Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks

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  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Are we what we eat?

    Sustainability and Art

    Works by Fine Art students of the

    Corcoran College of Art + Design

    Washington, DC

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Wi e Sppor oe Preside o e Repblic

    Are We Wa We Ea?Ssaiabiliy ad Ar

    exhibition sponsored byAccademia di Belle Ari di Brera, Mila

    Corcora College o Ar + Desig, Wasigo DCGiseppe ad Gia Flagii Clral Associaio

    in collaboration withIalia Embassy i Wasigo DC

    Ialia Isie o Clre i Wasigo DCLombardy Regio

    ad wiFilialia Ieraioal

    Lombardi i e worldD.I.V.E. Associaio, Wasigo

    Exhibition VenuesCrc o Sa Carpooro, Mila

    10 Sepember a 6pm 6 Ocober 2013

    Pirelli Skyscraper, Mila19 Sepember a 6pm 29 Ocober

    Corcora Gallery o Ar, Arim - Wasigo DCCorcora Gallery o Ar, Gallery 31, Wasigo DC

    11 December 2013 26 Jaary 2014

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks



    Wasigo i e ame o ar ad ood! Te Academy o BreraVisal

    Ars ad Desig Deparme, e Corcora College o Ar + Desig o

    Wasigo, DC ad e Giseppe ad Gia Flagii Clral Associaio

    prese eARE WE WHAT WE EAT? Sustainability and Arteve rom

    10 Sepember 2013 o Jaary 2014divided io or exibiios, wo i

    Mila, Ialy ad wo i i Wasigo, DC, uSA.

    Te eve, craed by Aoio DAvossa, ar criic ad isoria, ivolves

    sdes ad proessors o e Mila Academy ad e Wasigo, DC

    College, by way o a arisic ad clral excage wic sees e joi

    exibiio o works bo by Ialias ad Americas i bo ciies. Te

    120 works will be displayed i wo vees i Mila: e Pirelli skyscraperad e ormer Crc o Sa Carpooro (Brera), ad i e locaios

    i Wasigo, DC: e Arim o Te Corcora Gallery o Ar ad e

    Corcora Gallery 31.

    Te exibiio is par o e Year of Italian Culture in the USA ad as

    received sppor rom e Preside o e Ialia Repblic. Devised by e

    Flagii Associaio i collaboraio wi e Ialia Embassy i e uSA

    ad e Ialia Clral Isie, Wasigo, DC, i is also sposored by

    e Lombardy Regio, EXPO 2015, Provice o Mila, Ciy o Mila, Ciy o

    o Saroo ad Mila Camber o Commerce.

    Te arworks, creaed by sdes ad proessors o e wo academies

    aer a semeser o sdy, criical reecio ad experimeaioivesigae

    e eme o riio i erms o clre, ecessiy, pleasre, awareess

    ad, i e srices sese, as good ad proper orisme or e prposes

    o meal/pysical well-beig. Te arisic researc as expaded i diverse

    geres: oil paiig ad mixed media ar, sclpres, isallaios, videos,

    ecigs, poograps, lms ad perormaces.

    Te peomeo o riio also implies problemaic aspecs sc as

    malriio, deciecy ad excess. I is regard, e arisic represeaio

    also lls a esseial role o edcaio ad criical raiig: a ool or sel-

    awareess ad idividal eeds, b also wi social, ecoomic ad clral

    dimesios liked o e experiece o ood. Ar ad clre ca ad ms

    ac as exposre, reecio ad simls or cage. nriio ca also be

    see as e symbol ad veicle o meaporical meaigs, o iagible

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    messages, o ieable memories, o ig ideals. Te isory o clre is,

    i r, a large able lade wi coless precios corses made available

    o e idividal ma, always o a searc based po is/ er ger ad

    irs. (

    Te global scope o e eme o e exibiio is empasised by e

    ieraioal collaboraio i a projec a as ivolved sdes ad

    proessors o e wo cories i a iese clral excage projeced

    owards e re.

    Tank you for your support:

    Baca Iesa Sapaolo - Direcio o MilaOtIM Orgaizzazioe traspori Ierazioali e Mariimi

    Ciaccio Broker Assicrazioi

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    ARE WE WhAt WE EAt?Ssaiabiliy ad ar

    Craed by Aoio dAvossa

    Milan VenuesCrc o Sa CarpooroPirelli Skyscraper


    Crc o Sa Carpooro: 10 Sepember a 6pm 6 Ocober 2013Pirelli Skyscraper: 19 Sepember a 6pm 29 Ocober 2013


    Crc o Sa Carpooro Moday-Friday rom 10am o 6pmPirelli Skyscraper: 19 Sepember a 6pm 29 Ocober 2013

    adm Free

    exhb C craed by Aoio dAvossa


    +39 3474533449 www.associazioeagii.eTe Pirelli Skyscraper:

    WasHington, DC VenuesTe Arim o Te Corcora Gallery o ArCorcora Gallery 31


    Corcora Gallery o Ar, ArimCorcora Gallery o Ar, Gallery 3111 December 2013 -26 Jaary 2014


    Wedesday rog Sday, 10am-5pm wi Wedesday eveig ors il 9pm


    Corcora Gallery o Ar, ArimAdls $10, Seiors (62+)/Sdes (wi valid ID) $8Cildre der 12 years / Members / Miliary Acive Dy - ree

    Corcora Gallery o Ar, Gallery 31 - ree

    C a exibiioCc

    +1 202-639-1700www.corcora.orgwww.iicwasigo.eseri.i

    CoMMuniCation anD Press aCCaDeMia Di BreraBarbara Marzoli : telepoe:+39 02 86955233 +39 3339775404

    CoMMuniCation anD Press assoCiazione FlanginiLisa Casoli: telepoe +39 3474533449 www.associazioeagii.e

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    STUDENTSJulia Bancroft

    Halsey Berryman

    Lorenzo Cardim

    SooHo Cho

    James Cole

    Kyrae Cowan

    Eliot Hicks

    Jeremiah Holland

    Rachel Hrbek

    Arther Lee

    Armando Lopez-Bircann

    Adriana Serrato

    Dandan Luo

    Katie Macyshyn

    Gabriel Mellan

    Chloe RubensteinJordan Sanders

    Bryana Siobhan

    Cynthia Tidler

    Ashley VanGemeren

    Travis Wagner

    Whitney Waller

    Robert Yi

    Ji-sun Yoon



  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Julia Bancroft

    A Fearul Desire, 2013, raw bird

    ski, digial pris, 20 x 30" (50.8

    x 76 cm)

    I seek o explore e sbjecs o e ma codiio rog or mosiere medim, or bodies. Or experieces i lie are wa sapes as idividals; ey may arrive socially, clrally, or persoally.Ideas abo ow or mids operae ierally ad ow is raslaesi or oward beavior ad expressio ave always asciaed me. Iwork wi oradiioal maerials relaig o my sbjec, o assemblea sor o wearable sclpre. I is e reslig relaiosip beweee body ad ow i respods o e maerial ad desig a com-micaes e coe. I creaig my work arod or pysical ormI ied o oer viewers o oly a meal coex, b also pysicalsimlaio i coecig o e piece.

    A Fearful Desire

    I a earul desire, I am cosiderig e power o e mid, ad eidea a ear as e abiliy o pll e mid i delig direciossrrodig a sigle xaio. I am describig e cay are opobia i a i creaes a cogiive dissoace, e experiece o beigbo araced o, ye replsed by a sbjec. I am workig wi myow experieces o pobia, specically oriopobia (ear o birds) asispiraio o commicae is greaer idea. Wile a ear ca becomesrog eog o desire dea, e xaio ca i r release a sese osecriy ad desire or is presece. ulimaely recogizig e poi orama ad allowig e very sorce o eal e wods isel iiced.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Halsey Berryman

    Document wo, 2013, acrylic o

    cavas, 126 x 71" (320 x 180.3


    halsey Berryma is a or year e ars sde a e CorcoraCollege o Ar + Desig i Wasigo, DC. Se primarily works ilarge scale, absrac acrylic paiig, b also as raiig i academicdrawig, primakig, ad grapic desig. Ceral o er crre bodyo work is e cocep o e bil evirome, ad is eecs o epsyce as a coglomerae o visal ad spaial-kieic experieces.

    Se is very ieced by e Rssia spremaiss, cosrciviss,

    20 cery America absrac paiig, as well as r-o-e-ceryEropea grapic desig.

    Document Two

    Ceered po e cosrcs o arciecre ad e bilevirome, my work ilizes a jarrig color palee ad geeralizedgeomeric sapes o describe a variey o visal experieces ad sesorypercepio rog mosly large-scale paiig ad drawig.

    My paiigs aim o complicae e viewers dersadig o dep

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    ad maerialiy. usig geomery, color, ad varyig pai applicaioeciqes, I aemp o maacre spaces a are ideermiae.Formal elemes oscillae bewee possessig a groded maerialsas ad amosperic elds o lig emiig rom e cavases.Workig wi slopig lies, olds o illsioisic ree-dimesioal

    plaes, ad illsios o rasparecy, I creae complicaed adimpossible impressios o arciecral ad spaial experieces,maacred rom eeig sesory experieces. I am ieresed iemergig spaial orces geeraed rom eviromeal circmsaces.Te ieded ierioriy o ese paiigs is a resl o compodedeecs ad eves codesed io oe viewig experiece, sigimmersive raer a picorial devices i paiig.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Lorenzo Cardim

    Extra Relish!, 2013, wax ad sisal,7 x 28 x 3.5" (17.8 x 71 x 8.9cm)

    Lorezo Cardim is crrely a Fie Ar sde a e Corcora Collegeo Ar + Desig i Wasigo DC. he is a ierdiscipliary arisad is work is deed by e exploraio o diere media. LorezoCardim covers a large array o media ad ds poeic meaigs i emaerials e ses.Te relaiosip bewee e maerials is wa ieress me i myarisic approac. Te maerials o oly describe e arwork b i iscrcial o is arraive. Everyig i e work o ar is impora; emaerial is as impora as e idea.

    Extra Relish!

    Extra Relish! makes allsios o amiliar gres o Americacosmeris sociey. Te work is marked by America ood clre ,sesorial experimeaio ad exploraio o maerials.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    SooHo Cho

    Inner Sel, 2012, rice paper,

    8.7x 6.7 x 4.2 (22 x 17 x

    10.7cm) eac

    Sooho Co, a dager o 1s geeraio Korea America Immigra.Spe er cildood i er ome cory, ad ave bee livig i eSaes sice 2001. Se is crrely aedig Corcora College o Ar +Desig i Wasigo D.C., sdyig Fie Ar. her work is coiaioo er searcig abo e qesios se asks o ersel.

    Who am I?

    Where am I?Why am I here?

    her work demosraes e idea o omadic, displaceme, ad epemeralieced by er seleme cage. usig er work as a coecio bridgead er lagage, se was o associae wi e adiece. Se was osare er ogs wi e adiece, ad give em a mome o lise oemselves carelly.

    Inner Self

    Everyone is individual.Everyone looks diferent.

    Everyone has diferent skin color.Everyone speaks diferent language.

    Everyone shares diferent cultural background.But everyone is same.

    Regardless to how we look, how we dress, how we live, how we speak, inside ous look the same.

    What I eat is what you eat.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    What you eat is what we eat.Inside o us, we look similar.

    Inside o us, we are one.

    Te clear see-rog masks represe e people arod e world

    regardless o eir ski color, geder or clral backgrod. usig arice wic is e mai sorce o daily ood I ea, as well as may peoplerom all over e world cosmes; I creaed e Ier sel masks adepics ayoe ad everyoe rom e world.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    James Cole

    Cream Cheese and a Bagel, 2012,

    seel, 22 x 9" (55.9 x 22.9cm)

    havig spe is cildood livig i may diere cories, saes,ciies ad ows, James Coles approac owards is work is a reecioo is ier approac owards e world arod im; i is simply oivesigae ad searc. he searces wi maerials ad meods. hesearces or e oe way o bes raslae og ad word io orm

    or cio. he is a meal vagabod possessig a qecableirs or expoeial kowledge. he is crrely a Seior a eCorcora College o Ar+Desig, workig owards gaiig isBacelors Degree i Fie Ars. he is also a really good rapper.

    Cream Cheese and a Bagel

    Cream Cheese and a Bageldescribes oe o e commo breakasiems or e daily work commer. O ose commes, wile eaig

    eir asy breakas bagels, ey oe pass by may wio e lxryo avig ood so readily available. Te image o a omeless persois egraved i or ogs, someimes idde ad someimes ae orero. Tis meal images presece ad is impac are basedprimarily arod or ow persoal social sas. Te work icorporaese se o icoic visal reereces we associae wi e omelessprodced rom raw ad ised maerials. Tis specic medimi is crre sae is eld wii a direc correlaio o e diseveledappearace o ose wo live wio a ome. Wile i appears o be

    jagged, rog ad arml, i sill carries a beay wii, wic is

    ieded o be a direc relaio o e ril are o lie ad o ma.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Kyrae Cowan

    Washing Machines, Laundromat

    (Pesci), ripyc, 2013, acrylic,

    laex pai, cavas, cloes-lies,

    32 x 54", 28 x 54", 32 x 54", (81.3 x137.2, 71 x 137.2, 81.3 x 137.2cm)

    I, Kyrae Cowa, am a coemporary paier crrely based iWasigo, DC. My aris experiece as grow rom new York

    rog Balimore, o e Disric o Colmbia. Te paiig I dois prod abo e maerialiy ad properies i pai. Te work Iprodce o paiig is geerally sied or e place. I is maer,my paiig is e imposig ad amboya i order o smmocoroaio i ay crios coic. I come rom a cocer abosocial efciecy ad persoal or iversal dy as ma aimals. Iam ow paiig or isallaio ad i sor lm. I ave received myBFA a Corcora College o Ar + Desig.

    Washing Machines, Laundromat (Pesci)

    Te wasig macie is sed o clea soiled, diry iems i roie.Tis roie becomes celebraory o becomig diry. Te soilig adseasoig beyod wa is sadard or clea is simply acieved rogexploraio ad egageme. I od e wasig macie as aopporiy o oor isoric peomeo wils addressig e ardcodiioig, cycle or rap we may be sbjec o, as gided rogor lives. May recogize radiio ad s ca live ad oor i, bsrely i cold be more obvios or some. I is ecessary o be able o

    receive ad reapply a lesso or yor coemporary coex, or esake o advaceme.

    Tis ripyc icldes ree s, all o wic, amiliar o Ialia cisie.Eac s is siglarly alive i is ow wasig macie. Te paiigsemselves ave also bee wased.

    Ialy is reow abo is ood isory ad religios ai. A ormalradiio seems o be very obvios i Ialy ad I wold like o exciee coemporary ais o sc vivid radiios. Fis are very oly

    amogs e bible ad Crisia ais. Ialy as a prevale smarke. Te paiigs o commercial wasig macies wi si em, are or e poe excage bewee radiioal oor adiovaio, I rs a cory sc as Ialy ca access sc dialog.Tese paiigs are o be isalled i Ex Ciesa di Sa Carpooro,Mila, Ialy; a ormer crc resored as a ar gallery.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Eliot Hicks

    My Colors are Blush and Bashul,

    2013, kool-aid ad ma blood-

    saied abric, 360 x 36" (914.4 x


    Elio hicks is a Soeaser Virgiia based aris crrely sdyiga e Corcora College o Ar + Desig wo primarily works isclpre, perormaive works, ad digial ar.

    My Colors are Blush and Bashful

    Based o e dea o Rober harligs siser, Steel Magnolias was acopig mecaism or e loss o e aors diabeic siblig. Telm adapaio sows e srggles o a diabeic ad e ligearedargmes wi er moer ad closes rieds. Te dyamic beweee wo is similar o symbiosis, ad a eir separaio, e vale orelaiosips sc as ese is crcial o srvivig. Lie isel ca be ameas o sseace ad ow coac wi, or e desire or, aoerma beig ca be orisig, or deprivig.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Jeremiah Holland

    Fat Pill, 2011, wood, 19 x 6 x 4"

    (48.3 x 15.2 x 10.2cm)

    Jeremia lives ad works i Lexigo, Virgiia. his work exploreslimiless orms rog sclpre i wood wi a approac acarelly avigaes a dimesio bewee sclpre ad cra.

    I believe ere are wo orms o simpliciy. Te rs is simple desigwi eqally simple processes, wic leaves lile o e imagiaioo procedre, process ad arisic pracice. Tis orm o simpliciyavigaes a e lie bewee magic ad calamiy. Te secod orm osimpliciy, wic I preer o pracice, coceals e process ad addsa eigmaic qaliy o e work. Tis orm also avigaes e viewerrog e work o reveal e evidece ad e ie. My work is arelaiosip o compromises ad cocessios wi e maerial ad iis wii a coecio a I am able o ackle ew isses beweeradiioal geres ad aemp e ideable.

    Fat Pill

    Fat Pillis a commeary a addresses e ever-icreasig epidemico obesiy. We, a species as a wole cosme osads o calorieseac day a provide lile o o riioal vale. Fa Pill is a saicremider a eve e eavies o uS are riioally emaciaed

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Rachel Hrbek

    Sushi, 2013, video/perormace

    Racel hrbek explores spaial ad social dyamics o e galleryrog e se o e body ad very miimal props. Tis is execed

    rog er aalysis ad criiqe o new Age Clre i is promoioo dig oes sel rog spirial eligeme, sexal awakeig,ad cosmerism. hrbek allows er viewer o ake o a voyerisicrole, placig er sbjecs i a iimae, ye aoymos space, adocsig o e relaiosip, or lack o relaiosip, bewee eperormer ad e viewer. Te deroe o eac perormace issexally drive, explorig clrally ieced ideas regardigiimacy, sedcio, ad sexal relaiosips.


    I Sushi, e aris is sow eaig a avocado roll o o erperormace parers aked body wile e lays moioless o egrod. Tis video perormace is a aalysis o e eisizaio oclrally appropriaed pas imes ad e idea o wa i meas o beclred i Weser sociey. Te discoec emlaed by e ariscorrelaes o e deacme prese i oes decisio o appropriaee rials o oer clres, wile a e same ime qesioig eiimacy or lack o iimacy prese i e moder relaiosip.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Arther Lee

    Te Inability o Sustainability,

    2013, acrylic o cavas, 30 x 24"

    (76.2 x 61cm)

    Arr Kwo Lee is a Korea America paier wo porrays bocoexalism ad ormalism as oe i e same. Lee ries o icrease

    a dyamic dersadig o pilosopical viewpois by objeciyigsocially ivesed emoioal coe ad ivesigaig e daliy adevelops we see rog a diere clral ierpreaio. hiswork is a sdy o mliple clmiaig acors srrodig ideas oe spirial dimesio le oiced i e braliy a is maare. Lees ar carries e desire o sed lig oo misdersoodma siaios, by preseig ese egaive saes wi descripiossrroded arod respeced isiios.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Armando Lopez-Bircann

    MeltOn, 2011, video

    Armado Lopez-Birca (ARLOBI) was bor i new York Ciy,Febrary 5, 1990. he grew p i Domiica Repblic wi eIere ad video games preseig im worldwide clres i a

    eqalized lig. his aeseic is rooed wii e amboya maleedecies o e aimal world as see i e birds o paradise. Tesedisplays o corsip are egieered rog wearable perormaivesclpres. Depedig o e evirome, ese are acivaed iceremoial perormaces a rages rom mlimedia prodcios odisilled ses o acios. he received is BFA rom e Corcora Collegeo Ar + Desig, as paricipaed i qeer collecive Boys Be Good adis co-oder o e perormace ar plaorm Aimals & Fire. he iscrrely based i Wasigo D.C.


    MelO explores e release o emoioal bild p. Trog digialmaiplaio, e devolvig wearable sclpre is sed o e aris.Te social ad persoal pressre o reac compleio overook eiiial moive o e projec reslig i a iiive gesral respose.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Adriana Serrato

    Im Araid Ill Forget, 2013, video

    Adriaa Loise Serrao, a Ialia America aris sdyig Fie Ari Wasigo DC a e Corcora College o Ar ad Desig, worksprimarily wi video as a medim. Alog se as a basic raiigi Fie Ar disciplies, se preers workig i video, specializigmaily i ciemaograpy. Raised i Erope se rered o euied Saes o prse er uiversiy sdies. Beig disaced rom

    er core amily elped iglig e imporace amily serves i oeslie. her work revolves arod e imporace o a amily i, sedissecs is srcre rog videos ad drawigs. Alog explorigamily rog er ow persoal memory, e goal o er videos is oprimarily make idividals smile.

    Im Afraid Ill Forget

    I ave a ear o orgeig yeserday, oday ad omorrow. Im araida e momes spe wi oers will ade wi ime ad oe daywill vais rom my memory. Or memory is like a comper, e arddrive ca oly old so mc ad eveally e speros ms bedeleed or ew daa. Te video ackles is idea o memory by lmiga grop o rieds rog e perspecive o someoe paricipaig orieracig wi e people i e video. By caprig is mome ocamera i someow ps e brai a ease. I o loger eed o keep ismemory sae i my mid as I ave i saely dowloaded o my exeralard drive, my comper ad may oer sorage devices.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Dandan Luo

    Within the Realm o Memories,

    2013, soeware, 22 x 8 x 6" (55.9

    x 20.3 x 15.2cm)

    Dada Los passio i ar brog er rom Cia o e CorcoraCollege o Ar ad Desig i Wasigo, DC. Se makes paiigs adceramic works. her work is a exeralizaio o er experiece, visio,

    dreams ad imagiaio. Se sees e process o creaig ar a joreywere se coiosly ivess pars o ersel io i. her work is alsoa place allowig viewers imagiaio o roam reely, ad a poi orem o sar eir ow reecios. Se likes breakig e coveioalceramic orms, ad creaig objecs wi qaliies o exremeess addissoace. Dada received er BFA i May, 2013.

    Within the Realm of Memories

    A baqes i Cia, delicae ood is someimes preseed o amiiare boa. O oe ad, my memories o Cia are ll o allkids o asy ood. O e oer ad, overeaig ad beig waselare par o or clre, ad people always ake i or graed. Aer Imoved o America, I missed e ood i Cia, b I also became moreaware o wa I ea, ow I ea, we I ea, ad ow mc I ea. Tiswork is based o my memories o Cia ad my reecios o oodad my cagig eaig abis.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Katie Macyshyn

    Just Deserts, 2013, video

    Kaie Macysys work aalyzes e sbjgaed idividals relaiosipwi sociey i e aomalys eed o be desired i e ace o commolaws o desire.

    A acor i e Corcoras perormace commiy or e draioo er ere as a dergradae sde, Macysy coecs o

    a sbjec by akig o roles. Momes o discovery old rogearical meas. Caracers, ad eir worlds, are preseed ia srreal way were eir perceived aws are o idde, bexaggeraed wi a digy odess. Exposig oe igored ijsices omargializaio el Macysys pracice.

    Just Deserts

    A adapaio o a perormace piece wi e same ileJustDeserts,(video), sig ooage o e docmeaio, is a sdy o

    e perormers relaiosip o amily i e wake o a ragedy. Teproagois aemps o x violece, illess, ad loss, i e opes aime will eal e amily i, b wile workig aloe ad livig ie pas, ever seemig o make progress. Becase o a callegigamily siaio, Americas policies o meal eal ad g corolave become icreasigly problemaic a a persoal level. Tis I eel, isa lack o respec or ma lie ad compassio wic is cosmed oa aioal scale. Te ile Js Desers reers o e poplar prase jsdessers wic reers o jsice beig paid.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Gabriel Mellan

    Cafeination, 2010, wood, moors,

    seel, 50 x 6 x 6" (127 x 15.2 x


    Growig p as always bee a advere or Gabriel Mella. Wiis cildood divided p i Wasigo DC, hawaii ad tokyo,e rasie ad mli-clral experieces ave coied o iois adlood. Focsig is ar makig o ieracive sclpre adisallaios ivolvig sod, moio ad lig, is work is eled bymaerial, process ad miimalisic orms. Gabriel is a gradae o e

    Corcora College o Ar + Desig ad is eacig ad makig ar ie D.C. area. his sclpre, isallaios ad poograpy ave beepblised ad exibied i Cia, Japa ad e u.S.


    Posiioed bewee Dadais objecs, kieic sclpre ad comedice ar, is sclpre is iled Caeiaio o simlae e eec ocaeie i oes sysem. A pll-swic o e lowes woode cp iviesa acivaio o e coee-cp-spie. Te oree cps vibrae ad

    rale as caeiaed verebrae il e swic is plled.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Chloe Rubenstein

    Che, 2013, acrylic o cavas, 30 x

    40 (76 x 101.6cm)

    Cloe Rbesei ses er passio or illsraio o creae morosscearios ad caracers. Oe displayed o brig sigle colored

    backgrods, Rbeseis work as e edecy o pop o e cavas.


    Cheis a caracer o a ree par series reecig e emoiosRbesei as ad wile growig p workig i e ood idsry.Te raic acial expressio is oe mos ave made wile workig ie resara bsiess. Te grapic sree ar approac is a reecioo Rbeseis syle as a rba mralis back i Wasigo D.C.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Jordan Sanders

    Dumpster Diving For Wood, 2013,

    paper, ik, wood, gle, 30 x 22"

    (55.9 x 76cm)

    Spedig mc o is early years ikerig i e adig rralplaygrod srrodig Wasigo DC, Jorda hamle Saders

    od a early ieres i cosrcio maciery ad e eec eyave o or aral evirome. As is backyard derwe drasiccages de o sbrba developme, a ace awareess o e wasead loss o maerials bega o grow wii im. today a awareessas developed io a eos wic drives e cocepio ad creaioo paiigs, pris, ad sclpres a Saders opes will brigaeio o e availabiliy o sable resorces llig dmpsers adras cas aio wide.

    Dumpster Diving For Wood

    Dumpster Diving or Woodis a redcive scree pri moed oa woode rame made rom salvaged wood. Te ac o dmpserdivig is ypically associaed wi e salvagig o ood a as beeossed o by resaras or grocery sores premarely. I ave akea similar approac i my searc or maerials. Scorig resideialeigboroods, gleaig rom reovaio sies ad dmpsers wa Ica o cosrc psedo eviromes ad ieral spaces.

    Te Pris ad paiigs a ook orm as a direc resl o is process

    eare broad coecig lies wic solidiy io objec-ood. IDumpster Diving or Wood, 15+ layers o diere color iks werepried o op o eac oer o creae a almos sclpral srace. Tisimage was e revealed by carel sadig Te resl resembles woodor meal layered wi years o pai ad ds mc like e doors adwidow rames I pll rom e ras.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Bryana Siobhan

    Center o Five, 2012, video/

    perormace (Image o available)

    Emergig aris Bryaa Sioba a Almi o e Corcora Collegeo Ar ad Desig wi er Bacelors i Fie Ar, se is crrely a

    Masers Cadidae a e Scool o e Msem o Fie ar O Bosoor er Masers i Fie Ar o be procred i 2015. Se as beeworkig i Wasigo DC or e pas 4 years ad will be relocaigo Boso is smmer. Aer workig i mixed media or e pas 9years, se as sied er aeio o perormace ar. Icorporaigsod, paiig, sclpre ad video io er perormaiveworks, Bryaa looks o iglig e ragiliy ad epemeraliy orelaiosips, e psyce ad social ieracios o bo a global adpersoal level.

    Center of Five

    usig psycology, myology, ad real lie siaios; my work creaesa dialoge abo ow mas cope wi meal illess ad axiey ie world arod s. Perormace ad video ar are e ools I se oexplore ese ideas. Pysical moio, e voyerisic eye, e ieralcosmpio o axiey, sel-eseem, maia; may rework ow we ikabo realiy. Realiy becomes cyclical, almos dream- like, repeaig esame acios over ad over o esre ceraiy. Becase o is, pysicalacios become rialisic, ey ca become eacig momes, ripe orexamiaio ad we d orselves acig o sel- sooig moios.As we coie o ps orselves rer io aimalisic isic.Perormaive acios creae a evirome i wic empay is sogo rom e viewer

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Cynthia Tidler

    God is an Apex Predator, 2013,

    woodblock pri, 48 x 72" (122 x


    Cyia tidlers work is based i myology, olk ales, are adsciece, pariclarly evolioary eories, ad se ierpres ma-

    aimal ieracios. Se is ieresed i e bodaries, bo pysicalad psycological, bewee wild ad domesicaed aimals, predaorad prey, ad e dep ad complex variey o or relaiosipswi oer species. Some o er images bled aimal ad mapysiology, especially were se sees coecios i experiece, scas labor, agig or provokig reacios i oers. Alog tidlerscoceraio ad primary ieres is i primakig, se as a srogieres i drawig ad paiig as well, ad as bee workig o blede ree medims ogeer. Se ejoys experimeig wi diereprimakig processes, ad combiig ose processes or greaer

    ricess ad dep i er images. Cyia tidler is crrely a rs-year MFA sde a e uiversiy o Wiscosi-Madiso.

    God is an Apex Predator

    A iger cosmes ma ad is made a god by e people wo srvive.Tis god is a apex predaor ad mas, i eir reverece, accepe ile o prey. I is work, Cyia tidler explores ma-aimalieracio, oably e sal predaor vs prey relaiosip beweee Begal igers o e Sdarbas regio ad e people wo live

    ere. Te Sdarbas is e worlds larges magrove ores, ad omeo ma-eaig igers. Te people ear ad worsip e igers, ad prayo Daksi Ray, e iger god. Tis work is a large-scale woodblockpri o e iger as ma-eaer ad as god, i a complex aralevirome. Images o smoke ad oey allde o oerigs iededo appease ad paciy, ad e desire o exrac e sweeess romaoers lie. A river ows rogo e work, creaig a cerailadscape a blrs bodaries o lad ad waer, ma ad aimal.Images o masks reer o e delicae masks, wor by e people i amosly sccessl aemp o rick e igers, ad reerece ma

    ielligece, decepio, ad limaely, vlerabiliy. Te worsip o eiger depiced i is work reecs ma reverece or predaory adpredicable power, weer ecoered i are or oer mas.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Ashley VanGemeren

    Drowning, 2013, oil o cavas, 24

    x 48" (61 x 122cm)

    Asley VaGemere is a mli-discipliary aris rom Larel,Marylad crrely sdyig Fie Ar a e Corcora College o Ar+ Desig (class o 2015). her paiigs allow e vibra aricialiyo miimally mixed pigmes o acceae e emoioal essece adsol o e sbjec, wile raspare layers o color allow e sbjeco glow. Tis eec creaes a dreamy aasical world or wic esbjec ca exis, iviig ad eicig e viewer o egage wi adexperiece e eereal amospere.


    I America sociey, we are cosaly srroded by aied ood adbeverages lled wi aricial igredies. We are rapped i e cycleo cosmig syeic sbsaces a poiso or jdgme ad well-beig. Drowningexpresses eeligs o disress ad elplessess wilesimlaeosly srrederig o e iescapable presece o addiivesad preservaives.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Travis Wagner

    Empty Vessel o Empty Calories,

    2012, oil o cavas, 8 x 10 (20.3 x


    travis Wager is a e aris origially rom ceral Pesylvaia.travis compleed jior college sdies a Florissa Valley camps

    o S. Lois Commiy College. travis was recried rom ere oTe Corcora were e will complee is BFA i 2014. travis splissdio ime bewee maerial exploraio based sclpral work adobservaioally based represeaioal drawig ad paiig.

    Empty Vessels of Empty Calories

    Empy Vessels o Empy Calories iely sdies e sble aces oa empy ca o cola. Devoid o ayig b e vessel isel, e cabears o label, o bradig, ad o coes. I is simply empy, as i

    always was.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Whitney Waller

    012513-052513, 2013, skecbook,

    14.5 x 11" (37 x 28cm)

    Wiey Waller is rom e Soeaser uied Saes, e ieiesad e iere. Se was raied as a yo a e Old Doaio Ceeror e Gied ad taleed (Virgiia Beac, VA) ad e GoverorsScool or e Ars (norolk, VA). Waller spe wo years sdyige gre wi carcoal ad clay a e new Orleas Academy o FieArs der Carol Peebles ad Kizey Braam. Se is crrely a BFAsde a e Corcora, a eacer or e Aspirig Ariss ad Camp

    Creaiviy programs (Corcora), ad draws wi calk o e roseps o e Corcora Gallery o Ar.


    Tis is Wallers mos recely compleed skecbook, a almosjoralisic acco o er comme o e D.C. Mero. For er, adaily drawig pracice is as orisig as ayig coaiig calories,proeis, as, ec. Wii is book are a rage o composiioalsccesses ad lie qaliies. Wii Wiey Waller, ey were all good


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Robert Yi

    Young Pioneer, 2013, oil o cavas,

    40 x 30" (101.6 x 76cm)

    Rober Yi is a paier based i Wasigo, D.C. ad crrely a MFA cadidae a America uiversiy.his bs-syle porrais, oe depicig is sbjecs roally- e sbjec gazig direcly a e viewer- creaea visal coac bewee e viewer ad sier a is immediae ad, eve a imes, coroaioal.

    (Rober Yi) explores e poliical ad persoal implicaios o socieal masks ad acades. Yi scceeds i ooly oerig a series o porrais a creae a discorse arod e poliics o ideiy, b also providigcaracer sdy ad seeig beyod pblic persoas. Jo Edmods- Fie Ar Poograper/Porrai ArBlogger

    Young Pioneer

    Te Yog Pioeers o nor Korea represe e bes ad e briges. We will e res o e world

    recogize e re yog pioeers wo ser ad sarve der oppressio o e Dear Leader, Kim Jog u?

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Jlia BacroA Fearul Desire, 2013, raw bird

    ski, digial pris, 20 x 30"(50.8 x 76cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    halsey BerrymaDocument wo, 2013, acrylico cavas, 126 x 71" (320 x180.3cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Lorezo CardimExtra Relish!, 2013, wax adsisal, 7 x 28 x 3.5" (17.8 x 71 x8.9cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Sooo CoInner Sel, 2012, rice paper, 8.7 x6.7 x 4.2" (22 x17 x 10.7cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    James ColeCream Cheese and a Bagel,2012, seel, 22 x 9" (55.9 x22.9cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Kyrae Cowa Washing Machines, Laundromat

    (Pesci), ripyc, 2013, acrylic,laex pai, cavas, cloes-lies, 32 x 54, 28 x 54, 32 x 54,(81.3 x 137.2, 71 x 137.2, 81.3 x137.2cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    Elio hicksMy Colors are Blush and Bashul,

    2013, kool-aid ad ma bloodsaied abric, 360 x 36" (914.4 x91.4cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    Jeremia holladFat Pill, 2011, wood, 19 x 6 x 4"(48.3 x 15.2 x 10.2cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    Racel hrbekSushi, 2013, video/perormace

    Poo: Te Aris

    Arr LeeTe Inability o Sustainability,2013, acrylic o cavas, 30 x 24"(76.2 x 61cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Armado Lopez-BircaMeltOn, 2011, video

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Adriaa SerraoIm Araid Ill Forget, 2013, video

    Poo: Te Aris

    Dada Lo

    Within the Realm o Memories,013, soeware, 22 x 8 x 6" (55.9 x20.3 x 15.2cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Kaie MacysyJust Deserts, 2013, video

    Poo: Te Aris

    Photo Credits

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Gabriel MellaCaeiaio, 2010, wood,

    moors, seel, 50 x 6 x 6 (127 x15.2 x 15.2cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    Cloe RbeseiChe, 2013, acrylic o cavas,30 x 40" (76 x 101.6cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Jorda SadersDumpster Diving For Wood,2013, paper, ik, wood, gle,30 x 22" (76 x 55.9 cm)

    Poo: Te Aris

    Cyia tidlerGod is an Apex Predator, 2013,woodblock pri, 48 x 72"(122 x 182.9cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Asley VaGemereDrowning, 2013, oil o cavas,24 x 48" (61 x 122cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Photo Credits

    travis Wager

    Empty Vessel o Empty Calories,2012, oil o cavas

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Wiey Waller012513-052513, 2013, skec-book, 14.5 x 11" (37 x 28cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Rober YiYoung Pioneer, 2013, oil ocavas, 40 x 30" (101.6 x 76cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

    Ji-s YooTirst, 2013, porcelai,18 x 9", 6 x 9" eac(45.7 x 23, 15.2 x 23cm)

    Poo: Sooo Co

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    Wi e Sppor oe Preside o e Repblic

    Are We Wa We Ea?Ssaiabiliy ad Ar

    Crc o Sa Carpooro, Mila10 Sepember a 6pm 6 Ocober 2013

    Pirelli Skyscraper, Mila19 Sepember a 6pm 29 Ocober

    Corcora Gallery o Ar, Arim - Wasigo DCCorcora Gallery o Ar, Gallery 31, Wasigo DC

    11 December 2013 26 Jaary 2014

    PresideeSalvaore Carrbba

    Direore dellAccademiaFraco Marrocco

    Segrearia della DirezioeGilia Geise

    ufcio SampaBarbara Marzoli

    PresideeCrisia Reso

    Segreeria orgaizzaivaMaria Oroso

    ufcio SampaLisa Casoli

    Co la collaborazioe diOdV Flagii

    Elisabea Flagii

    Provos ad Cie Academic OfcerCaerie Armor

    Ar direcio o exibiioLy Sres

    Digial caalog desigPa Aerie

    I collaboraio wi PresideeRobero Maroi

    Segreario Geerale dellaPresidezaAdrea Gibelli

    Direore FzioeSpecialisica Comicazioe

    Parizia Carrarii

    Dirigee Srra EveiPiero Addis

    Sa Srra EveiFracesca EsposioGiovaa GaioSsaa Di Salvia

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


    ConCePt By

    Cristina Renso e Maria Paola Cancellieri

    Associazione Culturale Giuseppe e Gina


    Honorary CoMMitteeClaudio Bisogniero

    Ambasciatore dItalia negli Stati Uniti

    Roberto Maroni

    Presidente della Regione Lombardia

    Guido Podest

    Presidente della Provincia di Milano

    Giuliano Pisapia

    Sindaco del Comune di Milano e

    Commissario Speciale dellExpo 2015

    Franco Marrocco

    Direttore Accademia di Belle Arti di BreraSteano Sala

    Commissario unico di Expo 2015

    sCientiFiC CoMMittee

    Catherine Armour

    Corcoran College o Art + Design

    Washington, DC

    Alberto Manai

    Istituto Italiano di Cultura

    Washington, DCRenato Miracco

    Ambasciata dItalia Washington DC

    Lynn Sures

    Corcoran College o Art + Design

    Washington, DC

    Antonio DAmico

    Storico e Critico darte

    Carlo Vitali

    Istituto degli Studi sul Lavoro

    Annamaria Castaldi Rossi

    Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore diMilano

    Lucia Folco Zambelli

    Politecnico di Milano

    Cristina Renso

    Associazione Culturale Giuseppe e Gina


    art DireCtion

    Antonio dAvossa

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Milano

    Lynn Sures

    Corcoran College o Art + Design

    Washington, DC

    organization anD sCientiFiC seCretary

    Associazione Culturale Giuseppe e

    Gina Flangini

    Raccolta Flangini


    Antonio dAvossa

    WitH tHe CollaBoration oF

    Lisa CasoliElisabetta Flangini

    graPHiC Design

    Daniele Miradoli

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera

    WeB graFiC

    Maria Francesca Castaldi

    CoMMuniCation anD PressBarbara Marzoli

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera

    Lisa Casoli

    Associazione Culturale Giuseppe e Gina


    translations By

    Jennier Ingleby

    Elisabetta Solca

    Adriana Zafaroni

    tHank you For your suPPort

    Intesa San Paolo Milano

    sPeCial CollaBoration

    Filitalia International

    Lombardi nel Mondo

    D.I.V.E. Association, Washington

    WitH tHe CollaBoration oF

    WitH tHe Patronage oF


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog of Corcoran Student Artworks
