CAS Umair and Noel

Post on 20-Dec-2014

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Neighborhood Road Project

Summary• This all started with one thought of getting my

Neighbors together into socializing with each other and standing together as one power in times of difficulties.

• One major issue in our neighborhood is potholes. We as Zimbabweans know about that quite well.

• We wanted to fix the potholes but more importantly bring all our neighborhood together in this job.

• But how was that possible? We needed to win their trust first!


• So we made a plan of first investing in and making a few potholes by ourselves and then we will go around to each house asking them to help us in helping them.

• Then we made a visit to the city council of Harare. We had a meeting with the department of engineering services with the director.

Director of Engineering Service

Screen Shots of the Allowance Certificate

Road building• We contacted

Lakus Private limited a well known company which fixes roads.

• We bought 20 bags to start off, each of which was 20 kgs and was for 12 dollars.

Road before

Road before

How we did