Caritas Bangladesh, Cox's Bazar Monthly Rohingya Barta · more complex design and high quality...

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understood how she has to plant the saplings and seeds. Each household received the guideline on how to plant the saplings. Caritas Bangladesh also provided 450 Taka each in two installments. Using this money, those families can purchase fertilizers and other necessary equipment for proper nurturing of the plants. The beneficiaries are very enthusiastic for having the benefits from the trees when they grow up.

Besides this, Caritas Bangladesh also provided saplings and bamboo grafts on community level as road side plantation to improve the environment..

E nvironmental degradation is one of the biggest issues in this refugee crisis.

Thousands of trees have been cut down in order to manage the fuel supply of each households for cooking purposes. Due to this

massive deforestation, the whole Kutupalong camp faced brink of desertification. With a view to restoring the environmental resources, Caritas Bangladesh distributed saplings to 24,613 households. The distribution primarily covered camp 3, 4, 5 and 17.The saplings included regional varieties such as Amropali, Jalpai, Guava, Kalo Jam, Lemon, Mehogoni, Akashmoni, Rain Tree,

Neem etc.

Along with saplings, the households were also provided with seeds of prominent vegetables which grow properly in the existing soil and temperature. The seeds included Sweet Gourd, Cow-Pea, Ridged Gourd etc. These saplings and seeds have been carefully selected in collaboration with Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC).

The aim was to increase the greenery in the camps and provide the households with the opportunity to obtain some form of income and sustenance. These saplings will also save those households from adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain, landslide, mudslide and even cyclone when they grow up. Furthermore, large scale tree plantation can reduce the temperature in the camps.

Before distributing the saplings, the families were provided with sufficient information as to how they should plant them. They were happy to receive this information.

One of the beneficiaries of sapling distribu-tion, Setara Begum (camp 4) said, “I have never received any tree from any other organization. I am very happy to receive this and I will consider this tree as my own.” She

“Environmental Protection through Sapling Distribution”

250 Mid Term Shelters in Camp 20 Extension

T he existing temporary shelters face high risks due to heavy

wind, excessive rainfall, high temperature and other adverse weather conditions. Hence, a new and stronger model of shelter was the solution. In order to provide the most vulnerable refugees with more safety and improved living space,

Caritas Bangladesh undertook the plan to construct a total of 753 mid-term shelters in Camp 4, and Camp 20 Extension. These shelters are to be constructed following the models previously tested in camp 4 extension by CB. So far, 250 mid-term shelters have been constructed in camp 20 extension. The shelters are constructed using more complex design and high quality materials. For managing safe and accessible shelters for vulnerable Rohingya population, IOM has carried out site development activities in camp 20 extension. This site was used by CB to construct the mid-term

shelters. Once the construction of these shelters is complete, the families which face more risks in the camps will be relocated here. The resilience of all the shelters in the camps will be tested in the upcoming cyclone season. Since this region is highly susceptible to cyclones during this period, the mid-term shelters will be crucial to provide the households with more safety and security from risks. It is a face of great achievement that these mid-term shelters have been selected by the Shelter/NFI sector as standard for construction in the whole response.

Caritas Bangladesh, Cox's Bazar

August—September 2018 Volume 1, Issue 2

Rohingya Barta

Inside this issue:

Essence of Learning 2

July at a Glance 2

Energy efficiency: LPG 3

Roadside Plantation 3

WaSH 3

Map: S. Street Light 4

“24,613 HHs planted two sapling each, near their shelter”

CiC Camp 4 Inaugurate Sapling Distribution


Green again in Rohingya Camp

C aritas Bangladesh operating 6 Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) in Camp 4 of Kutupalong since March, 2018.

The main gross objective of this project is to help children to come out from trauma and enjoy a delightful and pleasant life. Keeping the motive in front Caritas Bangladesh CFS project conducted a series of activities. Everyday twelve

Facilitators conducted Essence of Learn-ing (EoL) session in the 6 CFSs. Where children have participated in various activities; such as; action song, rhymes, finger poem, construction play, role play, orientation, discussion, drawing and storytelling session. The EoL session is well designed for the intellectual and cognitive development of the children. Through these session children are learning about how to keep them neat and clean and the other important issues related with health and hygiene. Furthermore, everyday every child gets Boiled Egg and Banana/Apple per head. Throughout the month CFS project conducted 14 CFS Management committee meetings, 25 Women/Parents Session, 18 Youth session and 23 Elderly sessions. Through these sessions and

CB CFS : the Essence of Learning

Achievement at a Glance (up to September 2018)

Caritas Bangladesh distributed LPG to 12,000 families in June 2018 (including 500 host families). Caritas Bangladesh provided 1st round refill of 10,946 HHs and 2nd round refill for 2,724 HHs up to September 2018. Another 6,829 families are yet to receive new LPG Stoves and Cyl-


By September 2018, 463 families have been relocated into the shelters built in Camp 4 Extension, among them 19 are EVI families

Caritas Bangladesh already constructed 261 latrines; 27 deep tube wells; and 170 bathing areas.

For ensuring continued service, CB repaired 40 latrines, 25 bathing spaces and 47 non functional tube-wells in camp 17.


CB installed 684 street lights in Camps 3, 4 and Camp 4 Extension – have ease con-

gestion, reduced risk of landslide, and improved safety.

More 37 camp area and 50 for Host com-munity will be under installation process.

Unique beneficiaries: 90,932 HHs

- Refugee households assisted with food distributions: 75,124.

- Host communities assisted with NFI, LPG, and/or hygiene kits: 2,662 HH.

- Refugee households assisted with site improvement, shelter, WASH and/or

protection: 13,146 HH.

8,452 Up gradation shelter kits and 6,267 pre-monsoon kits, 6,944 Pad-lock distributed and constructed 461units of transitional shelter along

with 250 MTS..

Using local technologies by the end of September the key achievements are –

- Earth drainage (97,284 Rft),

- Upgrading paths (17,349 Rft)

- Steps (142,376 Rft)

- Retaining walls (203,619 Rft) - Bamboo Bridge (69 no)

Page 2

Rohingya Barta

Caritas Bangladesh has planted 3,530,000 vetiver grasses in Camp 4 & 17 to protect environment. 49,226 saplings were provided at HH level and 37,021 sap-

lings were planted at roadside.

Under Barefoot Counseling project in Protection Sector, 25 ToRs have been signed by counsellors. Project proposal for 3 Women Friendly Spaces (WFS) submitted to NGO-AB for FD7 approval. One spot has been identified for WFS at camp 20 ext. Also, in CFS, an average of 1,892 children have been as-sisted through activities imple-mented at the 6 functional CFS at Camp 4 to date, .

Building upon the development of land-slide & flood risk maps through GIS, site improvement activities were carried out. Total 25,560 rft retention wall, 30,438 rft bamboo drain, 46,667 rft step improve-ment, 43 bamboo bridge, 11,009 sft slope protection and 146 awareness sessions were conducted

meetings CFS project disseminate important issues like child protection, child rights and child care to the whole community to ensure the all dimension protection for the children. Besides that, in this month 1892 children who are enrolled in the CFSs have got one bag of food grains (Rice, Pulse, Onion, Potato, Soyabean Oil and Powder Milk Packet) individually. Besides that, the CFS PSS and Case Management team are giving psychosocial support, managing cases related with children and referring some cases to the other agencies to ensure the smooth psychological state of mind of the children. Thus, CFS project is serving the Rohingya children as well as the whole community.

Report: Andrew Avijit Das (JM&EO),

CFS Project

I n order to restore & replenish

the environmental resources,

Caritas Bangladesh is fully

committed and dedicated. In

addition to the first 12,000 LPG

distributed to the households,

Caritas Bangladesh has also

undertaken the plan to provide 4

more refills to the same house-

holds. The first refilling of LPG

has been completed and the

second round of refill is going

on. The refilling will be provided

to the households based on their

needs. CB has constructed two

depots where the beneficiaries

can come and refill their LPGs

without any hassle.

The convenience of beneficiaries has been prioritized so that they become more encouraged to use LPG rather than cutting down trees to collect firewood. The community seems to have accepted this quite well and they have been effectively using the LPG for cooking. Furthermore, the beneficiaries are trained on how to use the LPG stoves and cylinders. This has made them more conscious to use the LPG stoves and cylinders more effectively and safely.

MEAL team is using online data collection App to keep track of each and every beneficiary. They also conduct exit interview to and ensure that beneficiaries will use the stoves and cylinders effectively. The previous list of beneficiaries was also verified in order to avoid duplication of distribution.

On top of the 12,000 HHs

covered with LPG, another 6,829

new HHs have been targeted

who will received this service.

there are huge gap in proper repair and maintenance of installed facilities. Caritas Bangladesh repaired 40 latrines out of total target 50, 25 bathing cubical out of 30 till 30th September, 2018. At the same time, CB also selected 40 cleaning volunteers from Rohingya community for proper maintenance and cleaning of installed latrines and bating cubical. A training also held at camp 17 for cleaning volunteer on 4th September, 2018. they

A fter passing a year, still the settlements are dangerously

congested. The pressure on sources of clean drinking water and sanitation are enormous. As the emergency period is almost over, government and different NGO are now looking for something sustainable which can serve community in a better way. However, there are now nearly acceptable number WASH facilities installed in mega camp through collaboration of GoB and others stakeholders. But still

also received latrine cleaning kit (brush, harpic, hand gloves, metal bucket etc.) on the same day. Till date Caritas Bangladesh repair 47 non-functional tube-well at Camp 3 and 17 out of total target 75. Total 10 tube-well technician were selected from both camp and daylong training to provide them in-depth idea about ground water sources, aquifer, water cycle, issues of hand-pumps and how to repair the hand ump tube-well. A hand pump repairing tool box also pro-vided to all technicians.

Energy Efficiency with LPG

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)

Go Green : Road side Plantation

T he massive deforestation

brought about due to need

for fuel supply revealed the need

for road side tree plantation. To

cover this need, CB has taken

the initiative to plant trees on

road side along with household

distribution of plants.

In order to tackle this emerging

problem, Caritas Bangladesh has

planted 37,021 of saplings in

Camp 3, 4, 4 extension & 17. CB

also has taken initiative to

protect and nurture the trees so

that they can survive and grow.

Besides this, 5000 bamboo grafts

have been planted to preserve

bamboo supply in future.

Caretakers were hired to water

the plants on a regular basis.

These plants will also save the

environment and the inhabitants

of the camps from various haz-

ards including landslide, mud-

slide, excessive heat etc. These

plants will also contribute

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Volume 1, Issue 2

greatly to control the temperature of

the area.

The impacts of desertification will be

reduced and the environmental

resources will be replenished when

these plants grow to their fullest


Board of Advisor:

- James Gomes, Regional Director, Chattogram - AJM Mazharul Islam,

Head of Program, Cox’s Bazaer


- Md Ashik Eqbal Manager MEAL, Cox’s Bazar

Map Developed by:

- Sajal Chandra Debnath GIS Manager. Cox’s Bazar


- Abdullah Fuad I&R Officer. Cox’s Bazar

Caritas Bangladesh, Cox's Bazar

Caritas Bangladesh, Cox’s Bazar expresses its gratitude to all of its donors, partners and well-wishers for standing

beside the vulnerable Rohingya population

Caritas Bangladesh, Cox’s Bazar

Manha Bhaban, House No -0252-01

Thana Road, Bador Mokam, Cox's Bazar,