Causes of American Involvement in Vietnam

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Causes of American Involvement in Vietnam. Ch 23 Sec 1 Notes. Where is Vietnam?. Domino Theory. Cold War Term Fall of one country to communism means many more will fall Ike coins term. Containment. U.S. Cold War policy Stuck to it in Korea Continued belief in this concept in Vietnam. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Causes of American

Involvement in Vietnam

Causes of American

Involvement in Vietnam

Ch 23 Sec 1Notes

Ch 23 Sec 1Notes

Where is Vietnam?Where is Vietnam?

Domino TheoryDomino Theory

Cold War Term Fall of one

country to communism means many more will fall

Ike coins term

Cold War Term Fall of one

country to communism means many more will fall

Ike coins term


U.S. Cold War policy

Stuck to it in Korea Continued belief in

this concept in Vietnam

U.S. Cold War policy

Stuck to it in Korea Continued belief in

this concept in Vietnam

French IndochinaFrench Indochina

The French control Vietnam

1950 Harry Truman decides to aid French

Start losing control of their colony

The French control Vietnam

1950 Harry Truman decides to aid French

Start losing control of their colony

Rise of VietminhRise of Vietminh

League of Independence of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Communist

Fight against French control

League of Independence of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Communist

Fight against French control

Republic of VietnamRepublic of Vietnam

Emperor Bao Dai Democratic

Formed by French to fight against Vietminh

War until May 1954 Defeated by

Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu

Emperor Bao Dai Democratic

Formed by French to fight against Vietminh

War until May 1954 Defeated by

Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu

A Divided VietnamA Divided Vietnam

Geneva Accords Split at 17th parallel

Ho Chi Minh N.Vietnam Communist

Ngo Dinh Diem S. Vietnam anti-

communist Elections in 1956

Agreed at Geneva S. Vietnam refuses

Geneva Accords Split at 17th parallel

Ho Chi Minh N.Vietnam Communist

Ngo Dinh Diem S. Vietnam anti-

communist Elections in 1956

Agreed at Geneva S. Vietnam refuses

U.S. InvolvementU.S. Involvement

Eisenhower pledges support to Diem

“Containment” By 1960

675 military advisors in South Vietnam

Eisenhower pledges support to Diem

“Containment” By 1960

675 military advisors in South Vietnam

JFK’s Vietnam PolicyJFK’s Vietnam Policy

Protect spread of Communism at all cost

Send VP Johnson to Vietnam Needs more aid…

1963…16,000 advisors

Protect spread of Communism at all cost

Send VP Johnson to Vietnam Needs more aid…

1963…16,000 advisors

JFK’s Vietnam PolicyJFK’s Vietnam Policy Diem’s Leadership

$ for economic reform went to military or own pocket

“Strategic Hamlets” Pushes Catholicism U.S. supports coup &

Diem’s Assassination

Diem’s Leadership $ for economic

reform went to military or own pocket

“Strategic Hamlets” Pushes Catholicism U.S. supports coup &

Diem’s Assassination

LBJ’s Vietnam PolicyLBJ’s Vietnam Policy

Belief in Containment Diem’s successors

unpopular Viet Cong & NLF gain

popularity Aided by Ho Chi

Minh Convinced he needed to

escalate the war

Belief in Containment Diem’s successors

unpopular Viet Cong & NLF gain

popularity Aided by Ho Chi

Minh Convinced he needed to

escalate the war

LBJ’s Vietnam PolicyLBJ’s Vietnam Policy

Gulf of Tonkin Incident Actually doesn’t occur Gulf of Tonkin

Resolution Passes Congress easily

“Take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further action”

Gulf of Tonkin Incident Actually doesn’t occur Gulf of Tonkin

Resolution Passes Congress easily

“Take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further action”