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Nama : Hasbul Rizuan B Ismail @ Abu Hassan

Class : 404

College no. : 10683

Due date : 6 January 2011

Title PageSynopsis 3Chapter 1: At the Doctor’s 4Chapter 2: Rory’s Homework Jotter 5Chapter 3: At Home with Granda 6Chapter 4: Parents’ Night 7Chapter 5: The Fire 8Chapter 6: Granda in Hospital 9Chapter 7: Children’s Home at Castle Street 10Chapter 8: Visiting Granda in Hospital 11Chapter 9: When Can We Go Home? 12Chapter 10: Rory and Mrs Foley 13Chapter 11: Where’s Granda? 14Chapter 12: Rachnadar 15Chapter 13: The Great Escape 16Chapter 14: The Caravan 17Chapter 15: Fishing by the Pond 18Chapter 16: Happy Days 19Chapter 17: On the Run 20Chapter 18: Kindred Spirits 21Chapter 19: Feeling Carefree 22Chapter 20: Family Ties 23Chapter 21: The Party 24Chapter 22: Saying Goodbye 25Chapter 23: Granda Hits Back 26Chapter 24: By Hook or by Crook 27Chapter 25: On the Road 28Chapter 26: The Good Samaritan 29Chapter 27: I Know Where I Am Going 30Chapter 28: Making Plans 31Chapter 29: Chains of Friends 32Chapter 30: Kind Betrayal 33Chapter 31: Escaping Again 34Chapter 32: Call for Help 35Chapter 33: All’s Well that Ends Well 36Themes 37Moral Value 38Characters 39



Chapter 1: At the Doctor’s

Rord and Granda were at Dr Nicol’s clinic. While waiting to be called, Granda

was his usual self- cirious, friendly and unable to keep still. He opened the door

for a young mother and started talking to her bonny baby. Suddenly, the smell of

smoke was in the air. The young mother was panicked and pointed out that

Granda was on fire. Smoke was belching out of his pocket. The smoke alarm

went off. Granda twisted himself round to see his burning pocket and Rory

quickly threw a vase of water over him.

Granda and Rory were with Dr. Nicol. Granda complained to the doctor that Rory

tried to drown him. Dr. Nicol was amused and said they were double act who

made him laugh. He commented that Granda was lucky to have Rory as a

grandson. He said he would try his best to get them a home help as Rory could

not be doing everything from shopping to cooking to cleaning himself. Granda

insisted he help out as well and Rory loyally agreed. On their way out, Dr Nicol

questioned Rory about Granda’s memory. As soon as they left, Dr Nicol got on

the phone.


Chapter 2: Rory’s Homework Jotter

Rory could not find his homework jotter. Granda said he had probably kept it in

Rory’s school bag. This worried Rory as he knew Granda hardly kept things in

their correct place. He had already been told off by his teacher, Mrs. Foley, for

forgetting his homework three times that week. Suddenly, Granda shouted that

he remembered putting the homework jotter in Rory’s school bag when he was

putting the garbage down the chute. Rory got scared. He looked into his bag and

sure enough, found the bag of garbage there.

Rory asked his classmates to help him think of an excuse to give Mrs. Foley.

They tried to help as they all loved Granda ang thought his exploits were funny.

Rory did not even have to embellish those stories to make his friends laugh. In

the end, Rory told Mrs. Foley he had lost his homework. When Mrs. Foley asked

Rory to stay back during lunchtime to do his homework, Rory refused and gave

the excuse that Granda would have prepared lunch for him. In actual fact, it was

Granda who relied on Rory to get lunch ready. Rory felt he had to look after

Granda now that Granda was getting old and forgetful.


Chapter 3: At Home with Granda

Rory did not want to ga for football practice. The coach, Mr. Hood, told him hat

he was a good player. When Rory said he was no longer interested, Darren

commeted that Rory was turning into lassie.

Darren was of the opinion that Granda should be placed in a home. His mother

said the same thing too. This upset Rory because he knew Granda would rather

die than stay in the dark and forbidding local old folks’ home.

Rory tried to coach Granda on how to behave during Parents’ Night. It was not

an easy task as Granda kept making jokes. But Rory kept trying as he wanted to

reassure Mrs Foley that Granda was normal.

That evening, Rory asked Granda about Rory’s father. Granda became angry at

the mention of his son. He told Rory that he and Rory’s grandmother had spoiled

the boy. When he got tired of things, he threw them aside. When he grew up, he

did the same with Rory and Rory’s mother. Granda softened when he talked

about Rory’s mother. The memory of Rory’s father leaving the family was still

fresh in Granda’s mind and he became agitated. Rory, who wanted to know

more, had no choice but to calm him down.


Chapter 4: Parents’ Night

Rory and Granda were late for Parents’ Night. As they walked in, Mrs Foley gave

them a look of disapproval. Darren greeted Granda and dared him to call Mrs

Foley ‘Holy Foley’. Rory did not permit it. Granda got excited and had to use the

toilet. As Rory waited for him in the classroom, he worried Granda might forget

why they were in school and went back home.

Rory was relieved when Granda returned to the classroom. It was their turn to

speak to Mrs Foley and Granda was started off well. Suddenly, he peered at her

and remarked that she indeed had o moustache. Rory felt extremely

embarrassed but before anything else could happen, they smelt smoke in the

classroom. Granda’s coat was on fire!

Granda had sneaked a puff on his pipe when he went to the toilet and had left it

smouldering in his coat pocket. Mrs Foley’s coat hanging next to Granda’s also

caught fire. The fire alarms went off and everyone was ushered to the

playground. Granda and the rest of Rory’s classmates found the entire incident

funny and exciting but Rory did not. He was looking at Mrs Foley’s expression

that seemed the indicate their troubles were not over.


Chapter 5: The Fire

All of Rory’s friends discussed the fire excitedly and exaggerated the incident.

However, Rory was worried about the questions that would be raised about

Granda’s carelessness. Darren’s mother had commented on the danger of such

a thing happening in the middle of the night and that Rory should not have to

bear such a heavy responsibility it was then.

Val Jessup, a social worker, visited Rory and Granda. She checked Granda’s

pension books to make sure he was getting his full range of benefits. She said

she would organize a home help for them as well.

When Rory told Mrs Foley about them getting a social worker and home help,

she was relieved. During lunchtime, when Rory went to the baker’s, he was told

that the Fire Brigade was at his flats and someone had been taken away in an

ambulance. Rory ran home immediately. He saw a crowd round to the building

and policement standing at the entrance. He tried to dodge through them but was

caught. Then, his neighbour, Mrs MacKay, saw him and she criticized Granda for

starting the fire. This upset Rory. A policeman comforted Rory and told him that

Granda had been sent to the hospital. The fire was caused by a chip pan Granda

had left on the stove.


Chapter 6: Granda in Hospital

A policement took Rory to the hospital to see Granda. Rory felt numb and did not

register what the policemewoman was telling him. He feared the worst might

have happened.

When Rory entered Granda’s room, his knees went weak. All round Granda were

drips and needles and monitors. The oxygen mask on Granda’s face made him

look like an alien. The nurse comforted Rory but Rory only felt reassured by the

warmth of Granda’s hand. Rory sat with Granda until evening and prayed to God

for Granda to wake up.

Val Jessup came in later. She looked nervous and Rory felt something was not

right. It was getting late and Val said it was time Rory got some sleep. However,

when Rory wanted to go back to his flat, Val said that he was not allowed to do

that. Instead, she would be taking him to the place he dreaded most – the

children’s home at Castle Street. Rory felt scared. He did not want to go there.

However, he felt that it could be God’s plan for him and Granda. So, he allowed

himself to be driven to the children’s home at Castle Street.


Chapter 7: Children’s Home at Castle Street

The children’s home at Castle Street looked like something out of a ghost story.

Rory wished he could turn back time and had the chance to hide or throw the

chip pan. He snapped at Val when she asked if he was all right and got out of the

car. A tall, gangly boy, Tony, welcomed Rory to the home. He introduced Rory to

some of the children sitting at the table having supper. Rory joined them and they

talked for a while. They seemed pretty nice except for one girl, Tess, who came

in later and created a lot of fuss. She yelled at Rory for sitting at her place and

kicked at the table, sending mugs and tes everywhere.

Rory was placed in a room with Tom and Jackie. His bed was snug in a corner

and had clean sheets. It looked comfortable. However, Rory could not sleep

because his head was a jumble of emotions. He thought about the event of the

day and about what Tess could do to him.He clutched his duvet and tried not to



Chapter 8: Visiting Granda in Hospital

Rory fell asleep but woke up every hour during the night. By the time Tom and

Jackie got ready to go to school, Rory was already dreesed. They went down for

breakfast and saw Tess seated there. Rory sat as far away from her as he could.

Later, Tony phoned the hospital and was told Granda was awake and had even

eaten some breakfast. Rory was delighted and told Val the news as soon as she

arrived to pick him up.

When Rory and Val stepped out of the hospital lift, they could hear Granda

thanking the nurses loudly. Rory ran to Granda’s room and they hugged each

other tightly. Rory said he thought Granda was going to die but Granda aid he

was too tough for that to happen. When Rory asked about the fire, Granda

explained that he was trying to cook some chips. He had left the chip pan on the

stove while rummaging in the wardrobe for potatoes.

When Granda asked Rory where he stayed the night before, Rory’s hesisation in

answering was enough of an answer. Granda became agitated when he found

out Rory had stayed at Castle Street and began to struggle to get out of the bed.

Val and the nurse had to calm him down and Rory had to assure Granda that he

would only live at Castle Sreet until Granda was ready to come home. When

Granfa said that he will be home the next day, Rory saw the look that passed

between Val and the nurse and felt afraid.


Chapter 9: When Can We Go Home?

Val took Rory back to the flat. The walls were blackened, the furniture were

damaged and the air was filled with the smell of smoke. Rory felt like crying when

he saw Granda’s mug and other familiar things in the flat. He began packing his

clothes ang Granda’s medicines. When Rory asked if he could have the flat

painted before Granda was released from the hospital, Val told him not to worry

about that for a moment. This made Rory worry. How long was he going to stay

at the Castle Street? He did not want to live there for long because Tess scared


As the days passed, Tess seemed to grow angrier with Rory. She even tried to

strangle him when he said she took after her mother. Rory kept hoping to get out

of the children’s home and return to his flat. Granda felt the same too but they

could not do anything. That night, Val called to say that she had something

important to tell him the next day and for the entire night, Rory felt afraid.


Chapter 10: Rory and Mrs Foley

At school the next day, Mrs Foley questioned Rory about his stay at Castle

Street. She seemed so concerned that he told her all about Tess. Mrs Foley felt

that Rory should not stay at the place. She said that she was going to give Val

Jessup a call. Darren warned Rory that rs Foley might want to foster him. The

thought terrified Rory. He insisted that was not possible as Granda would be

released from the hospital soon. Darren, however, voiced Rory’s fears by saying

that Granda might not be doing as well as Rory thought. Rory felt scared and

went straight to the hospital at lunchtime.

Rory headed for Granda’s room. They were no nurses round and Rory opened

the door to Granda’s room. He got a shock. Granda’s bed had been stripped and

the room was empty of Granda’s things. His first thought was Granda was dead.

Chapter 11: Where’s Granda?


Everything seemed to fall into place for Rory. He understood now why the nurses

exchanged looks when Granda said he was getting better and why Val wanted to

speak to him. Rory started screaming for Granda. A staff nurse and two nurses

rushed into the room and tried to calm him. A call was made to Val Jessup. The

staff nurse, Maureen, assured Rory that Granda was fine. He had been moved.

She said Val would take Rory to Granda shortly.

Val Jessup arrived at the hospital and told Rory that they had to move Granda

elsewhere. She looked troubled when she said this. Then, Val explained gently

that Rory could not take the responsibility of looking after Granda any more.

Granda was not fit enough to go home with Rory. So, he had been placed in



Chapter 12: Rachnadar

Rory had never seen Granda cry, not even when Rory’s grandmother passed

away. But when Rory entered the ward at Rachnadar, he saw Granda sitting on

his bed with tears on his face. Rory started crying as well and ran to hug Granda.

Granda asked Rory if he was there to take him home and that upset Rory even

more. Granda pleaded with Rory not to let him stay at Rachnadar; it was a place

where unwanted old folks lived. Granda became so agitated that the nurses had

to give him something to make him sleep.

To make matters worse, back at the children’s home at Castle Street, Tess was

at her worst behaviour. Rory could not tolerate it and yelled at her. Tess attacked

Rory and punched him on the nose.

The days became more unbearable for Rory. In school, he was afraid of Mrs

Foley. At Castle Steert, he had to keep clear of Tess. At Rachnadar, Granda

retreated further and further into his own world. One day, Rory found him at the

emergency exit beside his room. Granda talked about the old days when people

cared and looked out for one another. Granda said that he would run away if he

was younger. Rory felt afraid to hear Granda speaking that way. He began to

think of his options and decided what he would do. He and Granda would run



Chapter 13: The Great Escape

Rory began planning his ‘Great Escape’. Darren suggested that Rory and

Granda run to his mother’s caravan. He sneaked Rory the spare key and told him

to leave soon. Rory already had a plan in mind. On the day of the escape, he

would wedge open the door to the emergency exit when he visited Granda, go

back to the Castle Street with Val, grab his and Granda’s rucksacks, return to

Granda’s room by the way of the emergency exit and then creep out of the

hospital. They would take the train to the park where Darren’s mother’s caravan

was located.

When the day arrived, Rory felt extremely nervous. He opened the mergency exit

during visiting hours and hoped nobody would notice him missing from Castle

Street when he escaped later. Rory was lucky. That night, he returned to

Rachnadar without any problems. Signalling to Granda to be silent, Rory began

stuffing Granda’s things into the rucksack and helped him to wear his coat and

shoes. Granda kept asking where they were going but Rory did not answer until

they were ready to leave. Then, he told Granda they were running away.


Chapter 14: The Caravan

Rory felt God was helping him because everything went smoothly. They crossed

the grounds of Rachnadar and in spite of Granda’s yells whenever he walked into

bushes or nettles, no one was alerted. They made it to the train station and got

off at the pierhead. Rory guided Granda up a long winding path leading to the

caravan site. Granda panted from exhaustion but kept reassuring Rory he was all

right. Rory felt scared for Granda but reminded himself if Granda were to die, at

least he would die a free man.

Rory and Granda reached Darren’s mother’s caravan. It was located at a

secluded spot at the caravan site. Granda realized where they were and began

laughing with joy. The caravan was luxurious and crammed with food. Suddenly,

Rory noticed tears on Granda’s face. Granda expressed appreciation for what

Rory had done for him. Rory was touched for by this and wanted to cry too.

Then, they had supper and Granda went to bed. Rory stood on the veranda of

the caravan thinking that they would have been missed by now. However, he

knew he had done the right thing. He would rather die than be separated from

Granda again.


Chapter 15: Fishing by the Pond

The next morning, Rory immediately checked his mobile phone and was glad

there was no text message from Darren. Darren was supposed to warn Rory if

they had been discovered. When Rory walked to the kitchen, he was surprised to

see that Granda had prepared breakfast. Granda looked like his old self –

capable and in charge. Rory began to sing with happiness and Granda joined in.

Rory felt it was the best breakfast he had ever eaten.

After eating, Rory and Granda decided to go for a walk. Granda was annoyed at

Rory for forgetting to bring his pipe. However, the beautiful scenery and their

freedom won him over and he was back to his happy self. They walked to a pond

and Rory suggested that Granda catch some fish. Granda happily agreed. They

spent the afternoon fishing. Granda managed to catch a fish and when they

hauled it in, they began laughing with joy. They laugh so much they almost did

not hear footsteps in the bushes behind them.


Chapter 16: Happy Days

Rory tensed when he heard footsteps. Granda angrossed in the fish, did not hear

it. Rory took a thick branch and stood defiantly between Granda and the person

coming through the bushes. Then, a man and a boy came out through the

undergrowth. They look at Rory and Granda warily and asked them a few

questions. Suddenly, Granda stood up and harshly told them to move off and

mind their own business. The man answered harshly as well and went away.

After they had left, Granda rudely referred to them as ‘tinkers’. Rory said it was

not politically to call them that: ‘travellers’ was a most suitable word. Later,

Granda told Rory about his childhooh when his father taught how to prepare a

fish, a skill he had passed on to his son. However, he quickly changed the

subject, saying he had no son and that Rory was his only son. Rory worried that

the man and boy might report them to the police but Granda assured Rory that

that would not happen. Those people stayed away from the police as well.

Over the next few days, Rory felt that Granda seemed to be much more alert and

less confused. However, Rory knew hey could not stay there forever. Sure

enough, the next day, Darren sent Rory a massage saying people were coming

for them.


Chapter 17: On the Run

Rory and Granda immediately began packing their things. Rory double-checked

that he had all Granda’s medicines, some food, and warm clothes. He kept his

ears cocked for the sound of a police siren. They walked down the winding road

and Rory kept a lookout for police cars. Rory heard the distance hum of a police

siren and pulled Granda into he nearby bushes.

They were about to reach the road when Rory heard the police car coming from

behind them. He pulled Granda back into the bushes. The police car stopped at

the entrance of the park, followed shortly by two more police cars. Rory was

angry that police were wasting their time looking for an old man and a boy when

they could looking for criminals. Granda, in a quivering voice, told Rory to run so

tht he could surrender and the search might be called off. Rory refused, saying

they would either go back together or escape together.

The police began spread out, some heading straight for them. There was

nowhere to run. At that moment, a hand clemped round Rory’s mouth. Rory

panicked but saw it was the man they had met that day. Another man had

clamped Granda’s mouth shut. Softly, the man told Rory that they were going to

help them.


Chapter 18: Kindred Spirits

Rory could not believe what was happening but somehow he trusted the man.

Granda struggled at first but stopped when Rory told him everything was all right.

The men took them through a pathway until they reach a caravan and a large

camper van. The boy they met the other day, Tyrone, opened he door and asked

them to come in. Granda sat on a seat tiredly and closed his eyes. Rory took

Granda’s pills, forced them into his mouth and made him drink some water.

Rory asked Tyrone and his mother why they were helping them when they did

not know anything about them. Throne said Rory and Granda were on television

every night. They recognized them as the people they met that day and decided

to help them. Furthemore, Tyrone’s mother understood their situation as social

workers had been interfering in her family too.

Tyrone’s mother introduced herself as Ruby. She and Granda got along

immediately. As they moved out of the caravan site, Rory looked out of the

window and saw three police cars at he entrance. Rory felt fearful when the

police glanced at their caravan but they managed to leave the place safely.


Chapter 19: Feeling Carefree

Rory woke up the next morning and recalled the traumatic events of the night

before. Granda was still sleeping. When Ruby called him for breakfast, he came

out and sat with Sammy, Tyrone’s father. Rory apologized for Granda’s

behaviour at the pond but Sammy waved it aside. Then, Granda came in and sat

down with them. He eyed Sammy suspiciously but was very pleasant to Ruby.

Sammy told Rory and Granda that they were heading up north for a family

member’s birthday.

Tyrone switched on the television to show Rory and Granda how famous they

had become. They made the top story on the Scottish news. Val Jessup

appeared on screen and appealed to Rory and Granda to get in touch. The

authorities were worried about them both especially Granda. Darren’s mother

appeared next and emphasized that Rory should bring Granda back as he was

not well. Rory began to wonder if he did the right thing. However, Granda

pounded the table and insisted he would rather die of cold and hunger, and be



Chapter 20: Family Ties

Sammy traveled north through country roads. Along the journey, Tyrone spoke

happily of his life being a series of adventures. Even Granda enjoyed himself. He

sat in front of the caravan with Sammy. He was warming up to Sammy and

thought Ruby was marvelous person. As they went their way, they saw a posters

of Granda and Rory. Rory worried that Sammy and his family might get in trouble

for helping them but Sammy reassured them thar there was no problem. When

Rory wanted to pay Ruby for their meals, Ruby refused, saying that they were

sincere in helping them. Rory learnt from them onwards never to judge anyone


When they reached their destination, the two families greeted each other

affectionately. Granda and Rory were introduced to Bernie, Bernie’s wife and his

children, Zara and Joshua. Bernie told Granda that the authorities were widening

the net looking for them. They should start thinking of what they were going to do

next. Sammy told them not to worry about it yet and just enjoy themselves for the



Chapter 21: The Party

Bernie brought out a guitar and began playing it during dinner. They sang songs

and Ruby got Granda to dance with her. Rory had seen Granda in such a happy

and carefree mood in a long time. All doubts about whether he had done the right

thing by taking Granda away cleared up.

When Ruby said she could read fortunes and offered to read Granda’s, Granda

told Ruby to read Rory’s fortune instead. Ruby took Rory’s hand and closed her

eyes. She said that people who were after them who were closing in but they

would not catch them. Instead, Rory would have no choice but to go to them

later. She said that they would experience many adventures and also meet

people who would be helpful and people whom they could not trust. Rory would

also find the thing he was looking for and his life would change. However, he

would experience a terrible sadness sirst. When Rory questioned if Granda

would be all right, Ruby did not gave him an answer.


Chapter 22: Saying Goodbye

The next morning, Tyrone woke Rory up to watch the news on television. The

report mentioned that some travelers had left the caravan site at the same time

Rory and Granda were last seen there. The travelers were urged to get in touch

with the authorities. Rory knew at once they could not stay with Sammy any

more. He and his family would get into trouble. Tyrone was not happy with this

but Ruby explained that it was time for Rory to move on. On television, people

were felt that Granda was being irresponsible. Others sympathized with Rory and

Granda and agreed with their dicision to run away.

They woke Granda up and Rory explained the situation to him. Sammy and

Bernie said they had family in Glasgow; Rory and Granda should head there to

take shelter for a while. As Rory and Granda had to go by train, Ruby suggested

they sit in separate carriages to avoid attension. Sammy and his family drove

them to the train station. Ruby hugged Granda tightly and Sammy gave Rory his

mobile phone number in case he needed help. Rory felt sad to watch them go

and Granda was already crying. Granda said he would never call them ‘thinkers’



Chapter 23: Granda Hits Back

Rory and Granda sat separately on the train. While Rory pretended to look at a

magazine, Granda kept looking and grinning at Rory. None of the others

passengers seemed to be interested in them except for a lady sitting at the

window seat. She looked at Rory and then at Granda who grinned and waved to

Rory. The lady opened her eyes wide at that. Rory knew they had to get off at the

next stop. He could not risk getting caught now. When the train stopped at the

next station, Rory moved towards Granda and quickly guided him out of the train,

hoping to get lost in the crowd. The train moved off and no one came after them.

Granda had use the toilet and Rory waited for him. Suddenly, someone grabbed

Rory from behind. It was the boy Rory saw slugging lemonade on the train. He

demanded to know where Granda was and refused to get Rory go. The boy kept

on talking when suddenly, someone hit him on the head with a bottle. It was

Granda. Rory was sure Granda had killed him but Granda just tutted, saying he

boy would be all right. Then, Granda took charge and said they had to get away

by stealing a car.


Chapter 24: By Hook or by Crook

Granda dsaid he was going to hot-wire a car for them to escape. Rory felt

nervous when he said this and asked him whether he had undergone a

personality change in toilet. First, Granda hit a boy. Next, he wanted to steal a

car. Granda told Rory that they were fugitives and had no choice but to save

themselves. Granda hot-wire an old blue Corsa and they drove off.

Granda’s driving terrified Rory. He had to keep reminding Granda to be careful.

They left the city safely and managed to get on the back roads leading south. In

the afternoon, they stopped at a lay-by and Granda took a nap. Rory could not

sleep. His mind was filled with questions and felt things were getting worse.


Chapter 25: On the Road

Granda woke up and they ate the sandwiches prepared by Ruby. They drove on

and Granda kept playing Frank Sinatra’s song, ‘My Way’. The car began running

out of petrol and Rory had to figure out a suitable place to get the petrol safely.

They had to go some place quiet and insolated because they could not hot-wire

the car again in a crowded place. When they came toa dimly-lit petrol station at

the edge of a tiny village, Rory felt it was the best place to refill the car.

Rory hoped to fill up the car, pay and get away quickly. But, he had no idea how

to put in the petrol or where the petrol kept of the car was. Granda had fallen

asleep again. Rory was looking for the petrol cap when someone tapped him on

the shoulder. The man at the petrol station offered his services. When Rory

wanted to pay him, the man did not take the money. Instead, he leaned into the

car, looked at Granda and told Rory they would not be going anywhere that night.


Chapter 26: The Good Samaritan

Rory panicked but the man grinned at him. He said he wanted to help them.

Many people were on the lookout for them and they would not go far.

Furthemore, Granda looked exhausted. Rory noticed Granda’s pallor and felt his

extremely cold hands. Rory and the man pushed the car to the back of the

station. Rory knew the man was a stranger but he had no choice but to accept

the man’s help. The man carried Granda to his flat and introduced himself as


Rab switched on the television but Rory was more concerned about Granda’s

condition. He looked pale and was shaking. Then, he fell asleep. Rory was

worried Granda might be ill. Had he done the wrong thing? As Rory prayed to

God for help, he suddenly caught the news on television. The reporter was

saying that a boy and an old man could not have gone missing so easily, and

was sure that the public was helping them. When the reporter mentioned that

Rorys father was in Liverpool and there was hope that Rory and Granda might

contact him, Rory knew what he had to do. It was time for his father to take



Chapter 27: I Know Where I Am Going

Rab was surprised to hear about Rory’s father on the news. Rory told Rab not to

mention his father to Granda as it would only upset Granda. Rory had made up

his mindto go Liverpool to look for his father, Jeff. He wondered how to get there

but Rab expressed confidence in Rory, saying if he could get this far, he could

get to Liverpool too. Rab also said Jeff would probably be in the phone book.

That night, Rory wedged a chair under the door handle before going to sleep.

Rab might be nice man bur Rory did not want to take any chances. During the

night, Granda fell off the bed. He woke up in a panic and had a sudden memory

lapse. When Rory calm him down and Granda went back to sleep, Rory felt

angry. He was determined to get to Liverpool.


Chapter 28: Making Plans

Next morning, when Rory woke up, he heard Rab speaking softly on the phone.

Rory demanded to know who Rab was talkingto and felt relieved when told it was

not the police. Rab said he had a plan for them. The police were looking for the

car they stole and the boy Granda had hit was saying that Granda had assaulted

him. Rab said nobody would believe the boy. He was still going to drive them to

meet his girlfriend, Annie. When Rory asked Rab why he was helping them, Ran

answered that he, just like many people, wanted Rory and Granda to be

together. Since Rory had decided to go to Liverpool, Rab had arranged with

Annie and a whole line of friends to get Rory and Granda there.

When Rab helped Rory to dress and shave Granda, Granda said people were

indeed kind. Here they were trying to escape and all kind of strangers were

willing to help them. Later, Rab drove while Granda snoozed in the back seat.

When Rab stopped at a lay-by on a deserted road, Annie was waiting for them.

Rab introduced Annie to Rory and Granda. Tey ate the food she brought and

Rab left. Rory and Granda got into Annie’s car and they drove off.


Chapter 29: Chains of Friends

They passed a sign that proclaimed ‘WELCOME TO ENGLAND’. They were

getting nearer to Liverpool. When Granda asked Rory where they were going,

Rory simply told him the name of their next stop and avoided giving any

explanation. Granda grubled a little. Annie told them she was taking them to her

cousin’s place. When they arrived at her cousin Norma’s house, Norma

welcomed them warmly. Rory and Granda were overcome by such kindness.

Then, they were introduced to Norma’s daughter, Nicola, and had dinner. After

dinner, Annie hugged Granda tearfully and left.

Rory thanked Norma for wanting to drive them to Liverpool. Granda said he did

not know why they were going to Liverpool. Rory explained that Granda did not

accept Jeff as his son anymore. Norma looked worried at this. At that moment,

they heard a roar of Granda. They rushed into the living room and saw Granda

standing unsteadily on his feet, pointing angrily at the television. Granda had

found out why they were going to Liverpool!


Chapter 30: Kind Betrayal

Granda was shaking with anger. He did not want to go to Liverpool. He was so

upset that in the end, Rory had to promised Granda, the more Rory hated his

dad. Not once had his dad appeared on television and offered help. His dad did

not want them at all.

The next morning, Granda looked very pale and was wheezing in his sleep. Rory

called Norma to check on Granda. She looked concerned and told Rory to let

Granda rest for now. Then, she and Nicola left to go into town. Before they went,

Nicola gave Rory her mobile number and said she would call or to call her in

case of any emergency.

Granda woke up in the afternoon. He was disorientated and said he dreamt the

authorities had caught up with them and they had to run. Rory got him out of bed

and got him dressed. They waited the whole afternoon for Norma and Nicola to

return. It was dusk when the phone rang. Seeing it was Nicola’s number, Rory

answered the call. Nicola was almost crying. She warned him that Norma had

made a police report and the authorities were coming to the house.


Chapter 31: Escaping Again

Nicola explained that Norma made the police report because she was concerned about Granda’s health and about Rory. Rory immediately gor Granda ready to make another escape. He reassured Granda that they were definitely not going to Liverpool. He packed as many things as he could, including some food. Rory

decided to take back the road and as they climbed the hill, he saw two police cars heading for the house. The journey was hard on Granda but he kept going. Suddenly, Rory heard a siren. He shoved Granda to run and they hid themselves

in a hedge just in time. The police car passed them by slowly.

Granda looked very tired and Rory knew he had to rest. They stopped at a stone bus shelter. Granda lay on the bench and said he would take a short rest. He

looked so pale that Rory suggested they go back. Granda, however, determinedly said no. When Rory promised they would not go back, Granda was

contented. He said, if he were to die that night, he would die in a happy man. Then, he fell asleep and began snoring. Rory watched the deserted road. He

could not remember falling asleep but touched Granda’s shoulder to wake him up and felt that something was wrong. Granda looked too pale and was not

breathing. Granda was dead!


Chapter 32: Call for Help

Rory shouted at Granda but Granda did not move. Panicking, Rory began to run

for help. He arrived at a house and pounded on the door. A couple opened it and

Rory pleaded for help. The man drove Rory back to the bus shelter while his wife

called the police. Rory was hoping that he would see Granda was standing there

and waving his first angrily at being left alone, but what he saw was worse. When

Rory had gone to seek help, Granda had fallen off the bench and lay face down

the ground.

Everything became a blur for Rory. The police and ambulance arrived. Someone

put a blaket round Rory and gave him a mug of hot tea. He was guided into one

of the police cars. Rory wanted to follow Granda ambulance but a policewoman

told Rory someone wanted to talk to him first. A man got into the car and sat

beside Rory. Rory told the man he did not want to separated from Granda and

the man reassured him that they would both go to the hospital. Then, the man

looked at Rory and told him he was Rory’s father.


Chapter 33: All’s Well that Ends Well

It turned out that Granda was not dead. It was touch and go for a while and he

hovered between life and death for a few days. When Rory knew that Granda

was going to survive, he followed his father home to his family. Rory was

introduced to his father’s wife, Karen, and his two daughters, Rhonda and Ava.

Granda fell in love with the children and he liked Karen too. But Granda still

treated Jeff badly. Jeff kept apologizing to Granda and Rory.

Rory and Granda stayed on in Liverpool. They got a flat near Jeff’s house and

went in and out of each other’s house every day. They even had home helps and

care workers to help them. Rory was happy that everything had turned out well.

He had forgiven Norma for going to the police. In the summer, Rory and Granda

would be attending Annie and Rab’s wedding, and Sammy, Ruby and Tyrone

would be visiting them soon. Darren’s mother had also invited Rory and Granda

to her caravan for a holiday. Granda’s memory and health had worsened ever

since their escape but Rory was not worried. What was important was that they

were together as a family.



Love conquers all

Determination paves the way for success

Good intentions

Human kindness

Blood is thicker than water


There should not be any generation gap between the young and the old. People should learn to get along and understand each other.

We should not look at strangers unkindly. They may be able to lend a helping hand in our time of need.

We should persevere and be determined in order for us to succeed in our endeavors

We must nurture family relationship and not take them for granted.

We must be prepared to look after our family members regardless of their age

Sometimes, we have to be cruel to be kind


Rory Mclntosh

Mr Mclntosh / Granda



Loving and caringResponsible

Understanding Appreciative


Loving and lovable


Sharp and alert



Dr Nicol

Darren Fisher

Mrs Foley

Val Jessup

Sammy, Ruby and Tyrone

Bernie, Bernie’s wife, Zara and Joshua

Rab and Annie

Norma and Nicola

Jeff Mclntosh