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50 Confederation Drive

Kitchener, Ontario N2B 2X5

(519) 578-7579

Safe Arrival Program:

A reminder to please phone in your child’s absence or lateness (519) 578-7579. Our answering machine is on 24 hours a day!

God bless all


Mother’s Day is Sunday, May

14th !!


Hello Crusader Community!

Spring is upon us and we are still in full swing at Canadian Martyrs. We have many upcoming events for your children to look forward to. Sara Westbrook will be here to talk to all of us about Resiliency on May 9th, at 6:30pm. All are invited and welcome! We have many student volunteers to provide babysitting that evening, so please attend! It should be fun!

Please take a look at our School Website and Calendar for the other many events that are occurring before the end of June. Have a Great Spring Crusaders!


Mr. Spitzig


Just as God gives to each rose A gentle touch of dew

And gives unto each evening sky The lovely sunset’s hue

So may He give to you From his enduring love

Great happiness and heart’s content And blessings from above


Look what’s happening !!!!

Victoria Day Holiday

Monday, May 22nd

There is no school on this day,

Enjoy your long weekend !!

Folk Dance News!

Folk Dancers have been working hard and busy learning new dances for the past few months. On Wednesday, May 3rd, they will be performing at

the Kinsmen Arena in the Kitchener Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. along with other WCDSB schools in


Special thanks to Mrs. McKinnon; Ms. Koenig and Mrs. Billo for all their work with the students.

First Holy Eucharist

Congratulations to our students who received the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time during the months of April and May at St. Anthony Daniel Church. Many thanks to Father, Bernadette Furman-Arnott, Sarah Mounsteven-Bertling, Mrs. Daunheimer-Bruni, Mrs. McKinnon, and Mrs. Voll for preparing the students for this Sacrament. Also, many thanks to the parents for all of your work and support.

Athletic Events May is going to be a very busy and active month for our students. Best of luck to our soccer team as they head off for the Intermediate Co-Ed Soccer Tournament in May. Students are also preparing for Baseball, Track and Field and Cross Country Events that will happen in May and June. Thanks to all the coaches: Mrs. McKinnon, Ms. Koenig, Mrs. Filbey, Ms. Doyle, Mr. U’Ren, Mr. Corso and Mr. de Villeneuve for your time and support of our teams.

Message for Parents ~ CLASS LISTS FOR 2017-2018 !! Many factors are considered in the creation of class lists including academic abilities, social groupings and gender ratio. Staff takes great care to ensure there is a balance of needs in each classroom. In the past we have received numerous requests to have students placed with a specific teacher. It is not possible to honour these requests in order to ensure equity across the school. Please do not submit such requests but trust that the staff will make decisions on placements that are in the best interests of students.

Registrations & Transfers

If you know of anyone who plans on having their children attend Canadian Martyrs School in September, please direct them to contact the

school office before the end of June if possible.


If you know you will be leaving Canadian Martyrs to transfer to another school, please

inform the office as soon as possible. This will help us to ensure that sufficient teachers and

support staff have been hired for the beginning of the school year.

Sign Up for Newswire! Get important school news and information by registering for Newswire! Visit to sign up today!

Follow us on Twitter! Follow us on Twitter! @Cdn_Martyrs You will find a lot of great updates and the most current information! We also love to post pictures of the most current happenings at our school! Go Crusaders!

Attendance and Safe Arrival: Students are expected to attend school regularly and be punctual. Parents are required to phone the school if a student will be absent or late. Messages may be left on the school answering machine between 4:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. daily. When the school has not been notified regarding a student absence, an effort will be made to check on the safe whereabouts of the student. If your child is going to be absent, please:

Send a note to your child’s teacher in advance if possible

Contact the school and speak directly with office personnel

Phone the school and leave a message on the answering machine which operates at any time during the day or night.

Leave your child’s name, the teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence. Unless you notify us otherwise, we will assume your

child will be back the following day. At no time is the student to report themselves absent for the school day or is the student to have someone less than 18 years of age report them absent

Student Illness at School: We do not have the facilities to accommodate children who are ill. Whenever a child is ill, we will request that someone come to pick the child up. We require an emergency contact number for every student.

Late For School: School begins at 9:10am and 12:55pm. Please make every effort to instill in your children the life skill of punctuality. A child is late when the bell has rung and they are not entering the school with their class. When your child arrives late, he/she is to report to the office so that we are made aware of the child’s safe arrival.

Leaving Early in the Day: If you wish to withdraw your child during the course of a day, please come to the office to make your request or send a note to the classroom teacher. Before your child can leave, you are asked to come to the main office and sign the “Parent Sign out Book”. Your son/daughter will then be called from class to meet you at the office.

Parents/Adults on the School Yard: To your child, you are not a stranger, but to everyone else, you are. Therefore, in the interest of student safety, please note that only students and staff members are permitted to be on the school yard (e.g., field, blacktop and play structure) from 8:40am to 3:45pm. If you walk or drive your child to school, we ask that you bring your child(ren) to the school yard boundary and then allow them to proceed to our supervised yard on their own. If you are picking your child up we ask that you wait at the school yard boundary or on the sidewalk by the ring road and let your children come to you. This is a change in practice from what is being currently done. The exception of course, is for our Kindergarten students. Please meet the teachers as you have been at the door to ensure that your children arrive safely to class. We do ask, however that parents of Kindergarten students do not walk directly into the classroom. If you would like to meet with the teacher or discuss an issue, please set up a meeting time via the communication book or a phone call. It is very difficult to discuss an issue with a parent when there are 28 students excited to see you! Thank you!

Also, our play structure is not to be used by the public throughout the school day, as there will be many classes that engage in “DPA” at various times and will begin to use the play structure. We would also like to remind you that we have the extended day program that uses our play structure at 4:00pm each day. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in the education of your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office.

Parking Lot and Ring Road:

Thank you so much to the many of you that are respecting our Parking Lot and Ring Road Safety Procedures! It is great to see a line of cars waiting on Halifax Drive for the students to be dismissed! Please remember that our Ring Road is available to use to drop students off in the MORNING ONLY. This needs to be a “kiss n drop” as we do not want cars parking in the ring road.

At the end of the day, we are asking that all cars wait on the side streets and do not come into our parking lot or ring road. There are a great number of students leaving at the same time and we want to think of their safety first. Again, we appreciate your continued support and cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the main office.


Transportation details for the 2017-2018 school year will be available on Monday August 21, 2017.

Parents can login and view their child’s transportation details by going to and following these easy steps:

Click on “Student Login” Enter your child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN)

The OEN can be found on your child’s report card Numbers only, no space, no dash

Enter your child’s birth date dd/mm/yyyy

Enter your child’s street number house number only

Select the school your child is attending from the drop down menu

Please note that any address changes must be done at your child’s school. If you are moving in the summer or changing

caregiver arrangements for the fall, you should communicate the change of address to your child’s school before the

end of the 2016-2017 school year. Visit our website at to find bus delays and cancellations, subscribe to receive e-mail notifications for late

buses and closures and follow us on Twitter @STSWR.


Have you heard?

Kitchener Public Library have exciting volunteer opportunities available for you this summer.

Students entering Grade 9 – 12 can read with kids, do registration for our summer reading club or provide hands-on

help with programs. In return, you collect community service hours for high school, boost your résumé, and have fun.

Apply online at

Deadline is Saturday, May 27, 2017

Extended Day Programs……….

Are led by knowledgeable Early Childhood Educators

Operate from 7:00 a.m. to school starting bell time and school ending bell time to 6:00 p.m.

Are offered at your child’s school providing convenient, consistent programming for parents and children

Allow for fulltime schedules or part time schedules that follow a weekly recurring set of days

Are available for an affordable fee, offering a variety of payment methods, including most major credit cards

Are eligible for Region of Waterloo child care subsidy Once determined viable, ongoing registration throughout the school year

For further questions or information please email

Or call 519-578-3660

If you are interested in enrolling your child into the

Extended Day Program for 2017-18 school year, please visit and follow the Extended Day Program links

to register.

Fit Bit May 2017

Grow it to Eat it!

Gardening has so many benefits. Not only does it allow your family to spend time together, it is a form of physical activity

and has been found to put people in a better mood. Gardening can also help teach children about where their vegetables

and fruit come from, and be a low-cost way to bring more fresh produce into your home. The best part is that children who

get involved in gardening are more likely to try the different vegetables and fruit that they grow. They have also been found

to eat more vegetables and fruit overall!

Having an herb, vegetable or fruit garden doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. It just takes a bit of dirt, water,

sunlight and seeds (or seedlings). Small plants (seedlings) can be purchased, but it may be more fun to start plants from

seeds. All plants need water and sunlight but each plant is different, so make sure to follow the instructions on the package

or tag. You can use painted rocks, clothes pins or Popsicle sticks to label the seeds or plants.

Children can help at all stages of the process by choosing what to grow, planting seeds and plants, watering and

harvesting. If you have limited outdoor gardening space, you can still grow plants like tomatoes or peppers in large pots on

patios or herbs in small pots on windowsills. Carrots, squash, zucchini, onions and leafy greens are easy vegetables to start

with. Complete the gardening experience by involving kids in the kitchen. Let them help prepare the vegetables and fruit

that they have grown!

Seed Planting Activity


Old newspaper torn in strips

Empty, clean yogurt container or paper egg carton (or a small garden pot)

Potting Soil

Hand trowel (or large spoon)



1. Using a pair of scissors, poke small holes in the bottom of the yogurt container or egg carton for drainage. 2. Take a strip of newspaper and wrap it around the inside of the container, lining the sides and the bottom to

completely cover the plastic. You do not need to do this with the egg carton. 3. Using the hand trowel, fill the lined seed cup (or pot) with potting soil. Poke a hole in the middle, place the seeds

in the hole, and cover the seed with potting soil. Check the seed packet for instructions on how many seeds to plant and how deep to plant them.

4. Place a dish underneath the container (or pot) to catch any extra water. 5. Soak the soil with water. 6. Place the planter in a warm spot, out of direct sunlight, and continue to water it every couple of days when the

soil starts to become dry.

7. A few days after the seeds sprout, place the planter in direct sunlight. 8. When the weather becomes warmer you can take out the newspaper planter and plant it directly into the ground.

If you are using an egg carton, cut each egg holder and place directly into the ground. The newspaper and egg carton will decompose naturally.


Canadian Martyrs Catholic School

May 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Crowning of Mary Celebration 10:30am


Council Meeting 6:30pm

3 Folk Dance Festival 7pm The Aud

4 Liturgy of the Word 10:30am


Crusader Spirit Day!

Wear your Canadian Martyrs Spirit Wear!


First Holy Eucharist Masses St. Anthony Daniel



First Holy Eucha-rist Masses

Mud Puppy Chase! 9-12! Columbia Ice Field Athletic Centre



Sara Westbrook Presentation @ 6:30pm


First Communion

Pictures @ St. Anthony Daniel 5pm



Crusader Spirit Day!


First Holy Eucharist



First Holy Eucha-rist Masses

Mother’s Day




Gr. 6-8 Reconcilia-tion with Father Welcome To Kindergarten Night 6 - 7:30pm


Jk - Gr 1 to The Core


Crusader Spirit Day!

Gr 3/4 & 3 to Shades Mill


Confirmation Retreat 1:30



Victoria Day Holiday! No School!!




Gr 4-8 Track & Field at St David’s First Communion Photo 5 PM At St Anthony Daniel


Crusader Spirit Day!


Confirmation Retreat 1:30



Grade 1 Scientists in School PM 7pm Confirmation


JK - 3 Puppet Show AM

FARE Assembly 1:15pm

7PM Confirmation


Cross Country Meet Bechtel Park PM

Confirmation Celebra-tion PM

1 2 PD Day No School for Students



CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK ‘We Walk Forward Together’

Gr. 8’s at Camp Brebeuf

Grade 6 EQAO Testing

Grade 7’s writing CAT-4

**Grade 3 EQAO Testing**