Catalogue of the mammals of Western Europe (Europe ...€¦ · MAMMALS OF WESTERN EUEOPE (EUROPE...

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Catalogue of the mammals of western Europe (Europe exclusive of Russia)in the collection of the British Museum / by Gerrit S. Miller.

London :BMNH,1912.

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/-/ LONDON PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM SOLD BY Longmans, Green & Co., 39, Pateenostkr Row, E.G. B. QuARiTCH, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. DuLAU & Co., Ltd., 37, Soho Square, W. AND at the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W. 1912 All rights reserved

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I GENETTA 455 Diagnosis. — Ground colour as iii Genetta genetta geneita, but black spots smaller (rarely attaining a diameter of 20 mm.), more numerous, and showing a decided tendency to become confluent. In region occupied by tirst three rows of spots at each side of median stripe the black covers rather more space than the light ground colour. Measurements. — Adult female from Sainte-Cecile, Vaucluse, France : head and body, 490 ; tail, 440 ; hind foot, 85 ; ear, 53. For cranial measurements see Table, p. 453. Specimens cvamined. — Four, from the following localities in France : Sainte-Ci'cile, Vaucluse, 1 ; near Nimes, Gard, 1 (Mottaz) ; near Biarritz, Basses- Pyrenees, 2. Bemarhs. — An immature individual from Ferrol, Coruna, Spain, appears . to be referable to this form rather than to true genetta. ?. Sainte-Cecile, Vaucluse, France. M. Mourgue (c). 8. 7. 11. 1. 2 6. Biarritz, Basses-Pyr6n6es. Zoological Society 8. 1. 26. 1-2. 1. Ferrol, Corufia, Spain. Dr. V. L. Seoane 94. 11. 3. 2. (c. & p.)

Family FELID^. 1821. Felidx Gray, London Med. Repos., xv, p. -302, April 1, 1821. Geographical distribution. — Entire continental region of both Old and New Worlds, to the limits of tree growth ; Malay Archipelago ; in Europe west to Great Britain. • Characters. — Larger cheek-teeth of a strictly trenchant type, their ci'owns compressed and high, without the crushing surfaces, the last upper premolar and tirst lower molar persenting the extreme phase of carnassial modification, the inner lobe of upper carnassial small, in front of middle of crown ; upper molar narrow, trenchant, the main axis of its crown tiansverse to tooth-row ; auditory bulla highly inflated, divided by a septum into two chambers ; form usually slender, the legs moderately long ; size moderate to large ; feet digitigrade ; toes, 5-4. Remarks. — The family Felidse is one of the most widely distributed and sharply diflferentiated groups of carnivores. At present there is much difference of opinion as to the generic status of its members, all of which bear the unmistakable stamp of commou descent. Two groups commonly regarded as genera occur in Europe. KEY TO THE EUROPEAN GENERA OF FELID.^. Small anterior upper premolar present, teeth 30 ; ear slightly

or not tufted (Cats) Felis, p. 450. Small anterior upper premolar absent, teeth 28 ; ear con- spicuously tufted (Lynxes) Lynx, p. 470.

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456 CARNIVORA Genus FELIS Linmeus. 1758. Felis Linnfeus, Syst. Nat., i, 10th ed., p. 41 (Type by tautonymy Fells catus Linnseus). 1855. Catus Fitzinger, Wiss.-pop. Naturgesch. der Saugith., i, p. 2G5 (catus by tautonymy). 1857. Felis Blasius, Saugethiere Deutschlands, p. 159. 1858. Catolijnx Severtzow, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 2nd ser., x, p. 385 {catus). Tijpe species. — Felis catus Linnfeu.s. Geograplncal distribution. — Tropical and northern temperate portions of the Old World ; exact limits of range not known.

Characters. — Dental formula : i •^', c J}J, pm ||, m Jfl = 30 ; anterior upper premolar small but well developed, rarely deciduous ; skull broad, rounded and deep, the zygomatic breadth about three-quarters condylobasal length ; external form slender, typically feline, the fur full and soft, not developing special manes or tufts. Bemarks. — In the uncertainty now existing with regard to the taxonomic rank of the various groups of cats the genus Felis is here regarded in its most restricted sense with respect to both characters and synonymy. As thus understood it contains about twenty species, mostly of the Old World. Three of these occur in Europe. KEY TO THE EUROPEAN FORMS OF FELIS. Fur of median dorsal area noticeably longer and coarser than that of sides ; tail slender, its hairs about 30 mm. in length; no black stripes on shoulders or back. General colour of back and sides grey, the darker markings practically absent (Sardinia) F. sarda, p. 468.

General colour of back and sides yellowish brown, the darker markings evident though faint (Crete) F. agrius, p. 470. Fur of median dorsal area not noticeably longer and coarser than that of sides ; tail thick, its hairs about 40 mm. long; two short black stripes between shoulders, and a long median black stripe on back -F. silvcstris, p. 457. Teeth enlarged (jmi^ and pm^ together 19 to 20 mm. ; three lower cheek-teeth together 22-4 to 23-6 mm.; ?«, 9-2 to 10 mm.). Southern Spain F. s. tartessia, p. 465. Teeth normal {pm-' and p7n* together 16-G to 19 mm. ; three lower cheek-teeth together 18 • 8 to 22 mm. ; ?», 8-0 to 8-8 mm.). General colour light, approaching the smoke-grey of Ridgway ; stripes on sides and legs obsolete

(Central Europe) F. .s. ><ih-estri^, p. 462. General colour dark, approaching the broccoli- brown of Ridgway ; stripes on sides and legs well defined (Scotland) F. s. grampia, p. 464.

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457 FELIS SILVESTRIS Scliveber. (Synonymy under subspecies.) Geofjraphical distribution. — Central and southern Europe, from Great Britain eastward into Asia Minor ; formerly occur- ring everywhere throughout its range, but now restricted to the wilder regions. Diagnosis. — Size slightly larger than in the domestic cat, Felis cafus Linnjeus,"' and form appearing more robust owing to the somewhat greater depth of the fur ; tail rather more than half as long as head and body, its width at middle about 70 mm., abruptly, almost truncately, rounded at tip ; fur soft and full, the hairs about 50 mm. long on sides, those along middle of back about 10 mm. longer, but not noticeably different in texture;

occiput and nape with four longitudinal black stripes ; two short longitudinal black strijjes on middle of shoulder ; a single median black stripe from back of shoulder to base of tail ; sides with two or more brownish cross stripes ; tail with black tip and two to four complete or nearly complete black rings ; middle of chest obscurely or not spotted ; ground colour of upper jaarts a very pale cream-buff overlaid with whitish and slightly darkened by the black annulations and tips of the longer hairs, the general effect about smoke-grey. External characters. — General form essentially as in the domestic cat, but apjjearing heavier on account of the longer fur, a peculiarity e.specially noticeable in the tail. Fore foot with thumb much shorter than other digits, but bearing a well developed claw ; third and fourth digits sub-equal and longest (the third slightly exceeding fourth), the second and third successively shorter ; palm with obscurely trilobed, somewhat heart-shaped pad at base of longer digits ; a rounded pad on ball of each digit, that on thumb small and incon.spicuous, and a noticeable, subterete, almost horny excrescence near wrist ; surface of all tubercles smooth ; surface of palm elsewhere velvety -furred. Hind foot with digits and pads essentially as in fore foot except for absence of both hallux with its pad and posterior horny excrescence. Colour. — Underfur of back and sides a cream-buff distinctly paler than that of Ridgway, the basal half of the hairs light drab-grey. Longer hairs whitish from base to just below tips of underfur, then blackish, followed by a whitish annulation about

7 mm. wide and a long black tip. The coincidence of the lower dark area with the terminal portion of the under hairs makes the latter appear at first sight brownish at tip. The general effect of the ground colour is a buffy grey frosted with whitish. This is very uniform throughout the head, back, sides and tail, * For use of this name in place of Felis domestica Auct. see Pocock, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1907, p. 149, June 12, 1907.

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458 CARNIYORA but on outer side of front legs there is usually a sooty tinge, while the upper side of the feet becomes a nearly clear, light, bufFy clay-colour. Underparts and inner surface of himl legs cream-bufF, becoming whitish or white on chin, throat, foi'e part of chest and in intercrural region, and clouded and blotched with blackish across middle of chest and on inner side of fore legs, the amount of blotching on chest vari- able ; soles and palms dark browji. Tail black at tip (about 70 mm.) and with two to four narrow (15 to 30 mm.) black or brownish rings, usually narrower or incomplete below, and often showing a tendency to become joined in median line above. The dark markings on upper parts and sides are typically as

follows. jSTape with four narrow longitudinal black stripes, these extending to head where they tend to become confused arid coniluent, and disajjpearing at front of shoulder. Just behind region where nape stripes disappear the shoulder has two usually well defined longitudinal stripes about 60 mm. in length and 10 mm. wide, lying 10 to 20 mm. apart. About 30 mm. behind the shoulder stripes the median dorsal stripe begins, often as a distinct spot, and continue.s to base of tail. The sides are marked with several transverse, frequently obsolete stripes, of which that starting at front of median dorsal stripe is usually the best developed, while those behind it tend to become mere wavy blotches, always preserving, however, when \isible and when fur is smoothed, their general transverse and parallel arrangement.* In continuation of this system of transvei'se stripes, four or five fairly distinct, narrow (5 to 10 mm.) bands usually cross outer side of hind legs, and two or three narrower and less distinct bands may be detected on front legs. Ear like ground colour of back, the tip slightly blackish. Skull. — The skull resembles that of Felis catus so closely that it is impossible to find tangible characters by which to distinguish it. In the larger races, however, a slightly greater size and massiveness may be attained than in the domestic cat. General aspect of skull broad, rounded and deep, the zygomata long and very widely spreading (zygomatic breadth equal to about three-quarters condylobasal length), the orbits nearly or quite surrounded by bone, very large (diameter greater than that of interorbital region, and area equal to or greater than that of

rostrum when skull is viewed from in front). Dorsal profile of skull convex throughout, sometimes a little Battened in inter- orbital region and along nasals, the latter occasionally terminating in a slight anterior concavity ; nasals sloping very abruptly forward and downward, the palattil dejjfh at their posterior extremity at least twice as great as that at front : from posterior * There is never any trace of the spiral arrangement of the dark markings characteristic of the typical form of the domestic Felis catus as described and figured by Pocock, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1907, pp. 143-168, pis. VIII and ix.

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PELis 459 extremity of nasals the convexity ot" the dorsal profile is more gradual and regular to slightly overhanging lambdal region ; occiput obliquely truncate but not noticeably concave, the condyles not visible when skull is viewed from above ; ventral profile flat throughout. Brain-case broadly ovate or nearly globular when viewed from above, the posterior outline distorted in oldei- specimens by the projecting lambdoid border, the greatest width above zygomata slightly greater than depth at Fig. 96. Feb's ^ili'estris. x

middle, and about equal to distance from posterior border of parietal to deepest portion of postorbital constriction ; sagittal crest low, appearing first on interparietal, the only region where it becomes a true crest, the muscular ridges in front of interparietal at first separate and forming a lyre-like figure, but later uniting in continuation of the median crest. Floor of brain-case flat, without noticeable surface features ; auditory bulhu large, highly inflated, longer than broad, formed mostly by

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460 CARNIVORA posterior chamber, the surface smooth, the meatus large, not tubular ; width of basioocipital at middle less than that of bulla in same region ; mastoid and 2:)aroccipital processes small, the latter thin and plate-like, both closely applied to surface of bulla. Postorbital region abruptly contracted behind postorbital process, the depth of the constriction increasing with age ; postorbital process very large, at iirst triangular in outline, afterward becoming ligulate, its upper surface obliquely flattened. Interorbital region much constricted, its least width considerably less than that of orbit. Rostrum short and deep, the distance from orbit to gnathion about equal to breadth over canines and

slightly less than palatal depth at posterior extremity of nasals ; nasal branch of premaxillary broad, its width at front of nasal often nearly equal to that of nasal in same region ; anteorbital foramen moderately large, opening directly forward under overhanging rim of orbit and above middle of first large premolar. Palate broad, triangular in outline, its width including molars about equal to median length, the median posterior extension slight, but usually marked off at each side by a lateral emargination extending in some instances nearly to level of middle of carnassial ; incisive foramina moderately large, elliptical in outline, slightly oblique, extending from level of middle of canine to middle of space between canine and outer incisor ; mesopterygoid space nearly parallel-sided, somewhat longer than wide, its anterior border double-concave (enci'oached on by blunt median spine of palate) ; hamulars slender, a little converging ; external pterygoid process well developed, laminate, angular, much smaller than hamular. Mandible rather slender, the anterior border of coronoid rising at an angle of only about 50°, the distance from apex of process to posterior border of molar about equal to that from latter point to front of symphysis ; lower profile of ramus slightly convex, though with anterior and posterior flattened regions ; angular process straight, rather short, a little below level of alveolar line. Teeth. — As a whole, and in comparison with that of Europeaii Carnivores of other families, the dentition appears rather weak, owing to the complete suppiession of all crushing surfaces and the consequent narrowness of the cheek-teeth. Incisors small and weak, the crown area of P, the largest tooth, about equal to

that of /I and i'^ together and S(^arcely more than one-eighth that of canine ; upper incisors forming a continuous, straight or faintly convex row separated from canine at each side by a well marked diastema nearly as wide as base of canine ; i^ and i^ sub- equal, the second tooth slightly the larger, the crowns a little compressed, slightly higher than wide when viewed from in front, spatulate in outline, the cutting edge without cusps or lobes, but a little higher at middle than at sides, posterior border .somewhat concave with faintly developed heel ; P with cutting edge oblique, and crown more nearly terete. Lower incisors

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FELIS 461 smaller than corresponding upper teeth, their crowns rounded and flattened, with faintly indicated longitudinal groove. Canines simple, without cingulum, rather large, the shaft curved very slightly backward, that of upper tooth terete with a few longitudinal grooves in enamel, that of lower slightly hollowed on inner and posterior surface. Anterior upper premolar about as large as outer incisor, though with crown not so high, its root single, but often showing indications of longitudinal division. Its usual position is a little behind middle of wide diastema between canine and first large premolar. Other premolars (except carnassial) essentially alike in form, two-rooted, the crowns compressed, triangular when viewed from the side, some-

what longer than high, the base elliptical, slightly wider posteriorly than anteriorly, that of pm^ wider than the others and somewhat inclined to assume a concavo-convex outline ; anterior border of pm^ simple, that of pm^ and pm^ with a small basal cusp (better developed in latter than in former) ; posterior borders of all three teeth with two secondary cusps, the basal formed by the rudimentary cingulum, the second on base of main cusp ; pm^ slightly smaller than the others. Upper carnassial about twice as long as broad, the outline of its crown almost an isosceles triangle, though inner side is slightly longer fig. 97. than outer ; inner lobe at anterior Felia nlvestru. Teeth. Nat. size. border of crown, scarcely breaking the general contour, its cusp low but well developed, terete ; outer or main cutting portion of tooth with three cusps, the anterior low and very similar to that of inner lobe, the median and posterior of the usual carnassial type, the posterior cutting edge nearly horizontal and meeting anterior commissure at an abrupt angle (about 50^). Upper molar small, transversely compressed imperfectly two-rooted, the crown al:)out half as long as wide without definite structure though showing traces of an outer and inner cusp. Lower molar consisting of a sub-equal paraconid and

protoconid, the latter slightly the larger, the anterior and posterior borders of tooth nearly vertical, the upper border formed by the two sub-equal commissures, both of which slope downward toward the middle, where they meet at an angle of about 50"" ; outer surface of tooth convex longitudinally, inner surface rather deeply concave. Rcmarhs. — Externally Fells nilcestris is distinguishable from domestic cats with well developed markings of the "striped tabby " type* by slightly greater size and by the somewhat * For figures of the two main types of marking in domestic cats see Pocock, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1907, pis. viii and ix.

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462 CAENIVORA longer fur, this giving the animal the appearance of more robust legs and less tapering tail. The skull and teeth differ only in the greater average size of fully adult individuals, a character FlO. 9S. Felis siloestn'x (upper flgiiie) and F. cahis (lower figure). Nat. size. most readily appreciable in the teeth. In twenty European specimens of Felis sih'estris and a like number of F. catm the

extremes for certain dental measurements are as follows : — Combined length of upper carnassial silredr!s. catus. andpw^ lG-6to20-0 .. 15-0 to 17-8 Combined length of lower cheek-teeth 18-8 ,, 23-6 .. 18-0 ,, 20-4 Lowermolar 7-8 ,, 100 .. 6-6,, 8-6 Fklis silvestris silvestris Schreber. 1758. {Felis] catm Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., i, 10th ed., p. 42 (part; synonyms only, the description refers to the domestic cat). 1777. Felis (Catus) silvestris Schreber, Siiugthiere, in, p. 397. 1777. [Felis catus] ferus Erxleben, Syst. Regni Anim., i, p. 518. 1857. Felis catm Blasius, Saugethiere Deutschlands, p. 162 (Not of Linnaeus). 1896. Catus ferox Martorelli, Atti Soc. Ital. Soi. Nat., Milano, xxxv, p. 253, January, 1896 (Accidental renaming of Catm ferus Brehm, Illustr. Thierleben, i, p. 275, 1863). 1907. Felis sylvestris Pocock, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, p. 150, June 12, 1907. 1910. Felis silcestris Trouessart, Faune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 98. Tjjpe locality. — Germany.

Geogra^phical distribution,— Centva] and southern continental

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FELIS 463 Europe from northern .Spain to northern Germany, and from the Atlantic coast eastward at least to the Black Sea ; eastern limits of i-ange not known. Characters. — Teeth not unusually large (combined length of upper carnassial and pm^ 16 '6 to 19 mm.; three lower cheek- teeth together, 18 "S to 22 ram. ; lower molar, 8"0 to 8 -8 mm.) ; general colour light, the predominant hue approaching the smoke- grey of Ridgway ; dark markings on sides and legs tending to be faint, brownish and ill-defined. Measurements. — Adult male from northern Germany : head and body, 545; tail, 310; hind foot, 135; ear from meatus, 63. A specimen (not sexed) from Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Germany : head and body, 481; tail, 309; hind foot, 119. Adult from near Athens, Greece : hind foot, 127. For cranial measurements see Table, p. 466. Specimens examined. — Fifteen, from the following localities : —

Spain : Province of Burgos, 3 (B.M. and U.S.N.M.). Pbance : Manonville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, 1 ; Salavon, Haute-lMarne, 1 ; Caterille, Haute-Garonue, 1. Germany : North Germany (no exact locality), 1 ; Ingelheim, Rhein- hessen, 1 ; south Germany (no exact locality), 3 (skulls). AuSTRiA-HuNGAEY : Baranza, Hungary, 1 (skull). Bulgaria : Varna, 1 (Andersen, skull). Greece: Near Athens, 1. Italy : Near Rome, 2. Hematics. — The wild cat of central Europe shows little individual variation in colour, or in pattern and character of markings. The two skins from Rome and that from Athens appear to be identical with more northern specimens. In the skull from Varna, Bulgaria, the nasals are not narrowed as in the form occurring in Asia Minor and the Caucasus. 2. Prov. Burgos, Spain. S. and N. Gonzalez (c). i. Manonville, Meurthe-ct- Dr. E. Hamilton 95. 11. 9. 1.

Moselle, France. (Lomoiit.) (p). 6. Salavon, Haute - Marne. Dr. E. Hamilton 95. 11. 9. 2. (Lomont.) (p). 6. Caterille, Haute-Garonne. O. Thomas (p). 8. 7. 15. 1. (.4. Robert.) 6. N. Germany. Lord Lilford (p). 95. 5. 1. 1. 3 skulls. S. Germany. Dr. A.Giinther (c). 59. 9. 6. 55-57. 1. Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, G. Barrett-Hamil- 11. 1. 2. 104. Germany. (Erlanger.) ton (p). 6. Baranza, Hungary. Dr. E. Hamilton 2. 6. 3. 1. (p). 1. Athens, Greece. 0. W. L. Merlin 47. 7. 22. 2.

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1907. Felis grampia Miller, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 7th ser., xx, p. 396, November, 1907. Type in British Museum. 1910. Felis grampia Trouessart, Faune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 99. Type locality. — Invermori.ston district, Inverness, Scotland. Geographical distributioH. — Formerly throughout Great Britain; now restricted to the wilder portions of Scotland. Diagnosis. — Like Felis silvestris silvestris but general colour darker, the predominant hue approaching the broccoli-brown of Ridgway ; dark markings on sides and legs tending to be extensive, blackish and well defined. Colour. — TJnderfur of back and sides a light ochraceous-bufF, the basal half of the hairs mouse-grey. Light annuiations of longer hairs very nearly the cream-ljuff of Ridgway. Black tips to longer hairs more noticeable than in Felis silvestris, and general effect of ground colour distinctly browner, the light colour not producing any frosted appearance. Upper side of feet and inner surface of hind legs ochraceous-bufF, becoming duller and somewhat drab-tinged on under side of body. Intercrural and pectoral white areas well defined and strongly contrasted with surrounding colour. Black mottling on middle of chest con- spicuous. Soles and palms l)lackish. Dark markings on tail, legs and upper parts similar to those of Felis silvestris in arrangement, but more definite in outline, particularly the transverse stripes on outer side of forelegs and those on posterior half of body.

Shull and teeth. — The skull and teeth are not distinguishable from those of typical Felis silvestris. Measurements. — Type (young-adult male) : head and body, 534 ; tail, 338 ; hind foot, 127 ; ear, 67. Young-adult male and female from the type locality : head and body, 534 and 534 ; tail, 280 and 290; hind foot, 126 and 123; ear from meatus, 67 and 68. Specimens examined. — Twenty-two, from the following localities in Scot- land : Glencassley, Sutherland, 2 ; Lochcarron, Ross, 2 ; Aberdeenshire, 1 ; Invermoriston district, Inverness, 5 ; Beauly, Inverness, 1 ; Fort William, Inverness, 2 ; Kuoydart, Inverness-shire, 2 ; Arisaig, Inverness-shire, 1 ; Braulea Forest, Inverness-shire, 1 ; Balmachan, Inverness-shire, 1 ; Jardine House, Dumfriesshire, 1 ; Inverness (no exact locality), 1 ; Scotland (no exact locality), 2. Remarhs. — The British wild cat diff"ers from true Felis silvestris in darker general colour and more pronounced black markings, characters in which it approaches F. s. tartessia. It does not show, however, any tendency to the enlargement of teeth .so noticeable in the south-Spanish form. skull. Glencassley, Sutherland- E. R. Alston (p). 79. 9. 25. 81. shire, Scotland. i. Glencassley, Sutherland- ilrs. Flower (p). 92. 10. 21. 1,


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465 3 6, 9. luvermoriston, Inverness- A. H. Cocks (p). 4. 1. 25. 2-5. shire. (4. 1. 25. B. Type of subspecies.) 6 St. Invermoriston, Inverness- Hon. N. C. Roths- 1. 5. 22. 4. shire. child (p). 1. Beauly, Inverness-shire. Lord Tweedmouth 5. 10. 12. 1. (P)- 2 6. Knoydart, Inverness-shire. Sir Herbert Maxwell 98. 12. 2G. 1. (p). 99. 2. 9. 1. 1. Arisaig, Inverness-shire. Dr. E. Hamilton (p). 2. 6. 3. 4. ?. Braulin Forest, Inverness- G. W. Henderson (p). shire,

st. Balmachan, Inverness-shire. J. E. Harting (p). 83. 11. 13. 1. St. Jardine House, Dumfries. Sir W. Jardine (p). 8G. 7. 2. 13. 1. Scotland. 114b. Felis silvestkis taetessia Miller. 1907. Felis tartessia Miller, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 7th ser., xx, p. 397, November, 1907. Type in British Museum. 1910. Felis tartessia Trouessart, Paune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 99. Type locality. — Goto Donana, Huelva, Spain. Geographical distribution. — Southern Spain ; limits of distri- bution not known. Diagnosis. — Like Felis silvestris silvestris but larger and with disproportionately larger teeth. Colour darker, and black markings essentially as in F. silvestris grampia. Colour. — The colour is noticeably darker than in Felis silvestris silvestris, rather nearly approaching that of F. s. grampia but less brownish. Underfur more slaty at base than in the related forms, about the grey No. 6 of Ridgway, its terminal portion a dull cream-buff. Pale annulations on longer hairs nearly as whitish as in F. silvestris silvestris. Inner surface of hind legs a light ochraceous-buff ; rest of underparts as in

F. s. grampia. Dark markings well defined, their arrangement and extent as in the British wild cat. Skull. — In fully adult males the skull is very large, apparently exceeding that of any of the other members of the group. Its form, however, is not peculiar. Teeth. — The teeth of the Spanish wild cat are noticeably larger than those of any of the other members of the Felis silvestris group, or of the domestic cats. The difference is particulai'ly evident in the premolars both above and below and in the lower molar (see measurements, p. 467). In form, how- ever, the teeth show no peculiarities. Measurements. — Type (adult female) from well-made skin : head and body, 650 ; tail, 350 ; hind foot, 133. For cranial and dental measurements see Tables, pp. 466 and 469. Specimens examined. — Eight, from the following localities in southern Spain : Sierra INIorena, 1 ; Goto Douana, Huelva, 5 ; Andalucia (no exact locality), 2 (skulls). 2 H

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461 O -r^ (N * CD O ^ tD O O OS O O t- eo CO (M OT CO <M (N O O O ^ O 00 O O O O O O O O CO O CO 00 o o ^ o ^ A, O rln •^ o ;:5

tH o o CO CO CO tH CO CO rH (M C5 o o o o o oq 00 00 CO 00 Ci CX3 -H -H CO ^^ C5 00 ^D »o "o "-o oq CO lO lO "O lo oq CO th CO CO 00 CD CO CO

oq oq co' P g

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468 CAENIVORA Hemarlis.- — The Andalusiaii form of Felis silvestris is well characterized by its large teeth aud rather dark colour. 1. Goto Dofiana, Huelva, A. Chapman (c & p). 7. 6. 4. 1. Spain. (Type of subspecies.) 1. Goto Donana, Huelva. A. Chapman (p). 8. 3. 8. 1. S, 9. Andalucia. (Chapman.) Dr. E. Hamilton (p). 2. 6. 3. 2-3. FELIS SARDA Lataste. 1885. [Felis libijcn] var. sarda Lataste, Aetes See. Linn., Bordeaux, xxxix, p. 231 (p. 109 of reprint), September, 1885. Type in Lataste collection. 1896. Felis mediterranea Martorelli, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Milano

sxxv, p. 266, January, 1896 (Sardinia). 1910. Felis ocrcata sarda Trouessart, Faune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 101. Type locaUtij. — Sarrabus, Sardinia. Geographical distribution. — Sardinia, and according to Mar- torelli portions of the mainland of western Italy. Diagnosis. — Differs from Felis silvestris and resembles the African F. ocreata in the shorter fur and more slender tail (average length of hairs at middle about 30 mm. instead of 40 mm.) ; hairs of median dor.sal line slightly elongated and stiffened, forming a faint ridge or rudimentary mane ; dark markings obsolete, the back and sides greyish or brownish, without definite stripes. Colour. — Underfur drab-grey through basal half, the terminal half of hairs ochraceous-buff. Pale annulations nearly white. The pale annulations and black tips form a clear grey grizzle in which the ochraceous-buff scarcely appears except when fur is disarranged. Pale annulations on elongated dorsal hairs dull buff, giving this region .a brownish cast noticeal)ly different from sides, but not producing any suggestion of the clearly defined stripe characteristic of the members of the silvestris group. No stripes on nape, shoulders or sides, but the position of the typical markings faintly indicated by shadings in the grizzle. Dark markings on legs as in the silvestris group. Back of ear

yellowish clay-colour, the extreme tip black. Feet pale, dull buff above, black below. Inner surface of hind legs bright ochraceous-lDuff, fading toward buff on chest and anterior portion of belly. Dark mottling on chest moderately distinct. Tail with well defined black tip, but with other markings obscure, the general effect essentially like mid-dorsal area. Skull. — The skull closely resembles that of Felis silvestris, except that in the few specimens examined the auditory buUte are higher and more inflated anteriorly, a difference which may prove to be purely individual. Teeth. — The teeth are larger than in true Felis silvestris, nearly equalling those of the Spanish form. Measurements. — Type (adult male), from skin : head and

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470 CARNIVORA body, 600; tail, 300; hind foot, 124. For cranial and dental measurements see Tables, pp. 466 and 469. Specimens examined. — Sixteen, all from Sardinia (B.M., Turin, Genoa, and Lataste). 6. Ogliastra, Sardinia. {Dr. O. Thomas (p). 0. 5. 24. 1. WoUcrstortf.) i. Sarrabus. ' Marquis G. Doria(p). 1. Sardinia. Purchased (Linneea, 86. 7. 10. 1. Berlin.) FELIS AGRIUS Bate. 1906. Felis ocrcata agrius Bate, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, 1905, ii, p. 317, April 3, 1906. 1910. Felis ocreata agrius Trouessart, Paune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 102.

Type locality. — Crete. Geographical distrihution. — Crete. Diagnosis.- — Similar to Felis .^arcla, but paler and more yellow- in general colour, and dark markings of shoulders and back less obsolete. Colour. — The elements of the colour are essentially as in Felis sarda, but the ochraceous-bulf of underf ur is not so dark, and the black tips and annulations of the longer hairs are not so extensive. As a result, the general colour is a yellowish grey, made up chiefly of a mixture of the ochraceous-buft' and the whitish sub-terminal annulations, very slightly darkened by the black. While there are no black markings on body or legs, the longitudinal shoulder stripes and dorsal stripe, as well as the transverse lateral stripes, are clearly indicated, when fur is •smooth, by brownish shades. Tail with black tip and two or three black sub-terminal rings. Outer surface of ear dull buflfy clay-coloui', becoming blackish at tip. Feet buffy above, darker and .somewhat clouded with blackish below. Inner .surface of hind legs and middle of chest light ochraceous-bufF ; belly slightly darker than in Felis sarda, the mottling obsolete. Skidl and teeth not known. Specimens examined. — Two skins, both from Crete.

2. Kanea, Crete. Miss D. Bate (c). 5. 12. 2. 14-15. (5. 12. 2. 15. Type of species.) Genus LYNX Kerr. 1792. Lynx Kerr, Anim. Kingd., Systematic catalogue inserted between pages 32 and 83. (Type by tautonymy Lynx vulgaris Kerr = Felis lynx Linna3us.) 1821. Lynceus Gray, London Med. Ftepos., xv, p. 302, April 1, 1821 {Felis lynx LinnEeus). 1829. Pardina Kaup, Entw.-Gesch. u. Natiirl. Syst. Europ. Thierwelt, i, p. 53 {Felis pardina Temmiuck = Lynx par dellus Miller).

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LYNX 471 1834. Lynchus Jardine, Naturalists' Library, Mamm., ii, p. 274 (Felis lynx Linnaeus). 1857. Lynx Blasius, Saugethiere Deutschlands, p. 161 (Sub-genus of Fclis).

1867. Cervaria Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, p. 276 (Lyncus pardinns = Lynx pordcUus Miller; type fixed by Miller and Rehn, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxx, p. 199, December 27, 1901). Not of Walker, 1866. 1903. Euccrvaria Palmer, Science, N.S., xvii, p. 873, May 29, 1903 (Substi- tute for Cervaria Gray). Type species. — Felis lynx Linnaeus. Geographical distrihution. — Northern fore.sted portions of both Old and New Worlds ; in Europe soutli to the INIediterranean coast and west to the Atlantic (jierhaps within historic times to Great Britain). Characters. — Similar to Felis but without small upper pre- molar, form heavier and less typically feline, ears tufted. HemarJcs. — As in the case of the genus Felis the limits of the genus Lynx are not clearly understood. As here restricted the group includes about a dozen named, but for the most part imperfectly known forms peculiar to the Northern Hemisphere. Two of them occur in Europe. KEY TO THE EUROPEAN SPECIES OF LYNX. Length of lower cheek-teeth together about 85 mm. ; skull relatively long and low, the interorbital

convexity moderate ; back and sides never thickly spotted, usually without dark markings ; cheeks not conspicuously whiskered (Northern and cen- tral Europe) L. lynx, p. 471. Length of lower cheek-teeth together about 30 mm. ; skull relatively short and deep, the interorbital convexity abrupt ; back and sides thickly spotted (Iberian Peninsula) L. pardellns, p. 475. LYNX LYNX Linniieus. 1758. [Fclis] lynx Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., i, 10th ed., p. 48 (Sweden). 1792. Lynx vulgaris Kerr, Anim. Kingd., Systematic catalogue inserted between pp. 32 and 33 ; described, p. 157. 1792. Lynx vulgaris alba Kerr, Anim. Kingd., Systematic catalogue inserted between pp. 32 and 33 ; described, p. 157 (Forests of Sweden). 1792. ? Lynx vulgaris mclina Kerr, Anim. Kingd., Systematic catalogue inserted between pp. 32 and 83 ; described, p. 157 (Banks of the Volga near Ca/.an, Russia). 1798. Flelis] borealis Thunberg, Beskrifning pa Svenske Djur, Mamm., p. 14 (Heavy forests of northern Sweden).

1798. Felis kattlo Schrank, Fauna Boica, i, p. 52 (Bohemia). 1820. Fclis lyncula Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i, p. 14 (Wooded and moun- tainous regions of Scandinavia). 1825. Felis lupulinus Thunberg, Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch., ^liinchen, IX, p. 189 (Northern Scandinavia). 1825. Felis vitljnnus Thunberg, Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch., Miinchen, IX, p. 192 (Near LTpsala, Sweden),

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472 (JARNIVORA 1829. Felis virgata Nilsson, Ilium. Fig. Skand. Fauna, pis. 3 and 4 (Wooded and mountainous portions of Sweden). 1857. Felis lynx Blasius, Saugethiere Deutschlands, p. 173. 1870. Lynx ccrvaria Fitziuger, Sitzungsber. kais. Akad. Wissensch., Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Classe, "lx, Abth. i, p. 208 (Not Felis cervaria Temminck, 1827). 1904. [Lynx'] lynx Trouessart, Catal, Mamm., Suppl., p. 276.

1910. Lynx lynx Trouessart, Faune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 103. Type locality. — Near Upsala, Sweden. Geographical distribution. — Wooded portions of Europe from the extreme north to the Alps and Pyrenees, and from the Atlantic coast eastward. Now practically exterminated except in the wilder portions of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Diagnosis. — Length of lower cheek-teeth together about 35 mm. ; skull relatively long and low, the interorbital convexity moderate ; back and sides never thickly spotted, usually without dark markings ; cheeks not conspicuously whiskered ; underfur dense and woolly. External characters. — Form heavier and more dog-like than in Felis silvestris, the legs relatively longer and feet more robust, the tail decidedly less than half as long as head and body. Ear conspicuously tufted at tip, and hairs on side of head Vjelow ear and behind angle of jaw somewhat elongated. Digits and tubercles as in Felis silvestris, the claw on thumb especially well developed, the horny excrescence on palm near wrist wider at base ; hairy covering of both palm and sole woolly rather than velvety in texture. Tail shorter than hind foot. Underfur everywhere densely woolly. Colour. — Upper jiarts and sides varying from yellowish brown to brownish grey, the back usually frosted by white hair-tips except along median region, and sometimes rather thickly

sprinkled, especially in immature individuals, with small black spots or short streaks tending to arrange themselves in about live longitudinal rows, but spotting never so conspicuous as in Ljjnx pardellus. Head like back, the face with a few indistinct longitudinal dark streaks ; a whitish eye ring about 5 mm. wide interrupted in front and behind ; median portion of upper eyelid black ; a small black spot on side of head below ear ; inner surface of ear whitish ; outer surface like crown on basal half, but posterior border and tip, including pencil, black, the inter- mediate I'egion whitish ; contrast of whitish area sometimes heightened by a dark shade along its lower border. Underparts ranging from whitish to pale blufi". Feet intermediate between back and belly ; front of forearm and of thigh usually with a few black or dark brown specks ; tail and posterior surface of thigh somewhat darker than upper parts, often with a slight rusty tinge, the tip of tail black. Underfur usually brownish or buffy to extreme base, but occasionally grey. Skidl. — The skull of Lynx lyna: difi'ers in general aspect from

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LYNX 473 that of Felts mlvestris in much greater size and massiveness (condylobasal length of skull in adult males exceeding 140 mm.)

FIG. 99. Lynx lynx, x J. and relatively wider interorbital region (interorbital breadth fully equal to diameter of orbit) ; the zygomata are, however

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474 CARNIVORA somewhat less abruptly spreading. Dorsal profile convex throughout, somewhat more so in front than behind, essentially as in Fells sihestris. Other general features so nearly as in the wild cat as to require no detailed description. A few details, however, are peculiar. Auditory bullse relatively smaller than in Felis sihestris, the space between them fully as wide as bulla, the surface less closely applied to mastoid and pai'occipital processes. Postorbital process seldom, if ever, becoming ligulate, the apex remaining sharply pointed. Anteorbital foramen about as large as in Felis silvestris, therefore relatively smaller, its position slightly more posterior, over posterior root of j^m^ or space between roots of j^wt^ and carnassial. Nasal branch of premaxillary very narrow, its width at front of nasal barely one-fifth that of nasal in same region. Incisive foramina opposite middle of canine, their anterior border not reaching level of space between canines and incisors. Lateral emargina- tion of posterior boi-der of palate very slight, extending scarcely

to level of front of molar. External pterygoid process reduced to a mere ridge. Mandible with coronoid process relatively shorter than in Felis silvestris, the distance from alveolus of molar to extremity of process about equal to that from back of molar to middle of canine ; angular process rather noticeably bent inward. Teeth. — In general structure, number and arrangement of cusps the teeth exactly resemble those of Felis silvestris, except that the posterior border of mj is distinctly oblique and armed with a minute though evident basal cusp slightly above the rudimentary cingulum. All the cheek-teeth are relatively longer, lower, wider, and less trenchant than in the wild cat, and the cingulum at posterior border of lower premolars is fre- quently less distinct, scarcely forming a cusp. Measurements. — Adult from Valais, Switzerland (skin) : head and body, 800± ; tail, 110±; pencil, 30. For cranial measurements see Table, p. 478. Specimens examined. — Thirteen, from the following localities : — NoBWAY : No exact locality, 3. Sweden : No exact locality, 2 (B.M. and U.S.N.M.). Lapland : No exact locality, 1 (Genoa). Switzerland : Near Geneva, 3 (Geneva) ; Alpes Vaudoises, 1 (Geneva) ; Valais, 1 (Geneva).

Italy: Piedmont Alps, 2 (Genoa). ~^ Bemai-hs. — The material seen is insufficient to form the basis of any discussion of the local races of the European Lynx. 1. Sweden. 'Purchased. (Brandt.) 51. 11. 8. 16. St. Norway. Zoological Society's 55. 12. 24. 273. Museum. 1. Norway. Zoological Society's 58. 5. 4. 63. Museum. 1. Norway. Zoological Society's 69. 10. 19. 16. Menagerie.

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475 LYNX PARDELLUS Miller. 1827. Felis pardina Temminck, Monogr. de Mamm., i, ]}. 116 (Near Lisbon, Portugal). Not Lynx pardina Oken, 1816.

1907. Lynx pardella Miller, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 7th ser., xx, p. 398, November, 1907 (Goto Douana, Huelva, Spain). Type in British Museum. 1910. Lynx {Eucervaria) parddla Troucssart, Faune Mamm. d'Europe, p. 105. Type locality. — Goto Donana, Huelva, Spain. Geographical distribution. — Iberian Peninsula. Diagnosis. — Length of lower cheek-teeth together about 30 mm. ; skull relatively short and deep, the interorbital convexity conspicuous and abrupt ; back and sides always densely spotted ; cheeks noticeably whiskered. External characters. — Form less robust than in Lynx lynx, but not differing in essential details. Underfur not densely woolly. Elongated hairs on sides of head below ears forming conspicuous pointed tufts 50 to 80 mm. in length, separated from each other along median line by a narrow area of ordinary fur. Colour. — Underfur pale buff at base, the hairs becoming pale, dull tawny on distal half. Longer hairs buffy at base, black at tip, each with a whitish sub-terminal annulation about 5 mm. long. Ground colour above a line mixture of the whitish and dull tawny, very uniform throughout body, neck, outer surface

of fore leg and entire hind leg. On face it becomes greyish, and on feet there is usually a wash of cream-buff. In the more usual type of coloration the entire back and sides are closely sprinkled with rounded black spots, mostly about 10 mm. or less in diameter, the spots tending to become confluent so as to suggest two longitudinal dorsal stripes, and also though less clearly several transverse stripes on sides and shoulders. Although it is impossible to count the spots along back, there are evidently more than twenty-five between base of tail and most distinctly indicated transverse stripe on shoulder. On legs the sjsots become slightly larger, and on neck smaller and less distinct. In a less usual colour phase the spots are much larger and less numerous, many of those on back 20 mm. in diameter, the number between tail and most distinct shoulder stripe only about a dozen. Under- parts creamy-white, heavily blotched with black on belly ; throat more buffy, its spots very small ; interramial space nearly white. A V-shaped black mark, open in front, extends from hinder portion of interramial space to ends of whiskers. Inner surface of fore legs like chest ; a hea\y black band at elbow and a faint one at wrist and at middle of upper arm. Whiskers mixed black and white. Ear and its long pencil black, the conch buffy along the anterior rim and at base, the posterior rim greyish at base, then with a black line 5 mm. wide parallel to edge. A broad, sub-triangular grey area on back of ear. Inner surface clothed

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476 CARNIVORA with long creamy-white hairs. Tail like back above, clear, light huffy below, the entire tip (about 40 mm.) black; a few black spots on upper surface which tend to arrange themselves in three transverse bands. Fig. 100. Lynx pardellus. SJiuII. — The skull of Lynx pardeUus differs conspicuously from that of L. lynx and Felis silvestris in the high, flattened inter- orbital region and anterior portion of brain-case, and abruptly

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LYNX 477 sloping rostrum, the two surfaces forming an evident angle in dorsal profile ranging from 40' to 50°. Aside from this very noticeable peculiarity in general form the skull agrees with that of L. lynx in all of the special features in which the latter differs from that of the wild cat. The ridge representing the external pterygoid j^rocess appears to be somewhat better developed, however, than in L. lynx. Temporal ridges rarely if ever uniting to form a sagittal crest in front of region of

interparietal. Teeth. — The teeth are intermediate in form between those of Lynx lynx and Felis silvestris. Cingulum at posterior border of lower premolars obsolete as in L. lynx, but posterior border of Ml nearly as vertical as in Felis silvestris, and without secondary cusp or evident cingulum. Crowns relatively a little narrower and more trenchant than in Lijnx lynx, but less so than in the wild cat, their length relatively as great as in the lynx. Measurements. — Two males from Goto Donana, Huelva, Spain (skins): head and body, 880 and 930; tail, 125 and 130; hind foot, 170 and 180; ear from meatus, 73 and 80; pencil, 30 and 55. For cranial and dental measurements see Tables, pp. 478, 479. Specimens examined. — Eighteen, from the following localities in Spain Old Castile, no exact locality, 1 ; Sierra Morena, Cordova, 3 ; near Seville, 3 Jerez de la Frontera, 1 ; Coto Doiiana, 8 ; Andalucia, no exact locality, 1 no exact locality, 1. jRemarhs. — Specimens in the two colour phases differ so noticeably from each other as to suggest the existence of distinct forms ; and as yet I have seen no skins which could not at once be referred to one or the other. The two occur together, how- ever, and there are no correlated peculiarities in the skulls and teeth. 9. Old Castile, Spain. Lord Lilford (p). 94. 6. 11. 1.

1. Sierra Morena, Cordova. Capt. S. E. Widdring- ton (c & p). 2 6. Sierra Morena, Cordova. Lord Lilford (p). 89. 8. 27. 1. 94. 6. 11. L 1. Seville. Lord Lilford (p). 74. 10. 7. 1. 6. Seville. {Dr. A. Ruiz.) Lord Lilford (p). 95. 9. 4. 1. 1. Jerez de la Frontera. A. Williams (c & p). 2. Coto Donana, Huelva. J. P. Gassiot (c & p). 72. 10. 26. 1-2. head, st. Coto Donana, Huelva. A. Williams (c & p). 3. 3. 16. 1. 2 6,2 9. Coto Donana, Huelva. A. Chapman (c & p). 4. 12. 12. 1-2. 8. 3. 8. 2-8. (4. 12. 12. 2. Tijpe of species.) 1. Coto Donana, Huelva. B. F. Buck (c & p). 7. 6. 4. 2. St. Andalucia. B. P. Buck (c & p). 6. 9. 16. 1. 1. Spain. Lord Lilford (p). 74. 9. 4. 1. Note. — A lynx from Nuoro, Sardinia, has recently been

described by Mola (Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., Roma, 2d ser., ix, p. 48, 1908) as Lynx sardiniae. The more important characters

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mentioned are as follows : Length of head and body, 1000 mm. , tail, 330 ; height, about 350 ; cheeks distinctly whiskered, and ears tufted ; back reddish, the dorsal area almost forming a band (fascia) ; sides reddish grey ; head, neck, shoulder and flanks with reddish brown or greyish brown spots ; legs with transverse tawny (fulvo) stripes ; tail with black tip and three black sub-terminal rings ; head with black stripe on each side beginning at mouth (fauci) and passing back through eye to side of neck ; ear tawny inside, reddish outside ; tending toward black below, the pencil (about 30 mm. long) reddish tending toward black ; underparts and inner surface of legs dirty white with a reddish tinge.