CASE STUDY: SURESTORE East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust · Kenny Ader and David Pierce at Conquest...

Post on 23-May-2020

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East Sussex Healthcare NHS TrustTRUST

10,000average no. of scopes

reprocessed per annum

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

3,000average no. of scopes conditioned

using SureStore per annum


Eastbourne District General HospitalConquest Hospital


Endoscopy decontamination is located within HSDU


1Conquest Hospital


With endoscopy procedure numbers constantly increasing, Eastbourne District General Hospital (Eastbourne DGH) were facing a problem; they were running out of room in their HSDU Central Decontamination Units for Endoscope Storage Cabinets. They had 4 cabinets but needed at least 5 cabinets to meet growing demands. Like many others, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust were also losing money and increasing scope down time by having to re-wash any scopes that were not used within the 3-hour guideline.

With no further space for Endoscope Storage Cabinets and with the ever-rising demand from Endoscopy for clean endoscopes, Eastbourne DGH had no choice but to look into other solutions that were available on the market to solve their problems; firstly, a way to store more clean endoscopes within their space constraints whilst still complying with guidelines; and secondly, a validated storage solution that was able to store clean endoscopes for more than 3 hours.

The Trust did their research and found

that the only solution to their problems came in the form of Cantel’s SureStore Endoscope Storage & Transportation unit (SureStore).

SureStore is a self-contained unit which offers cutting edge long-term ‘active’ aseptic storage and transportation of endoscopes, including GI and theatre based scopes, for up to 100 days. Endoscopes are conditioned and packaged using SureStore directly after they have been unloaded from an endoscope washer disinfector such as RapidAER. SureStore completely negates the need for air drying scopes prior to storage. With the first UK install in April 2013 and the number of SureStore success stories rising rapidly, plus the rigorous supporting test data from renowned laboratory Biotech Germande spanning 4 years, the Trust decided that the evidence spoke for itself and arranged a demonstration of the device with Cantel Account Manager Kenny Ader.

During Kenny’s demonstration, the Trust could see that it was not only HSDU and Endoscopy that could benefit from SureStore but that Theatres could also reap the

SureStore offers fully traceable cycle data

1 Eastbourne

District General Hospital


benefits. SureStore enables scopes to be easily prepared in advance for emergency situations, out of hours and weekend endoscopy work. David Pierce, Decontamination Supervisor at Conquest Hospital could clearly see the advantages, “Theatres and on-call staff would normally have to be trained on how to retrieve scopes from cabinets, but with SureStore the endoscope is packaged and ready to grab and go”.

Not only could SureStore fix the initial problems the Trust had set out to solve, they also found an additional benefit for their ERCP scopes. Eastbourne DGH and Conquest Hospital share 3 duodenoscopes

and by having SureStore, Eastbourne DGH could wash the scopes after their ERCP procedures on a Monday, then condition and package them using SureStore and transport the scopes to Conquest Hospital using the TravelScope transportation case (a convenient carry case compatible with the SureStore system), for Conquest Hospital’s ERCP procedures later in the week.

Equipped with all of this information and having seen Kenny’s demonstration, the Trust had learnt enough to know the benefits SureStore could bring. On this basis they went ahead with the purchase of two SureStore units and became the 12th site globally to install SureStore. One unit was to be installed at Eastbourne DGH on 6th March 2014 and the second unit was to be installed

approximately two weeks later on 18th March 2014 at Conquest Hospital.

Along with the two SureStore units, the Trust also purchased a Gold Service Contract for each unit. This comprehensive service package includes two scheduled maintenance visits per annum as well as unlimited breakdown visits and all repair parts and labour included, to ensure that the Trust had peace of mind when it came to running their SureStore units.

Following installation, Kenny delivered SureStore training to both hospitals. Karen Garner, Decontamination Supervisor at Eastbourne DGH was in charge of coordinating this for the team at Eastbourne DGH. “There are usually four to five people in the department at any one time and everybody who comes in is trained on SureStore. Following that, for every group of new starters or for any little thing that changed with regards to the machine, for example when Cantel introduced the outer pouch sealing tool to help ensure all pouches are properly sealed, Kenny came back to deliver further training. He was very good, he came in whenever we asked for him but he always popped in anyway just to make sure we were getting on ok.”

Karen goes on, “SureStore is so easy to use.” And David at Conquest agrees, “minimal training is required for SureStore; it is very user-friendly, as is all the equipment we have from Cantel.”

With ever increasing procedure numbers, SureStore couldn’t have come any sooner for both hospitals. “Theatres and on-call

staff would normally have to be trained on how to retrieve scopes from cabinets, but with SureStore the endoscope is packaged and ready to grab and go

SureStore supportive trays are specifically contoured for the protection of flexible endoscopes

Karen Garner and the decontamination team at Eastbourne District General Hospital


David explains, “there are multiple benefits to SureStore. We are saving on down time for scopes, manual handling of scopes and cost on chemistry as you don’t have to keep re-washing scopes. It’s especially great for bank holiday weekends.”

Karen adds “another great thing about SureStore is that it’s universal, anything goes! It can be used with Pentax, Olympus, or any other brand of scope”. David goes on, “it’s far superior to anything else there is on the market. There are some competitor products where the scope has to be dried before being vacuum-packed but with SureStore scopes can be packaged straight out of the washer. It’s great!”.

The SureStore units that East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust purchased did not just benefit their Trust, as Eastbourne DGH were also able to

3 hours or cancel any Endoscopy procedures. Karen explains, “without SureStore available we would have been in big trouble when our cabinets were down.” David adds, “SureStore is just as good as a cabinet if not better as it’s so flexible”.

When asked about Cantel as a supplier, David explains, “I would absolutely recommend Cantel to others. Cantel have gone from strength to strength over the years and really instil confidence in their customers. They’ve been great. If we need an engineer I just pick up the phone and we’ll get one the following day.”

take on extra workload for other local hospitals; for example when a hospital nearby were having problems with their endoscope washer disinfectors, Eastbourne DGH were able to assist by washing and packaging their scopes using SureStore. Without SureStore, the nearby hospital would have had to cancel all their Endoscopy lists until their washers were fixed, but with SureStore close-by at Eastbourne DGH, they were able to continue their procedures with minimal disruption. Eastbourne DGH have also managed to lighten the load on some other local hospitals by helping them wash and package their endoscopes. David at Conquest Hospital goes on to say “we’d love to have another SureStore – it would allow us to take on some extra workload from other local hospitals like Eastbourne are doing. It’s a godsend. Every unit should have one. I can’t fault anything about it, the layout, the transport, everything it offers has benefitted the hospital, including ENT. There’s nothing like it on the market.” And when asked if Eastbourne DGH could also benefit from having another SureStore, Karen says “absolutely! We would love to have another SureStore. Theatres especially benefit from the unit and are really keen for us to have another one”.

Some time after the installation of SureStore at Eastbourne DGH, they experienced issues with the power supply to their Endoscope Storage Cabinets resulting in the cabinets being out of action for 3-4 days. Having SureStore meant that they didn’t have to keep re-washing scopes every

“there are multiple benefits to SureStore. We are saving on down time for scopes, manual handling of scopes and cost on chemistry as you don’t have to keep re-washing scopes. Its especially great for bank holiday weekends.

All SureStore packaged endoscopes at Conquest Hospital are loggedKaren Garner and the decontamination team at Eastbourne District General Hospital

“Cantel have gone from strength to strength and really instil confidence in their customers. They’ve been great. If we need an engineer I just pick up the phone and we’ll get one the following day

“SureStore is far superior to anything else there is on the market

Working with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust over the years has always been a pleasure. I knew when they initially started running out of cabinet space and room in their facility for more cabinets that SureStore was what they needed. Furthermore, the Trust had two sites that exchanged endoscopes on a weekly basis which meant they needed a solution that would provide ease of transportation between hospitals. I could also see that they had a lot of scopes timing out in cabinets and so were incurring unnecessary reprocessing costs. SureStore allows safe transportation of patient-ready endoscopes across sites with ease and would also negate the costly reprocessing of timed out scopes.

I performed the initial demonstration to Tony Hines (since retired Decontamination Manager) and David Pierce, Supervisor at Conquest Hospital. They could instantly see that SureStore was the solution they needed.

The whole process from original

interest up to installation took about a year. I made several visits over the months leading in to both sites, engaging with everyone in Endoscopy and Decontamination and ensuring they didn’t have any unanswered questions. Initially the Trust were quite non-committal due to budget constraints, however their pressing issues regarding problems of transportation and reprocessing timeouts dictated the process in the end. They reviewed the SureStore Microbiological Testing Bibliography following my demonstration and that was of course passed.

Initial training was delivered to the teams by myself and following on from that Gulshan Klair, our National Clinical Support Specialist, also provided assistance where needed. Our engineering team, Colin Oxford and Lloyd Kerr, were also on hand to provide any technical support when required.

There are several great benefits to SureStore but in my opinion the best thing about it is that it offers a very swift method of safely preserving patient-ready endoscopes for a

significant period of time, whilst also allowing easy transportation and storage of critical devices. This allows easy access to these devices in an emergency, or out of hours, for patients who require them.

I have worked with the Trust for over 17 years in different roles and over this time I have forged some very strong relationships with the management team there, including the new Decontamination Manager, Tracy Ellis. In addition to SureStore, the Trust also purchase Defendo sterile single-use valves, CleanaScope sterile liners, AERs and cabinets from us, which definitely says something about their faith in Cantel products.

“the best thing about SureStore is that it offers a very swift method of safely preserving patient-ready endoscopes for a significant period of time


Kenny Ader, Regional Sales Manager

Kenny Ader and David Pierce at Conquest Hospital HSDU


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