Caring together pledges

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Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire


From the Communications Rally

March 2013

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Alexi Ness – Clinical Project Manager

To discuss/share and champion Caring Together in the projects I work on and with the people I

work alongside

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

1. Attach the link onto the bottom of my emails. 2. Work with comms to raise awareness in the neighbourhood we serve (internal & external).

3. Share with partners I work with

Andrew Tester – Health & Wellbeing Officer Plus Dane Group

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Anne Marriott – East Locality Manager

I will ensure that the Caring Together brand is at the core of the development of health and social

care community teams

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Bronwyn Barrow – Associate Director of OD & Learning

To explore ways to raise awareness throughout engagement programme - Your Voice and

through day to day contact with colleagues

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Chris Godfrey - Patient

Patient Group Awareness: To raise awareness of integrated care and the H&W Centre through the Toft Patient Group. To ensure continual

awareness through the Knutsford Town Planning Implementation Group. In a personal

context, take opportunities to promote awareness in informed discussions with friends


Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Cllr Janet Clowes – Portfolio Holder: Health & Adult Social Care

Inform elected members of CEC of this initiative (especially wards in East Cheshire). Liaise with CE comms team to link to website. Brief social

care staff of CEC

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Dr Julia Huddart – GP ECCCG Clinical Lead

Inform elected members of CEC of this initiative (especially wards in East Cheshire). Liaise with CE comms team to link to website. Brief social

care staff of CEC

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Elaine Adam – Head of Service Improvement

Brief my staff. Put up posters. Use logos etcwhen applicable

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Elisabeth Street – Clinical Pharmacy Service Manager

To discuss and explain the brand and integrated care concept with pharmacy team at

Macclesfield Hospital. To attend Knutsford Neighbourhood Team meetings and feed back to

pharmacy team

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Helen Bennett – Head of Transformation Cheshire & Merseyside CSU

To share my learning about Caring Together and the brand approach you are taking with

colleagues across the CSU, in order that we can support you effectively if and when you need us.

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Helen Weston – Community Matron

Share principles of Caring Together through workstreams of Integrated Care/Neighbourhood

Teams. Attach logo to emails.

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Hilary Heywood – Integral Health Solutions

I will share examples of good practice, tools and techniques which are innovative and will

support the development of the Caring Together programme

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Julia Cottier – Acting Services Director –CWP East

To ensure that the branding is used in all visual forms of communication and that staff are able

to explain to our service users what it means

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Jacki Wilkes – Head of Clinical Development and Health Outcomes

Take responsibility to ensure all plans are referenced to the principles of Caring Together

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Jane Critchley – Senior Manager – Individual Commissioning and Peronalisation CEC

To continue to lead and motivate staff in the engagement and involvement of the integrated

care agenda - Caring Together

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Richard Ellison-Smith

To work with colleagues to identify areas where we can bring Caring Together to life in terms of

the real behaviours and changes needed to make it work

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Rob Stead – Medical Director ECT

I will ensure Caring Together is a theme in my role as Medical Director at ECT

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Sam Nichol – Integrated Care Programme Director

To put the brand on every item I send out, email, letters, minutes etc and also to live

by the Caring Together principles in every interaction I have and in developing the

programme plans for integrated care

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Stewart Gardiner – Councillor CEC for Knutsford

1. To mention Caring Together wherever and whenever possible throughout East Cheshire. 2. To invite a representative of Caring Together to

attend a Knustford Town Council meeting

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Sue Dean – Project Manager

Use materials provided with out project working groups to better describe their contribution and

encourage them to get their teams to register on the Eng HQ

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Tori Bell – ECCCG Clinical Project Manager

Promote the Caring Together brand to colleagues from the local authority, third sector, other CCGs and acute trust when

working on commissiioning services together.

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Val Aherne – Deputy CEO

Writing a Board paper tomorrow and will include this. Really sorry to be leaving at this

stage (professionally). I will now join the public campaign and have ideas to share with you

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Justin Johnson – Strategic Development Manager

Raise awareness at staff meeting 26/3

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Karen Burton – Clinical Project Manager

1. Include in all emails etc and 2. Ensure included on all agendas for my projects e.g.

Nursing homes, self management support, raising the awareness of Caring


Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

John Parker – Workforce Planner

I will spread the word by promoting the brand that this is genuinely a different and open


Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Kath Senior – Director of Nursing, Performance & Quality

I will commit to raising the profile of Caring Together getting it on Trustwide agendas and

engaging staff to contribute to the engagement HQ. The brand will be used in as many Trust and patient activities as possible. I will add logos to

my email signature.

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Liz Kirk – Learning & Organisational Development Business Partner

Take every opportunity to talk about Caring Together with colleagues

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Paul Bowen – GP Chair

• I'll ensure I allow the aspirations set out by the comms group to motivate the rest of the programme into action/progress. We need to be sure the progress of service design keeps up with the promises of the campaign.

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Rebecca Patel – Public Engagement Manager

I pledge to actively encourage people to sign up to the engagement HQ and to ensure that

patients, carers and staff engaged in the CCG are aware of Caring Together and its progress

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Matthew Cunningham

1. I will not say integrated care - I will say Caring Together. 2. One day a week I will dedicate to

Caring Together. 3. I will develop a Caring Together staff champion programme of the CCG

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Nikki Hotchin – Clinical Projects Coordinator

Brilliant session. I will pledge to share and support and embed the principles, aims and

values of Caring Together in my day to day role and thinking within the CCG

Integrating Care in Eastern Cheshire

Liz McGill – Chair ECT

Share messages with staff. Provide visability for message. Understand resource requirements so we might identify people where possible. Share

resources and sign up to principles