Casting details

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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The actors that we wanted for our film were Asian characters so we got 3 Asian characters. (this one is me).

From our research questionnaire task we gathered that the audience wanted a tall, slim, confident, long-haired girl and she fit the description perfectly because that is how she is in real life so she knew how to play the role perfectly.

What we were trying to achieve with the character representation is that we wanted to show this particular female as a strong, independent women who is confident and has characteristics which involve femininity but with a bit of edge. These kind of women are portrayed in films. Also, in most romantic films they have a kind of a ‘Damsel in Distress’ kind of women and we wanted to go against this by portraying her as a not a dependent kind of girl who relies on a male. She stands up for herself and does not stick around for lies and deceit. Yet, we did not want to go completely against the romantic typical girl as she still does feel upset when she breaks up with her boyfriend, but she does not show it when everyone else is around.

Nilima Begum

This actor is Asian, perfect for the male Asian character

From our research questionnaire task we gathered that the audience wanted a tall, slim, confident but also shy at the same time type of guy. Since he was taller than the female also he fit the description perfectly.

What we were trying to achieve with the character representation is that we wanted to show the male as a reserved, all to himself type of guy. We wanted to show him as a shy male but still having the confidence to approach a girl. We showed this by the way he walks and the type of clothes he will be wearing for the scenes. For example, grey and white to connote innocence, purity and almost child-like as he seems very vulnerable and a nice type of guy.

Shakib Ahmed

We needed an old lady in the ending of our opening sequence. We wanted a stereotypical white women who is in the park feeding the ducks.

Because we could not get a white old lady, we decided to use one of our own crew members to dress her up as a white lady for the part.

Elissa Finlayson

We needed another Asian male to play the part of the cheating boyfriend.

From our research questionnaire task we gathered that the audience wanted a type of guy who looks likes a typical douche who cheats on his girlfriend then regrets it in the end.

What we were trying to achieve with the character representation is that we wanted to show this particular male character as a Romeo who takes care in his appearance a lot and does not give attention to his girlfriend as much as he is supposed to. These types of stereotypical guys are shown in most Romantic films who regrets in the end he let the girl go as she finds someone better than him. We can see this by the types of clothes he wears and his appearance in the opening sequence. Seeing as this particular male takes care in his appearance and in his hair mostly in real life anyway and because he is Asian, we decided to choose him to play the part. He is a typical representation of a guy who the girl does not go with in the end because of his character.

Akshay Hurkoo