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60 Cameron Street, Bexley NSW 2207 T: 9587 3717 - 9587 3162 E:


Carlton Speak 2012 Carlton Public School E-Bulletin

Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

Dear Parents and Carers

On Monday 10 December (Week 10 of Term 4) you will receive your child’s Semester 2 Student Report. This

report is first edition of a revised report that will come to you in a new coloured format. Below I have

outlined the various parts of the report with some explanatory notes to assist your understanding of the


The front cover has your child’s photograph, name, class, and

teacher’s name. It also has information about what to do to follow up

the report with teachers or the school executive.

This section is an explanation of the A-E Achievement Code and the words that

describe the achievement levels. It is important for you to understand that if your

child receives the Sound achievement level in any of the six areas of the report it

means that he/she is achieving everything expected for the grade level at this point

in the year. You can be well satisfied with this level and then provide further

encouragement and support to try and extend the achievement level to High or

Outstanding in the next semester. If your child receives a Basic achievement level it

means he/she is behind the expected grade level in that area. If a Limited level of

achievement is marked it means your child is well behind the grade level and is

experiencing great difficulty in that area and that he/she is receiving support through

an Individual Education Plan.

The lower section on the front page shows the Effort Rating Code that teacher’s use

to describe your child’s effort and application to their work in each Key Learning Area.

Your child is graded as Excellent, Very Good, Consistent or Improvement Needed.

Your child’s overall A-E Achievement Grade in English is recorded here.

Your child’s Effort Grade in English is recorded here.

Your child’s A-E Achievement Grade in each part of English is recorded here.

The class teacher’s comment about your child’s skills, knowledge, interest & abilities in

English are written here along with comments on ways to improve.

Your child’s overall A-E Achievement Grade in Mathematics is recorded here.

Your child’s Effort Grade in Maths is recorded here.

Your child’s A-E Achievement Grade in each part of Maths is recorded here.

The class teacher’s comment about your child’s skills, knowledge, interest & abilities in

Maths are written here along with comments on ways to improve.

In the same fashion, your child’s overall A-E Achievement Grade, Effort Grade and

A-E Achievement Grade in each part of Creative Arts and Human Society & Its

Environment are recorded here.

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

2013 Swimming Carnival

The Annual Swimming Carnival will be held on Tuesday 5 February 2013 at Bexley Swimming Pool.

On Monday next week all students who will be in Years 3-6 in 2013 as well as Year 2 students who will turn

eight years of age next year and who are competent swimmers will receive details about the carnival.

In 2013, we are expanding the carnival to include all primary students in competitive (where nominated),

novelty and safety events. Because the event is so early in the new school year we need to have it organised

and almost finalised before the end of this year. This means the nominations for the events, permission

notes and where possible the payment needs to be completed before the end of 2012. Please read the note

carefully and respond by completing and returning the necessary information as soon as possible. Thank You!

Remember this event is for all 2013 primary students and competitive swimmers in Year 2 who turn eight in



Lainey G who successfully auditioned for a role in a huge production of The Wizard of Oz showing

at The Riverside Theatre in Parramatta in February 2013. Well Done Lainey!

To all our participants in the last season of PSSA Sport which concludes tomorrow with seven of our

teams involved in semi finals and finals.

My thanks go to everyone involved with last Friday’s Movie Night. The participation by our families

and the organisation by Ms Rasmussen, our office staff and the P&C volunteers was first rate and

much appreciated.

Best wishes to all our Year 6 students as they participate in the traditional Year 6 Farewell evening

next Wednesday.


Please check the calendar for the dates of Picnic Days for each stage and finalise payments and

permission if you want your child/children to participate.

In the same fashion as above, your child’s overall A-E Achievement Grade, Effort

Grade and A-E Achievement Grade in each part of Health, Physical Education &

Personal Development, Science & Technology and Languages are recorded here.

Teacher comments about your child’s skills, knowledge, interest & abilities in Languages

are here. Additional comments from ESL and support teachers are included in this

section for those children receiving this additional support.

The last page shows teacher judgements about aspects of your child’s social

development and commitment to learning at school, using a rating scale of: C = Consistently, U = Usually, S = Sometimes, R = Rarely, N = Never

This section shows additional School Activities that your child has participated in during

this semester.

Information about your child’s attendance for the semester is recorded here.

The final section of the report is a general summative comment from the class teacher

about your child’s progress during this semester.

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

The High School Orientation Day for all public high schools occurs next Wednesday December 5

Our Y3-6 and K-2 Presentation Days are being held on Wednesday 12 December

The 2013 Swimming Carnival nominations, permission note and payment need to be returned this year.


Steve Cooper

Silver Awards


Congratulations to the following students who will receive their silver or gold awards at the K-2 assembly

on Monday 3 December (Week 9) at 2pm.


Nora A (1S) Zeinab S (1S) Maria G (2W) Carolina D (2/3M)

Stefan P (2W) Rosewyn S (2K)


Amy Z (KM) Leya Y (KM) Aidan W (KM) Linda S (1N)

Allen B (1N) Prachi P (1N) Sawanya M (KIB) Tajrin A (KIB)

Lily N (KH) Jasmine B (KH) Linda B (KH) Ana Latai V (KH)

Goddy D (2/3M) Isabella R (1/2C) Leanne T (1/2C) Mindy L (1/2C)

Mark C (1/2C) Michael L (KF) Isabel D (KF) Shanaya T (1K)

Kelly F (1/2C) Yahnina H (KH) Georgie K (KJ) Kishan S (KJ)

Fatima R (KJ) Matthew L (KJ) Evelyn T (KJ) Nicholas L (2K)

Faatimah H (2K) Daniel M (2K) KaiLi C (KF) Lucas McD (KF)

Reanne A (KF) Amira S-A (KF) Imogen D (KF) Jennifer W (2W)

Amelia H (2W) Faith S (2W) Forrest Y (2W) Ali H (1/2C)

Solomona H (1/2C) Erik H (KH) Sierra T (KH) Zitian Q (2W)

Hannah A-F (2P) Nicholas M (KIB) Gabrielle H (KF) Katherine X (1/2J)

Montana D-F (KF) Marissa G (1/2J) Ameliah E-H (KF)


Congratulations to the following students who will receive their silver or gold awards at the Y3-6

assembly on Friday 7 December (Week 9) at 11.30am.


James X (5T) Anwar S (2/3M) Cameron D (6H) Tovy L (6KM)

Adam H (5T) Aneeta N (3/4E) Jason R (3A) Jordan S (3A)

Max L (3A) Jason L (3A) Jessica R (5T) Sarah T (5T)

Jarred T (6H) Jade M (6H) Hussein A (6H) Brandon L (3A)

Nadeem Z (6KM) Rhianne C (6KM) Raiyyan D (6KM) Melissa T (6KM)

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

Throssoula T (6KM) Lana C (6KM) Nathan F (3T) Kareem C (4SJ)

Kristijian S (4SJ)


Florence N (6H) Edward G (3J) Anastasija V (3J) Luke W (3/4G)

Alyssa P (3/4G) Maya T (3/4G) Phoebe T (3/4G) Angela C (6C)

Riche B (5/6S) Leo Z (5/6S) Jim K (4SJ) Aashna B (4SJ)

Helen L (6KM) Arsha B (6KM) Patryk B (4C) Rakim I (4C)

Alicia P-V (4C) Lainey G (2/3M) Lucas J (5/6F) Jamie-Lee P (6H)

Ohm B (3/4E) Allyson B (6KM) Raunak B (5/6F) Vicky C (5/6F)

Fiona R (5/6F) Veronica L (5/6F) Rasya A (3/4G) Rudy C (3/4E)

Christine C (3/4E) Daisy L (3/4E) Anthony H (3/4E) Edwin S (3/4E)

Jacky M (5/6F) Emily K (5/6F) Tiyana P (5/6F) Caitlin L (5/6F)

Choessa H (6C) Danielle G (6C) Vangeli K (6C) Ryan L (3J)

Maria L (5T) Beth S (5T) Thomas C (5T) Samantha S (4C)

Gordon Y (4C) Mahdi H (4C) Andrianna J (4C) Jason L (4C)

Hristopher N (4C) Gordon L (4/5NH) Sarutta B (3J) Daliah M (3J)

Martin R (4A) Anthony H (5/6S) Adesina S (5/6S) Helen K (5/6S)

Brian S (5/6S) Ronak B (5/6S) Alice L (5/6S) Alex H (3A)

Cindy S (3A) Emily H (3A) Louisa Z (3A) Somya T (3A)

Noor A (3A) Hassan A (6KM) Daniel B (6KM) Vivien C (6KM)

Pranay S (6KM) Tina M (6KM) Julia B (6KM) Ellie M (6KM)

Katerina K (6KM) Thomas L (3T) Ellis P (3T) Thamina H (3T)

Heba C (4SJ) Katrina A (4SJ)

Congratulations to last week’s Assembly award recipientsKM- Lucas T; Amy Z KJ- Nikola V; Eloise T KF- Marques S; Kabya G

KH- Ana L; Erik H KD- Mimi L; Jamie K KIB- Serene A; Filip K

1/2C- Patrick C; Jamie L 1D- Lily R; Yuri D 1S- Dante V; Grace T

1K- Stefan J; Billie J 1TM- Yingyu K; Zainab H 1N- Caitlyn S; Rachid A

1/2J- Elton L; Katherine C 2HA- Saajida Z; Tana S 2K- Nicholas L; Faatimah H

2P- Bernadette R; Ali S 2W- Raiyan K; Lina D 2/3M- Carolina D; Anwar S

3J- Adam C; Angelina G 3A- Abbas K; Aaliyah S 3T- Ellis P; Mya T

4A- Moamen A; Alicia B 3/4E- Jessica Y; Jordon Z 3/4G- Thomas C; Nathan D

4C- Maytham S; Rosalie C 4SJ- Ali H; Aashna B 4/5NH- Olivia M; Wei L

5T- Amy G; Joshua N 5B- Brianna P; Gabriel A 5/6F- Emily K; Tamzed K

5/6S-Ronak B; Elsey-Anne D 6KM- Melissa T; Maxwell N 6C- Jim B; Angela C

6H- Sabrina S; Nour N

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

P&C News

Kidsmatter Movie Night

The weather was kind for our movie night last Friday. From all reports everyone had a fabulous time. Next

time we promise to have more glow fingers – they were very popular. Thank you to all who contributed to the

success of the event – parents, friends, teachers, sponsors, office and maintenance staff.

Email address

The P&C can be contacted at with any issues or comments at our P&C email,

Term 4 Guessing Competition

Tickets must be returned by Monday, 10 December. Funds raised will be used for the site improvement of the

school. Please return all ticket books back to school whether they are sold or unsold. Additional tickets are

available from the office. The competition will be drawn at the Presentation Day morning tea at 11am on

Wednesday, 12 December.

1st Prize: 40 inch LCD TV

Additional prizes include an original artwork, $50 Coles/Myer vouchers, a Kambrook rice cooker, a Kambrook

kettle, a popcorn maker, a pancake maker, picnic set backpack and Paris canvas prints.

School Banking

New banking competition – win an iPad mini!

This is an easy competition for all school bankers to enter. Children just need to make a deposit at school on a

Tuesday between November 19 and December 14. Our final school banking day this year is December 11 so

students at Carlton have two more weeks to enter. There are 12 iPad minis to be won – each valued at $369.

Posters advertising the competition can be seen on the school noticeboard near the office. Terms and

conditions can be found at

1/2C winners again!

Congratulations to 1/2C who were the winners of the Dollarmites Achievement Certificate this week. This

award is given each week to the class who has the most children banking each Tuesday.

November Lucky Draw

Mr Cooper drew the winner of the November random drawer at the parent helper morning tea this week. The

lucky winner was Fatima A from 3A. Fatima will receive her prize at next week’s primary assembly.

Deposit Books

At this time of year many children need a new deposit book. Our stocks have currently run out but hopefully

new deposit books should arrive by next week. If your child needs a new book send in their deposit with a note

in their wallet and a deposit slip in their new book will be filled out.


Handballs and wallets are no longer available through the redemption program. They were extremely popular

prizes. There is only one watch left in our stocks and once it is claimed there will be no further supplies. If

more than one child claims a watch as a reward it will be allocated by a ballot. USB’s have been so popular that

they are on order again. Our supply should arrive in time for next Tuesday, so if your child claimed a USB this

week they should receive it next week all going well.

Happy banking!

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

Maori Community Language

Tena koutou katoa, greetings to everyone.

In 2012, students in the Māori class have been learning the colours, numbers and basic sentence

structure using Cuisenaire rods (rākau). In New Zealand this particular method of learning Te Reo

Māori is called Te Ataarangi.

Te Ataarangi was developed in the late 1970's by Dr Kāterina Te Heikōkō Mataira and Ngoingoi Pewhairangi. It was designed as a community-based programme for adult Māori language learning. Te Ataarangi is modelled on The Silent Way method developed by Caleb Gattegno, which utilizes Cuisenaire rods (rākau) to teach and learn a target language.

This particular method encourages the students to listen, look and to speak in Te Reo Māori. The learning has been hands on and followed up with simple songs which the students have enjoyed very much.

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

Year 6 Farewell 2012 Program

6:00pm Children begin arriving at St George Leagues Club

and move into the Grange Room

6:20pm Speech by Mr Cooper

Response by School Captains:

Tiyana P and Raunak B

Cutting of the Cake

6:40pm Teachers and children begin dinner

7:40pm Dancing

8:30pm Parents are invited to join children on the dance floor

Children sing Farewell Song

All children picked up by 9:00pm

Christmas Giving Tree & Food Collection

As you know, Christmas is coming soon. It is tradition at our school to have a special Christmas

Tree in the school office foyer.

The reason our tree is “SPECIAL”, is because we put presents under the tree for others who

may not be able to have the Christmas they would like, because of their financial and family

situations. We ask that all children look at home for toys they no longer play with-which are

still in very good condition. Perhaps they could buy a new toy with their pocket money for

these needy children.

The gift should be wrapped in Christmas paper and labeled "boy" or "girl" and the age of the

child it would be suitable for. We are also asking for donations of tinned and nonperishable

food, to be placed in food hamper packages. Please check the date on the food before you bring it to


Every child who brings in a gift present or tinned food product will be given a star with their

name on it, and the star will be placed on the tree. The collection will close on Monday, 16

December, 2012, when the children will be able to collect and keep their own stars.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Mrs. Z. Mihajlova

Book Club Order- Reminder Book Club - Issue 8 - November 2012

Reminder - Please have orders to the office promptly by Friday 30 November 2012. No orders will be accepted

after this Friday.

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

Premier’s Reading Challenge The following students from our school have been successful in meeting the Premier’s Reading challenge for

2012. We had 127 students meet the challenge this year. Congratulations to everyone. Let’s see if we can get

over 200 of our students meet the challenge next year.


Gabrielle H; Holly H; Simone J; Lucas M

Year 1

Katherine C; Perry C; Annie D; Michael K; Katrina L; Jennifer L; Jonathan L; Alexandra M; Callum P; Michael S;

Daria S; Hannah S; Angus T; Sylvia V; Dante V; Akshara Y; Kevin Y

Year 2

Carolina D; Marissa G; Victoria H; Alisha H; Axel H; Rami K; Ellis K; Emmett KN; Michael K; Chanelle L; Jamie L;

Kaylee L; Mindy L; Paawan P; Zayan R; Tyler S; Harsh S; Caitlin S; Jeremy S; Sarah T; Junya W; Katherine X

Year 3

Fatima A; Noor A; Ayah A; Samma A; Ali A; Ohm B; Christine C; Christina C; William C; Marianna C; Mia DC;

Ronald F; Elizabeth G; Alex H; Amani H; Emily H; Anthony H; Clare J; Abbas K; Shelby K; Brandon L; Ryan L;

Jason L; Daisy L; Max L; Blake M; Duncan M; Tamara M; John P; Monica P; Ellis P; Jason R; Aaliyah S; Cindy S;

Nader S; Jordan S; Tazmin S; Somya T; Joseph T; Christina W; Elaina Y; Louisa Z

Year 4

Katrina A; Billy B; Rachel D; Angela D; Chelsea D; Nathan D; Samuel F; Vanessa F; Jade H; Rhiannon H; Natalie

H; Jun J; Andrianna J; Gordon L; Spencer L; Kevin M; Daniel P; Dheeraj P; Martin R; Giustino R; Elita S; Max X;

Gordon Y; Vincent Y

Year 5

Dylan C; Thomas C; Jacinta D; Hussein H; Tamzed K; Alice L; Lachlan L; Cynthia L; Veronica L; Wei L; Justein L;

Maria L; Bryan L; Caitlin L; Jacky M; Reem R; Chris R; William S; Curtis T; Phoebe T; Daniel W; Zahra Z

Year 6

Christina A; Riche B; Raunak B; Arsha B; Allyson B; Damian C; David C; Helen C; Vicky C; Alex G; Choessa H;

Lucas J; Pei J; Carol K; Lucy K; Teresa L; James L; Leo L; Tina M; Maxwell N; Kane Q; Fiona R; Pranay S; Adesina

S; Yolanda Z; Leo Z

FREE fun program for kids to become healthier, fitter and happier!

Go4Fun® is a healthy lifestyle program to improve health, fitness, self-esteem and confidence in

children above their ideal weight. Go4Fun® runs for 10 weeks during school term for children and

their parents. Sessions are run twice a week for two hours after school and include games, activities,

tips on healthy food, label reading and portion sizes plus much more!

A program will be running during school term 1, 2013 at:

Moorefield Girls High School Princes Hwy, Kogarah Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30-6:30pm

Starting Monday 4 February, 2013 To book in to a program please phone 1800 780 900.

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012

Help your kids enjoy reading

How do you make reading a joy and not a chore for your child? One way is to find information

and interesting facts about things that intrigue or interest your child in books, magazines or

on the internet. Read and talk about what you find out. Here are some other tips:


Term 4 Calendar

Week 8-Week 11

Week 8 – 26 November – 30 November Week 9 – 3 December – 7 December



Early Stage 1 Bounce Gymnastic Lesson Mon








Thank you morning tea for all helpers 11am

Combined Scripture Assembly 10am



High School Orientation Day

Year 6 Farewell 6pm







PSSA Semi Finals & Finals combined Fri


Week 10 – 10 December – 14 December Week 11 – 17 December – 21 December





Picnic Day







Presentation Day 3-6 9:30 am

Morning Tea for parents & guests

Presentation Day K-2 11:45 am



Last Day of School for students





Staff Development Day 1



Sport Award Presentation Assembly 9:30am Fri


Staff Development Day 2

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Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 8 Thursday 29 November 2012