CASTOR (Ricinus communis 5.pdf · 2017. 1. 24. · CASTOR (Ricinus communis t.) I. Application and...

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  • CASTOR (Ricinus communis t.)

    I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certifica-tion of castor seed.

    II. Land Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of castor shall be free of volunteerplants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of two inspections shall be made from the time the cropapproaches flowering until it is ready for harvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirement s

    1. Isolation

    Castor seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown incolumn I of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3of the said Table.


    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity req~ire-ments for ceitiflc1:ltion 300 f50


    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    300 150

  • .13. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified

    Offtypes 0.10 0.20

    *Maximum permitted at any inspection at and after flowering.


    Standards for each classFactor

    Foundation Certified

    Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

    Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

    Other crop seeds (maximum) None None

    Weed seeds (maximum) None None

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum) 5/kg lO/kg

    Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

    Moisture (maximum) 8.0 {, 8.0%

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum) 5.0% 5.0%

  • CASToR (Ricinus communis L.) HYBRIDS

    I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of hybrid castor seed.

    II. Land Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of hybrid castor shall be free ofvolunteer plants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of four inspections shaH be made as follows:

    (1) the first inspection shall be made before flowering in order todetermine isolation, volunteer plants, outcrosses, planting ratio,errors in planting, internodal length, stem colour, type of leavesand other relevant factors;

    (2) the second and third inspections shall be made during floweringto check isolation, offtypes, nature of bloom, petiole, leaves,raceme, sex expressivity, number of nodes to flower and otherrelevant factors;

    (3) the fourth inspection shall be made prior to harvesting after theseed has attained maturity so that true nature of plant can be

    . verified.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    (a) Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in. column 1 of the Table below by the distances spedfied in

    coItifuns 2 and 3 of the said Table.


  • Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    Fields of other varieties includingcommercial hybrid of the samevariety

    Fields of the same hybrid (codedesignation) not conforming tovarietal purity requirements forcertification

    300 150

    300 150

    (b) Differential blooming dates-for modifying isolation distances arenot permitted.

    B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified

    **Offtypes including plants found toflower over the main stem

    Male variants (three secondaryrachis from base and above pos-sessing only male flowers are consi-dered as mostly male)

    0.50 1.00

    1.00 2.00

    ***Female variants (in certain casesall sex variants of dominant females,females with inter-spersed staminateflowers mostly female and mostlymale raceme spectra involved)

    Monoecious plants and the racemesreverted to monoecism on femaleplants before anthesis

    1.00 2.00

    .... 2.0

    "'Maximum permitted at any inspection at and after flowering.


  • ..One node less than the minimum node specified for different com-biners and female lines is considered within the range. For exampleVP-l (female)-12to 20 nodes, VI-9 (Male)-12 to 18 nodes.

    ".Late opening male flowers in the female plants could be removedwithout removing the entire raceme.

    .. """Incase of female, at least 25% monoecious plants are required forpollen source.

    V. A Seed Standards


    Pure seed (minimum)

    Inert matter (maximum)

    Other crop seeds (maximum)

    Weed seeds (maximum)

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum)

    Germination (minimum)

    Moisture ~maximum)

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum)

    B. All seed lots shall be subjected to grow-out test and shall conformto the following genetic purity requirements:

    Class Genetic purity (%) (minimum)





    The observations for grow-out test shall be recorded at 30 days cropgrowth stage or as p~r the recommendation of originating breeder/institute.The minimum population size of 400 plants shall be maintained in two repli-


    Standards for each class

    Foundation Certified

    98.0% 98.0%

    2.0% 2.0%None None

    None None

    5/kg to/kg

    70% 70%

    8.0% 8.0%

    5.0% 5.0%

  • cates of 200 each or four of 100 each throughout the test and each plantshall be examined individually. The reject number shall be as under: .

    Class Genetic purity (%)(minimum)

    Rejec.t number


    Certified95.0 (5 in 100)

    85.0 (15 in 100)




  • GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.)

    -r--. Application "amt-AlIlplffication --of~6eneratSeed €erti1icati-on-Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith thefol1owing-specific standardsconstitute~th-e-standards for certifica-tion of groundnut.

    II. Land Requirements

    A seed crop of ground nut shall not be be eligible for certification ifplanted on land on which the crops grown within the previous two seasonswere of the same kind unlessthe crops grown within the previous two seasonswere of the same variety and of an equivalent or higher class of certifiedseed- and 'were--eer-tified.--- --

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum oftwo inspections shall be made from the time of flower-ing to harvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    Groundnut seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shownin cbmmn- -l--{)fthe-Table--uetow -bYthe--clisraIfce~r-Sl'ecified~tfn: olumn-s--Z--and 3 of the said Table:

    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity reqllire-ments for certification 3 3



    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    3 3

  • B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified

    Offtypes 0.10 0.20

    *Maximum permitted at the final inspection.

    V. Seed Standards (in shell or pods)

    Standards for each classFactor


    Foundation Certified

    Pure seed (minimum) 96.0% 96.0%

    Inert matter (maximum) 4.0% 4.0%

    Other crops seeds (maximum) None None

    Weed seeds (maximum) None None

    Gemination (minimum)(kernels hand shelled) 70% 70%

    Moisture (maximum)(kernels hand shelled) 9.0% 9.0%

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum)(kernels hand shelled) 5.0% 5.0%

  • INDIAN RAPE SEED AND MUSTARD (Brassicaspp.)(Rape= Yellow sarson, Brown sarsonand Toria)

    (Mustard =Rai)

    1. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication ofthe seed of rape seed and mustard.

    II. Land Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of rape seed and mustard shall be .free of volunteer plants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum ofthree inspections shall be made, the first before flower-ing, the second from flowering to fruiting and the third at maturity andprior to harvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    L Isolation

    Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in column Iof the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2, 3, 4 and 5 ofthe said Table.

    Minimum distance (meters)


    1 2 3 4 5

    Fields of the othervarieties of the same

    spp 50 100 25 50


    Foundation Certified

    Self- Self- Self- Self-Compati- Incompa- Compati- Incompa-

    ble tible ble .tible

    types types types types

  • 1 2 3 4 5

    Fields of the samevarieJ¥, n@l1 col1fO1:111'-

    ing to varietal purityrequirements for certi-fication

    Fields of Rocket saladand any of the otherspecies of. the genusBrassiea,listedlbelow: 50 100 25

    Brassiea juneea (L.) Czern and Casso subsp. juneea (syn. B.Czern and Coss.): Indian mustard or rai or Bangla sarson.

    B.juneea (L.) Czern andCoss. subsp. integrifolia (West) TheIl. (syn. B.}uneea(L.)!Czer1l1and €oss. var. eune.ifolia:Roxb. : vegetable mustard or rai.

    B. juneea var. rugosa Roxb. : Pahadi rai.B. ehinensis Juslen; non Duthie and Fuller. (syn. B. eampestris L. var.diehotoma Watt.) : brown sarson or kali sarson.

    B. napus L. var. glauca'(Roxb.) Schulz (syn. B. eampestris var. sarson Prain.):yellow sarson or pilli sarson' OTsarish.B. napus L. var. napus (syn. B. eampestris L. var. toria Duth. & FulL):toria or rai or Tahaor 11laghior uehara rai.

    B. tournefortii Gouan : Punjabi rai or jangli rai.

    B. nigra (L. ) Koch: true mustard or black mustard or Banarasi rai.

    B. alba (L.) Robenh : white mustard.

    B. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. : Chinese cabbage (heading).B. chinensis L. ehinese cabbage (non-heading~,

    B. rapa L. : turnip.

    50 100 25 50


    juncea (E.)

    B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified.---------.---


    **@bjectionable weed plants





    *Maximum permitted at any inspeqtion conducted at and afterflowering in the case-oro1ffype-s~anaanhe-1iliaTini;i5eCfion~rn'case'6robjectionable weeds.

    **Objectionable weed shall be : Mexican prickly poppy (Satyclnashi)(ALgemone.mexi.cana_L.) .


  • V. Seed Standards


    Pure seed (minimum)

    Ine.rhmatter (,max,imum»

    Other crop seeds (maximum)

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum)

    Total weed seeds (maximum)

    *Objectionable weed seeds(maximum)

    Germination: (minim urn);

    Moisture (maximum)'

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum):







    *Objectionable weed is the same as Kiven at IV.B. above.


  • LINSEED (Linum usitatissimum L.)

    I. Application and Amplificationof General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of the seed of linseed.

    III. Land Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of linseed shall be free ofvolunteer plants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of two inspections shall be made, the first during flower-ing and the second at maturity and prior to harvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in column 1of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the saidTable:

    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Foundation Certified

    1 2



    25___om -'0-0 0

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity require-ments for certification 50 25

    ---B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified

    Offtypes 0.05 0.10

    *Maximum permitted at final inspection


  • V. Seed Standards


    Standards for each classFactor

    Foundation Certified

    Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

    Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

    Other crop seeds (maximum) lO/kg 20/kg

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum) lO/kg 20/kg

    Weed seeds (maximum) 5/kg lO/kg

    Germination (minimum) 80% 80%

    Moisture (maximum) 9.0% ' 9.0%

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum) 7.0% 7.0%

  • NIGER (Guizotia abyssinica Cass:)

    I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    liThe General Seed Certification Standards are basic! and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the stahtJards for certi-fication of niger seed.

    ILLand Requirements

    Land to be used.for seed production of niger shall bofree of volunteerplants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before flower-ing, the second during flowering and the third at matUlity and prior toharvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in column 1of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of thesaid Table:

    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity require-ments for certification 400 200


    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    400 200

  • .n. Specific requirements

    Ma»il1lum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified

    Offtypes 0.05 0.10

    *Maximum permitted at any inspection at and after flowering.

    V. Seed Standards


    Pure seed (miniml!m)

    Inert matter (maximum)

    Other crop seeds (maximum)

    ,Other distinguishable varieties(maximum)

    Weed seeds (maximum)

    Germination (minimum)

    Moisture (maximum)

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum)

    "'-"'---' m_......


    Standards for each class-------------

    Foundation Certified

    98.0% 98.0%

    2.0% 2.0%

    lO/kg 20/kg

    lO/kg 20/kg

    lO/kg 20/kg

    80% 80%

    9.0% 9.0%

    5.0% 5.0%

  • TARAMIRA (ROCKET SALAD): (Eruca vesicaria (L.)Cay. subsp. sativa (Mill.) TheIl. (syn. Eruca

    sativa Min.)

    I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards, constitute the standards for certi-fication of taramira seed.

    II. Land Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of taramira shall be free ofvolunteer plants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before flower-ing, the second from flowering to fruiting and the third at maturity andprior to harvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements1. Isolation

    Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in column 1of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of thesaid Table:

    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants


    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity require-ments for certification and any ofthe following species of the genusBrassica: 100 50


    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    100 50

  • Brassicajuncea (L.) Czern & Casso subsp. juncea (syn. B. juncea (L.) Czern &Coss.) : Indian mustard or rai or Bangla sarson.

    B.juncea (L.) Czern & Casso subsp. integrifolia (West) TheIl. (syn. B.juncea(L.) Czern & Casso var. cuneifolia Roxb. : Vegetable mustard or rai.

    B. juncea var. rugosa Roxb. : Pahadi rai.

    B. chinensis (Juslen) non Duthie & Fuller (syn.B. campestris L. var. dicho-toma Watt) : brown sarson or kali sarson.

    B. napus L. var. glauca (Roxb.) Schulz (syn. B. campestris var. sarsonprain.) : yellow sarson or pilli sarson or sarish.

    B. napus L. var. napus (syn. B. campestris L. var. toria Duth. & Full.) : toriaor rai or laha or maghi or achara rai.

    B. tournefortii Gouan : Punjabi rai orjangli rai.

    B. nigra (L.): Koch: true mustard or black mustard or Banarasi rai.

    B. alba (L.) Robenh : White mustard

    B. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. : chinese cabbage (heading).

    B. chinensis L. : chinese cabbage (non-heading).

    B. rapa L. : turnip.

    B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted C%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified


    **Objectionable weed plants





    *Maximum permitted at any inspection conducted at and afterflowering in case of offtypes and at the final inspection in the case ofObjectionable weeds.

    **Objectionable weed shall be : Mexican prickly poppy (Satyanashi)(Argemone mexicana (L.)

    V. Seed Standards



    Pure seed (minimum)

    Inert matter (maximum)

    Other crop seeds (maximum)


    Standards for each class---

    Foundation Cert(fied

    97.0% 97.0%

    3.0% 3.0%

    lO/kg la/kg, .".

  • 1

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum)Total weed seeds (maximum)

    *Objectionable weed seeds'(maximum)Genriination (minimum)

    Moisture (maximum) .For vapour-proof containers(maximum)

    *Objectioriable-weed is the sameias

  • SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorius 1.)

    1. 4Pplication and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of safflower seed.

    II. Land Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of safflower -shall be free ofvolunteer plants.

    ,III. -Field Inspection

    A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first,before flower-ing, 'the 'second during flowering and third at maturity and prior toharvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    .1. Isolation

    Safflower seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown incolumn 1 of the Table below by the distaHces specified'in columns 2-and 3of the said Table:

    'Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity require-ments for certification and wildsafflower (Carthamus oxyacanthpM. Bieb.) 400 2DP


    Foundation Certified

    2 :1

    400 200

  • B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor


    **Objectionable weed plants

    *Maximum pelmitted at any inspection at and after flowering.

    **Objectionable weed shall be: wild safflower (Carthamus oxyacanthaM. Bicb)

    V. Seed Standards

    *Objectionable weed is the same as given at IV.B. above.


    Foundation Certified

    0.050 0.10

    None None

    Standards for each classFactor

    Foundation Certified--

    Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

    Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

    Other crop seeds (maximum) None None

    Total weed seeds (maximum) 5jkg lOjkg

    *Objectionable weed seeds(maximum) None None

    Germination (minimum) 80% 80%

    Moisture (maximum) 9.0% 9.0%

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum) 7.0% 7.0%

  • . SESAME (TIL) (Sesamum indicum L.)

    I. Application and Amplificationof General Seed CertificationStandards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of sesame seed.

    II. LaIid Requirements

    Land to be used for seed production of sesame shall be free ofvolunteer plants.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first beforeflowering, the second during flowering and the third at maturity. andprior to harvesting.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    Sesame seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown incolumn 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3of the said Table.

    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants


    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity require-ments for certification 100 50


    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    100 50

  • B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified


    **Plants affected by s~ed





    *Maximum permitted at any inspection conducted at and- -afterflowering. -

    **Seed borne disease shall be: leaf spot (Cercospora~sesami12imITh)

    V. Seed.Standards.

    - u.-- -.-

    - -----------------


    Standards for each classFactor

    . Foundation Certified

    Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 9.:7.0.%,

    Inert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

    Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/kg 207lt!.g

    Weed seeds (maximum) to/kg 20/kg

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum) 10/kg 20/kg

    Germination (minimum) 80% 80%

    Moist\.1Te(maximum) 910,% 9':0%

    For vapour-proorcontainers(maximum) 5.0% 5.0%

  • SOYABEAN (Glycine max Merr.)

    1. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of soyabean seed.

    I'l~ LandLRequb.:ements"

    Land} to be' used foT seed production of soyabean shall be free ofvolunteer pfants.

    III. Field Inspection

    It minimum of two inspections shall be made; the-first dming,flower-ing and the second before harvesting after the.1e.aveshave shed.

    IV. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    Soyabean seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown incolumn I of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3of the said Table.

    Minimum distance (meters)Contaminants

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity require-ments for certification 3 3


    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    3 3

  • B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)*Factor

    Foundation Certified

    Offtypes 0.10 0.50.

    Maximum permitted at the final inspection.

    V. Seed Standards


    Standards for each classFactor

    Foundation Certified

    Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

    Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

    Other crop seeds (maximum) None 10/kg

    Weed seeds (maximum) 5/kg 10/kg

    Other distinguishable varieties(maximum) 5/kg 10/kg

    Germination including hard seeds(minimum) 70% 70%

    Moisture (maximum) 12.0{, 12.0%

    For vapour-proof containers(maximum) 7.0% 7.0%


  • SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annus L.)

    1. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards

    The G~neral Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of sunflower seed.

    " .

    II. Land Requirements

    A sl:(edcrop of sunflo~er shall not be eligible for certification ifplantedon land on which the same kind of crop was grown in the previous yearunless the crop(s) grown in the previous year was of the same variety and ofan equivalent or higher class of certified seed and was/were certified.

    III. Field Inspection

    A minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

    (1) the first inspection shall be made at the stage of6-7 pairs ofleavesin order to determine isolation, volunteer plants, designated dis-ease and other relevant factors;

    -(2)--the--second-inspection shall be made during~flowering to checkisolation, offtypes and other relevant factors;

    (3) the third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to har-vesting to verify designated diseases, true nature of plant andhead, characteristics of seeds and other relevant factors.

    iv. Field Standards

    A. General requirements

    1. Isolation

    Sunflower seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shownin coiumn 1 ofthe Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3of the said Table.


  • Minimum distance (meters)Cuntaminants

    Fields of other varieties

    Fields of the same variety not con-forming to varietal purity reqJlire-meats for certification and wildHelianthus spp 400 200

    B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)Factor

    *Offtypes at and after flowering

    **Objectionable weed plants at andafter flowering

    Plants infected by downy mildewdisease (Plasmopara hoistedii (Farl.)Berl. & de T.) at each inspectionPllan.ts infested with Orobanchecumana Guss. Non-WaUr. atfinal inspection

    0.050 0,.50

    None None

    *Sterile plants of the same variety shall not be considered as offtypes.

    **Objectionable weed shall be: wild Helianthus spp.

    V. Seed Standards


    Pure seed (mininum)

    Inert matter (maximum)

    Huskless seeds (maximum)

    Other crop seeds ~maximum)

    Total weed seeds (maximum)


    Foundation Certified

    2 3

    400 200

    Foundation Certified

    0.10 0.20

    None None

    Standards for each class

    Foundation Certified

    98.0% 98.0%

    2.0% 2.0%2.0% 2.0%

    (By number) (By number)None None

    5/kg 10/kg

  • 2 3

    *Objectionable weed seeds(maximum)Seeds infested with Orobanchecumana Guss. Non-Wal1r.


    Germina;tion {minimum)

    Moisture (maximum)Bor vjlpour-proof contai,ners(maximum)

    None None

    *Objectionable weed is the same as given at IV.B. above.


    None None

    70% 70%

    9.0% 9.0%

    7.0% 7.0%

  • SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annus L.) HYBRIDS

    I. Applicationand Amplificationof General Seed Certification Standards\

    A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, togetherwith the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of hybrid sunflower seed.

    B. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply speci-fically to the hybrids of sunflower:

    1. Eligibility requirements for certification

    (a) An inbred line to be aligible for certification shall be from asource such that its identity may be assured and approved bythe Certification Agency.

    (b) Hybrid seed to be eligible for certification shall be the progenyof two approved inbred lines, one of which shall be male sterile.

    2. Classes and Sources of seed

    (a) An inbred line shall be a relatively true breeding strain resultingfrom self-pollination with selection.

    (b) The foundation seed class shall consist of an approved malesterile line to be used as a female parent and an approved inbredline to be used as a male parent for the purpose of producinghybrid seed.

    (c) A male sterile line shall be a strain ,A) carrying cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility, which sheds no viable pollen and is main-tained by the normal sister strain (B) which is used as pollinator.

    (d) The certified class seed shall be the hybrid seed to be planted forany use except seed production.

    II. Land Requirements

    A seed crop of hybrid sunflower shall not be eligible for certificationif planted on land on which the same kind of crop was grown in the pre-vious year unless the cropes) grown in the previous year was of the samevariety and of an equivalent or higher class of certified seed and was/werecertified.


  • III. J

  • B. Specific requirements

    Maximum permitted (%)Factor


    *Offtypes in seed parent at and afterflowering

    Offtypes in pollinator at and afterflowering

    Pollen shedding heads in seed parentat flowering

    **Objectionable weed plants at andafter flowering

    Plants infected by downy mildewdisease (Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.)Barl & de T.) at each inspectionPlants infested with Orobanchecumana Guss. Non-Wallr. at finalinspection

    Foundation Certified

    0.050 0.50

    None None

    *Sterile plapts of the same strain shall not be considered as offtypes.

    **Objectionable weed plants shall be: wild H.elianthus sl?P'

    V. Seed Standards


    Pure seed (minimum)

    Inert matter (maximum)

    Huskless seeds (maximum)

    Other crop seeds (maximum)

    Total weed seeds (maximum)

    *Objectionable weed seeds(maximum)


    0.20 0.50

    0.20 0.50

    0.50 1.00

    None None

    Standards for each class

    Foundation Certified

    98.0% 98.0%

    2.0% 2.0

    2.0% 2'.0%(by number) (by number)

    None None

    5.jkg lOykg

    None None

  • - - -- -- - . -~-- ~~--- -~-

    2 3

    Seeds infested with Orobanchecumana Guss. Non-Wallr.


    Germination (minimum)

    Moisture (maximum)For vapour-proof containers(maximum)






    7.0% 7.0%

    *Objectionable weed is the same as given at IV.B. above.
