Catering for Learner Diversity in English language teaching

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Catering for Learner Diversity in English language teaching. Presenters:. Mr. Séan Scully. Dr. Kamy Dilrajh. 25 March 2011. Objectives. To consider the factors that contribute to the diversity of students we teach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Catering for Learner Diversity in English language teaching

25 March 2011


• To consider the factors that contribute to the diversity of students we teach

• To become familiar with activities and strategies that cater for student diversity

• To briefly explore behaviour management issues

• To investigate Multiple Intelligences Theory and different learning styles

Why Cater for Learner Diversity?

• What makes your learners different?

• Discuss.
















Some challenges facing our students

• Learning Disorders

• Behaviour Disorders

Classroom ManagementEstablish classroom rulesApply the rules fairlyEncourage desired behaviourHave consequences for breaking a ruleBe firm and consistentMake eye contact with studentsEnforce a zero noise signalConsider seating arrangementsEnsure lessons are fully plannedMake sure your voice is non-threateningValue all contributionsUnderstand the impact of Multiple

IntelligencesHave fun and relaxAllow ‘wait’ time

Problem Solving

Hot Potato Activity• Read the scenarios and discuss• Write a brief solution (individual or group)• On given signal, pass the paper on



Multiple Intelligences

• Dr. Howard Gardner (1983) identified eight+ different intelligences.

• Each one of us is smart in different ways.

The Eight Intelligences

Identify Your Own StrengthsComplete the Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire

Multiple Intelligences Checklist


To some degree


1 I am good at word puzzles and I enjoy doing them.

3 2 1

2 I am good at doing mathematical problems in my head.

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3 I am good at many sporting skills such as throwing, kicking, jumping and running

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4 I can sing reasonably well and can tell when music or singing is out of tune.

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5 I am good at maths games and strategy puzzles like chess.

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6 When I set a goal for myself (like saving money), I am good at working out how to achieve it and persist until I get there.

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7 A job I would be good at is one that involves working with nature. (vet, park attendant)

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8 I am good at drawing and designing. I did well in Art at school.

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9 I enjoy reading and read fluently and quickly.

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10 I can play a musical instrument well

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11 I am good at organizing people and people respond well when I am in charge.

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I know a lot about science and am very curious about how things work and why things happen.

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13 I can usually learn a new sport, dance or exercise easily, if I choose to.

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14 I am good at expressing myself clearly when writing reports, stories or articles.

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15 Whenever possible I spend time in bush land. I often see things such as birds, plants and flowers that others might not notice.

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16 I am good at thinking up logical arguments to support my ideas. I notice when others can’t support their opinions well.

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17 After something has happened to me I usually spend a lot of time thinking about my reactions to it and why I feel the way I do.

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18 I learn songs easily and can usually recognize and name songs and music that I hear.

3 2 1

Unit Planner:

Visual Mathematical/ Logical

Interpersonal/ Group

Musical/ Rhythmic


Verbal/ Linguistic

Bodily/ Kinesthetic


MI Activity

MI in the Classroom

Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science & Creativity

ApplicationPlan an MI activityRead The Lion Dance bookBrainstorm ideas related to your group’s allocated

MIsDecide on the objective/s for the learning taskWrite up the activity

How will you cater for learner diversity?Pair/Group workDifferentiated Tasks

References/acknowledgements Books

• Sanchez, A. & Duenas M.,(eds.) (2004) International Journal of English Studies. Blackwell publishing. Spain

• McGrath, H. & Noble, T., (2005) Eight Ways At Once. Pearson Education Australia• Kagan, S. & M., (1998) Multiple Intelligences The Complete MI Book. Kagan Cooperative

Learning. CA.• Kottler, E. & Kottler J. A.(2001) Children With Limited English, teaching Strategies for The

Regular Classroom. Corwin Press• Powell,R(1997)Active Whole-Class Teaching. Robert Powell Publications. England• Winebrenner, S. Teaching Gifted Kids in the regular classroom: Strategies and Techniques Every Teacher Can Use To Meet The Needs Of The Gifted and Talented. 2001 Free Spirit Publishing. Minneapolis.• East,V. & Evans, L. At a Glance. A practical Guide to Children’s Special Needs. 2006.

Websites•••• ••