRADITIONAL SETTLEMENTcessing of all files received enabling agents to previewOF ACCOUNTSbilled items on a daily basis.

Export airfreight normally reaches airlines via cargoagents. Agents collect freight charges from shippers forpayment over to carriers. Certain carriers require thatagents report sales made on their behalf in certainmarkets. Other carriers may produce invoices to theiragents for those sales. Agents work with many carriersand carriers accept consignments from many agents.Each carrier receives a report from, or prepares aninvoice to, each agent individually.

These redundant reports and invoices must be checkedand consolidated and payments have to be made indi-vidually. This traditional administrative approach towardscargo billing is costly and represents a major burden onboth airlines and agents alike.

Agents and carriers further benefit from this dynamicsystem specially when a dispute arises between them, asCASSlink facilitates the handling of on-line corrections.

CASS MODESAlthough almost all CASS operations relate to Exportfreight only, Import and Domestic are catered for.CASS-Import operations are currently present in sevencountries with Spain, Australia, Netherlands, Switzerland,South Africa, United Kingdom and Canada to add Importoperations late in 2009.

CASS IMPLEMENTATIONCASS EFFICIENT OPERATION In principle any country can host a CASS operation as

long as there are airlines and freight forwarders willing toWith today's technology CASSlink has simplified the support and bear the cost of running it. Traditionally, IATAbilling-settlement cycle turning it into a dynamic process. would expect airlines to manifest interest for any givenOnce an operation is set to go “live” the IATA local office market whereas today there's a growing need to expandenables the system with local parameters such as airlines the CASS network. Therefore, new operations are nowand agents' full name and addresses, current exchange being more actively sought.rates and etc. Airlines generate electronic records of allAWB's issued by their agents in a pre-specified format Upon the identification of a potential country, IATA willcalled “billing file”. The carrier then uploads billing files conduct an assessment of the local market to define itsinto CASSlink on specific dates following an agreed size in terms of players, sales volumes and number ofprocessing schedule (although there is trend to encour- AWB's issued there. Meetings with national associationsage daily uploading of Processing schedules determine of forwarders and civil aviation authority are encourageddeadlines for billing file submission by the airlines, pro- in order to ensure wider industry support. Based on thesecessing of those files by the settlement office and findings a business case is prepared and presented to thedistribution of electronic output to both airlines and airlines locally, which must confirm participation. Afteragents). that, this report is presented to the CASS Policy Group

represented by twelve carrier members for its final andOnce billing files are processed the system generates an official endorsement.output comprised of invoices and billing statements. Eachagent receives an invoice is respect of each carrier it IATA normally establishes or has established an officeworks with, and a statement indicating the total amount prior to a CASS implementation. But in order to be costdue to all carriers. Each carrier receives the reciprocal set efficient some operations are run as an extension of aof accounting documents. Because this output is electron- larger one. CASS-Nordic, for example, manages fourically stored in a web-enabled system both airline and countries from a Sweden-based IATA office.agent may grant access to people of various departments(sales, operations and finance) while its access requires asimple Internet connection.


AIRLINE AND AGENT PARTICIPATION AIR CARGO CLAIMS PROCEDURESAirlines and their GSA's may choose whether or not to Uniform principles and practices for the handling of airjoin any given operation. Yet each airline participation is cargo claims must be observed whenever claims betweenso vital for an operation's success that IATA cargo carriers and Intermediaries or their customers pertainingmanagers will seek to maximize the number their partici- to loss, or damage, or delay to shipments, etc. arepants. Accredited agents on the other hand are incorpor- processed.ated automatically whenever an operation is set to go

The Warsaw Convention and in some countries thelive. Non-IATA agents may join CASS by simply signingMontreal Convention and its pertaining Protocols and thean “associate agreement” with the IATA local office.Conditions of Contract (IATA Resolution 600b para-graph 10.1 to 10.1.3—on the reverse side of the AWB)

COST OF PARTICIPATION stipulate time limits in regard to the lodging of claims.

Airline Members pay a fee each time they join a new Damage—Visible damage has to be registered uponoperation of USD 2,500.00. Non-member airlines and delivery in the delivery receipt, or immediately afterGSA's (regardless of the number of airlines they rep- discovery of the damage to the goods in writing, holdingresent) pay USD 3,500.00 plus an annual fee of the carrier liable within fourteen (14) days from receipt ofUSD 500.00. the goods. Furthermore, the carrier (or its handling agent

in charge) upon request at the time of delivery has toIn addition to that, airlines pay a monthly charge known issue a Cargo Damage Report (CDR).as the Management Fee (MF) meant to cover the IATA'scost for running that specific operation. Delay of Goods—A complaint must be submitted in

writing within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of theIATA agents have no cost for being part of CASS goods.whereas non-IATA agents or associates are expected topay an annual fee set locally to help fund the operation. Non-delivery of Goods—A complaint must be submitted in

writing within one hundred and twenty (120) days fromHow to Contact Us: the date of the issue of the AWB.

For information regarding CASS operations, please The claimed damage(s) has to be substantiated andcontact: suitably evidenced by documents such as AWB copy,

Cargo Damage Report and invoices, which must beCASS Business Development submitted to the airline within a reasonable period of time.Route de l'Aéroport 331215 Geneva–Switzerland Any rights to damages against a carrier shall expireE-mail: unless an action is brought within two years from the date

of arrival at the destination, or from the date on which theaircraft ought to have arrived, or from the date on whichthe transportation stopped.

In some countries or for certain airlines it may bemandatory, or at least advisable, to effect all submissionsby registered and confirmed mail.

The above are guidelines only and it is recommendedthat further information be sought from the airline(s)involved in respect of any claim.

CHARGES & WEIGHTSThe following paragraphs are extracts from rules andResolutions of the IATA Tariff Co-ordinating Conferences(TCC) and those Member airlines of IATA having electedto participate in the TCC activities. They can be identifiedfrom the IATA membership list reproduced later in thisHandbook.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

USE OF IATA LOGOAn IATA Registered Cargo Agent may use the logo on itsletterhead and publicity materials exactly as illustratedhere. No other form of IATA logo is authorised for Agentuse.

The use of the logo is permitted only in connection withactivities of an IATA Cargo Agent in the country ofregistration.

Instructions for printers, artists and engravers are coordi-nated through the IATA Montreal office. Please addressyour request to the respective IATA Accreditation Man-ager in Geneva, Miami or Singapore.


Resolution 502



CTC1(02)049a Expiry: Indefinite CTC1(02)502 (amended) Expiry: IndefiniteCTC2(02)049a Type: A CTC2(02)502 (amended) Type: BCTC3(02)049a CTC3(02)502 (amended)CTC12(02)049a CTC12(02)502 (amended)CTC23(03)049a CTC23(03)502 (amended)CTC31(02)049a CTC31(02)502 (amended)CTC123(03)049a CTC123(03)502 (amended)

RESOLVED that, air cargo rates shall be the published RESOLVED that,cargo rates in effect on the date of issuance of the Air

1) except as provided in Paragraph 2), consignmentsWaybill by a TC Member, including its agent.the extreme dimensions of which average more than6,000 cubic cm (366 cubic in) per kg (166 cubic in per lb)shall be charged for on the basis that each 6,000 cubiccm (366 cubic in) equal one kg or 166 cubic in equalone lb, the resulting equivalents in kg or lb to be roundedup to the next higher full/half kg or full lb.

2) the method of establishing the cubic volume is asfollows:

a) the cubic volume (cubic dimensions) shall be estab-lished by applying the greatest height, the greatest lengthand the greatest width of the consignment or its pack-ages;

b) in using linear measurements to obtain cubicmeasurements, a half or larger fraction of a cm/in shall berounded up to the next higher whole cm/in, a smallerfraction shall be rounded down to the next lowerwhole cm/in.

3) This Resolution shall not apply to/from Australia.



For cut flowers and live plants the density ratio of 7000 willapply in India. (11.2.82)

1* Applicable only in respect of Members who have elected to participate in

Tariff Coordinating Conference activities.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 509 (TCC)* RESOLUTION 509Attachment ‘A’CHARGES FOR DISBURSEMENTSThe following local currency amounts shall apply in the

CTC1(10)509 (amended) Expiry: Indefinite countries listed belowCTC2(11)509 (amended) Type: BCTC3(10)509 (amended) With respect to: Paras. 2) Para. 2)CTC12(15)509 (amended) and 3)CTC23(12)509 (amended)

and reference to: USD 100 USD 20CTC31(10)509 (amended)CTC123(12)509 (amended) Code

Australia AUD 80 35Canada CAD 130 32.50RESOLVED that,Eritrea USD 81 161) subject to the conditions of Resolution 614, the

following charges for collection of disbursements Ethiopia USD 81 16shall apply Japan JPY 25,000 5,000

2) a charge of 10%, but not less than USD 20, (except Korea (Rep. of) KRW 129,000 25,800in Brunei Darussalam 10%, but not less than BND 50Malaysia MYR 282 57and except in Singapore 8%, but not less than

USD 17) shall be made for collection by a TC Namibia NAD 200 40Member from the consignee of a disbursement New Zealand NZD 190 37which shall not be in any case in excess of the air

Saudi Arabia SAR 375 75freight charge indicated on the Air Waybill, exceptthat when the air freight charge is less than South Africa ZAR 600 120USD 100, disbursements of up to USD 100 (up to Thailand THB 4,000 800USD 300 in Hong Kong SAR) shall be permitted

3) for traffic to Zambia the maximum amount(s) of anydisbursement shall not be more than USD 100

4) such charge shall accrue to the issuing carrier5) TC Members shall not undertake to collect any

amount(s) in a country for which local agreement hasbeen reached not to accept charges collect consign-ments

6) notwithstanding the amounts in US Dollars men-tioned above, the local currency amounts shown inAttachment ‘A’ shall apply in the countries listedtherein

7) this Resolution shall not apply for traffic to Algeria8) this Resolution shall not apply in ECAA (see Resol-

ution 509e).

2* Applicable only in respect of Members who have elected to participate in

Tariff Coordinating Conference activities.


Resolution 512c—Attachment ‘A’


WAYBILL The documentation charge in the countries listed belowshall not be less than the amounts shown

CTC1(02)512c (amended) Expiry: IndefiniteCTC2(02)512c (amended) Type: B Code AmountCTC3(02)512c (amended) Algeria DZD 300CTC12(02)512c (amended)

Australia AUD 30CTC23(03)512c (amended)CTC31(02)512c (amended) Bangladesh USD 0.50CTC123(03)512c (amended) Benin/Burkina Faso/CôteCTC124(03)512c (amended) d'Ivoire/Mali/Niger/Senegal/Togo XOF 4,000

Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR 5RESOLVED that, Brunei Darussalam BND 151) a documentation charge shall be made when the TC Cameroon/Central African

Member or its Agent (e.g. IATA Cargo Agent or Republic/Chad/CongoGeneral Sales Agent) issues or completes the Air (Brazzaville)/EquatorialWaybill; provided that where the Air Waybill is issued Guinea/Gabon XAF 4,000and completed accurately by such Agent, including China (excl. Hong Kong SARitemisation of costs and completion of the charges and Macao SAR) CNY 50box, the Agent shall be entitled to retain such charge

Comoros KMF 2,6002) the documentation charge may be collected from theCroatia EUR 5shipper or consigneeCuba USD 3.203) except as shown in Attachment A the documentation

charge shall be Egypt EGP 40.90a) USD 15.00 in TC1 (except in Canada, USA), Eritrea USD 4

TC2 and TC3 Ethiopia USD 44) this Resolution shall not apply in ECAA (see

India USD 3.70Resolution 512e)Iran IRR 37,000Japan JPY 200Korea (Rep. of) KRW 3100Lebanon USD 11Macedonia (FYROM) USD 5Malawi MWK 350Malaysia MYR 5Mauritania MRO 529Morocco MAD 25Mozambique MZN 375Namibia NAD 55Nepal USD 0.50Nigeria USD 5Pakistan PKR 250Papua New Guinea PGK 25Romania USD 7.50Saudi Arabia SAR 25Serbia EUR 10Montenegro EUR 10Singapore SGD 10South Africa ZAR 85Sri Lanka USD 0.50Tanzania USD 5Thailand THB 40

3* Applicable only in respect of Members who have elected to participate in Yemen YER 2,450

Tariff Coordinating Conference activities.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


CANADA THE CONSIGNMENTCharges for preparation of Air Waybills shall not be applicable in

CSC(19)600 Expiry: Indefiniterespect of traffic to or from Canada unless specifically providedfor in airline tariffs in effect and on file with the Canadian Type: AATransportation Agency.

RESOLVED that, in respect of any consignment:

DEFINITION1. As used in Conference Resolutions, the term “con-signment” means one or more pieces of goods, acceptedby the carrier from one shipper at one time and at oneaddress, receipted for in one lot and moving on one airwaybill or shipment record to one consignee at onedestination address.

ISSUE OF AIR WAYBILL (see alsoResolutions 600a and 600b)2. In international carriage one individual air waybillmust be issued for each consignment unless a shipmentrecord is to be created.

3. No carrier shall execute the air waybill or carry anypart of a consignment until the complete consignment hasbeen received.

4. Notwithstanding anything above, an individual airwaybill shall not be required for the transportation ofnewspaper consignments wholly within the area ofNorway, Sweden, Denmark and/or Finland.

USE OF A SHIPMENT RECORD (seeResolution 600f)5. With the consent of the shipper, a shipmentrecord may be substituted for an air waybill (see Resol-ution 600h).

6. Where a shipment record has been substituted for theuse of an air waybill, the shipper may request and shallreceive a Receipt for the Cargo (see Resolution 600g).

7. No carrier shall create a shipment record or carry anypart of a consignment until the complete consignment hasbeen received.

TRANSFER OF TITLE OF PROPERTY8. No Member shall execute for a shipper and/orconsignee—as a service incidental to the transportation ofgoods—any document intended for the sole purpose ofeffecting transfer of title of such goods.

4* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


Resolution 600a


9. The shipper shall be required to address legibly and AIR WAYBILLdurably each component part of the consignment showingthe same consignee's name, address and country. These

CSC(31)600a* Expiry: Indefiniteshall be the same as on the air waybill or as entered intoType: Bthe shipment record. Alternatively this information may be

shown on one or more component parts provided that allother parts of the consignment are cross-referenced. RESOLVED that:10. No Member shall make any additions, deletions or 1. For international transportation of cargo, IATAchanges to transportation documents other than to an air Members shall use an air waybill as set forth in Attach-carrier's air waybill or shipment record. ments ‘A’ and ‘B’ or a shipment record as defined in

Resolution 600f.11. If a consignment consists in part of articles subjectto the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, such articles 2. The air waybill is a document which shall be either anmust be offered separately and must be clearly indicated air waybill referred to as an “airline air waybill”, withon the air waybill or in the shipment record in accordance preprinted issuing carrier identification, or an air waybillwith Resolution 600a. referred to as a “neutral air waybill” without preprinted

identification of the issuing carrier in any form and usedby other than an air carrier.TRACING OF CONSIGNMENTS3. The issuing carrier is either:12. No Member shall trace or provide forwarding,

delivery or other information for the consignment or any 3.1 in the case of an “airline air waybill”, the carrierpart thereof pertaining to circumstances occurring after whose form is used; ordelivery to the consignee named on the air waybill or inthe shipment record, except in response to an enquiry 3.2 in the case of a “neutral air waybill”, the carrierinitiated by a Government agency or in connection with a whose name, three-digit IATA airline code number, andwritten claim for concealed loss or damage. air waybill serial number has been printed onto the

document by the issuing agent or forwarder.

RELEASE OF CONSIGNMENT 4. Neutral air waybills shall not be used except whencompleted by a computer system.13. No Member shall accept requests or instructions

from a Shipper or Agent to obtain, prior to release of a 5. Proposals to amend the air waybill may be submittedconsignment to the consignee, proof of payment for the to the Secretary, Cargo Services Conference at any time.goods or acceptance of a draft(s) or similar document(s). Such proposals shall be circulated to all members of the

Cargo Business Processes Panel for consideration andagreement.

6. If agreed, such proposals shall be circulated to allMembers by Notice of Amendment in accordance with theprocedures detailed in Resolution 601.

7. Amendments agreed to Attachment ‘A’ need not beput into effect until the time of next printing of the airwaybill but in no event later than 18 months after thedeclaration of effectiveness of these amendments.

8. Air waybill completion examples in The Air CargoTariff and Rules (TACT), published separately shall bedeveloped by the Secretariat in accordance with theprocedures in Attachment ‘B’ hereto and current tariffrules.

5* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

If using colour, copies shall be either coloured paper orRESOLUTION 600awhite paper with appropriate colour ink imprinted thereon,as referred above;Attachment ‘A’3.6 additional copies, having the same layout, wordingAIR WAYBILL—TECHNICALand shading as Appendix ‘E’, may be included in theSPECIFICATIONS airline air waybill set to a maximum of five copies. Thesemust be printed on white paper marked “Copy XX (Extracopy for Carrier)”, where XX denotes the number of the1. INTRODUCTIONcopy of the airline air waybill, and may be placedanywhere in the airline air waybill set following Original 11.1 The air waybill is a document which shall be either(for Issuing Carrier);an air waybill referred to as an “airline air waybill”, with

preprinted issuing carrier identification, or an air waybill3.7 notwithstanding the provisions of 3.5 and 3.6, whenreferred to as a “neutral air waybill” without preprintedan air carrier uses an automated system to issue theidentification of the issuing carrier in any form and usedairline air waybill:by other than an air carrier.

3.7.1 the airline air waybill shall be executed in a setwhich includes at least the three original copies,2. MEASUREMENTS OF THE AIR

WAYBILL 3.7.2 further copies of the airline air waybill may beproduced by automated means at origin, en route or atThe outside measurements of the air waybill shall be destination as required,between 208 mm (8.2 in) and 230 mm (9 in) in width and

between 274 mm (10.8 in) and 305 mm (12 in) in length. 3.7.3 upon interline transfer,The size of the boxes and their distances from the upperleft hand paper edges shall be maintained exactly as when the exchange of a shipment record is notshown in Appendix ‘A’. possible, at least five copies, of which one copy is entitled

“Original 2 (for Consignee)” and one copy is entitled“Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt)”, shall be provided to the3. DESCRIPTION OF THE AIRLINE AIR onward carrier,

WAYBILL SET3.7.3.2 when the exchange of a shipment record is

The airline air waybill set shall be printed as specified possible, it is not required that copies of an air waybill bebelow: provided to the onward carrier. However the carriers

involved must agree to adhere to the provisions of3.1 the Original 3 (for Shipper) shall have the same Resolution 600f.layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘B’;

3.2 the Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) shall have the same 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEUTRAL AIRlayout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘C’; WAYBILL SET3.3 the Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) and Original 2 (for The neutral air waybill set shall be printed as specifiedConsignee) shall have the same layout, wording and below:shading as specified in Appendix ‘D’;

4.1 the Original 3 (for Shipper) shall have the same3.4 all other copies shall have the same layout, wording layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘B’;and shading as specified in Appendix ‘E’;4.2 the Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) shall have the same3.5 the airline air waybill shall be in a set of a minimum layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘C’;of eight copies and shall be marked in the order shown.

Colour is optional and airlines shall accept both coloured 4.3 the Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) and Original 2 (forand non-coloured coded air waybills. Consignee) shall have the same layout, wording and

shading as specified in Appendix ‘D’;Title Colour

4.4 all other copies shall have the same layout, wordingOriginal 3 (for Shipper) Blueand shading as specified in Appendix ‘E’;

Copy 8 (for Agent) White4.5 the neutral air waybill shall be either in a set of aOriginal 1 (for Issuing Carrier) Greenminimum of eight copies in the order and marked asOriginal 2 (for Consignee) Pink shown in 4.5.1; or in two sets of a minimum of four copies

Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) Yellow each in the order and marked as shown in 4.5.2. Colouris optional and airlines shall accept both coloured andCopy 5 (Extra Copy) Whitenon-coloured coded air waybills. If using colour, copiesCopy 6 (Extra Copy) Whiteshall be either coloured paper or white paper with

Copy 7 (Extra Copy) White appropriate colour ink imprinted thereon, as referred tobelow;


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘A’

4.5.1 one set of eight copies: 5.1.3 the check digit shall be determined by using theunweighted Modulus 7 system;

Title Colour 5.1.4 the serial number shall be of the same size,Original 3 (for Shipper) Blue similar style of type (font) and of the same boldness asCopy 8 (for Agent) White the airline code number;Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) Green 5.1.5 a separating hyphen placed between the airlineOriginal 2 (for Consignee) Pink code number and the serial number shall be used for the

number shown in the upper right corner and in the lowerCopy 4 (Delivery Receipt) Yellowright corner;Copy 5 (Extra Copy) White

Copy 6 (Extra Copy) White 5.1.6 in the Shipper's Certification box, the part of thestatement referring to the Dangerous Goods RegulationsCopy 7 (Extra Copy) Whitefrom the word “insofar …” shall be printed in bold type.

4.5.2 two sets of four copies each: 5.2 In addition to the information illustrated inAppendices ‘B’–‘E’, the following features may also beFirst setshown at carrier's option:

Title Colour 5.2.1 a space may be inserted in the serial number ofOriginal 3 (for Shipper) Blue the airline air waybill between the fourth and fifth digits;Copy 8 (for Agent) White 5.2.2 carrier's insignia may be printed in the issuingOriginal 1 (for Issuing Carrier) Green carrier's name and address box;Copy 7 (Extra Copy) White

5.2.3 the notice containing reference to the carrier'sConditions of Contract may be printed on all copies whichSecond setare not originals except Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt);

Title Colour 5.2.4 the space in the box below the reference to thecarrier's Conditions of Contract, may be used to printOriginal 2 (for Consignee) Pinkother related statements as may be necessary to conformCopy 4 (Delivery Receipt) Yellowto national requirements;

Copy 5 (Extra Copy) White5.2.5 “Requested Flight/Date” box may be without title;Copy 6 (Extra Copy) White

5.2.6 the words “Also Notify” may be printed after the4.6 paper and carbon, where used, shall be of such title of the “Accounting Information” box (applicable forquality that all copies are clearly legible; domestic transportation only);4.7 fastening or stub shall: 5.2.7 the “Amount of Insurance” box and adjacent “In-

surance” clause box may be shaded and without title or4.7.1 hold the neutral air waybill set together so that itprinting of clause;does not disintegrate into loose sheets of paper during

normal handling, and 5.2.8 a box titled “TC” (for Transaction Correction), thesize of which is limited to two characters and located to4.7.2 be precut and of such nature that copies can bethe right of the “Insurance” clause box, may be provided;pulled easily and that when a part is pulled, the page

does not tear apart. 5.2.9 “Handling Information” box may include the print-ing of not more than five subtitles. A box titled “SCI” (forSpecial Customs Information), with dimensions of 8 mm ×5. DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE OF THE30 mm (0.3149 in × 1.1811 in), is to be inserted in theAIRLINE AIR WAYBILL bottom right corner of this box (insertion of this box ismandatory);5.1 In addition to the information as illustrated in

Appendices ‘B’–‘E’: 5.2.10 when the air waybill is issued in the UnitedStates, the statement “These commodities, technology or5.1.1 the air waybill number shall be placed in the uppersoftware were exported from the United States in accord-left corner, in the upper right corner and in the lower rightance with the Export Administration Regulations.corner of all copies of the airline air waybill as shown inDiversion contrary to USA law prohibited” may be printedAppendix ‘A’;in the “Handling Information” box;

5.1.2 the air waybill number shall consist of the issuing5.2.11 the description of the charges/fees frequentlycarrier's three-digit IATA airline code number and a serialincurred may be printed in the first two lines of the “Othernumber of eight digits including a check digit placed in theCharges” box;extreme right hand position;


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

5.2.12 “Tax” boxes may be shaded and without title; 7. DESCRIPTION OF THE REVERSE SIDEOF THE AIRLINE AND NEUTRAL AIR5.2.13 any special services provided may be printed inWAYBILLthe shaded boxes below the “Total Other Charges Due

Carrier” boxes; 7.1 The currently effective IATA Conditions of Contractshall be printed on a minimum of the three Original copies5.2.14 language(s) or an annotation may be printed atof the airline and neutral air waybill.the bottom of the air waybill indicating that the wording of

the form is available in another language and where it 7.2 Domestic Conditions of Contract, separate from themay be obtained;currently effective IATA Conditions of Contract, mayadditionally be printed on the airline air waybill at carrier's5.2.15 bar coded air waybill numbers, if used, shall beoption.printed in accordance with Recommended Practice 1600t

and shall be shown in at least one of the locationsillustrated in Appendix ‘F’.

Note: For air waybills produced on U.S. Letter Sizepaper, the lower right corner cannot apply due to spacelimitation;

5.2.16 the three “Optional Shipping Information” boxesmay be shaded and without title. Insertion of these boxesis mandatory;

5.2.17 nothing additional may be printed and/or over-printed on the airline air waybill.

6. DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE OF THENEUTRAL AIR WAYBILL6.1 In addition to the information as illustrated in Appen-dices ‘B’–‘E’:

6.1.1 in the Shipper's Certification box, the part of thestatement referring to the Dangerous Goods Regulationsfrom the word “insofar …” shall be printed in bold type;

6.1.2 the printer's reference shall be printed in the lowerleft corner of all copies of the neutral air waybill in thefollowing sequence: printer's name, production reference number, production date;

6.1.3 the content of the following neutral air waybillboxes may be printed: issuing carrier's agent, name and city box withthe issuing carrier's agent's name and city, agent's IATA code box with the agent's IATAcode number, signature of shipper or his agent box with theagent's name.

6.2 Nothing additional may be printed and/or overprintedon the neutral air waybill.


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘A’, Appendix ‘A’

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘A’


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘B’


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘A’, Appendix ‘C’

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘C’


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘D’


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘A’, Appendix ‘E’

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘E’


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘F/1’


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘A’, Appendix ‘F/2’

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘F/2’


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘A’Appendix ‘F’







Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’

The boxes shaded and without title shall not be used.RESOLUTION 600aThe circled numbers to the right of the titles and anyAttachment ‘B’bracketed numbers in the following text, correspond withthe numbers in the boxes of the specimen air waybillCOMPLETION, DISTRIBUTION ANDillustrated in Appendix ‘A’.TRANSMISSION OF THE AIR WAYBILL2.1 Air Waybill Number

1. GENERALWhen not preprinted, the air waybill number provided bythe issuing carrier shall be inserted in the upper left1.1 The air waybill is a document which shall be eithercorner, in the upper right corner and in the lower rightan air waybill referred to as an “airline air waybill”, withcorner. The air waybill number shall have dimensionspreprinted issuing carrier identification, or an air waybillsufficient to make it readable and shall consist of:referred to as a “neutral air waybill” without preprinted

identification of the issuing carrier in any form and usedby other than an air carrier.

2.1.1 Airline Code Number1.2 The issuing carrier or its agent shall ensure that,

The issuing carrier's three-digit IATA airline code numberupon execution of the air waybill, all necessary entries areshall be inserted.made.

1.2.1 Any amendments (including additions) to infor- 2.1.2 Separating Hyphenmation shown or required on the air waybill, made by any

A hyphen shall be inserted between boxes 1A and 1B,participating carrier subsequent to initial issue, must beand only in the upper right and lower right corners.made on all remaining copies of the air waybill and must

properly identify the carrier making such amendments.Identification of the carrier must be placed as closely as

2.1.3 Serial Numberpossible to the item(s) amended without obliterating anyother information. Such identification shall include the A serial number of eight digits including a checkofficial IATA airline name or designator and the IATA digit placed in the extreme right position shall be inserted.location identifier of the airport or city to show the placewhere the amendments are made. Amendments to the air This check digit shall be determined by usingwaybill amounts shall be in accordance with Resol- the unweighted Modulus 7 system as illustrated inution 612. Appendix ‘D’.1.3 When a consignment is returned because of non- A space may be inserted in the serial numberdelivery, the new air waybill for the returning carriage between the fourth and fifth digits.shall have:

2.1.4 Minimum Timeframe for Re-use1.3.1 the original air waybill number inserted in the“Accounting Information” box; An air waybill number shall not be re-issued by a carrier

within a 12-month timeframe.1.3.2 all charges which should have been, but were notcollected from the original consignee, inserted in the“Other Charges” box and the total inserted in the “Total 2.2 Airport of DepartureOther Charges Due Carrier” box of the “Collect” column.

The IATA three-letter code of the airport of departure (or1.4 The issuing carrier shall not insert or permit insertion city when the name of the airport is unknown) shall beon the air waybill of any instruction that charges shown as inserted and shall correspond to information shown into be collected from the consignee are to be collected any person other than from the consignee; providedthat this shall not prevent payment of such charges bysuch other person on behalf of the consignee to the 2.3 Issuing Carrier's Name and Addresscollecting carrier.

When not preprinted, the issuing carrier's name and head1.5 In the case of a neutral air waybill, the party office address corresponding to the airline code numbercompleting it on behalf of the issuing carrier shall first shown in 2.1.1, shall be inserted in accordance with theensure that its use has been authorised by the issuing issuing carrier's instructions.carrier.

2.4 Reference to Originals2. COMPLETION OF THE AIR WAYBILLThis box shall not be completed.The boxes on the face of the air waybill shall be

completed correctly. See the IATA Air Waybill Handbook(Attachment ‘B’, Appendix ‘C’), published separately.

The boxes shaded and with title are for carrier's use only.











2 8


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide in non-CASS areas, the IATA seven-digit code2.5 Reference to Conditions of Contract shall be inserted;

This box shall not be completed unless used by the in CASS areas, the IATA seven-digit code shallissuing carrier at its option. be followed by a three-digit CASS address code and a

check digit. This check digit shall be determined by using2.6 Shipper the unweighted Modulus 7 system.

2.6.1 Shipper's Name and Address 2.8.3 Account No. The name, address and country (or two-letter This box shall not be completed unless used by thecountry code) of the shipper (or IATA Cargo Intermediary issuing carrier at its option.when acting in its capacity as a Forwarder) shall beinserted. 2.9 Routing2.6.1.2 One or more method of contact (telephone, telexor telefax) and number may be inserted below. 2.9.1 Airport of Departure (Address

of First Carrier) and Requested Routing2.6.2 Shipper's Account Number The name of the airport of departure shall be

inserted as the first entry and shall correspond to infor-This box shall not be completed unless used by the mation shown in 2.2.issuing carrier at its option. Any requested routing shall be inserted.2.7 Consignee

2.9.2 Routing and Destination2.7.1 Consignee's Name and Address To (by First Carrier) The name, address and country (or two-lettercountry code) of the consignee shall be inserted. The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination or

first transfer point (or city when the name of the airport is2.7.1.2 One or more method of contact (telephone, telex unknown because the city is served by more than oneor telefax) and number may be inserted below. airport) may be inserted.

2.7.2 Consignee's Account By First CarrierNumber—For Carrier Use Only

The name of the first carrier (either full name or IATA two-This box shall not be completed unless used by the last character code) shall be inserted.carrier at its option.

2.8 Issuing Carrier's Agent To (by Second Carrier)

The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination or2.8.1 Issuing Carrier's Agent Name andsecond transfer point (or city when the name of the airportis unknown because the city is served by more than oneCityairport) may be inserted.

When not preprinted, the name and location (airport orcity) of the issuing carrier's IATA Cargo Agent (or IATACargo Intermediary when acting in its capacity as the By (Second Carrier)issuing carrier's agent) shall be inserted. An IATA Cargo

The IATA two-character code of the second carrier mayIntermediary when acting in its capacity as a Forwarderbe inserted.and its name appears in Box 2, it shall leave this box

blank. To (by Third Carrier)2.8.2 Agent's IATA Code

The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination orthird transfer point (or city when the name of the airport isThis box shall be used for accounting, identification,unknown because the city is served by more than oneand/or system purposes only. When not preprinted, theairport) may be inserted.IATA code of the Cargo Agent (or IATA Cargo Intermedi-

ary when acting in its capacity as the issuing carrier'sagent), indicated in 2.8.1, or IATA Cargo Intermediarywhen acting in its capacity as a Forwarder, indicated in2.6.1.1 shall be inserted as follows:


14A 14B



19A 19B


11F 13

Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’ By (Third Carrier) 2.12 Charges Codes—For CarrierUse Only

The IATA two-character code of the third carrier may beinserted. When the air waybill data is transmitted by electronic

means, this box shall be completed using one of thefollowing codes:

2.9.3 Airport of DestinationCA—partial collect credit—partial prepaid cash

The airport of destination of the last carrier (or city when CB—partial collect credit—partial prepaid creditthe name of the airport is unknown because the city isserved by more than one airport) shall be inserted. CC—all charges collect

CE—partial collect credit card—partial prepaid cash2.9.4 Requested Flight/Date and CG—all charges collect by GBLThese boxes are to be completed by the carrier/agent/ CH—partial collect credit card—partial prepaid creditshipper effecting the booking.

CP—destination collect cash

CX—destination collect credit2.10 Accounting InformationCZ—all charges collect by credit card

Only accounting information required by the participatingcarriers may be inserted such as: NC—no charge

NG—no weight charge—other charges prepaid by2.10.1 payment by cash or cheque;GBL

2.10.2 payment by Miscellaneous Charges Order (MCO) NP—no weight charge—other charges prepaid cashis only acceptable for baggage shipped as cargo; theMCO number and value of the Exchange Coupon in the NT—no weight charge—other charges collectcurrency of the air waybill shall be shown followed, if

NX—no weight charge—other charges prepaid creditnecessary, by the amount deducted from the MCOcoupon and, in all cases, by the passenger's ticket NZ—no weight charge—other charges prepaid bynumber and flight/date/routing used; credit card2.10.3 payment by Government Bill of Lading (GBL); the PC—partial prepaid cash—partial collect cashGBL number shall be shown;

PD—partial prepaid credit—partial collect cash2.10.4 consignment returned because of non-delivery; PE—partial prepaid credit card—partial collect cashthe original air waybill number shall be shown on the newair waybill for the returning carriage; PF—partial prepaid credit card—partial collect credit

card2.10.5 shipper's reference number as indicated by theshipper or his agent. PG—all charges prepaid by GBL

PH—partial prepaid credit card—partial collect credit2.10.6 payment by credit card; the credit card numbershall be shown. PP—all charges prepaid by cash2.10.7 the words “Also Notify” may be printed after the PX—all charges prepaid by credittitle of the “Accounting Information” box (applicable for

PZ—all charges prepaid by credit carddomestic transportation only).

2.11 Currency 2.13 Charges

2.11.1 The ISO three-letter currency code of thecurrency applicable in the country of departure, according 2.13.1 Weight/Valuation Charges andto the applicable rating rules, shall be inserted. The shipper or agent shall insert an “X”, as2.11.2 All amounts entered on the air waybill, other than appropriate, in box (14A) or (14B).those entered in the “Collect Charges in Destination The charges entered into boxes (24A), (25A) orCurrency” boxes (33A) to (33D), shall be in the currency(24B), (25B) must be wholly prepaid or wholly collectas specified in 2.11.1.respectively.



22A 22Z







15A 15B

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide marks and numbers which appear on the2.13.2 Other Charges at Origin and consignment and method of packing; The shipper or agent shall insert an “X”, as name, address, country or two-letter countryappropriate, in box (15A) or (15B). code and one or more method of contact (telephone,

telex or telefax) and number of any person to be notified2.13.2.2 Any charges entered into boxes (27A), (28A) or of arrival of the consignment in addition to the consignee;(27B), (28B) must be wholly prepaid or wholly collectrespectively. name of documents to accompany the air

waybill, such as the “Shipper's Certification for Live2.13.3 If the information indicated as required in 2.13.1 Animals”;and 2.13.2 is in conflict with the information required by2.20 and 2.21, the latter shall take precedence. special handling instructions that may be


2.14 Declared Value For Carriage when not preprinted, and if the air waybill isissued in the United States, the statement: “These com-

2.14.1 The declared value for carriage, as specified by modities, technology or software were exported from thethe shipper, shall be inserted. United States in accordance with the Export Adminis-

tration Regulations. Diversion contrary to USA law2.14.2 Where no value is declared, “NVD” shall be prohibited”;inserted. Agent NominationNote: Declared value for carriage shall not be amendedafter dispatch of the consignment from the airport of when a consignment's details, including house waybilldeparture shown on the Air Waybill. details, must be reported to Customs and the agent has

elected to undertake that reporting, the human readablestatement “House Information transmitted to (country2.15 Declared Value For Customs name) by:”, or the coded statement “(Country ISO Code) -AGT-” shall be entered in the Handling Information box onThe shipper or agent may declare and insert a customsthe master air waybill and either statement shall bevalue, which may be NCV, or leave the box blank.followed by the appropriate agent identifier as specifiedby that country (multiple entries may be necessary if morethan one country requires information).2.16 Amount of Insurance2.17.3.7 when a local transfer at destination is required2.16.1 When the box is unshaded, and only when andand known the statement “Local transfer at destinationwhere the issuing carrier offers such a service, theto:” or “FIRMS-” shall be entered in the Handling Infor-amount to be insured shall be inserted.mation box on the air waybill followed by the appropriate

2.16.2 When the box is unshaded and the service is not location identifier, e.g. FIRMS code for the United States.provided by the issuing carrier or no insurance isrequested by the shipper, “XXX” shall be inserted. Special Customs Information (SCI)

When a consignment is loaded or reloaded at an airport2.16.3 “Insurance” Clause Boxin an European Union country, the Customs Origin Codeshall be inserted. When a consignment is not loaded orreloaded at an airport in an European Union country, then2.17 Handling Informationthis box may be used for other customs information.

Only clear and concise information as required by theparticipating carriers shall be inserted.

2.18 Consignment Rating Details to2.17.1 In the case of dangerous goods for which aShipper's Declaration is required, a statement: “Danger- A separate set of entries shall be made for each ratedous Goods as per attached Shipper's Declaration” or group of items, each set commencing on a new line,“Dangerous Goods as per attached DGD” and where dangerous goods items, if any, being entered first.applicable the statement “Cargo Aircraft Only” or “CAO”.

Each set of entries shall be as described in Appendix ‘B’,2.17.2 When dangerous goods are contained in a con- the detail of each box being as shown below.signment with non-dangerous goods, the number ofpieces of dangerous goods must be indicated either

2.18.1 Number of Pieces and RCPbefore or after the statement “Dangerous Goods as perattached Shipper's Declaration” or “Dangerous Goods as The number of pieces for the applicable ratingper attached DGD”.entry shall be inserted.

2.17.3 Other handling information using, where avail- When the applicable rate or charge shown inable, the codes and abbreviations in Cargo-IMP, may bebox 22G is the result of a combination of rates orinserted, such as:









Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’

charges, the IATA three-letter code of the rate combi- the rate class code to which it refers, e.g. 33% reductionnation point (RCP) shall be inserted as an additional line on the normal rate shall be expressed as N67;entry. when a class rate surcharge applies, the per-centage which is applied to the appropriate charge or rateshall be inserted on the “S” rate class line, preceded by2.18.2 Gross Weightthe rate class code to which it refers, e.g. 50% surcharge The gross weight of the pieces for the appli- of the minimum charge shall be expressed as M150;cable rating entry shall be inserted. when a unit load device rate applies, the ULD2.18.2.2 The tare weight of the unit load device, when rate class type used shall be inserted on the “X” rateapplicable, shall be inserted as an additional line entry on class line.the “X” rate class line.

2.18.7 Chargeable Weight2.18.3 Kg/Lb The applicable chargeable weight, calculatedThe unit of weight used (K or L) shall be inserted in the according to applicable rating rules, shall be inserted.first rating line only. When a unit load device rate applies: where it is based on a pivot charge, the2.18.4 Service Codeapplicable pivot weight shall be inserted on the “U” rate

This box shall not be completed except by the issuing class line;carrier at its option and in accordance with Rec- where it is based on a pivot charge and anommended Practice 1600d.over pivot rate, the weight in excess of the pivot weightshall be inserted on the “E” rate class line;

2.18.5 Rate Class2.18.7.2(c) where a tare weight allowance is applicable,such weight shall be inserted on the “X” rate class line;One of the following codes shall be inserted as

appropriate: where a discount applies, the weight to

M—minimum charge which it refers shall be inserted on the “Y” rate class line.

N—normal rate2.18.8 Rate/ChargeQ—quantity rate

B—basic charge (optional use) The applicable rate or charge shall be inserted as follows:

K—rate per kilogram (optional use) when a minimum charge applies, this chargeshall be inserted on the “M” rate class line;P—international priority service rate2.18.8.2 when a normal rate applies, the applicable rateC—specific commodity rateper unit of weight shall be inserted on the “N” rate class

R—class rate reduction line;S—class rate surcharge when a quantity rate applies, the applicable

rate per unit of weight shall be inserted on the “Q” rateU—unit load device basic charge or rateclass line;

E—unit load device additional rate2.18.8.4 when an “Experimental Special Rate withinX—unit load device additional information Europe” applies:

Y—unit load device discount the applicable basic charge shall be insertedW—weight increase on the “B” rate class line, the applicable rate per kilogram shall beinserted on the “K” rate class line;2.18.6 Commodity Item Number2.18.8.5 when an international priority service rateThis box shall be completed as follows:applies, the applicable rate per unit of weight shall be when a specific commodity rate applies, the inserted on the “P” rate class line;IATA item description number shall be inserted on the “C” when a specific commodity rate applies, theor “U” rate class line;applicable rate per unit of weight shall be inserted on the when a class rate reduction applies, the per- “C” rate class line;centage which is applied to the appropriate charge or rateshall be inserted on the “R” rate class line, preceded by








Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide when a class rate reduction applies, this rate if a consignment is consolidated as oneper unit of weight or charge as applicable shall be movable part, then only the dimensions of the overallinserted on the “R” rate class line; consolidated consignment are required, when a class rate surcharge applies, this rate dimensions are not required for cargo ten-per unit of weight or charge as applicable shall be dered intact in authentic pre-built aircraft containers orinserted on the “S” rate class line; pallets, when a unit load device rate applies: if the dimensions are not available and/orcannot be included on the air waybill at the time of where it is based on a pivot charge or flat completion, then total volume of the consignment shall becharge, such charge shall be inserted on the “U” rate inserted,class line, if the dimensions and total volume are not2.18.8.9(b) where it is based on a rate per unit of available and cannot be included on the air waybill at theweight, such rate shall be inserted on the “U” rate class time of completion, then this must be clearly indicated byline, inserting the words “No Dimensions Available”; where it is based on a pivot charge and an when a unit load device is used, its identifi-over pivot rate, such over pivot rate per unit of weight cation code shall be inserted on the “X” rate class line;shall be inserted on the “E” rate class line, where the number of pieces indicated in box2.18.8.9(d) where it is a discount, either a flat amount or 22A is different from the actual number of pieces, thediscount per unit of weight, such discount shall be actual number of pieces within or on each loaded pieceinserted on the “Y” rate class line preceded by a minus (e.g. ULD or skid) shall be shown as “… SLAC”,symbol (–); (shipper's load and count). This SLAC should be recorded

on a blank line. The corresponding ULD identification2.18.8.10 wherever possible, when a weight surcharge designation shall be recorded on the line below when aapplies, this should be inserted immediately following the unit load device is used;last rate line entry. in addition to the description of the goods, theshipper or his agent may enter the appropriate harmon-

2.18.9 Total ized commodity description and coding system number;and, where applicable, the country of origin of the goods. The total charge or discount for each line entry

shall be inserted on the same horizontal line.2.18.11 Total Number of Pieces2.18.9.2 Where it is a total discount, such discount shall

be preceded by the minus symbol (–). Where there is more than one numeric entry in box 22A,the total number of pieces shall be inserted.

2.18.10 Nature and Quantity of Goods(including Dimensions or Volume) 2.18.12 Total Gross WeightThis box shall be completed as follows: Where there is more than one entry in box 22B, the total

gross weight shall be inserted. the description of the goods comprising theconsignment shall be inserted;

2.18.13 Total2.18.10.2 for Dangerous Goods, the entry shall be asshown in the IATA Air Waybill Handbook and in accord- Where there is more than one entry in box 22H, the sumance with instructions published in the IATA Dangerous shall be inserted.Goods Regulations; for “live animals”, the entry shall be as shown 2.19 Other Chargesin the IATA Air Waybill Handbook and in accordance withinstructions published in the IATA Live Animals Regu- 2.19.1 Other charges incurred at origin shall be insertedlations; at the time of air waybill issuance as either wholly prepaid

or wholly collect. for “consolidated consignments”, where anyair waybill has one or more associated house waybills, 2.19.2 Other charges incurred en route or at destinationthe entry shall show “Consolidation as per attached list”; may also be inserted at the time of air waybill issuance as

either wholly prepaid or wholly collect. the consignment dimensions, comprising thegreatest length, greatest width, greatest height, unit of 2.19.3 Other charges shown as collect shall be treatedmeasurement and number of pieces: as disbursements under the provisions of Resolution 614.












Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’

2.19.4 Other charges incurred en route or at destination 2.20.4 Total Other Prepaid Chargesand not shown in box (23) shall be collect only and

The total “Other Charges” prepaid must be the aggregatetreated in accordance with 2.25.3.of the prepaid charges shown in the “Other Charges”

2.19.5 Descriptions and amounts of other charges box (23).except taxes shown in Boxes 26A and 26B shall beinserted. Due Agent2.19.6 When the air waybill data is transmitted byelectronic means, the other charges codes shown in This box shall not be used unless agreed locally.Appendix ‘C’ shall be used. (Also refer to RecommendedPractice 1682.) Due Carrier2.19.7 When the air waybill data is not transmitted by

The total of prepaid other charges due to carrier specifiedelectronic means, it is recommended that the abovein 2.19 shall be inserted.procedure is used. If not, the plain language description

shall clearly indicate to whom the charge accrues, i.e. duecarrier or due agent.

2.20.5 Untitled Box2.19.8 The sum of the various other charges shown in

This box shall not be completed unless used by thebox (23) shall be entered in boxes (27A), (27B), (28A) orissuing carrier at its option.(28B).

2.19.9 When a consignment is returned because of2.20.6 Total Prepaidnondelivery, the new air waybill for the returning carriage

shall have all charges, which should have been but wereThe total of all the prepaid charges, i.e. weight/volumenot collected from the original consignee, inserted in thischarge, valuation charge, other prepaid charges duebox.carrier and, if applicable, tax and other charges dueagent, shall be inserted.2.19.10 The same charge code with the same entitle-

ment code can only be shown once on the Air Waybill.2.21 Collect

2.20 Prepaid

2.21.1 Collect Weight Charge2.20.1 Prepaid Weight Charge The weight/volume charge for air carriage shallbe inserted and shall correspond to the total shown in2.20.1.1 The weight/volume charge for air carriage shall2.18.9.1 or inserted and shall correspond to the total shown in or The weight/volume charge, the valuationcharge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaid2.20.1.2 The weight/volume charge, the valuationor wholly collect.charge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaid

or wholly collect.

2.21.2 Collect Valuation Charge2.20.2 Prepaid Valuation Charge The valuation charge, if applicable, shall beinserted. The assessment of a valuation charge is depen- The valuation charge, if applicable, shall bedent on the value declared for carriage as per 2.14 andinserted. The assessment of a valuation charge is depen-the applicable rating rules.dent on the value declared for carriage as per 2.14 and

the applicable rating rules. The weight/volume charge, the valuationcharge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaid2.20.2.2 The weight/volume charge, the valuationor wholly collect.charge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaid

or wholly collect.

2.21.3 Collect Tax2.20.3 Prepaid Tax When this box is unshaded, any applicable taxshall be inserted. Any applicable tax shall be inserted. The weight/volume charge, the valuation2.20.3.2 The weight/volume charge, the valuationcharge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaidcharge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaidor wholly collect.or wholly collect. The details of the tax shall not be entered in2.20.3.3 The details of the tax shall not be entered inbox (23).box (23).




32C 34C

32B 34B



34A 34C










33A 33D

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

2.21.4 Total Other Collect Charges 2.25 Collect Charges in Destination

The total “Other Charges” collect must be the aggregate Currency—For Carrier Use Only toof the collect charges shown in the “Other Charges”

The last carrier may complete the Original 2 (forbox (23).Consignee) as follows: Due Agent2.25.1 Currency Conversion Rate

The total disbursements due to agent, specified in 2.19,The destination currency code followed by the conversionshall be inserted.rate shall be inserted. Due Carrier2.25.2 Collect Charges in Destination

The total disbursements due to carrier, specified in 2.19, Currencyshall be inserted.

The amount shown in the “Total Collect” box (30B) shallbe inserted after conversion to the destination currency at

2.21.5 Untitled Box the currency conversion rate shown in box (33A).

This box shall not be completed unless used by theissuing carrier at its option. 2.25.3 Charges at Destination

Charges levied at destination accruing to the last carrier2.21.6 Total Collect shall be inserted in destination currency.

The total of all the collect charges, i.e. weight/volumecharge, valuation charge, other collect charges due car- 2.25.4 Total Collect Chargesrier and agent and, if applicable, tax, shall be inserted.

The sum of boxes (33B) and (33C) shall be inserted.

2.22 Shipper's Certification Box2.26 Optional Shipping Information to

When not preprinted, the signature of the shipper or hisagent (printed, signed or stamped) shall be inserted. The shipper or its Agent may enter the appropriate

optional shipping information as agreed upon with theissuing carrier. Shading of these boxes will indicate non-2.23 Carrier's Execution Boxuse.

2.23.1 Executed on (Date)2.26.1 Reference Number

The date of execution of the air waybill shall be insertedWhen this box is unshaded, a reference number may bein the sequence of day, month and year. The month shallinserted as per shipper/agent/issuing carrier expressed alphabetically, either abbreviated or in full.

2.26.2 Untitled Box2.23.2 At (Place)This box shall not be completed unless used by theThe name of the place of execution (airport or city) of theissuing carrier at its option.air waybill shall be inserted.

2.26.3 Untitled Box2.23.3 Signature of Issuing Carrier orits Agent

This box shall not be completed unless used by theissuing carrier at its option.The signature of the issuing carrier or its agent shall be


2.27 Bar Coded Air Waybill Number2.24 For Carrier's Use Only at Destination

These areas shall not be completed unless used toinclude a bar coded air waybill number in accordance withThis box shall not be completed.Recommended Practice 1600t.


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’

2.28 Neutral Air Waybill 4.1 Responsibility for Particulars

Any alteration to the airline code number, air waybill serial The shipper is responsible for the correctness of the datanumber, airline name or head office address shall auto- relating to the cargo inserted by the shipper or on thematically render such neutral air waybill null and void. shipper's behalf on the air waybill or furnished by the

shipper or on the shipper's behalf to the carrier forinsertion in the shipment record.

3. DISTRIBUTION OF THE AIR WAYBILL4.1.1 Where such information is provided by means of

The various copies of the air waybill shall be distributed Electronic Data Interchange, it is the responsibility of theas follows: shipper or the shipper's agent to verify contents, accuracy

and completeness of the EDI messages and subsequent3.1 Original 3 (for Shipper) to be given to the shipper messages according to the agreed standards and specifi-and to serve as: cations.3.1.1 proof of receipt of the goods for shipment, 4.1.2 The shipper or the shipper's agent shall indemnify

the carrier against all damage suffered by it, or by any3.1.2 documentary evidence of carrier's and shipper'sother person to whom the carrier is liable, by reason ofsignature to the contract of carriage;the irregularity, incorrectness or incompleteness of theparticulars and statements furnished by the shipper or on3.2 Copy 8 (for Agent) to be retained by the agent or thethe shipper's behalf.carrier executing the air waybill;

3.3 Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) to be retained by thecarrier issuing the air waybill for accounting purposes andto serve as documentary evidence of carrier's and ship-per's signature to the contract of carriage;

3.4 Original 2 (for Consignee) to accompany consign-ment to final destination and to be tendered to theconsignee on delivery;

3.5 Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) to be available at finaldestination and to be signed by consignee, and to beretained by last carrier as:

3.5.1 receipt of delivery of consignment,

3.5.2 evidence of carrier's completion of contract ofcarriage;

3.6 Copies 5, 6 and 7 (Extra Copies) to be available forcarriers use only.

4. TRANSMISSION OF THE AIR WAYBILLIn case of transmission of the content of the air waybillboxes via electronic means, either the “FWB” message,as described in the IATA/A4A Cargo Interchange Mess-age Procedures (Cargo-IMP) Manual (Resolution 670,Attachment ‘A’), or the IFTMIN message, as described inthe IATA Cargo-FACT Message Manual (Cargo-FACT)(Recommended Practice 1672, Attachment ‘A’), may beused.

In the event that some or all of the content found in boxes1E, 20A and 31 of the air waybill cannot be transmittedvia Cargo-IMP or Cargo-FACT messaging due to techni-cal limitations, any other means to transmit such contentmay be used including, but not limited to, within oraccompanying the text of an EDI Agreement.

Where such data is transmitted by an Agent, this shall bein accordance with Resolution 833, Paragraph 2.4, of theCargo Agency Conference.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘B’Appendix ‘A’


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’, Appendix ‘B’

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘B’Appendix ‘B’


No. of Nature andPieces Gross kg Rate Commodity Chargeable Quantity ofRCP Weight lb Class Item No. Weight Rate/Charge Total Goods(22A) (22B) (22C) (22D) (22E) (22F) (22G) (22H) (22I)No. of Gross K Chargeable Minimum Naturepieces weight or L M — weight charge Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross K Chargeable Rate per unit Box 22F× Naturepieces weight or L N — weight of weight Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross K Chargeable Rate per unit Box 22F× Naturepieces weight or L Q — weight of weight Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross Chargeable Naturepieces weight K B — weight Basic charge Box 22G of goods

Chargeable Rate per Box 22F× Nature— — — K — weight kilogram Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross K Commodity Chargeable Rate per unit Box 22F× Naturepieces weight or L C item number weight of weight Box 22G of goods

Applicable rate classcode followed by

No. of Gross K reduced percentage Chargeable Reduced Naturepieces weight or L R applicable to charge weight charge Box 22G of goods

Applicable rate classcode followed by Reduced

No. of Gross K reduced percentage Chargeable rate per unit Box 22F× Naturepieces weight or L R applicable to rate weight of weight Box 22G of goods

Applicable rate classcode followed by

No. of Gross K increased percentage Chargeable Surcharged Naturepieces weight or L S applicable to charge weight charge Box 22G of goods

Applicable rate classcode followed by Surcharged

No. of Gross K increased percentage Chargeable rate per unit Box 22F× Naturepieces weight or L S applicable to rate weight of weight Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross K Chargeable Rate per unit Box 22F× Naturepieces weight or L U Commodity item number weight of weight Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross K Naturepieces weight or L U Commodity item number Pivot weight Pivot charge Box 22G of goods

No. of Gross K Chargeable Naturepieces weight or L U Commodity item number weight Flat charge Box 22G of goods

Weight in Over pivotexcess of rate per Box 22F× Nature

— — — E — pivot weight unit of weight Box 22G of goods

ULD ULD taretare ULD rate weight ULD ID

— weight — X class type allowance — — code

A minussymbolfollowed by

Chargeable ULD flat Nature— — — Y — weight discount Box 22G of goods

A minussymbolfollowed byULD discount

Chargeable per unit Box 22F× Nature— — — Y — weight of weight Box 22G of goods

WeightK Gross increase per Box 22F× Nature

— — or L W — weight unit of weight Box 22G of goods

Ratecombinationpoint Boxes 22B to 22I to be completed when applicable. Cannot be placed as first rating line entry.

22J 22K — — — — — 22L 22I

Total TotalNumber gross Total Natureof pieces weight — — — — — charge of goods


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘B’Appendix ‘C’


CHARGE CODE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONAC Live Animals Animal containerAS Unit Load Device AssemblyAT Live Animals AttendantAW Documentation Air waybill/shipment record preparation feeBF Administration Copies of documentsBI Administration Import/export documents processingBM Administration Withdrawal of shipment after acceptance by carrierBR Administration Bank hold fee for bank releaseCA Customs BondingCB Customs Completion/preparation of documentsCC Customs Manual data entry for customs purposesCD Customs Customs/regulatory handling at destinationCF Customs Inventory and/or inspection for customs purposesCG Customs Electronic processing or transmission of data for customs purposesCH Customs Customs/regulatory handling at originCI Customs Customs overtime fee and other chargesCJ Customs Removal (carrier warehouse to warehouse)DB Administration Disbursement fee collected from consignee for advance chargesDC Documentation Certificate of OriginDD Documentation Preparation of Cargo manifestDF Documenation Non-standard distribution channel service feeDG Documentation Air waybill cancellation before acceptanceDH Documentation Air waybill amendment by Cargo Charges Correction AdviceDI Documentation AWB re-waybillingDJ Documentation Proof of deliveryDK Documentation Release orderDV Documentation Documentation for veterinary and/or phytosanitary purposesEA Handling Express cargoFA Handling Airport arrivalFB Handling Domestic shipmentsFC Administration Charges collect feeFE Handling GeneralFF Handling Loading/unloadingFI Handling WeighingGA Handling Diplomatic consignmentGT Tax Government taxHB Human remains MortuaryHR Human remains Handling of human remainsIA Handling Very important cargo (VIC)IN Administration Insurance premiumJA Customs Customs/regulatory clearanceKA Heavy/Bulky cargo Handling


Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’, Appendix ‘C’

CHARGE CODE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONLA Live animals Live animals related servicesLC Live animals CleaningLE Live animals HotelLF Live animals QuarantineLG Live animals Veterinary physical/documentary inspectionLH Live animals StorageMA Miscellaneous Miscellaneous—due agent (see Note 1)MB Miscellaneous Miscellaneous—unassigned (see Note 2)MC Miscellaneous Miscellaneous—due carrier (see Note 3)MD to MN Miscellaneous Miscellaneous—due last carrierMO to MX Miscellaneous Miscellaneous—due issuing carrierMY Surcharge Fuel surcharge—due issuing carrierMZ Miscellaneous Miscellaneous—due issuing carrierNS Surcharge Navigation surcharge—due issuing carrierPA Perishables HandlingPB Perishables Cool/cold room, freezerPK Packaging Packing/repackingPU Pick-up and delivery Pick-up serviceRA Dangerous goods Dangerous goods physical/documentary inspectionRB Dangerous goods RejectionRC Administration Referral of chargeRD Dangerous goods Radio-active roomSA Pick-up and delivery Delivery serviceSB Pick-up and delivery Delivery notificationSC Security Security chargeSD Pick-up and delivery Delivery service surface charge–destinationSE Pick-up and delivery Proof of deliverySF Pick-up and delivery Delivery OrderSI Transit Shipment stopped in transit at customer requestSO Storage Storage—originSP Handling Early release of shipmentSR Storage Storage—destinationSS Administration Signature serviceST Taxes State sales taxSU Pick-up and delivery Pick-up service surface charge–originTC Taxes StampTI Taxes Value Added Tax for import onlyTR Transit Transit handlingTV Taxes Value Added Tax general or for exportTX Taxes GeneralUB Unit Load Device DisassemblyUC Unit Load Device Adjusting of improperly loaded Unit Load DeviceUD Unit Load Device DemurrageUE Unit Load Device LeasingUF Unit Load Device RecontouringUG Unit Load Device UnloadingUH Unit Load Device HandlingVA Valuable cargo HandlingVB Valuable cargo Security (armed guard/escort) handling


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

CHARGE CODE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONVC Valuable cargo StrongroomWA Vulnerable cargo HandlingXB Surcharge/premiums SecurityXD Surcharge/premiums War riskZA Storage Re-warehousingZB Storage GeneralZC Storage Cool/cold room, freezer

Note 1: MA code is used if the miscellaneous charge is due agent but cannot be further identified.

Note 2: MB code is used if the miscellaneous charge is either due agent or due carrier.

Note 3: MC code is used if the miscellaneous charge is due carrier but cannot be further identified.

To indicate whether such other charges accrue to carrier or agent, one of the following entitlement codes: A (due agent)or C (due carrier) shall be used following the above codes and preceding the amounts.


1 7 6 3 6 6

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


5 3

4 9

4 4

4 2

2 5

2 1

4 6

4 2

4 7

4 2

5 Remainder

Resolution 600a—Attachment ‘B’, Appendix ‘D’

RESOLUTION 600aAttachment ‘B’Appendix ‘D’

UNWEIGHTED MODULUS 7 APPLICATION ILLUSTRATIONThe check digit shall be determined by using the unweighted Modulus 7 system, which divides the first seven digits of theserial number by seven and uses the remainder for verification and as the eighth digit.

The following example illustrates how to apply the unweighted Modulus 7 system to generate the check digit:1) Assume the first seven digits of the serial number are ‘1234567’;2) Divided 1234567 by 7;

3) Since ‘5’ is the remainder, therefore, ‘5’ will be assigned as the eighth digit, which is the check digit in the serialnumber.

4) The complete serial number shall read as ‘12345675’.





Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

1.5.12 total weight of house waybill pieces;RESOLUTION 606*

1.5.13 product name;BAR CODED LABEL1.5.14 other information;

CBPP(08)606 Expiry: Indefinite1.5.15 secondary bar code.Type: B

1.6 Bar coded label quality should be of a type withequal or better characteristics than commonly used inRESOLVED that:preprinted cargo labels. These specific characteristicinclude:

Section 1—General 1.6.1 adhesion holding power;1.1 For the carriage of cargo, identification label(s) in 1.6.2 service temperature range;the form of a bar coded label may be used and attachedto each package, adjacent to the consignee's name and 1.6.3 moisture resistance.address where space permits. In certain cases, more thanone label may be required, such as when shipments havelabels applied by different parties, e.g. shippers, for- Section 2—Technical Specificationswarders, airlines, or when the amount of optional infor-mation does not fit onto the label stock in use. 2.1 The layout and minimum dimensions of bar code

labels are defined in Attachments ‘C’ and ‘D’ of this1.2 For purposes of this Resolution, a bar coded label is containing bar code(s). The label may be printedautomatically on demand, or preprinted. 2.2 Bar coded information shall be in accordance with

Recommended Practice 1600t and as shown in Attach-1.3 A bar code may be primary or secondary. A primary ments ‘A’ and ‘B’ of this code is one which contains the master air waybill andpiece number. Secondary bar codes contain other infor- 2.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Resolution,mation and may also be included on the same, or carriers and their customers who use the bar codedseparate, label(s). labels of different dimensions may continue to use them,

provided the data encoding requirements specified in1.4 Bar coded labels shall contain the following manda- Attachments ‘A’ and ‘B’ of this Resolution are met.tory information:

1.4.1 airline name; Section 3—Completion1.4.2 air waybill number; 3.1 The circled numbers to the right of the titles below,

correspond with the numbers in the boxes of the speci-1.4.3 destination;men label illustrated in Attachment ‘C’ of this Resolution.

1.4.4 primary bar code.3.2 Completion of the mandatory boxes on the labels

1.5 Bar coded labels may contain optional information; shall be as shown below:for example:

1.5.1 airline insignia;3.2.1 Airline Name

1.5.2 transfer points;The airline name.

1.5.3 piece number;

1.5.4 weight of this piece; 3.2.2 Air Waybill Number

1.5.5 total number of pieces; The airline code and air waybill number of the shipment.The serial number may be shown as two groups of four

1.5.6 total weight of this shipment; digits.

1.5.7 handling information;3.2.3 Destination1.5.8 house waybill number;The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination.1.5.9 house waybill piece number; When the airport code is unknown or the city is served bymore than one airport the IATA three-letter city code may1.5.10 origin;be used.

1.5.11 total number of house waybill pieces;

6* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.














5 6

Resolution 606

3.2.4 Primary Bar Code 3.3.11 Total No. of HWB Pieces

The primary bar code contains all data elements The total number of pieces comprising the shipment beingdescribed in Attachment ‘A’ of this Resolution. Whenever shipped under this house waybill.more than one bar code is printed on a label containingthe primary bar code, the primary code must appear first.

3.3.12 Total Weight of HWB Pieces3.3 When used, completion of the optional information

The total weight of pieces represented by the houseon the labels shall be as follows:waybills, together with the unit of weight (K or L).

3.3.1 Airline Insignia3.3.13 Product Name

The airline insignia.The marketing name associated with the type of freightmovement.

3.3.2 Transfer Points

The IATA three-letter code of the airport(s) of transfer. 3.3.14 Other InformationWhen the airport code is unknown or the city (cities) is

Information which may be added at the user's discretion.(are) served by more than one airport the IATAthree-letter city code may be used.

3.3.15 Secondary Bar Code3.3.3 Piece Number

The secondary bar code(s) is printed in box 6 ofAttachment ‘C’ of this Resolution whenever a primary barThe air waybill piece number.code is included on the label; otherwise it may be printedin box 5. The secondary bar code(s) contains data

3.3.4 Weight of this Piece elements identified in Attachment ‘B’ of this Resolution.

The weight of the specific package to which the label isattached, together with the unit of weight (K or L).

3.3.5 Total No. of Pieces

The total number of pieces comprising the shipment.

3.3.6 Total Weight of this Shipment

The total weight of the shipment, together with the unit ofweight (K or L).

3.3.7 Handling Information

Any information which pertains to the handling of theshipment.

3.3.8 HWB No.

The house waybill (HWB) number.

3.3.9 HWB Piece No.

The house waybill (HWB) piece number.

3.3.10 Origin

The IATA three-letter code of the airport of origin. Whenthe airport code is unknown or the city is served by morethan one airport the IATA three-letter city code may beused.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

The optical characteristics of the bar code shall be suchRESOLUTION 606as to be readable:

Attachment ‘A’ = using a contact scanner (wand reader);= at a distance of up to 1.80 m (6 ft) using a non-contact scanner;Primary Bar Code (Air Waybill/Piece= using a fixed scanner on a conveyor moving atNumber Information) speeds of approximately 1.80 metres per second(6 feet per second) and a depth of field ranging fromA primary bar code, of sixteen continuous numeric12.7 to 803 mm (½ to 32 in).characters, in which the encoded data shall comprise the

following fields:= the three-digit numeric airline prefix;= the eight-digit numeric air waybill number;= a single digit separator (shall always be zero);= a four-digit numeric unique piece number, indi-cating each individual piece in a multi-piece ship-ment. If this field is not used, it shall comprise fourzeros;

Note: The bar code may have human readable trans-lation of all digits in the field.

Examples:a) air waybill 777-12345675, piece number 3:

7771234567500003b) air waybill 777-76543213, piece number 122:

777654321300122c) air waybill 777-32176546, pieces field not used:


The primary bar code shall be printed on the cargo labelas indicated in Attachments ‘C’ and ‘D’. There should beno box around the bar code in order to maximise readingefficiency.

The bar code shall be printed in Code 128 with aminimum width of the narrow bar (× dimension) of 0.5 mm(0.02 in). The bar code shall be printed vertically (picketfence) with a minimum bar height of 21.6 mm (0.85 in).

The bar code includes the following top and bottom quietzones:

The side quiet zones shall be as specified inRecommended Practice 1600t.


Resolution 606—Attachment ‘B’

follows. This sequence is repeated until all data isRESOLUTION 606encoded. The industry standard (AIM) check digit will bethe last character in the bar coded string of data. As withAttachment ‘B’the primary bar code, the check digit will not be printed inhuman-readable format. There is no continuation charac-

Secondary Bar Code ter. If the amount of data to be coded is too great to fit onthe label in one secondary bar code, then another bar

Where more than one secondary bar code is printed on a code must be used. Each bar code will contain completelabel, the bar code containing the house waybill number information for the data fields specified by the fieldshall be printed as the first of these secondary bar codes. identifier.

The secondary bar codes can be variable in length, Examples:depending on the fields used. One-character field ident-a) HWB No.: CHZH8-1234567ifiers will be used as specified below. Printing character-

istics of the secondary bar code, including narrow bar b) Destination: ABY, Number of HWB Pieces: 99.dimensions, quiet zones and optical characteristics, shall

This data will not fit onto a 4 in (102 mm) label, so twobe the same as specified for the primary bar code. Thebar codes are used. The data strings are formatted asindustry standard (AIM) check digit will be the lastfollows:character in the bar coded string of data.

Bar Code No. 1HCHZH81234567SymbologyBar Code No. 2

The secondary bar code shall be printed using CODE 128 DABY+S0099and using the standard described in RecommendedPractice 1600t. Bar Code Examples:


Field Identifier

The field identifier shall consist of a single alpha characteras defined below:


Field Identifier Standard)Destination D aaaTotal No. of Pieces P n[...4]Transfer Points C aaaWeight of this Piece W n[...7]pTotal Weight of this Shipment T n[...7]pHandling Information B t[...38]Origin O aaaHWB No. H m[1...12]HWB Piece No. Y n[...4]Total No. of HWB Pieces S n[...4]Total Weight of HWB Pieces A n[...7]pCarrier/Customer Specific Information* Z t(1...65)Unique Piece Identifier J t(1...35)

Field Delimiter

The delimiter shall be the Plus Sign (+).

Remarks: A, W and T fields to include K or L as the lastcharacter to denote kilograms or pounds.

Bar Code Format

The format shall consist of the field identifier immediatelyfollowed by the field data. The field delimiter immediately

7* Encoding of carrier-/customer-specific information must be the last data




102 mm (4.0 in)







20 mm(0.79 in)

35 mm(1.38 in)

15 mm(0.59 in)

15 mm(0.59 in)

43 mm(1.65 in)




3 4


Note: Boxes containing human readable information must be titled.

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 606Attachment ‘C’




Layout and dimensions ofindividual boxes atuser's discretion

102 mm (4.0 in)

128 mm(5.0 in)

Note: Boxes containing human readable information must be titled.

Resolution 606—Attachment ‘C’



Note: Boxes containing human readable information must be titled.

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 606Attachment ‘D’



Note: Boxes containing human readable information must be titled.

Resolution 606—Attachment ‘D’





Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

1.5.10 total number of house waybill pieces;RESOLUTION 606a*

1.5.11 total weight of house waybill pieces;NON-BAR CODED LABEL1.5.12 product name;

CSC(21)606a Expiry: Indefinite1.5.13 other information which may be added at theType: Buser's discretion.

1.6 Label quality should be of a type with equal or betterRESOLVED that:characteristics than commonly used in preprinted cargolabels. These specific characteristics include:

Section 1—General 1.6.1 adhesion holding power;1.1 For the carriage of cargo, unless a bar coded label 1.6.2 service temperature range;in accordance with Resolution 606 is used, identificationlabel(s) in the form of a non-bar coded label shall be 1.6.3 moisture resistance.used and attached to each package, adjacent to theconsignee's name and address where space permits.

Section 2—Technical SpecificationsIn certain cases, more than one label may be required,such as when shipments have labels applied by different 2.1 A specimen label, showing the location and labelingparties, e.g. shippers, forwarders, airlines, or when the of the various boxes, is shown in Attachment ‘A’ of thisamount of optional information does not fit onto the label Resolution.stock in use. For example, a forwarder may add a labelcontaining house waybill information, and a second label, 2.2 The dimensions of the label and information enteredcontaining air waybill information, may be subsequently shall be as follows:added on shipment consolidation.

2.2.1 the minimum dimensions of individual boxes shall1.2 For the purposes of this Resolution, a non-bar be 76 mm in width and 20 mm in height;coded label is one which does not contain bar codes. The

2.2.2 where two boxes are shown horizontally alongsidelabel may be preprinted and completed manually, but ineach other, they may be less than 76 mm but at leastsome cases may be printed automatically on demand.38 mm in width;

1.3 Notwithstanding 1.1, the label need not be used for2.2.3 the minimum height of the information entered inonline carriage of cargo.the boxes shall be 5 mm.

1.4 Labels shall contain the following mandatory infor-mation:

Section 3—Completion1.4.1 airline name;3.1 The circled numbers to the right of the titles below,1.4.2 air waybill number; correspond with the numbers in the boxes of the speci-men label illustrated in Attachment ‘B’ of this Resolution.1.4.3 destination;3.2 The completion of the mandatory boxes on the label1.4.4 total number of pieces.shall be as shown below:

1.5 Labels may contain optional information; forexample:

3.2.1 Airline Name1.5.1 airline insignia;The airline name.1.5.2 transfer points;

1.5.3 piece number; 3.2.2 Air Waybill Number1.5.4 weight of this piece;

The air waybill number of the shipment. The serialnumber may be shown as two groups of four digits.1.5.5 total weight of this shipment;

1.5.6 house waybill number;3.2.3 Destination

1.5.7 house waybill piece number;The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination.

1.5.8 handling information; When the airport code is unknown or the city is served bymore than one airport the IATA three-letter city code may

1.5.9 origin; be used.

8* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.















Resolution 606a

3.2.4 Total No. of Pieces 3.3.11 Total Weight of HWB Pieces

The total number of pieces comprising the consignment. The total weight of pieces represented by the housewaybills, together with the unit of weight (K or L).

3.3 When used, completion of the optional informationon the labels shall be as follows:

3.3.12 Product Name

3.3.1 Airline Insignia The marketing name associated with the type of freightmovement.

The airline insignia.

3.3.13 Other Information3.3.2 Transfer Points

Information which may be added at the user's discretion.The IATA three-letter code of the airport(s) of transfer.When the airport code is unknown or the city (cities) is(are) served by more than one airport the IATA three-letter city code may be used.

3.3.3 Piece Number

The air waybill piece number.

3.3.4 Weight of this Piece

The weight of the specific package to which the label isattached, together with the unit of weight (K or L).

3.3.5 Total Weight of this Shipment

The total weight of the shipment, together with the unit ofweight (K or L).

3.3.6 Handling Information

Any information which pertains to the handling of theshipment.

3.3.7 HWB No.

The house waybill (HWB) number.

3.3.8 HWB Piece No.

The house waybill (HWB) piece number.

3.3.9 Origin

The IATA three-letter code of the airport of origin. Whenthe airport code is unknown or the city is served by morethan one airport the IATA three-letter city code may beused.

3.3.10 Total No. of HWB Pieces

The total number of pieces comprising the shipment beingshipped under this house waybill.



AIRLINE (optional) 1





TRANSFER PIECEPOINTS NUMBER(optional) 5 (optional) 6


(optional) 8

HANDLING (optional) 9



(optional) 10 (optional) 11

ORIGIN TOTAL(optional) 12 NO. OF

HWB PIECES(optional) 13


(optional) 14



Note: Each box appearing on the label must be titled.










POINTS (optional) NUMBER (optional)





NO. (optional) PIECE NO. (optional)

ORIGIN (optional) TOTAL


HWB PIECES (optional)


WEIGHT OF NAME (optional)HWB PIECES (optional)



Note: Each box appearing on the label must be titled.

Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 606a RESOLUTION 606aAttachment ‘A’ Attachment ‘B’


Resolution 607—Attachment ‘A’



CSC(32)607 Expiry: IndefiniteType: B


1. Members desiring to use labels or tags for specialconsignments shall use the labels or tags set forth herein.In the case of dangerous goods the use of labels as perAttachment ‘A’ to Resolution 618, in the case of liveanimals as per Attachment ‘A’ to Resolution 620, or in thecase of perishables, including time and temperaturesensitive goods, as per Attachment ‘A’ to Resolution 622is mandatory.

2. The outside measurements of these labels and tagsName of Label: Package Orientation (This Way Up)(except the “This Way Up” label) shall be not less thanDescription: Red or Black on a contrasting background.74 mm (2 15/16 in) in width by 105 mm (4 1/8 in) in

Dimensions not less than 74 mm (2 15/16 in) inheight. width by 105 mm (4 1/8 in) in height.Optional: Carrier identification may be printed outside the3. The colours, symbols, language, wording and form of

border of the label.the labels and tags and the respective classification of thespecial consignments they cover shall be as set forth inAttachment ‘A’.

4. Where space permits, the standard labels and tagsfor special shipments shall be attached adjacent to theconsignee's name and address.

5. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 2 and 3, Members shalluse the labels and tags shown in Attachment ‘A’ not laterthan when replacing their present stock of labels andtags.

6. Not more than two languages may be shown on thelabels in Attachment ‘A’ provided that one language mustbe English.

Name of Label: PerishableDescription: White with blue symbols and white printing.

Dimensions not less than 74 mm (2 15/16 in) inwidth by 105 mm (4 1/8 in) height.

Language: Carrier's name only (optional).

9* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



CSC(10)612 Expiry: IndefiniteCSC(19)612 Type: B


1. PREPAID/COLLECT PAYMENT OFTRANSPORTATION CHARGESA request to change transportation charges from collect toprepaid or vice versa, shall be made by the shipper or hisagent in writing prior to delivery of the consignment to theconsignee or his agent.Name of Label: Fragile.

Description: Red with white symbol and printing. Dimensionsnot less than 74 mm (2 15/16 in) in width by 2. DISBURSEMENT AMOUNT105 mm (4 1/8 in) in height.

Language: Carrier's name only (optional) and the word A request to change disbursement(s) amount(s) shall be“Fragile” in not more than two languages.made by the shipper or his agent in writing prior todelivery of the consignment to the consignee or his agent.

3. DECLARED VALUE FOR CARRIAGEA request for a change of the declared value for carriageamount shall be made by the shipper or his agent inwriting prior to departure from the airport of origin of theconsignment. The declared value for carriage entered onthe air waybill or in the shipment record shall not beamended after dispatch of the consignment from theairport of departure shown on the air waybill or in theshipment record.

4. AMOUNT OF INSURANCEA request for a change of the amount of insurance shallbe made by the shipper or his agent in writing prior todeparture from the airport of origin of the consignment.The amount of insurance entered on the air waybill or inthe shipment record shall not be amended after dispatchof the consignment from the airport of departure shownon the air waybill or in the shipment record.

5. CHANGE OF AN AIR WAYBILL ORSHIPMENT RECORD AMOUNTNotwithstanding the provisions specified above, shipper'srequest for change of an air waybill or shipment recordamount will only be dealt with by carrier subject to timelysettlement of all corrective action required by the appro-priate department(s) of the delivering and/or issuingcarrier concerned. In case the air waybill or shipmentrecord cannot be altered before dispatch from the airportof departure, it will be (considered to be) amended onlyupon receipt by the first and/or issuing carrier at the

10* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


Resolution 614

airport of departure of a confirmation of successful RESOLUTION 614*corrective action taken and reported by the deliveringcarrier. PROCEDURES FOR DISBURSEMENTSGOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS

CSC(18)614 Expiry: IndefiniteCSC(19)614 Type: BZAMBIA

For shipments from/to Zambia, modification from “chargesRESOLVED that:pre-paid” to “charges collect” basis or vice versa at any stage

after the issue of the original air waybill, may be made only 1. For the purposes of this resolution, a disbursement isagainst delivery of specific written authority for such modification,an amount(s) collected at destination, for the provision ofissued by the Zambian Government Department which issuedservices incurred at origin incidental to the air carriage ofthe import/export permit/licence. (24.8.1977)the consignment. Such services will be limited to priortransportation, handling and documentation.

2. The disbursement is collected by the last carrier andis due to the issuing carrier for payment to an agent or toanother carrier where such amount(s) relate to servicesperformed prior to air carriage from the point of departureindicated on the air waybill or in the shipment record.

3. Where applicable, charges for collection of disburse-ments shall be levied in accordance with Resolutions 509and 509e.

4. Such disbursement amount(s) must be entered onthe air waybill or in the shipment record in accordancewith Resolution 600a, Attachment ‘B’. These disburse-ment amount(s) and applicable charge shall be shownseparately on the air waybill or in the shipment record inthe following manner:

4.1 each separate disbursement amount shall beentered as due agent or due carrier in the “OtherCharges” box in accordance with Resolution 600a;

4.2 the disbursement charge levied in accordance withResolution 509 and 509e shall be entered as an amountdue carrier in the “Other Charges” box in accordance withResolution 600a;

4.3 the total of the amounts in accordance with 4.1 and4.2 shall be entered in the “Total Other Collect ChargesDue Agent” or “Total Other Collect Charges Due Carrier”box;

4.4 no amendment of the disbursement amount(s) shallbe permitted except that if the shipper or his agentrequests an amendment in writing prior to the delivery ofthe consignment to the consignee or his agent, andfollowing collection of such amended amount from theconsignee, the difference resulting from the amendmentmay be settled at origin.

5. Where the disbursement amount and applicablecharge cannot be collected from the consignee and havetherefore been debited to the issuing carrier, theseamounts shall be recharged to the shipper or agent,under the provisions of Resolution 801r when applicable.

11* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



CSC(18)620 Expiry: IndefiniteType: BCSC(06)618 Expiry: Indefinite

Type: B

RESOLVED that:RESOLVED that: 1. The acceptance, packing and handling of live animals

for transportation by air shall be in accordance with the1. In scheduled and/or unscheduled operations, noprinciples and provisions as specified in the IATA Livedangerous goods shall be accepted and carried unlessAnimals Regulations, as set forth in Attachment ‘A’1.they comply fully with the international standards and

recommended practices of Annex 18 to the Convention 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Members may accepton International Civil Aviation—“The Safe Transport of consignments of live animals according to criteriaDangerous Goods by Air” and its associated Technical different from, but of no less a standard than, those inInstructions as reflected in the “IATA Dangerous Goods Attachment ‘A’, for the type of animals to be transported.Regulations” as set forth in Attachment ‘A’1. In cases ofextreme urgency, when other forms of transport are 3. Nothing in this Resolution shall obligate any Memberinappropriate, or full compliance with the prescribed to comply with these principles and provisions for therequirements is contrary to the public interest, the States acceptance and carriage of live animals in full aircraftconcerned2 may grant exemptions from these require- loads.ments; provided that in such cases every effort shall bemade to achieve an overall level of safety in transport 4. Members shall inform the IATA Live Animals andwhich is equivalent to the level of safety provided by the Perishables Board of new species being carried in orderapplicable Regulations. that criteria can be established for the acceptance and

carriage of such species.GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS


CANADA1. In regard to Resolutions 618, 619, 745, 745a, 745b and 801,or any other Resolution dealing with the carriage of dangerous 1. Such criteria, standards, charges, rates or conditions ofgoods or weapons, fire arms and ammunition, as cargo or by carriage which may be specified in the IATA Live Animalspassengers, the legislation in the UK takes precedence over Manual shall not apply in respect of transportation to or fromthese Resolutions. The UK legislation is contained in Air Navi- Canada unless clearly provided for in the carrier's tariff in effectgation Order and the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regu- and on file with the National Transportation Agency of Canada.lations (April 1985). (17.1.74)

12* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


1 Attachment ‘A’ has been promulgated by IATA as a separate document.14

2 The States concerned are the States of origin, transit, overflight anddestination of the consignment and the State(s) of the operator.


Resolution 671



CSC(32)670 Expiry: Indefinite CSC(18)671 Expiry: IndefiniteType: B Type: B


1. For the interchange of cargo messages between 1. Proposals for new messages or amendments toIATA Members, A4A Members and third parties, including existing messages or text published in the IATA/A4Acustoms administrations, messages shall be composed in Cargo Interchange Message Procedures Manualaccordance with the IATA/A4A Cargo Interchange Mess- (Cargo-IMP) (Resolution 670, Attachment ‘A’) may beage Procedures (Cargo-IMP) Manual set forth in Attach- submitted to the Secretary, Cargo Services Conference atment ‘A’1, the IATA Cargo-FACT Message Manual set any time on the standard form shown at Attachment ‘A’.forth in Recommended Practice 1672, Attachment ‘A’, or Such proposals shall be circulated to all members of thethe IATA Cargo-XML Message Manual set forth in Rec- Cargo Business Processes Panel (CBPP) for consider-ommended Practice 1675, Attachment ‘A’. ation and agreement.

2. For the interchange of cargo messages between 2. Members of the CBPP shall consider all such pro-IATA Members and customs administrations, develop- posals referred to them.ment and composition of messages shall be in accord-

3. If agreed by members of the CBPP, direct theance with the guidelines as specified in Resolution 656.Secretariat to prepare, in conjunction with the proponent,

3./3.1 Cargo messages solely between third parties may complete technical solution to the business case pre-be published in the IATA/A4A Cargo-IMP Manual, the viously approved by the CBPP, using the data require-IATA Cargo-FACT Message Manual and/or the IATA ments provided with the message request. This solutionCargo-XML Message Manual, provided such messages will then be submitted to all current members of the Cargoare fully compliant with the message standards and that Data Interchange Task Force for technical review andthere is a clearly identified benefit to Members. assessment.

3.2 Message development requests from third parties 4. If such proposal is found to be technically acceptable,will only be considered if submitted through, and cham- they shall be circulated to all Members by Notice ofpioned by, a Member airline who will present the business Amendment in accordance with the procedures detailedcase and data requirements. in Resolution 601.

5. If rejected by members of the CBPP or found not tobe technically acceptable, refer the proposal to theproponent with justification for such rejection.

6. The Secretariat shall arrange for the publication ofnew messages or agreed amendments to existing mess-ages either on an annual basis or as required in consul-tation with the members of the CBPP.

7. Where a message is proposed and accepted by theCBPP as a “draft message”, the message will be clearlydesignated as a “draft subject to revision” and will not bedeclared effective. If and when the message is con-sidered to be stable, a new proposal may be submitted.

15* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents.


1 Attachment ‘A’ has been promulgated by IATA as a separate document.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 671Attachment ‘A’















REJECTED AND REASON:* YY = year; X = N for new messages; nnn = sequentially assigned number

X = C for amendments;Example: 94-C-001


The undersigned in the above-mentioned message request hereby assigns and transfers, as of the above Date ofSubmission, all rights, including copyrights, in such literary work, unto International Air Transport Association (IATA).Further, the undersigned waives any and all moral rights in such work in favor of IATA.

Owner of copyright or its duly authorized agent




Resolution 671—Attachment ‘A’


Repeat InformationData ID Data Description Form Status Condition Note Data Times Within


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETIONData ID—organise data by logical, related groups andenter either:

an upper case letter to identify the data group;

or a sequential number for each data element.

Data Description—enter a concise, meaningful descrip-tion of the data group or the data element.

Form—enter the character type (a–alpha, n–numeric,an–alphanumeric, d–decimal, t–text) for the data elementand the number, or minimum/maximum range, e.g. 4…8,of characters.

Status—enter one of the following statuses for the datagroup or data element:

M—mandatory (must be included);

C—conditional (must be included if the indicatedcondition is met);

O—optional (may be included).

The status of the data element is relevant to the status ofthe data group. For example, within an optional datagroup, the condition for a conditional data element onlyapplies if the optional data group is included.

For EDIFACT messages, only mandatory and conditionalstatuses apply.

Condition—if the status of the data group or element is“C”, enter the condition for the inclusion of the data groupor data element. The condition must be related strictly tothe existence, or non-existence, of other data within themessage.

Note—if further explanation for a data group or dataelement is required, enter a sequential reference numberand include the explanatory note on a separate sheet ofpaper.

Repeat Information—if multiple occurrences of data areallowed, complete this as follows:

Data—enter the Data ID, or range of Data IDs, of thedata group(s) or data element(s) that can be re-peated;

Times—enter the number of times the data can berepeated. If unlimited occurrences are allowed,enter “U”;

Within—for data repetition within a data group orwithin another data repetition range, enter the DataID, or range of Data IDs, of the data group(s).


Resolution 671—Attachment ‘A’


Repeat InformationData ID Data Description Form Status Condition Note Data Times Within

A AGENT DATA M A–H U1 Agent's Code n7 M2 Agent's CASS Address n4 M3 Agent's Reference t14 OB AWB DATA M B–H U A–H4 Airline's Code n3 M5 AWB Serial Number n8 M6 AWB Origin a3 M7 AWB Destination a3 M8 Unit of Weight (K or L) a1 M9 Weight d7 M10 Date (DMY) of AWB Issue an7 M11 Currency Code a3 M12 Conversion Rate d11 O13 AWB Indication a2 O14 Agent's Reference t14 OC CHARGES DATA M 115 Charge d12 M 15–16 4 C16 Prepaid/Collect Indicator a1 MD BILLING DATA M17 Net Billing Amount d12 M18 Net Credit Indicator a1 OE TAX DATA O19 Tax Calculation Indicator a1 C 20–23 excluded20 Tax Identification a2 C 19 excluded 20–23 U E21 Tax Entitlement Indicator a1 C 19 excluded22 Tax Amount d12 C 19 excluded23 Tax Credit Indicator a1 O 2F COMMISSION DATA O24 No Commission Indicator a1 C 25 and 26 excluded25 Commission Amount d12 C 24 and 26 excluded26 Commission Percentage d12 C 24 and 25 excludedG SALES DATA O27 Sales Incentive Amount d12 O28 Negative Incentive Indicator a1 O 3H FREE TEXT DATA O29 Free text t65 O 29 3 H

Note 1: Only the following charges may be included in Charges Data: Weight, Valuation, Other Charges due Agent andOther Charges due Carrier. At least one of these must be included, but all four may be included.

Note 2: If 22 included.

Note 3: If 27 included.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



CAC1(Mail C008/C012)801 Expiry: IndefiniteAPPLICATIONS(except USA) (amended) Type: BCAC2(Mail C008/C012)801

CSPC(21)1600t Expiry: Indefinite (amended)Type: B CAC3(Mail C008/C012)801

(amended)RECOMMENDED that:

WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this Resolution to1. Where Members wish to use bar codes on cargoencourage the promotion, sale and handling of inter-traffic documents, labels and ancillary equipment, any ofnational air cargo transportation by Members throughthe following three Uniform Symbol Specifications (USS)their Agents in an orderly manner and to establish andmay be used:maintain ethical standards of business practice in interestof Members, their Agents and the general public, it is,1.1 Code 39, where the requirement is for discrete

alphanumeric applications;RESOLVED that, the following rules and regulations areadopted:1.2 CODABAR, where the requirement is for discrete

numeric applications; and

1.3 Code 128, where the requirement is for full ASCII Section 1—Qualifications forcharacter set or double density numeric applications. Registration and Retention2. The technical specifications of these three sym- The requirements and exclusions set forth in this Sectionbologies are those embodied in the Association of Identifi- and any detailed provisions derived therefrom publishedcation Manufacturers (AIM) and ISO Standards. These in the Handbook pursuant to Subparagraph 1.5 of thisspecifications are nominated Attachments ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Section shall equally apply to the registration of applicantsand are available from AIM. and the retention of Agents (in which event the term

‘applicant’ where used in this Section shall be intended to3. Where Members have bar codes preprinted on docu-include a registered Agent). When the Agency Adminis-ments, labels, etc. the code shall comply with the dimen-trator has reasons to believe that an Agent no longersions and tolerances defined in the AIM/ISO Standardsmeets the provisions of this Section, he shall initiate adescribed of the Agent by the Agency Commissioner.

4. Where Members use dot matrix or other similarequipment to print bar codes on labels, the equipment 1.1 QUALIFICATIONSshould be set up to print as near as possible to thedimensions and tolerances defined in the AIM/ISO Stan- Any Person may be registered as an Agent and bedards described above. entered on the Cargo Agency List for a country by

submitting an application in the form prescribed by theConference to the Agency Administrator and by meetingthe following requirements:

1.1.1 Promotion and Selling

the applicant must in such country: maintain and operate at least one office (or adepartment of such an office) actively and principallyengaged in the promotion and sale to the general publicof international air cargo transportation over the lines ofMembers, and the handling of consignments therein, have been so engaged for a period of at leastsix months prior to the date of application, have adequate insurance to cover its liability forloss of or damage to shippers' cargo;


Resolution 801—Section 1

Acceptance and passed a written examination based on1.1.2 Processing and Handlingthat course;

the applicant must offer the public the premises, staff andfor the purpose of this Resolution, a recognized trainingequipment necessary for the performance of the followingcourse means:functions as a minimum: the IATA Module 2 Course, quoting Members' rates, charges and conditionspertaining to such rates and charges, a Member's course of formal instruction inDangerous Goods Acceptance, assisting customers in completing the required

formalities for the transportation of cargo by air, including1.1.3.2(b)(iii) a course of formal instruction offered by areservation services,training establishment which has been appraised andendorsed by IATA as an Accredited Training School1.1.2.3 adhering to security control measures(ATS);as prescribed by the responsible authority(ies), and sup-

plemented from time to time by the Member. The Agency1.1.3.2(b)(iv) a course of formal instruction offered by aAdministrator may, on his own initiative or at the requesttraining organization or other establishment which hasof a Member conduct an examination of Agent(s), tobeen endorsed by the regulatory authority responsible fordetermine that such security control measures prescribedDangerous Goods in the specified country provided theyby the authorities are applied,meet IATA Dangerous Goods Board established criteria; delivering (or arranging for delivery of) consign- the FIATA Dangerous Goods Trainingments to a Member at any Airport designated by theCourse.Member for general acceptance of all consignments

ready for carriage, provided, that all the above training coursesshall, where required in the country of registration of the1.1.2.5 accepting for carriage and delivering (orapplicant, also be approved in advance by the govern-arranging for delivery) to a Member Dangerous Goods inmental agency responsible for regulating Dangerousaccordance with the applicable Dangerous GoodsGoods matters in that country;regulations, failure to renew the certificate of Dangerous1.1.2.6 collecting charges from customers, and remittingGoods course of training by a date specified by themonies due to carriers;Agency Administrator, with the result that the Agent nolonger fulfils the conditions of this Subparagraph, shall be1.1.3 Minimum Staff Requirementgrounds for the Agency Administrator to remove theAgent from the Agency List; the applicant shall employ a minimum two full

time competent persons qualified to provide the services validation of the training described inand handling functions described in Subparagraph 1.1.2; shall be by an examination set and markedby IATA whose certificate shall be issued to each1.1.3.2 a minimum of one such competent person whosuccessful examination candidate;also holds certification in respect of Dangerous Goods

Acceptance described in Subparagraph of this validation of the training described inResolution is present at all places where air cargo is1.1.3.2(b)(ii) shall be by; an examination set and markedmade ready for carriage whenever such places are openby the Member, or by the Dangerous Goods regulatoryfor business, and the applicant must supply evidenceauthority of the country concerned, where required. Suchthat:examination shall, as a minimum, be to the standardrequired by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board or by the1.1.3.2(a) two such persons hold the IATA IntroductoryDangerous Goods regulatory authority of the countryCourse Diploma or have completed an equivalent courseconcerned; provided that the Member may elect to useoffered by an IATA Member, a FIATA member whosethe IATA examination in which case an IATA certificatecourse has been accredited by the Air Freight Institute ofwill be issued to each successful candidate;FIATA (AFI) or any other course acceptable to the

Agency Administrator offered by an airline, commercial validation of training described inorganization, or training institute; provided that any Agent1.1.3.2(b)(iii) shall be by an examination set by thewhich does not meet this requirement shall demonstrateDangerous Goods regulatory authority of the countrythat its staff includes at least two full-time competentconcerned, where required. In other cases the examin-persons with not less than 3 years experience in provid-ation shall be to the standard required by the IATAing the services and handling functions described inDangerous Goods Board;Subparagraph 1.1.2 of this Paragraph; the following details shall be published in1.1.3.2(b) two such persons at the time of applicationadvance by the organizers of instructional courses in theand at all times subsequent to registration, hold a validhandling of Dangerous Goods, where the resultingcertificate, issued within the previous two years, or within

such other period as may be specified by the competentlocal authority, attesting to the bearer's having followed arecognized training course in Dangerous Goods


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

certificate is to be relied upon for purposes of qualifying proceeding and so notify the Agent, all Members and,under these Rules: where applicable, the ISS Management.— course objectives, the Agency Administrator shall, on his own— detailed description of course contents, initiative or at the request of a Member, conduct annual— training method used, examinations of the financial standing of Agents. In

addition he may, from time to time and not more than— testing methods and pass levels applied to validateonce annually, conduct examinations of the financialresults;standing of all Agents in a country/area. He may request the certificate awarded pursuant to Subpara- and the Agent concerned shall be under obligation tograph of this Paragraph shall include the name furnish, by the date specified in the Agency Adminis-of the issuing authority and the date of issue, and shall trator's letter of request, the documents deemed necess-confirm that: ary by the Agency Administrator to conduct such examin-

ation. Failure by the Agent to submit such documents as1.1.3.3(a)(i) the trainee has taken the examinations on prescribed shall be grounds for IATA to apply onethe contents of the course, and has met the minimum instance of irregularity and to give the Agent 30 days tostandard required by the examination body, comply. Failure by the agent to comply within 30 days

shall be grounds for IATA to give the Agent written notice1.1.3.3(a)(ii) the certificate is valid for two years from of removal from the Agency List, provided that if thethe date of issue, or such other period as may be Agent submits the required documents prior to the re-specified by the competent local authority; moval date the removal shall not take effect. Where the

Agency Administrator gives notice of removal under this1.1.3.3(b) it being understood that, where the applicant'sprovision, the notice shall specify the date at which it willstaff at such places is limited to two such persons,be effective, which shall not be before the date specifiedboth shall meet the requirements set forth in Subpara-in clause 14 of the Cargo Agency Agreement;graph 1.1.3 of this Paragraph; when the Agency Administrator determines1.1.3.4 In addition to the stated Dangerous Goodsthat an Agent may no longer satisfy the financial criteriaAcceptance training requirements, all persons assignedincorporated in the Handbook, he may, if circumstancesby the applicant to handle any consignments and/or makeso warrant, prescribe in writing such conditions as hethem ready for carriage shall have completed a Danger-deems appropriate to be complied with by the Agentous Goods awareness course in accordance with nationalwithin 60 days of the date of such written prescription.governmental agency and/or ICAO requirements.The Agency Administrator shall determine if such con-ditions have been met. On finding that the Agent failed to1.1.4/ Financial Standing comply, the Agency Administrator shall suspend theAgent from CASS where applicable and/or initiate a1.1.4.1(a)(i) the applicant must be able to providereview of the Agent. The Agency Administrator shall notifyaccredited accounts showing satisfactory financial stand-the Agent, all Members and, where applicable, the ISSing and ability to remain solvent and pay bills. TheManagement accordingly;following will be taken into account when assessing the

applicant's financial standing: if subsequent to the action taken under Sub-paragraphs and above, but prior to1.1.4.1(a)(i)(aa) availability of adequate liquid funds tothe decision of the Agency Commissioner, the Agentmeet normal trading commitments,satisfies the Agency Administrator that the prescribedconditions have been met, the Agency Administrator shall1.1.4.1(a)(i)(bb) paid-up capital required to be commen-revoke the Agent's suspension from CASS where appli-surate with fixed assets,cable, terminate the review proceeding and notify the the existence of preferential claims on Agent, all Members and, where applicable, the ISSthe assets and contingent liabilities. Management accordingly; the applicant may be required to provide when the financial position of an Agent is subjectfurther information or additional financial support in the to review by the Agency Commissioner, and the Agent isform of recapitalisation, bank or insurance bonds or unable to meet the financial critieria of the Handbook, theguarantees. Failure on the part of an Agent to renew, Agency Commissioner shall take normal business fluctu-before their expiry dates, any such bank or insurance ations into account and provide the Agent with a reason-bonds or guarantees shall constitute grounds for the able period of time to meet those criteria;Agency Administrator to suspend the Agent from CASS notwithstanding the provisions contained withinwhere applicable and/or to initiate a review of the Agentparagraphs and, an Agent may satisfy theby the Agency Commissioner. In such event, the Agencyrequirement to provide additional financial support underAdministrator shall so notify the Agent, all Members andsection through any type of security ac-where applicable, the ISS Management. If, prior to thecepted by the Agency Administrator from time to time;review, the Agency Administrator receives evidence that

such bank or insurance bonds or guarantees have beenrenewed as required, he shall revoke the Agent's suspen- 1.1.5 Licence to Tradesion from CASS where applicable, terminate the review

where officially required, the applicant must be in pos-session of a valid licence to trade. Suspension or


Resolution 801—Section 1

withdrawal of this licence shall constitute grounds for the the Agency Administrator shall invite each Mem-Agency Administrator to suspend the Agent from CASS, ber having its own sales organization in the countrywhere applicable, and/or initiate a review by the Agency concerned to nominate from management personnel in itsCommissioner. employment a person of appropriate seniority to serve as

such Member's representative on the IATA CargoAdvisory Panel. The Agency Administrator shall maintain

1.2 OTHER REQUIREMENTS a list of all such nominees;

1.2.1(a) the applicant must not have a name which is each ICAP shall consist of not more than ninesuch representatives selected by the Agency Adminis-1.2.1(a)(i) the same as, or misleadingly similar to that of trator from the nominations received. In selecting such

an IATA Member or IATA, or representatives the Agency Administrator shall endeavourto ensure that the membership is composed of persons1.2.1(a)(ii) the same as that of another IATA Cargohaving expertise in the areas of cargo handling, sales andAgent in the same country; provided that this prohibitionfinancial control;shall not apply to Persons entered on the Cargo Agency

List prior to 1 April 1984, to assist the Agency Administrator in processingapplications for registration and retention of Agents, each1.2.1(b) the place of business must not be identified asICAP shall make recommendations to the Cargo Agencyan office of a Member,Conference for the establishment of local criteria that takeinto account market conditions, with respect to:1.2.2 the applicant must have a satisfactory record for

adherence to ethical business practices. This includes financial standing,any of the applicant's managerial staff or of its principalstock-holders, directors or officers; personnel qualifications,1.2.3 all material statements made in the Application premises,shall be accurate, complete and not misleading. equipment;

1.3 EXCLUSIONS ICAP representatives at the request of theAgency Administrator may conduct inspections and sub-1.3.1 no Person shall be registered or retained as an mit reports with respect to qualifications of applicants;

Agent for or in a specific country if, in such country: each ICAP may request the Agency Adminis- a substantial portion of the air transportation trator to conduct reviews of Agents located in the country

which such Person sells and/or handles is in relation to or group of countries under the purview of the ICAP;goods owned by such Person; ICAPs may, subject to prior notice to the Agency1.3.1.2 anyone who is a director of or who holds a Administrator, participate in dialogue meetings with rep-financial interest or a position of general management in resentatives of national cargo agents' associations. Thethe applicant, is also holding or has held similar positions Agency Administrator or his authorised representativein an Agent which: shall attend all such meetings; is currently under notice of default and has dialogue meetings provided for inoutstanding debts still owing to Members or its debts Subparagraph of this Paragraph may consider allhave been, or are being met, solely or in part by recourse items that are within the terms of reference of the Cargoto a financial bond or guarantee, or Agency Conference, in the country or group of countries

under the purview of the ICAP concerned, and make1.3.1.2(b) has been removed from the Agency List andrecommendations to the Agency Administrator for sub-has outstanding debts still owing to Members or its debtsmission to the Conference;were met solely or in part by recourse to a financial bond

or guarantee, provided that the applicant may neverthe- persons included on the list maintained by theless be approved if the Agency Administrator is satisfied Agency Administrator, pursuant to Subparagraph such Person did not participate in the acts or of this Paragraph, who are not selected as members ofomissions that caused such removal or default or if it is the ICAP, may attend meetings thereof as observers;satisfied that the applicant can be relied upon to complywith the terms of the Agency Agreement, these Rules and except as specifically provided herein, eachother Resolutions of the Conference. ICAP shall determine its own procedures from guidelines

supplied to that effect by the Agency Administrator andshall meet as required.1.4 IATA CARGO ADVISORY PANEL


1.4.1 the Agency Administrator may, on advice from aMember, establish an IATA Cargo Advisory Panel (ICAP) the criteria for registration and retention of IATA Cargoin a country or group of countries; Agents shall be included in an appendix to the IATA

Cargo Agent's Handbook.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

determining whether the applicant meets the qualifi-Section 2—Procedurescations necessary to become an Agent;

Upon request, the Agency Administrator shall supply2.2.6 the Agency Administrator shall consider eacheach prospective applicant with an application form andapplication and supporting information and any othera copy of the IATA Cargo Agent's Handbook (atinformation brought to his attention and decide withina nominal charge) containing these Rules and other45 days of date of publication of the application listing ifrelevant information and guidance.the applicant meets the qualifications to become anAgent;

2.1 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION2.2.7 the applicant shall be notified promptly in writing ofthe Agency Administrator's action and in the event ofan applicant which wishes to be included on the Cargorejection shall be given clear reasons why the applicationAgency List shall apply to the Agency Administrator whofailed;is empowered to register the applicant or to reject the

application:2.2.8 a rejected applicant may, within 30 calendar daysof the date of the Agency Administrator's notice,2.1.1 such application shall request registration of therequest reconsideration of the decision by the Agencyapplicant in respect of its operations within one countryAdministrator or may invoke the procedures for reviewfor delivery of consignments for transportation from air-of the Agency Administrator's action by the Agencyports within that country or from named airports withinCommissioner;immediately adjacent countries;

2.2.9 a Member filing evidence pursuant to Subpara-2.1.2 an Agent duly registered under these Rules may,graph 2.2.4 of this Paragraph may, if the applicantat any time, by submitting a request accompanied byconcerned is registered, request consideration of thesettlement of the appropriate fee(s), be authorised by thedecision by the Agency Administrator or may request aAgency Administrator to deliver consignments for trans-review of the Agent on the grounds specified in theportation from (a) named Airport(s) in country(ies) im-protest made under Subparagraph 2.2.4 of this Para-mediately adjacent to the country for which the Agent isgraph. In the latter instance, the Agency Administratorregistered. The Agency Administrator shall amend theshall initiate a review by the Agency Commissioner. TheCargo Agency List accordingly and request the DirectorAgency Administrator shall notify the Agent of the in-General to reflect such authorisation on the Agent'sitiation of the review and the grounds upon which it shallCargo Agency based and shall invite the Agent to submit rebuttal orsupplementary information to the Agency Commissioner,

2.2 FORM OF APPLICATION— with copy to the Agency Administrator, bearing on theallegations upon which the protest was filed.PROCESSING

2.2.1 The submitted application shall be accompanied2.3 ACTION FOLLOWING REGISTRATIONby such financial and other documents as set forth in the

Handbook and fees covering the following: OF APPLICANT2.2.1.1 application fee which is non-refundable, and 2.3.1 if the Agency Administrator determines that the

applicant has shown that it meets the qualifications, he2.2.1.2 registration fee, and shall enter it on the Cargo Agency List; the first annual agency fee; 2.3.2 the Director General, acting on behalf of Membersdesiring to appoint an Agent shall execute a Cargo2.2.2 upon receipt, the Agency Administrator shall Agency Agreement with each Person registered as anpromptly consider whether such application is complete. If Agent in accordance with these Rules. The Agencyany of the required information or fees have not been Administrator shall promptly notify all Members of theincluded with the application the Agency Administrator names of parties executing Cargo Agency Agreementsshall so inform the applicant; and the dates of such Agreements;

2.2.3 if the Agency Administrator finds the application is 2.3.3 the Agency Administrator shall maintain, publishcomplete, he shall publish promptly to Members in a and circulate from time to time, a Cargo Agency List of alllisting that such application has been received. Such Persons with whom the Director General has entered intolisting shall be published not less than monthly; a Cargo Agency Agreement in accordance with Subpara-graph 2.3.2 of this Paragraph which will contain the2.2.4 any Member may, within 30 days of publication offollowing minimum information:such listing, file evidence with the Agency Administrator

indicating the grounds why, in that Member's opinion, the name of Agent,applicant does not meet the qualifications to become anAgent. The Agency Administrator shall inform the appli- legal or registered address,cant that such a protest has been made and invite address of operational premises,response; mailing address,

e-mail address,2.2.5 the Agency Administrator shall arrange for at least branch location address(es) where applicable,one independent inspection report to assist him in


Resolution 801—Section 2 date of registration, 2.7 CAPACITY AND INDEMNITY2.3.3.4 IATA numeric code and location identifier(s), the Director General, the Agency Administrator and the

ISS Management, in performing any action pursuant to2.3.3.5 named Airport(s) in adjacent country(ies), if these Rules, to Resolutions 851, 853 and their Attach-applicable; ments, and to any other applicable Resolutions, act not

as principals but as agents for the Members concerned.2.3.4 for the purpose of these Rules, a Person's nameMembers appointing Agents undertake to indemnify IATA,shall be deemed to be included on the Cargo Agency Listits officers, employees and other appointees against anyfrom the date when such Agreement is entered into untilliability (including liability for legal costs) for any actionthe date when it is terminated.taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of theirfunctions under these Rules (other than functions per-formed pursuant to Section 2 of Resolution 801r).2.4 APPOINTMENT OF AGENTMembers participating in a Cargo Accounts SettlementSystem (CASS-Export) or in a CASS-Import and Terminal2.4.1 Manner of AppointmentCharges (CASS-ITC) undertake to indemnify IATA, itsofficers, employees and other appointees against liability2.4.1.1 a Member may appoint an Agent which is on the(including liability for legal costs) for any action taken orCargo Agency List in the following manner:omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions by depositing with the Agency Administrator a with respect to such system under Resolutions 851,statement of general concurrence for the appointment of 853 and their Attachments, and under Section 2 ofall Agents. The Agency Administrator shall from time to Resolution 801r, as applicable.time publish in the IATA Cargo Agents' Handbook, a listof Members having deposited such a statement of gen-eral concurrence, alternatively, a Member may inform suchAgent, in writing with copy to the Agency Administrator,that such Member specifically concurs in its appointmentas an Agent;

2.4.2 Effective Date such appointment(s) shall be effective asfollows: as to those Members who have deposited astatement of general concurrence, immediately uponinclusion of the Agent on the Cargo Agency List, or asfrom the date the statement is deposited if such date issubsequent to that of the Agent's inclusion on the CargoAgency List, as to any other Member, as of the date statedas the effective date in such Member's specific concur-rence which shall not be earlier than the date when theAgent was included on the Cargo Agency List.

2.5 TERMINATION OF INDIVIDUALAPPOINTMENTany Member having appointed an Agent may cancel suchappointment by so notifying the Agent in writing with copyto the Agency Administrator.

2.6 DELIVERY OF AIR WAYBILLSBY MEMBERSthe provision of Air Waybills shall be at the option ofthe Member. The Member may, also at its option,authorise the Agent to issue on the Member's behalf,Neutral Air Waybills in conformity with the provisionsof Resolution 600a.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Section 3—Commission/Remuneration Section 4—Measures Affectingan Agent's StandingCommission and/or remuneration for the sale and hand-

ling of international air cargo transportation shall beagreed bilaterally between the parties. 4.1 WITHDRAWAL BY AGENT

4.1.1 an Agent may voluntarily relinquish its registeredstatus at any time by giving advance notice in writing tothe Agency Administrator who shall notify all Members.The notice will state an effective date of withdrawal,without prejudice to fulfilment by the Agent and each ofthe Members having the Agent under appointment, of allobligations accrued up to the date of withdrawal from theCargo Agency List;

4.1.2 in the event an Agent voluntarily relinquishes anyMember's appointment it shall so notify the Member inwriting.

4.2 REMOVAL BY AGENCYADMINISTRATORthe Agency Administrator may, in accordance with theprovisions of these Rules, remove for cause an Agentfrom the Cargo Agency List by giving notice in writing tothe Agent to take effect in accordance with these Rules.Such removal shall be without prejudice to fulfilment bythe Agent and each of the Members having the Agentunder appointment of all obligations accrued up to thedate of removal from the Cargo Agency List.

4.3 NOTICE OF SUSPENSIONBY AGENCY ADMINISTRATORwhen an Agent is suspended for cause under theprovisions of these Rules, the Agency Administrator shallgive notice thereof in writing to the Agent. The suspen-sion will take effect from the time specified in the writtennotice.


4.4.1 Removal

when notice has been served by the Agency Adminis-trator that an Agent is to be removed from the CargoAgency List: the Agency Administrator shall by notice to theAgent terminate the Agent's Cargo Agency Agreementand so notify Members; any authorisation given to the Agent to issueNeutral Air Waybills shall be withdrawn and an immediateaccounting and settlement of monies due will be required; Members not participating in the Cargo AccountsSettlement Systems shall revoke any authority for theAgent to execute Air Waybills on behalf of such Membersand require an immediate accounting and settlement ofmonies due;


Resolution 801—Section 5

4.4.2 Suspension Section 5—Change of Ownership, LegalStatus, Name or Addresswhen notice has been served by the Agency Adminis-

trator that an Agent is to be suspended:

5.1 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES4.4.2.1 the Agency Administrator shall so notifyMembers, notification with respect to changes of ownership, legal

status, name or address of the Agent shall be given to the4.4.2.2 for the period of suspension, any authorisationAgency Administrator prior to the change, and processedgiven to the Agent to issue Neutral Air Waybills shall bein accordance with the provisions of this Section; providedwithdrawn,that when an Agent undergoes a change of ownership orstatus which also includes a change of name or address, Members not participating in the Cargo Accountsall changes shall be notified by the Agent in a singleSettlement Systems shall, for the period of suspension,notice of change and actioned by the Agency Adminis-revoke any authority for the Agent to execute Air Waybillstrator as one application.on behalf of such Members, during the period of suspension the Agent may5.2 PROCESSING OF CHANGEScontinue to do business with Members on terms agreed

between the parties,5.2.1/ the following changes of ownership shallrequire the execution of a new Cargo Agency Agreement, in all other respects the provisions of theseand shall be processed in accordance with Paragraph 5.3Rules and of other applicable Resolutions continue toof this Section:apply to the Agent during the period of suspension; in the case of a sole owner, partnership or4.4.3 Reprimandother unincorporated firm:

when a reprimand is issued to an Agent under any of the the transfer of an interest in the Agentprovisions of these Rules, the Agency Administrator shallwhich has the effect of transferring control of the Agent torecord it against the Agent and notify the Agent that thisa Person in whom it was not previously vested,has been done. the admission or withdrawal of a partner,

4.5 LICENCE TO TRADE in the case of a corporation, the disposal ofthe Agent's business and its acquisition by a Person whoin addition to actions affecting an Agent's IATA statusis not an Agent;which may be taken pursuant to these Rules, the

application of the Cargo Agency Agreement to an Agent the following changes of ownership in a corpor-and the capacity of such Agent to do business with ation shall not require the execution of a new CargoMembers may be affected by termination, suspension or Agency Agreement, and shall be processed in accord-other condition relating to the Agent's licence to trade ance with Paragraph 5.4 of this Section:(where this is officially required) imposed by the govern-ment authorities of the place where the Agent is situated. a reduction of capital,In such case, the Agency Administrator shall promptlynotify all Members, with copy to the Agent, of the effects the disposal or acquisition by any Person ofof such government action. stock representing 30% or more of the total issued share

capital of the Agent, and

4.6 FORCE MAJEURE any other transfer of stock that has the effectof vesting the control of the Agent in a Person in whom it

The Agent shall not be liable for delay or failure to comply was not previously vested, whether by means of a singlewith the terms of the Cargo Agency Agreement to the transaction or as the result of a series of transactions,extent that such delay or failure (i) is caused by any act of over a period of not more than three years.God, war, natural disaster, strike, lockout, labor dispute,work stoppage, fire, third-party criminal act, quarantine 5.2.2 the following changes of ownership and statusrestriction, act of government, or any other cause, shall require the execution of a new Cargo Agencywhether similar or dissimilar, beyond the reasonable Agreement, and shall be processed in accordance withcontrol of the Agent, and (ii) is not the result of the Paragraph 5.3 of this Section:Agent's lack of reasonable diligence (an ‘Excusable in the case of a sole ownership, partnership orDelay’). In the event an Excusable Delay continues forother unincorporated firm, the incorporation of the Agent;seven days or longer, the Agency Administrator shall

have the right, at its option, to terminate this Agreement in the case of a corporate body:by giving the Agent whose performance has failed orbeen delayed by the Excusable Delay at least thirty days' the transformation of the Agent into a partner-prior written notice of such election to terminate. ship or other unincorporated firm,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide any change which reduces the liability of any 5.4 CHANGES NOT REQUIRING A NEWPerson who was previously liable, directly or indirectly, for AGREEMENTthe debts of the corporation.

when an Agent proposes to effect a change of ownership5.2.3 the following other changes shall be processed in as described in Subparagraph of this Section:accordance with the appropriate Paragraph of this Sec-tion as indicated: 5.4.1(a) the Agent shall give the Agency Administrator

notice of the proposed change in the form of Attachment5.2.3.1 death of sole owner or of a member of a ‘A’ to these Rules at least 30 days before the change is topartnership or other unincorporated firm—Paragraph 5.9; be effected. As soon as possible the Agent shall also

provide a current financial statement. On receipt of the5.2.3.2 death of stockholder—Paragraph 5.10;notice, the Agency Administrator shall: change of name—Paragraph 5.11; 5.4.1(a)(i) bill the Agent for a change of ownership feeas provided in Subparagraph of Section 11 of5.2.3.4 change of address—Paragraph 5.12.these Rules, and

5.4.1(a)(ii) publish promptly to Members in a monthly5.3 CHANGES REQUIRING NEWlisting that such a notice has been received;AGREEMENT5.4.1(b) any Member may within 30 days of publicationwhen an Agent proposes to effect a change of ownershipof such information, file evidence with the Agency Admin-and/or status as described in Subparagraphs oristrator indicating the grounds why, in that Member's5.2.2 of this Section:opinion, the Agent does not meet the qualifications toremain an Agent. The Agency Administrator shall inform5.3.1 the Agent (‘the transferor’) and the proposed newthe Agent that such protest has been made and inviteowner (‘the transferee’) shall jointly give the Agencyresponse;Administrator notice of the proposed change in the form

as prescribed by Attachment ‘A’ to these Rules at least 5.4.2 on receipt of a notice of change in time to enable30 days before the change is to be effected. At the samethe Agency Administrator to process the change, thetime the transferee shall submit an application forAgency Administrator shall give provisional approval ofapproval and inclusion in the Cargo Agency List inthe change unless the notice reveals or the Agencyaccordance with Section 2 of these Rules and theAdministrator has reason to believe that the Agent shouldapplication shall be considered and dealt with in accord-not be retained because it does not meet one or more ofance with the provisions of that Section;the requirements of Section 1 of these Rules. Neverthe-less if prior to final decision on the change the Agent5.3.2 on receipt of a notice of change and a dulyeliminates the grounds for disapproval to the satisfactioncompleted application in time to enable the Agencyof the Agency Administrator, the Agency AdministratorAdministrator to process the application, theshall give provisional approval of the change;Agency Administrator shall execute a provisional

Cargo Agency Agreement with the transferee unless the 5.4.3 the provisional approval of the change shallapplication reveals or the Agency Administrator hastake effect from the date when the change takes placereason to believe that the application should be disap-and the Agency Administrator shall notify all Membersproved because the transferee does not meet one oraccordingly.more of the requirements of Section 1 of these Rules.

Nevertheless if prior to the final decision on theapplication the transferee eliminates the grounds for 5.5 LACK OF PROVISIONALdisapproval to the satisfaction of the Agency Adminis- AGREEMENT OR APPROVALtrator, the Agency Administrator shall execute a pro-visional Cargo Agency Agreement with the transferee; when pursuant to Subparagraph 5.3.2 or 5.4.2 of this

Section the Agency Administrator is unable to execute a5.3.3 the transferee's provisional Cargo Agency Agree-provisional Cargo Agency Agreement or to givement shall take effect from the date when the change ofprovisional approval as at the date of the change, theownership and/or status takes place. The transferor'sAgency Administrator shall notify all Members and theCargo Agency Agreement shall terminate as of the dateISS Management accordingly. Members may continue towhen the change of ownership and/or status takesdo business with the Agent on terms agreed between theplace, without prejudice to the fulfilment of all obligationsparties.accrued prior to the date of termination;

5.3.4 a provisional Cargo Agency Agreement shall be in 5.6 FINAL APPROVAL BY AGENCYthe same form and have the same effect as a CargoADMINISTRATORAgency Agreement. The Agency Administrator shall notify

all Members of the execution of the provisional agreement 5.6.1 in addition to any action taken by the Agencyand on receipt of such notice Members may do businessAdministrator under Paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of thiswith the transferee as if he were an Agent.Section he shall obtain from such source and in suchmanner as he may deem appropriate a report on thetransferee or Agent, as the case may be, indicating


Resolution 801—Section 5

whether the requirements set out in Section 1 of these respects to its previous ownership, the Agency Adminis-Rules are satisfied; trator shall reinstate the Agent's Cargo Agency Agree-

ment and, when applicable, reinstate credit facilities and5.6.2 if, the report shows that the said requirements notify the Agent and all Members accordingly.are satisfied, and no protest has been received froma Member within 30 days following notice from theAgency Administrator of the proposed change, the 5.8 UNDERTAKING BY TRANSFEREEAgency Administrator shall:

except in cases of change described in Subparagraph5.6.2.1 in cases of a change as described in Subpara- of this Section:graphs or 5.2.2 of this Section, notify the

5.8.1 every application for approval shall be ac-transferee that the provisional Cargo Agency Agreementcompanied by an undertaking by the transferee to acceptshall cease to be provisional and shall become a Cargojoint and several liability with the transferor for anyAgency Agreement,outstanding obligations of the transferor under its Cargo in cases of a change as described in Subpara- Agency Agreement as of the date when the transfer ofgraph of this Section, notify the Agent that the ownership takes place; andprovisional approval of the change shall cease to be

5.8.2 in cases where the transferor is employed by orprovisional and shall become a full approval; The Agencyretains a financial or beneficial interest directly orAdministrator shall notify all Members accordingly and,indirectly in the Agent after the change of ownership, thewhen required, make any necessary amendment to theapplication shall be accompanied by an undertaking byCargo Agency List.the transferee to accept responsibility for any violation bythe transferor of its Cargo Agency Agreement which

5.7 EFFECT OF DISAPPROVAL may have occurred within a period of two years immedi-ately prior to the change of ownership as if such

5.7.1(a) if the Agency Administrator is unable to execute violation were a violation of the transferee's Cargoa Cargo Agency Agreement with a transferee or to give Agency approval of a change to an Agent, as the case maybe, he shall promptly notify the transferee or Agent andshall, simultaneously: 5.9 DEATH OF A SOLE OWNER OR OF A

MEMBER OF A PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER5.7.1(a)(i) in cases of a change as described in Subpar- UNINCORPORATED FIRMagraphs or 5.2.2 of this Section, by notice to thetransferor confirm that its Cargo Agency Agreement 5.9.1 in the event of the death of the sole owner of anterminated on the date when the change of ownership Agent, or of a member of a partnership or other unincor-took place, and by notice to the transferee, terminate the porated firm, the Agent shall promptly advise the Agencyprovisional Cargo Agency Agreement, if executed, Administrator who, in order to preserve the goodwill of

the Agent as far as possible, may, at the request of the5.7.1(a)(ii) in cases of a change as described in Subpar-person entitled to represent the decedent's estate (in theagraph of this Section, by notice to the Agentcase of a sole ownership) or of the remaining member ofwithdraw a provisional approval that has been given andthe partnership or other unincorporated firm enter into aterminate the Agent's Cargo Agency Agreement;temporary Cargo Agency Agreement with the requestingparty, reinstate credit facilities and advise Members5.7.1(b) in all such notices the Agency Administratoraccordingly. The temporary Cargo Agency Agreementshall give the reasons for his action and notify allshall be in the same form and have the same effect as aMembers accordingly. A disapproved transferee or AgentCargo Agency Agreement except that:may within 30 days of the Agency Administrator's notice

request reconsideration of the decision by the Agency if the Agency Administrator at any time hasAdministrator or invoke the procedures for review ofreason to believe that the financial situation of the estate,the Agency Administrator's action by the Agencypartnership or other unincorporated firm is unsatisfactory,Commissioner;he shall request a review of the Agent by the AgencyCommissioner and notify the Agent and all Members5.7.2 upon request for reconsideration by the Agencyaccordingly,Administrator or for review by the Agency Commissioner,

the disapproval action shall be stayed and the status quo if prior to the date of the review the estate orante restored pending the result of the reconsideration orpartnership or other unincorporated firm submits evidenceof the review. If the Agency Commissioner confirms theof a satisfactory financial situation, the Agency Adminis-disapproval, the transferee or Agent may request reviewtrator shall withdraw his request for review and shall notifyof such decision by arbitration pursuant to Section 10 ofthe Agent and all Members that credit may be reinstated,these Rules in which case the disapproval action shall

continue to be stayed until notification of the arbitration if the matter proceeds to review and the Agencyaward; Commissioner finds that the financial situation of the

estate, partnership or other unincorporated firm so5.7.3 if the transferor or the Agent as the case may bewarrants, he shall direct that the temporary Cargo Agencynotifies the Agency Administrator that the change ofAgreement be terminated. The Agency Administrator shallownership has been revoked and the Agent restored in allremove the Agent from the Cargo Agency List and notify


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

the Agent and all Members accordingly. Upon receipt of Agreement. If the Agency Administrator disapproves thesuch notice, Members shall take the same action as application he shall initiate a review by the Agencyrequired on removal of an Agent from the Cargo Agency Commissioner.List,

5.9.2 if the person entitled to represent the estate of the 5.12 CHANGE OF ADDRESSdecedent proposes to transfer or to confirm the transfer of

5.12.1 where an Agent changes its address from thatthe decedent's interest in the Agent to an heir, legatee orshown on the Cargo Agency List, such Agent shall notifyother person, or notifies that the decedent's interest ispromptly the Agency Administrator who shall so advise allwithdrawn from the partnership or other unincorporatedMembers. Authority to act as an Agent shall continue tofirm, such transfer or withdrawal shall be deemed aapply to the new address;change of ownership for purposes of this Section. The

signatory of the temporary Cargo Agency Agreement and 5.12.2 where an Agent moves from or ceases to operatethe transferee shall jointly give notice to the Agencyat the sales office and/or handling facilities that wereAdministrator as required under Subparagraph 5.3.1 ofinspected in the course of processing its application forthis Section and thereafter the provisions of Paragraphsregistration, such Agent, shall as far in advance as5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 of this Section shallpossible but in any case before effecting the move, notifyapply,the Agency Administrator of the new address. TheAgency Administrator shall obtain an inspection report of5.9.3 subject to earlier termination under the provisionsthe new premises and shall notify all Members of theof Subparagraph 5.9.1 or 5.9.2 of this Paragraph, aproposed new address. If no protest is received from anytemporary Cargo Agency Agreement with the representa-Member within 30 days of such notice and if the inspec-tive of the estate of a deceased sole owner shalltion report is favourable, the new premises shall beterminate if such representative ceases to carry ondeemed to be approved. If the change is protested by anythe Agent's business at the address covered by theMember within such period or if the investigation report isAgreement.unfavourable, the new premises shall not be approved bythe Agency Administrator and the matter shall be referred

5.10 DEATH OF STOCKHOLDER to the Agency Commissioner;

5.10.1 in the event of the death of a stockholder holding 5.12.3 where an Agent opens, closes, or changes the30% or more of the total issued stock of a corporate body address of a branch office, he shall advise the Agency(or in whom control of the Agent is vested), the Agent Administrator so that he may amend the Cargo Agencyshall promptly advise the Agency Administrator who shall List.notify all Members accordingly and request the Agent tosubmit current financial statements:

5.13 LATE NOTIFICATION OR ABSENCE5.10.1.1 if the financial situation of the Agent is found to OF NOTIFICATION OF CHANGEbe satisfactory, the Agent may continue to do businesswith Members as a registered Agent; 5.13.1 if the notification and, when required, the com-

pleted application in respect of a change of ownership or5.10.1.2 if the financial situation of the Agent is found to status is not received by the Agency Administrator or isbe unsatisfactory, the Agency Administrator shall request received after the change has taken place, the Agencya review of the Agent by the Agency Commissioner and Administrator shall place the Agent under review by thenotify the Agent and all Members accordingly; Agency Commissioner. The application from the

transferee, if any, shall be processed in accordance with5.10.2 if the person entitled to represent the decedent's the provisions of Section 2 of these Rules;estate proposes to transfer or to confirm the transfer ofthe decedent's interest in the Agent to an heir, legatee or 5.13.2 failure to notify the Agency Administrator of aother person, such transfer shall be deemed a change of change of name or address shall be grounds to place theownership for purposes of this Section. The Agent shall Agent under review by the Agency Commissioner.give notice to the Agency Administrator as required underSubparagraph 5.4.1(a) of this Section and the provisionsof Paragraphs 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 of this Section shallapply.

5.11 CHANGE OF NAMEwhen an Agent changes its name, such Agent shall notifypromptly the Agency Administrator of the new name. TheAgency Administrator shall ascertain whether the newname can be approved pursuant to the provisions of theSection 1, Subparagraph 1.2.1(a) of these Rules. If thename change is approved the Agency Administrator shallnotify all Members of the new name and record the newname on the Cargo Agency List and in the Cargo Agency


Resolution 801—Section 7

Section 6—Review by Agency Section 7—Collection of Funds;Commissioner Irregularities and Default (other than

under Cargo Accounts SettlementThe matters under the purview of the Agency Com- System—CASS-Export)missioner are set out in Resolution 811e, as are theprocedures for conducting reviews.

The procedures regarding reporting and remitting directlyto Members are set forth in Resolution 801r.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Section 8—Air Waybill Transmittals, Section 9—Consequences of DefaultBillings, Remittances and Collections The procedures regarding the consequences of defaultDefaults (under Cargo Accounts are set forth in Resolution 801r.Settlement System—CASS-Export)The procedures regarding reporting and remittance underthe CASS-Export are set forth in Resolution 801r.


Resolution 801—Section 10

Board's award, any monies so posted, and in excess ofSection 10—Review by Arbitrationthe arbitration costs, shall be refunded to one or other orat Agent's Request both parties, as appropriate.

10.3.2 within 20 days of receipt by the Agency Adminis-10.1 RIGHT TO ARBITRATION REVIEW trator of the form of Request for Arbitration completed bythe Agent electing arbitration before a three-memberany Agent which considers itself aggrieved by a decisionBoard together with a certified cheque or banker's draft,of the Agency Commissioner (‘the Commissioner’) underthe Agency Administrator shall nominate an arbitrator andResolution 811e shall have the right to have the decisionthe two arbitrators so nominated shall nominate a thirdreviewed by arbitration in accordance with the followingwho shall act as chairman of the Arbitration Board. If theprocedure (hereafter in this Section the term ‘Agent’ isthird arbitrator has not been so nominated within 20 daysused to designate both an aggrieved Agent and anafter the nomination of the second arbitrator, the Agencyapplicant seeking review by arbitration, except where theAdministrator shall request the President of the Inter-context specifies otherwise).national Chamber of Commerce to nominate the thirdarbitrator;

10.2 APPLICATION PROCEDURE 10.3.3 the expression ‘Arbitration Board’ shall mean asole arbitrator or a three-member Arbitration Board nomi-the Agent shall send written notice to the Agency Admin-nated pursuant to Subparagraphs 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 ofistrator advising of its wish to have the decision reviewedthis arbitration. The notice is to reach the Agency Adminis-

trator within 30 days of the date the decision was sent tothe Agent. Thereafter the Agency Administrator shall 10.4 SUBSTITUTION OF ARBITRATORdispatch to the Agent a form of Request for Arbitrationand shall notify all Members that the Agent has requested in the event of the resignation or incapacity of anarbitration. arbitrator, the persons appointing such arbitrator shall,

within 30 days of the date when the Agency Administratoris notified of such resignation or incapacity, appoint a10.3 SETTING UP OF ARBITRATIONsubstitute.BOARD

10.3.1(a) the Agent may elect arbitration before: 10.5 CONDUCT OF PROCEEDINGS10.3.1(a)(i) a sole arbitrator appointed by mutual agree- 10.5.1 the Arbitration Board shall unless otherwisement within 20 days of the date of dispatch to the Agent agreed by the Agent and the Agency Administrator, holdof the form of Request for Arbitration; (failing such the hearing in the country where the Agent is registered;agreement, the nomination shall be made by the Presi-dent of the International Chamber of Commerce), or 10.5.2 the Arbitration Board shall publish its award in

writing not later than 60 days after appointment of the10.3.1(a)(ii) a sole arbitrator appointed by the President chairman or of the sole arbitrator, provided that thisof the International Chamber of Commerce, or period may be extended by or with the agreement of the

Agent and the Agency Administrator. If the Arbitration10.3.1(a)(iii) an Arbitration Board composed of threeBoard does not publish its award in writing within suchmembers as provided in Subparagraph 10.3.2 of thisperiod of 60 days, or within such extended period agreedParagraph;by the Agent and the Agency Administrator, the Arbi-tration Board shall be deemed discharged without re-10.3.1(b) in any event the Agent shall complete, signmuneration and the Agency Administrator shall requestand return the form of Request for Arbitration so as tothe President of the International Chamber of Commercereach the Agency Administrator within 30 days of itsto appoint a sole arbitrator or another sole arbitrator (indispatch to the Agent. On such form the Agent shallplace of the sole arbitrator discharged) who shall proceedindicate its choice of (i), (ii) or (iii) above. Where itin accordance with the provisions of Subparagraph 10.5.1chooses arbitration before a three-member Arbitrationof this Paragraph and Paragraph 10.7 of this Section andBoard, the Agent shall enter the name of an arbitratorshall publish his written award within 45 days of the dateacceptable to it and willing to act as such; the form shallof his appointment;be accompanied by a certified cheque or banker's draft

for USD750 (or the acceptable equivalent) where a sole 10.5.3 the Arbitration Board shall reach its decision by aarbitrator has been chosen, or for USD1,000 (or themajority;acceptable equivalent) where a three-member Arbitration

Board has been chosen, as deposit on account of any 10.5.4 the Arbitration Board shall permit the parties tocosts that may become payable by the Agent; be heard either in person or by a representative and shall

receive any relevant or material probative evidence bear-10.3.1(c) upon receipt of documentation from the Agenting on the matter referred to it;and IATA, and prior to holding the hearing, the Arbi-

trator(s) may require the Agent and IATA to post certified 10.5.5 in all other respects the Arbitration Board shallcheques in an amount determined by the Arbitrator(s), in settle its own procedures.US dollars or the acceptable equivalent, to cover theestimated costs of the arbitration. Upon notification of the


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

10.6 SCOPE OF REVIEW Section 11—Agency Fees10.6.1 review by the Arbitration Board shall be appellateand not de novo. The Board shall affirm the decision 11.1 TYPES OF FEESunder review unless it finds and concludes that such

11.1.1 the following agency fees, in the amounts to bedecision is deficient in one or more of the followingdetermined by the Conference in consultation with therespects:Director General, shall be payable: it is not supported by substantial evidence; Application Fees10.6.1.2 it contains error of applicable law;a non-refundable application fee for each country of10.6.1.3 it is arbitrary or capricious; registration and for each named airport, if any, in eachcountry adjacent to the country of registration; it is not in accordance with the terms of the

Resolution under which it was taken; Registration Fees the penalty is inappropriate, inadequate ora registration fee for each country of registration and forexcessive;each named airport, if any, in each country adjacent tothe country of registration;10.6.2 additionally, evidence may be considered which

is available to the Arbitration Board but which for goodcause could not be presented to the Commissioner. Annual Agency Fees

an annual agency fee for each country of registration and10.7 AWARD for each named airport, if any, in each country adjacent to

the country of registration;10.7.1 in the event the Arbitration Board does not affirmthe decision under review, it shall either direct action Fees for Changesupon the Agent in accordance with the Board's findings,or refer the matter to the Commissioner for action a fee for processing a change of ownership, name orconsistent with the Board's decision; address;

10.7.2 the Arbitration Board shall direct that costs of the 11.1.2 no application for entry as an Agent on the CargoArbitration Board shall be borne by the Agent if the Agency List shall be considered unless the applicationdecision under review is affirmed, shall be borne by IATA fee, the registration fee and the first annual agency feeif the Commissioner's decision is reversed, or shall be have been received. If the application is rejected, theapportioned between the Agent and IATA in such manner registration and annual fees shall be returned to theas the Arbitration Board shall decide if the decision is applicant.modified. Nevertheless, if there are special circumstanceswarranting a different award as to such costs, the

11.2 FIRST ANNUAL AGENCY FEEArbitration Board shall be empowered to direct that theybe borne by the parties in such manner as it considers

the first annual agency fee shall be charged for theequitable. Costs of legal representation shall be borne bycurrent year at the rate of 1/12th of such fee for each fullthe party incurring such costs.calendar month from the time of entry on the CargoAgency List to the end of such year.

10.8 EFFECT AND EFFECTIVE DATE OFTHE AWARD 11.3 INVOICING10.8.1 the award of the Arbitration Board shall be final except in respect of the first assessment upon application,and conclusively binding on the Agent, IATA and all annual agency fees for each calendar year shall be paidMembers and shall be complied with in accordance with not later than 1 December of the preceding year inits terms; accordance with the instructions of the Agency Adminis-

trator. Invoices for such fees shall be sent out by the10.8.2 the Agency Administrator shall notify the Agent,Agency Administrator not later than 1 November of eachall Members and the CASS Management of the award ofyear.the Arbitration Board, which shall take effect, unless the

Arbitration Board directs otherwise, from a date theAgency Administrator shall specify in advance; 11.4 NON-PAYMENT OF ANNUAL FEES10.8.3 if the award requires the Agent to pay the costs 11.4.1(a) if any Agent fails to pay the annual agency feeof the Arbitration Board in whole or in part and the Agent by 1 December, the Director General shall promptly notifyhas not paid such costs within 60 days of the date of the Agent in writing that its Cargo Agency Agreement willnotice given under Subparagraph 10.8.2 of this Para- be terminated if such fee is not received by 31 December.graph, the Agency Administrator shall remove the Agent In the event of failure to make payment by such date, orfrom the Cargo Agency List. to place in the hands of the Agency Administrator by such


Resolution 801—Section 11

date acceptable evidence that the required legal authority GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONSfor such payment has been sought but has not yet beenreceived, the Director General shall promptly transmit to ITALYsuch Agent formal notice of termination, and the Agency

As far as the rules of Resolution 811 (now 801) are concerned,Administrator shall remove such Agent's name from thethe extension Italy, on ground of the particular rules relating toCargo Agency List, and notify all Members. Thereafter allsuch matter, is to be considered to cover also the territories ofMembers which have appointed such Agent shall immedi-the Vatican City and the Republic of S. Marino.ately terminate their agreement with such Agent;

ZAMBIA11.4.1(b) notwithstanding anything to the contrary,where an Agent has been removed from the Cargo

Section 3, Subparagraph 3.4.2:Agency List pursuant to Subparagraph 11.4.1(a), theAgency Administrator, upon receipt of such overdue fee Any disbursement amounts to be entered on the Air Waybill forfrom the Agent by 1 March following the 31 December traffic to/from Zambia shall not be more than USD 100.due date, shall reinstate such Agent on the Cargo AgencyList, provided he is satisfied that such late payment wascaused by events beyond the Agent's control. Wherepayment is received after 1 March the Agency Adminis-trator, provided he is satisfied that such late payment wascaused by events beyond the Agent's control, may at hisdiscretion reinstate such Agent on the Cargo Agency List.In either event, such Agent shall execute a new CargoAgency Agreement, and may be required to pay a newapplication fee and/or registration fee at the discretion ofthe Agency Administrator, and shall then be reinstated onthe Cargo Agency List;

11.4.1(c) if an Agent is removed from the Cargo AgencyList, refunds of annual agency fees paid by such Agentfor the current year shall be made as follows:

Removal from Cargo Refund portionAgency List between of agency fee1 January and 31 March 3/41 April and 30 June 1/21 July and 30 September 1/41 October and 31 December No Refund

11.4.2 Termination for failure to pay an annual agencyfee shall not be arbitrable by the Agent.

11.5 USE OF AGENCY FEESAgency fees collected by the Agency Administrator onbehalf of IATA will be expended by the Director Generalin accordance with directives given by the ExecutiveCommittee of IATA to administer the IATA AgencyProgramme.

Notwithstanding the above, an annual amount of USD15per each IATA Accredited cargo agent shall be providedto FIATA/AFI for the purpose of supporting the globalIATA/FIATA dialogue process.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 801Attachment ‘A’TO:Agency Administrator Full name, style, address and numeric code of registeredInternational Air Transport Association IATA Cargo Agent (Transferor)


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of the IATA Cargo Agency Rules we hereby give notice of the following change(s) in thelegal or beneficial ownership of the above named IATA Cargo Agent (Transferor) as a consequence of contractual arrangementsor negotiations and/or death: (Note: A separate Notice of Change must be completed in respect of each country in which anIATA Cargo Agent proposes to undergo a change in ownership)

1. PRESENT STATUS 2. FUTURE STATUS1. Sole Proprietorship/Partnership/Corporation/other ........................................... ...........................................2. Name(s) of owner/partners/stockholders in case of

unincorporated firm ........................................... ...........................................3. If corporation list:

(a) issued share capital ........................................... name/amountof shares/% of shares/%

(b) names of owners stock/shares and amountof stock owned by each ........................................... ...........................................

(c) names of all officers and directors ........................................... ...........................................4. Effective date of future status as shown above.5. Legal name, trading name and full address under new ownership.6. Will such change affect the premises that were investigated in the course of approving the Agent's application for

registration?7. Will such change affect the management and staffing at such premises?8. Have any of the new owners, officers (directors), managers or any individual having authorization to act or sign on behalf of

such firm been involved in bankruptcy or default proceedings? If so, give details.Pursuant to Section 5, Subparagraph 5.8.2, of the Cargo Agency Rules, where the Transferor is employed by, or retains afinancial or beneficial interest, directly or indirectly, in the Agent following the change of ownership, the undersigned Transfereeknows and hereby agrees to accept responsibility for any violation by the Transferor of his Cargo Agency Agreement which mayhave occurred within a period of two years immediately prior to the change of ownership as if such violation were a violation ofthe Transferee's Cargo Agency Agreement.The Agent (Transferor) has also informed the Transferee of the need to comply with the provisions of Section 5 of the CargoAgency Rules if the latter desires to obtain IATA registration and, further, that such registration may be granted only if theTransferee complies in all respects with the requirements of the Cargo Agency Rules.The undersigned Agent (Transferor) and Transferee know and hereby agree that they are jointly and severally liable for anyobligation to an IATA Member or IATA arising from the Agent's (Transferor's) Cargo Agency Agreement prior to the terminationthereof or the date of receipt by the Agency Administrator of this notice, whichever is later.

.....................................................................................................Name of Agent (Transferor)By: ...............................................................................................Authorized Signature for and on behalf of Agent (Transferor)

.............................................................................................. .....................................................................................................Witness Name, title/capacity of person signing (in type or print)

Date: .................................................................................................................................................................................................Name of TransfereeBy: ...............................................................................................Authorized Signature for and on behalf of Transferee

.............................................................................................. .....................................................................................................Witness Name, title/capacity of person signing (in type or print)

Date: ............................................................................................


Resolution 801—Attachment ‘B’

RESOLUTION 801Attachment ‘B’


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Carrier and the Agent agree to comply with them. AnyRESOLUTION 801a(II)amendment to such Rules and Resolutions shall besubject to a consultative process which forms part of theCARGO AGENCY AGREEMENT (II) machinery used to amend such Rules and Resolutionsand is described in the Handbook;

CAC1(34)801a (except USA) Expiry: Indefinite(amended) Type: B 2.2 the Agent acknowledges that it has received a copyCAC2(34)801a (amended) of the current edition of the Handbook and hasCAC3(34)801a (amended) acquainted itself with the contents thereof;

2.3 the Agency Administrator shall provide the AgentRESOLVED that, the following form of Cargo Agency with subsequent editions of the Handbook and all amend-Agreement (version II) is adopted, with an implementation ments thereto. The Agent shall be notified of any amend-date to be decided by the Cargo Agency Conference: ments to the contents of the Handbook and such

amendments shall be deemed to be incorporated herein;

CARGO AGENCY AGREEMENT 2.4 the terms and expressions used in this Agreementshall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the

AN AGREEMENT made this ... day of ... 20 ... BETWEEN meanings respectively provided for in the Cargo Agencyeach IATA Member (hereinafter called ‘Carrier’) which Rules. In the event of any conflict, contradiction orthereafter appoints the Agent as provided in the Cargo inconsistency between any provisions with which theAgency Rules, represented by the Director General of Agent is required to comply under Subparagraph 2.1 thisIATA or his authorised representative acting for and on Paragraph, and any of the provisions of this Agreement,behalf of such IATA Members AND .... having its principal the provisions of this Agreement shall at ..... (hereinafter called ‘the Agent’) with respect tothe promotion and sale of international air cargo transpor- 3. Scope of Agent's Autoritytation (hereinafter referred to as ‘air cargo transportation’)within ... (specific country of the Agent) (hereinafter called 3.1 the authority of the Agent to represent the Carrier‘the Specified Country’) and the handling and delivery to shall be specifically limited to the authority expresslyCarriers of cargo consignments within the Specified granted by this Agreement;Country and at the following airport(s) in (a) country(ies)immediately adjacent to the Specified Country .................. 3.2 subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the

Agent shall represent the Carrier in the sale of air cargotransportation other than mail over the services of the

WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Carrier and, when authorised by the Carrier, over theservices of other air carriers with which the Carrier has an

1. Effectiveness interline agreement;

this Agreement shall become effective between the Agent 3.3 with respect to the Carrier's aircraft or route byand a Carrier upon appointment of the Agent by such which any consignment is to be transported and as to anyCarrier in accordance with the Cargo Agency Rules in service to be furnished by the Carrier, the Agent shalleffect in all countries except USA. A Carrier may appoint make only such representations as are authorised inthe Agent by means of individual appointment or by this Agreement or may thereafter be authorised by thegeneral concurrence. Upon coming into effect this Agree- Carrier;ment, including any amendments thereto, shall have the

3.4 when the Agent consolidates goods and deliverssame force and effect between the Carrier and the Agentthem in one consignment to the Carrier ready for carriageas though they were both named herein and had bothon behalf of a number of shippers or Agents, thesubscribed their names as parties hereto.provisions of this Agreement shall apply only in respect ofthe Air Waybill issued in the name of the Carrier and2. Rules, Resolutions and Provisionswhich covers the consolidated consignment.Incorporated in Agreement

2.1(a) the terms and conditions governing the relation- 4. Observance of Laws and Regulationsship between the Carrier and the Agent are set forth in

the Agent shall observe all Government laws and regu-the Resolutions (and other provisions derived therefrom)lations applicable to the sale of air cargo transportation,contained in the Cargo Agent's Handbook (‘the Hand-or to any other acts performed by the Agent under thisbook’) as published from time to time under the authorityAgreement.of the Agency Administrator and attached to this Agree-

ment. The Handbook incorporates:5. General Provisions

2.1(a)(i) the Cargo Agency Rules,5.1 the Agent undertakes that the sale of air cargo

2.1(a)(ii) other applicable IATA Resolutions. transportation and handling of consignments performedunder this Agreement by the Agent or by its officers or

2.1(b) Such Rules, Resolutions and other provisions as employees shall be in strict compliance with the rates,amended from time to time are deemed to be incorpo- rules and conditions applicable to such transportation asrated in this Agreement and made part hereof and the published in the Carrier's Conditions of Carriage or in its


Resolution 801a(II)

tariffs, timetables, notices, instructions and elsewhere 6.2 the name(s) under which the activities of the Agentunless otherwise agreed between the Carrier and the are conducted, or under which any of its offices areAgent. The Carrier shall furnish the Agent with the operated, shall only be such as is set forth in thisnecessary information; Agreement, is registered with IATA and appears on the

Cargo Agency List.5.2 the Agent undertakes to maintain at all places whereit makes air cargo ready for carriage the premises, staff 7. Advertising and Publicising the Members'sand equipment required by the Cargo Agency Rules; Services5.3 the Agent shall adhere to security control measures the Agent shall make known and shall promote theas prescribed by the responsible authority(ies), and shall services of the Carrier in every way reasonably practi-also adhere to any other such measures that may be cable including the use of display, promotional or publicityrequired under IATA Resolutions and are stipulated in the material that such Carrier may supply; provided that anyHandbook; such material of a permanent or valuable nature and so

designated by the Carrier shall remain the property of5.4 the Agent shall not in any manner vary or modify thesuch Carrier.terms and conditions set forth in any documents and

instructions of the Carrier;8. Custody and Execution of Air Waybills

5.5 the Agent shall transmit to the Carrier such specific8.1 Air Waybills shall be executed by the Agent only inrequests or particulars in connection with each consign-such country for which the Agent is duly registered withment as may be proper to enable the Carrier to renderIATA and appears on the Cargo Agency List. The Carrierefficient service to its customers; provided that anyshall, upon presentation of any such Air Waybills, properlysuch requests or particulars transmitted by electronicexecuted by the Agent hereunder, and upon surrender ofmeans should be in conformity with established industrythe Carrier's copies of such Air Waybills, accept thestandards;consignments therein described for air cargo transpor-tation by the Carrier;5.6 the Agent shall ensure that consignments are

delivered to the Carrier at any Airport designated by the8.2 the Agent shall be responsible for the safe custodyCarrier for general acceptance of all consignments prop-and care of Air Waybills and Air Waybill serial numberserly packed, marked, documented, addressed andsupplied to the Agent for use in an electronic environmentlabelled in accordance with applicable IATA Resolutionswhich it may use to cover transportation under thisso as to be ready for carriage;Agreement while they are in its possession and shall beresponsible to the Carrier for any damage, loss or5.7 if the Agent accepts goods for carriage by airexpenses suffered by the Carrier as a result of the use orwithout the carrier(s) being specified, the Agent shall bemisuse of such Air Waybills or Air Waybill serial numbersliable for such goods until they have been delivered to theby the agent;Carrier;

8.3 the Carrier's Air Waybills supplied to the Agent and5.8 the Agent shall maintain adequate insurance whereAir Waybill serial numbers supplied to the Agent for use inavailable to cover its liability under this Agreement foran electronic environment are and remain the soleloss of or damage to shippers' cargo;property of the Carrier during the period that they are in

5.9 the Agent shall not accept for delivery to the Carrier the custody of the Agent, and the Agent acknowledgesa consignment consisting of or containing a commodity and agrees that it has no proprietary right to suchclassified as dangerous goods according to the current documents or Air Waybill serial numbers. The Carrier mayedition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations without at any time at its sole discretion require that the Agenta certificate in the IATA agreed form signed by the return such documents, and the Agent agrees to surren-shipper stating that the commodity is properly described der these documents forthwith to the Carrier; furthermore,by name and is packed, marked and labelled and is in the Carrier may, at any time at its sole discretion, requireproper condition for carriage by air according to the IATA the Agent to cease and desist from issuing Neutral AirDangerous Goods Regulations. The Agent or the staff Waybills in the Carrier's name;employed by the Agent may sign such declaration if he

8.4 the Agent shall not execute Air Waybills supplied byhas been authorised by the shipper to act on his behalf tothe Carrier in connection with the sale of air cargoundertake shipper's responsibilities in the preparation,transportation offered by any other air carrier unless thepacking, marking and labeling of the consignment andCarrier has so authorised the Agent in writing;has been trained as required in subsection 1.5 of the

applicable IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.8.5 the Agent shall not execute the Air Waybill until thecomplete consignment has been received by the Agent.6. Agency Designation9. Monies Due by Agents to Members—6.1 the Agent may represent itself on letterheads, adver-

tising, telephone listings and classifications, office signs, Remittanceand otherwise as an ‘Agent’ or ‘Cargo Agent’ representing

9.1/9.1.1 the Agent shall be responsible for thethe Carrier, but shall not use any other designation whichpayment of any and all monies due to the Carrierwould indicate or imply in any way that its office is anunder this Agreement resulting from the issuance of anyoffice of a Member;


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

transportation documents in the name of the Carrier used in the Cargo Agency Rules) the Agent undertakes toand/or from the sale of any ancillary services under this comply with the detailed procedures as set forth inagreement; Section 5 of those Rules.

9.1.2 the responsibility for payment pursuant to Subpar- 14. Terminationagraph 9.1.2 shall apply whether or not such monies havebeen collected by the Agent; 14.1 this Agreement may be terminated without preju-

dice to fulfilment by each party of all obligations accrued9.2/9.2.1 such monies, including applicable commission prior to the date of termination:which the Agent is entitled to claim thereunder, are andremain the property of the Carrier; 14.1.1 as between the Agent and the Carrier, at any

time but not less than 15 days notice in writing by either9.2.2 such monies shall be held by the Agent in trust for party to the other;the Carrier or on behalf of the Carrier until satisfactorilyaccounted for to the Carrier and settlement made in 14.1.2 as between the Agent and all the Carriers:accordance with the Cargo Agency Rules, even though,

14.1.2(a) by notice in writing from the Agent to thepursuant to such Rules, the Agent may have beenAgency Administrator to take effect immediately on itsauthorised to retain temporary custody of such monies;receipt, or on such later date as may be stated in the

9.2.3 the Carrier may, subject to applicable currency notice;regulations, designate the currencies in which remittances

14.1.2(b) pursuant to a decision of the Agency Com-are to be made. Unless otherwise instructed by themissioner, the Agency Administrator or an ArbitrationCarrier, the Agent shall be entitled to deduct fromBoard in accordance with the Cargo Agency Rules, byremittances the applicable commission to which it isnotice in writing given to the Agent by the Agencyentitled hereunder.Administrator acting on behalf of the Carriers, to takeeffect in accordance with the Cargo Agency Rules;10. Settlement14.2 upon termination of the Agreement, the Agent shall10.1 the Agent shall remit to the Carrier such monies atimmediately return all unused Air Waybills held by thesuch times and under such conditions as the Carrier mayAgent and effect immediate settlement of all monies duedesignate from time to time, in writing, in accordance withand payable under the terms of this Agreement substan-the provisions of the Cargo Agency Rules;tiated by complete and satisfactory accounting therefor.

10.2 in the event that the Agent is declared bankrupt, The Agent shall be liable for any loss or damage sufferedplaced in receivership or judicial administration, goes into by the Carrier arising out of the loss or misuse by theliquidation, or becomes subject to a similar legal pro- Agent of such Air Waybills, or the misuse by the Agent ofcedure affecting the normal operation of the Agent, all any Air Waybill serial numbers supplied to the Agent formonies due in connection with this Agreement shall be use in an electronic environment, which were in thesettled immediately. possession of the Agent at the termination of the Agree-

ment and were not duly returned.11. Refunds

15. Arbitrationthe Agent shall make refund only on written instructions ofthe Carrier and against the receipt of the person author- if any matter is reviewed by arbitration pursuant to theised to receive the refund in accordance with the tariffs, Cargo Agency Rules, the Agent hereby submits to arbi-rules, regulations and instructions issued by the Carrier, tration in accordance with such Rules and agrees toand shall not assess or withhold from the refund payee observe the procedures therein provided and to abide byany amount as a service charge or otherwise. any arbitration award made thereunder.

12. Remuneration 16. Indemnities and Waiver

the Carrier shall remunerate the Agent for services 16.1 the Carrier agrees to indemnify and hold harmlessrendered under this Agreement, in a manner and amount the Agent, its officers and employees from liability for anyas stated from time to time and communicated to the injury, loss or damage arising in the course of transpor-Agent by the Carrier. tation or other ancillary services provided by the Carrier

pursuant to a sale made by the Agent hereunder orarising from the failure of the Carrier to provide such13. Transfer, Assignment, Change of Legaltransportation or services, except to the extent that suchStatus, Ownership, Name or Addressinjury, loss or damage is caused or contributed to by the

13.1 this Agreement, and the right to any remuneration Agent, its officers or employees;payable hereunder shall not be assigned or otherwise

16.2 the Agent agrees to indemnify and hold harmlesstransferred in whole or in part by the Agent to any otherthe Carrier, its officers and employees from liability forperson or persons;any loss, injury, or damage arising from any negligent act

13.2 in the event that the Agent proposes to effect any or omission of the Agent, its officers or employees, inchange(s) in the legal status, ownership, name and/or performing or in breach of this Agreement, except to theaddress (within the meaning of these expressions as


by.......................................(Authorized Representative)

Agent ................................. WITNESS

by....................................... ...........................................(Signature) (Signature)

........................................... ...........................................(Name, typed or printed) (Name, typed or printed)

........................................... ...........................................(Title or capacity)

...........................................(Full address of the Agency)

Resolution 801a(II)

extent that such injury, loss or damage is caused or Director General of the International Air Transport Associ-contributed to by the Carrier, its officers or employees; ation acting as agent for the Carriers referred to in the

preamble hereto.16.3 the Agent recognises that the Carrier, other Mem-bers of IATA, the Director General, the Agency Adminis-trator, the Agency Commissioner and the CASS Manage-ment are required under the Cargo Agency Rules to issuenotices, give directions, and take other action under thoseRules, including in the circumstances therein providedgiving notices of irregularity and default, notices of allegedviolations, and notices of grounds for removing an Agentfrom the Cargo Agency List or for reprimanding an Agent.The Agent hereby waives any and all claims and causesof action against the Carrier, other Members of IATA, andIATA, and against any of their officers and employees forany loss, injury or damage (including damages for libel,slander, or defamation of character) arising from any actdone or omitted in good faith in connection with the Note: Where in accordance with local law, execution ofperformance of any of their duties or functions under the

the Agreement requires the signatures of the parties to beCargo Agency Rules and indemnifies them against anywitnessed, or notarised, such formalities must be ac-such claims by the Agent's officers or employees.complished. The space below may be used for thatpurpose.17. Agency FeesGOVERNMENT RESERVATIONSthe Agent shall pay to IATA agency fees in the amount

and within the time prescribed in accordance with theITALYCargo Agency Rules.

As far as the rules of Resolution 821 (now 801a) are concerned,18. Notices the extension Italy, on ground of the particular rules relating tosuch matter, is to be considered to cover also the territories of18.1 all notices to be sent under this Agreement from the Vatican City and the Republic of S. Marino.

the Carrier or from the Agency Administrator to the Agent,or from the Agent to the Carrier or to the Agency SWITZERLANDAdministrator shall be sufficient if sent by any means thatprovides proof of despatch or receipt addressed, as Paragraph 16 (now Paragraph 20)appropriate to:

The law applicable to passenger or cargo agency agreements18.1.1 the chief executive officer at the principal office of concluded between a carrier having a legal domicile in

Switzerland and a Swiss Agent shall be Swiss Law.the Agent

18.1.2 the principal office of the Carrier

18.1.3 the Agency Administrator at the address shownin this Agreement, which address may be changed bynotice given in writing from time to time to the Agent bythe Agency Administrator.

19. Applicable Law

this Agreement shall in all respects be governed by andinterpreted in accordance with the law of the SpecifiedCountry as indicated in the preamble to this Agreement.

20. Severability

if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid,this shall not have the effect of invalidating the otherprovisions which shall nevertheless remain binding andeffective between the parties.

21. Other Agreements Superseded

this Agreement shall supersede any and all prior CargoAgency Agreements between the parties hereto withoutprejudice to such rights and liability as may exist at thedate hereof.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

2.3 The 6 FIATA voting Members on the Council shallRESOLUTION 801cbe designated by the Chairman of the Airfreight Instituteof FIATA.IATA/FIATA CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL

CAC1(39)801c (except USA) Expiry: Indefinite 3. PROCEDURES(amended) Type: B

3.1 The Council meets at such times when called by theCAC2(39)801c (amended)Chairman with the concurrence of the majority of theCAC3(39)801c (amended)Council;

3.2 the Council shall elect its own Chairman, for a two1. AUTHORITY AND TERMSyear term. Multiple terms may be served, subject toOF REFRENCE successful IFCC re-election;

1.1 The IATA/FIATA Consultative Council (the Council) 3.3 the quorum shall consist of at least 3 IATA Membersis hereby established and composed of representatives and 3 FIATA Members;from IATA Members and from the International Federationof Freight Forwarders Associations Airfreight Institute 3.4 the Chairman may invite observers to attend;(hereinafter referred to as ‘FIATA’). It is a permanentbody, meeting under the auspices of IATA; 3.5 the Council determines its own working rules. The

Secretary is provided by the Agency Administrator from1.2 the Council is empowered to initiate, consider and the IATA Secretariat;make recommendations to the appropriate Cargo Pro-cedures Conference on issues affecting the Carrier/Agent 3.6 except as in Paragraph 4.2, as the Council's actsrelationship. The Cargo Procedures Conferences are are in the form of recommendations, formal voting pro-under no obligation to act in accordance with such cedures and counts are not necessary; however, dis-recommendations. The Cargo Procedures Conferences senting opinions may be recorded and included in theshall inform the Council of the action taken with reasons; report.

1.3 the IFCC shall review all proposals, including thosesubmitted by mail vote, made to the Cargo Agency 4. CARGO AGENCY AGREEMENTConference to introduce new, or to amend existing,

4.1 The Council shall review all proposals made to theprovisions of the Cargo Agency Rules;Cargo Procedures Conferences to introduce new, or to

1.4 where the IFCC agrees that a proposal is worthy of amend existing, provisions of Resolutions contained inadoption, it shall recommend to the Conference that the the Cargo Agent's Handbook and may make recommen-proposal be incorporated within the Cargo Agency Rules; dations to the Conference on those proposals;

1.5 the Conference is under no obligation to act in 4.2 Notwithstanding Paragraph 3.6, subsequent to anyaccordance with such recommendations and should the Cargo Agency Conference significant changes to theConference disagree with the IFCC advice, further con- Cargo Agency Programme, adopted by the Cargo Agencysultation with the IFCC may be sought before final action Conference including, but not limited to, financial criteria,is taken; settlement terms and changes to CASS Rules which

affect the Agent, will be reviewed by the Council. If a1.6 such final action of the Cargo Agency Conference majority of those present at the Council meeting rec-may be taken by Mail Vote within 30 days of the ommend that any such changes not be implemented, theConference. effectiveness of such changes shall be suspended and

such proposal(s) shall be subject to further discussionthrough the IFCC/Conference mechanism;2. COMPOSITION4.3 Notwithstanding Paragraph 3.6, subsequent to any2.1 The council is composed of:Cargo Services Conference significant changes to theCargo Agency Programme, adopted by the Cargo6 IATA Members (3 persons from the Cargo AgencyServices Conference which affect the Agent, will beConference and 3 persons from the Cargo Servicesreviewed by the Council. If a majority of those presentConference), and 6 FIATA Members;at the Council meeting recommend that any such

2.2 IATA Members shall be appointed by the appropri- changes not be implemented, the effectiveness of suchate Cargo Procedures Conferences for a two year term changes shall be suspended.and shall be elected from persons of highestcompetence and experience occupying positions dealing Note: Paragraph 4.3 shall not come into effect unlesswith matters affecting the Carrier/Agent relationship. Indi- and until adopted by the Cargo Services Conference.viduals so designated shall serve personally and shall notdesignate an alternate. If a designated individual or hiscompany advises the Agency Administrator that he isunable to serve or continue to serve on the Council, theDirector General shall appoint a substitute;


Resolution 801e

2.1.2 if the Agency Administrator has reason to believeRESOLUTION 801ethat the Agent no longer meets the minimum financialrequirements set forth in the IATA Cargo Agent's Hand-CONDUCT OF REVIEW BY AGENCY book or is not in a position to meet his financial

COMMISSIONER obligations,

2.1.3 when an Agent has failed to make timelyCAC1(12)801e (except USA) Expiry: Indefiniteapplication to the Agency Administrator for a change of(amended) Type: Bownership, status, name or address,CAC2(12)801e (amended)

CAC3(12)801e (amended) 2.1.4 when an Agent has changed its name or addressand the Agency Administrator is unable to approve thechange of name or address,RESOLVED that, the Agency Commissioner (‘the Com-

missioner’) shall conduct reviews with respect to Agents 2.1.5 on receipt of information tending to prove that theand applicants (it being understood that the definitions inAgent no longer fulfils any of the requirements of thethe Cargo Agency Rules apply to this Resolution), inHandbook,accordance with the following procedures:2.1.6 when an Agent has failed to renew, before theirexpiry date, bank or insurance bonds or guarantees1. REVIEW INITIATED BY AGENTrequired,OR APPLICANT2.1.7 when an Agent, in its capacity as a Recipient1.1 the Commissioner shall rule on cases initiated by: under the Cargo Accounts Settlement System—ChargesCollectable at Destination, has been placed on a Cash1.1.1 any Person whose application to become anBasis under that System,Agent has been rejected by the Agency Administrator, or

has been rejected upon reconsideration by the Agency 2.1.8 when an Agent's licence, where required, hasAdministrator, been reinstated following withdrawal or suspension

thereof by licensing authorities,1.1.2 any Person who has acquired ownership or isseeking to acquire ownership of an IATA Cargo Agent 2.1.9 when an Agent in a CASS-Export country/areaand whose application for change of ownership has been has incurred four notices of irregularity (until 31 Decem-disapproved by the Agency Administrator, or has been ber 1994, seven in Korea) in any period of twelvedisapproved upon reconsideration by the Agency Admin- consecutive months,istrator;

2.1.10 when an Agent has been declared in default,1.2 for a review under this Paragraph the personauthorized to initiate the review may do so by submitting 2.1.11 when an Agent has failed to make full accountinga written request to the Commissioner, with copy to and settlement of all amounts due to Members as athe Agency Administrator. Requests for reviews of condition for retention on the Cargo Agency List followingrejected applicants must be submitted within 30 calendar a review conducted as a consequence of default,days of the Agency Administrator's notice of the decisionunder appeal. The Commissioner shall review the case in 2.1.12 when an Agent has failed to comply, to thea de novo adversary proceeding and shall decide, on the satisfaction of the Agency Administrator, with financialbasis of all probative evidence presented during the requirements or any other measure or condition pre-proceeding, whether or not the applicant is qualified scribed by the Commissioner as a prerequisite for thepursuant to the Cargo Agency Rules for inclusion on the retention of the Agent on the Cargo Agency List followingCargo Agency List. a review;

2.2 each written request for a review shall be2. REVIEW INITIATED BY AGENCY accompanied by a certification by the Agency Adminis-

trator that a true copy has been served on the Agent. TheADMINISTRATORCommissioner shall conduct each review initiated under

2.1 the Agency Administrator shall on his own initiative this Paragraph in an adversary proceeding and willand may at the request of any Member, initiate a review decide, on the basis of all probative evidence presentedto redetermine the registration of an Agent under the during the proceedings, whether or not the Agent hasappropriate provisions of the Cargo Agency Rules; or failed to comply with or has violated the Resolutiondetermine whether the Agent has violated any other provisions as alleged by the Agency Administrator. If theprovision of these same Rules, or of its Cargo Agency decision is affirmative, the Commissioner shall impose onAgreement, in the following instances: the Agent a penalty in accordance with the provisions of

this Resolution which he deems appropriate under the2.1.1 when an Agent has failed to submit, by the circumstances;specific date, financial documents requested by theAgency Administrator to conduct a financial review ofthe Agent,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

2.3 in addition to the reviews set forth in Subpara- other party. Such person shall be subject to crossgraph 2.1 of this Paragraph, the Agency Administrator examination.shall file a written complaint with the Commissioner, with

3.3/3.3.1 except for good cause stated in writing, thecopy to the Agent in the following circumstances:Commissioner shall schedule each review proceeding not

2.3.1 on receipt of a complaint lodged by IATA, later than 45 days after receipt of a request pursuant tothis Resolution, and shall render his decision within

2.3.2 on receipt of a complaint by a Member following 30 days after the close of the record in the proceeding;registration of an applicant whose application had beenprotested by such Member, 3.3.2 in each decision, the Commissioner shall be

bound by the provisions of the applicable Resolutions,2.3.3 on receipt of a notice from a Member of an alleged and shall make specific findings of fact and conclusionsmisrepresentation or violation by an Agent of the IATA with respect thereto. The decision shall be in writing andDangerous Goods Regulations, including the Shipper's shall include all such findings and conclusions and withDeclaration. respect to reviews conducted under Paragraph 1 of this

Resolution any conditions imposed by the Commissioner.2.3.4 on receipt of a notice from a Member of an alleged With respect to review proceedings instituted pursuant tomisrepresentation or violation of security control Paragraph 2 of this Resolution, the decision shall be inmeasures prescribed by the responsible authority(ies) or writing and shall include all such findings and conclusionsby the Member. and any penalty imposed pursuant to Subparagraph 3.5

of this Resolution. A signed copy of the decision shall beserved on each party. Subject to action taken under3. RULES OF PROCEDUREParagraph 4 of this Resolution, the decision shall be finaland binding on the applicant or Agent, and on IATA and3.1/3.1.1 the Commissioner shall promulgate rules ofall Members;practice and procedures designed to ensure a prompt

and impartial review of all matters properly submitted to 3.3.3 each decision which includes a finding that thehim. The rules shall grant to each party the followingAgent, at the time of hearing, is improperly withholdingminimum rights:money from a Member, shall in addition to any penaltyimposed pursuant to this Resolution: to move for dismissal, either suspend the Agent's approval, in which3.1.1.2 to move for summary judgement or other appro-case the provision of Resolution 801, Section 4, Subpara-priate relief,graph 4.4.2 shall apply, or to submit in writing any relevant information3.3.3.2 place the Agent on a Cash Basis with com-which it deems appropriate,mission payment withheld until all outstanding amounts to call witnesses, due have been paid; to appear personally and/or be represented by 3.3.4 the Commissioner shall be empowered to waivecounsel and present evidence and arguments in support an oral hearing of a review based on written submissionsof its position, of the parties and to render a decision on written

stipulations between the parties; to hear the evidence and arguments of the otherparty and its witnesses, 3.3.5 each decision by the Commissioner shall, with

respect to future interpretations of Resolutions concerned, to cross-examine the other party and its constitute a binding precedent.witnesses;

3.4/3.4.1 a review requested by an Agent pursuant to3.1.2 proceedings before the Commissioner shall be this Resolution shall have the effect of staying theinformal, and the parties shall not be required to adhere adverse decision affecting the Agent, pending the de-to strict rules of evidence; cision of the Commissioner. If the Commissioner finds

that the Agent qualifies for retention, the Agency Adminis-3.1.3 the party who has initiated a Request for Review trator shall retain the Agent on the Cargo Agency List andmay withdraw all or part of it, in writing, at any time prior shall so notify the Agent and all Members;to the issuance of a decision.

3.4.2 if the Commissioner finds that the Agent can be3.2 in a review conducted pursuant to this Resolution, relied upon to adhere to the terms of the Cargo Agencythe parties shall be the Agency Administrator, the appli- Rules subject to the fulfilment of certain terms andcant or Agent concerned, or the complainant, as the case conditions, the Agency Administrator shall retain themay be. Except as the Commissioner may otherwise Agent on the Cargo Agency List after verification thatdirect in writing, any person who is not a party, or a such terms and conditions have been met pursuant to thewitness, who desires to make relevant information avail- specific terms of the Commissioner's decision. Theable to the Commissioner in connection with a pending Agency Administrator shall notify the Agent and allreview shall do so only through one of the parties thereto. Members that the Agent is maintained on the CargoThe party concerned shall promptly forward such infor- Agency List.mation in writing to the Commissioner with a copy to the


Resolution 801r

3.5/3.5.1 the Commissioner may decide the following: RESOLUTION 801r3.5.1.1 dismissal; REPORTING AND REMITTANCE3.5.1.2 inclusion in or exclusion from the Cargo Agency PROCEDURESList (in the case of an applicant);

CAC1(43)801r (except USA) Expiry: Indefinite3.5.1.3 retention on the Cargo Agency List;(amended) Type: BCAC2(43)801r (amended) removal from the Cargo Agency List;CAC3(43)801r (amended) suspension of IATA registration for: CASS-Export areas—not less than one WHEREAS the Cargo Agency Rules (Resolutions 801,CASS-Export billing period; 803, 805, 807, 809 and 813, as applicable) provide in

their respective Sections on reporting and remitting pro- non-CASS-Export areas—not less than 30 cedures, defaults and related matters, both under thedays; Cargo Accounts Settlement System (CASS) and outside

the CASS; (Sections 6, 7 and 8 or 7, 8 and 9 as3.5.1.5(b) in either case, the suspension shall not applicable), andexceed 90 days with the Agent on a non-commissionablecash basis. At the Agent's option, a monetary indemnity WHEREAS the Conference wishes to deal with thepayable to IATA in lieu of suspension; aforesaid matters in a single Resolution and thus ensure

that notwithstanding variations in the Cargo Agency3.5.1.6 reprimand; Rules, the rules governing these matters shall be appliedin a consistent manner, it is3.5.1.7 place the Agent on a commissionable Cash

Basis, RESOLVED that the following Procedures are adoptedand shall be applied in conjunction with the applicable3.5.1.8 decide on any other measure or attach suchCargo Agency Rules.conditions to his decision as he considers appropriate and

which are consistent with and may reasonably be appliedunder the Resolutions, particularly in the matter ofrestitution, and set the date for the Agent's compliancetherewith; any appropriate combination of these;

3.5.2 the Commissioner may offer the Agent a choicebetween two or more of the above.

3.6 the Commissioner shall regularly schedule reviewproceedings at his office but may, if he deems circum-stances warrant, schedule reviews at other places;

4. REVIEW BY ARBITRATIONan Agent or applicant which considers itself aggrieved bya decision of the Commissioner taken under provisions ofthis Resolution shall have the right to have such decisionreviewed by arbitration in accordance with the proceduresset out in the Cargo Agency Rules.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

frequency than that prescribed herein, in which case suchSection 1—Collection of Funds;Member may elect to use the shorter period which resultsIrregularities and Default (other than as a basis for determining the Agent's irregularities

under Cargo Accounts Settlement pursuant to Paragraph 1.6 of this Section.System—CASS-Export) (exceptAustralia) 1.3 BILLING BASISThis Section applies to all Agents except that in the 1.3.1 Agents which are not required by the appointingcountry/area of a CASS-Export it shall apply to Agents in Member to submit sales reports, shall be billed by thethat country/area solely with respect to sales made on Member within a reasonable time (in countries in whichbehalf of Members not participating in such CASS-Export. Resolution 805 has been implemented, not later than the

20th day) after the end of the calendar month in which theAir Waybill or other transportation document was1.1 WHEN MONIES DEEMED DUE accepted by the Member (the billing period). Remittancesshall be made by the Agent to reach the Member not laterMonies payable at origin shall be deemed due by anthan 30 days (15 days in Pakistan) after the end of theAgent to a Member when the Air Waybill is executed andbilling period. Such date shall be called the remittanceshall be settled in accordance with the provisions of thisdate;Section; provided that in the event the Agent is declared

bankrupt, placed in receivership or judicial administration, 1.3.2 Notwithstanding anything in Subparagraph 1.3.1 ofgoes into liquidation or becomes subject to any other this Paragraph, with respect to its own billings and/orsimilar legal procedure affecting its normal operation, remittances, a Member may establish a greater frequencyimmediate settlement shall be made of all such monies; than that prescribed herein, in which case such Membermay elect to use the shorter period which results as abasis for determining the Agent's irregularities pursuant to1.2 REPORTING BASISParagraph 1.6 of this Section.

1.2.1 an appointing Member may require an Agent tosubmit sales reports. Such sales reports shall include all 1.4 STANDARD FORMSsupporting documents including copies of all issued AirWaybills; 1.4.1 The billing of each Member which bills an Agent in

accordance with Paragraph 1.3 hereof shall be in the1.2.2 Areas 1 and 3 form of the Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment prescribed inAttachment ‘A’ or Attachment ‘B’ hereto as appropriate;Agents which are required by the appointing Member to

submit sales reports, shall render sales reports and remit 1.4.2 each Member which requires an Agent to submit aany monies due (or if no transactions took place, submit a sales report in accordance with Paragraph 1.2 of this‘no sales’ report) not less than twice each month. One Section shall require such sales report to be in the form ofsuch sales report shall include all transactions in respect the Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment prescribed in Attach-of which Air Waybills were issued during the period from ment ‘A’ or Attachment ‘B’ hereto as appropriate;the first to the 15th day of the month, and the other suchsales report shall include all such transactions during the 1.4.3 where a Member, a CASS Settlement Officeperiod from the 16th to the last day of the month: acting on behalf of a Member or an Agent uses electronic

means to prepare billings or sales reports pursuant to this1.2.2.1 The Agent shall send the remittances as well as Section, the headings and general column layout ofthe sales report and all supporting documents so as to Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment forms prepared in suchreach the Member not later than 30 days (15 days in manner shall be in conformity with the format prescribedPakistan) after the end of the period covered by the report in Attachment ‘A’ or Attachment ‘B’ hereto as appropriate;(‘the reporting period’). The date on which monies shallbe remitted shall be called ‘the remittance date’, 1.4.4 charges due Agent entered on an Air Waybill in

accordance with Resolution 600a to be collected by a1.2.3 Area 2 only (except countries where Member on behalf of an Agent shall be settled with theResolution 801re is applicable) Agent by offsetting the charges due Agent against the

other charges due on the Cargo Sales Invoice/AdjustmentAgents which are required by the appointing Member to form on which that Air Waybill is reported or billed.submit sales reports, shall render sales reports and remitany monies due (or if no transactions took place, submit awritten ‘no sales’ report) so as to reach the Member not 1.5 REMITTANCE DATE ANDlater than 30 days after the end of the calendar month, FREQUENCY IN THE COUNTRY/AREA(the reporting period), in which the Air Waybill was issued OF CASS-EXPORTby the Agent. The date on which monies shall be remittedshall be called ‘the remittance date’; 1.5.1 With respect to any Agents in the country/area of

a CASS-Export, notwithstanding anything contained in1.2.4 notwithstanding anything in Subparagraph 1.2.2 or Paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of this Section, remittances to1.2.3 of this Paragraph, with respect to its own reports Members not participating in such CASS-Export shall beand/or remittances, a Member may establish a greater


Resolution 801r—Section 1

made with the same frequency and by the same remit- when all such instances arose from overduetance dates as prescribed in such CASS-Export; remittance or dishonoured cheque, immediately notify the

Agent, the CASS Management and all Members that the1.5.2 AREA 3 AND COUNTRIES IN AREAS 1 AND 2 IN Agent is in default in that country. Thereafter, the pro-WHICH RESOLUTION 803 OR RESOLUTION 805 HAS cedure shall be as in Paragraph 1.12 of this Section;BEEN IMPLEMENTED, the period of ten days or of tencalendar days specified in Subparagraphs 1.7.4, 1.7.5 when any of such instances arose from causesand 1.7.6 of this Section, shall be replaced by the grace other than overdue remittance or dishonoured cheque,period established by the Cargo Agency Conference in immediately initiate a review of the Agent by the Agencyrespect of such CASS-Export pursuant to the provisions Commissioner and notify the Agent, the CASS Manage-of Section 2, Paragraph 2.6 of this Resolution. ment, and all Members accordingly. If following such

review, the Agent is retained on the Cargo Agency Listand receives two additional notices of irregularity during

1.6 NOTIFICATION OF IRREGULARITY the said 12-month period, the Agency Administrator shallimmediately notify the Agent, the CASS Management,

1.6.1 Overdue Sales Report remittance and all Members that the Agent is in default in thatcountry. Thereafter the procedure shall be as in Para-

If a sales report and remittance (or where applicable a ‘no graph 1.12 of this Section;sales’ report) due from an Agent in a specific country isnot received by the remittance date, the Member shall 1.7.3 Default for Accumulated Irregularities atimmediately send to the Agent by registered mail, with Passenger Locationscopy to the Agency Administrator, a notice of irregularityin the form prescribed by the Agency Administrator; where an IATA Cargo Agent in a specific country also has

in such country only one Approved Location for passen-1.6.2 List of Irregularities ger sales under the Passenger Sales Agency Rules

applicable in that country, and such Approved Location isat the end of each reporting or billing period, the Agency declared in default under those Rules by reason ofAdministrator shall compile a list of the names and accumulated irregularities, such IATA Cargo Agent shalladdresses of all Agents to which such notices were sent also be deemed in default under these Rules. Theduring the previous reporting or billing period, and shall Agency Administrator shall notify the Agent and allsend a copy of such list to each Member; provided that if Members and the procedure of Paragraph 1.12 of thisa Member erroneously sent such a notice to an Agent, it Section shall apply;shall request the Agency Administrator to so notify allMembers immediately; 1.7.4 Dishonoured Cheque1.6.3 Irregularity in CASS-Export when an Agent in a specific country submits to a MemberCountry/Area a cheque in payment for an Air Waybill(s) or any other

document(s), and such cheque is dishonoured after thewhere a Member sends an Agent a notice of irregularity remittance date by nonpayment by the drawee bank,under this Section and such Agent is situated in the such Member shall immediately send to the Agent acountry/area of a CASS-Export, the Member shall simul- notice of irregularity and demand payment forthwith. Suchtaneously notify the local CASS Management by copy of notice shall count as two listed instances of irregularitythe communication sent to the Agency Administrator. for the purposes of the lists provided for in

Subparagraph 1.6.2 of this Section. If payment is refusedor cannot be obtained or if it is received more than ten1.7 DECLARATION OF DEFAULT calendar days after the remittance date, such Membershall immediately declare the Agent in default in that1.7.1 Default for Accumulated country by telegraphing the Agency Administrator and by

Irregularities—Non-CASS-Export Area sending a registered letter to the Agent, with copy to theAgency Administrator, in the form prescribed by theIf four instances of irregularity in respect of any Agent in a Agency Administrator;specific country are recorded on such lists during any

12 consecutive months, the Agency Administrator shall 1.7.5 Failure to Remit after Noticepromptly notify the Agent and all Members that the Agentof Irregularityis in default in that country. Thereafter the procedure shall

be as in Paragraph 1.12 of this Section; if an Agent in a specific country fails to remit the moniesdue to any Member so as to reach the Member within the1.7.2 Accumulated Irregularities— further period of ten days after the appropriate remittance

CASS-Export Area date such Member shall immediately declare suchAgent in default in that country by notifying the Agencyif four instances of irregularity including irregularities Administrator;notified under Section 2 of this Resolution in respect of

any Agent in a specific country which is part of a CASS-Export area are recorded on such lists during any 12consecutive months, the Agency Administrator shall:


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

1.7.6 Failure to Include Sales, Subsequent 1.7.8 Withholding or WithdrawalDiscovery of Declaration of Default

if an Agent fails to record on its sales report any of the Air if at any time after receipt of a declaration ofWaybills issued by it in the period involved and to remit default from a Member made in accordance with Subpar-monies due thereon and such failure is discovered after agraphs 1.7.5 and 1.7.6 of this Paragraph, the Agencythe remittance date applicable to such reporting period as Administrator becomes aware that there exists betweenspecified in Paragraph 1.2 of this Section, the following the declaring Member and the Agent a dispute arisingprovisions shall apply: solely from amounts due or claimed to be due to the

Member from the Agent, or vice versa, in respect of the1.7.6.1 on learning of such failure, the Member shall reporting/billing period for which the notice of irregularityimmediately send to the Agent by registered mail, with was sent and/or in respect of previous reporting/billingcopy to the Agency Administrator, a notice of irregularity periods, the Agency Administrator shall withhold or with-in the form prescribed by the Agency Administrator for the draw, as the case may be, the declaration of default. Ifsales period in which such failure was discovered, such declaration is withdrawn, the Agency Administratorrequesting immediate settlement (if not yet made) of the shall terminate CASS supension, where applicable andamount involved in the failure. Such notice shall be notify the Agent, all Members and, where applicable, therecorded by the Agency Administrator on the list main- CASS Management accordingly. Upon receipt of suchtained for such purposes pursuant to Subparagraph 1.6.4 notification, Members shall pay any commission withheldof this Section, and shall have the same effect as other from the Agent. The notice of irregularity giving rise to thereported irregularities, withheld or withdrawn declaration of default shall be

removed by the Agency Administrator from the list main- if payment of the amount required by Subpara- tained pursuant to the provisions of Subparagraph 1.6.4graph above is received within a period of of this Section,ten days from the date of such notice, then no furtheraction is required by the Member, if a declaration of default made in accordance

with Subparagraph 1.7.5 of this Paragraph was the result1.7.6.3 if payment is not received from the Agent within of an error and the declaring Member so notifies thethe stipulated period, the Member shall immediately Agency Administrator and submits details in writing, thedeclare the Agent in default in that country and thereafter Agency Administrator shall withdraw the declaration ofaction shall be taken as described in Paragraph 1.12 of default and the procedures of Subparagraphs 1.7.5 orthis Section; 1.7.6 above shall apply.

1.7.7 Notification of Default1.8 COMPUTATION OF REMITTANCE where a Member declares an Agent in default PERIODunder Subparagraph 1.7.4, 1.7.5 or 1.7.6 of this Para-graph and such Agent is situated in the country/area of a In counting the remittance days to establish whether orCASS-Export, the Member shall simultaneously notify the not an irregularity or default has arisen under this Section,local CASS Management of such declaration by copy of if the last day of the remittance period is a recognisedthe communication sent to the Agency Administrator, weekly and/or other legal holiday, the terms of this

Resolution shall be deemed to have been satisfied if1.7.7.2 where an Agent in the country/area of a CASS- payment is received on the first subsequent working day;Export has been declared in default under Subparagraph provided that such last day may be postponed until the1.7.1, 1.7.2 or 1.7.3 of this Paragraph, the Agency end of an intervening postal strike.Administrator shall in addition notify the local CASSManagement of the default,

1.9 REMITTANCE DELAYED BY1.7.7.3 upon declaration of default under OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ACTIONSubparagraph 1.7.4, 1.7.5, 1.7.6 or 1.7.7 of this Para-graph, the Agency Administrator shall immediately notify Notwithstanding any other provisions contained herein, anthe Agent and all Members who have appointed the Agent shall not be sent a notice of irregularity or declareddefaulting Agent. Similarly, he shall advise all Members. in default with respect to all or any part of a remittance toThe Agency Administrator shall also by approriate means the extent that the Agent is unable to make full settlementinform the defaulting Agent of the effects of the default because of official Government action which directlyand request the Agent to submit an explanation of his prevents such settlement; provided that the Agent demon-failure to remit funds. Where the Agent is situated in the strates that the amount due has been made available forcountry/area of a CASS-Export a copy of such notice remittance at a recognised bank but cannot be remittedshall be sent to the local CASS Management confirming owing to such official Government action.the default. Thereafter, Members shall act in accordancewith Paragraph 1.12 of this Section,

1.10 DEFAULT AS PASSENGER AGENT1.7.7.4 if an Agent is in default under Section 2 of thisResolution, each Member which is not a CASS-Export If an IATA Cargo Agent in a specific country is alsoAirline, but which has such Agent under appointment shall approved as Passenger Sales Agent under the Passen-take default action in accordance with Paragraph 1.12 of ger Sales Agency Rules applicable in that country, andthis Section;


Resolution 801r—Section 1

such Agent is declared in default under those Rules Section, the frequencies of Agents' reporting and remit-(other than a default resulting from an accumulation of ting and/or the remittance date may be modified inirregularities), such Agent shall also be deemed in default response to changing economic circumstances under theunder these Rules. The Agency Administrator shall notify following conditions:the Agent and all Members and the provisions of Para-

1.14.1(a)(i) a permanent Economic Watch Panel shallgraph 1.12 of this Section shall established in each country, consisting of an equalnumber of Members' financial and commercial experts,

1.11 DEFAULT UNDER CASS-EXPORT including a representative of the national carrier(s), desig-nated by the Agency Administrator. The Economic Watch

If an Agent is in default under Section 2 of this Resol- Panel shall elect its Chairman and establish its ownution, each Member which is not a CASS-Export Airline, procedures;but which has such Agent under appointment shall takedefault action in accordance with Paragraph 1.12 of this 1.14.1(a)(ii) the Economic Watch Panel shall, in consul-Section. tation with the recognized national cargo agents' associ-

ation, determine the economic and financial indicators1.11(a) if an Agent placed under default pursuant to and the degrees of variation thereof warranting a reap-section 1 of this Resolution and put on Cash Basis is also praisal of the reporting/remitting frequencies and/or of thea Recipient participating in CASS Import & Terminal remittance date applicable in the country;Charges in that country under the Cargo AccountsSettlements System - Import & Terminal Charges (Resol- 1.14.1(a)(iii) a meeting of the Economic Watch Panelution 853) Rules, the Agency Administrator shall initiate a may be called at any time on a 72-hour notice to conductreview of the Recipient under those rules. such reappraisal at the documented request of one of its

members or of any Member having deposited stocks of itsAir Waybills with Agents in the country. The Agency

1.12 ACTION BY MEMBERS UPON Administrator shall be notified of the meeting and shallNOTICE OF DEFAULT designate a member of the IATA Secretariat to attend the

meeting as adviser and Secretary;1.12.1(a) On receipt of the notice from the AgencyAdministrator that an Agent is in default Members shall: 1.14.1(a)(iv) if, in its opinion, the economic situation so

warrants, the Economic Watch Panel may decide by1.12.1(a)(i) demand an immediate accounting and unanimous vote of the members present to change withsettlement of all amounts due and outstanding whether or immediate effect the reporting/remitting frequenciesnot the remittance date for payment thereof has arrived; and/or the remittance date; provided that the revised

frequencies and/or date shall remain within the allowable1.12.1(a)(ii) notify the Agency Administrator of all margins set forth in the relevant provisions of this Sectionamounts owing to them by the Agent and thereafter and shall be immediately notified to all Members by theadvise the Agency Administrator whether proper Agency Administrator;accounting and settlement have been made;

1.14.1(b) continued effectiveness of the Economic1.12.1(a)(iii) withhold payment of any commission due Watch Panel's decision pursuant to this Paragraph shallto the Agent until otherwise notified by the Agency be subject to ratification by the Conference.Administrator;

1.12.1(b) thereafter, if the declaration of default is notwithdrawn pursuant to Subparagraph 1.7.8 of this Sec-tion, the provisions of Section 3 of this Resolution shallapply.

1.13 INDEMNITY TO IATAEach Member giving notice of an Agent's failure to makeremittance or other violations shall if such notice sub-sequently proves to be false, indemnify and hold harm-less IATA from all damages and legal costs arising fromacts performed in reliance on such notice. This provisionshall not apply to damages or costs incurred in connec-tion with an out of court settlement unless the Memberresponsible shall have consented to the settlement.



Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

of the Settlement Office under the provisions of thisSection 2—Air Waybill Transmittals,Subparagraph is hereinafter referred to as ‘the sub-Billings, Remittances and Collections, mission date’;

Defaults (under Cargo Accounts2.2.1 Intentionally Left BlankSettlement System—CASS-Export)

This Section is applicable to all Agents registered for the 2.2.2 Billing Participantscountry/area of a CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENTSYSTEM (‘CASS-Export’) with respect to sales on behalf the Billing Participant shall submit to the Settle-of CASS-Export Airlines in such country/area. ment Office by magnetic tape, disc or other electronic

means the accountable transactions made on its behalfby its Agents subject to that CASS-Export during the

2.1 GENERAL billing period; AREA 2 ONLY (except countries where Resol-2.1.1 When Monies Deemed Dueution 801re is applicable): notwithstanding the provisions

Monies payable at origin shall be deemed due by an of Subparagraph above, in a country/area where aAgent to a CASS-Export Airline when the Air Waybill is CASS-Export is operating on a monthly remittingexecuted; such monies shall be remitted through the frequency, a Billing Participant may at its option submitSettlement Office in accordance with the remittance magnetic tapes or discs to the Settlement Office monthlyfrequency and dates prescribed in Subparagraph 2.5.3 of to enable the accountable transactions to be incorporatedthis Section; provided that in the event the Agent is in the last billing of the remittance period.declared bankrupt, placed in receivership or judicialadministration, goes into liquidation or becomes subject to 2.2.3 CASS-EDIany other similar legal procedure affecting its normaloperation, immediate settlement shall be made of all such a CASS-Export Airline that has opted to usemonies; CASS-EDI procedures shall ensure that all accountable

transactions made by its Agents are in the possession ofthe Settlement Office so that they may be included in the2.1.2 Settlement Officeappropriate Settlement Office Billings to these Agents.

for the purpose of these rules the term ‘Settlement Office’shall mean the institution which processes Agents'

2.3 BILLINGaccountable transactions to produce statements in theform of billings, collects Agents' remittances in respect of

2.3.1 the Settlement Office shall compute and prepare asuch billings and disburses them to the CASS-Exportbilling in respect of each Agent based on AWTs inAirlines to which monies are due. Where the processingaccordance with the requirements of the Cargo Agencyof accountable transactions and the collection/Conference. Such billings shall incorporate alldisbursement of monies are carried out by two separateaccountable transactions with respect to each Agent;institutions, the term ‘Settlement Office’ shall mean those

institutions either collectively or individually. 2.3.2 the frequency at which the Settlement Office shallrender such billings shall be established by the CargoAgency Conference for each CASS-Export and shall be2.2 REPORTING PERIOD, REPORTINGconsistent with the remittance frequency established;DATE AND SUBMISSION DATE2.3.3 the time span covered by a billing hereunder shallThe Cargo Agency Conference shall set the length of the be called the ‘billing period’;reporting periods applicable to each CASS-Export. There

shall be two reporting periods per month, unless 2.3.4 the billing of each Member which bills an Agent inthe Cargo Agency Conference establishes a greater accordance with Paragraph 1.3 hereof shall be in thefrequency. A reporting period shall as a general rule be form of the Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment prescribed inseven to ten calendar days in length, but shall in principle Attachment ‘A’.not exceed 16 calendar days. The last day of thereporting period is hereinafter called ‘the reporting date’.The reporting period shall run from the close of business 2.4 INTENTIONALLY OMITTEDon each reporting date to the close of business on thenext reporting date. The Air Waybill Transmittals shall be

2.5 SETTLEMENT AND REMITTANCEforwarded by the CASS-Export Airline so as to be in thepossession of the Settlement Office by the Settlement DATEOffice's close of business on a date falling shortly after

2.5.1 Agents shall remit monies due on Settlementthe reporting date and which shall be set by the ISSOffice billings directly to the Settlement Office. ISSManagement, or if the Settlement Office is closed forManagement may require the Agent to provide thebusiness on such date, by the close of business of thenecessary information and an authorisation form permit-Settlement Office on the first subsequent day on whichting the Settlement Office to draw cheques on or other-the Settlement Office is open for business. The close ofwise debit the Agent's bank account in favour of thebusiness of the Settlement Office on the day by which AirInternational Air Transport Association, or the institutionWaybill Transmittals are required to be in the possession


Resolution 801r—Section 2

designated by the ISS Management, in payment of all to the remittance date and frequency referred to in thisamounts due to CASS-Export Airlines. Such authorisation paragraph or the grace period, which shall be fourshall be in the form prescribed from time to time by the working days, referred to in paragraphs and 2.6.5ISS Management and shall be submitted by the Agent of Resolution 801r shall be made by the Cargo Agencyonly once or for each remittance period. In the latter case Conference.the ISS Management shall require the Agent to specify

2.5.3 KOREA ONLY: Remittance for billings for thethe maximum amount, including an adjustment factor, forperiod 1st to 15th of each month shall be made so as towhich the Settlement Office is authorised to debit thereach the Settlement Office by its close of business onAgent's account. The Agent shall give the ISS Manage-the 15th day of the subsequent month. Remittance forment 30 days advance notice by certified or registeredbillings for the period 16th to the last day of each monthmail of its intention to change bank or bank accounts;shall be made so as to reach the Settlement Office by its

2.5.2 (except Australia) frequency of Agents' remittance, close of business on the last day of the subsequentremittance date and grace period for each CASS-Export month. Provided that if the Settlement Office is closed forshall be determined by the Settlement and Remittance business on these dates, remittance shall be made so asCommittee; to reach it by its close of business on the first available

subsequent day it is open for business. AREA 2 ONLY (except countries where Resol-ution 801re is applicable): the frequency so established changes to the frequency or date of remittanceshall be once or twice each month, or more frequently if taken by vote of the Cargo Agency Conference shall,the Cargo Agency Conference so determines; provided unless otherwise indicated by the Committee, be deemedthat the Cargo Agency Conference may permit individual to take effect ten days from the date on which the resultAgents to elect to remit at such greater frequency and for of such vote is declared;such length of time as the Committee shall deem appro-

2.5.4 the time span in respect of which a remittance ispriate;to be made to the Settlement Office hereunder shall be AREAS 1 and 3 ONLY: the remittance called the ‘remittance period’. A remittance period shallfrequency so established shall be twice each month or not be shorter than a billing period but may cover moremore frequently if the Settlement and Remittance than one billing period;Committee so determines;

2.5.5 an Agent having more than one office holding2.5.3 (except Australia and Korea) remittance shall be stocks of Air Waybills may request in writing from the ISSmade so as to reach the Settlement Office by its close of Management authorisation for such offices to be billedbusiness on a date which shall be the 28th day following individually for Air Waybills issued from their stock.the last day included in the billing(s) under settlement Such individual billings shall be settled directly with theunless, the Cargo Agency Conference establishes a Settlement Office by the Agent's office granted suchdifferent date which shall in no event be later than the authorisation.30th day; provided that the Cargo Agency Conferencemay permit individual Agents to remit on a different date,

2.6 IRREGULARITIES AND DEFAULTunder such conditions and for such length of time as theCargo Agency Conference shall deem appropriate, with

The provisions of this Paragraph shall govern failures bysuch different dates being in no event later than the 30thAgents to adhere to the remitting procedures set out inday. Provided further that if the Settlement Office isthis Section; provided that the grace period referred to inclosed for business on the date established pursuant toSubparagraphs and 2.6.5 of this Paragraph shallthe foregoing provisions, remittance shall be made so asbe ten calendar days, except where the Cargo Agencyto reach it by its close of business on the first subsequentConference or the Cargo Agency Conference in the caseday it is open for business. The close of business of theof Australia, has established a shorter grace period.Settlement Office on the day by which remittance isCountries where a different grace period applies can berequired to reach it under the provisions of this Subpara-found in Appendix ‘A’.graph is hereinafter referred to as ‘the remittance date’;

2.6.1 Intentionally Omitted2.5.3 AUSTRALIA ONLY: Remittance for billings forthe period 1st to 15th of each month shall be made so asto reach the Settlement Office by its close of business on 2.6.2 Intentionally Omittedthe 15th day of the subsequent month. Remittance forbillings for the period 16th to the last day of each month 2.6.3 Bank Errorshall be made so as to reach the Settlement Office by itsclose of business on the last day of the subsequent a Bank Error is one that is substantiated by evidencemonth. Provided that if the Settlement Office is closed for acceptable to the Agency Administrator as provided for inbusiness on these dates, remittance shall be made so as Paragraph reach it by its close of business on the first subsequentday it is open for business. Exception: If the SettlementOffice is closed for business on the 30th of June,remittances normally due on that day shall be made so asto reach the Settlement Office by its close of business onthe last day in June that it is open for business. Changes


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide Evidence Acceptable to the Agency Adminis- irregularity under any of the provisions of these Rulestrator. since the preceding remittance date:

In all cases a bank letter must be provided to IATA: if four instances of irregularity in respect of anAgent are recorded on such lists during any 12 consecu-

(a) The original bank letter, signed by a Manager must tive months, the Agency Administrator shall:be sent to IATA within 10 working days by registered postor courier, stating the nature of the error and reason for immediately take default action with respect tothe delay in remittance, the customer details, there were the Agent in accordance with the provisions of Para-sufficient funds available. graph 2.8 of this Section. When any of such instances

arose from overdue remittance or dishonoured cheque orother method of payment, the Agency Administrator2.6.4 Overdue Remittance/Authorisationshall initiate a review of the Agent by the Agency if the Settlement Office has not received from an Commissioner;Agent by the remittance date either full remittance, orwhere required, an authorisation form as specified in 2.6.7 Default for Accumulated Irregularities atSubparagraph 2.5.1 of this Section, in respect of its Passenger Locationbillings, it shall immediately so advise the Agency Admin-istrator. Upon receipt of such advice, the Agency Adminis- if an IATA Cargo Agent in a specific country also has onlytrator shall immediately send to the Agent a notice of one Approved Location for passenger sales under theirregularity and shall investigate the failure with the Agent; IATA Passenger Sales Agency Rules applicable in that

country and such Approved Location is declared in2.6.4.2 if the Agent does not comply with the currency of default under those Rules by reason of accumulatedsettlement as indicated in the billing statement, the irregularities, such IATA Cargo Agent shall also beSettlement Office shall report this to the Agency Adminis- deemed in default in that country under these Rules andtrator. The Agency Administrator shall in turn issue a default action with respect to the Agent shall be taken innotice of irregularity to the Agent for noncompliance with accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2.8 of thispayment procedures; Section; if subsequent to action taken pursuant to Sub- 2.6.8 Default under Section 1paragraph above the Agent fails to make com-plete settlement of the amounts due or to submit the if an Agent is in default under Section 1 of this Resol-authorisation form, as applicable, by the last day of the ution, default action with respect to the Agent shall alsograce period, the Settlement Office shall immediately so be taken in accordance with the provisions of Para-advise the Agency Administrator, who shall thereupon graph 2.8 of this Section;take default action with respect to the Agent in accord-ance with the provisions of Paragraph 2.8 of this Section. 2.6.8(a) (Australia only) if an intermediary suspended

from CASS pursuant to section 2 of this Resolution is also2.6.5 Dishonoured Cheque or Other Method a Recipient participating in CASS-Import in Australiaof Payment under the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges (Resol-

ution 853) Rules, the Agency Administrator shall initiate aif a cheque, other debit or any other method of payment review of the Recipient under those settlement of amounts due is dishonoured after theremittance date by nonpayment by the drawee bank, 2.6.8(b) (except Australia) if an Agent placed underthe Settlement Office shall without delay so notify the default pursuant to section 2 of this Resolution andAgency Administrator, who in turn shall send to the Agent suspended from CASS-Export is also a Recipient partici-a notice of irregularity and demand immediate payment pating in CASS-Import in that country under the CASS-from the Agent. Such notice shall count as one irregularity Import & Terminal Charges Rules, the Agency Adminis-for the purposes of the lists provided for in Subparagraph trator shall initiate a review of the Recipient under those2.6.6 of this Paragraph. If payment is not received on rules.demand, or is so received but later than the last day ofthe grace period, the Settlement Office shall immediately 2.6.9 Agent in Default as Approvedso advise the Agency Administrator, who shall immedi- Passenger Sales Agentately advise the Agent, confirmed by a registered letterthat default action is being taken by reason of the if an IATA Cargo Agent in a specific country is alsodishonoured cheque. The Agency Administrator shall approved as a Passenger Sales Agent under the IATAsimultaneously take default action with respect to the Passenger Sales Agency Rules applicable in that countryAgent in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2.8 and such Agent is declared in default under those Rulesof this Section; (other than a default arising from an accumulation of

irregularities), such Agent shall also be deemed in defaultunder these Rules and default action with respect to the2.6.6 Accumulated IrregularitiesAgent shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of

after each remittance date, the Agency Administrator shall Paragraph 2.8 of this Section;compile and publish to Members a list containing thenames of all the Agents that have been sent notices of


Resolution 801r—Section 2 notify the Settlement Office and all CASS-2.6.10 ChargesExport Airlines in the area concerned of the default, notwithstanding the provisions of Subpara- the Agency Administrator shall immediatelygraphs 2.6.4 and 2.6.5 of this Paragraph, the Cargoadvise the head offices of all Members that the Agent isAgency Conference may decide to sanction instances ofin default. (Members who have appointed the Agent shallfailures to comply with procedures and instructions, whichbe notified by telegraph or other electronic means);generate additional cost to airlines and instances of

overdue remittances by the levy of a general charge. The2.8.1.3 the Settlement Office, on receiving notice that anlevels of such charge shall be determined from time toAgent is in default, shall take the following action:time by the Cargo Agency Conference and notified by ISS

Management to all Agents in the CASS area; immediately suspend the Agent from CASS, Settlement Office charges shall be in the immediately establish from the AWTs in itsamount debited to ISS Management by the Settlement possession an up-to-date statement of indebtedness forOffice as a result of the Agent's failure to remit as the Agent concerned,prescribed, increased, if applicable, by an amount tocompensate for any extra costs incurred by ISS Manage- check any accounting and settlementment in relation to such failure; obtained from the Agent by the ISS Management and

report any discrepancies to the ISS Management, when charges are to be levied, ISS Manage-ment shall instruct the Settlement Office to debit an Agent distribute any monies obtained by the ISSfor such charges, and then notify the Agent concerned; Management from the Agent among the CASS-Export

Airlines concerned in accordance with the standing2.6.10.4 charges debited to Agents pursuant to this instructions of the Cargo Agency Conference;Subparagraph shall, except as otherwise specified, beincluded by the Settlement Office in its first subsequent (except Australia) CASS-Export Airlines, onbilling to the Agent concerned and shall be due and receiving notice that an Agent is in default, and wherepayable by the Agent by the remittance date applicable to monies are due to a CASS-Export Airline, shall immedi-such billing. Such charges shall, for the purpose of ately withhold payment of commission to the Agent in theSubparagraph of this Section, be deemed part country/area of the CASS-Export until they are notified byof all amounts owing by the Agent. the Agency Administrator that full settlement of the

outstanding monies has been made;

2.7 NOTIFICATION OF IRREGULARITY CASS-Export Airlines, on receiving notice thatan Agent is in default and has been suspended fromWhen the Agency Administrator is required under any of CASS shall individually determine how they will continuethe provisions of Paragraph 2.6 of this Section to send to to conduct business with such Agent;an Agent a notice of irregularity, it shall immediately send

the Agent a registered letter in the form prescribed in the (except Australia) a Member which is not aField Office Manual, with copy to the Settlement Office CASS-Export Airline shall on receiving notice that anand advise all CASS Airlines in the area concerned by Agent is in default, take default action in accordance withtelegraph or other electronic means; provided that where the provisions of Paragraph 1.12 of Section 1 of thisthe CASS-Export covers more than one country, the Resolution;irregularity shall apply to the entire area of such CASS-Export. in the case of default in accordance with Sub-

paragraph of this Section, if, at any time, theAgency Administrator becomes aware that there exists2.8 DEFAULT ACTION between a CASS-Export Airline and the Agent anydispute arising solely from amounts due or claimed to be2.8.1 If default action is required to be taken in accord- due to such CASS-Export Airline from the Agent or viceance with any of the provisions of Paragraph 2.6 of this versa in respect of the billing period for which the noticeSection: of irregularity was sent and/or in respect of previousbilling periods, he shall withdraw the declaration of2.8.1.1 the Agency Administrator shall immediately takedefault. The Agency Administrator shall not recognise anythe following action:dispute other than one resulting from data entry failure orfrom the application of cargo rates and charges as set by2.8.1.1(a) promptly advise the Agent that default actionthe Airline in question. In the event that the CASS-Exporthas been invoked, with confirmatory written advice to beAirline does not admit the existence of a dispute, thesent under registered cover,Agency Administrator shall require the Agent either, to demand an immediate full and complete supply documented evidence demonstrating existence ofaccounting and settlement of all monies due and out- the dispute or, to pay the amount of the short paymentstanding from the Agent whether or not the remittance into an ‘escrow account’. Provided that either of suchdate for payment thereof has arrived. The accounting conditions is met, the Agency Administrator shall withholdobtained and any monies received shall be transmitted to or withdraw the declaration of default;the Settlement Office,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide (except Australia) if it is withdrawn, the Agency 2.11.1(a)(ii) the Economic Watch Panel shall, in consul-Administrator shall so notify the Agent and all recipients tation with the recognised national cargo agents' associ-of the declaration of default. The notice of irregularity ation, determine the economic and financial indicatorsgiving rise to the withheld or withdrawn declaration of and the degrees of variation thereof warranting a reap-default shall be removed by the Agency Administrator praisal of the reporting/remitting frequencies and/or of thefrom the list maintained pursuant to the provisions of remittance date applicable in the country,Subparagraph 2.6.6 of this Section;

2.11.1(a)(iii) a meeting of the Economic Watch Panel2.8.1.8 (Australia only) if it is withdrawn, the Agency may be called at any time on a 72-hour notice to conductAdministrator shall so notify the Agent and all recipients such reappraisal at the documented request of one of itsof the declaration of default. The notice of irregularity members or of any Member having deposited stocks of itsgiving rise to the withheld or withdrawn declaration of Air Waybills with Agents in the country. The Agencydefault shall be removed by the Agency Administrator Administrator shall be notified of the meeting and shallfrom the list maintained pursuant to the provisions of designate a member of the IATA Secretariat to attend theSubparagraph 2.6.6 of this Section; meeting as adviser and Secretary,

2.8.2 thereafter, if the declaration of default is not 2.11.1(a)(iv) if, in its opinion, the economic situation sowithdrawn pursuant to Subparagraph of this Para- warrants, the Economic Watch Panel may decide, bygraph, the provisions of Section 3 of this Resolution shall unanimous vote of the members present, to change withapply. immediate effect, the reporting/remitting frequencies

and/or the remittance date; provided that the revisedfrequencies and/or date shall remain within the allowable

2.9 SUBSEQUENT IRREGULARITIES margins set forth in the relevant provisions of this Sectionand shall be immediately notified to all Members by the

Notices of irregularity reported in accordance with Para- Agency Administrator;graph 2.6 of this Section in respect of sales, effectedbetween the end of the reporting period for which the 2.11.1(b) continued effectiveness of the EconomicAgent was declared in default and the date the Agent was Watch Panel decision pursuant to this Paragraph shall bedeclared in default, shall not be entered on the list subject to its ratification at the next meeting of the Cargomaintained by the Agency Administrator. Agency Conference.

2.10 REMITTANCE DELAYED BY 2.12 CASS IMPLEMENTATION—OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ACTION TRANSITIONAL RULESNotwithstanding any other provision contained herein, an Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6Agent shall not be sent a notice of irregularity or be of this Section, the Cargo Agency Conference maydeclared in default with respect to all or any part of a establish different reporting dates, and grace periods forremittance to the extent that the Agent is unable to make sales under the CASS-concerned. Additionally, the Cargofull settlement because of official Government action Agency Conference may establish different accumulatedwhich directly prevents such settlement; provided that the irregularity provisions. These variations may apply for theAgent demonstrates that the amount due has been made first full year of CASS implementation only.available for remittance at a recognised bank but cannotbe remitted owing to such official Government action.

2.13 BILLING QUERIES2.11 CHANGES TO REPORTING/ To ensure CASS billings are as accurate as possible the

following procedures shall be implemented by all CASSREMITTING PROCEDURESparticipating airlines and GSSA's.

(AREA 1 ONLY EXCEPT CANADA, FRENCH OVER-2.13.1 Each CASS Participant will activate CASS-linkSEAS DEPARTMENTS AND GREENLAND)online correction services, facilitating agent/intermediary

2.11.1(a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary billing adjustment requests via the automated web this Section, the frequencies of Agents' reporting and

2.13.2 Each CASS to implement a correction period.remitting and/or the remittance date may be modified inresponse to changing economic circumstances under the 2.13.3 ISS Management to enhance the CASSfollowing conditions:

reporting calendar to include two additional deadlines;2.11.1(a)(i) a permanent Economic Watch Panel shall A query notification deadline, by which datebe established in each country, consisting of an equal

Cargo Agents/Intermediaries must register billing queriesnumber of Members; financial and commercial experts,through CASSlink. Such deadline shall be no less thanincluding a representative of the national carrier(s),4 calendar days following the dispatch of the CASSdesignated by the Agency Administrator. The Economicinvoices where the CASS Remittance Period isWatch Panel shall elect its Chairman and establish its28–30 days and no less than 2 calendar days followingown procedures,the dispatch of the CASS invoices where the CASSRemittance Period is 15 days.


Resolution 801r—Section 3 A query response deadline, by which date Section 3—Consequences of DefaultCASS Participants must respond through CASSlink to allregistered queries. Such deadline shall be no less than4 calendar days prior to the Remittance date for the billing 3.1 DETERMINATION OF AGENT'Speriod in question. Responses may be one of the INDEBTEDNESS TO MEMBERS/AIRLINESfollowing;

3.1.1 When the Agency Administrator has determined2. Accept, meaning the Participant agrees with that an Agent declared in default under any of thethe registered query provisions of this Resolution has effected settlement of all

amounts due, if any, as provided in Subpara- Reject, meaning the Participant does not graphs 1.12.1(a)(ii) of Section 1 and/or ofagree with the registered query Section 2 of this Resolution, the provisions of Para-graphs 3.3 and 3.4 of this Section shall apply; Airline handled, meaning the Participant

agrees with the registered query and will be generating 3.1.2 when the Agency Administrator has determinedthe appropriate credit within its own system for processing that an Agent declared in default under any of thethrough CASS provisions of this Resolution has failed to settle allamounts due as provided in Subparagraphs 1.12.1(a)(ii) Amend, meaning the Participant wishes toof Section 1 and/or of Section 2 of thisprocess a credit for a different amount to that registered.Resolution, he shall give the Agent notice of terminationof the Cargo Agency Agreement, or Cargo Intermediary2.13.4 Prior to each CASS processing the correctionAgreement as the case may be, and the provisions ofperiod, established pursuant to paragraph 2.13.2 above,Subparagraph 4.4.1 of Section 4 of Resolutions 801, 805all registered queries in accordance with paragraphand 807, Subparagraph 3.4.1 of Section 3 of Resol- that have not been responded to in accordanceution 803 and Subparagraph 10.4.1 of Section 10 ofwith paragraph shall be automatically processedResolutions 809 and 813 as applicable, shall approved.

2.13.5 Notwithstanding paragraph 2.13.4 above CASS3.2 SETTLEMENT OF AMOUNTS DUEParticipants may in subsequent billing periods re-invoice

registered queries, which they subsequently determine (except Australia)should have been initially rejected.

When an Agent declared in default is able to demonstrateto the Agency Administrator prior to the termination datespecified in his notice of termination that all outstandingamounts, if any, have been settled the Agency Adminis-trator shall notify Members and other CASS-Export Air-lines accordingly. Upon receipt of such notification Mem-bers and other CASS-Export Airlines shall pay anycommission withheld, thereafter, the provisions of Para-graphs 3.3 and 3.4, as appropriate of this Section shallapply.

3.2 SETTLEMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE(Australia only)When an Agent declared in default is able to demonstrateto the Agency Administrator prior to the termination datespecified in his notice of termination that all outstandingamounts, if any, have been settled, the Agency Adminis-trator shall notify Members and other CASS-Export Air-lines accordingly. Thereafter, the provisions of Para-graphs 3.3 and 3.4, as appropriate of this Section shallapply.

3.3 REVIEW OF THE AGENT(except Australia)3.3.1 If the Agent, having settled all outstandingamounts, if any, is able to demonstrate to the AgencyAdministrator that its financial and credit standing satisfiesthe qualifications set forth or provided for in the CargoAgency Rules (Resolution 801, Section 1,Subparagraph; Resolution 803, Subparagraph2.1.2; Resolution 805, Attachment ‘A’, Section 1,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Paragraph 1.2; Resolution 807, Section 1, Paragraph 1.4; 3.3.3 without prejudice to the review provided for inResolution 809, Section 2, Paragraph 2.4; Resolution Subparagraph 3.3.2 of this Paragraph, if prior to the813, Section 2, Paragraph 2.4, as applicable), when the review by the Agency Commissioner the Agent is able toAgency Administrator has advised under any of the demonstrate to the Agency Administrator that its financialprovisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Resolution that an and credit standing is satisfactory, the Agency Adminis-Agent is in default he shall so notify Members; trator shall so notify Members;

3.3.2 if the Agent, having settled all outstandings, is 3.3.4 the Agency Commissioner may, at his discretionunable to demonstrate to the Agency Administrator by a and depending upon the circumstances surrounding thespecified date that its financial and credit standing satis- default, remove the Agent from the Cargo Agency List orfies the qualifications set forth or provided for in the Cargo retain the Agent on such List. If the AgencyAgency Rules, as specified in Subparagraph 3.3.1 of this Commissioner decides that the Agent shall be removedParagraph, the Agency Administrator shall initiate a from the Cargo Agency List, the provisions of Subpara-review of the Agent's registration by the Agency Com- graph 10.4.1 of Section 10 of Resolution 809 shall apply.missioner. He shall notify the Agent by registered mail ofthe impending review and shall invite the Agent to submit

3.4 EFFECTS OF RETENTION AFTERa written statement of its position and the reasons for thedefault together with any written evidence it wishes to DEFAULT (except Australia)place before the Agency Commissioner;

3.4.1 If the Agent is retained on the Cargo Agency List3.3.3 without prejudice to the review provided for in after having been reviewed under Subparagraph 3.3.4 ofSubparagraph 3.3.2 of this Paragraph, if prior to the this Section the Agency Commissioner may, in casesreview by the Agency Commissioner the Agent is able to where he considers that the Agent's financial or creditdemonstrate to the Agency Administrator that its financial standing so warrants, direct that the Agent comply withand credit standing is satisfactory, the Agency Adminis- such financial requirements as the Agency Commissionertrator shall so notify Members; shall prescribe. Subject to any such direction, if the Agent

was on a Cash Basis, Airlines may reinstate credit and3.3.4 the Agency Commissioner may, at his discretion the CASS Management shall, if applicable, redepositand depending upon the circumstances surrounding the CASS Neutral Air Waybills with the Agent or authorise thedefault, remove the Agent from the Cargo Agency List or Agent to issue its own Neutral Air Waybill Forms;retain the Agent on such List. If the AgencyCommissioner decides that the Agent shall be removed 3.4.2 an Agent which has been retained on thefrom the Cargo Agency List, the provisions of Subpara- Agency List after having been reviewed under Subpara-graph 4.4.1 of Section 4 of Resolution 801, 805 and 807, graph 3.3.4 of this Section shall again be reviewed if theSubparagraph 3.4.1 of Section 3 of Resolution 803 Agent has failed to comply to the satisfaction of theand Subparagraph 10.4.1 of Section 10 of Resol- Agency Administrator, with the financial requirementsution 809, Subparagraph 10.4.1 of Section 10 of Resol- prescribed by the Agency Commissioner under Subpara-ution 813, as applicable, shall apply. graph 3.3.1 of this Paragraph. In a review under this

Subparagraph the provisions of Subparagraph 3.3.4 ofthis Section shall apply;

3.3 REVIEW OF THE AGENT3.4.3 a defaulting Agent whose Agreement has not(Australia only)been terminated, or which has been retained on the

3.3.1 If the Agent, having settled all outstanding Cargo Agency List after being reviewed under Subpara-amounts, if any, is able to demonstrate to the Agency graph 3.3.2 of this Section, shall be cleared of allAdministrator that its financial and credit standing satisfies irregularities recorded against it prior to the default andthe qualifications set forth or provided for in the Cargo for the purposes of Subparagraphs 1.7.1 or 1.7.2 ofAgency Rules (Resolution 809, Section 2, Paragraph 2.4), Section 1 and Subparagraph 2.6.6 of Section 2 of thiswhen the Agency Administrator has advised under any Resolution, the commencement of the 12 months periodthe provisions of Section 2 of this Resolution that the shall be the date of the decision by the Agency Com-Agent is in default he shall so notify Members of the missioner to retain the Agent.satisfactory situation now obtained;

3.3.2 if the Agent, having settled all outstandings, is 3.4 EFFECTS OF RETENTION AFTERunable to demonstrate to the Agency Administrator by a DEFAULT (Australia only)specified date that its financial and credit standingsatisfies the qualifications set forth or provided for in the 3.4.1 If the Agent is retained on the Cargo Agency ListCargo Agency Rules, as specified in Subparagraph 3.3.1 after having been reviewed under Subparagraph 3.3.4 ofof this Paragraph, the Agency Administrator shall initiate a this Section the Agency Commissioner may, in casesreview of the Agent's registration by the Agency Com- where he considers that the Agents financial or creditmissioner. He shall notify the Agent by registered mail of standing so warrants, direct that the Agent comply withthe impending review and shall invite the Agent to submit such financial requirements as the Agency Commissionera written statement of its position and the reasons for the shall prescribe;default together with any written evidence it wishes toplace before the Agency Commissioner;


Resolution 801r—Section 3

3.4.2 an Agent which has been retained on theAgency List after having been reviewed under Subpara-graph 3.3.4 of this Section shall again be reviewed if theAgent has failed to comply to the satisfaction of theAgency Administrator, with the financial requirementsprescribed by the Agency Commissioner under Subpara-graph 3.4.1 of this Paragraph. In a review under thisSubparagraph the provisions of Subparagraph 3.3.4 ofthis Section shall apply;

3.4.3 a defaulting Agent whose Agreement has notbeen terminated, or which has been retained on theCargo Agency List after being reviewed under Subpara-graph 3.3.2 of this Section, shall be cleared of allirregularities recorded against it prior to the default andfor the purposes of Subparagraph 2.6.6 of Section 2 ofthis Resolution, the commencement of the 12 monthsperiod shall be the date of the Agency Administrator'snotice to Members regarding termination of the Defaultstatus of the Agent, or the date of the decision by theAgency Commissioner to retain the Agent as applicable.

Appendix ‘A’

Country Grace PeriodArgentina 5 daysAustralia 4 days

Brazil (export) 5 daysBrazil (import) 5 days

Canada 5 daysChile 5 days

Colombia 5 daysCosta Rica 5 days

Dominican Republic 5 daysEcuador 5 days

El Salvador 5 daysGuatemala 5 days

Mexico 5 daysPanama 5 days

Peru 1 dayTurkey 2 days

United Kingdom (import) 15 daysUruguay 5 days

Venezuela 5 days


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 801rAttachment ‘A’


Resolution 811d

regular contribution shall not be deemed to include anyRESOLUTION 811dpayment of fee or monetary penalty decided by thecommissioner in the execution of his/her mandate. TheAGENCY COMMISSIONER purpose of the Fund is for Members and Agents orIntermediaries to discharge jointly their obligation to cover

CAC1(43)811d (except USA) Expiry: Indefinite the costs of the Commissioner's office (fees and ex-(amended) Type: B penses) in equal proportions. Additionally, the Agents'CAC2(43)811d (amended) and Intermediaries' contribution shall be used to reim-CAC3(43)811d (amended) burse through the Airfreight Institute of FIATA

(FIATA/AFI) the Agents' representatives' travel costs toattend IFCC meetings, and meetings endorsed by theRESOLVED that: IFCC and industry meetings to further the relationshipbetween IATA Airlines and Forwarders participating in the1. the office of the Agency Commissioner, (‘the Com-Cargo Agency Program. As well as other expensesmissioner’) is hereby established.incurred hitherto, by the Airfreight Institute of FIATA tomodernize the existing agency program.2. one Commissioner shall be appointed for each IATA

Conference Area.9. each Commissioner shall act in accordance with theappropriate Resolution which provides for the Conduct of3. any person may submit candidates for CommissionerReview by Agency the Agency Administrator. Industry representatives will

evaluate each candidate and make recommendations tothe Director General of IATA and the Chairman of the 10. RESCISSION AND TIE-INAirfreight Institute of FIATA as to the term and remuner-ation. The Commissioner will be appointed by the Director Upon this Resolution being declared effective, the follow-General and the Chairman of the Airfreight Institute of ing Resolutions shall be rescinded:FIATA. A serving Commissioner may be allowed tocontinue if required, until such time that a successor has CAC1(12)801d (except USA) (amended)been appointed.

CAC2(12)801d (amended)4. the Director General and the Chairman of the Air-freight Institute of FIATA may appoint one or more Deputy CAC3(12)801d (amended)Commissioners as necessary, to meet the demands of

CAC1(12)803d (except USA) (amended)the office, in which event the appointment process shallbe as for the Commissioner. In such case, the term

CAC2(12)803d (amended)‘Commissioner’ shall be deemed to include both theAgency Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner. CAC3(12)803d (amended)5. in the discharge of their duties the Commissioners CAC2(13)805d (Europe)shall be impartial and shall not be subject to the directionor supervision of IATA, any Member, IATA Cargo CAC3(15)809d (South West Pacific)Agent or association of cargo agents, or any of theiremployees or officers.

6. a Commissioner may at his/her discretion, and forcause, appoint a substitute to act in respect of individualcases.

7. the term of office of a Commissioner may be curtailedby the Director General and the Chairman of the AirfreightInstitute of FIATA upon the recommendation of theappropriate body of industry representatives.

8(a) the costs of the Commissioner's office shall beborne in equal proportions by Members having lodgedtheir own Air Waybill stocks with IATA Cargo Agents orIntermediaries in the countries where the Cargo AgencyRules have been implemented, and by IATA CargoAgents or Intermediaries in such countries; provided thatan IATA Cargo Agent shall be called upon to contribute,as a regular contribution: USD 10 (or acceptable equival-ent) per year per Head Office Location and per BranchOffice Location.

8(b) all such IATA Cargo Agents' or Intermediaries'contributions shall be paid into the Agency CommissionerFund, held by the Agency Administrator and expended inaccordance with the provisions of this Resolution. Such


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

this request is not linked to any case of review orRESOLUTION 811dother dispute.

4) In the pursuit of their activities the Cargo AgencyAttachment ‘A’Commissioner(s) shall be independent and notsubject to supervision by any one party, however, theCargo Agency Commissioner(s) shall provide regularAgency Commissioner Profilereports of activity to the Cargo Agency Conference(CAC), European Air Cargo Programme Joint Council1. The Commissioner is an independent arbiter ap-(EACPJC), Canadian Agency Programme Jointpointed jointly by the International Air Transport Associ-Council (CAPJC). The CAC, EACPJC and CAPJC isation (IATA) and International Federation of Freight For-entitled to review the activities of the Cargo Agencywarders Associations (FIATA) to conduct reviews and actCommissioner(s)/Ombudsman, and is responsible forwith respect to decisions and/or actions affectingapproval of the budget and monitoring ofAgents/Intermediaries and applicants under the IATAexpenditure.Cargo Agency Programme.

5) Any travel conducted by the Cargo Agency1.1. The office of the Commissioner is established under Commissioner(s) is authorized under the terms ofthe terms expressed in Resolution 811d. Resolution 811e.

6) The office of the Cargo Agency Commissioner(s)1.2 The procedures under which the Commissionershall maintain records of all Cargo Agencyoperates are contained in IATA Resolution 811e.Commissioner(s) proceedings for a minimum of twoyears or as required under local law. The Cargo2. IATA and FIATA will assess applicants for the officeAgency Commissioner(s) shall ensure knowledgeof the Commissioner against the following profile:transfer and continuity with his/her successor. Copies

The ideal candidate will meet the following criteria: of Commissioner records shall be provided by theCommissioner to the IATA Agency Administrator and1) experience in the cargo industry ideally gained fromto the Secretariat of FIATA.previous employment with an airline or cargo

agent/intermediary; 7) The Cargo Agency Commissioner shall maintain aninformation website, funding for which will be2) at the time of application the applicant must not beprovided from the established budget.employed or have any involvement with an airline,

cargo agent/intermediary, agency association or 8) Commissioner shall be entitled to obtainIATA; administrative support which support shall be funded

from the established budget.3) good knowledge of the IATA Cargo AgencyProgramme and the associated rules and regulationsor a demonstrated ability to acquire knowledge of theProgramme;

4) experience in dispute resolution and/or legalbackground;

5) independent contractor not associated with an airline,cargo agent/intermediary, agency association orIATA;

6) fluent in written and oral English;7) ability to travel at short notice.

Cargo Agency Commissioner Job Description1) A Commissioner shall act only as described to make

reviews requested under the terms of Resolution811d.

2) In the performance of his/her duties theCommissioner is not authorised to attend and/oraddress industry conferences of agency associationsor of IATA except as required by the terms of therelevant Cargo Agency Rules.

3) In the performance of his/her duties theCommissioner is not authorised to counsel, train,coach or in any similar capacity offer guidance toindividual agents, freight forwarders, intermediaries,freight forwarders associations, airlines or IATAexcept as specifically provided under the terms ofResolution 811e. However, the Commissioner mayanswer punctually requests for information fromindividual agents, freight forwarders, intermediaries,freight forwarders associations, airlines or IATA, if


Resolution 811e


CONDUCT OF REVIEW BY AGENCY2.1 the Agency Administrator shall on his own initiativeCOMMISSIONER and may at the request of any Member, initiate a reviewto re-determine the registration of an Agent under the

CAC1(41)811e (except USA) Expiry: Indefinite appropriate provisions of the Cargo Agency Rules; orCAC2(41)811e Type: A determine whether the Agent has violated any otherCAC3(41)811e provision of these same Rules or of its Cargo Agency

Agreement in the following instances:

RESOLVED that, the Agency Commissioner (‘the Com- 2.1.1 when an Agent has been declared in default,missioner’) shall conduct reviews with respect to de-cisions affecting Agents (“Agent” or “IATA Cargo Agent” 2.1.2 when an Agent has failed to comply, to theas used in this Resolution shall mean an Intermediary satisfaction of the Agency Administrator, with financialwhere applicable, as defined in Resolution 823) and requirements prescribed by the Commissioner as aapplicants, it being understood that the definitions in the condition for the retention of the Agent on the CargoCargo Agency Rules, Resolution 823, apply to this Agency List following a review conducted as a conse-Resolution, in accordance with the following procedures: quence of default,

2.1.3 when an Agent has failed to make a full1. REVIEW INITIATED BY AGENT OR accounting and settlement of all amounts due to Members

as a condition for retention on the Cargo Agency ListAPPLICANTfollowing a review conducted as a consequence of

1.1 the Commissioner shall rule on cases initiated by: default,

1.1.1 any Person whose application to become an 2.1.4 when an Agent has failed to submit, by theAgent has been rejected by the Agency Administrator, or specific date, financial documents requested by thehas been rejected upon reconsideration by the Agency Agency Administrator in order to conduct a financialAdministrator, review of the Agent,

1.1.2 any Person who has acquired ownership or is 2.1.5 when the Agency Administrator has reason toseeking to acquire ownership of an IATA Cargo Agent believe that the Agent no longer meets the minimumand whose application for change of ownership has been financial requirements set forth in the IATA Cargo Agent'sdisapproved by the Agency Administrator, or has Handbook or is not in a position to meet his financialbeen disapproved upon reconsideration by the Agency obligations,Administrator,

2.1.6 when an Agent in a CASS Country/area has1.1.3 an Agent who has received notice from the incurred four notices of irregularity in any period of twelveAgency Administrator of impending removal from the consecutive months,Cargo Agency List, for whatever reason;

2.1.7 when an Agent has failed to make timely1.1.4 an Agent who has received notice of impending application to the Agency Administrator for a change ofaction by the Agency Administrator with regard to that ownership, status, name or address,Agent that it considers unreasonably diminishes its ability

2.1.8 when an Agent has changed its name or addressto conduct business in a normal manner;and the Agency Administrator is unable to approve the

1.1.5 an Agent whose application for a Change of change of name or address,Location and/or Name has been disapproved;

2.1.9 on receipt of information tending to prove that the1.1.6 an Agent who considers that the Agency Adminis- Agent no longer fulfils all of the requirements of thetrator has not followed correct procedures, as delegated Handbook,by the Cargo Agency Conference, to that Agent's direct

2.1.10 when an Agent has failed to renew, before theirand serious detriment.expiry date, bank or insurance bonds or guarantees

1.2 for a review under this Paragraph the person author- required,ized to initiate the review may do so by submitting a

2.1.11 when an Agent, in its capacity as a Recipientwritten request to the Commissioner, with copy to theunder the Cargo Accounts Settlement System - Import &Agency Administrator. Requests for reviews of rejectedTerminal Charges, has been suspended from thatapplicants must be submitted within 30 calendar days ofSystem,the Agency Administrator's notice of the decision under

appeal. The Commissioner shall review the case in a de 2.1.12 when an Agent's licence, where required, hasnovo adversary proceeding and shall decide, on the basisbeen reinstated following withdrawal or suspensionof all probative evidence presented during the proceed-thereof by licensing authorities;ing, whether or not the applicant is qualified pursuant to

the Cargo Agency Rules for inclusion on the Cargo 2.2 each written request for a review shall be ac-Agency list. companied by a certification by the Agency Administrator


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

that a true copy has been served on the Agent. The 3.2 in a review conducted pursuant to this Resolution,Commissioner shall conduct each review initiated under the parties shall be the Agency Administrator or thethis Paragraph in an adversary proceeding and will Member concerned, the applicant or Agent concerned, ordecide, on the basis of all probative evidence presented the complainant, as the case may be. Except as theduring the proceedings, whether or not the Agent has Commissioner may otherwise direct in writing, any personfailed to comply with or has violated the Resolution who is not a party, or a witness, who desires to makeprovisions as alleged by the Agency Administrator. If the relevant information available to the Commissioner indecision is affirmative, the Commissioner shall impose on connection with a pending review shall do so only throughthe Agent a penalty in accordance with the provisions of one of the parties thereto. The party concerned shallthis Resolution, which he deems appropriate under the promptly forward such information in writing to the Com-circumstances; missioner with a copy to the other party. Such person

shall be subject to cross-examination.2.3 in addition to the reviews set forth in Subpara-graph 2.1 of this Paragraph, the Agency Administrator 3.3/3.3.1 except for good cause stated in writing, theshall file a written complaint with the Commissioner, with Commissioner shall schedule each review proceeding notcopy to the Agent in the following circumstances: later than 45 days after receipt of a request pursuant to

this Resolution, and shall render his decision within2.3.1 on receipt of a complaint lodged by IATA, 30 days after the close of the record in the proceeding;

2.3.2 on receipt of a complaint by a Member following in each decision, the Commissioner shall be bound by theregistration of an applicant whose application had been provisions of the applicable Resolutions, and shall makeprotested by such Member, specific findings of fact and conclusions with respect

thereto. The decision shall be in writing and shall include2.3.3 on receipt of a notice from a Member of an alleged all such findings and conclusions and with respect tomisrepresentation or violation by an Agent of the IATA reviews conducted under Paragraph 1 of this ResolutionDangerous Goods Regulations, including the Shipper's any conditions imposed by the Commissioner. WithDeclaration, respect to review proceedings instituted pursuant to

Paragraph 2 of this Resolution, the decision shall be in2.3.4 on receipt of a notice from a Member of an allegedwriting and shall include all such findings and conclusionsmisrepresentation or violation of security controland any penalty imposed pursuant to Subparagraph 3.5measures prescribed by the responsible authority(ies) orof this the Member.3.3.2 A signed copy of the decision shall be served oneach party. Subject to action taken under Paragraph 4 of3. RULES OF PROCEDUREthis Resolution, the decision shall be final and binding onthe applicant or Agent, and on IATA and all Members;3.1/3.1.1 the Commissioner shall promulgate rules of

practice and procedures designed to ensure a prompt 3.3.3 each decision which includes a finding that theand impartial review of all matters properly submitted toAgent, at the time of hearing, is improperly withholdinghim. The rules shall grant to each party the followingmoney from a Member, shall in addition to any penaltyminimum rights:imposed pursuant to this Resolution: to move for dismissal, either suspend the Agent's approval, in whichcase the provision governing “Effect of Removal or3.1.1.2 to move for summary judgement or other appro-Suspension or Reprimand, sub paragraph ‘Suspension’”priate relief,as stipulated in the Cargo Agency Resolutions shall to submit in writing any relevant information apply, orwhich it deems appropriate, Suspend the Agent from CASS, where appli- to call witnesses, cable, until all outstanding amounts due have been paid; to appear personally and/or be represented by 3.3.4 the Commissioner shall be empowered to waivecounsel and present evidence and arguments in support an oral hearing of a review based on written submissionsof its position, of the parties and to render a decision on written

stipulations between the parties; to hear the evidence and arguments of the otherparty and its witnesses, 3.3.5 each decision by the Commissioner shall, with

respect to future interpretations of Resolutions concerned, to cross-examine the other party and its wit- constitute a binding precedent.nesses;

3.4/3.4.1 a review requested by an Agent pursuant to3.1.2 proceedings before the Commissioner shall be Subparagraph 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 of this Resolution shall haveinformal, and the parties shall not be required to adhere the effect of staying the adverse decision affecting theto strict rules of evidence; Agent, pending the decision of the Commissioner. If the

Commissioner finds that the Agent qualifies for retention,3.1.3 the party who has initiated a Request for Review the Agency Administrator shall retain the Agent on themay withdraw all or part of it, in writing, at any time priorto the issuance of a decision.


Resolution 811e

Cargo Agency List and shall so notify the Agent and all 5. EFFECTIVENESS, IMPLEMENTATIONMembers; AND SPECIAL APPLICABILITY3.4.2 if the Commissioner finds that the Agent can be The effectiveness and implementation of this Resolutionrelied upon to adhere to the terms of the Cargo Agency shall be governed by the provisions of the appropriateRules subject to the fulfilment of certain terms and Cargo Agency Resolution applicable to the country inconditions, the Agency Administrator shall retain the which the review by the Agency Commissioner is beingAgent on the Cargo Agency List after verification that conducted.such terms and conditions have been met pursuant to thespecific terms of the Commissioner's decision. TheAgency Administrator shall notify the Agent and allMembers that the Agent is maintained on the CargoAgency List.

3.5/3.5.1 the Commissioner may decide the following: dismissal, inclusion in or exclusion from the Cargo AgencyList (in the case of an applicant), retention on the Cargo Agency List, removal from the Cargo Agency List, suspension of IATA registration for: CASS areas - not less than one CASSbilling period, non-CASS areas - not less than 30 days, in either case, the suspension shall notexceed 90 days or at the Agent's option, a monetaryindemnity payable to IATA in lieu of suspension, reprimand, decide on any other measure or attach suchconditions to his decision as he considers appropriate andwhich are consistent with and may reasonably be appliedunder the Resolutions, particularly in the matter of resti-tution, and set the date for the Agent's compliancetherewith, any appropriate combination of these,

3.5.2 the Commissioner may offer the Agent a choicebetween two or more of the above;

3.6 the Commissioner shall regularly schedule reviewproceedings at his office but may, if he deems circum-stances warrant, schedule reviews at other places.

4. REVIEW BY ARBITRATIONan Agent or applicant which considers itself aggrieved bya decision of the Commissioner taken under provisions ofthis Resolution shall have the right to have such decisionreviewed by arbitration in accordance with the proceduresset out in the applicable Cargo Agency or IntermediaryRules.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


FINANCIAL SECURITIES3.1 IATA shall establish criteria for the consistent evalu-ation and approval of Providers and Provider products,CAC1(42)817 (except USA) Expiry: Indefinite and shall make such criteria available to all interested(amended) Type: B parties. Criteria shall be subject to review and amend-CAC2(42)817 (amended) ment by IATA annually, or more frequently as may beCAC(42)817 (amended) necessary due to changes in the financial security and/orinsurance markets;

WHEREAS certain Cargo Agency or Air Cargo Program 3.1.1 No Provider or Provider product shall be acceptedRules provide that an Agent or Intermediary may meet for the purposes of an Agent or Intermediary meeting thethe financial criteria by the provision of additional financial financial criteria by the provision of additional financialsecurity in the form of a bank guarantee, insurance bond security where permitted by the applicable Cargo Agencyor other instrument; and or Air Cargo Program Rules unless such Provider orProvider product has been approved by IATA in accord-WHEREAS the Cargo Agency Conference (hereafterance with this Resolution.referred to as “the Conference”) wishes to make a wide

range of financial securities available to Agents and 3.2 IATA shall conduct, at a minimum, an annual reviewIntermediaries; and of all Providers and Provider products previouslyapproved by IATA. After such review(s), IATA shallWHEREAS non-payment of a claim against a provider ofdetermine whether such Provider or Provider productsuch financial security will result in financial loss tomeets criteria in effect at that time;Members and Airlines;

3.3 The results of the initial and periodic evaluation shallIt is hereby RESOLVED that,be reported to the ALWG, LCAGC, ExecutiveCommittees, Joint Councils or General Councils asappropriate.1. DEFINITIONS

1.1 The definitions of terms and expressions used in this4. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROVIDERResolution are contained in Resolution 823.PRODUCT

1.2 “FINANCIAL SECURITY PROVIDER” (hereafterreferred to as “Provider”) means any entity that guaran- 4.1 Where an Agent or Intermediary is deemed not totees payment to Members or Airlines, through provision of meet the established financial criteria for its country ofa bank guarantee, insurance bond or other instrument, in application and financial security is required, the applicantthe event of the default of an Agent or Intermediary. may select any Provider Product listed as approved by

IATA, subject to its acceptance by IATA in the country ofapplication.2 ACCEPTABLE FINANCIAL SECURITY4.2 Where a Provider or a Provider Product is sub-TYPESsequently removed from the IATA approved list, any

2.1 Individual financial security provided by a bank subscribing Agents or Intermediaries will be duly notifiedand requested to select an alternative Provider or Pro-2.1.1 Bank Guaranteevider Product.2.1.2 Standby letter of Credit

2.1.3 Letter of Credit 5. Not withstanding any general or specific CargoAgency or Air Cargo Program requirements applicable,2.1.4 any other type of security accepted by thefinancial security providers shall be governed by Resol-Agency Administrator from time to timeution 817.

2.2 Individual financial security provided by an indepen-dent third party other than a bank

2.2.1 Insurance bond2.2.2 Surety bond

2.3 Approved Default Insurance Program

2.4 Providers of the acceptable financial security typesin 2.1 - 2.3 are required to meet the criteria as referred toin section 3 of Resolution 817.


Resolution 821

fully-controlled cargo sales offices and shall not share,RESOLUTION 821lend, lease, sell or otherwise transfer them, or allow themto be used, by any other person, whether an individual orIATA CARGO OFFICE NUMERIC CODE a corporation.

CAC1(20)821 Expiry: IndefiniteCAC2(20)821 Type: B 4. RESCISSIONCAC3(20)821

upon this Resolution being declared effective, thefollowing Resolution shall be rescinded:

RESOLVED that:CAC1(01)821(amended)

CAC2(01)821(amended)1. AUTHORITY TO ASSIGN NUMERICCODES CAC3(01)821(amended)1.1 the assignment of IATA Cargo Office numeric codedesignators (‘the numeric code’) to Members, non-IATAair carriers and to IATA Cargo Agents shall be carried outby the Agency Administrator who shall periodically publisha list to Members of numeric codes so assigned and thename of the assignees;

1.2 blocks of IATA numeric codes shall be set aside bythe Agency Administrator for use by the Cargo NetworkServices Corporation (CNS). CNS shall control assign-ment of such numeric codes to appointed agents listed byit in the United States of America and shall report to theAgency Administrator the numeric codes so assigned.The limitations and duties with respect to the use andprotection of the numeric code described in this subpara-graph shall be identical to those specified elsewhere inthis Resolution.

2. AGENT ASSIGNMENT2.1 upon accreditation of an agent by IATA, the AgencyAdministrator shall assign that IATA Cargo Agent anumeric code. The assignment of additional numericcodes, for use by an IATA Cargo Agent's fully-owned andfully-controlled field offices where Air Waybills areexecuted, shall be in accordance with Cargo AgencyConference policy;

2.2 such assignment shall continue only so long as theassignee remains an IATA Cargo Agent and shall bewithdrawn by the Agency Administrator should the IATAaccreditation of the assignee be discontinued, suspendedor cancelled, whether by IATA or by the assignee. Theassigned numeric code remains the property of IATA atall times. It shall not be shared, lent, leased, sold orotherwise transferred by the assignee to any otherperson, whether an individual or a corporation. Failure onthe part of the assignee to respect this exclusivity ofusage requirement shall constitute valid grounds for theAgency Administrator to withdraw the assigned code andcause the Cargo Agency Commissioner to review theIATA Cargo Agent's IATA accreditation.

3. AIRLINE ASSIGNMENTAn air carrier wishing to obtain numeric codes for its owncargo sales offices shall apply in writing to the AgencyAdministrator. The air carrier shall use the numeric codesso assigned solely for its own fully-owned and


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

‘AIRLINE’ means a Member participating, or eligibleRESOLUTION 823to participate, or a non-IATA carrier participating inthe Cargo Accounts Settlement System of a country/DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN area.

CARGO AGENCY RESOLUTIONS‘AIRPORT’ shall include any location designated byan Airline for general acceptance of all consignmentsCAC1(43)823 (except USA) Expiry: Indefiniteready for carriage.(amended) Type: B

CAC2(43)823 (amended) ‘AIR WAYBILL’ means the document made out by orCAC3(43)823 (amended) on behalf of the shipper which evidences the contract

between the shipper and the Carrier for carriage ofgoods. (Note: upon ratification of Montreal Protocol

WHEREAS the Cargo Agency Conference has agreed No. 4 to the Warsaw Convention, the term Air Waybilldefinitions for terms and expressions commonly used in shall, where the context so requires, also mean theResolutions of the Conference, and shipment record referred to in certain Cargo Services

Conference Resolutions).WHEREAS the Conference wishes to consolidate suchdefinitions in a single Resolution, it is ‘AIR WAYBILL NEUTRAL’ means the standard

automated air waybill without identification of theRESOLVED that the definitions of terms and expressions issuing carrier (described in Resolution 600a), for useused in Resolutions of the Cargo Agency Conference are by IATA Cargo follows:

‘AIR WAYBILL TRANSMITTAL’ (sometimes referred‘AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR’ means the IATA offi- to as ‘AWT’) means the form used by a CASScial designated by the Director General from time to participant to submit to the CASS Settlement Officetime as the holder of that office, or his authorised records of accountable transactions.representative, responsible for the management ofthe IATA Agency Programmes in accordance with ‘APPROVED LOCATION’ (sometimes referred to asthe Members’ rules and resolutions and with auton- Location) includes Head Office and Branch Locationsomy to act in extraordinary circumstances. appearing on the Cargo Agency List.

‘AGENCY COMMISSIONER’ (sometimes called ‘the ‘ARBITRATION BOARD’ means the body set upCommissioner’, ‘the Ombudsman’) means the person under the provision of the relevant Cargo Agencydesignated under a procedure involving the Director Rules to arbitrate on a dispute arising under theseGeneral of IATA and the Chairman of the Airfreight Rules.Institute of FIATA, as the holder of that office, or his ‘BILLING PARTICIPANT’ means a CASS-Export orauthorised representative as provided for in Resol-

CASS-Import & Terminal Charges participant thatution 811d, and who exercises jurisdiction oversubmits to the Settlement Office Air Waybill or othermatters prescribed by the Cargo Agency Conferenceaccounting transaction data in an electronically read-and as described in Resolution 811e (Conduct ofable form.Review by Agency Commissioner).‘BILLING PERIOD’ means the period as described in‘AGENCY DISTRIBUTION MANAGER’ means theResolution 801r subparagraph 2.3.3. The preciseIATA official designated by the Agency Administratortime span covered will be determined in each caseto head the Agency Distribution Office and to man-by the date of the accountable transactions that eachage the Cargo Agency registration programme forCASS Airline wishes to include in that billing.countries in which Resolution 803 is applicable.‘BRANCH OFFICE LOCATION’ means a registered‘AGENT’ (sometimes referred to as ‘IATA CargoAgent's place of business where cargo is made readyAgent’) means a legal person which is a registeredfor carriage and which is entered on the Agency ListIATA Cargo Agent whose name is entered on theas a Branch Office Location which is the same entityCargo Agency List, having executed an IATA Cargoas its Head Office Location, with the Head OfficeAgency Agreement having been adjudged to havehaving full legal and financial responsibility of themet the registration and retention criteria as specifiedadministration, staff, liability maintenance and oper-in the Cargo Agency Rules. This term also includesations expense of the Branch Office.IATA European Air Cargo Programme Intermediaries

who conduct transactions in accordance with ‘CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENT SYSTEM—Part 1 of the European Air Cargo Programme form of EXPORT’ (hereinafter called ‘CASS-Export’) meansCargo Intermediary Agreement. It also includes Inter- the method of accounting and settling accountsmediaries who conduct transactions in accordance between CASS-Export Airlines on the one hand, andwith Part 1 of the Cargo Intermediary Agreement– their Agents and Associates, on the other hand,Australia. While the legal status of a cargo agent described in Resolution 851 and its Attachments andversus a forwarder differs with regard to rules of provided for in Resolution 801r.contract construction and liability, for reasons of

‘CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENT SYSTEM—nomenclature, contract bids or fulfilling governmentIMPORT & TERMINAL CHARGES’ (hereinafterlicensing requirements, the term “IATA FIATA Freightcalled ‘CASS-Import & Terminal Charges’) means theForwarder” is equivalent to the term “IATA Cargomethod of accounting and settling accounts betweenAgent” or “IATA Cargo Intermediary”.


Resolution 823

Delivering Companies and Recipients as provided in ‘CARGO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL’ means a councilIATA Cargo Agency Conference Resolution 853 and consisting of representatives of Airlines of the countryits Attachments. or group of countries as appropriate and representa-

tives of the recognized national association of agents‘CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENT SYSTEM- convened to assist the Cargo General Assembly inIMPORT DELIVERING COMPANIES’ means the the performance of its functions.IATA Members and Non-IATA Air Carriers/GroundHandling Companies (named as CASS-Import ‘CARGO GENERAL ASSEMBLY’ means an as-Delivering Companies) in the First Schedule to the sembly of Airlines to which the Cargo Agency Confer-Recipient Agreement as having authorised the ence has delegated authority over certain provisionsAgency Administrator to execute this Agreement on of the Cargo Agency Programme.their behalf, and such other Delivering Companies ‘CARGO GENERAL SALES AND SERVICEwhich, subsequent to the execution of this Agree- AGENT’ (sometimes referred to as ‘GSSA’) means ament, authorise the Agency Administrator to advise

Person who has been delegated general authority inthe Recipient that their name is to be added to therespect of cargo sales for the appointing Member,said First Schedule in accordance with Paragraph 7either directly or through Subcontraction.thereof.‘CARGO INTERMEDIARY AGREEMENT’ means‘CARGO AGENCY AGREEMENT’ (sometimesthe European Air Cargo Programme Agreement inreferred to as ‘the Agreement’) means an Agreementthe form prescribed in Resolution 805zz,in the form prescribed in Resolution 801a asAttachment ‘A’, as amended from time to time, andamended from time to time.the Cargo Intermediary Agreement–Australia in the

‘CARGO AGENCY CONFERENCE’ (sometimes form prescribed in Resolution 823, as amended fromrefered to as ‘Conference’) means the permanent time to time.Conference of Members established by IATA, to take ‘CARGO PROCEDURES CONFERENCES’ is theaction on matters pertaining to relationships between

collective denomination of the Cargo Agency Confer-airlines and intermediaries engaged in the sale and/ence and the Cargo Services Conference.or processing of international air cargo, but

excluding remuneration levels. ‘CARGO SERVICES CONFERENCE’ means thepermanent Conference of Members established by‘CARGO AGENCY LIST’ means the list published byIATA, to take action on matters which facilitate andthe Agency Administrator, containing the names andimprove the processing of air cargo through stan-addresses of all IATA Cargo Agents and their Branchdardization of procedures, data exchanges and sys-Locations.tems while maximizing benefits to customers, partici-

‘CARGO AGENCY PROGRAMME’ means: pating Carriers, industry and associated parties.

(a) the various IATA Resolutions, rules and pro- ‘CARRIER’ (as used in Reso. 801a) is the IATAcedures adopted by the Conference, and Member that has entered into an agreement with an

IATA Cargo Agent, in the form of a Cargo Agency(b) the provisions established where applicable by Agreement adopted by the Cargo Agencythe Cargo Agency Programme Joint Council or Cargo Conference.General Assembly, pursuant to the authoritydelegated by the Cargo Agency Conference under ‘CASS AIRLINE’ means both an IATA Member andthe provisions of the respective Cargo Agency Rules. a non-IATA air carrier from which the Agency Admin-

istrator has accepted an application and concurrence‘CARGO AGENCY PROGRAMME JOINT COUN- in CASS-(country).CIL’ (sometimes called ‘IATA Cargo Agency Pro-gramme Joint Council’) is a body composed of an ‘CASS ASSOCIATE’ means any Person, other thanequal number of airline and cargo agent representa- a Registered IATA Cargo Agent or an air carrier,tives, established to assist the Conference by provid- which has executed an Agreement for participation ining recommendations and proposals regarding the CASS-(country).Cargo Agency Programme and criteria for the regis- ‘CASS-EXPORT AIRLINE’ means a Participant in atration of IATA Cargo Agents doing business in the

Cargo Accounts Settlement System.Region, or country/countries served by the JointCouncil concerned. ‘CASS-EXPORT MANUAL FOR AGENTS’ means

the Manual published in a particular country or group‘CARGO AGENCY RULES’ (sometimes calledof countries for where there is a CASS, in accord-‘these Rules’) means the Cargo Agency Conferenceance with the instructions contained in Attachment ‘A’Resolutions and Attachment(s), which apply in theto Resolution 851 as amended from time to time.Specified Country of the IATA Cargo Agent.‘CASS-IMPORT & TERMINAL CHARGES’ means‘CARGO AGENT'S HANDBOOK’ (sometimes calledthe Cargo Accounts Settlement System of billing and‘the Handbook’) means the publication, issued on thecollection at destination, applicable in respect ofResolutions, associated regulations derived thererecipients of inbound air cargo consignments,from and other information applicable in the Specifieddescribed in Resolution 853 and the AttachmentsCountries listed in the Handbook.thereto.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

‘CASS-IMPORT & TERMINAL CHARGES ‘FINANCIAL SECURITY’ means any financial secur-AIRLINE’ (sometimes referred to as Airline where the ity accepted by IATA for the purposes of recoveringcontext permits) means both an IATA Member par- unpaid monies owed by the Agent to Members orticipating in the CASS-Import and a non-IATA air Airlines.carrier which is a Participant in the CASS-Import. ‘GROUND HANDLING AGENT (GHA)’ means any‘CASS POLICY GROUP’ referred to as “CPG”, is person, appointed by one or more air carriers to carryestablished by the Cargo Committee to provide out cargo handling, storage and preparation of freightdirection to IDFS on CASS matters; and be respon- for collection by the consignee and other activities forsible for providing advice to IDFS Management on all inbound freight in the area covered by the CASS-matters relating to the functional management and Import & Terminal Charges.operation of CASS. ‘HANDBOOK FOR CARGO AGENTS’ (see ‘CARGO‘CLEARING BANK’ means the bank or other organ- AGENT'S HANDBOOK’).isation appointed under the applicable Cargo Ac- ‘HEAD OFFICE LOCATION’ means the IATA Cargocounts Settlement System (CASS) to receive remit-

Agent's principal place of business.tances from Agents and settle funds to Airlines; andto perform such other functions as are prescribed ‘HINGE ACCOUNT’ means the account opened bywithin these Rules, and in Resolution(s) and Attach- the ISS Management with the Settlement Office for aments, relating to CASS. given period of settlement, used to receive CASS

remittances and to pay out monies due.‘CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE’ means the rulesadditional to the Conditions of Contract, governing ‘IATA’ means the International Air Transport Associ-the relationship between the customer and the ation, incorporated by Special Act of the CanadianCarrier, such as acceptability of goods, packing and Parliament, having its Head Office at 800 Placemarking, rates and charges, documentation, com- Victoria, Montreal, in the Province of Quebec,pliance with government requirements and customs Canada and an office at 33 Route de l'Akéroport,formalities, etc. 1215 Geneva 15 Airport, Switzerland.‘CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT’ means the contents ‘IATA CARGO AGENT’ (see ‘AGENT’).of the Carrier's notices advising passengers and

‘IATA CARGO INTERMEDIARY’ means a freightshippers, among other things, that liability may beforwarder or Cargo Agent, which has executed anlimited by the Warsaw Convention and relatedIATA Cargo Intermediary Agreement having beenProtocols.adjudged to have met the registration and retention

‘CONFERENCE’ means the Cargo Agency Confer- criteria of the European Air Cargo Programme rules,ence of IATA. or the South West Pacific Cargo Agency Programme.‘DELIVERY COMPANY’ means any Member, Airline, ‘IATA-FIATA ENDORSED FREIGHT FORWARDER’Agent or Ground Handling Company that participates (sometimes called ‘IATA-FIATA Freight Forwarder’ orin a particular CASS-Import & Terminal Charges. ‘IATA-FIATA Forwarder’) means an entity in good

standing under the IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Program‘DIRECTOR GENERAL’ means the Director General(IFACP), where implemented, which has executed anof IATA or his authorised representative.IFACP Agreement. While the legal status of a cargo

‘EUROPEAN AIR CARGO PROGRAMME’ (some- agent versus a forwarder differs with regard to rulestimes referred to as “EACP”) means the European air of contract construction and liability, for reasons ofcargo distribution system managed by IATA in sup- nomenclature, contract bids or fulfilling governmentport of the Cargo Intermediary Agreement. licensing requirements, the term “IATA FIATA Freight

Forwarder” is equivalent to the term “IATA Cargo‘EUROPEAN AIR CARGO PROGRAMME OPER- Agent” or “IATA Cargo Intermediary”.ATIONS HANDBOOK’ (sometimes referred to as the“Handbook”) means the manual published under the ‘IATA NUMERIC CODE’ (sometimes called the ‘Nu-auspices of the EACP by the Joint Council. It meric Code or Designator’) means the numeric, orcontains the rules, regulations, IATA Conference alpha numeric code, assigned and managed by IATAResolutions, instructions and procedures applicable in accordance with Resolution 821 to identify specificto the parties actions under the Cargo Intermediary entities involved in air cargo transportation and/orAgreement and is revised and reissued as required. cargo offices or air cargo points of sale.

‘EUROPEAN AIR CARGO PROGRAMME RULES’ ‘IATA RESOLUTION’ means a formally adopted(sometimes referred to as the “EACP Rules”) means decision of an IATA Traffic Conference, promulgatedthe various IATA Resolutions, rules and procedures as such.adopted by the Cargo Agency Conference, as well as ‘IATA TRAFFIC CONFERENCE AREA 1’ All of theprovisions established by the European Joint Council

North and South American Continents and adjacentpursuant to the authority delegated to it by the Cargoislands, Greenland, Bermuda, the West Indies andAgency Conference, published in the EACP Hand-Islands of the Caribbean, the Hawaiian Islands (in-book, which applies in the specified country of thecluding Midway and Palmyra.IATA Cargo Intermediary.


Resolution 823

‘IATA TRAFFIC CONFERENCE AREA 2’ All of ‘RECIPIENT’ means any person who is party to aEurope (including that part of the Russian Federation CASS-Import Recipient agreement in accordancewest of the Urals) and adjacent islands, Iceland, with the terms of Resolution 853.Ascension Island, that part of Asia lying west of and ‘REGION’ means a geographic area composed ofincluding Iran.

one or more states or countries, where specific rules‘IATA TRAFFIC CONFERENCE AREA 3’ All of Asia or Resolutions will apply, and where governance ofand adjacent islands, except the portion included in such rules or Resolutions may be partially delegatedArea 2, all of the East Indies, Australia, New Zealand to a local or regional group or council.and adjacent islands, the islands of the Pacific Ocean ‘RESOLUTION, IATA’ means a formally adoptedexcept those included in Area 1.

decision of an IATA Traffic Conference, promulgated‘IMPORT CHARGES’ means charges entered on an as such.Air Waybill at origin or in transit to be collected at ‘SETTLEMENT OFFICE’ means the institution which,destination and any charges incurred at destination

where there is a CASS, is responsible for issuingand accruing to the Airline.billings, receiving remittances and distributing the

‘INTERMEDIARY’ (see definition for ‘IATA Cargo monies to the parties entitled thereto.Intermediary’). ‘SOUTH WEST PACIFIC (SWP)’ is the area com-‘ISS MANAGEMENT’ means the appropriate depart- prised of American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands,ment of IATA responsible for the administrative and Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, (Canton and Ender-operational functions of the IATA Settlement Sys- bury Islands), Nauru, New Caledonia (includingtems, such as ISS budgets (cost and revenues), ISS Loyalty Islands), New Zealand, Niue, Papua Newstaffing, ISS contracts (service agreements) to Guinea, Samoa/Independent state of, Solomoninclude signature authority and ISS office manage- Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futunament and administration. This includes the local Islands.designated ISS representative for Cargo, who shall ‘SPECIFIED COUNTRY’ means the country forhave overall responsibility for the CASS-Export or the

which an IATA Cargo Agent has been listed by theCASS-Import.Agency Administrator, where such agent may con-

‘MEMBER’ means a Member of IATA. duct business as an IATA Cargo Agent.

‘LOCAL CUSTOMER ADVISORY GROUP-CARGO’, ‘SUBCONTRACTION’ means the delegation of gen-also referred to as LCAGC, is established by the eral authority in respect of Cargo sales for appointingCargo Agency Conference, and provides advice to Member(s) by a Cargo General Sales and ServiceISS Management on customer service issues and, in Agent to another party by virtue of an agreementparticular, establishing and addressing local needs. which shall be subject to the conditions of

Resolution 871 and the prior written authority of the‘LOCAL CUSTOMER SERVICES MANUAL—CASS original appointing Member.(IMPORT/EXPORT)’ means the Manual published ina particular country or group of countries for which ‘SUBMISSION DATE’ means the day on which thethere is a CASS in accordance with Appendix ‘H’ to Air Waybill Transmissions are required to be in theResolution 851 and Appendix ‘G’ to Resolution 853, possession of the Settlement Office as described inas amended from time to time. IATA Cargo Agency Conference Resolution 801r,

Subsection 2.2. Notwithstanding anything to the con-‘LOCAL FINANCIAL CRITERIA’ means the stan- trary stated in Resolution 801r, Section 2, a CASSdards used to assess the financial stability of an Airline may submit Air Waybill Transmittals tot heAgent or applicant in a country/countries or Region, Settlement Office by the submission date whichas may be recommended by a Joint Council or IATA include accountable transactions occurring prior toCARGO AGENCY PANEL (ICAP) and adopted by the reporting period.the Conference.

‘TRAFFIC CONFERENCE’ means a Conference of‘MEMBER’ means a Member of IATA. Members established by IATA under the Provisionsfor the Conduct of IATA Traffic Conferences, whether‘PARTICIPATING AIRLINES’ means a Member par-it be a Cargo Tariff Coordinating Conference or aticipating, or a non-IATA carrier participating in theCargo Procedures Conference.Cargo Accounts Settlement System of a country/

area. ‘TERMINAL CHARGES’ means any charges, whereagreed, resulting at destination associated with the‘PERSON’ means an individual, partnership, firm,importation of Cargo, including, but not limited to,association, company or corporation.handling of storage fees. Additionally any charges,

‘PRINCIPAL’ as used in Resolution 871 means an where agreed, that may be levied for export consign-appointing Member, or in the case of Subcontraction, ments, but not reflected on the Air Waybill (AWB).the original appointing Member.

‘TRIP AUTHORISATION’ means a written document‘READY FOR CARRIAGE’ refers to consignments issued by the Agency Administrator to an Agent to bewhich meet the requirements as set forth in Resol- presented to the Member when applying for reducedution 833 entitled ‘Ready for Carriage Consign-ments.’


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

fare transportation under the provisions of Subpara- RESOLUTION 831graph 5.1 of Resolution 881.

CONSEQUENCES OF VIOLATION‘USA’ means the 50 States, the District of Columbia,the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and possessions OF AIR WAYBILL OR SHIPMENTof the United States of America in Area 1 and Area 3. RECORD COMPLETION PROCEDURES

CAC1(38)831 (except USA) Expiry: IndefiniteCAC2(38)831 Type: BCAC3(38)831

WHEREAS it is in the interest of the industry thatconsumers have access to a maximum, number of AirWaybill issuance outlets; and

WHEREAS, it is further recognized that under certainroutes and as agreed between Shippers and Carriers,electronic means to preserve the shipment record in lieuof the Air Waybill may be used pursuant to CargoServices Conference Resolution 600f and that it is also inthe interest of the industry; and

WHEREAS IATA Members have accordingly depositedstock of their Air Waybills with Cargo Agents or Intermedi-aries or have authorized Cargo Agents or Intermediariesto issue Shipment Records on behalf of the Shippers tobetter serve the Shippers; and

WHEREAS custody and completion of such Air Waybillsor Shipment Records are governed by Members' rulesand the procedures described in the Cargo Agent'sHandbook, Air Cargo Program Handbook or the IATACargo Services Conference Manual as applicable, copiesof which are provided to Cargo Agents or Intermediariesby the Agency Administrator and compliance with which ismandatory upon each Cargo Agent or Intermediary underthe terms of the Cargo Agency or Cargo IntermediaryAgreement as applicable;


1. all Cargo Agents or Intermediaries be reminded that,practices such as those listed below, violate the govern-ing conditions referred to above. They harm Members'legitimate interests and can accordingly result in actionbeing taken under the provisions of the Cargo Agency orAir Cargo Program Rules and the Cargo Agency or CargoIntermediary Agreement:

1.1 entering incorrect weight on an Air Waybill orShipment Record thereby causing losses in revenue toMembers;

1.2 entering inapplicable commodity item number,resulting in carriage at less than the applicable rate;

1.3 failing to enter chargeable weight and relevantdimensions (when applicable) thus causing revenuelosses to Members;

1.4 entering incorrect or incomplete description of goodsthereby allowing carriage at less than the applicable rate;and in the case of dangerous goods endangering thesafety of aircraft, crew and passengers;


Resolution 833

1.5 failing to enter the complete contact address of the RESOLUTION 833consignee including telephone number in case of “SpecialCargoes”, thereby causing non-delivery of such ship- READY FOR CARRIAGEments in due course;

CONSIGNMENTS1.6 entering amounts in the “Due Agent” prepaid box inexcess of what is agreed locally without breakdown of CAC1(41)833 (except USA) Expiry: Indefinitesuch amounts. (amended) Type: B

CAC2(41)833 (amended)2. in this Resolution the use of words and expressions CAC2(41)833 (amended)in the singular shall, where the context so permits, betaken to include their use in the plural and vice versa.


1. an IATA Cargo Agent or Intermediary shall deliver (orarrange for delivery of) consignments to a Member readyfor carriage.

2. as used in Resolutions the following requirementsshall have been met in order to render a consignment‘ready for carriage’:

2.1 the Air Waybill or the Shipment Record shall beissued in accordance with Resolution 600a or Rec-ommended Practice 1670 respectively, accurate andcomplete in all respects; and in the case of the AirWaybill, not more than the following parts shall beremoved from the Air Waybill set by an IATA CargoAgent:

2.1.1 original 3 (for shipper)

2.1.2 copy 8 (for Agent)

2.1.3 original 1 (for issuing carrier) where required bythe Member whose Air Waybill is issued;

2.2 disbursement amounts if any and applicablecharges shall be entered on the Air Waybill or theShipment Record in accordance with Resolution 614;

2.3(a) all documents necessary for:

2.3(a)(i) determining the nature of the goods, and

2.3(a)(ii) for the transport of each consignment,including those required by any governmental body,

2.3(b) shall be completed and accompany the Air Way-bill or the Shipment Record;

2.4 where the Agent and a Member have agreed thatAir Waybill data with respect to the consignment shall betransmitted via electronic means by the Agent to theMember, the Agent shall transmit such data so as toreach the Member prior to tender of the consignment tothe Member's point of acceptance;

2.5 the contents of each consignment shall be properlypacked so as to withstand all conditions normally inciden-tal to transportation and where appropriate comply withthe provisions of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations;

2.6 all packages of each consignment shall be markedand labeled in accordance with Resolutions 600, 606,606a, 607 and where appropriate with the IATA Danger-ous Goods Regulations with the IATA Perishable Cargo


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Regulations and the IATA Temperature Control Regu- RESOLUTION 833alations;

SECURITY MEASURES FOR INTENDED2.7 the labelling and marking on all packages shall befully visible and all old labels and markings shall be CONSOLIDATED CONSIGNMENTSobliterated.

CAC1(33)833a (except USA) Expiry: IndefiniteCAC2(33)833a Type: B


3.1/3.1.1 all consignments containing dangerous goodsshall comply with the IATA Dangerous Goods WHEREAS Resolution 833 requires that consignmentsRegulations; delivered to a Member shall be prepared ready for

carriage in accordance with security control instructions3.1.2 Shipper's Declaration, duly signed and completed provided by the National Authority and additional instruc-or an electronic Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous tions provided by the Member and,Goods duly completed, as set forth in the IATA Danger-ous Goods Regulations, shall be provided by the shipper WHEREAS the spirit of recently introduced air securityor his authorised agent; mixed consignments which measures require that no detail of carrier or flight ininclude dangerous goods shall comply with the provisions respect of a consolidated consignment be released, otherof Resolution 600; than as permitted by any national authority security

directive, and3.1.3 in the event that a Member shall come intopossession of information indicating a misrepresentation WHEREAS the terms ‘consolidated consignment’ andor violation of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, “known shipper” as defined in the relevant Recommendedincluding the Shipper's Declaration, by an IATA Cargo Practices of the Cargo Services Conference are reflectedAgent, such Member shall promptly give notice of such in the IATA Cargo Agent's Handbook, it is thereforemisrepresentation or violation to the Agency Administratorwho shall file a complaint against the IATA Cargo Agent, RESOLVED that:pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the Cargo

1. an IATA Cargo Agent shall:Agency Rules.

1.1 not distribute printed or otherwise published consoli-dation schedules for general distribution showing planned4. SECURITY ADHERENCEcarriers and flights;

consignments delivered to a Member shall be prepared1.2 not communicate by any means, other than asready for carriage in accordance with security controlpermitted by National Authority security directives, theinstructions provided by the National Authority and ad-identity of the planned carrier or flight.ditional instructions provided by the Member.

Editorial Note: These are the definitions referred toabove:

‘CONSOLIDATED CONSIGNMENT’ a consignmentof multi-packages which has been originated by morethan one person each of whom has made anagreement for carriage by air with another personother than a scheduled air carrier. Conditions appliedto that agreement may or may not be the same asconditions applied by the scheduled air carrier for thesame carriage.‘KNOWN SHIPPER’ means any entity who conductsbusiness with a carrier, an agent or a freight for-warder and provides security controls that areaccepted by the appropriate authority and/or carrierin respect of cargo, courier and express parcels, andmail.


Resolution 849

b) enter into CASS Agreements with IFACP EndorsedRESOLUTION 849Forwarders on its behalf, to allow for participation inCASS where it operates, to facilitate and take advan-TIE IN TRANSFERAL RESOLUTION & tage of the efficiencies for billing and settlement of

AIRLINE GENERAL CONCURRENCE accounts between Airlines and Forwarders,

c) continue to manage “Industry Financial Securities”CAC1(43)849 (except USA) Expiry: Indefinitecurrently administered by IATA, to the extent that there(amended) Type: Bare any industry bank guarantees or default insuranceCAC2(43)849 (amended)schemes in the future. Such industry financial securi-CAC3(43)849 (amended)ties, should they arise out of the Local Financial Criteriaestablished by the IFGB in respect of the IFACP

WHEREAS, the Cargo Agency Conference has been forwarder endorsement procedures, will be handled asestablished to take action on matters relating to re- part of the responsibilities of the IFACP Programlationships between airlines and intermediaries; Secretariat. However, in the event that a Carrier re-

quires a separate bank guarantee from an IATA FIATAWHEREAS, over the last few decades the air cargo Forwarder, such Airline assumes all risk managementindustry has seen a shift in status among cargo responsibility and hereby agrees that in the event of aintermediaries from agents of the airlines to customers default by the Forwarder under CASS, the Airline would(freight forwarders) of the airlines; not be entitled to any payment under the Forwarder's

industry bank guarantee, default insurance or any otherWHEREAS, as a result of this shift in commercial financial security provided to IATA.relationships, IATA and FIATA established the IATAFIATA Governance Board (IFGB) to develop the IATA 4. Such General Concurrence shall automatically takeFIATA Air Cargo Program (IFACP), a program jointly effect on the date on which IATA declares effective theadministered by freight forwarders and airlines; IATA FIATA Air Cargo Program in a particular country

or region. Unless it is withdrawn by an IATA MemberWHEREAS, the Cargo Agency Conference recognizes Airline, for any reason, including those who wish tothat the IFACP is the natural evolution of the IATA impose bilateral criteria in addition to those referred toCargo Agency and Cargo Intermediary Programs; and in 1(b) above. In which case the Airline may withdraw

its General Concurrence, in respect of a country(ies) orWHEREAS, the Cargo Agency Conference recognizesspecific Forwarder(s), with three calendar months ad-the need to maintain existing commercial relationshipsvance notice in writing to the IATA Director General.between IATA Cargo Agent and Intermediary entitiesNotwithstanding the foregoing, any individual carrierand the airlines to ensure the unencumbered flow ofand Forwarder reserve the right to do business asglobal cargo, it isbilaterally agreed.


1. Members acknowledge and agree that the IATAFIATA Governing Board (IFGB) shall be responsible for:

(a) the management of the IFACP; and

(b) the establishment and maintenance of the relevantoperational and financial criteria for endorsement ofIATA-FIATA Freight Forwarders.

2. Members hereby adopt the General Concurrenceset forth in Annex ‘A’ and thereby designate each oftheir appointed IATA Cargo Agents/Intermediaries asan “IATA FIATA Endorsed Forwarder” under the oper-ational and financial criteria as so determined by theIATA FIATA Governing Board (IFGB).

3. The form of General Concurrence set forth inAnnex ‘A’ to this Resolution sets out the terms andconditions that apply in respect of the IFACP. It isagreed by adoption, or for non-IATA air carriers bysignature, that each Airline provides authorization toIATA, Director General, to:

a) enter into and maintain an IFACP Agreement on itsbehalf, with individual Forwarders which are or will beendorsed in the IFACP and with whom it may elect todo business,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


STATEMENT OF GENERAL CONCURRENCEThe IATA Member, or non-IATA air carrier, referred to hereinafter as ‘the Airline’ hereby deposits with the IATA DirectorGeneral, its Statement of Concurrence in respect of its participation in the IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Programme (IFACP).

1. The Airline is hereby notified that IATA has entered into a Cooperation Agreement with FIATA in order to establishthe IATA-FIATA Governance Board to jointly develop and manage the IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Programme (IFACP).

2. The IFACP sets out the framework of working relationships between forwarders and airlines, on a principal toprincipal basis, including in respect of the purchase of international air cargo transportation services and/or the handlingand delivery to carriers of cargo consignments. The IFACP will supersede and replace the current IATA CargoAgency/Intermediary Programmes globally and current IATA Cargo Agents/Intermediaries will transfer to become IFACPEndorsed Forwarders upon signature of an IFACP Freight Forwarder Agreement, executed with IATA acting on behalfof Airlines.

3. The Airline acknowledges therefore that they are required to amend their current appointments of IATA CargoAgents in order to reflect the IFACP principal to principal relationship.

4. The Airline hereby agrees to deposit with the IATA Director General, a Statement of General Concurrence inrespect of the IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Programme (IFACP) and Forwarders which are, or will be endorsed in accordancewith the IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Programme (IFACP) rules, and with whom, the Airline may elect to do business.

5. Further, the Airline authorises the IATA Director General to execute on its behalf a IFACP Forwarder Agreementand acknowledges that a contractual relationship is thereby created between the Forwarder and the Airline, with respectto the purchase of international air cargo transportation services (‘airfreight’) and/or the handling and delivery to theAirline of cargo consignments;

6. The Airline hereby concurs with the terms and conditions of IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Programme (IFACP) rules, aspublished in the IFACP Handbook. The Airline acknowledges that the conditions of the IFACP may be amended by theIATA-FIATA Governance Board (IFGB) from time to time, upon serving Airlines notice in writing reasonably in advanceof the effectiveness of such amendment(s);

7. The Airline authorises the IATA Director General on its behalf to enter into and maintain a CASS Agreement settingout published terms and conditions, with an IFACP Endorsed Forwarder in those countries where an IATA CASSoperation exists, to participate in the CASS;

8. The Airline recognizes that IATA is administering the IFACP as agent for and pursuant to instructions given to it bythe IFGB and accordingly agrees to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability forlegal costs) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to the IFACP;

9. The Airline agrees to participate and contribute to the IFACP in markets where it operates. The fee structure andlevel of individual participant fee amounts will be as established from time to time by the IATA-FIATA Governance Board(IFGB) to cover the operating expenses of the programme;

10. The Airline hereby confirms that this General Concurrence shall become effective in countries where the IFCAPapplies, replacing previous IATA Cargo Agency or Intermediary Programmes. Any previously executed GeneralConcurrence shall nonetheless remain in effect applicable to IATA Cargo Agency or Intermediary Programmes wherethe IFACP has not been introduced.

11. This Statement shall come into effect for the Airline upon implementation of the IFACP and should remain in effect,unless it is withdrawn by the Airline, who wishes to impose bilateral criteria in addition to those referred in point 6 above,in respect of a country or specific Forwarder, with three calendar months advance notice in writing to the IATA DirectorGeneral. In such case, the Airline shall simultaneously notify any Forwarder(s) excluded from the General Concurrenceand advise the Airline's individual bilateral requirements. When such requirements are met, the Airline may re-deposit itsconcurrence with the Forwarder(s) concerned and shall so notify IATA, Director General.


Resolution 849—Annex ‘A’

Adopted as a Resolution by IATA Member Airlines

To be signed by non-IATA air carriers and returned to:

To: IATA Director General c/o IATA, Geneva, Switzerland

Name of the Airline:HQ Address:HQ Country:

Signature of the Airline's representative authorized to sign

Name and Title within the Airline:

Airline name and Date: ............................................................................


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

WHEREAS it is further recognised that in the event of anyRESOLUTION 851disagreement or dispute between the CPG and IDFS,such dispute shall be referred to the Cargo Committee;CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENT

SYSTEM WHEREAS ISS Management shall operate in accordancewith the IATA Settlement Systems Service ProvisionsManual, the CASS Technical Specifications HandbookCAC1(42)851 (except USA) Expiry: Indefiniteand the Local Customer Services Manual which describe(amended) Type: Bthe provision of services in the operating CASSs;CAC2(42)851 (amended)

CAC3(42)851 (amended)WHEREAS the Cargo Agency Conference (hereafterreferred to as “the Conference”) exercises authority andresponsibility over the IATA Cargo Agency Programme,WHEREAS the 1998 IATA Annual General Meetingincluding the relationship between Airlines and Agents,agreed to restructure the IATA Industry Settlement Sys-andtems and has approved the establishments of IATA

Distribution and Financial Services (hereafter referred toWHEREAS Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems (CASS)as “IDFS”), as an IATA division responsible to the IATAhave been introduced.Board of Governors for the Management and efficient

operation of this business activity and to that end has It is hereby RESOLVED that,authorised changes in the management and operation ofthe IATA Industry Settlement Systems (hereafter referredto as “ISS”), and 1. CARGO AGENCY CONFERENCEWHEREAS it is therefore necessary to recognise the 1.1 The Conference is responsible for, amongst otherresponsibility of IDFS for all ISS administration and things, setting CASS technical standards, together withoperational functions, such as: corresponding changes to Standard forms used in the• ISS budgets (cost and revenues) operation of the CASS. These are published in the CASS

Technical Specifications Handbook, Attachment A, which• ISS staffingconstitutes part hereof;• ISS contracts (service agreements) to include signa-

ture authority 1.2 amendments to the CASS Technical Specifications• ISS office management and administration Handbook shall be subject to agreement by the Confer-

ence, however, should the CASS Policy Group (CPG)And further to recognise that ISS matters will be super- recommend action be taken on a particular amendment(s)vised by the IATA Board of Governors, and between Conferences, ISS Management shall publish the

proposed amendment(s) in writing to all Members. If noWHEREAS the IATA Board of Governors has charged theprotest is received from any Member within 45 days of theCargo Committee to provide advice and guidance to thepublication of the amendment(s), the amendment(s) willBoard on all Cargo settlement matters, andbe deemed endorsed and the CASS Technical Specifi-cations Handbook will be amended accordingly. In theWHEREAS the IATA Cargo Committee has established aevent of a protest, the reasons therefore shall be given inCASS Policy Group (hereinafter referred to as “CPG”) towriting and the protested amendment will be reconsideredprovide policy direction to IDFS on CASS matters and toat the next meeting of the CPG with a view to overcomingprovide advice to IDFS Management on all mattersthe reasons for disagreement. In the event of continuingrelating to the functional management and operation ofdisagreement, the matter shall be referred to the Confer-CASS;ence for final action.

WHEREAS it is recognised that the terms of referenceand activities of the CPG are to:

2. LOCAL CUSTOMER ADVISORY• Provide a CASS consultative forum between IDFS GROUPS—CARGO (LCAGC)Management and Member airlines• Formulate a global representation policy 2.1 the Conference has established Local Customer• Develop the CASS cost sharing formula and CASS Advisory Groups—Cargo (LCAGC) in countries wherever

pricing policy a CASS is in operation, to provide advice to ISSManagement on local customer service issues and to co-• Develop a CASS country development planordinate local needs;• Approve the commencement of all new feasibility

studies and appoints CASS feasibility study groups to 2.2 the Conference determines the procedures forwork with IDFS Management in the preparation of establishing the membership of the LCAGC;feasibility study reports

2.3 the Rules and Procedures for the LCAGC, as• Review reports received from the Local Customeragreed by the Conference, are contained in Appendix ‘B’Advisory Groupsto this Resolution and constitute part hereof.• Monitor local CASS member costs

• Review the CASS budgets on a consultative basis


Resolution 851

than an Agent may become a CASS Associate and3. FEASIBILITY STUDY—participate in the CASS-Export provided that such person:IMPLEMENTATION OF A CASS6.1.1 (except for area covered by Resolution 805zz)The Head Office of any Member, or group of Members,abides by financial obligations to settle through themay request ISS Management to initiate a feasibilitysystem in accordance with Resolution 801r, and bestudy, respecting CASS implementation.sponsored by a CASS carrier. If any other requirement islocally recommended, it should be submitted to the CargoAgency Conference for endorsement prior to application;4. PARTICIPATION BY MEMBERS6.1.1 (for area covered by Resolution 805zz) abides by4.1 Participation by IATA Members in any CASS isfinancial obligations to settle through the system involuntary. IATA Members may join at the inception of aaccordance with Resolution 801re and is sponsored by aCASS or may join at a later date by paying the applicableCASS Carrier. If the Associate has accumulated 3 pay-joining fee set by ISS Management;ment irregularities in the preceding 12 months, a bank

4.2 participation in any CASS shall be dependent on the guarantee shall be provided by the Associate to cover itsMember continuing to pay the appropriate charges for average CASS remittance value, as determined by ISSthose services that have been provided to the Member in Management. If any other requirements are locally rec-connection with the operation of that CASS; ommended, they should be submitted to the Cargo

Agency Conference, for adoption, prior to its application.4.3 a Member's participation shall be dependent on it CASS Associates who are shipping Cargo under theircontinuing to meet financial criteria established by the ownership and who are Direct Accounts of an Airline shallConference, if any; not be subject to the bank guarantee provision.

4.4 upon joining a CASS, a Member must sign a 6.1.2 signs an agreement in the form specified inCounter-indemnity Agreement with IATA as prescribed in Appendix ‘D’ to this Resolution and pays the participationAppendix ‘C’ to this Resolution. Where a current signed fees determined by ISS Management from time to time;counter-indemnity is in place, the changes specified inAppendix ‘C’ are deemed to be incorporated therein; 6.2 the Agency Administrator, after confirming the appli-

cant meets the applicable criteria, signs the agreement on4.5 once a Member has joined a CASS, it automatically behalf of all Airlines participating in that CASS and shallbecomes a Billing Participant as defined in Resol- then issue to the applicant a CASS Associate codeution 823 “Definitions of Terms Used in Cargo Agency number;Resolutions;”

6.3 such number may only be used as long as the4.6 where a negative settlement occurs as a result of Associate continues to meet the local qualifying criteriamonthly CASS billings, monies due to IATA should be and has paid all applicable fees;remitted by the Member by the published applicableremittance date. 6.4 further to Paragraphs 6.1 and 6.1.1 above, where a

decision regarding Associate participation or applicablecriteria is required between Conferences, a mail vote may

5. PARTICIPATION BY AGENTS be initiated. Providing unanimous support for the proposalis received, the proposal shall be adopted. Failure to vote

Where a CASS-Export has been adopted for a given will be deemed to be an abstention. Abstentions shallcountry/area, then: count as positive votes.5.1 effective from the date of implementation, all Agentsin that country/area shall be governed by the provisions of 7. PARTICIPATION BY NON-IATASection 2 of Resolution 801r (except for countries where AIR CARRIERSResolution 805zz has been implemented in which caseResolution 801re applies) with respect to transactions 7.1 A non-IATA air carrier (an Airline), having lodged itsmade on behalf of CASS-Export Airlines; own Air Waybills with Agents, may request participation

in a given CASS by submitting to the Agency Adminis-5.2 where a CASS is implemented, the Agency Adminis-trator a Form of Application and Concurrence, in which,trator shall so advise all Agents affected.amongst other things, they agree to be bound bythe applicable Cargo Agency Resolutions. The Form is5.3 nothing in these procedures shall preclude a CASSprescribed in Appendix ‘E’ to this Resolution;Airline and an Agent or Intermediary from making alterna-

tive arrangements on a bilateral basis outside of CASS. 7.2 upon acceptance by the Agency Administrator, theAirline agrees;

6. CASS ASSOCIATES 7.2.1 to pay the applicable joining fees set by ISSManagement;6.1 The Cargo Agency Conference may decide that

charges due on consignments tendered by persons other 7.2.2 to contribute to the management and other coststhan Agents are to be collected in a particular CASS inof such CASS as set by ISS Management;accordance with the provisions implemented thereof.

If such an agreement is effective, then a person other


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

7.2.3 to meet the financial criteria established by the 8.5 upon joining a CASS, a GSSA must sign a Counter-Conference, if any; indemnity Agreement with IATA, as prescribed in

Appendix ‘C’ to this Resolution;7.3 participation in any CASS shall be dependent on theAirline continuing to pay the appropriate charges for those 8.6 once a GSSA has joined a CASS, it may elect aservices that have been provided to the Airline in connec- mode of Participation, Billing or Full, as defined intion with the operation of that CASS; Resolution 823 “Definitions of Terms Used in Cargo

Agency Resolutions”;7.4 upon joining a CASS, an Airline must sign aCounter-indemnity Agreement with IATA as prescribed in 8.7 where a negative settlement occurs as a result ofAppendix ‘C’ to this Resolution; monthly CASS billings, monies due to IATA should be

remitted by the General Sales and Service Agent by the7.5 once an Airline has joined a CASS, it may elect a published applicable remittance date.mode of Participation, Billing or Full, as defined inResolution 823 “Definitions of Terms Used in CargoAgency Resolutions”; 9. IATA SETTLEMENT SYSTEM SERVICE

PROVISIONS MANUAL7.6 where a negative settlement occurs as a result ofmonthly CASS billings, monies due to IATA should be ISS Management, in consultation with the CPG, shallremitted by the Non-IATA Carrier by the published appli- produce an IATA Settlement System Service Provisionscable remittance date. Manual containing terms, conditions and codes of con-

duct of CASS operations applicable in all areas. The CPG7.7 A non-IATA Carrier cannot participate in a CASS will be responsible for the content of the Manual, howevereither directly or indirectly through a GSSA without a it shall at all times be in conformity with applicable IATAproper IATA Air Carrier Designator and Prefix (Numeric) Resolutions.Code.


For the purpose of this Paragraph, the term ‘General ment shall produce a Local Customer Services Manual,Sales and Service Agent (GSSA)’ shall also include any containing local terms, conditions and codes of conduct ofPerson appointed by one or more air carriers to carry out the local CASS operation. The Cargo Agency Conferenceaccounting functions in respect of cargo sales trans- delegates the authority for the contents of this Manual toactions made by Agents on behalf of such carrier(s), but the Local Customer Advisory Groups Cargo (LCAGC), fornot performing sales reservations functions: subsequent endorsement by the CPG. The contents of

this Manual shall be in conformity with applicable IATA8.1 a General Sales and Service Agent (GSSA),Resolutions and are described in Appendix H.appointed by air carriers which have lodged their own Air

Waybills with Agents, may request participation in a givenCASS by submitting a Form of Application and Concur- 11. VOLUNTARY TERMINATIONrence to the Agency Administrator. The form, prescribedin Appendix ‘F’ to this Resolution, amongst other things, A Member, Airline or GSSA may withdraw from a particu-binds the applicant to the Cargo Agency Administration lar CASS by giving written notice of not less thanRules; 3 months and shall be liable for its share of all costs

through to the end of the notice period, except that a8.2 the appointing Member or Airline shall be requested GSSA's participation in a CASS may be terminated whento confirm the appointment by submitting a Form of the Member appointing the GSSA has notified the AgencyAuthorisation. This form is described in Appendix ‘G’ to Administrator, in accordance with Resolution 871, with notthis Resolution; less than three calendar months' notice in writing that

they have terminated their appointment of the GSSA.8.3 upon acceptance by the Agency Administrator, theGSSA agrees;

12. AIRLINE SUSPENSION OF8.3.1 to pay the applicable joining fees set by ISSOPERATIONSManagement;

8.3.2 to contribute to the management and other costs 12.1 Reasons for Suspensionof such CASS as set by ISS Management;

Where an airline participating in a CASS (“the CASS8.3.3 to meet the financial criteria established by the Airline”) ceases all operations either temporarily or per-Conference, if any; manently, due to financial or other reasons; or where the

CASS Airline becomes subject to bankruptcy, moratorium8.4 participation in any CASS shall be dependent on the of debt, or reorganization or similar proceedings; or whenGSSA continuing to pay the appropriate charges for those the CASS Airline does not have a valid designator/prefixservices that have been provided to the GSSA in connec- and accounting code assigned by IATA; or where a CASStion with the operation of that CASS; Airline defaults on a material obligation under the CASS;


Resolution 851

or when the CASS Airline is suspended from the IATA 13.1(a)(ii) ISS Management has notified such CASSClearing House, BSP, or other IATA settlement system; Airline of the amount owing.or when IATA otherwise determines that there are suf-

13.1(a)(iii) the amount owing remains outstanding moreficient financial grounds to suspend the CASS Airline,than five working days after the date of notification andIATA shall evaluate whether the CASS Airline should besuch Member Airline has not disputed the debt,suspended from all CASS operations and the action to be

taken, based on the pertinent information available.or

In the event of eligibility for suspension pursuant to one or 13.1(b) if a CASS Airline fails to pay any amount due inmore of the above events; or if the CASS Airline defaultsrelation to a CASS settlement, as provided for in subpara-on a material obligation to IATA in respect of the IATAgraph 4.2 or 7.3 above;Clearing House, BSP, or other financial arrangement for

services provided by IATA; or if ISS Management deter- 13.1(c) then ISS Management may suspend or termin-mines that the integrity of the CASS is at risk, IATA may ate such CASS Airlines’ participation in all CASS.withhold funds due from the CASS to the CASS Airline inorder to settle the debt or potential risk. IATA may alsorequire the Airline to provide a centrally held security 14. TIE-INdeposit, or alternative security acceptable to IATA to beheld centrally, and calculated so as to cover funds at risk This Resolution shall not come into or remain in effectfor a minimum of one month. unless Resolution 853 comes into and remains in effect.

Pursuant to Resolution 851 Attachment F at 4.3.2, if the (Attachment ‘A’ is the CASS Technical SpecificationsCASS Airline is represented by a General Sales and Hand-book and is published separately).Service Agent (GSSA) and is suspended from CASS for

Appendices:any reason, the transactions processed by the GSSA onbehalf of that CASS Airline shall be subject to the same Appendix A: Intentionally left blankconditions as applicable to that CASS Airline Appendix B: Local Customer Advisory Group–

Cargo, Rules and Procedures12.2 Action by ISS Management Appendix C: Counterindemnity

Appendix D: Associate AgreementWhen an Airline ceases operation, ISS Management willcontinue to collect monies due to such airline in accord- Appendix E: Application and Concurrence–ance with the settlement office procedures. Non-IATA Carrier

Appendix F: Application and Concurrence–GeneralAn Agent or Associate (or in Europe, an Intermediary)Sales Agentwould not be expected to settle any amount in respect ofAppendix G: Form of Authorisationan air waybill of an airline that has ceased operations,

where as a direct consequence of such cessation of Appendix H: CASS-Export Local Customer Servicesoperations, the consignment has not been transported in Manual–CASS (Import/Export) Contents Outline.accordance with the original shipping instructions. In thiscase the normal CASS dispute procedures apply. 15. SUSPENSION FROM CASS

Pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 4, 7 and 8 of12.3 Lifting of SuspensionResolution 851, a CASS participant may be suspended

If the Airline resumes its operations or the reorganisation from CASS for not adhering to participation conditionsproceedings terminate, and the Airline continues or and obligations.resumes operations, ISS Management shall lift thesuspension. 16. CLOSURE OF CASS OPERATION

Should it be necessary, for whatever reason to consider13. OTHER TERMINATION closure of an operating CASS, ISS Management will

consult with the CASS Airlines. In the event of closure,13.1(a) notwithstanding paragraph 11 of this Resolution, ISS Management will normally give notice of at leastif ISS management has reason to believe that a CASS 12 months to CASS Airlines. All costs relating to theAirline may be unable to satisfy its indebtedness to the closure incurred during the period of the notice and/orCASS and arising after closure will be apportioned between the

CASS Airlines in accordance with the ISS pricing formula.13.1(a)(i) such CASS Airline owes in excess ofUSD10,000 or equivalent for CASS related processingand management fees, and has been requested to paythe CASS on the applicable date,


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

17. RIGHT OF SET OFF RESOLUTION 851ISS Management shall have the right to set off any debt Appendix ‘B’or claim owed by such Airline to CASS in relation to aCASS settlement, including any amount owed by the RULES AND PROCEDURES LOCALAirline to IATA for the provision of CASS processing and CUSTOMER ADVISORY GROUPSmanagement fees, against any monies held or owed by CARGO (LCAGC)IATA or any of its divisions and which are payable to thatAirline. Similarly, ISS Management shall have the right toset off any debt or claim owed by an Airline to IATA or 1. Functionany of its divisions against any monies held or owed byIATA in any CASS. Local Customer Advisory Groups–Cargo (LCAGC) are

established by the Cargo Agency Conference wherever aCASS is in operation. Each LCAGC provides advice toISS Management on customer service issues and inparticular, establishing and addressing local needs.

2. MembershipThe LCAGC will normally consist of not more than10 persons. The Cargo Agency Conference may author-ise a larger number, following a request from an area.LCAGC members and their designated alternates shall beelected for a two-year term by all Participating Airlines inthat CASS, from nominations received from these Partici-pating Airlines. Ideally, LCAGC members should besuitably qualified representatives at a senior level, provid-ing expertise in the different fields of the CASS activity.LCAGC members attend LCAGC meetings as local indus-try representatives.

2.1 If elected, GSSAs/GSAs may be accepted asLCAGC members. They may participate in LCAGC meet-ings representing themselves alone and not representingtheir appointing Airlines.

2.2 A Participating Airline may nominate a suitablyqualified individual from a GSSA/GSA. If elected, suchGSSA/GSA individual shall attend the LCAGC meetingsas a local industry representative, and their LCAGCmembership shall represent no greater weight than anyother LCAGC member despite that the GSSA's/GSA'sbusiness may serve as an agent or representative ofmore than one Participating Airline.

3. Meetings, Quorum and VotingThe frequency of meetings is determined by ISS Manage-ment, in consultation with CPG or the LCAGC. A quorumshall be a simple majority (one half plus one) of themembership. Each LCAGC is a consultative body andtherefore there will be no formal voting. LCAGC will act inthe form of making recommendations. Each LCAGC willelect its Chairman from among its members. The localISS Manager will act as Secretary of these meetings.Other Participating Airlines in the CASS may attendmeetings as observers, subject to the prior consent of theCAGC Secretary. Representatives of non-airline entitiesparticipating in that CASS may attend certain parts of aCAGC meeting, at the invitation of its Chairman and ISSManagement. Additionally, the local/regional ISS Managermay call a customer meeting, at least once per year.


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘B’

4. ActivitiesISS Management may typically consult a LCAGC for:— advice, as a user forum, on all local matters

presented to it by ISS Management, concerning thelocal operation of CASS;

— advice to the local ISS Manager on the establishmentof local CASS business requirements and enhance-ments, especially where differences from worldwidepolicy and standards are sought;

— guidance to the local ISS Manager, concerning:marketplace activities and development oppor-tunities, and other local/area needs;

— other matters, as appropriate.

5. Agenda and ReportsThe Agenda of each LCAGC shall consist of customerservice issues on which ISS Management seeks theadvice of the LCAGC, or proposals submitted by Partici-pating Airlines. It shall be circulated by the LCAGCSecretary not later than 10 days before the start of themeeting. The report of LCAGC meetings shall be submit-ted to the CPG and circulated promptly by the Secretaryto LCAGC Members, and all Participating Airlines. TheSecretary of the LCAGC will provide a regular update onaction taken pursuant to recommendations from theLCAGC.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 851Appendix ‘C’


Relating to the Operation of CASS-Export Bank Accounts by IATA(“Single Counterindemnity–CASS”)

Agreement entered into:

between .....................................................................................................having its registered office at.....................................................................(Name of Airline or GSSA*) .......................................................................(full address) ..............................................................................................hereinafter called “the CASS-Export Airline”


the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a non-profit corporation under Canadian Law, having its registeredoffice at 800 Place Victoria, IATA Building, Montreal, Quebec, H4Z 1M1, hereinafter called “IATA”.

WHEREAS the CASS-Export Airline, jointly with other CASS-Export Airlines participating in the same respective CargoAccounts Settlement System (“CASS-Export”), has considered it desirable that IATA operates and maintains certainCASS-Export bank accounts (including a “Hinge Account” for clearing services) on its behalf, and

WHEREAS IATA has agreed to provide such service subject to the CASS-Export Airline and other such airlines providinga Counterindemnity relating to the risks arising therefrom.


1.a. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “Hinge Account” shall mean the bank account into whichAgents'/Associates'/Recipients' remittances are paid and from which monies are distributed to CASS-Export Airlines;

1.b. Applicability

This Agreement applies to all bank accounts established and operated in the name of IATA on behalf of a CASS-Exportfor the purpose of operating through the Settlement Bank clearing services or administrative or other associated services,for the benefit of the CASS-Export Airline and other carriers participating in the respective CASS-Export.

2. Indemnity

The undersigned CASS-Export Airline will indemnify IATA, its officers and employees, against any liability and costs, forany action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of the operation of the Clearing (Hinge) Account or otheraccounts mentioned in Paragraph 1 above, or arising in any other way from the operation of these accounts. Such liabilitymay include, inter alia, shortfalls caused by under-remittance or non-remittance by Agents/Associates/Recipients in caseswhere the Settlement Bank has credited the CASS-Export Airlines, in anticipation of full and timely remittance by theAgents/Associates/Recipients. In case of such under-remittance or non-remittance, the undersigned CASS-Export Airline,when so requested by the CASS Manager, undertakes to immediately refund the corresponding amount(s) remitted to it tothe CASS-Export Hinge Account, and herewith acknowledges and agrees that IATA and lSS Management may take allsuch action, including legal action, as deemed required in this connection, both on behalf of IATA and the CASS-Exportand on behalf of the CASS-Export Airlines concerned. In the event of a liability arising otherwise than by way of non-remittance or under-remittance, the undersigned CASS-Export Airline undertakes to pay the amount of the obligationunder this Agreement within 15 days of it being called upon to do so.

3. Preliminary Joint Indemnification

If it cannot be established immediately for which of the CASS-Export Airlines a transaction not supported by a fullAgent/Associate/Recipient remittance was effected, the undersigned CASS-Export Airline, jointly with the other CASS-Export Airlines having signed an identical agreement, shall forthwith reimburse and indemnify IATA for any shortfalls,which shall be deemed to be CASS-Export operating costs and expenses. Such cost of reimbursement shall be


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘C’

reapportioned as soon as it has been established for which of the CASS-Export Airlines the respective remittance hasbeen effected, in proportion to each of the CASS-Export Airlines share in the respective remittance.

4. Collective Binding Agreement

Upon signature, the present document, in conjunction with identical documents signed by other CASS-Export Airlines andIATA, shall constitute a collective binding Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect for as long as IATAoperates any bank accounts as referred to in Paragraph 1 above, provided that if any of the CASS-Export Airlineswithdraws from a CASS-Export, it shall cease to be a party to the Agreement with respect to that CASS-Export. Theundersigned CASS-Export Airline shall nevertheless remain liable in respect of any of its liabilities arising prior towithdrawal from the respective CASS-Export or termination of IATA's operation of respective bank accounts as referred toin Paragraph 1 above.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed on behalf of the Parties hereto by their duly authorisedofficers in duplicate, on the day and year that appears below:

For and on behalf of ............................................................... For and on behalf of:(full name of Airline or GSSA*) International Air Transport Association

Signature ................................................................................ Signature ......................................................................(full name of person signing) (full name of person signing)

(title of person signing)........................................................... Agency Administrator ...................................................(title of person signing)

............................................................................................... ......................................................................................(place, date) (place, date)

* A GSSA completing this agreement must do so for each CASS in which it participates.

Note: In accordance with the EXCOM decision (EXCOM/157, 28 May 1993), this Single Counterindemnity Agreement isto signed by all airlines participating in a CASS-Export. This one Agreement relates to all CASS-Export operations inwhich the Airline paticipates.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

‘IATA Settlement Systems Management (ISSRESOLUTION 851 Management)’ means the appropriate department ofIATA responsible for the administrative and oper-Appendix ‘D1’ (except the area coveredational functions of the IATA Settlement Systems,by Resolution 809 or 805zz) such as ISS budgets (cost and revenues), ISSstaffing, ISS contracts (service agreements) toinclude signature authority and ISS office manage-CASS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENTment and administration. This includes the localdesignated ISS representative for Cargo, who shallIt is Agreed as Follows:have overall responsibility for the CASS-Export or theCASS-Import.1. Definitions‘Person’ means an individual, partnership, firm,

For the purpose of this Agreement: association, company or corporation.‘Agency Administrator’ means the IATA official ‘Settlement Office’ means the institution appointeddesignated by the Director General from time to time by ISS Management to issue billings and to receiveas the holder of that office or his authorised rep- remittances from Agents and to distribute the moniesresentative. to CASS Airlines.‘Agent’ means a Registered IATA Cargo Agent For applicable definition terms used for the purpose ofwhose name is entered on the Cargo Agency List. this Agreement, reference should be made to Resol-

ution 823 (Definition of Terms Used in Cargo Agency‘Billing Participants’ means CASS Airlines whichResolution).submit to the Settlement Office Air Waybill data in an

electronically readable form in respect of transactionsmade on their behalf by Agents, and which have so 2. Compliance with Cargo Agency Rules andnotified the Agency Administrator in accordance with other Resolution and RulesResolution 851. Billing Participants in CASS-(country)

The following Rules, Resolutions and other provisions, asare named as such in the First Schedule to thisamended from time to time, are deemed to beAgreement, as amended from time to time in accord-incorporated in this Agreement and made part hereof:ance with Paragraph 7 hereof.

‘Cargo Accounts Settlement System (country)’ (a) those provisions of IATA Resolution 851 and its(‘CASS-(country)’) means the method of accounting Attachments relating to the participation in a CASS byand settling accounts between CASS Airlines on the persons (other than IATA Cargo Agents) tenderingone hand, and their Agents on the other hand, as consignments;described in the applicable Cargo Agency Rules and

(b) the provisions of IATA Resolution 801r, Section 2,in Resolution 851 and its Attachments, as adoptedexcept that the term ‘Agent’ as used therein shall for thefor the (country).purpose of this Agreement be deemed to read ‘CASS

‘Cargo Agency Rules’ means as the case may be Associate’;Resolution 801, 803, 805, 807 or 813, and Resol-ution 801r of the IATA Cargo Agency Conference, as (c) the Local Customer Services Manual–CASSapplicable in the (country). (Export).‘CASS Airlines’ means both an IATA Member and a 3. Authority of CASS Managementnon-IATA air carrier from which the Agency Adminis-trator has accepted an application and concurrence In all matters affecting the obligations of the CASSin ed form participating in CASS-(country). Associate under this Agreement and all applicable IATA

Resolutions, ISS Management is authorised to act on‘CASS Associate’ means any Person, other than abehalf of each CASS Airline; and any direction or requestRegistered IATA Cargo Agent or an air carrier, whichgiven or made to the CASS Associate by ISS Manage-has executed an Agreement for participation inment shall be as effective as if given or made by suchCASS-(country).CASS Airline.

‘Hinge Account’ means the account opened by theCASS Management with the Settlement Office for a 4. Monies due by CASS Associate due CASSgiven period of settlement, used to receive CASS Airlines–RemittanceAssociates' remittances and to pay out monies due tothe CASS Airlines named in the First Schedule (a) the CASS Associate shall be responsible for thehereto. payment of any and all monies due to any CASS Airline

resulting from the issuance of any transportation docu-‘IATA’ means the International Air Transport Associ-ments in the name of the CASS Airline and/or from theation, incorporated by Special Act of the Canadiansale of any ancillary services under this Agreement;Parliament, having its Head Office at 800 Place

Victoria, Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, (b) as from the time such monies become due forCanada and an office at 33 Route de l'Aé roport, payment to the CASS Airline, such monies are deemed to1215 Geneva 15 Airport, Switzerland. have become the property of the CASS Airline and shall


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘D1’

be held by the CASS Associate in trust for or on behalf of 8. Assignment of CASS Associate Codethe CASS Airline until satisfactorily accounted for to the

On the execution of this Agreement, the CASS Manage-CASS Airline and settlement made in accordance withment shall assign an alpha/numeric code designation toIATA Resolution 801r, Section 2, even though pursuant tothe CASS Associate for use on Air Waybills and CASSthat Section the CASS Associate may have been author-administrative forms. The code shall be administered andised to retain temporary custody of such monies. Thepublished by the Agency Administrator.CASS Airline may, subject to applicable currency regu-

lations, designate the currencies in which remittances areto be made; 9. Force Majeure

(c) the CASS Associate shall remit to the CASS Airline The CASS Associate shall not be liable for delay or failuresuch monies at such times and under such conditions as to comply with the terms of the CASS Associate Agree-the CASS Airline may designate from time to time in ment to the extent that such delay or failure (i) is causedwriting. by any act of God, war, natural disaster, strike, lockout,

labor dispute, work stoppage, fire, third-party criminal act,quarantine restriction, act of government, or any other5. CASS Associate in Defaultcause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond the reason-

When the CASS Associate is in default, the Settlement able control of the Agent, and (ii) is not the result of theOffice shall immediately cease to process transactions Agent's lack of reasonable diligence (an ‘Excusableconcerning the CASS Associate. The Agency Adminis- Delay’). In the event an Excusable Delay continues fortrator, using the applicable financial criteria adopted by seven days or longer, the Agency Administrator shallthe Cargo Agency Conference, shall review the financial have the right, at its option, to terminate this Agreementstanding of the CASS Associate and shall either instruct by giving the Agent whose performance has failed orthe Settlement Office to reinstate the CASS Associate or been delayed by the Excusable Delay at least thirty days'terminate this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 13 prior written notice of such election to terminate.hereof.

10. Assignment of Rights6. Liability

The CASS Associate shall not assign any of its rights orIATA and the Director General of IATA, the Agency obligations under this Agreement.Administrator, ISS Management and employees and rep-resentatives of IATA concerned in the administration or 11. Cessation of Operations and Changes inoperation of the CASS, shall not be liable to the CASS Ownership or ControlAssociate for any loss or damage suffered by the CASSAssociate arising out of any act done or omitted in good If the CASS Associate ceases (or transfers) the operationfaith in carrying out their functions under this Agreement of the business to which this Agreement relates, or if anyor any other functions which they may be required to substantial change occurs in the control of a CASSperform in the administration or operation of CASS- Associate which is a company or corporation, or if a(country). change in partners occurs in a CASS Associate which is

a partnership, the CASS Associate shall, prior to the7. Changes in CASS Airlines' Participation cessation, transfer or change becoming effective, notify

the Agency Administrator for appropriate action.Status

(a) The Agency Administrator may, from time to time 12. Governing Law and Arbitrationduring the currency of this Agreement, give written noticeto the CASS Associate that the name of a CASS Airline is This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted into be added to the list of CASS Airlines in the First accordance with the laws of (country) and any differenceSchedule hereto. The CASS Airline mentioned in the or dispute arising between the parties with respect to thenotice shall become a party to this Agreement on the date interpretation, meaning or effect of this Agreement orspecified in the notice; relating to any rights or obligations herein contained shall

be finally settled by arbitration to be held in the (country),(b) the Agency Administrator may, from time to time under the rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of theduring the currency of this Agreement, give written notice International Chamber of Commerce by one or moreto the CASS Associate that the name of a CASS Airline is Arbitrators appointed in accordance with such be deleted from the list of CASS Airlines in the FirstSchedule hereto. The CASS Airline mentioned in the 13. Terminationnotice shall cease to be a party to this Agreement on thedate specified in the notice; This Agreement shall remain in force until:

(c) the notices referred to in this Paragraph shall specify (a) terminated by not less than three (3) months' writtenwhether the CASS Airline is to be listed as a Full notice given by one party to the other party; orParticipant or Billing Participant, as the case may be.

(b) terminated by the Agency Administrator pursuant toParagraph 5 hereof; or


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

(c) execution of the Cargo Agency Agreement (IATA RESOLUTION 851Resolution 801a (II) or applicable Cargo IntermediaryAgreement) by the CASS Associate; or Appendix ‘D2’(d) application has been lodged by the CASS Associate CASS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT FORfor registration as an IATA Cargo Agent, and such EUROPEAN AIR CARGO PROGRAMMEapplication has been disapproved for failure to meet the (EACP) COUNTRIESfinancial criteria laid down in or established pursuant tothe Cargo Agency Rules; or

Participation in the Cargo Accounts(e) the CASS Associate ceases to operate the businessSettlement System (CASS)–(country) as ato which this Agreement relates.CASS Associate

14. Use of RecordsAn Agreement between CASS Airlines, represented by

The CASS Associate authorises the Agency Administrator the Agency Administrator or his authorised representativeto make use of the financial records of CASS-(country) in (hereinafter referred to as the “CASS Airlines” or “CASSrespect of the CASS Associate in the event that the Airline”) andCASS Associate applies for Registration as IATA Cargo

............................................................................................Agent.(Name of CASS Associate)

15. Participation Fee having its principal office at ................................................The CASS Associate shall pay a fee for its participation in (hereinafter referred to as the “CASS Associate”).CASS-(country) in accordance with the Second Scheduleto this Agreement, being an amount established from time WHEREAS it is in the mutual interest of the CASSto time by ISS Management. Airlines and the CASS Associate to settle amounts due

on Air Waybill transactions through CASS (country).16. Effectiveness

This Agreement shall become effective on ........................ It is Agreed as Follows:In witness whereof 1. Definitionsthis Agreement has been executed this ............................. For the purpose of this Agreement:day of ..................................... 20 .....................................

‘Agency Administrator’ means the IATA officialOn behalf of the CASS Airlines by the Agency Adminis- designated by the Director General from time to timetrator or his authorised representative: as the holder of that office, or his authorized rep-

resentative.On behalf of the CASS Associate:‘CASS Airline’ means any airline that participates in

............................................................................................ the IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement SystemTitle: (CASS).

‘CASS Associate’ means any person, other than aregistered IATA EACP Intermediary, which hasexecuted this Agreement for settlement of moneyowed to CASS airlines.

‘IATA’ means the International Air Transport Associ-ation, incorporated by Special Act of the CanadianParliament, having its Head Office at 800 PlaceVictoria, Montreal, in the Province of Quebec,Canada and an office at 33 Route de l'Aéroport, 1215Geneva 15 Airport, Switzerland.

‘Person’ means an individual, partnership, firm,association, company or corporation.

2. Compliance with CASS Rules andProcedures

The following Rules and Procedures shall apply:

the Local Customer Services Manual—CASS.


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘D2’

registered letter or e-mail. Any CASS Associate sent a3. Authority of CASS ManagementNOI will be given a penalty point(s).

In all matters affecting the obligations of the CASSb) For the purposes of recording irregularities, theAssociate under this Agreement the IATA CASS Manage-following penalty point (pp) system shall be applied duringment is authorised to act on behalf of each CASS Airline;the grace period:and any direction or request given or made to the CASS

Associate by the IATA CASS Management shall be aseffective as if given or made by such CASS Airline. a) Late payment 1 pp

b) Unauthorised short payment 1 pp4. Monies due by CASS Associate to CASS

c) Dishonoured cheque 1 ppAirlines—Paymentd) Rejected Direct Debit 1 pp

a) The CASS Associate shall be responsible for the e) Rejected electronic transfer 1 pppayment of any and all monies due to any CASS Airlineresulting from the issuance of any transportation docu- a CASS Associate will not be issued an irregularity noticements in the name of the CASS Airline; if it is identified that a dispute exists with an individual

item or individual airline. In these cases, the CASSb) Monies payable at origin shall be deemed due by theDispute Procedures and Code of Conduct shall apply andCASS Associate to a CASS Airline when the air waybill isif still not resolved, then the disputed item/issue shall beexecuted;removed from CASS and shall be dealt with bilaterallybetween the parties concerned.c) Where the associate acts as an agent for the carrier,

such monies shall remain the property of the CASS c) a Bank Error is one that is substantiated by evidenceAirline, and shall be held in trust by the CASS Associateacceptable to the Agency Administrator and will not resultuntil such monies are paid to the CASS Airline inin an irregularity. In all cases a bank letter must beaccordance with the terms of this Agreement;provided to IATA as detailed below:

d) The CASS Associate shall remit to the CASS Airlines a) The original bank letter, signed by a Manager mustsuch monies at such times and under such conditions as be sent to IATA within 10 working days by registeredthe CASS Airline may designate from time to time, in post or courier, stating the reason for the delay inwriting. remittance.

5. CASS Billing Frequency 9. CASS Payment Integrity

CASS Associates shall be billed by CASS Airlines in a) If 4 penalty points in respect of a CASS Associate inaccordance with local CASS procedures. a specific country are accumulated during any 12 con-

secutive months, the CASS Manager shall suspend suchCASS Associate from CASS, pending a financial review.6. Payment Terms and Conditions

b) If payment is refused or cannot be obtained from aCASS Associates shall remit monies due in accordanceCASS Associate by the end of the grace period,with the CASS remittance frequency, so as to reach thethe CASS Manager shall suspend such Associate fromCASS Office by the close of business on a date whichCASS, pending a financial review.shall be the 30th day following the last day of the

calendar billing period. If this date falls on a weekend orc) Before any Associate can be re-instated in CASS,bank holiday, then the payment date shall be the firstsuch Associate must have settled all outstanding amountsworking day thereafter. This date shall be called theplus any pending items up to the date of reinstatement.remittance date.

d) If a CASS Associate is not re-instated in CASS, thenDetails of exact dates and times shall be advised bythe Agency Administrator may terminate this AgreementCASS Management and reflected in the CASS Localin accordance with Paragraph 17.Customer Services Manual.

e) In all cases, the CASS Code of Conduct, contained inOther governing Rules and Procedures shall be thosethe CASS Local Customer Services Manual shall beshown in the CASS Local Customer Services Manual.applied.

7. Grace Period f) The Trust provisions of Paragraph 4 c) shall beapplied to any outstanding monies owed by any CASSFrom and including the first day after the remittance date,Associate that enters bankruptcy or receivership.a grace period of 10 calendar days will be allowed for any

Associate to settle any outstanding amounts.10. Liability

8. Irregularities IATA employees and their representatives concerned inthe administration or operation of the CASS, shall not bea) Irregularities in the CASS Associate's settlement shallliable to the CASS Associate for any loss or damageresult in the CASS Manager sending a “Notice of Irregu-suffered by the CASS Associate arising out of any actlarity” (NOI) to the CASS Associate in the form of adone or omitted in good faith in carrying out their


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

functions under this Agreement or any other functions International Chamber of Commerce by one or morewhich they may be required to perform in the adminis- Arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules.tration or operation of CASS-(country).

17. Termination11. Changes in CASS Airlines' Participation

This Agreement shall remain in force until:Status(a) Terminated by not less than one month writtenThe CASS Manager may, from time to time during thenotice given by one party to the other party; orterm of this Agreement, give written notice to the CASS

Associate that the name of a CASS Airline is to be added (b) Terminated by the Agency Administrator pursuant toto or deleted from the list of CASS Airlines participating in Paragraph 9 e);CASS. The CASS Airline mentioned in the notice shallbecome, or cease to become a party to this Agreement (c) Superceded by the Associate becoming a registeredon the date specified in the notice. Intermediary in the IATA European Air Cargo Programme

(EACP).12. Assignment of CASS Associate Code

18. Use of RecordsOn the execution of this Agreement, the CASS Managershall assign an alpha/numeric code designation to the The CASS Associate authorises the CASS Manager toCASS Associate for use on any transportation documents make use of the financial records of CASS-(country) inand CASS administrative forms. respect of the CASS Associate in the event that the

CASS Associate applies for registration as an IATA EACP13. Force Majeure Intermediary.

The CASS Associate shall not be liable for delay or failure 19. Participation Feeto comply with the terms of the CASS Associate Agree-ment to the extent that such delay or failure (i) is caused The CASS Associate shall pay any applicable fee for itsby any act of God, war, natural disaster, strike, lockout, participation in CASS-(country) The CASS Manager willlabor dispute, work stoppage, fire, third-party criminal act, advise if such a fee applies.quarantine restriction, act of government, or any othercause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond the reason- 20. Effectivenessable control of the Agent, and (ii) is not the result of theAgent's lack of reasonable diligence (an ‘Excusable This Agreement shall become effective on ........................Delay’). In the event an Excusable Delay continues forseven days or longer, the Agency Administrator shallhave the right, at its option, to terminate this Agreement In witness whereofby giving the Agent whose performance has failed or

this Agreement has been executed this .............................been delayed by the Excusable Delay at least thirty days'day of ..................................... 20 .....................................prior written notice of such election to terminate.

On behalf of the CASS Airlines by the Agency Adminis-14. Assignment of Rights trator or his authorised representative:The CASS Associate shall not assign any of its rights or On behalf of the CASS Associate:obligations under this Agreement.

............................................................................................15. Cessation of Operations and Changes in Title:Ownership or Control

If the CASS Associate ceases (or transfers) the operationof the business to which this Agreement relates, or if anysubstantial change occurs in the control of a CASSAssociate which is a company or corporation, or if achange in partners occurs in a CASS Associate which isa partnership, the CASS Associate shall, prior to thecessation, transfer or change becoming effective, notifythe CASS Manager.

16. Governing Law and Arbitration

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted inaccordance with the laws of (country) and any differenceor dispute arising between the parties with respect to theinterpretation, meaning or effect of this Agreement orrelating to any rights or obligations herein contained shallbe finally settled by arbitration to be held in the (country),under the rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘D3’

‘CASS Associate’ means any Person, other than aRESOLUTION 851Registered IATA Cargo Agent or an air carrier, whichhas executed an Agreement for participation inAppendix ‘D3’—(area covered byCASS-(country).Resolution 809 only)‘Hinge Account’ means the account opened by theCASS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT CASS Management with the Settlement Office for a

Participation in the Cargo Accounts given period of settlement, used to receive CASSAssociates' remittances and to pay out monies due toSettlement System—(country) as CASSthe CASS Airlines named in the First ScheduleAssociate hereto.

Agreement between CASS Airlines, represented by the ‘IATA’ means the International Air Transport Associ-Agency Administrator or his authorised representative ation, incorporated by Special Act of the Canadian(hereinafter referred to as the “CASS Airlines” or “CASS Parliament, having its Head Office at 800 PlaceAirline”) and Victoria, Montreal, in the Province of Quebec,

Canada and an office at 33 Route de l'Aéroport, 1215............................................................................................ Geneva 15 Airport, Switzerland.(Name of CASS Associate)‘IATA Settlement Systems Management (ISS

having its principal office at ................................................ Management)’ means the appropriate department ofIATA responsible for the administrative and oper-(hereinafter referred to as the “CASS Associate”). ational functions of the IATA Settlement Systems,Whereas it is in the mutual interest of the CASS Airlines such as ISS budgets (cost and revenues), ISSand the CASS Associate to settle amounts due on Air staffing, ISS contracts (service agreements)Waybill transactions through CASS (country). to include signature authority and ISS office manage-ment and administration. This includes the localdesignated ISS representative for Cargo, who shallIt is Agreed as Follows:have overall responsibility for the CASS-Export or theCASS-Import.1. Definitions‘Person’ means an individual, partnership, firm,

For the purpose of this Agreement: association, company or corporation.‘Agency Administrator’ means the IATA official ‘Settlement Office’ means the institution appointeddesignated by the Director General from time to time by ISS Management to issue billings and to receiveas the holder of that office or his authorised rep- remittances from Agents and to distribute the moniesresentative. to CASS Airlines. For applicable definition terms

used for the purpose of this Agreement, reference‘Agent’ means a Registered IATA Cargo Agentshould be made to Resolution 823 (Definition ofwhose name is entered on the Cargo Agency List.Terms Used in Cargo Agency Resolution).

‘Billing Participants’ means CASS Airlines, whichsubmit to the Settlement Office Air Waybill data in an 2. Compliance with Cargo Agency Rules andelectronically readable form in respect of transactions other Resolution and Rulesmade on their behalf by Agents, and which have sonotified the Agency Administrator in accordance with The following Rules, Resolutions and other provisions,Resolution 851. Billing Participants in CASS-(country) as amended from time to time, are deemed to beare named as such in the First Schedule to this incorporated in this Agreement and made part hereof:Agreement, as amended from time to time in accord- a) those provisions of IATA Resolution 851 and itsance with Paragraph 7 hereof. Attachments relating to the participation in a CASS

by persons (other than IATA Cargo Agents) tendering‘Cargo Accounts Settlement System (country)’consignments;(‘CASS-(country)’) means the method of accounting

and settling accounts between CASS Airlines on the b) the provisions of IATA Resolution 801r, Section 2,one hand, and their Agents on the other hand, as except that the term ‘Agent’ as used therein shall fordescribed in the applicable Cargo Agency Rules and the purpose of this Agreement be deemed to readin Resolution 851 and its Attachments, as adopted ‘CASS Associate’;for the (country). c) the Local Customer Services Manual—CASS

(Export).‘Cargo Agency Rules’ means Resolution 809 andResolution 801r of the IATA Cargo Agency Confer-

3. Authority of CASS Managementence, as applicable in the (country).

In all matters affecting the obligations of the CASS‘CASS Airlines’ means both an IATA Member and aAssociate under this Agreement and all applicable IATAnon-IATA air carrier from which the Agency Adminis-Resolutions, ISS Management is authorised to act ontrator has accepted an application and concurrencebehalf of each CASS Airline; and any direction or requestin the prescribed form participating in CASS-given or made to the CASS Associate by ISS(country).


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Management shall be as effective as if given or made by Airlines in the First Schedule hereto. The CASSsuch CASS Airline. Airline mentioned in the notice shall cease to be a

party to this Agreement on the date specified in thenotice;4. Monies due by CASS Associate due CASS

Airlines—Remittance c) the notices referred to in this Paragraph shall specifywhether the CASS Airline is to be listed as a Fulla) the CASS Associate shall be responsible for theParticipant or Billing Participant, as the case may be.payment of any and all monies due to any CASS

Airline resulting from the issuance of any8. Assignment of CASS Associate Codetransportation documents in the name of the CASS

Airline and/or from the sale of any ancillary servicesOn the execution of this Agreement, the CASS Manage-under this Agreement;ment shall assign an alpha/numeric code designation tob) Monies payable at origin shall be deemed due by the the CASS Associate for use on Air Waybills and CASSCASS Associate to a CASS Airline when the air administrative forms. The code shall be administered andwaybill is executed; published by the Agency Administrator.

c) Where the associate acts as an agent for thecarrier, such monies shall remain the property of the 9. Force MajeureCASS Airline, and shall be held in trust by the CASSAssociate until such monies are paid to the CASS The CASS Associate shall not be liable for delay or failureAirline in accordance with the terms of this to comply with the terms of the CASS Associate Agree-Agreement; ment to the extent that such delay or failure (i) is caused

by any act of God, war, natural disaster, strike, lockout,d) the CASS Associate shall remit to the CASS Airlinelabor dispute, work stoppage, fire, third-party criminal act,such monies at such times and under suchquarantine restriction, act of government, or any otherconditions as the CASS Airline may designate fromcause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond the reason-time to time in control of the Agent, and (ii) is not the result of theAgent's lack of reasonable diligence (an ‘Excusable5. CASS Associate in DefaultDelay’). In the event an Excusable Delay continues forseven days or longer, the Agency Administrator shallNotwithstanding the provisions of IATA Resolution 801r,have the right, at its option, to terminate this AgreementSection 2, Paragraph, when the CASS Associateby giving the Agent whose performance has failed oris in default, the Settlement Office shall immediatelybeen delayed by the Excusable Delay at least thirty days'cease to process transactions concerning the CASSprior written notice of such election to terminate.Associate. The Agency Administrator, using the appli-

cable financial criteria adopted by the Cargo AgencyConference, shall review the financial standing of the 10. Assignment of RightsCASS Associate and shall either instruct the Settlement

The CASS Associate shall not assign any of its rights orOffice to reinstate the CASS Associate or terminate thisobligations under this Agreement.Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 13 hereof.

11. Cessation of Operations and Changes in6. LiabilityOwnership or Control

IATA and the Director General of IATA, the AgencyIf the CASS Associate ceases (or transfers) the operationAdministrator, ISS Management and employees and rep-of the business to which this Agreement relates, or if anyresentatives of IATA concerned in the administration orsubstantial change occurs in the control of a CASSoperation of the CASS, shall not be liable to the CASSAssociate which is a company or corporation, or if aAssociate for any loss or damage suffered by the CASSchange in partners occurs in a CASS Associate which isAssociate arising out of any act done or omitted in gooda partnership, the CASS Associate shall, prior to thefaith in carrying out their functions under this Agreementcessation, transfer or change becoming effective, notifyor any other functions which they may be required tothe Agency Administrator for appropriate action.perform in the administration or operation of CASS-

(country).12. Governing Law and Arbitration

7. Changes in CASS Airlines' ParticipationThis Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted inStatusaccordance with the laws of (country) and any difference

a) The Agency Administrator may, from time to time or dispute arising between the parties with respect to theduring the currency of this Agreement, give written interpretation, meaning or effect of this Agreement ornotice to the CASS Associate that the name of a relating to any rights or obligations herein contained shallCASS Airline is to be added to the list of CASS be finally settled by arbitration to be held in the (country),Airlines in the First Schedule hereto. The CASS under the rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of theAirline mentioned in the notice shall become a party International Chamber of Commerce by one or moreto this Agreement on the date specified in the notice; Arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules.

b) the Agency Administrator may, from time to timeduring the currency of this Agreement, give writtennotice to the CASS Associate that the name of aCASS Airline is to be deleted from the list of CASS


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘D3’

13. Termination

This Agreement shall remain in force until:a) terminated by not less than three (3) months' written

notice given by one party to the other party; orb) terminated by the Agency Administrator pursuant to

Paragraph 5 hereof; orc) execution of the Cargo Agency Agreement (Resol-

ution 801a(II) or the Cargo Intermediary Agreement(IATA Resolution 809zz) by the CASS Associate; or

d) application has been lodged by the CASS Associatefor registration as an IATA Cargo Agent, and suchapplication has been disapproved for failure to meetthe financial criteria laid down in or establishedpursuant to the Cargo Agency Rules; or

e) the CASS Associate ceases to operate the businessto which this Agreement relates.

14. Use of Records

The CASS Associate authorises the Agency Administratorto make use of the financial records of CASS-(country) inrespect of the CASS Associate in the event that theCASS Associate applies for Registration as IATA CargoAgent.

15. Participation Fee

The CASS Associate shall pay a fee for its participation inCASS-(country) in accordance with the Second Scheduleto this Agreement, being an amount established from timeto time by ISS Management.

16. Effectiveness

This Agreement shall become effective on ........................

In witness whereof

this Agreement has been executed this of ...................................... 20 ......................................

On behalf of the CASS Airlines by the Agency Adminis-trator or his authorised representative:

On behalf of the CASS Associate:



Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 851Appendix ‘E’


TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33, Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

1. Name of Applicant:...........................................................................Address: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The Airline maintains stocks of its Air Waybills with IATA Cargo Agents in (country).3. The Airline acknowledges that it has received inter alia copies of the following documents and IATA

Resolutions, together with such explanation of their contents, as it requires:— IATA Resolution 600a, Air Waybill;— IATA Resolution 851, Cargo Accounts Settlement System;— Attachment ‘A’ to IATA Resolution 851, CASS Technical Specifications Handbook;— The ISS Service Provisions Manual Cargo;— The Local Customer Services Manual–CASS (Export);— IATA Resolution 801r (or Resolution 801re for EACP countries), Reporting and Remittance Procedures,

Section 2;— Cargo Agency Administration Rules; Resolution ..., Section ... and Resolution ...;— IATA Resolution 821, Cargo Agents' Numeric Code;— IATA Resolution 893, Disclosing another Member's Position taken at an IATA Meeting;— IATA Resolution 833, Ready for Carriage Consignments.

4. The Airline hereby applies to participate in CASS (country) (hereinafter called ‘the CASS’) on the following termsand conditions:

4.1 The Airline authorises the Agency Administrator to give notice to the Settlement Office that the name of theAirline is to be added to the list of CASS Airlines in the First Schedule of the General Settlement OfficeAgreement.

4.2 The Airline shall become a Billing Participant with effect from the date when it becomes a party to the SettlementOffice Agreement in accordance with the terms of that Agreement.

4.3 Except as otherwise provided in the Subparagraphs hereof, the Airline shall be bound by the same conditionsand obligations as the other CASS Airlines. The Airline shall observe and be bound by the provisions of thedocuments listed in Paragraph 3 hereof, as well as subsequent additions, deletions or amendments thereto, asthough the Airline were a Member of IATA and a party to the Resolutions or the Sections of Resolutions set outin those documents.

4.4 The amounts for participation in CASS (country) are as follows:(a) Non-IATA Air Carrier Joining fee USD 3,500.00*

(b) Non-IATA air carrier annual fee USD 500.00

17* Amount determined for country by ISS Management in conjunction with CPG


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘E’

(c) Annual charges in accordance with pricing schedule communicated and published by ISS Management(all amounts, plus tax, if applicable).The amounts specified under (a) and (b) above shall be payable in their entirety upon the acceptance ofthe present application by the Agency Administrator. The level of amounts for subsequent calendar yearsshall be those set from time to time by ISS Management, after consideration of the operating expenses ofthe CASS, and shall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The amounts specified under (c)above shall be payable according to a payment schedule established by CASS (country).

4.5 The conditions of the Airline's participation in the CASS may be amended by the Cargo Agency Conferencefrom time to time upon serving the Airline notice in writing reasonably in advance of the effectiveness of suchamendment.

4.6 The Airline's participation in the CASS shall continue until either:4.6.1 The Airline has (through the Agency Administrator) given three calendar months' advance notice in writing to the

Settlement Office of withdrawal from the General Settlement Office Agreement and such notice has becomeeffective in accordance with the terms of the said Agreement; or

4.6.2 The Agency Administrator has given to the Airline three calendar months' advance notice in writing, oftermination of the Airline's participation in CASS (country). In the event the Agency Administrator gives suchnotice, he shall at the same time give notice to the Settlement Office of termination of the Airline's participationin the General Settlement Office Agreement; thereafter the Airline shall cease to be a party to that Agreementthree calendar months from the date of the said notice. In the case of non payment of IATA fees no noticeperiod is required.

5. The Airline undertakes to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability forlegal costs) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to theCASS under Section 2 of Resolution 801r (or Resolution 801re for EACP countries) and under Resolution 851and its Attachment.

6. This Application may be accepted, and will then become a contract binding the parties, upon counter signatureby the Agency Administrator of the enclosed duplicate copy to be returned to the Airline at the address givenabove.

To be completed by the Airline:Signature:...................................................................................................Name: ........................................................................................................Title: ...........................................................................................................Date: ..........................................................................................................Accepted for and on behalf of IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement System by the Agency AdministratorSignature:...................................................................................................Name: ........................................................................................................Title: ...........................................................................................................Date: ..........................................................................................................


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 851Appendix ‘F’

FORM OF APPLICATION AND CONCURRENCETo be completed by a General Sales and Service Agent (GSSA)

TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33, Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

1. Name of Applicant: ..........................................................................Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The GSSA represents Airlines, which maintain stocks of their Air Waybills with Agents in (country). The Airlinesrepresented are listed in Schedule 1 to this form (attached).

2.1 The GSSA may from time to time advise the Agency Administrator that the name of an airline is to be added ordeleted from the list in Schedule 1, by submitting the “Form of Authorisation” (attached).

3. The GSSA acknowledges that it has received inter alia copies of the following documents and IATA Resolutions,together with such explanation of their contents as it requires:— IATA Resolution 600a, Air Waybill;— IATA Resolution 851, Cargo Accounts Settlement System;— Attachment ‘A’ to IATA Resolution 851, CASS Technical Specifications Handbook;— IATA Resolution 801r (or Resolution 801re for EACP countries), Reporting and Remittance Procedures,

Section 2;— IATA Cargo Agency Administration Rules: Resolution..., Section ... and Resolution...;— IATA Resolution 821, Cargo Agents' Numeric Code;— IATA Resolution 833, Ready for Carriage Consignments;— The ISS Service Provisions Manual Cargo;— The Local Customer Services Manual–CASS (Export).

4. The GSSA hereby applies to participate in CASS (country) (hereinafter called “the CASS”) on the followingterms and conditions:

4.1 The GSSA authorises the Agency Administrator to give notice to the Settlement Office that the name of theAirline is to be added to the list of Carriers in the First Schedule of the Settlement Office Agreement;

4.2 The GSSA shall become a Billing Participant with effect from the date when it becomes a party to the SettlementOffice Agreement in accordance with the terms of that Agreement;

4.3 Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph 4.6.3, the GSSA shall adhere to the procedures laid down in therelevant Resolutions and their attachments and in the CASS Manuals as if it were a “carrier” in general, and asa “Billing Participant”, and therefore shall be bound by the same conditions and obligations as the other Carriersof which the following are particularly brought to notice.

4.3.1 The GSSA shall observe and be bound by the provisions of the documents listed in Paragraph 3 hereof, as wellas subsequent additions, deletions or amendments thereto, as though the GSSA were an Airline Member ofIATA and a party to the Resolutions or the Sections of Resolutions set out in those documents;

4.3.2 If an Airline represented by the GSSA in CASS is suspended from CASS for any reason, the transactionsprocessed by the GSSA on behalf of that Airline shall be subject to the same conditions as applicable to thatAirline;


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘F’

4.4 The amounts for participation in CASS (country) are as follows:(a) GSSA joining fee USD 3,500.00*

(b) GSSA annual fee USD 500.00*

(c) Annual charges in accordance with the pricing schedule communicated and published by ISSManagement(All amounts plus tax if applicable)

The amounts specified under (a) and (b) above shall be payable in their entirety upon the acceptance of thepresent application by the Agency Administrator. The level of amounts for subsequent calendar years shall bethose set from time to time by ISS Management, after consideration of the operating expenses of the CASS, andshall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The amounts specified under (c) above shall bepayable according to a payment schedule established by CASS (country).

4.5 The conditions of the GSSA's participation in the CASS may be amended by the Cargo Agency Conference,from time to time, upon serving the GSSA notice, in writing, reasonably in advance of the effectiveness of suchamendment.

4.6 The GSSA's participation in the CASS shall cease:4.6.1 Only when the GSSA has given three months' advance notice, in writing, to the Settlement Office (through the

Agency Administrator) of withdrawal from the Settlement Office Agreement and such notice has becomeeffective in accordance with the terms of the said Agreement;

4.6.2 Only when the Member(s) appointing the GSSA has (have) notified the Agency Administrator, in accordancewith Resolution 871, with not less than three calendar months' notice, in writing, that they have terminated theirappointment of the GSSA;

4.6.3 The Agency Administrator has given to the GSSA three calendar months' advance in writing, of termination ofthe GSSA's participation in the CASS. In the event the Agency Administrator gives such notice, he shall at thesame time notify the Settlement Office of termination of the GSSA's participation in the Settlement OfficeAgreement; thereafter the GSSA shall cease to be a party to that Agreement three calendar months from thedate of the said notice. In the case of non payment of IATA fees no notice period is required.

5. The GSSA undertakes to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability forlegal costs) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to theCASS under Section 2 of Resolution 801r (or Resolution 801re for EACP countries) and under Resolution 851and its Attachment.

6. This Application may be accepted, and will then become a contract binding the parties, upon counter signatureby the Agency Administrator of the enclosed duplicate copy to be returned to the GSSA at the address givenabove.

To be completed by the GSSA: ................................................................Signature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................Accepted for and on behalf of IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement System by the Agency AdministratorSignature: ........................................................................................Name: ..............................................................................................Title: ................................................................................................Date: ................................................................................................

18* Amount determined for country by ISS Management in conjunction with CPG


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 851Appendix ‘G’

FORM OF AUTHORISATIONTo be completed by an IATA Member Airline


FOR GSSA ACTING ON THEIR BEHALF TO PARTICIPATE IN CASS (country)TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33, Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

Name of Airline: ............................................................................................Address: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................(a) hereby authorises (name of GSSA applicant) to act on its behalf in the collection and payment of all amounts

settled through the Cargo Accounts Settlement System of (country) to which the above-named GSSA is applyingto become a Billing Participant;

(b) confirms that, in conformity with Resolution 871, Paragraph 8., it:(i) has notified the Agency Administrator of the name and address of the GSSA, the effective date of the

appointment and the GSSA territory;(ii) shall notify the Agency Administrator of any subsequent changes to the appointment affecting the

information in the original notification.Signature: .....................................................................................................Name (in print): .............................................................................................Title: ..............................................................................................................Date: .............................................................................................................

19* A separate authorisation should be provided for each airline represented by the GSSA


Resolution 851—Appendix ‘G’

FORM OF AUTHORISATIONTo be completed by a Non-IATA Air Carrier


FOR GSSA ACTING ON THEIR BEHALF TO PARTICIPATE IN CASS (country)TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33, Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

Name of Airline: ........................................................................................Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................(a) hereby authorises (name of GSSA applicant) to act on its behalf in the collection and payment of all amounts

settled through the Cargo Accounts Settlement System of (country) to which the above-named GSSA is applyingto become a Billing Participant;

(b) confirms that, in the event that it terminates its appointment of the GSSA acting on its behalf, it shall providewritten notification of the termination to ISS Management (through the Agency Administrator) with not less thanthree calendar months' notice prior to the effective date of termination of the appointment.

Signature: ..............................................................................Name (in print): .....................................................................Title: .......................................................................................Date: ......................................................................................

20* A separate authorisation should be provided for each airline represented by the GSSA


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


CAC1(31)851f (except USA) Expiry: IndefiniteMANUAL–CASS (EXPORT) CONTENTS (amended) Type: BCAC2(31)851f (amended)The contents of the Manual shall cover the followingCAC3(31)851f (amended)items in the sequence indicated below:

— Table of ContentsRESOLVED that:— List of Billing Participants

— Glossary in all CASS countries, the Cargo Agency Conference— Outline of the CASS hereby establishes an Agents Liaison Working Group, to

ensure full consultation between IATA and participating— Local Service Provisions and Codes of Conductcarriers with the national association(s) of cargo agents,— Administrative Forms and Procedureson the operation of the CASS-Export and CASS-Import.— AWB Completion In particular, the ALWG shall ensure that any enhance-

— Billing and Remittance Schedules ments or modifications to the system, affecting theAgents' interests, have been discussed with, and have— Output Documentationattracted a broad consensus, from the agents association,— Settlement Proceduresprior to implementation of them.— Notification of Changes

— Annual Sales Figures— CASS Management Contacts


Resolution 851r


CARGO ACCOUNTS SETTLEMENTThis Section is applicable to all IFACP Forwarders thatSYSTEM (CASS) PARTICIPATIONhave signed a CASS Agreement for the country/area ofRULES—FOR FORWARDERS a CASS.

CAC1(43)851r USA Expiry: Indefinite2.1 GENERAL(amended) Type: B

CAC2(43)851r (amended)2.1.1 Monies Due To CASS AirlinesCAC3(43)851r (amended)

Monies due to the CASS Airlines associated with theWHEREAS it is recognized that the IATA Cargo Ac-carriage of cargo shall be remitted through CASS.counts Settlement System (CASS) provides an efficient

and cost effective mechanism for accounting and settle- 2.1.2 CASS–Cargo Accounts Settlement Systemment between CASS Airlines and forwarders; and termsWHEREAS the Conference wishes to deal with billing For the purpose of these rules the term ‘CASS’ shalland remitting procedures, and participation related mat- mean the system, which processes IFACP Forwarders'ters under the CASS in a single Resolution; and accountable transactions to produce statements in the

form of billings, collects IFACP Forwarders' remittancesWHEREAS to ensure that notwithstanding any vari-in respect of such billings and disburses them to theations in CASS participation rules and the IATA-FIATACASS Airlines to which monies are due. Where theAir Cargo Program (IFACP), the rules governing CASSprocessing of accountable transactions and the collec-billing and remittance matters shall be applied in ation/disbursement of monies are carried out by twoconsistent manner, it isseparate institutions, which may include a SettlementOffice and/or a Clearing Bank, the term ‘CASS’ shallRESOLVED that the following Procedures are adoptedmean those institutions either collectively or individually.and shall be applied in conjunction with other applicable

CASS participation rules, and IATA-FIATA Air CargoProgram Rules, or procedures set out in that Program 2.2 BILLING–FREQUENCY, PERIODHandbook.

AND DATE2.2.1 The Cargo Agency Conference shall set the1. IFACP FORWARDERfrequency and length of the billing periods applicable toPARTICIPATION IN CASS each CASS, which shall be consistent with the remit-tance frequency established. Each CASS airline shall1.1 To participate in CASS under the provisions of this submit data within a reasonable time in respect of theResolution, a IFACP Forwarder will be required to sign accountable transactions made on its behalf by IFACPa CASS Agreement as shown at Appendix ‘B’. Nothing Forwarders for billing, in accordance with the timetablein these procedures shall preclude a CASS Airlines and and calendar of each CASS;a IFACP Forwarder from making alternative arrange-

ments for accounting, billing and settlement on a 2.2.2 The billing frequency shall be as agreed for abilateral basis outside of CASS. specific CASS by the Cargo Agency Conference and

notified to all participants in such CASS. The billingfrequency shall relate to the remittance frequency in the1.2 FINANCIAL STANDING respective CASS and should be at least twice eachREQUIREMENTS FOR IFACP month, more often where shorter remittance cycles

FORWARDERS apply, but as a minimum must be at least once amonth;

1.2.1 The IFACP Forwarder must meet and complywith any Local Financial Criteria that apply in its country 2.2.3 The time span covered by a billing hereunderof business, as established under the applicable IFACP shall be called the ‘Billing Period’. The Billing PeriodRules; shall run from the close of business on each billing date

to the close of business on the next billing date. The1.2.2 Failure of an IFACP Forwarder to meet or precise time span covered will be determined in eachcomply with such Local Financial Criteria will be case by the date of the accountable transactions thatgrounds to suspend and serve notice of termination of each CASS Airline wishes to include in that billing. Thethe IFACP Forwarder's participation in CASS under last day of the billing period is hereinafter called ‘thethese Rules. Billing Date’;

2.2.4 Each CASS Airline must submit its data elec-tronically through CASSlink, or as instructed by CASS,and shall ensure that all accountable transactions inrespect of IFACP Forwarders are received by the CASSin time to be included in the next appropriate billing. A


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

CASS Airline may also submit accountable transactions The frequency of IFACP Forwarder remit-occurring prior to the current Billing Period. Data shall tances via CASS shall be as determined by the Cargobe submitted so as to be in the possession of each Agency Conference and notified by each CASS to allCASS by the time and date published by IATA in the participants and published as the CASS calendar. ItCASS calendar. The day by which CASS Airline data is shall be at least once each month, but may be morerequired to be in the possession of the CASS for IFACP frequent. Provided that, where feasible, IATA may alsoForwarder billing purposes under the provisions of this permit an individual IFACP Forwarder to voluntarilySubparagraph is hereinafter referred to as ‘the Sub- elect to remit at such greater frequency and for suchmission Date’. length of time as deemed appropriate; IFACP Forwarder remittance shall be made so2.3 SETTLEMENT FREQUENCY AND that funds are cleared and reach the CASS by its close

of business on a specified date, or specific number ofREMITTANCE DATEdays following the Billing Date under settlement, which

2.3.1 IFACP Forwarders shall remit monies due on shall be established in respect of each CASS andCASS billings directly to Clearing Bank as per instruc- published for all participants. See Appendix ‘A’ fortions provided by IATA from time to time. The day by details;which remittance is required to reach CASS under the The date and number of days shall reflect theprovisions of this Subparagraph is hereinafter referredremittance frequency which shall in not be later than theto as ‘the Remittance Date’;30th day following the Billing Date; unless the Cargo

2.3.2 IATA may require the IFACP Forwarder to Agency Conference exceptionally establishes a differentprovide the necessary information and/or an authoris- date for a specific CASS or for a specific settlementation form permitting it to draw cheques on, or other- method.wise debit the IFACP Forwarder's bank account infavour of the International Air Transport Association, or

2.4 GRACE PERIODthe institution designated, in payment of all amountsdue to CASS Airlines. Such authorisation shall be in the 2.4.1 A ‘grace period’ is a number of additional daysform prescribed from time to time by IATA and shall be

that may be established by Conference in respect of asubmitted by the IFACP Forwarder once, or for eachCASS that will be allowed for IFACP Forwarders toRemittance Period. In the latter case IATA shall requiresettle any outstanding amounts, counting from andthe IFACP Forwarder to specify the maximum amount,including the first day after the Remittance Date;including an adjustment factor, for which it is authorised

to debit the IFACP Forwarder's account; 2.4.2 The Grace Period referred to in Paragraphs 3.1below shall be ten calendar days, except where a2.3.3 The IFACP Forwarder shall give IATA 30 daysspecific shorter Grace Period has been established.advance notice by e-mail or certified or registered mailThe Grace Period that applies in CASS countries canof its intention to change its bank or bank account(s);be found in Appendix A.

2.3.4 A IFACP Forwarder having more than one officeholding stocks of Air Waybills, may request in writing to 2.5 CHANGESIATA the authorisation for such field offices to be billedindividually for Air Waybills issued from their stock. 2.5.1 Changes to the CASS Remittance Date and/orIATA shall assign an additional ‘Numeric Code’ for such frequency referred to in this paragraph, and/or thepurpose, in accordance with Resolution 821. Such Grace Period, shall be made by the Cargo Agencyindividual billings shall be settled directly with CASS by Conference in accordance with its due process, when-the IFACP Forwarder's office granted such authoris- ever possible, following consultation via an appropriateation. The IFACP Forwarder’s (Head/Principal Office) Local Customer Advisory Group Cargo (LCAGC) andshall remain responsible for the correct issuance of all Agent Liaison Working Group (ALWG);such Air Waybill stocks and the timely settlement inrespect of any and all billings by its individual field 2.5.2 Changes to the frequency or date of remittanceoffices, or Branch Office Locations; taken by vote of the Cargo Agency Conference shall,

take effect from a future date to be determined by2.3.5 The time span in respect of which a remittance Conference, on which date the result of such vote isis to be made to CASS hereunder shall be called the declared effective.‘remittance period’. A Remittance Period shall not beshorter than a Billing Period but may cover more thanone Billing Period. 3. IRREGULARITIES AND DEFAULT2.3.6 ‘Remittance Date’ is the time and day when The provisions of this Paragraph shall govern failuresbilled amounts must be paid to CASS. If the CASS is by IFACP Forwarders to adhere to the remittanceclosed for business on the day on which the remittance procedures and/or dates set out above and in thisis required to reach it, the remittance shall be made by Section.the IFACP Forwarder so as to reach the CASS beforeits close of business on the first subsequent day when itis open for business;


Resolution 851r

shall be made when allowed by the provisions of3.1 IRREGULARITIES AND DEFAULTapplicable law in the IFACP Forwarder's country of

The provisions of this Paragraph shall govern failures IFACP Forwarders to adhere to the remittanceprocedures and/or dates set out above and in this 3.1.3 Demand for PaymentSection.

For the purpose of this paragraph, where IATA issues:a demand for immediate payment; or a demand for3.1.1 Irregularities and Defaultimmediate accounting and settlement, the deadline for Circumstances which result in failure to adhere CASS' receipt of such from the IFACP Forwarder shallto the remittance procedures, for which the IFACP be the close of business on the last day of the GraceForwarder will be served with a Notice of Irregularity Period. Except in the circumstances described inand will accrue a specified number of penalty points, above, when immediate shall mean by the endare: of the next business day.

3.1.4 Overdue Remittance/AuthorisationOverdue remittance/late 1 penalty pointpayment if CASS has not received from an IFACPDishonoured 1 penalty point Forwarder by the Remittance Date either full remit-remittance/cheque tance, or where required, an authorisation form asRejected debit/electronic 1 penalty point specified in Subparagraph 2.3.2 of this Section, intransfer respect of its billings, IATA shall immediately send to

the IFACP Forwarder a notice of irregularity and de-Unauthorized short 1 penalty pointmand immediate payment from the IFACP Forwarder;payment

Failure to remit in correct 1 penalty point if the IFACP Forwarder does not comply withBilling Currency the currency of settlement as indicated in the billing

statement, IATA shall issue a notice of irregularity to the3.1.1.2 A notice of irregularity shall be sent in writing IFACP Forwarder for non-compliance with paymentto the IFACP Forwarder and set out the specific procedures;circumstances giving rise to the irregularity and willdemand an immediate settlement if outstanding if subsequent to action taken pursuant toamounts are due by the Remittance Date. Only one Subparagraph above the IFACP Forwarder failsirregularity notice and corresponding one penalty point to make immediate and complete settlement of theshall be applied to an IFACP Forwarder in respect of amounts due or to submit the authorisation form, asthe same billing or remittance period. applicable, by the last day of the Grace Period, IATA

shall immediately take default action with respect to theIFACP Forwarder in accordance with the provisions of3.1.2 Extraneous Factors Affecting IFACPParagraph 3.3 of this Section.Forwarders, Bankruptcy, Cessations IATA's actions described in this Section, in 3.1.5 Dishonoured Cheque or Other Methodrespect of payment failures and non-receipt of remit- of Paymenttances by CASS by the due date, shall not apply whenit can be determined that the IFACP Forwarder had if a cheque, or debit, or any other method of payment inadequately undertaken all of the required remittance settlement of amounts due is dishonoured or rejectedprocedures, and that such non receipt had been caused and results in non-payment by the drawee bank, IATAby extraneous factors directly affecting the IFACP shall send to the IFACP Forwarder a notice of irregu-Forwarder, such as described in 3.5, 3.6 & 3.7 below; larity and demand immediate payment from the IFACP

Forwarder of amounts due. Such notice shall count as3.1.2.2 an IFACP Forwarder shall be suspended from one irregularity and penalty point for the purposes ofCASS and a notice of termination of its CASS Agree- the lists provided for in Subparagraph 3.1.6 of thisment shall be sent in the following circumstances: Paragraph. If payment is not received by the last day of

the Grace Period IATA shall immediately confirm ini. if there is a cessation in the operation or transfer ofwriting to the IFACP Forwarder advising that defaultthe IFACP Forwarder's business to other entity toaction is being taken, by reason of the dishonouredwhich the CASS Agreement relates;cheque, rejected direct debit or any other method ofii. in the event the IFACP Forwarder is declarednonpayment. IATA shall simultaneously take defaultbankrupt, placed in receivership or judicialaction with respect to the IFACP Forwarder in accord-administration, goes into liquidation or becomesance with the provisions of Paragraph 3.3 of thissubject to any other similar legal procedureSection.affecting its normal operation, including actions

affecting its license to trade (where this is officially3.1.6 Accumulated Irregularitiesrequired).

After each Remittance Date, IATA shall compile and3.1.2.3 Concurrent with this suspension, a demand forpublish to CASS Airlines a list containing the names ofpayment and immediate settlement of all monies dueall the IFACP Forwarders that have been sent notices


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

of irregularity and have accumulated a penalty points CASS operational charges shall be in theunder any of the provisions of these Rules since the amount debited by IATA as a result of the IFACPpreceding Remittance Date. A notice of irregularity is Forwarder's failure to remit as prescribed, increased, ifprovided for informational purposes and does not re- applicable, by an amount to compensate for any extraquire any particular action by CASS Airlines: costs incurred by IATA in relation to such failure; when an IFACP Forwarder accumulates three when charges are to be levied, IATA shallinstances and notices of irregularity during a 12 month instruct the CASS to debit an IFACP Forwarder for suchperiod it shall be subject to a financial review to charges, and then notify the IFACP Forwarder con-evaluate its financial standing, based on its most recent cerned;financial accounts, assessed against the Local charges debited to IFACP Forwarders pursu-Financial Criteria applicable in its country of operation.ant to this Subparagraph shall, except as otherwiseSuch assessment may require the IFACP Forwarder tospecified, be included by CASS in its first subsequentprovide a financial security covering its current CASSbilling to the IFACP Forwarder concerned and shall beremittance value and sales amount at risk;due and payable by the IFACP Forwarder by the if four instances and notices of irregularity, or Remittance Date applicable to such billing. Suchany other number limit that has been agreed by the charges shall, for the purpose of SubparagraphCargo Agency Conference in respect of a CASS, are of this Section, be deemed part of allissued in respect of a IFACP Forwarder and are amounts owing by the IFACP Forwarder.recorded on such lists during any 12 consecutivemonths, IATA shall immediately take default action with

3.2 NOTIFICATION OF IRREGULARITYrespect to the IFACP Forwarder in accordance with theprovisions of Paragraph 3.3 of this Section.

When IATA is required under any of the provisions ofParagraph 3.1 of this Section to send to an IFACP3.1.7 Suspension or Default Under Other Forwarder a notice of irregularity, it shall immediatelyPrograms send the IFACP Forwarder a written notification, byregistered letter and/or e-mail, in the form prescribedIf the same IFACP Forwarder entity is also contractedfrom time to time advise all CASS Airlines in the areawith IATA, in respect of any other cargo program(s) inconcerned; provided that where the CASS covers morethe same country, such as a CASS Recipient partici-than one country, the irregularity shall apply to thepating in CASS-Import, and if such same IFACP For-entire area of such CASS. A notice of irregularity iswarder/Recipient is suspended or terminated, or inprovided for informational purposes and does not re-default under those Program Rules, IATA shall likewisequire any particular action by CASS Airlines:take similar action under these Rules, to suspend,

initiate a review and serve notice to terminate theIFACP Forwarder in CASS. 3.3 DEFAULT ACTION3.1.8 IFACP Forwarder in Default as an 3.3.1 If default action is required to be taken inIATA Approved Passenger Sales Agent accordance with any of the provisions of Paragraph 3.1

of this Section;If the same legal entity that is an IFACP Forwarder in aspecific country is also approved as a Passenger Sales IATA shall immediately take the following ac-Agent under the IATA Passenger Sales Agency Rules tion:applicable in that country and such IATA Agent is promptly advise the IFACP Forwarder thatdeclared in default in the Billing and Settlement Plandefault action has been invoked, in respect of all of its(BSP) and under those Rules has outstanding amountsAir Waybill issuing offices, with confirmatory writtendue to CASS Airlines, the IFACP Forwarder shall alsoadvice to be sent under registered cover;be deemed in default under these CASS Rules and

default action with respect to the IFACP Forwarder shall demand an immediate full and completebe taken in accordance with the provisions of Para-accounting and settlement of all monies due andgraph 3.3 of this Section;outstanding from the IFACP Forwarder whether or notthe Remittance Date for payment thereof has arrived.3.1.9 Charges The accounting obtained in respect of all its Air Waybillissuing office locations and any monies received shall3.1.9.1 notwithstanding the provisions of Subpara-be transmitted to the CASS;graphs 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 of this Paragraph, the Cargo

Agency Conference may decide to sanction instances notify all CASS Airlines in the area con-of failures to comply with procedures and instructions, cerned of the default;which generate additional cost to CASS Airlines andinstances of overdue remittances, by the levy of a notify the IFACP Forwarder that it maygeneral cost recovery or operational charge. The levels initiate a review with the Commissioner pursuant to theof such charge shall be determined from time to time by provisions of Resolution 811e, Section 1.1.the Cargo Agency Conference and notified by IATA toFIATA and the local forwarders association (if any) andall IFACP Forwarders in the CASS area;


Resolution 851r IATA shall immediately advise the head offices 3.5 REMITTANCE DELAYED BYof all Members that the IFACP Forwarder is in default OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ACTIONas well as other CASS Airlines who do business withthe IFACP Forwarder via CASS shall be notified; Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein,

an IFACP Forwarder shall not be sent a notice of3.3.1.3 CASS, on receiving notice that an IFACP irregularity or be declared in default with respect to allForwarder is in default, shall take the following action: or any part of a remittance to the extent that the IFACP

Forwarder is unable to make full settlement because of3.3.1.3(a) immediately suspend the IFACP Forwarderofficial Government action which directly prevents suchfrom CASS;settlement; provided that the IFACP Forwarder demon-strates that the amount due has been made available3.3.1.3(b) immediately establish from the Airline datafor remittance at a recognized bank but cannot besubmissions in its possession an up-to-date statementremitted owing to such official Government action.of indebtedness for the IFACP Forwarder concerned; check any accounting and settlement ob-3.6 FORCE MAJEUREtained from the IFACP Forwarder and report any

discrepancies;The IFACP Forwarder shall not be liable for delay orfailure to comply with the terms of these rules and its3.3.1.3(d) distribute any monies obtained by theAgreement to the extent that such delay or failureCASS from the IFACP Forwarder among the CASS

Airlines concerned in accordance with the standing 3.6(i) is caused by any act of God, war, naturalinstructions of the Cargo Agency Conference;disaster, strike, lockout, labour dispute, work stoppage,fire, third-party criminal act, quarantine restriction, act of3.3.1.4 CASS Airlines, on receiving notice that angovernment, or any other cause whether similar orIFACP Forwarder is in default and has been suspendeddissimilar, beyond the reasonable control of the IFACPfrom CASS shall individually determine how they willForwarder, andcontinue to conduct business with such IFACP For-

warder; 3.6(ii) is not the result of the IFACP Forwarder’s lackof reasonable diligence (an ‘Excusable Delay’). In the3.3.1.5 Billing Disputesevent an Excusable Delay continues for seven days or

if it is identified, at any time, that a dispute exists with longer, IATA shall have the right, at its option, to servean individual item or individual airline, in respect of the notice to terminate the Agreement of the IFACP For-CASS billing, an irregularity notice shall not be issued, warder whose performance has failed to comply.or if already issued, it shall be withdrawn. IATA shallalso withhold or withdraw any declaration of default

3.7 BANK ERRORresulting from such dispute. In the event that the CASSAirline does not admit the existence of a dispute, the 3.7.1 A ‘Bank Error’ is one that is substantiated byCASS Disputed Billing procedures as published by

evidence acceptable to IATA as provided for below,IATA from time to time, shall apply. If still not resolvedwhich resulted in the bank's failure to honour a chequethen the disputed item/issue shall be removed fromor transfer, or otherwise make payment on behalf of theCASS and shall be dealt with bilaterally between theIFACP Forwarder, which consequently resulted in theparties concerned;IFACP Forwarder being issued with a notice of irregu-larity, or declared in default. If the bank error is3.3.1.6 if a default is withdrawn, IATA shall so notifysubstantiated the irregularity and/or default action shallthe IFACP Forwarder and all recipients of the declar-be withheld or withdrawn and the same status of theation of default. The notice of irregularity giving rise toIFACP Forwarder reinstated as prior to the incident.such default shall also be removed by IATA from the list

maintained pursuant to the provisions of Subparagraph 3.7.2 Evidence of a Bank Error in all cases means an3.1.6 of this Section;original bank letter provided to IATA, signed by a bankmanager which must be sent to IATA within 10 working3.3.1.7 thereafter, if the declaration of default is notdays of the incident by registered post or courier,withdrawn, the provisions of Section 3.3 of this Resol-stating that the delay in remittance was due to bankution shall apply.error and that the customer (IFACP Forwarder) hadsufficient funds available at that time.

3.4 SUBSEQUENT IRREGULARITIESNotices of irregularity reported in accordance with 3.8 EXCEPTIONAL CHANGES TOParagraph 3.1 of this Section in respect of sales REMITTING PROCEDURESeffected between the end of the reporting period forwhich the IFACP Forwarder was declared in default and Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in thisthe date the IFACP Forwarder was declared in default Section, the frequencies of billing and remitting and/orshall not be entered on the list maintained by IATA. the Remittance Date for any CASS country may be

modified in response to exceptional changing economic


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

or extraordinary circumstances by the Agency Adminis- paragraph that have not been responded to intrator, using his autonomy to act in exceptional circum- accordance with paragraph shall be automati-stances. cally processed as approved.

3.10.5 Notwithstanding paragraph 3.10. above CASS3.9 CASS IMPLEMENTATION— Airlines may in subsequent billing periods re-invoice

registered queries, which they subsequently determineTRANSITIONAL RULESshould have been initially rejected.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 2.5 and3.1 of this Section, the Cargo Agency Conference mayestablish different Billing or Remittance Dates, and 4. CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULTGrace Periods for sales under the CASS concerned.Additionally, the Cargo Agency Conference may estab-

4.1 DETERMINE IFACP FORWARDER'Slish different accumulated irregularity provisions. Thesevariations may apply for the first full year of CASS INDEBTEDNESS TO CASS AIRLINESimplementation only.

4.1.1 When IATA has determined that an IFACPForwarder, declared in default under any of the pro-

3.10 BILLING QUERIES visions of this Resolution, has effected settlement of allamounts due, if any, as provided in Section 3 of this

To ensure CASS billings are as accurate as possible Resolution, the provisions of Paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 ofthe following procedures shall be implemented by all this Section shall apply;CASS participating airlines and GSSA's.

4.1.2 When IATA has determined that a IFACP For-3.10.1 Each CASS Participant will activate CASS-link warder, declared in default under any of the provisionsonline correction services, facilitating IFACP Forwarder of this Resolution, has failed to settle all amounts due, itbilling adjustment requests via the automated web tool. shall give the IFACP Forwarder notice of termination of

its participation in CASS and its CASS Agreement and3.10.2 Each CASS shall implement a correction shall notify all CASS Airlines and the IFACP Adminis-period within its processing calendar. trator of such action;3.10.3 IATA shall enhance the CASS reporting calen- 4.1.3 Upon receipt of a notice of termination thedar to include two additional deadlines; IFACP Forwarder shall have the right to request a

review by the Cargo Commissioner; A query notification deadline, by which dateIFACP Forwarders must register billing queries through 4.1.4 The Cargo Commissioner, at his discretion, andCASSlink. Such deadline shall be no less than 4 depending upon the circumstances surrounding thecalendar days following the date of the CASS invoices default and/or actions following the default and/or fol-for the billing period in question, where the CASS lowing settlement of amounts due and actions de-Remittance Period is 28–30 days, and no less than 2 scribed in 4.3 below, may uphold the decision tocalendar days following the date of the CASS invoices terminate the IFACP Forwarder’s CASS Agreement, orwhere the CASS Remittance Period is 15 days. may retain the IFACP Forwarder, as described in 4.4

below. A query response deadline, by which dateCASS Airlines must respond through CASSlink to allregistered queries. Such deadline shall be no less than 4.2 SETTLEMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE4 calendar days prior to the Remittance date for thebilling period in question. Responses may be one of the When an IFACP Forwarder declared in default is ablefollowing; to demonstrate to IATA prior to the termination date

specified in the notice of termination that all outstanding3. Accept, meaning the Participant agrees amounts, if any, have been fully settled, IATA shallwith the registered query; notify CASS Airlines accordingly. Thereafter, the pro-visions of Paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4, as appropriate of3. Reject, meaning the Participant does notthis Section shall apply.agree with the registered query; Airline handled, meaning the Participant 4.3 ACTIONS FOLLOWINGagrees with the registered query and will be generatingSETTLEMENT OF AMOUNTSthe appropriate credit within its own system for pro-

cessing through CASS;4.3.1 When IATA is satisfied that the IFACP For-warder has effected settlement of all outstanding3. Amend, meaning the Participant wishes toamounts, the IFACP Forwarder shall be required toprocess a credit for a different amount to that regis-furnish a financial security to allow a its reinstatement intered.CASS. The financial security shall be in a form pre-

3.10.4 Prior to each CASS processing the correction scribed by IATA, such as a bank guarantee, or otherperiod, established pursuant to paragraph 3.10.2 acceptable form of insurance or bond. It shall be in anabove, all registered queries in accordance with amount equivalent to the IFACP Forwarder's sales at


Resolution 851r

risk, calculated on its CASS billings and remittancevalues for two latest periods, or the default amount,whichever is the greater.

4.3.2 Upon receipt of the required financial security,the IFACP Forwarder will be reinstated in CASS.Following reinstatement, the IFACP Forwarder mayrequest a financial review in accordance with the LocalFinancial Criteria applicable in its country of operationand as described in the IFACP rules. Such review willonly be conducted based on the financial position andaudited accounts of the IFACP Forwarder dated noearlier than 6 months following the date of reinstate-ment.

4.3.3 If the IFACP Forwarder, having settled all out-standing amounts, is unable to furnish a financialsecurity, or to demonstrate by a specified date that itsfinancial and credit standing again satisfies the appli-cable Local Financial Criteria, IATA shall serve notice oftermination to the IFACP Forwarder in respect of itsparticipation in CASS and its CASS Agreement.

4.3.4 Without prejudice to the notice of termination, ifthe IFACP Forwarder is able to furnish the requiredfinancial security, or to demonstrate a satisfactoryfinancial standing meeting the Local Financial Criteria,the termination shall be waived and the provisions of4.4 shall apply.

4.4 EFFECTS OF RETENTION AFTERSUSPENSION OR DEFAULT4.4.1 If the IFACP Forwarder is reinstated and re-tained as a CASS participant after having complied withthe provisions above, it shall be cleared of the defaultstatus and all irregularities recorded against it prior tothe default. For the purposes of Subparagraph 3.1.6 ofthis Resolution, the commencement of the 12 monthsperiod shall be the date of IATA's notice to CASSAirlines regarding the clearance of the Default status ofthe IFACP Forwarder, or the date of the decision by theCargo Commissioner to retain the IFACP Forwarder asapplicable.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


CASS Region Country Settlement Frequency Remittance Date after Grace PeriodBilling

Global Standard 1 and 2 times monthly 7, 15, 28-30 days 5-10 daysRegion LATAM 2 times 15 days 5 daysBrazil (Import) 2 times 15 days 5 daysCanada 2 times 30 days 5 daysEcuador 2 times 15 days 5 daysPeru 2 times 20 days 1 dayRegion Europe 1 time 28-30 days 10 daysIsrael 2 times 15 days 10 daysTurkey 2 times 28-30 days 2 daysUnited Kingdom 1 time 32 days 10 daysUnited Kingdom (Import) 1 time 32 days 15 daysRegion MENA 1,2 times 15, 30 days 10 daysMorocco 2 times 20 days 10 daysRegion Asia Pacific 2 times 28 days 10 daysAustralia 2 times 30 days and mid and last 4 days

day of the MonthBangladesh 2 times 15 days and mid and last 10 days

day of the monthMalaysia 2 times 15 days and mid and last 10 days

day of the monthPakistan 2 times 15 days and mid and last 10 days

day of the monthKorea 2 times 30 days and mid and last 10 days

day of the monthThailand 2 times 30 days and mid and last 10 days

day of the monthRegion North Asia 2 times 15, 30 days 10 daysChina 2 times 30 days 10 days


Resolution 851r—Appendix ‘B’


IFACP FORWARDER CASS AGREEMENTAn Agreement between CASS Airlines, represented by the Agency Administrator or his authorised representative(hereinafter referred to as the “CASS Airlines” or “CASS Airline”) and

................................................................................................................................................................................................(Name of IFACP Forwarder)

having its principal office at ....................................................................................................................................................

(full address, including country) (hereinafter referred to as the “IFACP Forwarder”).

WHEREAS it is in the mutual interest of the CASS Airlines and the IFACP Forwarder to settle amounts due to the CASSAirline through CASS (country).

1. DefinitionsFor the purpose of this Agreement:

‘Agency Administrator’ means the IATA official designated by the Director General from time to time as the holderof that office, or authorized representative, responsible for the management of the IATA Agency Programmes inaccordance with the Members' rules and resolutions and with autonomy to act in extraordinary circumstances.

‘CASS Airline’ means both an IATA Member and a non-IATA air carrier from which the Agency Administrator hasaccepted an application and concurrence in CASS-(country).

‘IFACP Forwarder’ means an entity in good standing under the IFACP Program which has executed a IFACPAgreement and this Agreement for settlement of money owed to CASS Airlines.

‘Hinge Account’ means the account opened by IATA ISS Management with the Settlement Office for a givenperiod of settlement, used to receive CASS remittances and to pay out monies due.

‘IFACP’ means the IATA FIATA Air Cargo Program.

‘IATA’ means the International Air Transport Association, incorporated by Special Act of the Canadian Parliament,having its Head Office at 800 Place Victoria, Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada and an office at 33Route de l'Aéroport, 1215 Geneva 15 Airport, Switzerland.

‘Person’ means an individual, partnership, firm, association, company or corporation.

2. Compliance with CASS Rules and other Resolutions and RulesThe following Rules, Resolutions and other provisions, as amended from time to time, are deemed to be incorporated inthis Agreement and made part hereof:

(a) those provisions of IATA Resolution 851-series and Attachments or Appendices relating to the participation in aCASS by persons tendering consignments;

(b) the provisions of IATA Resolution 851-series; relating to settlement of amounts due to CASS Airlines;

3. Authority of IATAIn all matters affecting the obligations of the IFACP Forwarder under this Agreement and all applicable IATAResolutions, IATA is authorized to act on behalf of each CASS Airline; and any direction or request given or made to theIFACP Forwarder by IATA shall be as effective as if given or made by such CASS Airline.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

4. Monies due by IFACP Forwarder to CASS Airlines—Remittance(a) Monies due to CASS Airlines associated with the carriage of cargo shall be remitted through CASS.

(b) The IFACP Forwarder shall remit to the CASS Airlines such monies at such times and under such conditions asthe CASS Airline may designate from time to time, in writing.

(c) The IFACP Forwarder and CASS Airlines shall be compliant with any applicable local taxation laws andregulations.

5. IFACP Forwarder in DefaultWhen the IFACP Forwarder is in default, CASS shall immediately cease to process transactions concerning the IFACPForwarder. IATA shall apply ‘default procedures as described in the CASS rules’ and shall be authorized, to eitherinstruct IATA to reinstate the IFACP Forwarder, if the IFACP Forwarder resolves the default situation and again meetsparticipation standards, or if the IFACP Forwarder does not, then to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 13hereof.

6. LiabilityIATA and the Director General of IATA, the Agency Administrator, and employees and representatives of IATAconcerned in the administration or operation of the CASS, shall not be liable to the IFACP Forwarder or CASS Airline forany loss or damage suffered by the IFACP Forwarder or CASS Airline arising out of any act done or omitted in goodfaith in carrying out their functions under this Agreement or any other functions which they may be required to perform inthe administration or operation of CASS.

7. Changes in CASS Airlines' Participation Status(a) IATA may, from time to time during the currency of this Agreement, give written notice to the IFACP Forwarder thatthe name of a CASS Airline is to be added to the list of CASS participating Airlines. The CASS Airline mentioned in thenotice shall become a party to this Agreement on the date specified in the notice;

(b) IATA may, from time to time during the currency of this Agreement, give written notice to the IFACP Forwarder thatthe name of a CASS Airline is to be deleted from the list of CASS participating Airlines. The CASS Airline mentioned inthe notice shall cease to be a party to this Agreement on the date specified in the notice;

8. Assignment of IATA Code(a) On the execution of this Agreement, IATA shall assign a numeric or alpha-numeric code designation to the IFACPForwarder for use on Air Waybills and CASS administrative forms. The code shall be administered and published byIATA.

9. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement when such failure is due tofire, flood, strikes, labour troubles or other industrial disturbances, inevitable accidents, war (declared or undeclared),legal restrictions imposed by the national government, riots, insurrections or any cause beyond the control of the partyconcerned.

10. Assignment of RightsThe IFACP Forwarder shall not assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement.


Resolution 851r—Appendix ‘B’

11. Cessation of Operations and Changes in Ownership or ControlIf the IFACP Forwarder ceases (or transfers) the operation of the business to which this Agreement relates, or if anysubstantial change occurs in the control of a IFACP Forwarder which is a company or corporation, or if a change in thesole-owner, or partners occurs in a IFACP Forwarder which is a sole-ownership, or partnership, the IFACP Forwardershall, prior to the cessation, transfer or change becoming effective, notify the Agency Administrator for appropriateaction or processing of contractual changes. In cases of planned transfers or changes the IFACP Forwarder mayrequest its notification to be treated in confidence. Failure to notify may be grounds and just cause to terminate thisAgreement in accordance with paragraph 13.

12. Governing Law and ArbitrationThis Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the country of operations of theIFACP Forwarder, specified in the preamble of this Agreement and any difference or dispute arising between the partieswith respect to the interpretation, meaning or effect of this Agreement or relating to any rights or obligations hereincontained shall be finally settled by arbitration to be held in that country, under the rules of Conciliation and Arbitration ofthe International Chamber of Commerce by one or more Arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules.

13. TerminationThis Agreement shall be terminated:a) by not less than three (3) months' written notice given by one party to the other party; orb) by IATA the Agency Administrator pursuant to Paragraph 5 hereof; orc) three (3) months after the IFACP Forwarder relinquishes, or loses its status as an IFACP endorsed forwarder, ord) if the IFACP Forwarder ceases to operate the business to which this Agreement relates.

14. Use of RecordsThe IFACP Forwarder authorizes IATA to share its financial and/or CASS records with the IFACP ProgramAdministrator.

15. NoticesAny notices given under this Agreement shall be sent by registered mail with a courtesy copy by email.

16. EffectivenessThis Agreement shall become effective on ............................................................................................................................

In witness whereofthis Agreement has been executed this of ....................................................................................... 20 .......................................................................................

On behalf of the CASS Airline by IATA, (IATA Regional Office Address) the Director General or his authorizedrepresentative:

On behalf of the IFACP Forwarder:



Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

• Review reports received from the Local CustomerRESOLUTION 853Advisory Groups

• Monitor local CASS member costsCASS-IMPORT & TERMINAL CHARGES• Review the CASS budgets on a consultative basis

CAC1(43)853 (except USA) Expiry: IndefiniteWHEREAS it is further recognised that in the event of any(amended) Type: Bdisagreement or dispute between the CPG and IDFS,CAC2(43)853 (amended)such dispute shall be referred to the Cargo Committee;CAC3(43)853 (amended)WHEREAS ISS Management shall operate in accordancewith the IATA Settlement Systems Service ProvisionsNOTE: At CAC 37 the change of name for thisManual, the CASS Technical Specifications HandbookResolution from CASS Import to CASS Import andand the Local Customer Services Manual which describeTerminal Charges was adopted, however the EACPthe provision of services in the operating CASSs;JC did not endorse the change. For the EACP Area

please substitute CASS Import wherever the term WHEREAS the Cargo Agency Conference (hereafterCASS Import and Terminal Charges appears in this referred to as “the Conference”) exercises authority andResolution. responsibility over the IATA Cargo Agency Programme,including the relationship between Airlines and Agents,WHEREAS the 1998 IATA Annual General Meetingandagreed to restructure the IATA Industry Settlement Sys-

tems and has approved the establishments of IATA WHEREAS Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems (CASS)Distribution and Financial Services (hereafter referred to have been “IDFS”), as an IATA division responsible to the IATABoard of Governors for the Management and efficient It is hereby RESOLVED that,operation of this business activity and to that end hasauthorised changes in the management and operation ofthe IATA Industry Settlement Systems (hereafter referred 1. CARGO AGENCY CONFERENCEto as “ISS”), and

1.1 The Conference is responsible for, amongst otherWHEREAS it is therefore necessary to recognise the things, setting CASS-Import technical standards, togetherresponsibility of IDFS for all ISS administration and with corresponding changes to Standard forms used inoperational functions, such as: the operation of the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges.

These are published in the CASS Technical Specifi-• ISS budgets (cost and revenues)cations Handbook, Attachment ‘A’, which constitutes part• ISS staffinghereof;

• ISS contracts (service agreements) to include signa-ture authority 1.2 amendments to the CASS Technical Specifications

• ISS office management and administration Handbook shall be subject to agreement by the Confer-ence, however should the CASS Policy Group (CPG)

and further to recognise that ISS matters will be super- recommend action be taken on a particular amendment(s)vised by the IATA Board of Governors, and between Conferences, ISS Management shall publish the

proposed amendment(s) in writing to all Members. If noWHEREAS the IATA Board of Governors has charged the protest is received from any Member within 45 days of theCargo Committee to provide advice and guidance to the publication of the amendment(s), the amendment(s) willBoard on all Cargo settlement matters, and be deemed endorsed and the CASS Technical Specifi-

cations Handbook will be amended accordingly. In theWHEREAS the IATA Cargo Committee has established aevent of a protest, the reasons therefore shall be given inCASS Policy Group (hereinafter referred to as “CPG”) towriting and the protested amendment will be reconsideredprovide policy direction to IDFS on CASS matters and toat the next meeting of the CPG with a view to overcomingprovide advice to IDFS Management on all mattersthe reasons for disagreement. In the event of continuingrelating to the functional management and operation ofdisagreement, the matter shall be referred to the Confer-CASS;ence for final action;

WHEREAS it is recognised that the terms of reference 1.3 The Conference establishes CASS-Import & Ter-and activities of the CPG are to:minal Charges for the efficient collection of agreed

• Provide a CASS consultative forum between IDFS charges arising from inbound and outbound shipments.Management and Member airlines

• Formulate a global representation policy2. LOCAL CUSTOMER ADVISORY• Develop the CASS cost sharing formula and CASSGROUPS—CARGO (LCAGC)pricing policy

• Develop a CASS country development plan 2.1 the Conference has established Local Customer• Approve the commencement of all new feasibility Advisory Groups—Cargo (LCAGC) in countries wherever

studies and appoints CASS feasibility study groups to a CASS is in operation, to provide advice to ISSwork with IDFS Management in the preparation of Management on local customer service issues and to co-feasibility study reports ordinate local needs;


Resolution 853

2.2 the Conference determines the procedures for on the face of Air Waybills as persons to be notified uponestablishing the membership of the LCAGC; delivery or as customs consignees;

2.3 the Rules and Procedures for the LCAGC, as 5.1.2 in the ordinary and usual course of its undertaking,agreed by the Conference, are contained in Appendix ‘B’ assembles, consolidates or provides for assembling andto this Resolution and constitute part hereof. consolidation of property or performs or provides for the

performance of break bulk and distributing operations withrespect to consolidated shipments, is responsible for

3. FEASIBILITY STUDY— procuring international air transportation of property fromIMPLEMENTATION OF A CASSIMPORT the point of receipt to the point of destination and utilises

for the whole or any part of such transportation theThe Head Office of any Member, or group of Members, services of an air carrier;may request ISS Management to initiate a study.

5.2 the Conference may determine, from time to time,criteria for participation of CASS Recipients into a CASS-

4. PARTICIPATION BY MEMBERS OR Import & Terminal Charges. The criteria may vary byWHERE APPOINTED, GSSAs CASS-Import & Terminal Charges operation;

NOTE: “Or Where Appointed GSSAs” adopted CAC37 5.2.1 where qualifying criteria requires approvalnot endorsed by EACP JC therefore not applicable EACP between Conferences, a mail vote may be initiated.Area. Providing unanimous support for the proposal is received,

the proposal shall be adopted. Failure to vote will be4.1 Participation by IATA Members in any CASS-Import deemed to be an abstention. Abstentions shall count as& Terminal Charges is voluntary. IATA Members may join positive votes;at the inception of a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges ormay join at a later date by paying the applicable joining 5.3 an applicant to become a CASS Recipient must signfee set by ISS Management; the agreement specified in Appendix ‘D’ to this Resolution

and pay the participation fees determined by ISS Man-4.2 participation in any CASS-Import & Terminal agement from time to time;Charges shall be dependent on the Member continuing topay the appropriate charges for those services that have 5.4 the Agency Administrator signs the agreement onbeen provided to the Member in connection with the behalf of all Delivering Companies participating in thatoperation of that CASS-Import & Terminal Charges; CASS-Import & Terminal Charges and shall then issue to

the applicant a CASS Recipient code number;4.3 a Member's participation shall be dependent on itcontinuing to meet financial criteria established by the 5.5 such number may only be used as long as theConference, if any; Recipient continues to meet the local qualifying criteria

and has paid all applicable fees;4.4 upon joining a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges, aMember must sign a Counter-indemnity Agreement with 5.6 such intermediaries executing the agreement shallIATA as prescribed in Appendix ‘C’ to this Resolution, become Recipients under the CASS-Import & Terminalwhere a current signed counter-indemnity is in place, the Charges from the date stipulated in the agreement andchanges specified in Appendix ‘C’ are deemed to be shall from such date be required to remit monies due toincorporated therein; CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Delivering Companies

and other Members in accordance with the requirements4.5 once a Member has joined a CASS-Import & Ter- of this Resolution and associated CASS-Import &minal Charges, it automatically becomes a Billing Partici- Terminal Charges procedures.pant, as defined in Resolution 823 “Definitions of TermsUsed in Cargo Agency Resolutions”;

6. PARTICIPATION BY NON-IATA AIR4.6 where a negative settlement occurs as a result of CARRIERS OR WHERE APPOINTED,monthly CASS billings, monies due to IATA should be GSSAsremitted by the Member by the published applicableremittance date. NOTE: “Or Where Appointed GSSAs” adopted CAC37

not endorsed by EACP JC therefore not applicable EACPArea.5. PARTICIPATION BY RECIPIENTS6.1 A non-IATA air carrier (an Airline), may request5.1 Where a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges hasparticipation in a given CASS-Import & Terminal Chargesbeen adopted for a given country/area, the Agencyby submitting to the Agency Administrator a Form ofAdministrator shall offer to execute an agreement withApplication and Concurrence, in which, amongst othereach commercial entity (not being an air carrier) handlingthings, they agree to be bound by the applicable Cargoair cargo consignments in such country/area who:Procedures Conference Resolutions. The Form is pre-scribed in Appendix ‘E’ to this Resolution:5.1.1 regularly and systematically acts by way of trade

and for reward, as agent for consignees or consignors 6.2 upon acceptance by the Agency Administrator, thenamed on Air Waybills, or as agent for persons indicatedAirline agrees;


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

6.2.1 to pay the applicable joining fees set by ISS 7.4 upon joining a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges, aManagement; GHA must sign a Counterindemnity Agreement with IATA

as prescribed in Appendix ‘C’ to this Resolution;6.2.2 to contribute to the management and other costsof such CASS-Import & Terminal Charges as set by ISS 7.5 once a GHA has joined a CASS-Import & TerminalManagement; Charges it automatically becomes a Billing Participant, as

defined in Resolution 823 “Definitions of Terms Used in6.2.3 to meet the financial criteria established by the Cargo Agency Resolutions”;Conference, if any;

7.6 where a negative settlement occurs as a result of6.3 participation in any CASS-Import & Terminal monthly CASS billings, monies due to IATA should beCharges shall be dependent on the Airline continuing to remitted by the Ground Handling Agent by the publishedpay the appropriate charges for those services that have applicable remittance date.been provided to the Airline in connection with theoperation of that CASS-Import & Terminal Charges;

8. CASS DELIVERING COMPANY6.4 upon joining a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges, anAirline must sign a Counter-indemnity Agreement with Pursuant to Paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 of this Resolution, theIATA as prescribed in Appendix ‘C’ to this Resolution; term ‘CASS Delivering Company’ shall mean a Member,

Airline or Ground Handling Agent who participates in a6.5 once a non-IATA air carrier has joined a CASS- particular CASS-Import & Terminal Charges.Import & Terminal Charges, it automatically becomes aBilling Participant, as defined in Resolution 823 “Defi-nitions of Terms Used in Cargo Agency Resolutions”; 9. IATA SETTLEMENT SYSTEM SERVICE

PROVISIONS MANUAL6.6 where a negative settlement occurs as a result ofmonthly CASS billings, monies due to IATA should be ISS Management, in consultation with the CPG, shallremitted by the Non-IATA Carrier by the published appli- produce an IATA Settlement System Service Provisionscable remittance date. Manual containing terms, conditions and codes of con-

duct of CASS operations applicable in all areas. The CPGwill be responsible for the content of the Manual, how-7. PARTICIPATION BY AIRLINE GROUND ever, it shall at all times be in conformity with applicable


For the purpose of this Paragraph, the term ‘GroundHandling Agent (GHA)’ shall mean any Person, appointed 10. LOCAL CUSTOMER SERVICESby one or more air carriers to carry out cargo handling, MANUAL—CASS-IMPORT & TERMINALstorage and preparation of freight for collection by the CHARGESconsignee or following delivery by the consignor, andother activities for inbound or outbound freight in the area Wherever a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges has beencovered by the CASS: implemented, ISS Management shall produce a local

Customer Services Manual, containing local terms, con-7.1 a Ground Handling Agent (GHA) may request par-ditions and codes of conduct of the local CASS operation.ticipation in a given CASS-Import & Terminal Charges byThe Cargo Agency Conference delegates the authority forsubmitting a Form of Application and Concurrence to thethe contents of this Manual to the Local CustomerAgency Administrator. The form, prescribed in AppendixAdvisory Groups—Cargo (LCAGC), for subsequent‘F’ to this Resolution, amongst other things, binds theendorsement by the CPG. The contents of this Manualapplicant to the applicable Cargo Procedures Conferenceshall be in conformity with applicable IATA ResolutionsResolutions;and are described in Appendix ‘H’.

7.2 upon acceptance by the Agency Administrator, theGHA agrees; 11. VOLUNTARY TERMINATION7.2.1 to pay the applicable joining fees set by ISS

A CASS Delivering Company may withdraw from aManagement;particular CASS-Import & Terminal Charges by givingwritten notice of not less than 3 months and shall be7.2.2 to contribute to the management and other costsliable for its share of all costs through to the end of theof such CASS-Import & Terminal Charges as set by ISSnotice period.Management;

7.2.3 to meet the financial criteria established by the12. AIRLINE SUSPENSION OFConference, if any;OPERATIONS

7.3 participation in any CASS-Import & TerminalCharges shall be dependent on the GHA continuing to 12.1 Reasons for Suspensionpay the appropriate charges for those services that havebeen provided to the GHA in connection with the oper- Where a Delivering Company participating in a CASSation of that CASS-Import & Terminal Charges; ceases operations, due to financial or other reasons, or


Resolution 853

where the Delivering Comapny becomes subject to formal support, in accordance with Cargo Agency Conferencebankruptcy or reorganisation proceedings, ISS Manage- rules as contained in Resolution 801r section 2 Para-ment shall immediately inform all participants in the CASS graphs–, for the proposal is received, theof the date of such cessation of operations. proposal shall be adopted. Failure to vote will be deemed

to be an abstention. Abstentions shall count as positivevotes;12.2 Action by ISS Management

When a Delivering Company ceases operation, ISS 15.1 Remittance Frequency and DateManagement will continue to collect monies due to such (Australia only)Delivering Company in accordance with the settlementoffice procedures. Remittance for Recipient billings shall be made so as to

reach the Settlement Office by its close of business on12.3 Right of Set off the 15th day of the subsequent month. Remittance for

billings for the period 16th to the last day of each monthWhen an Airline is suspended from CASS, ISS Manage- shall be made so as to reach the Settlement Office by itsment shall have the right to set off any debt or claim owed close of business on the last day of the subsequentby such Airline to CASS in relation to a CASS settlement, month.including any amount owed by the Airline to IATA for theprovision of CASS processing and management fees, Provided that if the Settlement Office is closed foragainst any monies held or owed by IATA or any of its business on these dates, remittance shall be made so asdivisions and which are payable to that Airline. to reach it by its close of business on the first subsequent

day it is open for business. Exception: If the SettlementOffice is closed for business on the 30th of June,

13. REPORTING remittances normally due on that day shall be made so asto reach the Settlement Office by its close of business on

CASS Delivering Companies shall advise the Settlement the last day in June that it is open for business.Office of amounts due from each Recipient in respect ofall shipments delivered to/received from such Recipient Changes to the remittance date and frequency referred tofor the collection of agreed charges in accordance with in this paragraph or the grace period, which shall bethe procedures set out in the ISS Service Provisions 4 calendar days, referred to in paragraphs 15.4.2 andManual. 15.5 of Resolution 853 shall be made by the Cargo

Agency Conference.

14. BILLINGS 15.2 Remittance Date (except Australia)14.1 The Settlement Office shall compute and prepare a the day by which remittances must reach the Settlementbilling in respect of each Recipient, incorporating all Office shall be called the ‘remittance date’. Remittancecharges, including, as agreed, Terminal Charges incurred must be completed by the close of business of theand payable by each Recipient in respect of shipments Settlement Office on the remittance date, which shalldelivered or received; be the 28th day following the last day included in the

billing(s) under settlement, unless the Cargo Agency14.2 the frequency at which such billings shall beConference establishes an earlier date; provided thatrendered by the Settlement Office shall be established bywhere a CASS-Export has been implemented in a (any)the Cargo Agency Conference for each CASS-Import &country(ies) of a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges area,Terminal Charges, provided that there shall be not lessthe remittance date established for such a country(ies)than 24 billings per calendar year;shall be the same as that applicable to the CASS-Export;

14.3 the time span covered by a billing shall be called15.3 if the Settlement Office is closed for business on‘the billing period’.the remittance date, the remittance shall be completed bythe Recipients by the close of business of the SettlementOffice on the first subsequent day the Settlement Office is15. REMITTANCESopen for business (‘the deferred remittance date’);

15.1 Remittance Frequency (except Australia)15.4 Failure to Effect Timely Remittance

Prior to implementation of a CASS-Import & Terminalthe Cargo Agency Conference shall establish the lengthCharges, the Cargo Agency Conference shall establishof the grace period (except Australia) to be grantedthe frequency of Recipients' remittances under such abefore implementing the provisions of SubparagraphCASS-Import & Terminal Charges; provided that where a15.4.2(a) and 15.4.2(b) below. Such grace period shallCASS-Export has been implemented in a (any)not exceed ten calendar days and, where a CASS-country(ies) of a CASS-Import & Terminal Charges area,Export has been implemented in a (any) country(ies) of athe frequency established for such a country(ies) shall beCASS-Import & Terminal Charges area, shall be thethe same as that applicable to the CASS-Export;same as that applicable to the CASS-Export;

15.1.1 when action to endorse remittance terms is15.4.1 if, by its close of business on the remittance date,required between Conferences, a Cargo Agency Confer-the Settlement Office has not received from a Recipientence Mail Vote may be initiated. Providing sufficient


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

full remittance of its billing(s), it shall immediately so Administrator, who shall immediately suspend the Recipi-advise the Agency Administrator. Upon receipt of such ent from CASS and notify the Recipient and all CASSadvice, the Agency Administrator shall immediately send Delivering Companies accordingly. The Recipient shallto the Recipient a Notice of Irregularity (NOI) and shall remain suspended until such time as all the outstandinginvestigate the failure with the Recipient; amounts are settled and the Agency Administrator is

satisfied that there will be no recurrence of such failure;15.4.2(a) (except the area covered by

15.5(b) (the area covered by Resolution 805zzResolution 805zz and Australia)and Australia only)

if subsequent to action taken pursuant toSubparagraph 15.4.1 above, the Recipient fails to make if a cheque, direct debit or any other method of paymentcomplete settlement of the amounts due by the last day of in settlement of amounts due is dishonoured after thethe grace period following the remittance date, the Settle- remittance date by non-payment by the drawee bank, thement Office shall immediately so advise the Agency Settlement Office shall without delay so notify the AgencyAdministrator, who shall thereupon suspend the Recipient Administrator, who shall in turn immediately send to thefrom CASS until such time as all the outstanding amounts Recipient a Notice of Irregularity and demand immediateare settled and he is satisfied that there will be no payment from the Recipient. If payment is not received onrecurrence of such failure; demand, or is so received but after the last day of the

grace period following the remittance date (as establishedpursuant to Subparagraph 15.4 of this Paragraph), the15.4.2(b) (the area covered by ResolutionSettlement Office shall immediately advise the Agency805zz and Australia only) Changes to thisAdministrator, who shall immediately suspend the Recipi-paragraph from CAC38 not endorsed by EACPent from CASS and notify the Recipient and all CASSJC therefore this paragraph is applicable toDelivering Companies accordingly. The Recipient shallEACP Area remain suspended until such time as all the outstandingamounts are settled and the Agency Administrator isif subsequent to action taken pursuant tosatisfied that there will be no recurrence of such failure;Subparagraph 15.4.1 above, the Recipient fails to make

complete settlement of the amounts due by the last day of15.6(a) Accumulated Notices of Irregularitiesthe grace period following the remittance date, the Settle-(NOI) (except the area covered by Resolutionment Office shall immediately so advise the Agency

Administrator, who shall thereupon suspend the Recipient 805zz and Australia)from CASS until such time as all the outstanding amounts

after each remittance date, the Agency Administrator shallare settled and he is satisfied that there will be noadvise all CASS Delivering Companies, by urgent elec-recurrence of such failure;tronic means, of the names of all the Recipients havingbeen sent Notices of Irregularity under the provisions of15.4.2(b) (the area covered by Resolutionthis Resolution, since the preceding remittance date. If a805zz and Australia only) Changes to thisRecipient appears on such lists three times during anyparagraph from CAC38 not endorsed by EACP 12 consecutive months, the Agency Administrator shallJC therefore not applicable to EACP Area carry out an analysis of the Recipient's credit worthinessin accordance with the criteria established by the Cargoif subsequent to action taken pursuant toAgency Conference, if any, for that particular CASS. If aSubparagraph 15.4.1 above, the Recipient fails to makeRecipient appears on such list four times during anycomplete settlement of the amounts due by the last day of12 consecutive months, the Agency Administrator shallthe grace period following the remittance date, the Settle-immediately suspend the Recipient from CASS until suchment Office shall immediately so advise the Agencytime as all the outstanding amounts are settled and he isAdministrator, who shall thereupon suspend the Recipientsatisfied that there will not be a recurrence of such failure;from CASS until such time as all the outstanding amounts

are settled and he is satisfied that there will be no15.6(b) (the area covered by Resolution 805zzrecurrence of such failure;and Australia only)

15.5(a) Dishonoured Cheque or Other Method after each remittance date, the Agency Administrator shallof Payment (except the area covered by advise all CASS Delivering Companies, by urgent elec-Resolution 805zz and Australia) tronic means, of the names of all the Recipients having

been sent Notices of Irregularity under the provisions ofif a cheque, direct debit or any other method of payment this Resolution, since the preceding remittance date. If ain settlement of amounts due is dishonoured after the Recipient appears on such lists three times during anyremittance date by non-payment by the drawee bank, the 12 consecutive months, the Agency Administrator shallSettlement Office shall without delay so notify the Agency carry out an analysis of the Recipient's credit worthinessAdministrator, who shall in turn immediately send to the in accordance with the criteria established by the CargoRecipient a Notice of Irregularity and demand immediate Agency Conference, if any, for that particular CASS. If apayment from the Recipient. If payment is not received on Recipient appears on such list four times during anydemand, or is so received but after the last day of the 12 consecutive months, the Agency Administrator shallgrace period following the remittance date (as established immediately suspend the Recipient from CASS until suchpursuant to Subparagraph 15.4 of this Paragraph), theSettlement Office shall immediately advise the Agency


Resolution 853

time as all the outstanding amounts are settled and he is 17. SUSPENSION FROM CASSsatisfied that there will not be a recurrence of such failure;

Pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs, 4, 6, 7 and 8 ofResolution 853, a Delivering Company may be sus-15.7 Chargespended from CASS for not adhering to participation

15.7.1 notwithstanding the provisions of Subpara- conditions and obligations.graphs 15.4 and 15.5 of this Paragraph, the CargoAgency Conference may decide to sanction instances of

18. CLOSURE OF CASS OPERATIONoverdue remittances by the levy of a general charge. Thelevel of such charge shall be determined from time to time

Should It be necessary, for whatever reason to considerby the Cargo Agency Conference and shall be notified byclosure of an operating CASS, ISS Management willthe Agency Administrator to all Recipients in the CASS-consult with the CASS Airlines. In the event of closure,Import & Terminal Charges area;ISS Management will normally give notice of at least12 months to CASS Airlines. All costs relating to the15.7.2 Settlement Office charges shall be in the amountclosure incurred during the period of the notice and/ordebited to ISS Management by the Settlement Office as aarising after closure will be apportioned between theresult of the Recipient's failure to remit as prescribed,CASS Airlines in accordance with the ISS pricing formula.increased, if applicable, by an amount to compensate for

any extra costs incurred by ISS Management in relationto such failure; 19. TIE-IN15.7.3 when charges are to be levied, the Agency

This Resolution shall not come into or remain in effectAdministrator shall instruct the Settlement Office to debitunless Resolution 851 comes into and remains in effect.a Recipient for such charges and simultaneously notify

the Recipient accordingly; (Attachment ‘A’ is the CASS Technical SpecificationsHand-book and is published separately).15.7.4 charges debited to Recipients pursuant to this

Subparagraph shall, except as otherwise specified, beAppendices:included by the Settlement Office in its first subsequent

billing to the Recipient concerned and shall be due and Appendix A: Intentionally left blankpayable by the Recipient by the remittance date appli- Appendix B: Local Customer Advisory Group–Cargocable to such billing. Rules and Procedures

Appendix C: Counterindemnity15.8 IATA Cargo Agent as RecipientAppendix D: Recipient AgreementAppendix E: Application and Concurrence–Non-IATA15.8(a) IATA Cargo Agent as RecipientCarrier(except the area covered by Resolution 805zzAppendix F: Application and Concurrence–Groundand Australia)Handling Agent

If a Recipient, suspended from CASS pursuant to Subpar- Appendix G: Local Customer Services Manual–CASSagraphs 15.4, 15.5 or 15.6 of this Paragraph, is also an (Import) Contents Outline.IATA Cargo Agent registered in that country under theCargo Agency Administration Rules, the Agency Adminis-trator shall initiate a review of the Agent under thoseRules.

15.8(b) IATA Cargo Intermediary as Recipient(the area covered by Resolution 805zz andAustralia only)

If a Recipient, suspended from CASS pursuant to Subpar-agraphs 15.4, 15.5 or 15.6 of this Paragraph, is also anIATA Cargo Intermediary registered in that country, theAgency Administrator shall initiate a review of the Inter-mediary under the applicable Rules.

16. NOTIFICATION OF LATE PAYMENTWhen the Agency Administrator is required under theprovisions of this Resolution to send to a Recipient aNotice of Late Payment, he shall immediately send theRecipient a registered letter in the form prescribed fromtime to time by him with a copy to the Settlement Officeand advise all CASS Delivering Companies of the CASSconcerned by urgent electronic means.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

guidance to the local ISS Manager, concerning:RESOLUTION 853— marketplace activities and development oppor-

Appendix ‘B’ tunities, and other local/area needs.— other matters, as appropriate.RULES AND PROCEDURES LOCAL

CUSTOMER ADVISORY GROUPS—5. Agenda and ReportsCARGO (LCAGC)The Agenda of each LCAGC shall consist of customerservice issues on which ISS Management seeks the1. Functionadvice of the LCAGC, or proposals submitted by Partici-pating Airlines. It shall be circulated by the LCAGCLocal Customer Advisory Groups–Cargo (LCAGC) areSecretary not later than 10 days before the start of theestablished by the Cargo Agency Conference wherever ameeting. The report of LCAGC meetings shall be submit-CASS is in operation. Each LCAGC provides advice toted to the CPG and circulated promptly by the SecretaryISS Management on customer service issues and into LCAGC Members, and all Participating Airlines. Theparticular, establishing and addressing local needs.Secretary of the LCAGC will provide a regular update onaction taken pursuant to recommendations from the

2. Membership LCAGC.

The LCAGC will normally consist of not more than10 persons. The Cargo Agency Conference may author-ise a larger number, following a request from an area.LCAGC members and their designated alternates shall beelected for a two-year term by all Participating DeliveringCompanies in that CASS, from nominations received fromparticipating Delivering Companies. Ideally, LCAGC mem-bers should be suitably qualified representatives at asenior level, providing expertise in the different fields ofthe CASS activity. LCAGC members attend LCAGCmeetings as local industry representatives.

3. Meetings, Quorum and VotingThe frequency of meetings is determined by ISS Manage-ment, in consultation with CPG or the LCAGC. A quorumshall be a simple majority (one half plus one) of themembership. Each LCAGC is a consultative body andtherefore there will be no formal voting. LCAGC will act inthe form of making recommendations. Each LCAGC willelect its Chairman from among its members. The localISS Manager will act as Secretary of these meetings.Other Participating Airlines in the CASS may attendmeetings as observers, subject to the prior consent of theCAGC Secretary. Representatives of non-airline entitiesparticipating in that CASS may attend certain parts of aCAGC meeting, at the invitation of its Chairman and ISSManagement. Additionally, the local/regional ISS Managermay call a customer meeting, at least once per year.

4. ActivitiesISS Management may typically consult a LCAGC for:— advice, as a user forum, on all local matters

presented to it by ISS Management, concerning thelocal operation of CASS.

— advice to the local ISS Manager on the establishmentof local CASS business requirements and enhance-ments, especially where differences from worldwidepolicy and standards are sought.


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘C’

RESOLUTION 853Appendix ‘C’


Relating to the Operation of CASS-lmport and Terminal Charges Bank Accounts by IATA(“Single Counterindemnity–CASS”)

An Agreement entered into:between .....................................................................................................having its registered office at.....................................................................(Name of Airline or GSSA*) .......................................................................(name of Airline or CASS Delivering Company)........................................(full address) ..............................................................................................hereinafter called “the CASS-Import Airline”


the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a non-profit corporation under Canadian Law, having its registeredoffice at 800 Place Victoria, IATA Building, Montreal, Quebec, H4Z 1M1, hereinafter called “IATA”.

WHEREAS the CASS-Import Airline, jointly with other CASS-Import Airlines participating in the same respective CargoAccounts Settlement System Import & Terminal Charges (“CASS-Import & Terminal Charges”) has considered it desirablethat IATA operates and maintains certain CASS-Import and Terminal Charges bank accounts (including a “Hinge Account”for clearing services) on its behalf, and

WHEREAS IATA has agreed to provide such service subjed to the CASS-Import Airline and other such airlines providinga Counterindemnity relating to the risks arising therefrom.


1.a. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “Hinge Account” shall mean the bank account into whichAgents'/Associates'/Recipients' remittances are paid and from which monies are distributed to CASS-Import Airlines;

1.b. Applicability

This Agreement applies to all bank accounts established and operated in the name of IATA on behalf of a CASS-Import &Terminal Charges for the purpose of operating through the Settlement Bank clearing services or administrative or otherassociated services, for the benefit of the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges.

2. Indemnity

The undersigned CASS-Import Airline will indemnify IATA, its officers and employees, against any liability and costs, forany action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of the operation of the Clearing (Hinge) Account or otheraccounts mentioned in Paragraph 1 above, or arising in any other way from the operation of these accounts. Such liabilitymay include, inter alia, shortfalls caused by under-remittance or non-remittance by Agents/Associates/Recipients in caseswhere the Settlement Bank has credited the CASS-Import Airlines, in anticipation of full and timely remittance by theAgents/Associates/Recipients. In case of such under-remittance or non-remittance, the undersigned CASS-Import Airline,when so requested by the CASS Manager, undertakes to immediately refund the corresponding amount(s) remitted to it tothe CASS-Import Hinge Account, and herewith acknowledges and agrees that IATA and lSS Management may take allsuch action, including legal action, as deemed required in this connection, both on behalf of IATA and the CASS-Importand on behalf of the CASS-Import Airlines concerned. In the event of a liability arising otherwise than by way of non-remittance or under-remittance, the undersigned CASS-Import Airline undertakes to pay the amount of the obligationunder this Agreement within 15 days of it being called upon to do so.

3. Preliminary Joint Indemnification

If it cannot be established immediately for which CASS-Import Airline(s) a transaction not supported by a fullAgent/Associate/Recipient remittance was effected, the undersigned CASS-Import Airline, jointly with the other CASS-


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Import Airlines having signed an identical agreement, shall forthwith reimburse and indemnify IATA for any shortfalls,which shall be deemed to be CASS-Import operating costs and expenses. Such cost of reimbursement shall bereapportioned as soon as it has been established for which CASS-Import Airline(s) the respective remittance has beeneffected, in proportion to each of the undersigned CASS-Import Airline's share in the respective remittance.

4. Collective Binding Agreement

Upon signature, the present document, in conjunction with identical documents signed by other CASS-Import Airlines andIATA, shall constitute a collective binding Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect for as long as IATAoperates any bank accounts as referred to in Paragraph 1 above, provided that if any CASS-Import Airline withdraws froma CASS-Import & Terminal Charges, it shall cease to be a party to the Agreement with respect to that CASS-Import &Terminal Charges. The undersigned CASS-Import Airline shall nevertheless remain liable in respect of any of its liabilitiesarising prior to withdrawal from the respective CASS-Import & Terminal Chargesor termination of IATA's operation ofrespective bank accounts as referred to in Paragraph 1 above.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed on behalf of the Parties hereto by their duly authorisedofficers in duplicate, on the day and year that appears below:

For and on behalf of ........................................................... For and on behalf of:(full name of Airline or International Air Transport Association

CASS Delivering Company)Signature ............................................................................ Signature ................................................................................

(full name of person signing) (full name of person signing)(title of person signing) ....................................................... Agency Administrator .............................................................

(title of person signing)............................................................................................ ...............................................................................................

(place, date) (place, date)

* A CASS Delivery Company completing this agreement must do so for each CASS in which it participates.

Note: In accordance with the EXCOM decision (EXCOM/157, 28 May 1993), this Single Counterindemnity Agreement isto be signed by all airlines participating in a CASS-Import. This one Agreement relates to all CASS-Import operations inwhich the Airline participates.


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘D’

the IATA Members and Non-IATA Air Carriers/RESOLUTION 853Ground Handling Companies (named as CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Delivering Companies) inAppendix ‘D’the First Schedule to this Agreement as having

CASS-IMPORT & TERMINAL CHARGES authorised the Agency Administrator to execute thisAgreement on their behalf, and such other DeliveringRECIPIENT AGREEMENTCompanies, which subsequent to the execution ofthis Agreement, authorise the Agency AdministratorNOTE: At CAC 37 the change of name for thisto advise the Recipient that their name is to be addedResolution from CASS Import to CASS Import andto the said First Schedule in accordance with Para-Terminal Charges was adopted, however the EACPgraph 7 hereof.JC did not endorse the change. For the EACP Area

please substitute CASS Import wherever the term ‘Hinge Account’ means the account to be openedCASS Import and Terminal Charges appears in this by ISS Management for a given period of settlement;Resolution. it will be used for receiving Recipients' remittancesand paying out monies due to CASS-Import &Terminal Charges Delivering Companies.AN AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN‘IATA’ means the International Air Transport Associ-The several Carriers/Handling Companies which have ation, an association incorporated by Act of theagreed to participate in the Cargo Accounts Settlement Canadian Parliament having its Head Office at 800System-Import & Terminal Charges (CASS-Import & Ter- Place Victoria, Montreal, in the Province of Quebec,minal Charges Delivering Companies as defined here- Canada and an office at 33 Route de l'Aéroport,under), represented herein by the Agency Administrator CH-1215 Geneva 15 Airport, Switzerland.of the International Air Transport Association‘IATA Settlement Systems Management (ISS Man-

AND agement)’ means the appropriate department ofIATA responsible for the administrative and oper-............................................................................................ ational functions of the IATA Settlement Systems,(Name of Recipient) such as ISS budgets (cost and revenues), ISSstaffing, ISS contracts (service agreements) tohaving its principal place of business atinclude signature authority and ISS office manage-ment and administration. This includes the local............................................................................................designated ISS representative for Cargo, who shall

............................................................................................ have overall responsibility for the CASS-Export or theCASS-Import & Terminal Charges.

............................................................................................‘Import Charges’ means charges entered on an Air(Address of Recipient)Waybill at origin or in transit according to applicable

(hereinafter referred to as the ‘Recipient’) tariffs for collection at destination and any chargesincurred at destination and due to the CASS-Import &Terminal Charges Delivering Companies.WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS:‘Settlement Office’ means the institution appointedby ISS Management to issue billings and to collect1. Definitionsand distribute monies due under the CASS-Import.

For the purposes of this Agreement:‘Terminal Charges’ means any charges, where

‘Agency Administrator’ means the IATA official agreed, resulting at destination associated with thedesignated from time to time by the Director General importation of Cargo, including, but not limited to,as the holder of that office, or his authorised rep- handling of storage fees. Additionally any charges,resentative. He is charged with the administrative where agreed, that may be levied for export consign-management and development of Cargo Accounts ments, but not reflected on the Air Waybill (AWB).Settlement Systems-Import & Terminal Charges.

For applicable definition terms used for the purpose of‘Cargo Accounts Settlement System-Import & this Agreement, reference should be made to ResolutionTerminal Charges’ (here-inafter called ‘CASS-Import 823 (Definitions of Terms Used in Cargo Agency& Terminal Charges’) means the method of Resolutions).accounting and settling accounts between DeliveringCompanies and Recipients as provided in IATA 2. Resolution 853Agency Conference Resolution 853 and its Attach-ment. In so far as the provisions of IATA Resolution 853 and its

Attachment relate to CASS-Import & Terminal Charges‘Delivering Company’ means a Member, Airline or Recipients, such provisions are incorporated in the appli-Ground Handling Agent who participates in a particu- cable local CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Customerlar CASS-Import & Terminal Charges. Manual, which Manual as amended from time to time ispart of this Agreement and the Recipient shall abide by‘Cargo Accounts Settlement System-Import &the provisions of such Manual.Terminal Charges Delivering Companies’ means


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

will be determined by the Cargo Agency Conference from3. Authority of CASS Managementtime to time.

In all matters affecting the Recipient's obligations underthis Agreement and all applicable IATA Conference Res- 9. Force Majeureolutions, ISS Management is authorised to act on behalfof each CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Delivering Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform its partCompany and any direction or request given or made to of this Agreement when such failure is due to fire, floodthe Recipient by ISS Management shall be as effective as strikes, labour troubles or other industrial disturbances,if given or made by such CASS Import & Terminal inevitable accidents, war (declared or undeclared), legalCharges Delivering Company. restrictions imposed by the national government, riots,

insurrections or any cause beyond the control of theparties.4. Settlement of Accounts

Settlement of accounts with the CASS-Import & Terminal 10. Assignment of RightsCharges Delivering Company shall be made by means ofremittance through the Hinge Account. Such remittance The Recipient shall not assign any of its rights orshall cover the amounts due appearing on the Billing obligations under this Agreement.Statements issued periodically by the Settlement Office.

11. Cessation of Operations and Changes in5. Liability Ownership or ControlIATA, the Agency Administrator, ISS Management and If the Recipient ceases (or transfers) the operation of thetheir employees and representatives shall not be liable to business to which this contract relates, or if any substan-the Recipient for any loss or damage suffered by the tial change occurs in the control of a Recipient corpor-Recipient arising out of any act done or omitted in good ation, or if a change in partners occurs in a Recipientfaith in carrying out their functions under this Agreement partnership, the Recipient shall notify the Agency Admin-or any other functions which may follow from the istrator, through the local ISS Management, prior to theapplication of the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges. cessation, transfer or change becoming effective.

6. Encumbrances 12. Governing Law and ArbitrationThe Recipient shall ensure that CASS-Import & Terminal This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted inCharges, which are to be remitted to the Settlement accordance with the laws of (country) and any differenceOffice are not pledged, hypothecated or encumbered in or dispute arising between the parties with respect to theany way; the Recipient shall also ensure that any claim it interpretation, meaning or effect of this Agreement ormay have against a consignee with respect to such relating to any rights or obligations herein contained shallcharges is not assigned at any time. (Not applicable in be finally settled by arbitration to be held in the (country),the U.K.) under the rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the

International Chamber of Commerce by one or more7. Changes in CASS-Import Delivering Arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules.Companies

12.1 In a country where the option of arbitration is notavailable, any other equivalent means shall be used.7.1 the Agency Administrator may, from time to time

during the currency of this Agreement, give written noticeto the Recipient that the name of a Delivering Company is 13. Terminationto be added to the list of CASS-Import & Terminal

This Agreement shall remain in force until:Charges Delivering Companies in the First Schedulehereto. The Delivering Company mentioned in the notice — terminated by not less than 3 months' written noticeshall become a party to this Agreement on the date given by one party to the other partyspecified in the notice; — terminated with immediate effect by the Agency

Administrator upon the Recipient's non-compliance7.2 the Agency Administrator may, from time to time with the settlement procedures stipulated in the Localduring the currency of this Agreement, give written notice Customer Services Manual–CASS-Import & Terminalto the Recipient that the name of a Delivering Company is be deleted from the list of CASS-Import & TerminalCharges in the First Schedule hereto. The DeliveringCompany mentioned in the notice shall cease to be aparty to this Agreement on the date specified in thenotice.

8. Credit Protection Measures

During the currency of this Agreement, the Recipient willbe required to provide a bank guarantee to be automati-cally renewed each year, in the form and amount, which


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘D’

14. Effectiveness

This Agreement shall become effective on:


On behalf of CASS Delivering Company

Signed as a Deed by an Authorised Representative of theAgency Administrator:

............................................................................................Signed as a Deed on behalf of:

............................................................................................(Name of Recipient)

Signatures of Recipient:



............................................................................................(Director or Company Secretary)


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 853Appendix ‘E’ All Areas except the EACP


TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33, Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

1. Name of Airline: ...............................................................................Address: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The Airline operates scheduled air services to and from/within (country or area of the CASS-Import) (see note 1).3. The Airline acknowledges that it has received inter alia copies of the following documents and IATA Resolutions,

together with such explanation of their contents, as it requires:— IATA Resolution 600d, Air Waybill—Part Consignment procedures— IATA Resolution 853, Cargo Accounts Settlement System and its Attachment, CASS Technical

Specifications Handbook— The ISS Service Provisions Manual Cargo— The Local Customer Services Manual—CASS (Import) & Terminal Charges— IATA Resolution 893, Disclosing another Member's Position taken at an IATA Meeting;

4. The Airline hereby applies to participate in CASS-Import & Terminal Charges (country) (hereinafter ‘the CASS’)on the following terms and conditions:

4.1 The Airline authorises the Agency Administrator to give notice to the Settlement Office that the name of theAirline is to be added to the list of CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Delivering Companies in the First Scheduleof the General Settlement Office Agreement.

4.2 The Airline shall become a Billing Participant with effect from the date when it becomes a party to the SettlementOffice Agreement in accordance with the terms of that Agreement.

4.3 Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph hereof, the Airline shall be bound by the same conditions andobligations as the other CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Airlines. The Airline shall observe and be bound by theprovisions of the documents listed in Paragraph 3 hereof, as well as subsequent additions, deletions oramendments thereto, as though the Airline were a Member of IATA and a Party to the Resolutions or theSections of Resolutions set out in those documents.

4.4 The amounts for participation in CASS-Import & Terminal Charges (country) are as follows:(a) Joining fee USD 3,500.00*

(b) Non-IATA air carrier annual fee USD 500.00(c) Annual charges in accordance with the pricing schedule communicated and published by ISS Management

(All amounts, plus, tax, if applicable)4.5 The amounts specified under (a) and (b) above shall be payable in their entirety upon the acceptance of the

present application by the Agency Administrator. The level of amounts for subsequent calendar years shall bethose set from time to time by ISS Management, after consideration of the operating expenses of the CASS, andshall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The amounts specified under (c) above shall be payableaccording to a payment schedule established by CASS-Import & Terminal Charges (country).

21* Amount determined for country by ISS Management in conjunction with CPG


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘E’

4.6 The conditions of the Airline's participation in the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges may be amended by theCargo Agency Conference from time to time upon serving the Airline notice, in writing, reasonably in advance ofthe effectiveness of such amendment.

4.7 The Airline's participation in the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges shall continue until either:4.7.1 The Airline has (through the Agency Administrator) given three calendar months' advance notice in writing to the

Settlement Office of withdrawal from the General Settlement Office Agreement and such notice has becomeeffective in accordance with the terms of the said Agreement; or

4.7.2 The Agency Administrator has given to the Airline three calendar months' advance notice. In the event theAgency Administrator gives such notice, he shall at the same time give notice to the Settlement Office oftermination of the Airline's paticipation in the General Settlement Office Agreement; therefore the Airline shallcease to be a party to that Agreement three calendar months from the date of the said notice. In the case of nonpayment of IATA fees no notice period is required.

5. The Airline undertakes to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability forlegal costs) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to theCASS-Import & Terminal Charges under Resolution 853 and its Attachment.

6. This Application may be accepted, and will then become a contract binding the parties, upon counter signature bythe Agency Administrator of the enclosed duplicate copy to be returned to the Airline at the address given above.

To be completed by the Airline:Signature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................Accepted for and on behalf of IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement System by the Agency AdministratorSignature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 853Appendix ‘E’ EACP Area only


TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113Montreal, Quebec H4Z 1M1Canada

1. Name of Airline: ..............................................................................Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The Airline operates scheduled air services to and from/within (country or area of the CASS-Import) (see note 1).3. The Airline acknowledges that it has received inter alia copies of the following documents and IATA Resolutions,

together with such explanation of their contents, as it requires:— IATA Resolution 600d, Air Waybill–Part Consignment procedures— IATA Resolution 853, Cargo Accounts Settlement System and its Attachment, CASS Technical

Specifications Handbook— The ISS Service Provisions Manual Cargo— The Local Customer Services Manual–CASS (Import)— IATA Resolution 893, Disclosing another Member's Position taken at an IATA Meeting;

4. The Airline hereby applies to participate in CASS-Import (Insert Country) (hereinafter ‘the CASS’) on the followingterms and conditions:

4.1 The Airline authorises the Agency Administrator to give notice to the Settlement Office that the name of theAirline is to be added to the list of CASS-Import Delivering Companies in the First Schedule of the GeneralSettlement Office Agreement.

4.2 The Airline shall become a Full Participant/Billing Participant (see Note 2), with effect from the date when itbecomes a party to the Settlement Office Agreement in accordance with the terms of that Agreement.

4.3 Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph hereof, the Airline shall be bound by the same conditions andobligations as the other CASS-Import Airlines. The Airline shall observe and be bound by the provisions of thedocuments listed in Paragraph 3 hereof, as well as subsequent additions, deletions or amendments thereto, asthough the Airline were a Member of IATA and a party to the Resolutions or the Sections of Resolutions set out inthose documents.

4.4 The amounts for participation in CASS-Import United Kingdom are as follows:(a) Joining fee USD 3,500.00*

(b) non-IATA air carrier annual fee USD 500.00**

(d) Annual charges in accordance with pricing schedule communicated and published by ISS Management (allamounts, plus tax if applicable)

22* Amount determined for country by ISS Management

23** Plus tax if applicable.


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘E’

4.5 The amounts specified under (a), and (b) above shall be payable in their entirety upon the acceptance of thepresent application by the Agency Administrator. The level of amounts for subsequent calendar years shall bethose set from time to time by ISS Management, after consideration of the operating expenses of the CASS, andshall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The amounts specified under (c) above shall be payableaccording to a payment schedule established by CASS-Import (Insert Country).

4.6 The conditions of the Airline's participation in the CASS-Import may be amended by the Cargo AgencyConference from time to time upon serving the Airline notice, in writing, reasonably in advance of theeffectiveness of such amendment.

4.7 The Airline's participation in the CASS-Import shall continue until either:4.7.1 The Airline has (through the Agency Administrator) given thirteen calendar months' advance notice in writing to

the Settlement Office of withdrawal from the General Settlement Office Agreement and such notice has becomeeffective in accordance with the terms of the said Agreement; or

4.7.2 The Agency Administrator, acting on the authority of at least two-thirds of those Members of IATA participating inthe CASS-Import, has given to the GHA three calendar months' advance notice in writing of termination of theGHA's participation in CASS-Import. In the event the Agency Administrator gives such notice, he shall at thesame time notify the Settlement Office of termination of the GHA's participation in the Settlement OfficeAgreement; thereafter the GHA shall cease to be a party to that Agreement three calendar months from the dateof the said notice.

5. The Airline undertakes to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability forlegal costs) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to theCASS Import under Resolution 853 and its Attachment.

6. This Application may be accepted, and will then become a contract binding the parties, upon counter signature bythe Agency Administrator of the enclosed duplicate copy to be returned to the Airline at the address given above.

To be completed by the Airline:Signature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................Accepted for and on behalf of IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement System by the Agency AdministratorSignature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................


1) When submitting this form, the Airline is to attach a copy of its current timetable.

2) Indicate either “Full Participant” or “Billing Participant”.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 853Appendix ‘F’ All Areas except the EACP

FORM OF APPLICATION AND CONCURRENCETo be completed by a Ground Handling Agent (GHA)

or a General Sales and Service Agent (GSSA)TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33, Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

1. Name of GHA: ....................................................................................................Address: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The GHA provides cargo handling services to Air Carriers who operate scheduled services to and from/within(country or area of the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges) (see Note 2). The Airlines represented are listed inSchedule 1 to this form (attached).

2.1 The GHA may from time to time advise the Agency Administrator that the name of an airline is to be added ordeleted from the list in Schedule 1.

3. The GHA acknowledges that it has received inter alia copies of the following documents and IATA Resolutions,together with such explanation of their contents as it requires:— IATA Resolution 600d, Air Waybill–Part Consignment procedures— IATA Resolution 853, Cargo Accounts Settlement System and its Attachment, CASS Technical

Specifications Handbook— The ISS Service Provisions Manual Cargo— The Local Customer Services Manual–CASS (Import) & Terminal Charges— IATA Resolution 893, Disclosing another Member's Position taken at an IATA Meeting;

4. The GHA hereby applies to participate in CASS-Import (country) (hereinafter called “the CASS”) on the followingterms and conditions:

4.1 The GHA authorises the Agency Administrator to give notice to the Settlement Office that the name of the GroundHandling Company is to be added to the list of Delivering Companies in the First Schedule of the SettlementOffice Agreement;

4.2 The GHA shall become Billing Participant with effect from the date when it becomes a party to the SettlementOffice Agreement in accordance with the terms of that Agreement;

4.3 Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph 4.6.3, the GHA shall adhere to the procedures laid down in therelevant Resolutions and their attachments and in the Local CASS-Import & Terminal Charges Customer Manualas if it were a “carrier” in general, and as a “Billing Participant”, and therefore shall be bound by the sameconditions and obligations as the other Carriers of which the following are particularly brought to notice.

4.3.1 The GHA shall observe and be bound by the provisions of the documents listed in Paragraph 3 hereof, as well assubsequent additions, deletions or amendments thereto, as though the GHA were an Airline Member of IATA anda party to the Resolutions or the Sections of Resolutions set out in those documents;


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘F’

4.4 The amounts for participation in CASS-Import & Terminal Charges (country) are as follows:(a) Ground Handling Agent participation joining fee USD 3,500.00*

(b) GHA annual fee USD 500.00*

(c) Annual charges in accordance with the pricing schedule communicated and published by ISS Management(All amounts, plus, tax, if applicable)

The amounts specified under (a) and (b) above shall be payable in their entirety upon the acceptance of thepresent application by the Agency Administrator. The level of amounts for subsequent calendar years shall bethose set from time to time by ISS Management, after consideration of the operating expenses of the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges, and shall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The amounts specifiedunder (c) above shall be payable according to a payment schedule established by CASS-Import & TerminalCharges (country).

4.5 The conditions of the GHA's participation in the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges may be amended by the CargoAgency Conference from time to time upon serving the GHA notice, in writing, reasonably in advance of theeffectiveness of such amendment.

4.6 The GHA's participation in the CASS-Import & Terminal Charges shall cease:4.6.1 Only when the GHA or the GSSA has given three months' advance notice, in writing, to the Settlement Office

(through the Agency Administrator) of withdrawal from the Settlement Office Agreement and such notice hasbecome effective in accordance with the terms of the said Agreement;

4.6.2 The Agency Administrator has given to the GHA or the GSSA three calendar months’ advance notice. In theevent the Agency Administrator gives such notice, he shall at the same time give notice to the Settlement Officeof termination of the Airline's paticipation in the General Settlement Office Agreement; therefore the Airline shallcease to be a party to that Agreement three calendar months from the date of the said notice. In the case of nonpayment of IATA fees no notice period is required.

5. The GHA undertakes to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability for legalcosts) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to the CASS-Import under Resolution 853 and its Attachment.

6. This Application may be accepted, and will then become a contract binding the parties, upon counter signature bythe Agency Administrator of the enclosed duplicate copy to be returned to the GHA at the address given above.

To be completed by the GHA:Signature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................Accepted for and on behalf of IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement System by the Agency AdministratorSignature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................

24* Amount determined for country by ISS Management in conjunction with the CPG


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

RESOLUTION 853Appendix ‘F’ EACP Area only

FORM OF APPLICATION AND CONCURRENCETo be completed by a Ground Handling Agent (GHA)

TO:Agency AdministratorInternational Air Transport Association33 Route de I'Aéroport1215 Geneva 15 AirportSwitzerland

1. Name of GHA: ....................................................................................................Address: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The GHA provides cargo handling services to Air Carriers who operate scheduled services to and from/within(country or area of the CASS-Import) (see Note 2). The Airlines represented are listed in Schedule 1 to this form(attached).

2.1 The GHA may from time to time advise the Agency Administrator that the name of an airline is to be added ordeleted from the list in Schedule 1.

3. The GHA acknowledges that it has received inter alia copies of the following documents and IATA Resolutions,together with such explanation of their contents as it requires:— IATA Resolution 600d, Air Waybill—Part Consignment procedures— IATA Resolution 853, Cargo Accounts Settlement System and its Attachment, CASS Technical

Specifications Handbook— The ISS Service Provisions Manual Cargo— The Local Customer Services Manual—CASS (Import)— IATA Resolution 893, Disclosing another Member's Position taken at an IATA Meeting;

4. The GHA hereby applies to participate in CASS-Import (country) (hereinafter called “the CASS”) on the followingterms and conditions:

4.1 The GHA authorises the Agency Administrator to give notice to the Settlement Office that the name of the GroundHandling Company is to be added to the list of Delivering Companies in the First Schedule of the SettlementOffice Agreement;

4.2 The GHA shall become a Billing Participant (see Note 2) with effect from the date when it becomes a party to theSettlement Office Agreement in accordance with the terms of that Agreement;

4.3 Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph 4.6.3, the GHA shall adhere to the procedures laid down in therelevant Resolutions and their attachments and in the Local CASS-Import Customer Manual as if it were a“carrier” in general, and as a “Billing Participant”, and therefore shall be bound by the same conditions andobligations as the other Carriers of which the following are particularly brought to notice.

4.3.1 The GHA shall observe and be bound by the provisions of the documents listed in Paragraph 3 hereof, as well assubsequent additions, deletions or amendments thereto, as though the GHA were an Airline Member of IATA anda party to the Resolutions or the Sections of Resolutions set out in those documents;

4.4 The amounts for participation in CASS-Import (country) are as follows:(a) Delivering Company participation joining fee USD 3,500.00*

(b) GHA Annual fee USD 500.00*

(c) Annual charges in accordance with the pricing schedule communicated and published by ISS Management(all amounts, plus tax if applicable)

The amounts specified under (a), and (b) above shall be payable in their entirety upon the acceptance of thepresent application by the Agency Administrator. The level of amounts for subsequent calendar years shall bethose set from time to time by ISS Management, after consideration of the operating expenses of the CASS-Import, and shall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The amounts specified under (c) above shallbe payable according to a payment schedule established by CASS-Import (country).

25* Amount determined for country by ISS Management


Resolution 853—Appendix ‘F’

4.5 The conditions of the GHA's participation in the CASS-Import may be amended by the Cargo Agency Conferencefrom time to time upon serving the GHA notice, in writing, reasonably in advance of the effectiveness of suchamendment.

4.6 The GHA's participation in the CASS-Import shall cease:4.6.1 Only when the GHA has given thirteen months’ advance notice, in writing, to the Settlement Office (through the

Agency Administrator) of withdrawal from the Settlement Office Agreement and such notice has become effectivein accordance with the terms of the said Agreement;

4.6.2 The Agency Administrator, acting on the authority of at least two-thirds of those Members of IATA participating inthe CASS-Import, has given to the GHA three calendar months' advance notice in writing of termination of theGHA's participation in CASS-Import. In the event the Agency Administrator gives such notice, he shall atthe same time notify the Settlement Office of termination of the GHA's participation in the Settlement OfficeAgreement; thereafter the GHA shall cease to be a party to that Agreement three calendar months from the dateof the said notice.

5. The GHA undertakes to indemnify IATA, its officers and employees against any liability (including liability for legalcosts) for any action taken or omitted in good faith in the performance of their functions with respect to the CASSImport under Resolution 853 and its Attachment.

6. This Application may be accepted, and will then become a contract binding the parties, upon counter signature bythe Agency Administrator of the enclosed duplicate copy to be returned to the GHA at the address given above.

To be completed by the GSA:Signature: ..................................................................................................Name: .......................................................................................................Title: ..........................................................................................................Date: .........................................................................................................Accepted for and on behalf of IATA Cargo Accounts Settlement System by the Agency AdministratorSignature: ........................................................................................Name: ..............................................................................................Title: ................................................................................................Date: ................................................................................................Notes:1) When submitting this form, the GHA is to attach a copy of a current timetable for carriers listed in the first schedule.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



CAC1(36)881 (except USA) Expiry: IndefiniteCHARGES CONTENTS (amended) Type: ACAC2(36)881 (amended)The contents of the Manual shall cover the followingCAC3(36)881 (amended)items in the sequence indicated below:

— Table of ContentsRESOLVED that, for the purpose of enhancing the— List of Billing Participantsprofessional ability and capacity of IATA Cargo Agents— Glossary(hereinafter ‘Agents’) to generate, promote and sell inter-— Outline of the CASS national air cargo transportation, or to handle and prepare

— Local Service Provisions and Codes of Conduct consignments ‘ready for carriage’ in accordance withapplicable Resolutions, Members may, at their option,— Administrative Forms and Proceduressubject to the conditions contained in this Resolution, and— IBI Completionsubject to the issuing Member's policy, procedures and— Billing and Remittance Schedules priorities with regard to reduced fare transportation, grant

— Output Documentation such Agents international air passenger transportation ata discount.— Settlement Procedures

— Notification of Changes— CASS Management Contacts 1. AGENT ELIGIBILITY

an Agent may qualify for reduced fare transportationunder this Resolution provided all the following minimumeligibility requirements are met:

1.1 At the time of application the Agent shall have beenon the Agency List continuously for a period of not lessthan 12 months; and

1.2 At the time of application, through to the time ofproposed travel, the Agent must not be under notice ofdefault; or

1.3 At the time of application, through to the time ofproposed travel, the Agent must not be undersuspension.

2. ELIGIBILITY OF PERSONTRAVELLINGa reduced fare ticket may be issued under the provisionsof this Resolution to the sole proprietor, partner, directorand/or employee of an Agent when they meet all thefollowing requirements; the person travelling must:

2.1 Have been in the service of the said Agent continu-ously and without interruption for not less than 12 monthsimmediately prior to the date of the Application; providedthat a period of not less than three months' service withthe Agent shall suffice where such person was in theservice of another IATA Cargo Agent not more than 60calendar days before commencing his/her present em-ployment, was eligible under this Resolution and this is socertified in writting by the IATA Cargo Agent making theapplication; and

2.2 Devote in a full-time capacity all or substantially allof his/her time directly to the promotion and sale of aircargo transportation or arranging consignments ready forcarriage, or the control, in a management capacity, of


Resolution 881

accounting matters relating to air cargo transportation on 5.1 An allotment of not more than two tickets for onebehalf of the Agent; and way, round or circle trip transportation in respect of each

Agent registered for a specific country may be granted by2.3 Be salaried and/or paid on a commission basis and each Member per calendar year at a discount not inbe shown on appropriate disbursement records of the excess of 75% of the applicable fare;Agent; and

5.2 Where the total international sales eligible for com-2.4 In the case where such person's full-time employ- mission of an IATA Cargo Agent exceed the averagement is not the Agent's country of registration, work hours international sales eligible for remuneration for all Agentsnot less than those normal for other eligible staff of such in the country of registration, pursuant to Subpara-Agent, have no other gainful employment and be carried graph 6.1 of this Resolution, additional tickets for suchregularly and in good faith on the payroll or other relevant Agent at a discount of 75% of the applicable fare asdisbursement records of the Agent in its country of provided in Subparagraph 5.1 of this Paragraph may beregistration. issued per calendar year, up to a maximum of 40 tickets,

as follows:

3. SUBORDINATES OF ELIGIBLE for each 100% increment of sales eligible for com-PERSONS mission or part thereof over and above the average—

two additional tickets;the eligibility of a person shall not in itself render eligiblesuch person's subordinates who shall be eligible only if 5.3 An allotment of not more than 20 discounted ticketsthey meet all the applicable requirements of this for one way, round or circle trips, for each AgentResolution. registered for a specific country may be granted by each

Member per calendar year, at a discount not in excess of50% of the normal fare.

4. FARE REDUCTION FOR SPOUSEthe spouse of a person travelling under the provisions of 6. DETERMINATION OF AVERAGEthis Resolution may also be granted reduced fare trans- SALESportation provided that:

6.1/6.1.1 The Agency Administrator shall determine the4.1 The couple travel together from the point of origin to average sales eligible for commission for each countrythe point of destination in case of one way trips, or to the based on written reports submitted by the ISS Manage-point of turnaround in case of round trips, or to the ment in CASS countries, or by each Agent in otherhighest rated point in case of circle trips; countries, of each Agent's total sales of international air

cargo transportation eligible for commission. The ISS4.2 The discount granted is not greater than 50% of theManagement shall compile the sales reports taking intoapplicable fare; provided that the discount shall only beaccount the transactions processed through the CASSapplied to fares on which the discount for Agents pro-and reports solicited from Members not participating invided for in this Resolution also applies;the CASS setting out the total amounts of sales made bytheir Agents on their behalf. In so doing, the Agency4.3 Under this Paragraph no spouse shall receive moreAdministrator shall use only written reports covering salesthan one reduced fare ticket per calendar year from anyfor a full calendar year,one Member;

6.1.2 If the average sales eligible for commission for a4.4 Such ticket shall not be deducted from the Agent'scountry exceed USD 1,500,000 for determining entitle-annual allotment described in Paragraph 5 of thisment to additional tickets under Subparagraph 5.2 of thisResolution;Resolution, USD 1,500,000 will be deemed to be the

4.5 Nothing herein shall preclude a spouse who is average,independently eligible for reduced fare transportation

6.1.3 Notwithstanding the fact the written report of anunder the provisions of Paragraph 2 of this ResolutionAgent registered in the course of a year shall not be usedfrom applying and travelling in accordance with theto determine the average sales for a country, the reportprovisions of this Paragraph.shall be used to determine whether the Agent is entitledto additional tickets;

5. ANNUAL ALLOTMENT AND6.2 The Agency Administrator shall determine for eachDISCOUNTAgent any additional allocation to which it may be entitledunder the provisions of Subparagraph 5.2 of this Resol-the discounts specified in this Paragraph shall apply toution;the air fare for the class of service used but may not be

applied to special inclusive tour basing fares, provided 6.3 Each Agent's total sales, as reported by the CASSthat when the charge for air transportation consists of aoffice of that country, and the number of such additionalfare and a weekend surcharge, stopover surcharge ortickets, if any, shall be circulated to Members by thepeak surcharge, the discount shall be based on the fareAgency Administrator not later than 1 December of eachand such surcharge but shall not be applied to any otheryear for use during the following year. In case ofsurcharge or charge such as a sleeper surcharge ornon-CASS countries where the Agent's total sales areexcess baggage charge.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

reported individually by each Agent concerned, only the 8.3 The Agency Administrator shall notify all Membersnumber of such additional tickets and not the Agent's total of the serial number of any Trip Authorisation(s) replacedsales figure shall be circulated to Members by the Agency in accordance with Subparagraph 8.2 of this Paragraph;Administrator not later than 1 December of each year for

8.4 If usage of Trip Authorisations listed in Subpara-use during the following year, e.g. the written reports ofgraph 8.3 of this Paragraph is discovered by a Member,Agents’ sales eligible for commission for 2005 shall besuch Member shall report this fact to the Agency Adminis-used as a basis for determining additional allocationstrator for appropriate action.during the calendar year 2007;

6.4 All information provided by the Agency Adminis-9. APPLICATION FORM ANDtration to a Member pursuant to the preceding paragraphs

shall be treated by the Member as confidential infor- PROCEDUREmation. Members shall not disclose such information to

when applying for reduced fare transportation as providedany third parties and such information shall be used byfor in this Resolution the responsible official of the Agentthe Member solely for the purpose of determining theshall fully complete and sign the Application Form pre-number of reduced fare tickets to which an Agent isscribed in Attachment ‘A’ to this Resolution and submit it,entitled;in advance of the commencement of travel, to each air

6.5 The Director General, the Agency Administrator, the carrier participating in the itinerary. Where applicable, theAgency Commissioner and the ISS Management, in application submitted to the first participating carrier in theperforming any action pursuant to Resolution 881 and to itinerary shall be accompanied by the Trip Authorisationany other applicable Resolutions, act not as principals but issued by the Agency Administrator. Each air carrieras agents for the Members concerned. Members participating in the itinerary shall be responsible forappointing Agents undertake to indemnify IATA, its offi- granting approval and for the arrangements for issuancecers, employees and other appointees against any liability of their own Traffic Documents on their own services and(including liability for legal costs) for any action taken or on the services of another air carrier, if applicable. In theomitted in good faith in the performance of their functions latter instance the Agent, if so required by the ticketingunder Resolution 881. Any Member which fails to respect member shall obtain and submit to the ticketing Memberthe provisions of Paragraph 6.4 shall indemnify and hold the written concurrence of all other air carriers partici-IATA and any other Members harmless from any and all pating in the or damages resulting from such action.


10.1 The Member receiving the application need notREPORTSaccept it for processing;

an Agent who fails to submit by 1 March the written report 10.2 The Member receiving the Application shall notof his total sales of international air cargo transportationgrant the reduced fare transportation if it knows that theeligible for commission for the preceding calendar yeareligibility requirement or other requirements have notshall not be entitled to any reduced fare international airbeen met or if the Application is incomplete;passenger transportation under the provisions of this

Resolution, for the following year. 10.3 The reduced fare transportation may be grantedwhether or not there is an IATA Cargo Agency Agreementbetween each Member participating in the carriage and8. TRIP AUTHORISATIONSthe Agent; provided that such an Agreement existsbetween the Member issuing the ticket or such Member's8.1 The Agency Administrator shall furnish each AgentGeneral Sales Agent which is an IATA Member, and theregistered in a specific country with numbered TripAgent.Authorisations in the quantity required for reduced fare

transportation pursuant to Subparagraph 5.2 of this Res-olution, to be submitted by the Agent to the Member 11. NON-ACCEPTANCE ORissuing the ticket. Such Trip Authorisations shall specify

WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATIONthe calendar year within which they are valid, shall bearthe name, address and numeric code of the Agent for

if the Member does not accept an Application or if thewhich issued and subject to Paragraph 12 of this Resol-Agent withdraws the Application, or on its own volitionution, may be used for interline transportation;cancels the travel covered by the ticket with no parthaving been used, the Trip Authorisation, if any, submit-8.2 A lost Trip Authorisation will not be reissued orted in support of the Application shall be returned to thereplaced by the Agency Administrator, except that aAgent. Where a Trip Authorisation to be returned hasstolen or destroyed Trip Authorisation may be replaced bybeen mutilated or defaced by the Member in handling, itthe Agency Administrator at the request of an Agent onshall be forwarded by the Member to the Agencyreceipt of evidence to the satisfaction of the AgencyAdministrator who shall replace it. Where the AgentAdministrator that a theft, fire or disaster which causedreturns a totally unused reduced fare ticket issuedloss or destruction of the Trip Authorisation had occurred.pursuant to Subparagraph 5.1 of this Resolution suchShould any of the replaced Trip Authorisations beticket shall be reinstated to the Agent's allotment with theretrieved, these must be returned to the Agency Adminis-Members concerned.trator by registered post;


Resolution 881

12. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED 15. BILLINGexcept as provided in Paragraph 16 of this Resolution,

13. TICKET VALIDITY billing shall be effected not later than 30 days after thedate of commencement of travel. The Agent must, within

13.1 The ticket must be issued in the calendar year of 15 days of billing, pay to the issuing Member thethe Application; and remittance due. If the Agent does not remit within such

15-day period, the delinquency and/or default procedures,13.2 In no case shall the ticket validity be more than otherwise applicable to the Agent under the provisions ofthree months from the date of issue. Resolution 801r, Reporting and Remittance Procedures,


PRECEDES CONCURRENCE OF14.1 With respect to reduced fare transportation pursu-PARTICIPATING AIR CARRIERSant to Subparagraphs 5.1 and 5.3 of this Resolution a

charge shall be made against the Agent's total allotmentnotwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 12 of thisof reduced fare tickets by each participating Member;Resolution, it shall be permissible for a Member, whereprovided that where a reduced fare ticket is issued inone or more participating carriers' concurrences havewhole, or in part over a line which is operated in pool, thebeen requested but have not been received prior todeduction pertaining to the pool sector shall be made bydeparture date, to issue the ticket, subject to the followingthe pool partner Member issuing the ticket, whether or notconditions:that Member operates the actual pool services used;

furthermore, where travel is on an interchange service 16.1 The ticket is issued not earlier than ten days afterunder which the aircraft of one Member operate a through the Application for the reduced fare transportation hasservice from points on its routes to points on another been received and the Agent gives a written guarantee heMember's routes, under charter to such other Member, will pay, within 15 days of billing by the issuing Member,the deduction shall be made only by the Member operat- the full applicable fare for each sector for which aing the flight when the person travels exclusively on the concurrence has been rejected; the Member must renderinterchange service; such billing within 30 days of the date of receipt of any

such rejection;14.2 An all-cargo active Member shall be entitled toarrange discounted tickets for travel between points 16.2 The Agent must, within 15 days of billing date, payserved by such Member for each of its Agents as to the issuing Member the remittance due. If the Agentprovided in Paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Resolution, over does not remit within such 15-day period the delinquencythe lines of other Members, subject to all the provisions of and/or default procedures, otherwise applicable to thethis Resolution, except that: Agent under the provisions of Resolution 801r, Reporting

and Remittance Procedures, shall apply.14.2.1 Any such discounted tickets, shall not bededucted from the Agent's allotment with the carryingMember as provided in Subparagraph 14.1 of this Para- 17. CHANGE IN ELIGIBILITYgraph, but from the Agent's allotment with the all-cargoactive Member, if at any time prior to commencement of travel there is a

change affecting the eligibility of the Agent or of the14.2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Subpara- person on whose behalf the Application for reduced faregraph 10.3 of this Resolution there need not exist an transportation is made (e.g. the Agent comes underIATA Cargo Agency Agreement between the Member notice of default, is suspended or the person leaves thewhich issues the ticket and the Agent as long as such an employ of the Agent), the Agent shall immediately soAgreement exists between the all-cargo active Member notify the Member whose ticket is issued and shalland the Agent; immediately return the ticket to that Member. The travel

approval granted by the Member shall no longer be valid;14.3 An Agent shall not be allowed to reimburse aprovided that the Member shall be responsible for cancel-Member for any reduced fare ticket issued and used forling the reduced fare transportation only if it knows orthe purpose of reinstating any of its annual allotment forreasonably should have known of the changed eligibility.other reduced fare transportation;Whenever the provisions of this Paragraph are applied,the retrieved reduced fare ticket shall be reinstated to the14.4 Reduced fare transportation performed by a Mem-Agent's allotment with the Member(s) concerned andber as a consequence of involuntary rerouting shallwhere applicable the Trip Authorisation should beremain deducted from the Agent's allotment withreturned by the issuing Member to the AgencyMember(s) participating in the original routing and not beAdministrator for replacement. The issuing Member shalldeducted from the Agent's allotment with the Member(s)notify concurring Members accordingly.over which the rerouting occurs;

14.5 No commission shall be paid on the reduced faretransportation provided under this Resolution.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

be deemed to have forfeited all reduced fare transpor-18. RETROACTIVE APPLICATIONtation privileges available under the provisions of this

notwithstanding the application in advance requirement in Resolution for a period of two years. The Agency Admin-Paragraph 9 of this Resolution it shall be permissible for a istrator shall notify the Agent and all Members of suchMember to accept an Agent's retroactive Application forfeiture which shall commence 30 days after the date ofwhere there were exceptional and compelling reasons the Agency Administrator's notice. For purposes of thiswhy the Agent was unable to submit an Application in Paragraph, a material misrepresentation is any statementadvance; such retroactive acceptance may be granted if in or omission from an Application for reduced farean Application is submitted not later than three months transportation which conveys or implies that the Agent, orafter date of purchase of the full fare ticket, in which case the person on whose behalf the reduced fare transpor-it must be deducted from the annual allotment of the year tation is requested, is eligible for the grant of suchwhen the full fare ticket was issued or be supported by a reduced fare transportation when in fact either the AgentTrip Authorisation valid for the year in which the full fare or such person is not so eligible.ticket was issued provided that:

18.1 The Agent is in all other respects eligible for such 21. SURRENDER OF TRIPreduction; AUTHORISATIONS18.2 The Member accepting such retroactive Application whenever reduced fare travel privileges available inshall obtain from the Agent a letter explaining the excep- accordance with this Resolution to an Agent are sus-tional and compelling reasons for such retroactive pended or terminated pursuant to this Resolution or theApplication. Cargo Agency Rules, the Agent shall surrender to the

Agency Administrator all unused Trip Authorisations andshall account for all used Trip Authorisations. The Agency19. RECORDS Administrator may designate a Member to recover suchTrip Authorisations and effectuate such accounting. Theeach Agent shall maintain, for a period of not less thanAgency Administrator shall return such Trip Authoris-two years from the date of Application, and hold immedi-ations to the Agent when the reduced fare transportationately accessible, adequate records to substantiate theprivileges of the Agent are reinstated.Agent's certification that a person named in any

Application qualifies for reduced fare transportation. SuchGOVERNMENT RESERVATIONSrecords shall be open to inspection by a Member to which

an Application is made and shall include the following:CANADA

19.1 Payroll ledger and cancelled cheques, moneyNothing in Resolution 203c (now 881), or acceptance thereoforders or other proof of payment of salary, wages and/orshall be construed as limiting in any way the statutory power andcommissions as well as all deductions for taxes and duty of the National Transportation Agency of Canada to approvesocial security (or equivalent) in the case of an employee the issue of any and all free and reduced rate transportation by

eligible as defined in this Resolution; air carriers subject to the Agency's jurisdiction, and under suchterms, conditions and forms as the Agency may direct, and that19.2 Cash disbursement books and cancelled cheques, the issuing of such other free or reduced rate transportation shall

money orders or other proof of payment of salary or other not be deemed by the International Air Transport Association orremuneration for services rendered, made in the case of any Member thereof to be contrary to any Resolution or Rule ofa sole proprietor, partner and/or director, eligible as the Association or to the provisions of any agreement to which

such air carriers are party as Members of the Association.defined in this Resolution;(10.6.76)

19.3 Service agreements, contracts, time sheets orother documentary proof of the degree of service required MEXICOfrom each sole proprietor, partner, director and/or

Nothing in Resolution 203c (now 881) will limit in any way theemployee to whom payment of remuneration is shownlaws or the regulatory authority of the Secretary of Communi-pursuant to Subparagraphs 19.1 and 19.2 of this Para-cations and Transport to issue one or more passes for airgraph; transportation.

19.4 Copies of all Applications accepted by the Memberto which the Application was made.

20. LIABILITY FOR ACCURACYOF APPLICATIONSthe Agent shall be solely responsible for the accuracy ofeach and every Application. Notwithstanding any actiontaken pursuant to the provisions of the Cargo AgencyRules, in the event that an the Agency Administratordetermines that the Agent, in an Application for reducedfare transportation under the provisions of this Resolution,has made a material misrepresentation, the Agent shall


Resolution 881—Attachment ‘A’

RESOLUTION 881Attachment ‘A’

XYZ AGENT(use Cargo Agent's Letterhead)



Member to which Application is made .....................................................................................................................................Address of Agent where person travelling (passenger) is employed (or to which he reports) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Office Tel. No ...........................................................................................................................................................................Family name of passenger: ..................................................................................................................................Mr/Mrs/MissFirst name and initial of passenger: .........................................................................................................................................Position/title of passenger: .......................................................................................................................................................Given name of accompanying spouse, (if applicable): ............................................................................................................Type of Discounted Travel

75% normal allotment 50% normal fare75% additional allotment Class of service desired:..................................................................

Details of Itinerary Request (reservations to be made by the Agent):From To Airline Flight No. Date...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The undersigned being duly authorised to sign on behalf of the Approved Agent has read and understood the terms andconditions of Resolution 881 and declares that this Application is made in accordance with those terms and conditions. Inparticular, the clauses relating to eligibility of the Agent and eligibility of the person travelling have been noted.We undertake to pay the amount of fare due to the Member as a consequence of this Application.We further undertake to pay the full applicable fare for each sector for which the transporting carriers' concurrence hasbeen refused and to remit such amount within 15 days of billing by the Member whose ticket has been issued.It is understood that we must inform you of any change in eligibility and we will thereupon return any tickets issued inresponse to this Application.We certify that the information submitted in this Application is complete and accurate in all respects. We understand thatany material misrepresentation on this Application will result in action being taken under the Cargo Agency Rules. Suchaction may include forfeiture of reduced fare transportation privileges. If required for this transportation we attach a validTrip Authorisation.Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................................Position in agency: ...................................................................................................................................................................Signature: .................................................................................................................................................................................Official Stamp of the AgentDate of this Application: ...........................................................................................................................................................

26* This form is to be reproduced exactly as it appears in the IATA Cargo Agent's Handbook with no omissions, deletions or alterations. It is to be completed

either by typewriter or by hand in ink, using block letters.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

CERTIFICATION TO MEMBER FOR SPOUSE TRAVELI hereby certify that the person named above and accompanying me on the travel applied for is my spouse. I am familiarwith the restrictions governing our joint travel as outlined in Paragraph 4 of Resolution 881. I have not received from youa reduced fare spouse's ticket during this calendar year.Mr/Mrs: .....................................................................................................................................................................................(Signature of passenger named in Application)


Resolution 883

6. upon receipt of written or telegraphic (or oral, ifRESOLUTION 883confirmed in writing) authority from all other participatingMembers, the Member to which the authorisation isREDUCED FARE TRANSPORTATION surrendered shall issue the ticket to the candidate for the


CAC1(17)883 (except USA) Expiry: IndefiniteCAC2(20)883 Type: BCAC3(20)883

RESOLVED that, for the purposes of permitting a candi-date registered for an IATA approved, formally organisedvocational training course in basic cargo training or inDangerous Goods Handling, conducted by IATA AgencyTraining Services, to travel between such candidate'splace of employment and the training centre, either toundergo training or to take the relevant IATA examination,Members may, subject to the provisions of this Resol-ution, grant such candidate international air transportationat a discount not in excess of 75% of the applicable fare.

1. the said transportation shall be granted only to acandidate who has been employed by an IATA CargoAgent for not less than three consecutive months prior tothe date of commencement of travel and further, theAgent with whom the candidate is employed shall havebeen an IATA Cargo Agent for at least 12 months prior tothe date of commencement of travel; provided that onlyIATA Cargo Agents who are not under notice of default atthe time of departure shall be eligible.

2. if at any time prior to the commencement of travelthere is a change affecting the eligibility of the CargoAgent or the candidate (e.g. the Agent comes undernotice of default or the candidate leaves the employ of theAgent) the Agent shall immediately so notify the Memberto whom it shall also immediately return the ticket;provided that the Member shall be responsible for cancel-ling the reduced fare transportation only if it knows orreasonably should have known of the changed eligibility.

3. such transportation shall be granted by the Memberagainst cash payment and surrender of a writtenauthorisation issued by the Agency Administrator; pro-vided that such authorisation shall show the name of thecandidate, his/her student registration number and thedates of the training course or examination.

4. the outward portion of the journey must be com-menced not earlier than two days before the date ofcommencement of the training course/examination asstated in the said authorisation and travel is to becompleted within two days of the date of the completionof the training/examination; provided that no break ofjourney shall be allowed except at connecting points.

5. no commission or other remuneration shall be paid onreduced fare transportation provided hereunder.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


Air Astana*IATA MEMBERSHIP LIST8th floor, Samal Towers Business Centre97 Zholdasbekova St. Samal-2Legend:Almaty City,

* Elected not to participate in Cargo Tariff Coordinating Republic of KazakhstanConferences 050059

** Associate Member Air Austral*Aérodrome de Gillot B.P. 611*** All Cargo Saint-Denis Cedex, Ile de la Réunion 97472ReunionAdria Airways

Kuzmiceva 7 Air BalticLjubljana, 1000 Riga AirportSlovenia Riga, LV-1053LatviaAegean Airlines

31 Viltanioti St. 14 Air Berlin*14 564 N. Kifissia Saatwinkler 42–43Athens, Berlin, 13627Greece Germany

Aer Lingus B & H AirlinesAer Lingus, Dublin Airport Kasindolska bbDublin Sarajevo, Bosnia and HerzegovinaIreland Bosnia and Herzegovina 71000

Aeroflot Air Botswana37 Leningradsky Prospekt, Build. 9 H. O. Building, Sir Seretse Khama AirportMoscow 125167 P.O. Box 92Russian Federation Gaborone,BotswanaAerolineas Argentinas

Torre Bouchard, Calle Bouchard 547 Piso 8 Air CanadaBuenos Aires, C1106ABG Air Canada Center 271, Cote Vertu OuestArgentina P.O. Box 14000, Station AirportDorval (Montreal), Quebec H4Y 1H4AEROMÉXICO CanadaPaseo de la Reforma 445

Mexico City, Air China LimitedD.F., Col. Cuauhtémoc 06500 Capital International AirportMexico Beijing,People's Republic of ChinaAeropostal Alas de Venezuela* 100621Torre Polar Oeste

Av. Paseo Colón, Plaza Venezuela, Piso 22 Air Contractors (UK) Limited* and***Caracas, 1050 First Floor, South Colonnade, The Plaza Swords, Co.Venezuela Dublin,IrelandAerosvit Airlines*

58 a, T. Shevchenka Blvd. Air Europa*Kiev, 01032 Centro Empresarial Globalia, Carretera Lluchmajor, km,Ukraine 20.5P.O. Box 132Afriqiyah Airways* Lluchmajor,Ali Khalifa Zaidi Street Baleares 07620P.O. Box 83428 SpainTripoli,

Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Air France45, rue de Paris Roissy CDG cedex, F-95747Air Algérie France1, Place Maurice Audin



Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Air Jamaica Limited Air Nostrum72–76 Harbour Street Avenida Francisco Valldecabres, 31Kingston, Manises,Jamaica Valencia 46940

SpainAir Koryo*Sunan District Air One S.p.A.* and**Pyongyan City, Via Sardegna, 14Democratic People's Republic of Korea Rome, 00187

ItalyAir MacauAlameda Dr. Carlos D'Assumpcao No. 398 Air Pacific*12–18 Andar, Air Pacific Maintenance & Administration Centre, NasosoMacau (SAR) RoadPeople's Republic of China Private Mail Bag Nadi Airport,

Nadi,Air Madagascar* Fiji31, av. de l'IndépendanceAntananarivo, 101 Air Sénégal InternationalMadagascar Aé roport Léopold Sédar Senghor–Dakar–Sénégal

B.P. 29127Air Malawi Dakar,4 Robins Road SenegalP.O. Box 84Blantyre, Air Seychelles*Malawi Victoria House, State House Avenue

P.O. Box 386Air Malta p.l.c. Victoria, MaheHead Office SeychellesLuqa, LQA05Malta Air Tahiti* and**

Boulevard Pomare,Air Mauritius* Tahiti-FAAA AirportAir Mauritius Centre, President J Kennedy Street P.O. Box 314P.O. Box 441 Papeete, Tahiti 98 713Port Louis, French PolynesiaMauritius

Air Tahiti NuiAir Moldova* Rue Paul GauginAirport, B.P. 1673Chisinau MD-2026 Papeete, Tahiti 98713Moldova French Polynesia

Air Namibia* Air TanzaniaTransNamib Buidling, Bahnhof Street ATC House, City DriveP.O. Box 731 P.O. Box 543Windhoek, Namibia Dar-es-Salaam,Namibia Tanzania

Air New Zealand Air Vanuatu*Level 19, Quay Tower, 29 Customs Street West Air Vanuatu House, Rue de ParisPrivate Bag 92007 P.O. Box 148Auckland, Port Vila,New Zealand Vanuatu

Air Niugini Air ZimbabweANG House, Jacksons Airport Harare AirportP.O. Box 7186 Boroko P.O. Box AP. 1Port Moresby, Harare,Papua New Guinea Zimbabwe


IATA Membership List

Aircalin Ariana Afghan Airlines Co. Ltd.8, rue Frédéric Surleau Afghan Air Authority Building, Ansari WattB.P. 3736 P.O. Box 76Nouméa, 98 846 Kabul,Nouvelle-Calédonie Afghanistan

Air-India Arkia Israeli Airlines Ltd.*Air-India Building Nariman Point Dov AirportMumbai, P.O. Box 39301Maharashtra 400 021 Tel Aviv, 61392India Israel

Alaska Airlines* Armavia*19300 International Blvd. (98188) 9 Alek Manoukyan St.Box 68900 AUA Business CenterSeattle, Yerevan, 375025Washington 98168-0900 Republic of ArmeniaUSA

Asiana Airlines Inc.*Albanian Airlines* Asiana Town, KangseoRruga “Mine Peza, No. 2” P.O. Box 98, #47Tirana, Osae-dong, Kangseo-Ku Seoul, 157-600Albania Republic of Korea

ALITALIA S.p.A. Atlas Air* and***Centro Direzionale, viale Alessandro Marchetti 111 2000 Westchester AvenueRome, I-00148 Purchase, New York 10577-2543Italy USA

All Nippon Airways Atlasjet International Airways*Shiodome City Center 1-5-2 Higashi Shimbashi, Yesilyurt Mah. Eski Halkali Yolu Alacati Evleri YaniMinato-ku No: 5/BTokyo, 105-7133 Florya Istanbul,Japan Turkey

34153Aloha Airlines*Honolulu International Airport Austral* and**P.O. Box 30028 Bouchard 547–9 PisoHonolulu, Buenos Aires,Hawaii 96820 ArgentinaUSA C1106ABG

Alpi Eagles S.p.A.* Austrianvia E. Mattei 1/C Fontanastrasse 1Marcon, P.O. Box 50Venice, 30020 Vienna, A-1107Italy Austria

America West Airlines AVIANCA4000 E. Sky Harbor Blvd. Avenida 26 #92-30, Bloque 1, Piso 4Phoenix, Bogotá,Arizona 85034 ColombiaUSA

Azerbaijan Airlines*American Airlines 11 Azadlig Avenue4333 Amon Carter Blvd. Baku, 370000P.O. Box 619616 Repubic of AzerbaijanFort Worth, Texas 76155USA Bangkok Airways Co., Ltd.

99 Mu 14 Vibhavadirangsit RoadAngola Airlines Chom Phon, Chatuchak,Rua Missao 123 Bangkok 10900P.O. Box 79 ThailandLuanda,Angola


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Belavia–Belarusian Airlines* Cargolux S.A.* and***Nemiga str. 14 Luxembourg AirportMinsk, Rep. of Belarus 220004 Luxembourg, L-2990Belarus Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Bellview Airlines* Carpatair*Bellview Plaza, 66B Opebi Road, Ikeja Timisoara International AirportP.O. Box 6571 Timisoara, TimisIkeja, Lagos RomaniaNigeria 307210

Biman* Caspian Airlines*Biman Bhavan, 100 Motijheel Commercial Area No. 5, Sabounchi StreetDhaka, 1000 Beheshti Avenue Tehran,Bangladesh Islamic Republic of Iran

15336-63119Binter Canarias*Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria Cathay PacificTelde Las Palmas, 35230 9F, Central Tower, Cathay Pacific City, H.K. InternationalSpain Airport

GPO Box 1,Blue Panorama* Hong Kong (SAR)Via Corona Boreale, 86–Pal.D. People's Republic of ChinaFiumicino, Rome,Italy CCM Airlines*00054 Aeroport de Campo Dell' Oro

B.P. 505Blue1* Ajaccio Cedex 2,P.O. Box 168 CorsicaVantaa, FI-01531 FranceFinland 20186

Blue Wings AG China Airlines Ltd.Suedwall 26 Bocholt 2F, 131, Sec. 3, Nanking E. RoadNordrhein Westfalen 46397 Taipei,Germany Chinese Taipei

bmi (British Midland Airways Ltd.) China Cargo Airlines Ltd.* and***Donington Hall, Castle Donington China Cargo Center Shanghai Hongqiao AirportDerby, Derbyshire DE74 2SB Shanghai 200335United Kingdom People's Republic of China

British Airways China EasternWaterside 2550 Hongqiao Road,P.O. Box 365 Hongqiao International AirportHarmondsworth, Middlesex UB7 0GB Shanghai, 200335United Kingdom People's Republic of China

C.A.L. Cargo Airlines* and*** China Southern Airlines1 Hayarden Street, Airport City No. 278 Airport RoadP.O. Box 271 Ben Gurion Airport Guangzhou, GuangdongTel Aviv, 510405Israel People's Republic of China70100

Cimber Air A/SCameroon Airlines Lufthavnsvej 23, av. du Général de Gaulle Sonderborg 6400B.P. 4092 DenmarkDouala,Cameroon Cirrus Airlines*

Flughafen SaarbrueckenCargojet Airways Ltd.* and*** Saarbruecken, Saarland350 Britannia Road East Units 5&6 66131Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1X9 GermanyCanada


IATA Membership List

CityJet* dba Luftfahrtgesellschaft mbH*Swords Business campus, Balheary Road, Swords Terminal 1, Modul A,Dublin, Co. Dublin Terminalstrasse West, Munich AirportIreland Munich,

GermanyComair Limited* 853561 Marignane Drive, Cnr. Atlas RoadBonaero Park, 1619 Delta Air LinesRepublic of South Africa P.O. Box 20706

Atlanta,Compagnie Aérienne Corse Mediterranée* Georgia 30320-6001Aeroport de Campo Dell' Oro USAB.P. 505Ajaccio Cedex 2, Denim Air*Corsica 20186 Luchthavenweg 31France Eindhoven,

The NetherlandsContinental Airlines* 56571600 Smith Street Houston,Texas 77002 DHL Air Ltd.** and***USA Cargo West East Midlands Airport

Derby, DE74 2TRContinental Micronesia* United KingdomP.O. Box 8778Tamuning, 96931 DHL International E.C.* and***Guam Bahrain International Airport

P.O. Box 5741COPA Manama,Avenida Justo Arosemena y Calle 39, BahrainEdificio Copa AirlinesP.O. Box 1572 DragonairPanama, 1 L4 Dragonair House11 Tung Fai Road–Hong KongPanama International Airport

Lautau, Hong Kong (SAR)Corsair* People's Republic of China2 avenue Charles LindberghRugis Cedex, F-94636 EgyptairFrance Cairo International Airport

P.O. Box 11776Croatia Airlines Cairo,Savska Cesta 41 EgyptZagreb, 10000Croatia EL AL

Ben-Gurion International AirportCubana P.O. Box 41Calle 23 No. 64, La Rampa, Vedado Tel Aviv, 70100Ciudad de La Habana, 10400 IsraelRepublic of Cuba

Emirates*Cyprus Airways P.O. Box 68621 Alkeou Street Dubai,P.O. Box 21903 United Arab EmiratesNicosia, 1514Cyprus Estonian Air

13 Lennujaama StreetCzech Airlines Tallinn, 11101Praha 6, Letiste Ruzyne EstoniaPrague, 16008Czech Republic Ethiopian Airlines

Bole International AirportP.O. Box 1755Addis Ababa,Ethiopia


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Etihad Airways* Hahn AirNew Airport Road An der Trift 65Abu Dhabi, 35566 Dreieich,United Arab Emirates D-63303

GermanyEuropean Air Express* and***Flughafenstrasse 81 Hainan Airlines*Mönchengladbach, Haihang Development Building 29 Haixiu RoadD-41066 Haikou,Germany Hainan 570206

People's Republic of ChinaEuropean Air Transport*Building 4–5, Brussels National Airport Hapag Lloyd*Zaventem, B-1930 Flughafenstrasse, 10Belgium Langenhagen, 30855

GermanyEurowings*Flugplatz 21 Hellas Jet*Dortmund, D-44319 91 Michalakopoulou StreetGermany Athens, 11528

GreeceEVA Air376, Hsin-Nan Rd., Sec. 1 Hemus Air*Luchu, Taoyuan Hsien 1 Brusels' Blvd., Sofia AirportTaiwan, 338 1540 Sofia,Chinese Taipei Bulgaria

Federal Express*** IBERIA3620 Hacks Cross Road Velázquez, 130Building B, 3rd Floor Memphis, Madrid, E-28006Tennessee SpainUSA38125 Icelandair

Reykjavík AirportFinnair Reykjavík, 101Tietotie 11A Helsinki-Vantaa Airport IcelandP.O. Box 15Vantaa, 01053 FINNAIR Indian AirlinesFinland Airlines House, 113 Gurdwara Rakabganj Road

New Delhi,flybe.British European* IndiaJack Walker House Exeter International Airport 110001Exeter, DevonUnited Kingdom Inter Air*EX5 2HL Ground Floor, Finance House, Bruma Lake Office Park

Private Bag 8Garuda P O Jan Smuts Airport,3rd Floor, Management Building, Garuda Maintenance GautengFacility Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Republic of South AfricaP.O. Box 1303 1627Cengkareng, Banten BUSH 19130Indonesia Iran Air

Iran Air Head Office Bldg., Mehrabad AirportGB Airways P.O. Box 13185-775The Beehive, Beehive Ring Road Teheran, 13587Gatwick Airport, Islamic Republic of IranWest Sussex RH6 0LAUnited Kingdom Iran Aseman Airlines*

Mehrabad AirportGulf Air P.O. Box 13145-1476opposite Bahrain International Airport, Muharraq Tehran, 13874P.O. Box 138 Islamic Republic of IranManama,Bahrain


IATA Membership List

Iraqi Airways* Kuwait AirwaysSaddam International Airport Kuwait International AirportBaghdad, P.O. Box 394Iraq Safat, 13004

KuwaitIsrair*23 Ben Yehuda St. LAB*P.O. Box 26444 Av. Kyllmann No. 0-1691, Aeropuerto Jorge WilstermannTel Aviv, 63806 P.O. Box 132Israel Cochabamba,

BoliviaJALways Co. Ltd.*JAL Building 18F, 4–11 Higashi-Shinagawa 2 chome LACSA*Shinagawa, La Uruca, Diagonal a la Compañia La PozueloTokyo 140-8647 P.O. Box 1531-1000Japan Jan José, San José

1531-1000Japan Airlines International Co., Ltd. Costa RicaJAL Building 2-4-11 Higashi-ShinagawaShinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-8637 LAMJapan Alameda do Aeropuerto de Mavalane–Avenida de Angola

P.O. Box 2060Jat Airways Maputo, MaputoBulevar Umetnosti 16 MoçambiqueNovi Beograd, Serbia & Montenegro YU-11070Serbia and Montenegro Lan Airlines S.A.

Americo Vespucio 901, RencaJet Airways* P.O. Box 147-D41/42 Maker Chambers III Nariman Point Santiago,Mumbai, ChileMaharashtra 400 021India Lan Chile Cargo* and***

6500 NW 22 St., 4th FloorJordan Aviation Miami, Florida 3312255 King Faisal Ben Saoud USAAmman 11192Jordan Lan Perú*

Avenida Los Incas 172 5to PisoKenya Airways San Isidro Lima,Airport North Road, Embakasi PeruP.O. Box 19002Nairobi, LanEcuador*Kenya Avenida Amazonas y Pasaje Guayas, E3-1310051 Quito,

EcuadorKish Air*No. 21, Ekbatan Main Boulevard Lauda AirTehran, 1398 WTC AirportIslamic Republic of Iran P.O. Box 56

Vienna, SchwechetKitty Hawk* and*** Austria 1300P.O. Box 612787DFW Airport, Texas 75261 Libyan Arab AirlinesUSA Haiti Street

P.O. Box 2555KLM Tripoli,Amsterdamseweg 55 Socialist People's Libyan Arab JamahiriyaP.O. Box 7700Amstelveen, NL-1182GP Líneas Aéreas Azteca S.A. de C.V.* and**The Netherlands Zona de Hangares “C” No. 27 Col. Aviación General,

México City D.F. 15620Korean Air Mexico1370 Gong Hang-dong, Gangseo-guSeoul, 157–712Republic of Korea


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Lithuanian Airlines MEAA. Gustaicio 4 Beirut International AirportVilnius, 2038 P.O. Box 206Lithuania Beirut,

LebanonLOT Polish Airlines39, 17 Stycznia Str. MeridianaWarsaw, Aeroporto Costa Smeralda–Centro DirezionalePoland Olbia, (SS) 0702600-906 Italy

LTU* MexicanaFlughafen, Halle 8 Mexicana Building, Xola 535, Piso 30, Col. Del ValleDüsseldorf, D-40474 P.O. Box 12-813Germany Mexico City, D.F. 03100

MexicoLufthansaVon-Gablenz-Strasse 2–6 MIATCologne, North Rhine-Westphalia Buyant Ukhaa Airport, MIAT BuildingGermany P.O. Box 45D-50664 Ulaanbaatar,

210034Lufthansa Cargo*** MongoliaLanger Kornweg 34iP.O. Box 1227 Montenegro AirlinesKelsterbach, D-65441 Beogradska 10Germany Podgorica, Montenegro 81000

Serbia and MontenegroLufthansa CityLine* and**Heinrich-Steinmann-Strasse Nationwide Airlines*Köln, D-51147 P.O. Box 422Germany Lanseria, 1748

Republic of South AfricaLuxairAéroport de Luxembourg Nippon Cargo Airlines (NCA)***Luxembourg, L-2987 Shiodome City Centre 8F 5-2, Higashi-ShinbashiGrand Duchy of Luxembourg 1-chome

Tokyo, Minato-ku 105-7108Mahan Air* JapanMahan Tower, Azadeghan St. Karaj Highway,P.O. Box: 14515/411 Northwest AirlinesTehran, 1481655761 2700 Lone Oak PkwyIslamic Republic of Iran Dept A1040

Eagan,Malaysia Airlines Minnesota 55121-153433rd Floor, MAS Building, Jalan Sultan Ismail USAG.P.O. Box 10513Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory 50250 Olympic Airlines S.A.Malaysia Athens International Airport, Bldg. 975th km

SPATA-LOUTSA Ave.MALEV SPATA, 19019Könyves Kálmán krt. 12–14 GreeceBudapest IX,Hungary H-1097 Oman Air

Seeb International AirportMalmö Aviation* P.O. Box 58P.O. Box 37 Muscat, 111Mäster Johansgatan 17 Malmö, SE-201 20 OmanSweden

MAT–Macedonian AirlinesVasil Glavinov 3Skopje, 1000Macedonia (FYROM)


IATA Membership List

Onur Air Royal BruneiTasimacilik A.S dba RBA Plaza, Jalan Sultan Bandar Seri Begawan,Senlik Mah Negara BruneiCatal Sok No. 3 Darussalam BS8811Istanbul 34153 Brunei DarussalamFloryaTurkey Royal Jordanian

Housing Bank Commercial CenterPAL P.O. Box 302PAL Center, Legazpi Street, Legazpi Village Amman, 11118Box 1344 C.P.O. Makati JordanMakati City, 0750Philippines Rwandair Express*

Centenary Building (Caritas), 2nd FloorPalestinian Airlines* Kigali,Jamal Abdelnasser St. RwandaP.O. Box 4043Gaza City, SA Airlink* and***Gaza Strip Palestine Centenary Building (Caritas), 2nd Floor,

P.O. Box 7275Pegasus Airlines Kigali,Hava Tasimaciligi RwandaBavin Eksprevyolu No. 2Istanbul 34303 SAAHalkali South African Airways TowersTurkey P.O. Box 7778

Johannesburg,PGA-Portugália Airlines Transvaal 2000Ave. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 88 Republic of South AfricaLisbon, 1700-031Portugal Safair* and**

Bonaero Drive, Bonaero Park 1619PIA P.O. Box 938 Kempton Park, Gauteng 1620PIA Building, Quaid-E-Azam International Airport Republic of South AfricaKarachi, 75200Pakistan Sahara Airlines Ltd.

3rd FloorPLUNA 28 Barakhamba RoadMiraflores 1445 New DelhiP.O. Box 507 Montevideo, IndiaMontevideo 11500 110001Uruguay

SASPrecision Air Services Ltd. SAS Head Office, Frösundaviks Allé 1Quality Plaza Stockholm,Nyerere Road Solna S-195 87Dar es Salaam P.O. Box 70770 SwedenTanzania

SAS Braathens*Qantas Oksensšyveien 3Building A, Qantas Centre, 203 Coward Street P.O. Box 55Mascot, N.S.W. 2020 Fornebu,Australia Norway

N-1330Qatar AirwaysQatar Airways Tower Airport Road SATA Air Açores* and**P.O. Box 22550–Doha, Avenida Infante D. Henrique, 55–2 Piso Ponta Delgada,Qatar Açores,

San Miguel 9504-528Royal Air Maroc PortugalAéroport de Casa-AnfaCasablanca,Morocco


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Saudi Arabian Airlines Solomon Airlines*P.O. Box 620 Mendana AvenueJeddah, 21231 Kingdom of Saudi Arabian P.O. Box 23

Honiara,Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.* and** Guadalcanal Solomon Islands9/F Shanhang Building No. 5746 Er Huan Dong RoadJinan, Spanair*Shandong Province People's Aeropuerto Palma de MallorcaRepublic of China P.O. Box 50086250014 Palma de Mallorca,

Baleares 07000Shanghai Airlines Spain212 Jiangning RoadShanghai, SriLankanPeople's Republic of China 200041 People's Republic of #22-01, East Tower, World Trade Centre, EchelonChina Square

P.O. Box 670,Shenzhen Airlines Co. Ltd.* and** Colombo 01Bao'an International Airport Sri LankaShenzhen,People's Republic of China Sudan Airways

S.D.C. Building, St-15, New ExtensionSIA Cargo P.O. Box 25330 Airline Road Khartoum,05-J SATS Airfreight Terminal 5 SudanSingapore,Singapore Surinam Airways*819830 Coppenamestraat 136

P.O. Box 2029Siberia Airlines Paramaribo,Ob-4 Novosibirsk Region Republic of SurinameRussian Federation633104 SWISS

P.O. BoxSichuan Airlines Co. Ltd. Basel, 4002Cheng Du Shuang Liu Int'l Airport SwitzerlandCheng Du 610202China (People's Republic of) Syrianair

Youssef Al-Azmeh SquareSilkair* P.O. Box 417SIA Superhub, Airfreight Terminal 5 Damascus,5th Storey, Core L, 30 Airline Road Syrian Arab RepublicSingapore,Singapore TACA819830 Edificio Caribe 2 Piso

Colonia EscalónSingapore Airlines Cargo* and*** San Salvador,05-J SATS Airfreight Terminal 5 El Salvador30 Airline Road, 819830Singapore TAL (Tassili Airlines)

Route de Sidi Moussa Case Postale 319Skyways* Dar El Beida,Linköpings Flygplats Alger 16000P.O. Box 1537 AlgeriaLinköping, S-581 15Sweden TAM Linhas Aéreas*

Av. Jurandir, No. 856, Lote 4 Jardim CeciSN Brussels Airlines São Paulo, SPCorporate Village Da Vincilaan 9, Brazil CEP 04072-000P.O. Box 4.1Zaventem, B-1930Belgium


IATA Membership List

TAM–Transportes Aéreos del Mercosur Sociedad Ukraine International Airlines*Anónima* 63 A, B. Khmelnytskoho St.Hangar TAM Kiev,Aeropuerto Internacional “Silvio Pettirossi” UkraineAsuncion, 01054Paraguay

United AirlinesTAP–Air Portugal 1200 East Algonquin Rd., Elk Grove TownshipAeroporto de Lisboa, Building 27, 10th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60007P.O. Box 50194 USALisbon,Portugal UPS Airlines* and***1704-801 1400 North Hurstbourne Parkway

Louisville, Kentucky 40223TAROM S.A. USABucuresti, Soseaua, Bucuresti-Ploiesti KM 16.5P.O. Box I-21 US Airways, Inc.*Bucuresti, 75910 2345 Crystal Drive, Crystal Park 4 Arlington,Romania Virginia 22227

USAThai Airways89 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road Varig Log* and** and***P.O. Box 1075 Rua Fidência Ramos, No. 223Bangkok, 10900 14° andar, Vila OlímpicaThailand São Paulo, 04551-010

BrazilTHYHQ, Genel Müdürlügü, Atatürk Havalimani Vietnam AirlinesYesilköy-Istanbul, 34 149 200 Ngugyen San St.Turkey Long Bien District

VietnamTNT Airways S.A.* and***Rue de l'Aéroport 58 Virgin Atlantic*Aeroport de Liège Crawley Business Quarter, Manor Royal Crawley,Grace-Hollogne, 4460 West Sussex RH10 9NUBelgium United Kingdom

Transaero Virgin Nigeria Airways Ltd.2 Smolensky Per, 3/4 2nd/3rd Floor The Ark TowersMoscow, 121099 Plot 17 Ligali Ayorinde StreetRussian Federation Victoria Island

NigeriaTransAsia Airways Corp.* 736019F, No. 139, Cheng-Chou Road, 103Chinese Taipei Vladivostok Air

41 Portovaya St. Artyom,Transportes Aéreos del Mercosur Sociedad Anónima Primorski Region 692756(TAM) Russian FederationHanagar TAM/ARPAAeropuerto Internacional “Silvio Pettirossi” Volare Airlines*Asuncion, Via Carlo No. 3Paraguay Gallarate (Varese),

ItalyTunis Air 21013Boulevard du 7 Novembre 1987Route de L'Aeroport, Tunis-Carthage Volga-Dnepr Airlines*Tunis, 2035 Karbysheva, 14Tunisia Ulyanovsk, 432072

Russian Federation


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Wideroe*Eyvind Lyches Vei 10P.O. Box 312Sandvika, N-1301Norway

Xiamen Airlines*22 Dailiao Road Xiamen,Fujian 361006People's Republic of China

YemeniaYemenia Head Office Bldg., Airport Rd.P.O. Box 1183Sana'a,Republic of Yemen

Zambian Airways* and**Lusaka International AirportP.O. Box 310277Lusaka,Zambia


IATA MEMBER AIRLINES APPOINTING BY GENERAL CONCURRENCEThe following Members have deposited a Statement of General Concurrence with the Agency Administrator for theappointment of Agents pursuant to the provisions of Resolutions 801, 805 and 807, Section 2, Subparagraph,Resolution 803, Section 1, Subparagraph, and Resolutions 809 and 813, Section 3, Subparagraph

The Chart shows three columns indicating by an ‘x’ whether such appointment by general concurrence applies to Agentssituated in Area 1, 2 or 3 and the European Air Cargo Programme (EACP). Where such appointment for an area is limitedto or excludes a certain geographical area a note is shown instead of an ‘x’.

In order to act as an appointed Agent for Members not listed below, or not listed for a particular area or in countries orgeographical areas not covered by the general concurrence, an Agent must hold a valid Certificate of Appointment.



Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



IATA Member Airlines Appointing by General Concurrence

EXPLANATION OF NOTES:1) Canada only.2) Caribbean only.3) Mexico only.4) South America only.5) United Kingdom only.6) Except Colombia.7) Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama only.8) Except Canada.9) Except Israel.10) Intentionally omitted.11) Limited to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands,

Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.12) Note not currently in use.13) Except Israel and South Africa.14) Except Israel and Zimbabwe.15) Limited to Europe and the following countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malawi, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,

Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Zambia.16) Except South Africa and Zimbabwe.17) Except Held Territories, Israel, South Africa and Zimbabwe.18) Intentionally left blank.19) Netherlands only.20) Except Gaza, Held Territories, Israel, South Africa (incl. South West Africa/Namibia) and Zimbabwe.21) Intentionally left blank.22) Limited to Australia, Fiji, Hong-Kong, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Taiwan.23) Intentionally left blank.24) Australia only.25) Intentionally left blank.26) Intentionally left blank.27) Intentionally left blank.28) Europe only.29) Scandinavia including Finland and Iceland.30) Intentionally left blank.31) Limited to Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and United Kingdom.32) Except Cook Islands, Fiji, Macau and Papua New Guinea.33) only for France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom.


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide


CARGO, which is equivalent to the term ‘goods’, meansGLOSSARY OF COMMONLY USED AIRany property carried or to be carried in an aircraft, otherTRAFFIC TERMS than mail or other property carried under the terms of aninternational postal convention, baggage or property ofACCESSORIES, COMMODITY, in respect to specificthe carrier; provided that baggage moving under an Aircommodity rates, means additional objects which are notWaybill is cargo.essential to the normal use of a commodity or are not an

integral component thereof, but are intended for use with CARGO CHARGES CORRECTION ADVICEthe commodity. (CCA) means the document used for the notification of

changes to the transportation charges and/or to otherAIRLINE includes the air carrier issuing the Air Waybillcharges and/or the method of payment.and all other air carriers that carry or undertake to carry

the cargo under the Air Waybill or to perform any other CARGO, TRANSFER means cargo arriving at a point byservices related to such air carriage. one carrier and continuing its journey therefrom by

another carrier.AIRLINE, DELIVERING is the carrier who delivers theconsignement to the consignee or his agent. CARRIAGE, which is equivalent to the term ‘transpor-

tation’, means carriage of cargo by air, gratuitously or forAIRLINE, FIRST means the participating airline overhire.whose air routes the first section of carriage under the Air

Waybill is undertaken or performed. CARRIAGE, INTERLINE means the carriage over theroutes of two or more air carriers.AIRLINE, ISSUING is the airline whose Air Waybill is

issued. CARRIAGE, INTERNATIONAL means (except for thepurpose of the Warsaw Convention) carriage in which,AIRLINE, LAST means the participating airline overaccording to the contract of carriage, the place of depar-whose air routes the last section of carriage under the Airture and any place of landing are situated in more thanWaybill is undertaken or performed; or for the purposes ofone State. As used in this definition, the term ‘State’determining the responsibility for collecting charges col-includes all territory subject to the sovereignty, suzerainty,lect and disbursement amounts, the airline which deliversmandate, authority or trusteeship thereof.the consignment to the consignee whether or not that

airline has participated in the carriage. CHARGE means an amount to be paid for carriage ofcargo based on the applicable rate for such carriage; orAIRLINE, PARTICIPATING means an airline over whosean amount to be paid for special or incidental service inair routes one or more sections of carriage under the Airconnection with such carriage.Waybill is undertaken or performed.CHARGE, MINIMUM means the minimum amount whichAIRLINE, RECEIVING means a participating airline thatapplies for the transportation of the consignment.receives the consignment from a transferring airline at a

transfer point. CHARGE, VALUATION means a charge for carriage ofgoods, based on the declared value for carriage of suchAIRLINE, TRANSFERRING means a participating airlinegoods.that transfers the consignment to a receiving airline at a

transfer point. CHARGE, VOLUME means the charge for the carriage ofgoods based on the volume of such goods.AIR WAYBILL, means the document made out by or on

behalf of the shipper which evidences the contract CHARGE, WEIGHT means the charge for carriage ofbetween the shipper and carrier(s) for carriage of goods goods based on the weights of such goods.over routes of the carrier(s).

CHARGES COLLECT, which is equivalent to the termAIR WAYBILL, NEUTRAL is a standard Air Waybill ‘freight collect’ or ‘charges forward’, means the chargeswithout identification of issuing carrier in any form. entered on the Air Waybill for collection from the

consignee.AIR WAYBILL, SUBSTITUTE means a temporary AirWaybill which contains only limited information because CHARGES, COMBINATION OF means an amount whichof the absence of the original Air Waybill, and is the is obtained by combining two or more charges.document issued to cover the forwarding of cargo in theabsence of the original Air Waybill. CHARGES, FORWARDING means charges paid or to be

paid for preliminary surface or air transportation to theASSEMBLY, CARGO means the separate reception of airport of departure by a surface or air transportationparcels or packages and the holding of them for later agency, not a carrier under the Air Waybill.dispatch as one consignment.

CHARGES, PREPAID means the charges entered on theBAGGAGE, UNACCOMPANIED means baggage shipped Air Waybill for payment by the cargo.

CHARGES, REFORWARDING means charges paid or toBOOKING—see Reservation. be paid for subsequent surface or air transportation from


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

the airport of destination by a surface or air transportation than that of presenting such part or parts to customsagency, not a carrier under the Air Waybill. authorities at the specific request of such authorities.

COMBINATION, RATE OR CHARGE means the estab- EMBARGO means the refusal by an airline for a limitedlishment of a rate or charge by addition of sectional rates period, to accept for transportation over any route oror charges. segment thereof, and to or from any area, or point of

connecting airline, any commodity, type or class of cargoCONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE means the terms and duly tendered.conditions established by a carrier in respect to itscarriage. FLIGHT NUMBER means the designation of a flight.

CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT means the terms and FRENCH GOLD FRANCS means francs consisting ofconditions shown on the Air Waybill. 651/2 milligrams of gold with fineness of nine hundred

thousandths.CONNECTING CARRIER means a carrier to whoseservice the cargo is to be transferred for onward con- MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES ORDER (MCO) means anecting transportation. document issued by a carrier or its agent in conjunction

with a Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check and whichCONSIGNEE means the person whose name appears on may be used only for payment of Baggages Shipped asthe Air Waybill as the party to whom the goods are to be Cargo.delivered by the carrier.

PARTS, COMMODITY, in respect to specific commodityCONSIGNMENT, which is equivalent to the term ‘ship- rates, means objects which are essential to the normalment’, means one or more pieces of goods accepted by use of a commodity or are in an integral componentthe carrier from one shipper at one time and at one thereof, but not including supplies.address, receipted for in one lot and moving on one AirWaybill to one consignee at one destination address. PRORATE (here used as a noun) means a portion of a

joint rate or charge obtained by proration.CONSIGNMENT, MIXED means a consignment of differ-ent commodities, articles or goods, whether packed or PRORATION means division of a joint rate or chargetied together or contained in separate packages and for between the carriers concerned on an agreed basis.which different rating applies.

PRORATION, MILEAGE means proration on the basis ofCONSIGNMENT NOTE, AIR—See Air Waybill. the respective local mileages.

CONSIGNOR, which is equivalent to the term ‘shipper’, PRORATION, RATE means proration on the basis of themeans the person whose name appears on the Air respective local rates.Waybill as the party contracting with the carrier(s) for

QUANTITY DISCOUNT means a percentage reduction ofcarriage of goods.a rate based on quantity.

CONSOLIDATED CONSIGNMENT means a consignmentRATE means the amount charged by the carrier(s) for theof multi-packages which has been originated by morecarriage of a unit of goods and is the current rate whichthan one person each of whom has made an agreementthe carrier, in the publication it normally uses to publishfor carriage by air with another person other than arates, holds out to the public or the appropriate segmentscheduled air carrier.of the public, as being applicable for carriage of a unit of

CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AGENT means a customs weight (or volume) and/or value of or other agent of the consignee designated to

RATE, CLASS means a rate applicable to a specificallyperform customs clearance services for the consignee.designated class of goods.

DAYS means full calendar days, including Sundays andRATE, CONSTRUCTED means a rate, other than alegal holidays.specified rate.

DECLARED VALUE FOR CARRIAGE means the value ofRATE, GENERAL CARGO (GCR) means a rate for thegoods declared to the carrier by the shipper for thecarriage of cargo other than a class rate or specificpurposes of determining charges or of establishing thecommodity rate.limit of the carrier's liability for loss, damage or delay.

RATE, JOINT means a rate which applies for carriageDEMURRAGE means a variable fee charged to carriersover the lines of two or more carriers and which isand/or customers for the use of carrier owned ULDspublished as a single amount.beyond the free time alltoment.

RATE, LOCAL which is equivalent to the term ‘On-lineDESTINATION means the ultimate stopping placerate’, means a rate which applies for carriage over theaccording to the contract of carriage.lines of a single carrier.

DISASSEMBLY, CARGO means the separation of one orRATE, NORMAL means the specified general cargo ratemore of the component parts of a consignment (fromwithout quantity discount.other parts of such consignment) for any purpose other


Glossary of Commonly Used Air Traffic Terms

RATE, PROPORTIONAL means a rate which is used in TARIFF means the published rates, charges and relatedcombination with other rates to establish a through rate. rules.

RATE, PUBLISHED means a rate, the amount of which is TRANSFER means movement of cargo from one carrierspecifically set forth in the publication the carrier normally to another against a transfer manifest.uses to establish such rates.

TRANSFER MANIFEST means the document executedRATE, QUANTITY means the unit rate which is lower by the transferring carrier upon transfer of interline cargothan the normal rate and applies to shipments meeting and endorsed by the receiving carrier as a receipt for thespecific weight requirements. consignment transferred.

RATE, SECTIONAL means the rate established and used TRANSSHIPMENT means the unloading of cargo fromby a scheduled air carrier(s) (including any local or joint one flight and loading on to another for on carriage.rate) for a section of a through route.

TRANSIT means an en route stopping place where cargoRATE, SPECIFIC COMMODITY (SCR) means a rate remains on board.applicable to carriage of specifically designated commodi-

TRANSPORTATION—see Carriage.ties.

UNIT LOAD DEVICE (ULD) means aircraft container orRATE, SPECIFIED means a rate specifically set forth IATA Cargo Tariff Coordinating Conference Resol-

ution.VALUABLE CARGO—definition is in accordance withResolution 012.RATE, THROUGH means the total rate from point of

departure to point of destination.

RATES, COMBINATION OF means an amount which isobtained by combining two or more rates.

REPORT, IRREGULARITY (IRP) means the documentwhich is equivalent to the term Notice of Non-Delivery.

REROUTING is the route to be followed as altered fromthat originally specified in the Air Waybill.

RESERVATION, which is equivalent to the term ‘booking’,means the allotment in advance of space or weightcapacity of goods.

ROUTE, THROUGH means the total route from point ofdeparture to point of destination.

ROUTING is the route to be followed as originallyspecified in the Air Waybill.

RULES means the general terms and conditions of car-riage.

SALE means the issuance or the completion of an AirWaybill or other transportation document.

SERVICE, DELIVERY means the carriage of inboundconsignments from the airport of destination to theaddress of the consignee or that of his designated agentor to the custody of the appropriate Government agencywhen required.

SERVICE, PICKUP means the carriage of outboundconsignments from the point of pickup to the airport ofdeparture.

SHIPMENT—See Consignment.

SHIPPER—See Consignor.

SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHT (SDR), a reserve asset usedas a unit of account, as defined by the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF).


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide



Resolutions and SectionsSubject matter or Page Reference

Address (Changes of) ............................................................................................................ 801(5)Agency Agreement—see AgreementAgency Commissioner ........................................................................................................... 811dAgency Fees .......................................................................................................................... 801(11)Agency List ............................................................................................................................. 801(2)Agreement—Cargo Agency ................................................................................................... 801a(ii)Air Waybill .............................................................................................................................. 600aApplication

—of Changes in Rates ....................................................................................................... 049aArbitration ............................................................................................................................... 801(10)Automation (Air Cargo) .......................................................................................................... page li

Bar Coded Label .................................................................................................................... 606Bar Codes .............................................................................................................................. RP 1600t

Cargo—Agency Rules .................................................................................................................. 801—Interchange Message Procedures .................................................................................. 670—Label ............................................................................................................................... 606—Low Density .................................................................................................................... 502—Mechanics of the IATA Agency Programme ................................................................... page xiv—Office (IATA), numeric code ........................................................................................... 821

Cargo Accounts Settlement System (CASS)—Cargo Accounts Settlement System (CASS) .................................................................. 851—Charges Collectable at Destination ................................................................................ 853—Outline of the CASS ........................................................................................................ page lix, 851—Reporting, Billing, Remittances and Collections under CASS-Export ............................ 801r(2)

Cargo Sales Invoice ............................................................................................................... 801, Att. ‘B’Changes

—of Ownership, Legal Status, Name, Address .................................................................. 801(5)—to Cargo Interchange Message Procedures (CARGO-IMP) ........................................... 671—to Transportation Charges .............................................................................................. 612—within an Agency requiring IATA approval ...................................................................... page xlvi

Charges—for Disbursements ........................................................................................................... 509—for Preparation of Air Waybill .......................................................................................... 512c

Commissioner—see Agency CommissionerConsignments

—Intended Consolidated, Security Measures for ............................................................... 803a—The Consignment ............................................................................................................ 600—Ready for Carriage .......................................................................................................... 833

Criteria for Agents .................................................................................................................. 801

Dangerous Goods Regulations .............................................................................................. 801—Outline of the Dangerous Goods Regulations ................................................................ page lv

Default .................................................................................................................................... 801r(1)Default under CASS-Export ................................................................................................... 801r(2)

—Consequences of Default ................................................................................................ 801r(3)Definitions of Terms in Cargo Agency Resolutions ............................................................... 823


Cargo Agent's Handbook—Resolution 801—Worldwide

Resolutions and SectionsSubject matter or Page Reference

Fees (Agency) ........................................................................................................................ 801(11)

General Concurrence (Statements) ....................................................................................... page 183Glossary, Commonly Used Air Traffic Terms ......................................................................... page 187Grace Periods Chart .............................................................................................................. 801r, Att. ‘D’

IATA Cargo Agency Programme, Mechanics of .................................................................... page xivIATA/FIATA Consultating Council .......................................................................................... 801cIATA Logo, use of .................................................................................................................. page lxiiIrregularities ............................................................................................................................ 801r(1)Irregularities under CASS-Export ........................................................................................... 801r(2)

Labels—Standards for Special Shipments ............................................................................ 607Live Animals Regulations ....................................................................................................... 620 & lvii

Membership List (IATA) ......................................................................................................... page 171

Non-Bar Coded Label ............................................................................................................ 606aNotice of Change ................................................................................................................... 801, Att. ‘A’Numeric code, IATA Cargo Office .......................................................................................... 801, Att. ‘A’

Ownership (Change of) .......................................................................................................... 801(5)

Perishable Cargo Manual ....................................................................................................... page lviiiProfessional Training (IATA/FIATA) ....................................................................................... page xlvii

Qualifications for Agents ........................................................................................................ 801(1)

Ready for Carriage Consignments ......................................................................................... 833Reduced Fare Transportation for Candidates Attending Certain Approved IATA CargoTraining Courses or Examinations ......................................................................................... 883Reduced Fares for Cargo Agents .......................................................................................... 881Registration of IATA Cargo Agents ........................................................................................ 801(1)Review by Agency Commissioner ......................................................................................... 801e

Security (Air Cargo) ................................................................................................................ page xlix—Measures for Intended Consolidated Consignments ...................................................... 833a

Simplifying the Business ........................................................................................................ page xiiiStatus (Change of) ................................................................................................................. 801(5)

Violation of Air Waybill Completion Procedures—Consequences ................................................................................................................ 831



AIRLINE CODING DIRECTORYWho could imagine running an airline without using codes? Codes are essential for airline operations…and they have tobe the correct ones. This publication is the official industry source for airline designators, location identifiers and three-digitairline numeric codes. The manual also includes ISO/IATA currency codes and lists contacts for: reservations departmentheads, control office addresses, emergency notification, ticketing time limits, minimum connecting time coordinators andairlines applying reconfirmation procedures. Published in English and available by annual subscription. Computer tapesare also available for Location Identifiers and Airline Codes.

AIR WAYBILL HANDBOOKThis is the official guide for the issuance of the air waybill. Prepared by an international group of airline experts, it explainsin detail how each entry should be recorded on the air waybill. The examples contained in the Handbook assist the readerin understanding the most complicated rating and routing conditions and illustrate how the requirements are entered onthe air waybill. Published annually in English only.

CARGO AGENT'S HANDBOOKSets out the Resolutions and other provisions which are of interest to IATA Cargo Agents in the exercise of their rightsand obligations as registered Agents, and contains information of practical value in their day-to-day work. The Handbooksare published in English, French and Spanish.

CARGO CLAIMS AND LOSS PREVENTION HANDBOOKFor the Airlines as well as Cargo Agents/Intermediaries Cargo claims normally result in upset customers, additional costsand wastage of resources. Although Cargo Claims can not be totally eliminated, with proper handling of Claims theresultant loss and inconvenience can be substantially reduced. Packed with practical information, this new Handbook is acomplete resource for Airlines, Forwarders and others who share an interest in cost-effective claims handling and lossprevention. The 2nd edition of this popular handbook will be published in October 2007.

CARGO INTERCHANGE MESSAGE PROCEDURES MANUAL (CARGO-IMP)Cargo automation between airlines and with customs can only work efficiently if it is based on universally agreed formatsand message procedures. Cargo-IMP is the official source for message specifications covering space allocation, airwaybill information, flight manifest, accounting, status, discrepancy, embargo and proposed airline-custom systems. It alsoincludes an encoding and decoding list of all approved codes and abbreviations including the location identifiers.Published annually in English only.

DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONSShipping dangerous goods by air has become a very important part of the air freight business. Because of the nature ofthese goods, however, special care must be taken not to harm passengers, staff and equipment. The IATA DangerousGoods Regulations contain all provisions mandated by ICAO and all rules universally agreed by airlines to correctlypackage and safely transport dangerous goods by air. Published annually in English, French, German, Spanish,Japanese, Russian and Chinese.

LIVE ANIMALS REGULATIONSThe public at large is concerned about animal welfare. Airlines, shippers and intermediaries involved in the air transport oflive animals have a vital interest in the animals reaching their final destination in good health. The IATA Live AnimalsRegulations describe the container to be used for carriage for each kind of animal and the precautionary measures to betaken during ground and air transportation. The Regulations also contain a comprehensive list of animals including thosewhich are considered endangered species. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Faunaand Flora (CITES) and the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) have endorsed the IATA Regulations as guidelines forair transportation of animals. Published annually in English, French and Spanish.

PERISHABLE CARGO MANUALThe IATA Perishable Cargo Manual is a reference guide for all parties involved in the packaging and handling ofperishables for air transportation. It provides the producers and shippers with an insight of the packaging and preparationrequirements that will help minimise damages and losses, and most important maintain the quality of products throughoutthe transportation chain. Published every two years in English only.


Cargo Services Cargo Agency

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