Carl Jung

Post on 09-Dec-2014

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Theory of Carl Jung covering the archetypes and personality typology


Carl Gustav Jung


Freud’s “Crown Prince”

who fell from grace for having his own

theoretical ideasabout personality

Instincts Archetypes

Predisposed human ways of perceiving, apprehending, responding, reacting

Collective in nature from our human ancestors

Darwinian principle applied to the psyche

Genetic structures of potential Personal nature forms through experience and development

Instinctual need to develop and become an individual

“Individual” and “Divide” are a part of the word To become an individual we must divide what is unconscious into it’s conscious component

Development of the archetypes Realization of the influence of archetypes upon behavior

Fuel for the psyche General life force that drives the personality

Energy that is finite in the psyche

Differed from Freud’s definition. Libido is more than sexually generated. We have a drive towards many pursuits.

Governed by the Principle of Opposites Yin/Yang of nature

Acts according to the Principle of Equivalence Equal amount of psychic energy is invested to both sides of any position

Make the opposites conscious Principle of Entropy explains what you can expect of your psyche Energy will seek a return to equal distribution to polar opposites

conscious personal unconscious

contents in the unconscious that come from our personal lives

collective unconscious

instincts archetypes Uroboros (Egg)

The dark side of human nature

Those qualities, characteristics, feelings, impulses we have that we reject and therefore shove into our shadow, where we hope they remain hidden from ourselves and others

Greek for “mask” The many social faces we wear in order to adapt

Is only a part of who we are, but we may identify with it more than our true self because of the status (or power) it may provide us

Anima is the undeveloped feminine side of males

Embodies all the characteristics generally ascribed to females Submissive Nurturing Emotional

Animus is the undeveloped masculine side of females

Embodies characteristics generally ascribed to males Dominant Logical Action oriented

Attitudes The direction in which one invests the libido EXTROVERSION: Libido is directed towards objects and people external to oneself

INTROVERSION: Libido is directed inward towards the self and the subjective state

Irrational functions: Used to perceive information/experience Sensation: hot/cold; hard/soft; light/dark

Intuition: derive possibilities; nuances

Rational functions: Used to evaluate or judge information/experience Thinking: judges using a logical, objective criteria

Feeling: judges using emotional evaluation; likes/dislikes; good/bad