Causes of the Civil War Movie Poster Grading Scale - Mesa Web view · 2013-12-04Causes of...

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American Studies Due Date:___________________________Causes of the Civil War Movie MagicMr. Popovich

Objective: Knowledge of the Causes of the Civil War

The Steps: Check off each step as it is finishedImagine you are a Hollywood film director making a film about the causes of the American Civil War. Produce a cinema poster advertising your film. Include (a) A bold title for the film; (b) A cast list outlining the main characters in the film and which actors play them; (c) 6 captioned 'stills' from the film focusing on particularly important events (you can 'cut and paste' the faces of your Hollywood star actors into these!); (d) Two quotes from film reviewers highlighting why the film is so important and fantastic.Use the back of this paper for your rough draft and ideas.

PICTURES1. You must have a large detailed map in the center of your

poster. The map is of the United States and shows the location of the events of the Civil War.

2. You need 6 pictures from the film focusing on the historical event. They can be drawn or printed. Glue them onto your poster surrounding your main picture. Do not have similar pictures!

3. Number each picture. Write or type a description of each picture on a piece of paper with the corresponding number from the front of the poster. Glue these on the back.


Your group should read over the notes and learn about the events that led to the Civil War first! When you read the handout underline the most important facts about that event. Make a list and rank the events that led to the Civil War. Put the final list on your poster. We will also go around the room and look at other pictures about the causes of the Civil War.

Helpful Hint- Your pictures should be properly sized. You can change the size of printed pictures by pasting them into Microsoft Word. Do not put blurry pictures on your poster.

1. You will have two paragraphs of writing on your poster. The paragraphs will be about the Civil War event that the movie is about. All paragraphs must be a minimum of five sentences.

2. You will also have two quotes from film reviewers about the film.

Name ____________________________________ Period:_____

Causes of the Civil War Movie Poster Grading Scale


Two Paragraphs of movie plot(10 pts each, 2pts per sentence) 40 pts. ______Pictures (6 total, 3 points each) 18 pts. ______Neatness (20= very neat,16= some erase marks and wrinkles, 12= 1/3rd wrinkled or sloppy, 8- 1/2 wrinkled or sloppy, 4= very sloppy)

20 pts. ______Two quotes of movie reviews (6 pts each) 12 pts ______Project is organized with no errors for written work (title included) 10 pts. ______

TOTAL POINTS ______ /100

Name ____________________________________ Period:_____

Causes of the Civil War Movie Poster Grading Scale


Two Paragraphs of movie plot(10 pts each, 2pts per sentence) 40 pts. ______Pictures (6 total, 3 points each) 18 pts. ______Neatness (20= very neat,16= some erase marks and wrinkles, 12= 1/3rd wrinkled or sloppy, 8- 1/2 wrinkled or sloppy, 4= very sloppy)

20 pts. ______Two quotes of movie reviews (6 pts each) 12 pts ______Project is organized with no errors for written work (title included) 10 pts. ______

TOTAL POINTS ______ /100


Use the legend/key to describe the map

Nat Turner’s Rebellion August 1831

Describe what you think is taking place in this picture.

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

What motivated Harriet Tubman to lead slaves to freedom?

Compromise of 1850/Fugitive Slave Law

Describe what you think is taking place in this picture.

Kansas Nebraska Act

How could lawmakers not taking a side about slavery in the federal territories cause sectional trouble? Sectionalism- caring about your region more than your nation

Dred Scott v. Sanford

After 10 years of seeking his freedom through the courts, how do you believe Dred Scott felt when the Supreme Court ruled against his case?

John Brown’s Rebellion

Was John Brown a hero or a villain? Explain your answer

Abraham Lincoln’s Election

Why is this banner patriotic and how it might influence someone in voting for or against Abraham Lincoln?

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Why do you think that the person who made the advertising poster about Uncle Tom’s Cabin says that it is “the Greatest Book of the


American Studies I Name:_______________________________Events that led to the Period:____Civil War Gallery Walk

Directions: Each student will view the posters or documents that are around the room..Name of Event Answer the question that is on the

source in a complete in the box below.

What is one story idea from this event that could be used in a movie plot?

Missouri Compromise

Nat Turner’s Rebellion 1831

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

Kansas Nebraska Act

Name of Event Question on bottom of source answered in box below

What is one story idea from this event that could used in a movie plot?

John Brown’s Raid

Abraham Lincoln’s Election & the Republican Party

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Which event are you going to make a movie poster about? Why?