Case stardoll cinema_cases_2010

Post on 22-May-2015

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Film: Marmaduke

Film House: 20th Century Fox

Duration on Site: 1 month

- 110K unique visitors acquired their virtual gift for participation (click-to-play trailer)

- 43% CTR from the Campaign Page to the Stardoll Cinema for trailer viewings

- 30K Unique Video Views, CPView: 70p

- 3,600 Comments on the film

- 32K entries to the Scenery Contest

- Paid for impressions: 2.7m

- Earned impressions: 7.5m

Film: Ramona & Beezus

Film House: 20th Century Fox

Duration on Site: 1 month

- 152,000 unique visitors acquired their virtual gift for participation (click-to-play trailer)

- 103K unique video views, CPView: 55p

- 7,000 comments on the film

- a 70% click through from campaign page to the OFFICIAL SITE

- a 43% CTRate from the Campaign Page to watch the Trailer in the Cinema

- 9,322 Sceneries created for the contest (see image on the right)

Film: Dear John

Film House: Momentum

Duration on Site: 1 month

13m impressions

1.3m clicks

98k Uniques to Campaign Page

14% CTR HP puff

4% CTR Supersky

42k Unique Video Views, CPView: 49p

19k contest entries

48k lead character doll visits

Film: Cats & Dogs, Truth about Kitty Galore

Film House: Warners

Duration on Site: 3 weeks

- 200,000 unique visitors acquired their virtual gift for participation (click-to-play trailer)

- 170K unique video views, CPView: 10p

- 5,000 comments on the film

- 80% of users said they’d see the film at the cinema

- a 21% CTRate to the virtual Cats & Dogs store (a Stardoll creation)