Causes of World War I. 1. The Main Trigger Why was the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand so...

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Causes of World War I

1. The Main Trigger

• Why was the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand so important that it caused World War 1?

Imperial Europe


• Looks like a small and insignificant country in a world of large Empires.

• How was it a threat and how did it lead the world to war?

2. Colonial Rivalry

Colonial Rivalry

• As you can see, much of the world was split between Britain, France, and Germany, the main players in Colonialism.

• Imperialism – Competition between countries to acquire the most land, resources and therefore status.

• “the sun never sets on the British Empire”

2. Imperialism

• Germany was much smaller than Britain and France.

• German Leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II was determined to “gain a place in the sun”

• Needed market for growing industries

• Gain respect for Germany on world stage.

3. The Balkans “Powder Keg”

The Balkans

• The Balkans are made up of primarily Slav people.

• Includes Serbians, Bulgarians and Romanians.

• Many Slav people were claimed by the Austro – Hungarian Empire.

The Balkans• Serbia wanted to unite all the Slav

Peoples, including those in Austria-Hungary.

• Austria-Hungary wanted to take over the Balkans to protect its empire.

• Russia Viewed itself as the protector of the Slavs.

4. French German RivalryAlsace-Lorraine

• In 1870 France fought against Germany and lost.

• Forced to accept humiliating peace treaty

• Had to give up Alsace Lorraine.

• Group called the Revanchist wanted revenge

5. Arms Race

• Great Powers increased spending on arms

• All more than doubled, Germany and Russia quadrupled.

• As each country increased its weapons it became more confident, and war more likely.

• New technologies were being developed (Machine guns, Field guns)

6. Arms RaceAnglo-German Naval Race

• Britain had the most powerful Navy in the world. Since it was an Island it depended on it.

• Germany had the best army

• Germany began building Navy Vessels.

• Not a major concern for Britain as it would take forever for Germany to catch up.

Arms RaceAnglo-German Naval Race

• The invention of the Dreadnought battleship made all other ships obsolete.

• Germany was able to catch up and build 8 of these to Britain’s 9.

• Britain was now threatened by an equal navy and superior army.



16,000 tons

4 12inch guns

4 9inch guns

9 inch thick armour

18 knots top speed


18000 tons

10 12 inch guns

18 4 inch guns

11 inch thick armour

22 knots top speed.

7. The Schlieffen Plan

• German General Von Schlieffen devised a plan to attack France.

• They would walk through Belgium quickly.

• Arrive in France before British would show up.

• French forces would expect them from Lorraine.

8. The Alliance System

The Alliance system brought war closer by:

• Creating two armed camps The Triple Alliance – Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungary and The Triple Entente – Britain, France, Russia.

• If one was attacked, they were morally bound to protect each other.


• The Heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is assassinated by a Bosnian with support from Serbia.

• Gavrillo Princip was a member of the Black Hand, whose aim was to unite all Serbs in Austro-Hungarian Empire.

9Alliances kick In

• Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia.

• Russia supports Serbia declares war on Austria-Hungary.

• Germany moves into Belgium to start the Schlieffen Plan.

• France declares war on Germany• Britain Supports France, declares war.• World war 1 begins.

The Course of the War

Hindenberg Line

• Germany wanted to hold on to gains so they build a defensive position that was superior to anything.

• 100 yards deep of barbed wire

The Schlieffen Plan

• The Original Schlieffen Plan was to go through Belgium and encircle Paris.

• Didn’t happen since the Belgians put up a good fight

• British Expeditionary Force (BEF) met the Germans at the Mons on the 23rd of August

• Retreated to the River Marne

German Retreat to Aisne

• Germans were overstretched and tired

• French and British drive them back to the Aisne River.

• Both sides dig in and trench warfare begins.

Race to the Sea

• Both sides tried to outflank each other.

• Which is termed a race to the sea.

• Form a Trench that goes from France through up to Belgium Coast

• Luckily the Allies had control of the sea lanes.

Race to the sea

Enabling Act

• Since Hitler had two thirds majority he passed this act that enabled him to pass laws without the Reichstag.

• Basically made him have all the power to make laws. What he said went.

• Appointed new state parliaments to pass his laws. Then disbanded Parliament.

• Got rid of all unions• Confiscated funds and property of all the

opposition parties sent leaders to Concentration camps.

Meine Kampf

• Means “My Struggle”

• Hitler Dictated this while in prison

• Contains all of his ideas for Germany

• Included his hatred of the Jewish Race and the superior Aryans.

Maginot Line

• French built a line of defences • Germans went around the line of defences

and surrounded it• French surrendered.• Germany takes Paris. French allowed to

Control Southern France. • Petain becomes a puppet ruler to Hitler,

does everything Hitler wants.

Miracle at Dunkirk

• After French surrender, French and British troops run to the Port of Dunkirk, still in Allied control.

• Britain hoped to be able to save 50,000 troops.

How did it work

• Royal Air Force shot down many German bombers.

• Hitler didn’t send in tanks so he could save them to fight the French

• Land was flooded around Dunkirk, not good for tanks.

• Goering said the bombers would do the job.

Battle of BritainOperation Sealion

• Hitler needed control of sea and air to invade with troops.

• Germany uses the Luftwaffe (air force bombers) to destroy ships and air bases.


• Just when the British we about to lose their last air field Germany attacked London.

• This was to try and get the British to surrender.

• Revenge for British bombing of German cities.

• Everything was targeted.


• Targeting cities did allow the British to rebuild the air Force.

• Built 1836 planes in 4 months.• Germans were losing twice as many

planes.• British had radar technologies• German Planes could not fight long as

they would run out of fuel.

Operation Barbarossa

• Hitler Knew the only way Britain could fight back was with help from the Soviets or the U.S.

• Hitler attacks the Soviets because he hates communism

• Valuable resources • Living space for Germans (Lebensraum)


• The geography of the U.S.S.R was not suitable for Blitzkrieg (too big)

• Hitler spread out his troops to attack three areas at the same time.

• Winter set in and troops froze to death

• Allies provided aid through the artic and Persia.

WW1 Battles

1st Battle of Ypres

• Germans attack at Ypres but were held off by the British.

• The British had to rely on the last reserves and help from the Indian army.

• German attack died and both sides settled in for winter

• Casualties Brit 58000 Fra 50000,

• Ger 130000

Neuve Chapelle

• Allies actually took this position but lost it while waiting for orders from the officers

• Germany took it back

2nd Battle of Ypres

• Germany on the offensive

• Used Chlorine gas for the first time

• Lasted a month

• 95000 casualties

Battle of Verdun

• New strategy from Germany

• Through all troops at Verdun to take French troops from other parts.

• Artillery destroyed the French defenses

• Germany was about to break through but the allies launched the offensive at the Somme.


• French push back to the original boundary.

• The battle lasted almost a year.

• The French lost nearly 400000 and the Germans 350000.

• All for about 4 miles of land.

The Somme

• To relieve the Verdun Battle the Somme was launched

• Was meant to end the war.• 7 days of Bombardment• Unsuccessful 20000 British died in the first

day.• In 4 months the allies captured ground at

the cost of 420000 brit troops, 195000 French, 600000 Germans

Why did Stalin Choose the Nazis

Nazi Soviet Pack

• Hitler and Allies both wanted the Soviets on their side.

• Hitler did not want a war on two fronts East (Soviets and West (Allies).

• Stalin was weak after the war and purges.

• Stalin was terrified of being overthrown. He killed or imprisoned 11 million people including army officers.

Nazi Soviet Pact

• Hitler and Allies both wanted the Soviets on their side.

• Hitler did not want a war on two fronts East (Soviets and West (Allies).

• Stalin was weak after the war and purges.

• Stalin was terrified of being overthrown. He killed or imprisoned 11 million people including army officers.

What was Blitzkrieg


• German Attack Strategy

• Based on planes and tanks

• Bombers attacked airfields and communication centres

• Limited reinforcements and defences


• Paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines

• Captured bridges and communication towers


• Bombers attacked enemy strong points

• Tanks broke through weakened points and outflanked front lines

Why was it effective?• New tactic

• Allies prepared for trench warfare and spread themselves thin to cover the borders.

• Speed of tanks allowed Germans to surround allies in the trench.

• Allies were on the defensive prepared for a long struggle.

Short AnswerOperation Barbarossa

• Hitler Knew the only way Britain could fight back was with help from the Soviets or the U.S.

• Hitler attacks the Soviets because he hates communism

• Valuable resources • Living space for Germans (Lebensraum)


• The geography of the U.S.S.R was not suitable for Blitzkrieg (too big)

• Hitler spread out his troops to attack three areas at the same time.

• Winter set in and troops froze to death

• Allies provided aid through the artic and Persia.

The Search for PeaceParis Peace Treaty, Treaty of


The War to End All Wars

• Nations wanted to ensure ww1 was the war to end all wars.

• Create a world of lasting peace.

• Aimed to make a treaty that would satisfy the sentiments of revenge.

• Be fair to Germany to ensure a lasting peace.

Doomed from the Start

• Not fair to all nations• Russia was forbidden to attend because

they turned to Communism and made peace earlier in the war.

• None of the defeated countries were allowed (Germany, Austro-Hungary) to attend.

• Britain, France, U.S. had all decision making power.

“War to End All Wars”Losses of the War

• 10 million Lives• 180 billion direct cost• 150 Billion indirect

cost.• Russia 3.3 million• France 1.7 million• Britain 950,000

(66000 Can)• U.S. 118,000

• Germany 2.5 million• Austria-Hungary 1.5 mil• Ottoman Empire 2.9 mil

Objectives of the CountriesUnited States

• Wilson wanted this to be the “War that ended all Wars”

• Created the 14 points speech which offered a vision for a new world order focused on Economic and moral power.

Objectives of the CountriesUnited States

• Wilson blamed the war on

• secret diplomacy (Alliances)

• dominant oppression of ethnic minorities (Balkans)

• Autocratic Governments ruled by elites (German Imperialism).

Objectives of the CountriesUnited States

• 14 pts included

• End to secret alliances

• Reduction of arms

• Freedom of trade and the seas

• People of the same nationalities should be allowed to form their own independent state (Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia)

Objectives of the CountriesUnited States

• France should have its land back and restored, including the region of Alsace Lorraine.

• An international body shall be created to monitor the world and settle disputes peacefully. ( League of Nations)

French Objectives

• 2 basic goals National security and financial reparations.

• Return of Alsace Lorraine

• Gain of Rhineland

• Rights to coal in the Saar Valley

• Payment for all damages in France, no matter how long it takes.

British Objectives

• Sea lane security and reduction of German Navy to 6 ships.

• Give up colonies to Allies

• Less reparations for fear Germans would revolt and join communist Russia.

• Limit to territorial demands on Rhineland

• Did not want France to become to powerful.

The Result Territorial Changes

• Alsace Lorraine returned to France

• Belgium Poland and Czechoslovakia were given parts of Germany.

• all overseas colonies given to Allies (Britain, France, Japan)

• Free port city of Danzig

Military Gains

• German army reduced to 100,000 troops

• Forbidden to have air force

• Reduce navy to 6 ships, subs to be handed over to Britain.

• Admission of war guilt


• Germany to pay damages to France and Belgium in money or resources for 30 years.

• France gets Saar coal mines for 15 years

• Allied troops establish DMZ in the Rhineland for 15 years.

• League of Nations formed.

Causes of WW2

• Hitler’s rejection of the Treaty of Versailles (TOV)

• Policy of Appeasement ( failure to stop Hitler when he breaks T.O.V.

• Hitler’s Ambitions (lebenstraum – living space)