Carum carvi (Caraway)

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Introduction of Caraway

Contents:Pharmacognostic featuresUsesTraditional UsesMechanism of actionDrug InteractionSide EffectsDosageCautionContraindication

Pharmacognostic featuresBotanical origin:Carum carvi LinnFamily: Umbelliferae/ApiaceaeUrdu name : Sufaid ZiraEnglish name: Caraway seedsPart used : Dried ripe fruits Chemical constituents: Volatile oil(4-7%),Carvone (60%),Carvene,oxygenated oil carvvol,fixed oils(8-20 %),limonene Importantconstituent:Carvone(60%),limonene.These substances soothe digestive tract, reduce bloating,gas,muscle spasm, have anti-fungal , anti-bacterial properties as well.

USES:Used for digestive problems including heartburn,gas,mild spasm of stomach and intestine.

Kill bacteria in body and relieve constipation.

Used in mouthwashes and in skin rubs to improve local blood flow.In food caraway is used as cooking spice.Used as fragrance in toothpaste, soap and cosmetics.Both fruit and oil possess aromatic,stimulant,flavouring agent and carminative.

It is recommended in dyspepsia, for flatulence indigestion.Used as anti-hyperglycemic and anti-cancer.

Traditional uses:Freshens the breath and soothes the digestive tract to relieve colic,cramps,bloating.

As an expectorant,it is safe enough for children during such illness as bronchitis.

Tea made from caraway seeds may prevent or treat iron deficiency anaemia.

Caraway is promoted to help regulate menstrual periods or prompt the return of menstruation in women whose periods have stopped.

Mechanism of action:

Caraway might have anti-hyperglycemic activity. This effect appears to be independent of insulin secretion. It might inhibit production of glucose by liver on increase uptake of glucose by peripheral tissue.

Volatile oil constituent carvone used ac anti-carcinogenics includes glutathione S transferase which might inhibit carcinogenics and thereby lower cancer risk.

Drug interaction:Medication for diabetes(Anti-Diabetic drugs):Caraway might decrease blood sugar. Anti-Diabetic are also used to lower blood sugar . Taking caraway along with diabetes medication might cause your blood sugar to get too low . Some anti-Diabetic drugs include Glimepiride , glyburide , pioglitazone.Sedative Medication(CNS depressant):Caraway seed extract might cause sleepiness and drowsiness . Medications that cause sleepiness are called sedatives . Taking caraway seed extract along with sedative medications might cause too much sleepiness.

Drug interaction:

Water pills(Diuretic drugs):Caraway fruit extract might decrease potassium in the body . Taking caraway fruit extract along with water pills might decrease potassium in body too much.

Isoniazid:Caraway seed extract might increase how much isoniazid the body absorbs .This might Increase the effects and side effects of isoniazid.

Side effects:Pregnant women should avoid this herb as in some cases it may lead to miscarriage.

Long term use of caraway may lead to kidney and liver damage.

Those with sensitive skin should also avoid caraway as it may lead to rashes and itching.

Dosage: Tincture: 50 drops three times a day.Caraway powder: 30-60 mg per day with a glass of water or milk.Essential oil: 0.06-0.2 ml per dose.Cautions:

Do not use essential oil except under professional supervision.

Large doses for extended periods can lead to liver and kidney damage.


Do not take caraway if you are scheduled for surgery in next two weeks.

It is not safe to use the purified essential oil by childrenbelow two year , it may cause skin and mucous membrane irritation.

The essential oil is very potent and may irritate the skin. A skin patch test is advised , before diluted oil is applied to skin.

Pregnant women should not ingest excessive amount of caraway seed.

Pharmacognosy by William C Evans

Textbook of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry